Till: V KKKLY I1KUAL1): PLATTSM0UT1I, XI-1JUASKA.I' KllurAlt V l(, m. "Whut'a the mutter, sunny?" asked one f the KuMiiTft. "My liaiicliikuff," Iih whined. "Is it yours?" .. . .. 1 hi. "(iivp tlm Ikiv his viic,"Haiil tho man to the would Imj iiiiroiriiitir. "Don't ob a child." :, So Jakey ireMerveil liis hamlkerchief. Then they were marched away to gether to a Miiall building used for n no- eroiail. It was two htories liiirh, though i tlie lower story had no windows. The mpfH-r part was reached by a long flight J f stent, outside the building. The lower iart was a dungeon, and though used to : online negns's there had been a tium- j Iter of east Tenuesseeans imprisoned i there. The place was kept by an old man and his wife named Triggs. Mark I Lo'd spealien to his sarvent from de -as put into u risiui in tho tipper story, j clouds?" said the old woman, blurting A guard was slatioued at the door, and and dropping her basket. the only window was barred. Had Mark J Iieen arrested with definite proof that he 'iih a spy, he would doubtless have been put in the dungeon. As it was, he was only guarded with ordinary caution. This, however, seemed piito Hufticieiit. to prevent his escape. Jakey was put into a room by himself, but ho was not required to stay there, lie was suffered to go Htid come at will, except that the guard at the gate was ordered not to let him leave tho yard. He asked the jailer's wife to permit him to go in to Mark so often the first morn ing of his arrival that at last the guard tit tho door was instructed to pass lain in and out at will. "Well, Jakey," said Mark, when they were together in their now quarters, "this looks pretty blue." ' "Ueckon it docs." "You'd better not stay hero. Go out in the yard and I'll try to think up some plan. Hut I must confess 1 don't see anyway out." mid Mark rested his el bows on his knees, nnd putting his face in his liunds thought upon his perilous it nut ion. "JeBt you don't worrit," said Jakey. "siunep'n'll turn up who." "Well, go out into the sunlight. Don't utay hero. If they sentence me to hang I'll try to get them to send you home." CHAPTER X. THE I!ED SILK II ANDKKUCHIKF. The men eiidiud liamh, and Murk iri led nicai I'l'im'ii I ico Huhlitrs. Greatness underlying an uninviting exterior is often called out by circum stances. President Lincoln would not have been the "great emancipator" had he not been born in tho nick of time. General Grant would not have become prominent us a soldier had the civil war occurred before or after he was of fit age to lead the Union armies, and Jakey Slack well, Jakey would not have de velo'ied his ability as a strategic had it not been for his friend, Mark Malone, and the negro jail at Chattanooga. Jakey was us incompetent to sit down and think out a plan for his friend's es cape as he was to demonstrate a propo rtion of Euclid. He could neither add coluums of two figures nor spell words of oue syllable; indeed he could ueithe r read, write nor cipher, the waut of an ability to read or write beinir a great disadvantage to him iu his present re sponsible Hjsitiou. But the desire to help his friend out of a bad fix having got into his brain, from the nature of the case it simmered there, and then boiled a little, and simmered and boiled again. Like most people of genius, Jakey was unconscious of his own pow ers, but there was one person iu whom, lest to Mark, he had great confidence; mat was cu ister honrt. men came tho thought that if .Snuri were only there "sho innught do a heap." This led Jakey np to the problem how to Ret her there. J he problem was too ditli cult for his young brain to solv. so li? got no further until circumstances came to bis aid, or may he not have had the germs of reason within him to go fur ther without being definitely conscious of them? When he left Mark he went out info the jailyard and began to stroll about with his hands in his pockets. To a casual observer he was simply a boy with no playmates, who did not know what to do with himself. If any onehad been near him he would have seen his little eyes continually watching for some meaus of communication with the out-i-n'e world. Occasionally he would wander near the fence, first casting a sly glauce at the jail. There were tracks between the boards, nnd Jakey was looking out for a good wide crack to sdv through. At lust he found a r place to Hint linn and hovered about li lihlciiin' tor a footMcp.aud necuMoimll;.' icelliu' a quick glance through tho uH-uiiiK ly imttiiiK his eye to it. lint, Jakev knew well tliatif caught at 'hi J In' would lie -alli'l into tin) jail uini forced to stay tln ri', hi he ircfcrrc.l to rely 0:1 his wiim' i.f Lii-arin rather than on !im sense of si'lit. The jail in an unfrequented place, and he was not soon rewarded. A man went bv. but Iih wum too far; then 1111- other man, but Jauey studied hs face and let him p without stoppiuj; linn, At last an old negro woman passed wKh a basket in her arm, smoking a short clay pipe. "Auntie!" r illed the boy. "Lo'd a massy! Is do angel ob de "Auntie, hyar at tho crack!" "Who is yo' callen? Yo' inns' be a chile from yo' voice." "rut yer eye close up to do fence and y' can see me at the crack." Tho woman drew near and put her eye to thu crack. Jakey stood oil a little way, ami sho could see him plainly. Meanwhile ho pretended to have lost something on tho ground. "Why bress my po' olo heart, honey, i f y' ain't not hen but it lectio boy in de jailyard. Taught t' bo nutT to keep dim po' misable po' white east Tennes sans dar what (ley hail in do cellar wid OU t keepen a chile." "My brother's a prisoner, 'n so air I," said Jakey iu a melancholy voice. "Climb ober do fence, honey, and run UWRV. "The fence air too high, 'n 1 ain't a gocu fur to leave my brother anyway. See hyar, aunty, air you niggers Union or sccesb.' "Why, honey, do you fink wo turn agm ou' own folks! Am t do ankee so.jers comet) down fur to gib us libera tion?" "Kf y' c'd cave a Union sojer from hangen, w'd y' do it?" "l'V do Lo'd 1 would I" "Then send this hanchikufl to Souri Slack." "Who Souri Slack!" "She's my sister. Sho lives at Farmer Slack's." "Whar dat?" "On tho Anderson road, close outer the Sequatchie river." While this conversation was going on Jakey continued his efforts to find some thing at his feet, lie picked up a stone, rolled in tho handkerchief and threw them over the fence. "What good dat do?" asked tho col ored woman, picking up tho missile of war. "When Souri gits it she'll know." "Will dat sabo do Union sojer's neck?" "Mobile 't moiight, 'u inebbo 't niotightn't." "Icain't go myself I'm too ole but I'll start hit along. Reckon do darkies'll toto it." She picked up her basket and was moving away when Jakey culled to her. "Auntie!" "What, honey?" "Yer inought git some tin to toto hit ter an old nigger named Jefferson Ran dolph, ez lives up a creek 'bout five milo from hyar, near the piko runnon that a-wny. Mebbe he'll pass hit on." "Sho nuff." "Yo' boy. thar!" The jailer's wife was standing in an open window regarding Jakey severely. "Come away from that ar fence!" Jakey skipped along toward her. do ing a little waltzing as ho went. "Kf that ar Ikv wasn't sich a chile. I'd think he'd b'en up to suniep'n." "What war yer a-doen by that ar fence?" she asked when he came up. "Xntheii." "What war that y' throwed over!" "Oh, 1 war only throwen stones." "What yer throwen stones that a-way fur?" "Fur fun." "Well, y' just keep away from th' fence tr y' shan't play in th' yard at all, I'll shet y' up will) thet big brother o' yourn." "Waal, 1 won't go thar no more." And Jakey took a top out of his trousera pocket and began plugging imaginary tops on the ground. Mark hoped that the preparations the Confederates were making for tho ex pected move would cause them to forget him. He was not destined to be so for tunate. The second day after his cap ture he was taken before a court martial held in a house occupied by the staff de partment, to bo tried on the charge of being a spy. The court was assembled and ready to proceed with the case. An officer had been detailed lo defend the prisoner, but he had not arrived and the court waited PrVsently a clatter of horse's hoofs wus heaht outside. It stopped before the door of .he house, and in another mo ment Ma Vg counsel entered the room. Mark look'fcJ at him with astonish ment. In the UllKstraight soldier, with black hair and s mustache and goatee, bearing aWKf him that some thing which indicates "to the manor born," lie recognized the ihJJf or who had Called at the Fains' on the u ruin? he had. left them-Captaln Camera Fits Hugh. As soon n he entered ho beckoned t prisoner to follow him to a corner of the room apart from the others for consulta tion. It was not a convenient place for such an important interview, hut ' ' ' '' ; . w.;s not lit; to gel iraiiy l.ivoih, unit tilt! exigencies of the c;:m' ui 1 nut admit of aught ex cept the b '.re forms of justice. "Will you give me your confidence, my mat), or shall I proceed at random?" , "At random. " "If you ti.ink it best to trust m. 1 give you the word of a Virginia gentle man that I will not betray yon, and 1 will do all I can f,,r you. I am a Fitz Hugh." Ho Paid this unconscious of how it i would sound to a northerner. To him to bo a Fit. Hugh was to be incapable i or a tlislionorablo act. Mark understood him perfectly; indeed his counsel in spired bin) with every confidence. "1 would explain everything to yon, captain, but my secret is not all my own. I would be perfectly willing to trnst my fate in your hands if I could honorably do so. You will doubtless fail in your defense, but 1 thank you for the effort you will make." Tho trial was of brief duration. Tho soldiers iu whoso company Mark was taken were called and testified to his having masqueraded as a staff officer. Knowing now that ho was probably a Union spy, they would have shielded him, but they bad already given np the secret. Mark was asked where ho lived. Ho had entered his name at tho hotel ns coming from Jasper, so he gave tli;:t place as his residence, but when asked what county Jasper was in ho could not tell. Tho maps ho had studied, being military maps, did not give the coun ties. Then some Tennessee soldiers were brought in tho town swarmed with them who testified that they lived at Jasper and had never seen the prisoner there. lho closing evidence against Mark was given by the recruiting officer with whom lie had promised to enlist. Hearing that u spy had been taken, and suspecting it might bo his promised re cruit, ho went to tho courtroom and there recognized the prisoner. His tes timony was sufficient. Tho court had niado up its mind before tho prisoner's counsel had said ii word. Captain Fitz Hugh seemed distressed at not being able to bring forth nnv evi dence in behalf of the prisoner. When he arose to speak in Mark's defense tho court listened to him with marked at tention and respect indeed they were as favorably impressed with tlio ac cused's counsel as they were unfavor ably disposed toward the accused. The captain was obliged to content himself with warning the court against convict ing a man of being a spy because his identity was not satisfactorily explained and on circumstantial evidence. Ho asked that the prisoner might have more tirno than had been given him in which to gather evidence in his behalf. The court denied this request nnd pro ceeded with a verdict. In forty minutes after Mark entered the courtroom he was found guilty of being a spy. "Have you anything to say why the sentence of the court should not passed ujMn you?" "No. sir." Captain Fitz Hugh interjiosed once more for delay. "1 would suggest," he said, "that inas much as some explanation may come to hand bearing on the case tho court fix my client's punishment to take place on a dav not nearer than n week from to day." "1 had intended to fix it for to morrow morning at sunrise," said tho president, "but in deference to tho prisoner's counsel 1 will compromise with him midway between a week, as ho desires, and toiuorrrow, or allowing three days. Tho sentence of the court is that tho prisoner be hanged by the neck until ho is dead on the twenty-seventh day of August, eighteen hundred aud sixty-two, or three days from today." liefore Mark was led out of the court room his counsel approached him. Con sidering the prejudice against the pris oner, another man would have suffered him to go without a word. Not so Cap tain Fitz Hugh. Ho strodo np to Mark, the officers and soldiers present making a way for him, leaving him alono with the prisoner by withdrawing to another part of tho room, and extended his hand. "One thing is plain to me," he said, "whoever you ore, you are a gentleman, and I believe you have sacrificed your life to your sense of duty. 1 am sorry that you did not trust mo with your tm cret. Then I might have done something for you. As it is, I have done nothing." "It would have availed nothing," said Mark. "You have done all you could iimler any circumstances. Resides, had 1 tuld you who 1 am, you might have felt it your bonnden duty to your cause to make known the facts." "Never," said Fitz Hugh proudly. "1 owe more to myself, more to my sense of honor, more to my birth and breeding, more even to mv state than to the Con federacy." "Captain Fitz Hugh."said Mark with a voice in which there was a slight tremble, "yon are of too tine grain. You are too frank, too truthful. Do not feel a moment's regret at not having Wen able to save me. Mine is but one of thousands of lives that must go out in this great struggle for human liberty. Mine is an ordinary nature. You are fitted for nobler work than war. 1 trust you will bo spared to become an honor to your state aud a reunited country. From the button) of my heart 1 thank you." The men clasped hands, mid Mark wus led a way between two soldiers. CHAPTER XI. VK CAUSE OB FKKPl'M. On the morning ufter Jukey's inter view with the colored woman through tho crack in the jailyard fence Souri Slack was washing dishes by an ojten window in the kitchen, an addition built of pine boards to one of the united houses which formed tho Slack dwell ing. The sun was shining brightly, ami t moruiug glory she had trained tip to as grow about tho window was fresh with dew, Souri's heart felt unusually light. The air was so fresh; the sun was so bright; the morning glory flowers had ch a companionable look in them that MnMe:ny tneve came to her a qmck fiinking away from the pleasurable sen nation. A sense of danger rushed in to take its place. Surely something hor rible was almut to happen. In a moment she heard the clatter of horse's hoofs coming at a gallop. Look ing up tho road, of which sho had a view from the window, she saw a horse covered with foam tearing toward her, with a negro boy on his bare back. In a moment the rider was at the fence ami had reined in his horse. Wild with haste and excitement, seeing Souri at tho window, he called: "Am tlis Shirk's placeT "Yas." "Whar Souri Slack?" "Hyar." "You?" "Yas." The boy held up a red handkerchief, and then jumping off his horse threw the reins over a picket in the fence, which he vaulted, and running up to tho win dow poked the handkerchief at her. Souri at once recognized the handker chief sho had given Mark. Sewed on to a corner sho noticed a piece of dirty cot cloth on which some one had written with a pen in blotted letters: ? "Whar'd y' git this?" asked Souri, her face white as ashes. "Dnnno. Left wid d niggers nt Mr. Torbut's plantation. I'm Mr. Torbut's nigger." "Win tole y ter tote hit hyar?" "Olo nigger what leabo hit." "Whaftl ho say?" "Nnffen." And tho boy pointed to the corner as if that was sufficient ex planation for any one. Souri could rot read what was written there, but sho knew Mark had been cap tured, and it was fair to suppose that he was nt or near Chattanooga. "Waal," sho said, "y niggers hev passed this ter me; reckon y' ken pass mo back; I'll go 'th y Air y hungry?" "1'zo rid since one o'clock (lis inawiiin." "Waal, take yer horse round ter tho barn fur u feed, and then come in hyar." Tho darky showed his white teeth and did as ho was bidden. When ho came in Souri placed something to eat before him, and then went in to inform her mother of what had happened. mm "inmr'd j' tjit thh7" anked Souri. "Maw," sho said, "Jakey's tuk." "La sakes!" exclaimed the mother with a scream. "Air they goen ter hang him?" "Don't know. The sojer's tuk too. Reckonthey'll hang him. sarten." "How'd y' know?" Souri told her about giving Mark the handkerchief and its return "in de cause ob fredum." "What shall we dor" moaned the mother, rocking in concert with her feelings. "I'm goen ter Chattanoogy ter find out." "They'll hang y', too," whined Mrs, Slack. "Reckon not. 1 mought find a way ter git Jakey onten jail." " 'N th' sojer too?" "Mebbe." "Air y' goen jest's y' air?" Souri thought a while without reply ing. She would go with the colored lioy of course. He could show her tho way, and she might pass for some relative. Rut that would not do. She was white, and the boy wus black. Why not dark en her face? The idea was a good one. "Maw," she said, "I'm a-goen out ter find some berries to make me a nierlat ter," and before her mother could reply she was off. When she returned the negro boy had finished his breakfast. She told him that she would be ready to go back with him in half an hour. While she was talking to him he fell asleep. Then she thought it would bo better to let him sleep all day and travel at night. Time would be lost, but thero would be less liability to interruption, so she aroused him with difficulty and con ducted him to an old sofa, where he at Mice dropjied off again iutoslnmberland. It was about four o'clock iu the after noon when Souri awakened the boy. Seeing a mulatto girl standing by him in an old calico dress and a sunbuiinet ou her bead he was astonished. "Who yo"f" he usked. "Don't y' know me?" "Sho nnff!" "What's yer name?" "Julius." "What's yer t'other name?" "Ain't got none!" "I'm goen with y' t' where y' started from; then 1 reckon I'll have ter go on alone." "Ole man dar; he tote ' furder." "Waal, come alonj. Fat a snack 'u lien we'll go." When Julius had eaten his fill they mounted the horse, the girl sitting strad dled behind him. Souri, in a common calico dress and a very large sunbounet. looked for all the world like a negro girl. Julius took her ovw till inn. inc.noie, mho at mitinigntarew'Ffcih near a l.;rge plantation. There thev both got down, and Julius, who had surrepti tiously taken one of his master's horses, returned it to the stable. Then he led the way to a row of negro cabins Going to one of them ho knocked ou the door. It was opened by the negro with whom Mark and Jakey had staid on the creek between the Fains' and Chat tanooga. "Dis de gal," said Julius. "Goen to Chutunoogy?" asked the old man. "Reckon." "1 show yo' do way. Go righ' off?" "Yas." "Hab t' foot hit. Ain't got no horse." "1 can do hit." The negro was evidently ready and expecting them, for without going back into the cabin he led tho way eastward Souri tramped in his company the rest of tho night, and at daybreak they were at his cabin on the creek. There she took a few hours' rest, and after the sun was up ato a breakfast which the old man prepared for her. After this he set out to show her the way to Chattanooga. Ho asked no questions. All lie kuew was that his efforts were in "de cause ob fredum." and that was quite enough. The old woman who had brought him tho handkerchief had told him where her cabin was in Chattanooga, and he seemed to understand that he was to guide Souri there. She gave him some information as to a man and a boy at the jail in Chattanooga. This was all he knew. They crossed the river by the regular ferry, having no trouble in doing so, for citizens and negroes were passing all the while. About ten o'clock iu the morn ing they reached the cabin of the old Degress who had started the handker chief. "Fo" do Lo'd!" exclaimed tho woman. "How'd yo' git hyar so quick?" "Train 1 all night," said tho pilot. "Who dat jailer gal?" "I'm Souri Slack. W'har's th' jail?" Tho woman led Souri out to show her tho way, and the man left the cabin on his way homeward. Souri was taken to a place where she could see the jail, and tho woman told her where to find tho crack through which Jakey had con versed with her. Souri went to tho place alone, and going to tho fence hunted till she found the crack. Sho peeped in, hoping to soe her brother, but Jakey was not there. Sho waited an hour or more, but he did not appear. "Reckon I'm wastin time hyar," she said at last. "I'm goen right in ter git round th' olo woman, ef thero is ono.' And sho went to the gate and presented herself before tho sentinel. "What d' y' want?" he asked. Souri didn't know whether tho jailer had a wife or not, but she hazarded the reply: "Do jailer s wife tulo me to come in 'n tote do washen." The soldier looked at her doubtfully but suffered her to pass in. She had scarcely entered before she saw a party of soldiers conducting a man from the jail. They passed Heat her, and she recognized Mark. Ho was going to his trial. He did not recognize her, darkened as she was, ami she was too wise to make herself known. Jakey followed his friend and was going to pass out with him. but was stopped by the guard. Souri saw tears trickling down the boy's cheeks as ho went back and strolled about in the yard. Sho longed to take him in her arms, ut did not dare to even make herself known tohiin. Sho did not kuow where Mark was be ing taken, so going back to the guard she asked with apparent idlo curiosity "Whar dey goen wid dat man?" "Reckon thar goen tor try him." CHAPTER XII. A WILLING KF.KVAKT. l.V.W -" ' .' -,""1.. I'ri'sxtnq her hand mid currying it to hit lips. Murk parsed out. Souri determined to attempt to get service with tho jailer's wife. She hoped that she might be received with less suspiciou while the prisoner was away. Resides she must communicate with her brother as soon as possible. She went into the jail and found a woman, whose hair was streaked with gray, sweltering over a cooking stove. " Y' ain't got no washen ner uuffin fur me, hab yT said Souri, suddenly appear ing before her. "No! git out o' hyar." "Any cooken?" "Cooken? Can yer cook? I don't want no nigger to cook fo' me, b".t there's nig gers in the 'black hole' I wish I hud some ui) ter cook fur." "I'll cook fo' 'em." "Who owus y'?" "1'ze a free nigger." "Waal, 1 ain't got no money ter pay fo' a cook, and 1 reckon I'll hov to sweat it out. Git 'loug." TO UK COXTIM ED. The cry of a young wll,.M wmnM or about to Iw attacked resembles that of a child m du.tr., aud Wars flow from iti eyes. , ST) 9 rears Soap rVople have no idea how enu; . and mud soap can be. It takes oil dirt. So far, so im -.-od; but what elstf docs it do? k Ltits the skin and frets the i;ndcr-skin ; makes red ness and roughness and leads to verse. Not soap, but the alkali in it. Pears' Soap has no free, alkali in it. It neither red dens nor roughens the skin. It responds to water in- j .-.tantly; washes and rinses off in a twinkling; is as gentle as strong ; and the after-effect is every way good. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. 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PelHlity.ln diHciion, Kriualt' Wt'nknt'no. Uiu-umatuni and Pain, due- A $1. HINDERCORNS. Thtonlr wrecurr f.r Torn. a PACKAGE PROnHARRIS' PASTILLES FOR THF rnor nc WEAK MEN v.-.tvy;;' :3,v.7.v.vY:7.v'H?. ' . "'i 1 I'RHII.I I 1 r M- ... .1 Iw . . 7 """i ' U Hit .Ml... I Hill, f, ,," '. .j f" f ,lml '"" ""Htb.wlth .u.i , ., n I "JJn. pr.in ,,v ur.l , l .Ppro.rhln old . -JT&a x. w i'iiul p np irnm tnnt'.,' ' 1 c4 1 tr..tMl .ui) cured Id put twelve t . "ft r "'"'''','i'forf.lt In Prof, Hnn-V L' -.i-.0I.tJBLE MEDICATED PABTIU! . ilferHlitJytillillw.l Ihl.l I l ' . ..i.-a, joutif or olj. milerlni Irom .. i. ! J uii'l lhIr KldrniH) mccan f.in..,j -" l.ttiit w.m.r koiw tht tnierortji . . ' 'I r.-ii.r. mt-fllriii. t .ff.et a prnmt.t c' -. ' i !!. i -J irnmat (t. I.0.11. t. w. ' ' ' 'H'l'lirM.il I'.sllll. Tr.ilin, I. ..-'!CriVCO.,iVlfc.Chpmi..- . 'C'i-VT- . WEWVORK-. Do you rnow? Tli;it more ills result from in Unhealthy Liver than any other cause-Indigestion, Consti pation, Headache, Biliousness, - :id Malaria usually attend it. Dr. San ford's Liver 'in vigorator is a vegetable specific for Liver Disorders and their accompany evils. It cures thousands why not be one of them ? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. Your Druggist will supply you. The Hilminstion clmre to the world's f;iir grounds will be fifty cent, but of con rue that will not admit to everything. No one ought to expect that it would. The Chicago News Record hast been figuring ou the coat of iitlmispiion to all the side kIioww, and reaches this conclusion: Allowing cur fare both ways, 50 cents admission to the grounds, h mnderote lunch costing 50 cents more, a concert in the music hall, mineral water, car fare on the electric launches, a glimpse of the Kspuiinaux anil a dialogue of ex habits, the careful financier might see the whole show lor about $1.", if lie dispensed with such luxuries as peanuts, popcorn and soda-water. Hill Nye says if his children do not behave, he kicks them from be neath the table till they roor with pain, as he chats on with his guests and delight those who visit him to that degree that they almost for get that they have had hardly any thing to eat. WW $?$Wt?