Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 16, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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1 I
The Hawaiian Islands Under
U. S. Protection.
Minister John L. Stevens Issues His
' Proclamation Placing the Ha
wallan Island Under Un
cle Sam's Care.
S Fkasscisc o. Feb. 9. The an-
xiounly expected Mennirr arrived
f iirly this morning from Honolulu,
briiiffinj; the lirtt news of the pro
gress of events in the Hawaiian is
land uince the arrival of the com
missioners of the provisonal gover
nment to negotiate for annexation
to the United States. The steamer
brought the important intelligence
nfriat on the 1st inst., I'nited States
"Minister Steven issued a procla
mation to the Hawaiian people as-
auminga protectroate over the is
' lands, and hoisted the stars and
atrins over Aliuolaui hall. The
proclamation was as follows:
To the Hawaiian people: At the
request of the provisional govern
ment of the Hawaiian islands,
hereby, in the name of the I'nited
Stiites of America, assume the pro
tectum of the Hawaiian island for
the protection of life and property
and the occupation of the public
buildings and the Hawaiian soil
s far as may be necessary for tin
purposes specified, but not inter
fering with the adinisislration of
public affairs by the provisional
, government. This action is taken
pending and subject to the uegota-
tions at YVashinu'ton.
Joiin I.. Stevens.,
Knvoy Kxtraordinarg and Minis
1 ter Plenipotentiary of the I'nited
I States.
If Approved and executed by.
II w. v.. ....... .
U Captain I'nited States navy, com-
maudingthe United States steamer
l'AKIs, Feb. ((.The Panama
sentences have be.-n delivered as
Ferdinand de I. esseps, five years
imprisonment and a.lHKI francs line
Charles de I.esseps, five years
and H,(KK) francs line.
Fontaine and Cottu, two years
and 3,000 franes each.
Kilfel, two years and 'JIM Kill franc-
The sentences caused a profound
sensation, especially thatof Ferdi
nand De I.essep s.
shin(;ton, reD. -i Here was
.in. in 1. 1 1 phi
intetesting scene at the White
1 this ii
V. Turner, e
ifternoon when George
elitor of the New York
Recorder, presented to President
Harrison and Secretary Tra;y two
silver statuettes , representing Rig
gin, the sailor of the United States
ship Baltimore, the killingof whom
in the streets of Valpariaso led to
the trouble with Chille a little- more
than a year ago. Soon after the
close of the Chilean incident the
Recorder opened a popular dime
subscription, the proceeds of which
were to be devoted to the moulding
of three statuettes, to be presented
one each to President Harrison,
Secretary Tracy ami Secretary
Uluine, in recognition of the patrio
tic course of the administration
during the diplomatic controversy.
There were over Uii.tXH) subscribers
and the dimes thus collected were
moulded in the statuettes which
were presented today.
IKromlhe Atlantic Monthly.
The kitchen was across the ter
race a small building by itself. It
had a very wide Dutch window that
would have suited a painter. Into
the squares of the grating that pro
tected the window all Verona was
wroth like a vivid pattern of tapes
try. The cooking here was done by
means of a crane and tripods, over
fagots of wood, upon a broad
hearth of precisely the kind that
Cinderella huddles before in the
picture. Contrary to all expecta
tions, S , the housekeeper, was
able to find much good in these
primitive appliances, and to say
that the wood made a readier and
hotter lire than coal.
The se-vent question was natur
ally one sort of dame in a Spanish
mantilla, who had been employed
by the Franceseliine nuns, below,
to us, but was totally incapable of
comprehending that we colli I not
wait for her ten days. What was to
become of us in the meantime was
no alfair of hers; the only impor
tant fact was that the place suited
her, and she would be glad to take
it in ten days. A certain (Wacinta
was secured to come in by the day
forthe cooking and other heavier
work. She was a stout, smilling,
willing girl, faithful uncording to
light, but easy going shiftless in
her methods. She had a most ex
traordinary equadimity of temper;
with her everything went always
well. The question of wages gave
her no great concern; no rivalry
upset her; no extra demand, no tug
ging of heavy supplies up the steep
from the market, ever appearing to
her inconvenient or iuopportuc.
Then we got for a nurse-maid a
thin, very blonde, and German
looking girl from the province of
I Mantua, inclined to be cross-gained
and moody, but much mor efficient.
Upon her trunk was neatly lettered,
by some friend, probably a clerk.
j "I, a gentilissima Sognorina Mela-
nia So-and So." Melania's pay was
10 frances a month with board, and
(iiaciuta's was 'JO frances without.
These were the Italian prices;
there was nothing excptable about
them; strange as it ma)- seem, they
were even liberal. We know of well
to-do families were where more
work - heavy washing and the like
and the pay was less. The ladies
of Verona complain of their ser
vants, like their sex the world over,
so that it appears paragons are not
produced even under these prime
val rates. The custom was, if either
side were dissatisfied, to give c-ght
days' notice; or this might be com
muted, on the employer's side, in
eight days' pay.
Keeping house again in a new
language was a considerable part
of the opening trials; and, as usual,
it was not even a language, but a
dialect, and even two dialects, one
of each province represented. We
got a sausage some-times for salad,
and cheese for ice. Once Malania
quarreled violently in the kichen,
and came to us and gave in her
resignation. We were serenely un
conscious of what she said, and
she, nonplused by such a situation,
seeing day after day that we had
no idea she was going, felt obliged,
in sheerdispair, to remain.
Tutt's Pills effective in results.
SomethlnK New.
"Flowers' are words which even a
baby may understand." Hishop
We have heard of all sorts of cat
alogues, but the poetical catalogue
is something new. In reading
Vick's Floral Gi.ide for lSI'.Ci, on
every page one comes across hap
py and appropriate ((notations from
prominent authors. Whether it
takes the mind off from the work of
making out a list of flowers and
vegetables or make the Guide more
fascinating will have to be decided
after a trial, by the publishers Vick's Sons, Rochester, N.Y.
Another novel feature is the family
of pansy sailors who appear on the
cover and through the book. It con
tains five color plates, hundreds of
illustrations and lists, with descrip
tions of everything required in the
garden. This work is really given
free, as the 10 cents ask for it may
be deducted from the first order
sent the house.
The Columbian Fair.
The .Nebraska state board of agri
culture, at its late annual meeting,
determined to hold a state fair at
J.incoln.Septeinber 8th to lath, W.l,
to lie called the "Columbian Year
State Fair." Maintaining their place
"in the procession" and imbued
with the Columbian spirit of the
day. the managers are making ef
forts to have this fair sur
pass in all respects anything of
the kind ever presented the public.
The premiun list has been
throughly revised. Unimportant
and fully served fatures have been
stricken out and the more impor
tant, with new ones, enlarged. The
aim is to present such an arry of
products, resources and possibili
ties of the state as will surprise
even the most enthusisstic Nebras
Arrangements will be made to
have excursion trains from the
world's fair at Chicago, to encour
age eastern visitors and foreigners
who wish to study the west, to
come and see the west, to come and
see this state display, examine our
fertile acres.and become acquainted
with our people and surroundings
At this date all indications are
that the season of 1S(U wi H. (ro.
ductive of itnusully good crops
and business conditions; such as
every one interested in Nebraska
will take pride in showing to the
These encouraging words are
spoken early in order that our peo.
pie may not fail to imbibe the
Columbian spirit pervadiujr -
whole civilized world, and, kt't'.,!
in line, lend all possible aid to
make the coming fair what it is in
tended it shall be.
Among the many items of inter
est it may be mentioned that the
fust premium offered for county
collective agricultural exhitits this
year will be $."HH). Ten thousand
dollars is hung up for speed. In
;iddition negotiations are pendiu'r
looking to the presence of Nancy
Hanks or some other such emiine
celebrity. Nebraskans are advised
to keep in mind the "Nebraska
State Columbian Year Fair and Exposition."
j Ho Displays His Hand at a
Wedding Ceremony.
Such Was the Telegram Ktcelvt-il by
Mr. p-t. aiicliOulck.l Responds
and Steals the Would-bu
A young drummer from Holly
Spring, who travels for a San An
tonio house, the following story of
how he helped to make Mr. Robert
Peel of Kyle, Texas, happy by
uniting him with his sweetheart,
Miss Carrie Meyer of Seguin, fi oin
whom Mr. IV el had been separated
by a lovers' quarrel.
"(was sitting in my room in a
small Texas town," said the drum
mer, "when Mr. Peel, whom Iliad
not seen for some time, burst ex
citedly in and, without giving any
explanation told me to pack up my
traps. I saw from his manner
I could offer no satisfactory excuse,
and, as I would do anything for
him, I at once got my things to
gether oud set out with him. We
boardad a train, as he directed, and
as soon as it had started he pulled
a telegram from his pocket and
showed it to me. It read:
"'I inn Koiny In lie married at X oYloi It
Weiluemliiy ninlit. I Mill love ymi. Sae
"The message was signed Carrie
Meyers. Mr. Peel said that he and
the young lady had long been in
love with each other and were en
gaged to lie married, when a lovers'
quarrel took place and they sepa
r.i led.
" 'Soon after our quarrel,' he con
tinued, 'she, promised to marry an
other man, and their wedding is to
occur tonight. I just received the
telegram 1 tdiowcd you, and, of
course, I had to try and stop the
wedding. I want to marry her my
self, and knowing that I would be
obliged to Mieal her away from the
intended bridegroom, I thought I
had better get some assistance.'
"This explanation was satisfac
tory, and I resolved to do all in my
power to help them. We only'ar
rived in Seguin an hour before the
ceremony was to take place, audi
set out to the home of the bride-to-be.
1 was cordially received by her
father, and soon had an opportun
ity of seeing Miss Meyers. I told
her of Mr. Peel's presence in town,
and his wish to marry her at once.
With a woman's ready wit she in
structed me to bring hiiu to the
summer house in her yard at once
and she would meet us there.
"I found the impatient lover as
quickly as possible, and, hiring a
carriage, we were soon on the ap
pointed spot. Miss Meyers met us
as she promised she would, and we
three at once got into the carriage
and drove to a hotel. A magistrate
was secured and tin lovers were
soon united in the bonds of matri
mony. After the ceremony had
been performed we caught a train
and left fceguin.
"The greatest confusion reigned
in the house when Miss Meyers' ab
sence was discovered. Her father
knew of her love for Mr. Peel, ami
thought, when he found out that
she was missing, that she had ended
her life rather than marry another
man. He finally learned the truth,
andasihe preacher who had been
engaged to perform the riles which
had been so unexpectedly broken
off by the absence of the expected
bride interceded for the runaway
couple he forgave them.
"The would-be bridegroom was
also brought to lend his forgiveness
to his missing sweet heart, and a
marriage feast was turned into a
banquet. The day after the mar
riage was to have been performed
the disapdointed bridegroom met
Mr. Peel and his bride at the town
in which they were stopping and
magnanimously forgave them.
The soiling caused by ' persons
leaning their heads against a pa
pered wall uuiy be greatly lessen
ed if not obliterated, by laying a
sheet of blotting paper upon the
spot and passing over it a modera
tely warm flat-iron. A slight dis
tfgureinent of this kind may some
times be removed by rubbing it
lightly with a soft rag dipped in
prepared chalk. Rubbing the spot
gently with the soft edge of a thick
slice of stale wheat bread will
sometimes prove efficacious in such
a case; the surface of the bread
should be cut away as soon as
it becomes soiled, Dust off the
crumbs lightly with a soft cloth or
A large air brake factory is to be
established at Watertown, N. Y.,
and the brakes will lie applied to
freight cars, as fast as they can he
turned out. The factory will be
run by water power, and will em
ploy I ,.7)0 hands.
A new joke related by ex Cover
nor Tax lor of Tennessee ought to
be appreciated at Lincoln. It runs
like this: Patrick xvas about to be
gathered to his fathers. The priest
had beeuc, died and had adminis
tered the last sacrament. Then lie
said: "Pat. is there anything else
you desire?" "Yes," said Pat. ' I
xvant to be buried in a third partv
grave) ard." "Why, Pat," said the
priest, "why is that':" "Well, your
riverence," says Pat, "a third patty
graveyard is the last place the
dixil xvould look for a democrat. "
The following is the moitgage
record of Cass county lor the month
of January: Farm property tiled.
ftKUHiK; released, Ul.WM; city
property filed, l I.N.Vi.S.'i; released.
ja-'J'J 'Jl,
The superintendent of motive
power of Russian government
railroads has been sent to the
United States to study the rail
roads xvith a view to introducing
American methods in the imperial
transportation systems. The officer
repeats what has already been
knoxvn before.that famine in Rus
sia has caused less by a general
scarcity of food than by the lack of
means of carry inggrain quickly to
certain remote provinces that had
been sorely striken with thedroiigh
It is now the purpose of the czar to
remove this danger by building an
adequate system of railroads, and
the superintendent is confident
that he was sent to the right coun
try for his models. "I think," he
ays, "Hint your American railways
have made stub colossal strides
that you have distanced the re
mainder of the civilized xvorld. I lie
reason of it I believe, is mainly in
fact that you build your roads on a
different principle than we do in
Kurope. You here build a road
and create both passenger and
freight trallicand thus helpdevclop
your country. We build a road
when freight and passenger
traffic demands it." The American
plan is to be tried in the construc
tion of the Trans-Siberian road
xvhich will be I0.IHHI miles long and
xvill give direct access to some of
the most fertile laud of all Asia.
A single sheet of paper (i feet
wide and 7:,( miles in length has
bet ii made at the Watertown, N. Y.,
paper works. It weighed 2,'J07
pounds and was made and rolled
entire without a single break.
Sioux City, "the corn palace city
of the world," is arranging to hold
another of its unique and peculiar
festivals this year. The date of
opening is fixed for September JOth
continuing until October ISth, IV.l.l,
ami the management promises at
tractions that shall far surpass
anything heietofore presented. It is
expected that many thousands xvho
xvill attend the World's Fair can be
induced to extend their visit to
Sioux City and view the marvels in
cereal decoration which xvill be so
perfectly shown, and at the same
time gain a correct idea of the
greatest corn producing territory,
on the globe.
The New York Sun says: '.When
the immigrants xvho arrive in this
port are registered at Kllis Island,
they are asked to tell their occupa
tion, which is inscribed on the rec
ord. We have looked over the rec
ord of the o'l.Tll xvho came here
from foreign shores during the past
year. The great majority of them
were common laborers, miners, me
chanics, and farming men, but a
good production of them were de
votees of the higher arts. Thus
there were among them IKK) musi
cians, mostly from Italy: IHKI florists
and gardners, 7J architects, 4.(1 pro
fessional cooks, and no less than MM
barbers. These are surely people
xvho deserve to be welcomed to this
country in the interest of art, sci
ence and the general xvelfare. While
we have some room yet, for earth
diggers and other horny handed
immigrants, xve have vacant space
of incalculable magnitude for first
claes architects and for musicians
(if they are not organ grinders) for
florists, for the best cooks, ami for
really skilled barbers from France.
Atlanta Constitution: Rev. Father
Kelly tells a good one on a man
xvho brought his sou to a Roman
Catholic school. The priest in
charge remarked to the old gentle
man: "It sometimes happens that
young men in the school desire to
become members of our church,
but xve always consult their par
ents or guardians. If your boy
should have such a desire, what is
your pleasure?" "Well,'' the old man
replied, "his mammy is a Methodis"
an' f ain't nuthin' much. She go'-s
ter church once ti month an' I go
twice a year. If the boy wants to
join your church I reckon it xvon't
hurt him," and the old fellow's eyes
Hashed ominously, "if he goes home
any thing else but a democrat
I'll break his neck!" The boy went
home both a devout Catholic and a
true bine Jeffersynian.
When llvtMixlii hvlil t!u. me J
Ami ttio ri ili'i ki-il tltifi'r,
Tluirki riM. 'ma hfiirt to linc r
X itli Hi) wisu, (ray lii arli'il imi-r. j
HiHtks W"iv itirtTv. trinitim---,, kniiw,
W'litMi lYtMiiiin In lit tin1 niM.
Who Imt fnuu'v ilrtnli;lim;t ili7('
" lull- Iti.ti till. in tiiii-l I In alti lu'x, I
XVIuii" ili,. nhii n un it,y brt'ri'iii'n
t)i;t!ilsi 7 SlH-lt lull'N It tilUMi
hv"n-is,-, our in'ovif.!! nmH
XVIii'ii IVi.-imU liriil ilin rn-i
IIi-nlNm. I hoti sTM-i liiim pim,,;
Mllii) II Isumiil t nil l Hire;
lint. .is i il li . we'll m urn- ri'uret thee. 1
I'nr we lue I In- :l-t tlmi Inwi
X here IJneell I ) mi!einil k''H'!l
Ami lleisiihhi In i is. the nioe.
Sim II e Hare U Then let's eli it
Door lu:n ;la on Hunts MnM-tie,
Seek I lie In :ni h In ein le 1 1 -lie,
Till It nun. , Hie hvht ho '
Where e;itli's hulitiliiij; f. milium thins '
Ami lielsiiiiiu holils the me. I
-I'Meli Wl.-ter. j
IHrkens' llehl I'lUiins.
Ilnxv little -to take only one case
the scenery of "Pickxviek" r niains; how,
iinlced, the whole of the Lotiiloa of that
purticulnr time has hern unproved oil
the face, of the eni'lli, a very cursory cote
niileration of the topography of the hook
will amply show.
Tho abolition of imprisonment I'm
debt, except by the si. In wind of com
mittal for contempt ef court. hiii(,'iigc
swept uwny the spousing houses un )
debtors' prisons which occupy so lurgo a
Hpiieu in Knclish fiction from the time of
Fielding mid Smollett down to iiiitu re
cent years.
Tho Fleet, its inhabitants ami the
Hcpillliil lives they led under Mr. Kokes
mill his comrades m e only known to tin'
readers of today by tho descriptions in
"l'iekwiek" mid "PendeiiniH," mid few
people who nowadays pass down Far j
nnndoii street have any idea that the
ramshackle old prison stood very nearly
on tho Kite of the Convo"cgatiniial M'
ninriul hitll ns late us isr,l, havim; sur
vived its disestablishment us a debtors
jail nearly twenty years. English Illus
trated M.tgiizino.
Some I uinllhir OnotiitloiK.
"Alliteration's artful aid" was spoken
of by the little) rend poet. Churcliill
"Pursues t he even tenor of his way" was
tho phrase of a bishop of Loudon in the
last century, Dr. I'orteous. "The pinl
of perfection" was originated by Olivet
Goldsmith; so were "Measures, not men
mid "Man xv.uits but littlo here below
nor wants that littlo loiift." Gray, the
author of tho "Elegy," is responsible fot
many popular phrases, iiinotif; tlieiu
"Full many a gem of purest ray serene. '
"To waste its sweetness on the desert
nir," "This pleasing, anxious being "
"Tho paths of fclory lead but to the
grave" and "Where ignorance in bliss
'tis folly to bo wise." Dr. Johnson gave
us "To point a moral and adorn a tale'
and "Who lives to please must pleiiso to
live." lie also said, "Who driven fat
oxen should himself bu fat." in which
there is iiioru sound thiin seiiHo. London
Tit-1 Jits.
I'.KK Knit ( nolo IIIkIi.
Few people realize that there nroother
eggs besides thoso of liens xvhich have
enormous commercial value. In Eng
land ho called "plovers' eggs," xvhich arc
really thoso of lapwings, uro sent to tin
city markets from tho rural districts by
hundred:! of tiioiiHiilldri. They ui'u es
teemed a great delicacy and fetch a very
high price, too use of them being for
that reason confined iihuot-t exclusively
to the aristocracy and other luxurious
Iieing only about tho size of pigeons
eggs, a good many of them uro required
to mailt) u dish. Men make u husitiesf
of gathering them from the nests in
marshes and wet fields. Dostoti Trail
IVcullHrltle of a t.'intl Mine.
A coal mine near Manchester lies at
the great. depth of about l.aao yards, mid
the boring presents tho curious pheiioia
enon of passing down from ono seam tit
coal to another ono 4ai) yards geological
ly higher. This is due to a reversed
fault, by xvhich tho seams are thrown
into this rcinurkuhle relutivo position.
At tho bottom of thu mine tho tern
peraturo is til digs. Fahr.. which is uu
ejqiectedly low, and the barometer
stands three inches higher than at the
surface. New York Telegram.
Tho Olltnlilu of l.flliili.
Not many people stop to think ubout
it, but the outside of a lemon is anything
but clean. If you will look at it you
xvill see some tiny sjnits like scales all
over it. These tiro the eggs of an insect,
und if tho lemon is not washed they are
likely to becoiuo an ingredient in what
ever dish tho lemon is used for. Chica
go Herald.
XV hat Ho Akeil l or.
"Say, mister," said Weary Wilkiua.
"gimme a iiiarter, will yer;''
"Certainly," said burlier, handing him
a dime.
"This ain't a quarter," said Wilkius.
"Yes, it is," said barber. "It'suquar
ter of forty cents." Harper's bazar.
Englishmen always eat dinner before
they go out to dinner, according to a
humorist, because they know the risks
they aro running, but nobody ever warns
the stranger, ami so ho xvalks placidly
into the trap.
Scientists Imvo discovered, it is said
thut the memory is stronger in summer
than in winter. Too much food, too
much physical exercise and too much ed
ucation are among tho worst foes of the
The beautiful Cleonico supplants all
brunette rivals in the heart of her royal
lover, and to do so she had only to veil
her pearly tears by tho shining gold of
her hair.
Tho French photographer, M. Marcy,
has succeeded in photographing a dragon
fly on tho wing. The time of exposure
was only l-a.OOOth of a second.
There are little and great scoundrels.
The last are worshiped by the ladies;
tho others are run in by the police. Exchange.
Ins! Ou. of Many SlirrHil Tllika by
XX li V e !. II Live.
One ( f the la .iLiei t of a lar'e HoMoii
house In a jt p. ii- : v fur speiniinu moie
t lam i.e ..i I.-, inul I , now in u from irn ints
to ki ei I hin i n ovine. Ihil iti;: a Mini .
fill t rip to .-pi iiitiehl he run sM1t nlll
iorroei from n nii'iilu r of Ins customer.
Line man u Im Inaiieii him ten iloi i n s U.
iin to L't t anxious ah,, in it an, I w rote m v-
ral letter, to mm, in caie of the liustoti
com :
The nceiit ti re thein up a f.isf us he re
reived I In-tn iii.i! iiii-;,i,,. the pier en lo
the W.'lstekl-ket uitlmiil ii thought..
The Spring-held man deiiiled to make a
Ir-tp to Lost,. n and leave an order with ot,e
:if the wholes lie hmisi f(,r n jU. ,(f
k'oo'ls. I a-iore iea nig home he delel'miiu ,1
to call on the a.i lit, with the inten; i f
collecting the teli doll, us, hm the or. 1, r
was to In- given in anoi her linn.
When he called ti,eakeiit. he had
xvni ked himself to liie h'ulie.r pitch of lu
ll iuiial ion, xv it h t he intent , on of giving f ice
expression hi orinii-ii of men ho In. r
row money ion do tmt return it.
The SprniL'licId man walked into the of
fice wilh liiv in his eyes, hm i. , n,,
ellei t on the agent. W hen he I'ei -until,, 'I
his creditor he jumped up, grasped his
hand, said hewa-ulad to see him and in
quired about all tic bilks.
"That s nil ri .-l.t ." s,ud the Spi im. -lie! I
man. "but . ill I have to take my mom y
oul in blnll :-''
".My dear fellow," said the incut, "I
must confe-s I am ashamed of myself. 1
rec eived jour letters and always laid then
aside with the intuition of sending the
money th-'t day, but really the matter al
VHiys seemed to slip my mind. I cannot
tell you how badly I feci about it. i 1 1 .xv
much did I l'i t thai lime!'"
"Ten dollars," said I he Spi im.'t!eld mini,
bcuiniiini; to feel that p, rhaps he had bei !.'
a little too hasi y.
"Till iloih.i s, yes.'' Kanl the au'clit ell il
sivilj; "ji,. st,., this way am! 1 will git
It lor i'U." Then going to the book
keeper he said, ".lust let Mr. J have
ten dollars, xvill )on, 1'ied?''
The bookkeeper handed oxer t he money
without liny trouble, and the Springfield
man became very st I'omrly of the opinion
that, he had made a mistake in forming
Mich mi unfavorable estimate of the ngriit.
His maimer chinked, inul after talking
invhile the two became as close friends M
ever. The Springllelil man then thought
it better to had the agent to believe that
he had not come to the city for the special
purpose of collecting the ten dollars, ami
spoke about the order he wanted tilled. Me
filially gave it to the aireiit.illid Weill, home
satislled that lie had made it mistake, mid
atoned for It.
In due lime the erdi r arrived. With it
came the bill. The s-j. rim-held limn looked
it over, and when he reached the Inst item
opened his eyes very wide. This was t hit
To borrowed money $10
Theei'eiit had made no exiilaiiHtlon to
to the bookkeeper mid had alloxved matters
to take I heir course. 1 he Springfield in. in
lioxv cots Ins orders filled elsewhere. lies
ton Herald.
Watch fur nitiiiiaiiiler l.eury.
Governor brown sent a request to
Commander l.eury to bo in Annapolis.
Jan. !(, and receive from tho gov
ernor the w;it( h that xvus voted to Com
mander Leary by tho Maryland legisla
ture for his conduct tit Samoa. The
watch is a handsome gold chronometer.
With tho chain attached it cost IfiidO.
Commander Lcary is now stationed nt
Portsmouth, Va. balliinore Sun.
Advice to tho Aged.
At brlnira Infirm Itlta.auch at nop.
Slab boweli. waak kliincja and fclaa
r and torpid llvar.
hava m apertf Ir affc-rt on tboaoraraaa.
ltntlt In; Iba biiwi-li, plx In nlar
Kl dloeloirvria without alralalaf; ar
p rlniixft, ui
n ilio hldr.ry. hlaililer anil llfajN
"iaj ara adila4 lootil or young.
' r 111 I-8 ",,:n I'TVU
si. l'wVK Iwl.i.l'v, B-lllinnl
ye-1 li.-., l.Jf..-. Helium I
CL2-''iXj'? I '.inn M iiiIi.k
1 1 .-1 L. . I'fV. 1...I O .1 U.nt..
'Idney 7m TrouVtm, T.Vro..i.!.i-, fin-, li
'"Tli.m .7 'V 1 viniitiM-iinnl III llenlih. (
RIC IFlT - Hi AMD SliSMM0R1"lon ' "
ii.X i"t- ' iiuii ' " a.'- i' iir"-. '
milt llni'll.
vxr. in ik-
ManvE0 (if c-
jmC IFlT - V-'J AMD SliSMMORIwlO-H "
(i. r . ..! .".t jm .1 .. , .ii.,,.
Ilo .;,, r. (.'hinif lr"l' "'''I. S"lil, CmlUunul
Iwmli tit I Ii -f-l. IT liimill-li nil HK I'AI: IS, ri
...i ft nm lo 111 Al til tm Xli.lllllll N MWM.IH.
Ill view oft lie l.iet Unit ni.iny k.tiiii wlioclelra
tn nr. euro peini'iie leeinc lliiii liavonppliua t
(t ttereiit c mi io ii '- t t nnil ara n ii
rtiTid-il i. t" win. hhuvpt lie lilKiHnl.weuitiiet
that J" enter frmii rieh C"iiiHinr ilia tM'lt "U
wmli to WMM'iit l ell'reN'.0. 1.,leil fTirilent
) t rnm i i.u I mil. When tho Mil lime arriveil at,
viiiirrinrrM c.fllcn viuniiiietliemt if Jtt Wml one
( oura.iiiiiiiiiy cire"a niient to re
turn onmtrtiiv All wb require Ik .'ill W. with your
firili-rlii pnrt Lilly ri.rcr"i.r.flmri,,(o'li "III
lieile.liu 1. .1 from iinom.f belt, if ItlBHeeep'ul.Thi
!.nip.ftti.n l a fmr one toall concerniMl. A buyer
w .-in t m the fct l..r hia nioney, anil II ll a iire.if
lilenmirn to n to hv8 our anoHa eiiiruini'd ana
ri.inrrrl "Uh othen beti.te bouiflii. Hnd f.T
Ilium ruled PHmphlet. mailed, denied, Ireo. Adilrt
Sandcn Klerlrle t o., f U ! M , lilt BU.
i iSii h riito
for the