Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 16, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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    Till WKKKLY 11 I'll A I.D: PLAT'l SMOU 111. XMlKASK A, rKMM'AllY h. IN!):.
I't'llllSIIKII K KKY I III h'-l AN .
Din' Yiir in nilviiiur. s
I' not ti I in il I v .1 1 1 .
- imiiitle
Tli mnnl U-,
I't-It pit i mi- . 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 ' i
Hi V Nclu a-ka til : !
l.t:r tli.' uui'-ti- iti'iu in
1' 1 1 1; l ic i . ! I ci ,i f .ii.- i 1 1 " f 1 1 1 m I
I'll!-: 1 M i ' i -liiMii ; li J i in i ii. 1 1 I i mix
ii i I tin- rn i ! 1 1 i if -. ci i ii r; J i ii'.. i
Allen In tin- M'-.
Till: . ! i : : . i- -if the Journal It :'
1 1' ' into t-) : t h i 1 1 - I . . 1 1 1 - ' a ir i:1'
l.i'ail was iidI clecled Id till- I".
ll.ltc IliMII i''ii-,l.-ka.
I'm: Willi it -i i: I i.i I 1 r i.i-i i
laee ( I'lin-s mil an. I s;i) .': " I tulil
nil mi' in re 'j a ii I to t lie i ect i n :'' o f
jn i-c Aiicn in ii.i' r. s. i a, nr.
I K I I' I." 1 1 in-, a-i icpoi'led, 111., I
iri'xll.llll is In I I' Hi I'I'i'l ll'V ill ' l.lll',
t ! i f ii M ai: Ye.i;;'i, (ail Shut, ami
till' 1'eSt Ijf I II'' llopp'T- u 111 III- pro.
vidcd with emu lortahlc hcrlhs in
1 1 i pliiiuai ie serv ice.
I'lliC railroad ami Wall Street
'.nnlil'TM will have il all thcil' own
wa now, lliry all sttppoi ted Allen
lor l'. S. senator ami claim 1'ial In
llit iilor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Li s llii' ii i I s a in I
v" rlH ss Itlev will u.el llii'ill.
'I'm; live i ml ill i is who pari ii'i pa lr, I
iullii' killing of the cow hoys al
I'inc !'iil;,e agency have ln'cn taken
In I Vail wood ami charges of unit
ilcr have heeii hied against llicm
ami lliry will lie tried in civil court.
I )i iw . in Kansas I he i nd'-pendenls
and republicans ate l.olli lining
lni-.iiie.-is in (lie same moiA'andat
the same lime imli 'pendent of eaeli
other. If this is not a novel way for
a legislature (o do we w ill e.ive it
IN all the senatorial contests in
the northwestern states, where no
party has a majority, the republi
cans have kept in the middle of the
road and have made no corrupt
haiains while democrats and in
dependents have made all sorts of
haruains some of which are of the
verj worst kind of corruptness.
Till'; amount of homily to lie paid
on mifjiir this year is put at ifMWi i.iXK),
which is fJ.iKHi.iKKl lower than the
estimate. Louisiana, ot course, will
tin some more kicking ahout the
alloyed inadepuaey of this pre
mium. Perhaps the Democrats, in
their tarilf revision lull, ouyht to
abolish the bounty and stop this
TlIK impression seems to lie yeii
eral that Senator Allen will not re
llect the wilil and visionary ele
ments of his party. It is pretty
certain that he was not on the hot
hunt lor under obligation to the
party to whose enutinu'ent he owes
the office, and there is strong sus
picion of a contract, understood if
not written, with the powers that
be in the nation. The hope is that
he will be as much of an American
and Nebraskan as it is possible for
a tlemo -pop to be. Norfolk Jour
nal. rk-i-sini-N i- 1 1 a WK'isi ), it is stated,
will shortly ask congress to annex
Hawaii to the I'nitcd States. When
the report of Minister Stevens ar
rives here next week it is the inten
tion to prepare a message to con
gress reciting the circumstances
and incidents which led up to the
revolution at Honolulu, the part
this countn and her representa
tives took in it and the instructions
on which Minister Stevens acted.
The message will succinctly pre
sent the status of affairs on the
Sandwich islands, and recommend
the immediate adoption of an an
nexation bill.
I'. (J. IH W", I'ii's., weekly review
of trade says the colulence in trade
circles is shaken by the financial
situation caused by two important
events, the tlefeat of the anti-silver
legislation in the senate and house
the concerted deposit of yold by
New York Hanks in the sub treas
ury, in exchange for leyal tenders.
It is not by all reli.ed that the jjold
reserve of $1IK1,IKK),(KKI, to he used for
the 'protection of the note circula
tion, was expressly intended to be
used for the purpuric, ami as fast as
it in so used the notes jji into the
treasury, in place of yold teken out
The banks., by placing the gold
they do not heed in the treasury,
instead of notes to the extent of $,",.
N(K),()IX) this week, reasonably hope
that their confidence may lessen t lie
disposition to withdraw gold.
1 1 is understood tii it Mr. Cleve
land h im-t-lf is to stand sponsor
lor the laritl rev isioii hill which is
lobe framed at the bee in m MM' of
his administration. lie intends to
billow the l'olk idea of having the
bill drawn upby the secretary of
the treasury. The way s and. means
ci n 1 1 u it tee '.v 1 1 1 , i'o 1 1 s i j 1 le 1 1 1 1 y, be I e
li.'vt'd of Ibis much labor, J.. lid be
saved likewis.- from such ciedil or
tliscredit a- may attach to the work.
Nol.o'lv will have anything- to do
uiili llie Bellini; bi'l exo-pt Car
1 ! I- a nil Cie velam 1. l I ourse ll'.e
bii-i m"-s i n lere.-t s w I; it'll are In be
a tier ted by lb'.' ch . I n :.' ill the tat ill'
v, i 1 1 io( be Ilea I . I i 'I 1 he i r ov. u I "
ball'. The idea tli it l!in-i iat.M'e.-lf
have any rights at all thai the :;ov
. I l; im 1 1 1 is I 'I a 1 1 1 I to re- p -c I
i -, a 1 1 p 1 1 b 1 1 1 ' a n .-a i 1 1 1 ' i' -1 1 ; i 1 1 1
vv hii h is not v,oim; to have ;,ny in
11 1 1 1 r 1 1- with the incoming ailniiiii
1 1 at ion.
lint oin 'i. Cat I i.-h-'s ii. mie i
H' i;'iiirj lo be coimei led v i;li the
bill about to be Ir.n.ii d as
directly and con.-pit ii'iii-ly as U'ob-
el't J. Walker's was witll tin 1 1 i ' . 1 s -il
re dra v. 1 1 r by that ." ent i.-nia a in
the l'olk iid ,ii istrat ion. Il is In
be the president's and iml theliea--urv
secrelarv 's bill. The lira' of
v. as ciitl-i! the Walker l.u i;:;
the tai ill of I "..! or I v.i j t,, .
Iviinuil in hislon as the Cli velaml
lai ill. Nobodv k now.- v et on what
liiiesliii- bill will proceed, )t course
a general a -ai It will be made on a I !
the raw materials of man uf icture.
This Mr. Cleveland recommended
i.i that histortic message of l-'V
which ably assisted the Mills bill
of lsss in knin'l. inLf the author ol
the message out in the latter year
The d lit ies on wool, lead, .i uc, iron
ore, tl, ix and such articles will be
abolished. Perhaps m coal will
be pat on the free I i t, also a 1 1 luui,; h
democratic tarilf bill trainers, in
lefel ( in e lo the desires of demo
cratic coal barons, have usuallv
been a I ill le bashlul upon attack,
in this product.
The cut in the duties of the crude
materials will surest, and in fact
n ndcr imperative, a cut on Hie
maiiiifactllied articies. This is al
so in the line with the recommen-
lations of the ( leveland deliver.
ance ol ns(. Hut (la- ipicslion
hi re arises, where is the revenue
for the support of the eovci imieiit
to come from'r The income now
barely meets the outo, and demo
crats have been asserting that it
could not meet the out;o many
moullis longer. A measure how
ever, which make as many cuts as
the Cleveland bill is likely to do
must reduce the ri venue to the ex
tent of Htll,(M,(KX) or It 1,1 H H i.i X N l s i year
at least, and thus further broaden
the yap between receipts ami expen
ditures. How will the money be
obtained to meet this deficiency:
Till' duty will have to be restored
on siiyar, an income t.ix will haie
to be ctcated, or both will have to
be rcstorted. Kitllcr would be ex
ceedingly unpopular, and arouse a
sentiment against the democracy
which would defeat that party in
the next elections. The countrv
nwaits the framing of the Cleve
land tariff hill with interest. There
is a general desire to learn how its
iiilthor,lhat is to be proposes to ileal
with the deficiency which is ren-
lered invitable by taritf reduction
ihmy the lines laid down in his
message of live years and two
months ii"ii, or alomr anv oilier
ines. - ilobe 1 Vinocrat.
Al.l.KN D. Ml-r.NKK, has been iinill-
inated by tiovernor Crotiuse as
warden of the ueiiitentiarv . His
record as a soldier and civil officer
is pointed to by his friends as
proof of intelligence, cool judg
ment and executive ability. lie
se.ved in the Klevcnth Peiinsjlva
nia cavalry from ls,; tu lNia until
the sui rendei of Pee at Appomat
tox, and under (ieneral Kant, was
provost iillard at Iv'ichmotid for
three itionths alter the war, practi
cal! having eharae (lf that cilv.
He came to Nebraska in 117 and
settled at West Point, owned the
town site of Heeiuer, which bears
his name. He set veil two terms as
sheiilf of Cumin;;' county.
Cirk contemporary, the Journal
has come out a full tledeed inde
pendent since the election n Allen
to the I'nitcd States senate and now
the poor old democratic party is
without a newspaper in Cass county
If there is a yood democratic editor
in the state or any where else t hat
is lookitin- for an openine- rje-ht here
in Cass county is the place, as all
the democrats are disgusted with
Sherman and they say they must
and will have a e-ond democratic
newspaper in the county and that
they will j-ive it jfood .support. So
look out for another paper in this
city before kmi;-, there is an open
ine; and it will surely come.
Tut; refusal ol drover Cleveland
to reappoint any of his old cabinet
is positive proof that they were all
A (il'KN A.N statistician finds that
I'riday is ,( the unlucky day of I
the week after all. the fi-uresshow-j
in- that Monday isentitled to t ha t ,
(I i s i in I H ni. , 1 1. r a cat el ill couipu- j
tat ion he is able to show that hi. 7 I
per cents of all accidents occur on
Mondays. l.V.I per cent on lues,
days, lii;!l per cent on v edtiesipi v s.
i. .ii per ceiii on iiirsunays, in. o
percent on l-'tidavi, the same per
- 1
cent on Satlirdavs. and .'V per cent
on Sundays, The low averay.e of
Sunday is caused of conr-e by the
; t in I ,i I cessation
I in. mo, ,1 labor
f that dav. No explanation is 1
I '',iv en of the llii Ii iei cen! a '.'e Moil- '
day, but il is safe to charge it to i
j the relaxalioti fo iowi n v; the "eonli- 1
t ic in ii s 1 1 in lay. 1 1 I-- not reason iMe
In suppose that Monday would be:
as piolihc ol accidents as any oilier 1
v ti k day il there were no Sunday '
I'e-ol'ts to put I he w ori.iiieu mil of i
lone for be-inn i tl'.;- th- work of the
vvi ek on Mnii'hy iihh uin- Pin coin j
N l " T e.lne .day l'ebut at y, . '
I 't isnl.'iil I lai i i -mi will hiiu-'el I
I nil Up II, e Amet ican li. on the j
: real ocea n tea tin r City o N
i oi k, wbeil the famous ve.-.-
transfers its allegiance linni (ileal !
I '.ri l iau to tie- ' n lied Slate-. I 'resi
dent Harrison's adm i ni-tral ion
has done more than any oilier to
build up an American navy an I
replace tie' Anieinan Iho.;' on the
eas a;;aitl. The substitution of
the American 11 for the Publish
pick mi the steamships City of
Paris and City ol New York is the
! be ;inii iiur of an A inerica i r.
chant marine which will tival any
ill the h i h seas.
n rwi mmi
Tin: only bill passed by the leis
l.ltllt'e and siujn (I by the eoveruor,
aside front the appropriat ions bli
the legislature is Jensen's bill pro
v idine (or a recount of the vote on
the constitutional amendment
which was defeated last fall and
Hie legislature has cost the state
ov er s 1 1. 'O.! 1 1, 1. Thus the reform noes
I'm; Journal is cumin ir a round al I
i ii;ht lor J. Sterling- Morton, it is
now vvorkin;r lir him. teeth and toe
nail, for i. position in Cleveland's
cabinet and says Hint "his "Teat
talents for an executive worker are
everywhere acknowledged,"
TlllC St. Poms (ilohe-I)eiiioerat ob
serves that Cleveland's personal
comfort will not be promoted bv
nformation that the new
senator from Nebraska, like the
one ftotn Kansas, is an uncom-pi-ouiisim;-
free-coinaee man.
Till-: citizens of Nebraska City are
all worked upoverthe fact that their
distillery is likely to be closed up,
and they say if it is done it will
cause a drouth, which will be lik'.dy
to kill the city.
Till-; trouble with Cleveland in
makim;' his cabinet is the men that
he invites won't have anything to
do w ith him, while those who will
accept he does not want.
Tut: populists of Kansas have in
troduced a bill into their legisla
ture creating 'Jut as new state offi
l' lnni t lie Kaylr,
Tom Wiles dreamed that he was
eoinn to die and prepared for the
event accordinyly. Dr. Thomas has
knocked the dream business cold
and will have Tom to work attend
to his affairs as usual in a short
Mr. and Mrs. W. Morse was sur
prised at their home last Saturday
evenintx by a small army of friends
who had a sociol time, leaving the
host and hostess at the late hour
with many expressions of eood
wishes while they sojourn in the
home they will soon move to the
The f a ni 1 1 v of 1 )r Sw i I er was sore
lyafllieted last Friday, one little
yirl fell from a bench and broke
her arm, while three other child
ren had strnn;; s uiptoms of pois
on, beine; attacked with vouiitiu
which was with dilhculty overcome
in the case of two of them while
the third, at last accounts could
not be considered out of tlan
eer lr. I hitler had all the cases in
charee last week.
l-riini the K' -1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 .i 1 1 .
Hen Kwiny; ami family start back
to Ohio the last ot the week
visit at their old home.
Attorney Haldeinau says the in-1 ruary lath, will be noteworthy for
dependents are opposed to the an-u. number and beauty of illustra
nexationof the Sandwich islands , , rations, and the variety and value
for fear that it would tend to de- f articles. Prominent amoiiy
crease the price of pork. There is I tllc (orim.r will be a front paye
no danger of that, pork will con- pit.,,lrt. nf Toboyyaniny at Mont
tinue to he in demand as the cen- ,ore.icy Falls, Canada, from a
tral liytire in sandwiches. i pi,t-raph: a double-paye illustra-
Mr. Mitchel and family have re- tion of the "Yale Promenade."
turned to Vcepiny Water after an drawn by W, 1'. Snyder; and a char
ubsenee of eleven years in WTieeler : acteristic ftill paye liuntiny scene
county. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were by A. K. Frost. An illustrated ar
early settlers liere and will yladly tide on "Tammany's Xeylected
be welcomed back if, all former ac-
(piaintauces. They tint soli
their property m the wes'. hut re.
turn in order to h,v e i he 1 ! ier ad-
vantages ot soc ie l v b be o; ta i ae 1
i in an older sett I.
oinmiiiiilv snd
to school tli.-ir t h i h ' ren. Mr. M.t-
j cl el 1 is look i ny; I he lie! . I ov,- w il h
t he e pectal i ion in i
i,"tinc; sua
imihi hi iiusine-s inn ,-.
I I nan I l.e K . . .,
.('. H(vm;ill a; ,!v
Tuesday tothei r f'r ,:i !a a
1 1',,,-if,,- I n net i. m
i ......
lii'K'X Saturday, I'eS. I.', m
and Mi'.-. Samuel i,.-c I lobs,,;, :, . ,.,
! pounds.
Miss Sue Palmer, M;.-s Ar,n Car
par. Mrs. 1). C. West and l.ast.r
Sioue spent Sunday with Cue family
of Pii Piltiiiiu at their pleas, ,nt
home (our miles, north ea- t ot Ne
ll, i wka.
I 'l i aa t lie I I . el .
I'r. C. i-'. Iiavis teiiii'md frotn
Lincoln armed with a iliplom.i as a
"h'eyisteretl i 'In.i iniK isi." lie was
ex iinined by ti'.e Slab' lioald of
J tiarmaey on ediies.i.iv and I
p; o.npil V I.- su ! his eel 1 ;!li ale.
IT c report conies from PusU, W o
that Mr. and Mrs. Wel.-ey Wolfe are
paienls .d a line boy baby that
i registered at their home a few dav s
i . . .
; a .' 1 1 , wli icii causes It u ; : m i let
I the
i o 1 1 1 e ni l I ... ii i I I .. M .
... . ' ms. .11.
j am! Mrs. John Chalfant, and yi
j t 'nele Kan is as happy as a claim
M U 17 DOCK.
A very happy event
marria;;e of Miss- Paiilie
was the
Klipke to
mine of i he
Jin- cere-
.'lr. Julius K'liike al th
bride at Mr. C. Km, l.e
inony was perlnrmed by K'ey. '.
Haiini-anleii, ,-it the new Lutheran
chinch al '.la'.D o'clock in the morn
iny, after that a la rye audience of
invited enests n paired lo Mr.
Kupke's home, where a bountiful
i;past was served. Very many
and useful
bestowed upon tin.
new iv
Weililetl Conine. Which will be b.1,1
ill hieji esteem by them, !
Tl... 1 ! , .... I
loesaiue nay I'enriiary '.ill) an
other but ipriet wedding occurred
about live miles south west of lu re
the contracting parlies were Mr.
Juo Meyer and Miss Lena Iv'tidolph.
both of Pluiwood precinct. This
v oiinn-couple will make their home
t wo miles tiorth of Idmwood on a
rented farm. We conn ratitlatc.
Mr. IL McDonahl, our druyyist,
was at Lincoln before the board of
e v a ii ii 111T.J ni .intil I.... ni j .. I............
I'h iriiiwi.i. i , e. '.. ,.i -.1.
',' ,, . .,
Hie state law He passed and wdi
have his diploma shortly.
Mr. anil Mrs. Malnmey, father and
mother of Mrs. ;. W, Meeker, were
visitinn- here over last Sunday.
Messers. (I. W. Meeker, Steve
Too' and Arthur Tool took a drive
over to (ireenvvood Sunday.
J'he first preachine; services was
held last Sunday in our school
house, conducted by Rev. (5. Streich
er in the yerinan lanytiaye, about
fifty were present.
Our Sunday school is doinn- well
indeed, last Sunday the number
present was 7'., twenty more than a
week ayo.
.Next Sunday there will be, (ier
m.itl preachine; after the session of
the Sunday seoool, ami Publish
services in the evening at 7:.'tD
o'clock. l'A'erlody is invited to
Mr. S. W. Cox. left last Friday for
I'lattsinouth and Murray to look at
some laud in that vicinity.
C. W'. (Tine, nyciit lor the Town
Site ( o.. was here las, week and sold j
a laye number of lots, he says there J
will be several larye store build- j
inii'u i f 1 1 1 1 i mi l,i- jt, -!.... I 1... i
r, - K--"'.", "I' "V rl" "'s' nini lit
Al. S. K'ibbot. and Mr. Met iuir are
rejiorted ptite sick.
We can Save You Money.
We wish you would always re
member that we can save you
money on driiys, paints, oils, wall
paper, etc. We carry a clean, new
complete stock of poods as you will
yenerally find in a first class, druy
Our druy department is com.
plete in every iletail, and we can
make it an object for you to deal
with us.
Our Wall Paper and I'aint de
partment is laryer than ever anil
you know our reputation for bar
gains in this line is such that can
not be eiplaled by any one in Cass
county. Known X Kakkkt t,
Druyyists, I'lattsinouth, Neb.
Literary Notes.
Harper's Weekly, published Feb.
Streets;" will be of special interest
i to New York readers. There will
I also be ilhistiaUd articles on the
i new monitor Monterey, and the
vv hale back steamer which is to le
Used for the iransnori iti. in .f vkk
tors to the Worlds Pair. I here will
1. niiiiierons i,.-ir:.;. -
by biographical or personal sketch
es. includino those of the late M rs.
Whitney, A. Coti.m Poyle, l-.Tetiora
Puse, the Hawaiian i (iiuiii:ssioinrs
: ' at Washington, and S. i!. Hole,
a 'sident of the new ly formed pro
' ' i;n i rumeiit at Honolulu.
.e t.uuiber will al-o contain the
i:- mil .'.ittaclive variety of short ar
t: a , lories, and able cditnrals on
'-"on, sli if the da . .
peoi'L.l: and aftai .is.
When tie- independents .-;;.,
their sober second thntmlu lie
'viH re uibi r that their new sena
tor, Jltd-e Allen, w is elected at the
dictation ot ( Tot-man and itrice id
the demo -i.ilie s'.ccriim' ci.umiittet .
Then they will be able to call to
mind that (loriuaii is one of the
lUOst ColTUbt of .,. Tl m ne,i, i ;i ...
I nnil that Hric represent--, the
! -leale.-t monopoly in world,
the Standard Oil Company. At their
dictation the deiiiocra ts wei e whip
I ped into line for Allen, and there is
i ,,,.ii,;.,
... .1.' r . .,
notion;; i.iner III.) 1 1 llle UeslUllp-
lion thai is ph'-ed to carry out the
vv ishes of the men who made his
election possible. K'e.nney Huh.
A Fremont youn.e; married man
! who s it in little name ol draw all
Saturday niyhi. "and lost his roll ( f
bills contaiuinn about sliii stpiealed
i mi the rest of the Sunday
1 moiuiiin'. I-'indinn- that he could
J not testify ayaiust the other fellows
! without -iv iii'j; himself away, he
concluded not to prosecute the case
and the other fellow s w ere so e rate
f'.il for his neiierosity that they jrave
', back his money. Fremont Tribune
, Tli.-r,- will be a Manufacturer
winter Carnival held in I im
oln on
ruary 'Juib to '.'."th inclusive, uii-
der the auspices of Hie Manufac
turers' and Consumers' Association
of Nebraska, i-'actor ies will be in
full operation in the buildiny, and
the exhibits will consist of the pro
ducts of Nebraska manufacturer-.
A mistake appears on the new
Columbus out-cent postage stamp
printed by the P. S. Cioveliiiiieiit
printing Co. The word Coltinmbus
is spelled "C'nlninrus," Louisville
Courier-Journal. We advise the edi-
! tir of tin- Courier-Journal that the
i next time he iroes to look up a mis-
!..,.. ,. '
..... .... i, iv ,,si,ie si, imp in- puis
his "'hisses on, for there is no error
in the word Columbus. Look ayain
Hrother Mayfield and you will liml
that it is spelled with a "b" and not
an "r" as you itiitnanacjed.
Mystic Life Fenewer.
This wonderful Health Huildrr
and Constitution Iv'estores ia indeed
u veritable reuevver of life; because
it possesses such marvelous powers
to cure all forms of Failiuy Health,
Indiyestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous
Diseases, Heart Affections, Female
Weakness, Hroken Constitution ami
all wastiuy diseases. JAery bottle
warranted to yive satisfaction or
tuoiiey refunded Free bottle at P.
(i. J'ricke t Co,, druyyists, Platts
i; I'K.N 1 1 TH ) A(i.ST IIOXHI'KAS
Nt:v Yokk, J'cb. IP A local pa
lter will say iii the morniny that a
a piratical expendition ayainst one
of the Central American states
is beiny fitted out at Kay West, Fhi.,
by Cubans and Americans. The
coin I in n y as li 1 1 1 bnsi ,.i-,.i 1. I
e radually nnymcnted a. the Flo,,
illa ,.,,,., lmti, s,V(,r;, m,lm,
f,oh,iy en. armed wit , rep, a i.i-
. I s
rilles and abundant a mm unit ion.
I are ready to embark on the expedi
1 lion.
i It said a small steamer was char-
1 tered at tne northern port and is
I now en route to Kay West, where it
i J
was expected to arrive today. The
hold is well bullcsted witli cannon.
jtiitliny yuns and field artillery,
sufficiently formidable when in
! desperate hands to make war
I ayainst the yovernment of Hoiid-
I uras. The I'nited States steamer
Kearsaye dropped anchor at Kay
West yesterday, much to Hie sur
prise of everyone in town, and it is
believed she was ordered there to
prevent the pirates from settiuy
K'lll-l MATIS.M t I k'KD IN A li.W.-
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralyia radically cures in 1 to :
days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It
i remove at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears.
The first dose greatly benefits. 7a
cents. Sold by F. (5. Fricke A. Co.,
druyyists, Plattpinoiith.
Knglisli Spavin Liniment removes
all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes frotn liorses, Klood
Spavins, Curbs. Splints, Sweeney,
Iv'iny-Houe, Stifles, Sprains, all
Swollen Throats, Couyhs, etc. Save
$a() by nee of one bottle. Warranted
tlie most wonderful Hlemish Cure
ever known. Sold by 1 G. Fricke
A Co., druyyists. Plattainouth.
Your Painter
has often wasted time and material in
trying to obtain a shade of color, and
has even resorted to the use of ready
mixed paints, the ingredients of which
he knew nothing', because of the diffi
culty in making a shade of color with
white lead. Tins waste can be avoided
by the use of National Lead Company's
Pure W hite Lead
Tinting Colors
TTiese tints are a combir'.-Ucn cf per
fictly pare colors, put up i.i sniail cans,
and prep.trcT so thnt on.' pound xvill
tint 25 pounds of S'.'icbv pare White
Lead to the shade thovvn 0:1 the can.
liy this msiuiia you will have the best
p.iMit in ths world, ttcauso ir.ade of
t!ie best rr.ati.ria!s
Strictly Pure
White Lead
and pure colors. Imist ort havinir one
of the brands of white, load that are
standard, manufactured by the "Old
Dutch" process, and known to be
strictly pure :
"Southern" "Red Seal"
These brands of ;i.rict!y Pure White Lc'!
nnj National l.cai Co.'s Pure White Leati
Tmtiii.: Colors ml- for sale by the most re
lnblu urli-rs in paints everwhen-.
It you are I'.om.; lo paint, it will pay you
to sen ! to u.. tor a Lc;ok containing informa
tion that maysive yt.u niany a dullar; it will
only cost you a postal tani.
1 111'. iaii i ;iy, N. w Vurk.
t. I.o'aii t;r.ini.h, f
Clark Avenue anj Ten'.h Street.
Co n: On' f Business.
Our ,,, ,, v N ladie-aud
U'c'itV Im m: li. ! -i.imN, I, i.iics, mill
MisM-y an. I chiiiireti". allocs, and
lill" III ! i I ! 1 I .TV.
I v i 1 1 1 1 r 1 i 1 1 r every article is new,
and tli'- lit I --st M le and pattcans,
ami ivi' :a e e er tliin-, in the line
of fall, winter and Miiiuner li'itods
and tin- eiitirr -tdcK df merchant
disc will !.. sold ren-ardless of what
tliey cn.-t us. If H;e no.l.s don't
move last eunuch we tiiihl have
auction .-al.- mn-t any time. The
reason ior .--elliii' 0111, we arc i 1 1
in the v.-hol.v-alc l.tisim-ss in Den
ver. :.).:ion store l'lattstnoiith
Ncli. Yours Truli',
A. Ctini:.
All 1' II 'n'-ClliKS tll'llittlslH.
l-'roitl pii-seni dale will keep on
sale the important I' India Hemp
remedies. 1 u II. James' prepara
tion nl llii- herh on its own .s()jl
(Calcutta), will positively cure con
sumption, litonchitts, asthma, and
nasal Catarrh, and hreak up a fresh
cold in m hours, .."ill p,.r hottle
or .'I hollies foi l.i;). Try it.
Ckaimkh'K '('(i proprietors.
I1):::' K'acc sneet, I'hiladelpia.
To -Niiitit noil To-MorrowNiyhi,
And each day and niht diirinj;
this week you can et at ah dru
Hists" a tree sample hottle of Kemp's
Halsani lor the throat and )unj;s,
the most successful remedy ever
sold lor coughs, Croup, Bronchitis,
Whooping Coiili, Asthma and
Consumption. Cet a hottle today
and kei p it ai way s in the house, so
you can check y our cold at once.
Trice ."ttic. and
ACk.vrs wax ri;j). omnt fU.e'
From '.'11 to IUl .v.'ekly regularly
earned liy our salesmen. I'. (). Uox
M New Y'lfii. tf.
Leave orders for hair chains at K.
Cf. DoveyA: Son or Frank Carruth's
jewelry store.
1 111: u ami: uf i 1:1.1:1 ;k-am.
-cw Vnrli Sun.
I'hi'v are playing a new faille in
London called telegram. The iiatnes
of two distinguished people are
yiven the players; with those a cer
tain numlier ot letters- twelve or
more. The name is to write tele
Hiatus frotn one of these distin
guished persons to the other in
words lienimiina- with each letter in
turn and in the same order. The
telegrams when written are handed
in and read hy a person duly ap
pointed. The -rauie is said to fur
nish the 1 ivi I iest yort of opportunity
tor aliHiird litn.
County Fair
afforJs an excellent opportunity lor the
pick-pocket t Ket your watch. If you
would be proof against Jiis skill, be sure
that the bow (or rinc) is a
This wonderful bow is now fitted to the
- - liinMn'ii'"-'
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases,
which are made of two plates of roIJ
soldered to a plate of composition metal.
Look equally as well as soliJ gold cases,
and cost about half as much.
Guaranteed to wear 20 years.
Always look for this trade mark, r&r
None genuine without it.
Sold only through watch dealers.-
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send
to the manufacturers.
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,