Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 16, 1893, Image 1
rr it tt t i t. aV 1 . M .aUi. VOL. XXIX. NO IT lM.ATTSMOlTII ( ASS CO I' NT Y. X Kill! ASK A. Till' USD AY, IT.i!l!l:A Hi. !si:j 8 M A v rLAl H O AP! HAVING made arrangements with the Cincinnati Soap Co to introduce their Soap in this city we will sell their best American White Castile Soap -two cakes for Five Cents for a short time only. Remember this is the best Castile Soap in the Market and is to any Ten Cent Cake of Soap retailed in this city. Don't delay but lay in your supply of Soap at once as the stock on hand is limited. Fred Herrmann. WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM AND IN ORDER TO GET IT WE WILL FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS Make Prices That Will Move Hardware. CLEAN NEW STOCK GOES AT VERY BOTTOM PRICES BURNED HARDWARE AT ANY PRICE J. W. HEN DEE cSc CO. ISAAC PEARLMAN'S GREAT MOIDEjKJST HOUSE-FURNISHING : EMPORIUM, Where you can pet yonr house fiirnised from kitchen to parlor and at easy terms. I handle the world re nowned Haywood Haby Carriages, also the latest Improved "Reliable Process" Gasoline Stoves. CALL AND UK COXVIXCKD. NO TKOUW.K TO SHOW GOODS. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE rieti. 1 .. A THE AT- i F wr f KJ .J i L -BEST A0 COt !i FAATHESTh- ju-rniit of Ha iiiPtHtitMiii'Dus prM" ration and render it. Highly Dy '.- LiMo mid Nutritious. . Ft'ltl'" AM SOLUBILITY OF THE QUEEN'S EMISSARY. The Other Skioof tho Mawiian Trouble Explained. RECOGNIZED BY BKITIAN. An Emissary of the Qneon Arrives On His Way to Washington But is Very Reticent as to the Trouble There. roMMtssoN'Kk-s dl' Tin; Sax Fk,iisi.o, Cal.. Feb. t. The Australia did not dock until '. a. in and it was nearly 1(1 hefore the pas sengers were ashore. Paul Neil man, a member of the cx-i(iceiis Cabinet, was on hoard, on his way to Washington to lay the deposed Oiteeu I.iliunkalani's ease before the State department. Mr. Neiinian was not inclined to he communicative, lie said that owing to the nature of his mission, he must reserve his remarks until he reached Washington. "With Prince David Kawananakoa, the nephew of the late King Kalakaua, lam a bearer of dispatches to the State department at Washington,, said Mr. Neumaii. "The dispatches, the nature ot which 1 cannot dis- lone, state the queen's position in a manner that 1 am sure will have considerable weight with the presi dent and secretay of state." "What is the quean's dispoition toward the United States'?" was asked. "She is an friendly to the United States as anbody on the island, and if the United States wants to annex Hawanii, she is perfectly willing, if it is done propely. The statement that the new constitution promul gated by the queen, and which precipitated the trouble, would disfreuchise the whites, is untrue," continued the queens emissary. "The whites on the island would simply have to become naturalized citizens, the same as in the United States, before they could vote. The queen and the natives objected to having a lot of foreigners, owing tlieir allegiance to other countries, to come in and run their govern ment for them. . i ...... i ii is uiso uniure mat the new constitution was only the forerun ner of an attempt to confiscate the property of foreigners and drive them from the islands. In these days a small country like Hawaii does not treat subject to great powes like the United States and Great Britain in that manner." "Mow do the queen and native re gard the action of Minister Stevens in raising the United States flag and established a protectoraie'r" was asked. "The queen and her loyal sub jects have no objection if the United States chooses to act in such a tnanne'said Mr. Neiiman with a significant shrug of the shoulders. TheHritish minister has recog nised the provisional government aathede facto government of the islands pending further advicss from his home government. Mat ters have been moving along very quiet since the provisional govern ment took hold. Martial law still prevails and though no hardships, thepeople both natives and for eigners chafe under the restriction. No arrests have been made, and only for the presence of armed men in the streets the usual quiet pre vails. On the day the Bteamerleft flags on all public buildings were at half mast on account of thedrowning of Minister Stevens' eldest daughter. K'umors of the intended protec torate began flying as early as s;M) on the morning of l-eburary 1. At Ma a. m: men from the cruiser Hus ton left the armory, matched into the government building grounds and drew up in front of the build, ing. together with three companies of volunteers. The proclamation of the protectorate was read, the United States Hag was hoisted over the building and sultited by the troopsj md the cannon of the Ho- ton. Owing to the fact that some foreigners and one or two newspa pcrs are striving to bring discredit on the new government, this action was deemed necessary fur the quiet of the sland. As the steamer left all was quiet, with no indications of any attempt at resistance to the protectorate. Messrs. N union and Prince David were passengers on the steamer, os tensible m. to Washington to present the queen's side or the question. iMature laws f irovcrniiient of the inlands. An oath of allegiance to the provisional j government as ae-ainst I he over- J thrown luonarchv w.i? prescribed ami generally taken. Il does not effect allegiance to anv other for eign country. An act was also pas sed prohibiting the impoi lation of firearms or explosives, defining treason and the Haw aiian National guard. 1'he deposed queen has retired to hcrsea-sidc house. It is not be lieved she will be able to make any headway against the new govern ment. Among the passengers on the Australia from Honolulu was J. I'. Hush, editor id the native paper calle I The Voice of the Penpl Kditor Hush is a native Hawaiian said: 'The action of Minister Stevens and Captain Wiltse in landing armed sailors from the Hoston was entirely unwarranted. They were not needed and the natives bitterlj resented it. The trouble is that the natives wanted, to govern their own country and were opposed by a lot of foreigners, who were afraid that their interests would be imperilled. There was no such danger, for the native Hawaiian are civilized people and respect the rights of others. The action of Minister Stevens in raising the United States flag and declaring a protectorate was a high-handed outrage and is so regarded by the Hawaiian people. They are perfectly willing to hold close relations with the United States, but want to have a voice as to what those relations shall be and how they shall come about." FIKKH IIY A MOSI.KM MOH. Cotstantixoi'LK, Feb. 10. The United States legatioti here has learned that a Moslem mob burned the American girls' college in Mar. sovan, because the director, Dr. llerrick, was believed to be the in stigator of offensive political agi tation. Political placards had beet) posted on the walls of the college b'jt Dr. Herrick explained to the governor that this was done with, out his consent. The governor was unwilling or unable to protect the college, for he made no effort to de fend it against the mob. FATAL KISIiASE A.MO.Vi CATTLE. Hoook, la., Feb. 13. A curious and fatal disease has broken out among cattle in the eastern part of this and western part of Story counties. It is what has been called hertofore fool and mouth disease. but Prof. Stalker, state veterinary surgeon, has investigated and pro nounces the disease ergotism. A herd of fifty cattle owned byJPar- ley Sheldon of Ames, ami kept on his farm about a mile out of that city, was Hix months ago as fine a bunch of cattle as would be looked for, and were fast fattening for market, dozen or more being ready for beef. Today half of them are dead, and all but probably half a dozen of the remainder will have to be killed. The diseases killing them is caused by eating ergot, a a fungus growth on wild rye, which is on the stalk where the head of grain should be. It grows on low ground among wild hay an is eaten with this by the cattle, causin cir culation to stop at the extremities and resulting in gangrene setting in at the hoof or ankle joints. The feet die and diop off, the animals become weak and emaciated before this occurs. The stilf beards in the wild rye make the mouth of the cattle sore, which causes the dis ease at first to be called foot mid mouth disease. It is the same dis ease that was discovered wix or eight years ago in Kansas. Inves tigation at that time failed to locate the cause of the trouble. Prof. Stalker examined the feed of the cattle and found this wild rye with ergot in the wild hay. which is poisonous to horses and cheep, as well as cattle, though in a less de gree. There seems to he no cure for the cattle once affected. The poisonous heads of rye are almost exclusively found in the hay of wet lands. WAXTi;i Agents to ne our choice anil hardy Nursery Stock We have many new special vari ties, both in fruits and ornamentals to oiler, which are controlled only by us. We pay conitn ; or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of territory. MAY MKOTIIKU1, Nurserymen, h'oehesttr, N. Y. "Crown conuh cure warranttvl to cure by Brown Hnrret. j The provii-ioual I been buisv pa-sin -."A BIG WAR AT TOPEKA. Hough niul Tumblo Street Fit, lit and Noses are Punched. FEAHS AS TO THE RESULT Both Speakers Hwh ir tn Lar.-o Num- Ders ot Assistant Sernei.nts Warrents Out tor thH Ar. rest of Two Populists. iiM-i-.iv , ias fen. il. - war is on in real earnest between the two houses of the legislature and blows have been exchanged. There are now open threats by the populists ot sensational hostilities and at any moment there may be some thing more than the talk which has been so long indulged in. An at tempt today by deputy sergeants at-arnis of the republican house to arrcfd Hen C. K'ich, clerk of the populist house, on orders from I hi.1 republicans, caused a conllict dur ing which two republicans were knocked down and several men on both sides were badly bruised by blows of lists. The encounter oc curred in the very center of tin city and created the greatest excite inent. What will be the outcome of the trouble no one attempted to fortell, but it is generally agreed that tomorrow will witness the most exciting si cues known in Kansas for years. W. F. Hoch of Marion arose in the republican house at ll:3."i o'clock this morning and, after reviewing the history of the muddle, said that the people of the state were tired of the waste of time and demanded that it get down to business. He knew only two ways to settle the question cither to knock down or to go into the courts. He did not believe in the knockdown policy. but he was sutisfied the courts would bring about a settlement. He thereupon offered a resolution for the arrest of Hen C, Rich, the populist clerk, on the charge of dis turbing the legal house by his ac tions. The serjeants-at-arms buc ceeded in finding K'ich, after con siderable search, in the parlor of thcDutton hotel, read the warrant to him and demanded that he ac company thetn. John W. Hrieden thal, Fred Haily and others inter fered in behalf of K'ich and immed iately there was a great crowd of people in the hotel. After a brief struggle the crowed movf d out up on the street, and with K'ich in cus tody of both republicans and pop ulists, up the avenue. At the corner of Ninth and Kan sas avenue the republicans tried to run Rich over to the Copeland house and a warlike scene followed. In the struggle Representative Ryan kuockekone of the republi can sergeantB-Ht-arins down and immediately astride of him, while John W. Hreide'nthiil hail to use force to get rid of a republican who was trying to pull him away from Rich. Other men exchanged blow but nobody was seriously hurt. In the end the populists got their man away and took him to the governor's office, from where, a few minutes latter, he was triumphal) tly escorted into the hall of the house of representatives, bin wife holding one arm and Representa tive Wordsworth of Anderson the other. His appearance in the hall was greeted with cheers and clap ing of hands. I' A X A I A 1 X x-1-s i l ( i A 1 1 ox . New Vokk, Feb. U- The Panama investigation committee cd the na tional house met here today and ex amined H.iyard, who at various times accepted the position of gen eral agent, secretary and purchas ing agent of the pauama company. He declared that he never any disbursements except those he wasoflicially authorized to make. He was instructed to appear this afternoon, with his books and pa p 'rs. Secretary Colne of the Ameri can commission testified that he turned over his books h (jeneral Hristow six months ago. Nathan Appletou of Hoston was the first witness called alter the re cess, in i'.i h received a letter from De I.esseps asking him to ac- ct pt the position of general agent of the canal company in this conn- try. His idea was that the share of the company should be placed on sale by the national batiks of this country. He estimated the cost of the canal at ifJDO.tKM.ajf). In issi) a subscription for fiM.OOO.OtX) of the stock was opened in this country and was a great success. The amount was covered three times over. At that time he had not heard of the American committee, lie had draw n a .-.alary 1,00(1 a year as general agent of the company eer -ince, through ihe bunking house ot . W. S. Seligmah. Ti earn this salary he did all he could to promote the interests of the pro. ject by writing articles for the pa pers, having himself interviewed, etc. induce ments were olf.-red Thompson to give up the secretaryship of the n ivy and accept the pi c.-i Icney of the A iiiericau company. I. A Mi wool i, X. J., Feb. I.-M. Cleveland officially announced the names of four members of hi cabinet through the United Pres this evening. They are as follows: Walter O. Grcshaiu of Illinois, secretary of state. John (1. Carlisle of Kentucky, secretary of the treasury. Daniel S. Luinont of New York, secretary of war. Wilson S. Itissetl of Huthtlo post-lllastes-geneial. On making the announcements, Mr. Cleveland Haiti: "There is no need of any mystery in regard to the cabinet and it is useless to speculate und indulge in guess work. I shall make no secret of the matter, but shall announce the names of gentlemen selected to fill the positions as fast as I receive theiracceptance and permission to make the matter public." t Mr, Cleveland would say nothing in regard to the other positions or the men who have been mentioned in connection with them. It is evident that Hoke Smith, Hilary A. Herber and others who have been mentioned me still under con sideration. A conference which will probably Kettle Mr. Hoke Smith's chances one way or the other will beheldatMr Cleveland's office in New York some day this week. Senator John Martin of Kansas and Dr, S. J. Neely of the same state had a long talk with Mr. Cleveland today. They put in a Mrong claim for a representative in the cabinet from Kansas. Senator Martin urged the selection of ex Governor (. W. (Hick and left I.akewood in a happy frame of mind as to the chances of his candidate. Henry Waterman and wife of Liu- coin came down Tuesday mnminir, returning in the evening. From whisperings here and there among financial men it is safe to gues that one of these days the news-papers of this town will have some big news to print about the organization of a bank to fill the avoid left by the collapse of the Capital National. One underground report has it th it some of the "big men" of the Hurlington railway are going to back the hank heavily, and that it will be a larger bank in every way than any now in the field. Nothing more delinate can be given than this rumor which may or may not be founded on fact. Lincoln Journal AWFUL SKIN DISEASE Covered II end to Feet with Rralea. Could not Work. Could not Sleep. Wished II erne If Dead. Rend of Oiitlciira. Cot the Remedies. Relief Immediate ami Cure Speedy and Complete. t feel thankful for your wonderful Crrirrti RrdiTiim whirl) harp rurrd me of an nwfiil kin ti'm-M from whli-h 1 nufforiil for nino yi-.tra umi from which I endun-d the gronti-nt torture. 1 w;i eovereil Ironi head to feet with r:ily dirtr-u'i'. I could not work. My hand were ho oro 1 could tiot wiirth, uud often I wltdu-d my-'-lt deml. I would fit up all ninht In my chair u ith dolli wrappi'd around rue, and rry with iiaiu. I tro-d i-vcrythliitf I could h .,rnf. Nothing M-t-mrd to do me the leant pood, until I an arivt-r-t!iui,-ni in the ucr of a wonderful cure by tho I'lTiri'iu Kkmhiuh. I told my huxtiand tlio duo-am1 waa the aumn a mine. lie. ifot me iha i'i Tir-t'Ht KixiDica, und lief. lie I hud taken o lit eel they Kiivn rue great rel.ef and I could aloep, 1 U"t more of jour CI TlcTlu, Ci'Tiitha Soap. and ('I in i n ItKKoi.vr.ST an' Ihey cured me. 1 uiii u.-ll now, and I intod iiuiHu your mt-diciuti. Uh. UAKY THOMAS, Kliuer, Mich. Cuticura Resolvent The new Itiood and Skin Purifier, Internally (tn t-l.-uri-e the Mood of all iinpuhliea and poiwinoif i i. -mental, and CUTii't na, the ureal r-kin Cure, and i niinii soap, an ei'iniHile Skin llenutilier, ext rnally (to clear the akin and ei-nlp, and rei.toi 'In Imiri, Ufiantly relieve and aju-edily cure eeiv -;--eiea ni itt-hina, tmrnint;, acaly, minted, pimply, - lofuloiM, and hereditary dlm-AM-a and huuiora of iln kin. ylp, and Mood, with loaa of hair, from uf.tiiry 0 .ore, from pimplca to aerofula. Ccn i i; ill Kinr are Ihe i;reatei.t Skin I'urea, Hlood I'uiiliera, and Humor Itviucuic of uioderu Uuiea. P i!d errrrwhere. I'rire, CtTtrrRa, We.; Sii, .' : Ki.koi imr, th Prepared hy the I'ovrkii I'll ,i M C II K If AL I'lllll'OMATlON, lioatutl. H'" How to Cure Skin Pieae," til naijea, . lii-iairatioiia, and l'KJ U-atiinoniaU mailed free. Mri.KS.Maokhenda, red, rmiuh. chapped, ud ill oily akiu cured by Cltrika Soai-. I CANT BREATHE. Cheat l'alna. floreneaa. Wenkneaa. Tlacklnf CoiikIi, .Antlinia, I'leuriav. 'and lotUmmatina relieved In ohm minute bv the Cntleiirit Antl-I'ala Vltiilr. lS'oUung like U for Weak Lunga.