1 N WA-.K. IlKKAU): IM.ATlSMonil, N Kill! ASK A, Fi-.I.r.i KM). .s::,. KENT WHY AH;:: 'OU WE All? i lAUGHTEK and health A Ir.; I.lPOoL. 1 0 RAVE YCU TBIEU CKJGS kill FAILED TO FIND A CURE? EM! 1 iSit f 'AND SUSPENSORY FORT5 .f 1 .. l ,1 nil . mL.: W "NT- 'I II . f 1 -Sk., - ,1 k? kW "lit"'"" 1 1 fl I f r" f- rrni I t-r trrn . 'r ... .rrrvn i WV'IESS"? J.1Eg :r . FnoMf tos Debilit Seminal Weak- OH MOM v?i ''fv. if nesSlLosse&drainsimpotency or. .; .:iM?iv-. lost Manhood Rheumatism. '-vbX Back Kidney Troubles. Nervou v ' litfh BiifTnrers t trial Lame SNESS Sli epless;jessRx)sMemorVxGem"Ral IllHealth V inn niiunvi iti'ij:'s( i-.nvpri-n. wily nun e.piiHliro. riir lit our u. inventus in em ion, w lllt'll rispllri'll 1. In vour ikrnonince nl ertei-is nr hv eiis-i.i.1-. iirpv.stc m uf nerve lorceui.d vitality w Melt hi4ta nr lurk fif fiireA If ., p....!...... ...i your BJSICIU I lie eit. vill rcinnvothecu'i.-'O !' way. Thlslsour plan e Our iilll) rnu vounu. in I II d 1 A , .;."7.,.v.a Hired find iilil innu. Mint .culctl. Ireu. Ir. fMiiiili'ii'H Kfr!i,m Ulirirlc licit is mi eiierinieiit, as we have restored thousand. t'lTobmt huulth anrl ' - viiinr, after all other treatment lulled, hi cuu he shown t 1 nndredsof cn-scs throughout this (Mate, who wimlil iilu.llv tc.ii ily, and Iroui (uauy uf Whulunu kat Uurg totter. Ujarmx tiisuwouy tu I heir recovery alter uninii out llcll. I M i i'i N.m'vh- iinil Liv-rlMI , Act iMi o neu prieiplo regulating ill ii or. stomach .i nl bowels i!ui.u-!i the nerve i. A new li -.-, v- I ' " IV. Mill's pi, Is SplVilnV CUIY j biliousness, had lasle. torpid liver I piles, 'nntii,i!iii I' iifipi.ilcil lur , nn I., wiuiii-ii ;i nil I'iiililrvn. SiiiiII , iiiil.(-t, tirl. .") ios's:.'.' viiiipli'-i r.'f ;it ll. Iv-iclt,-A Ci's II.h Uii - Imi m.iki s tiimli Ilif I'lini.ilc won't iii;ii'i' with liiin; Wife Wi-ll I'm- trii'd il fur twi V''iii iiml I never eoiiKl ,l, it r.r exnosunv la clfclrli irs we linve a rt'liuf ;iml ci;rc' in tn run- vmce i ti' inn. kiti k'!il. you limy '' tiavt'iiiHlulydraliieilymir ily uiul thus caitsfd yur wi'iifcpi ill ami health, alreni.Mli mj vinnr will tolluw ut oticeaml in theuaturui Hj 3. bik "Tliri-r iiinmr of Blcn," olniuM to reail by ererj WE HAVE CURED THESE-WE CAN CURE YOU! KEBVOVS DEEIUTV AMI WEACXKSS, Obakt ttAPTO, VIrh., VoTfmbrrl!t. IPt. 1 Tt. A. T. HaM'KN. iMtir Rir : In ivtilv to voiir lute ffuvur, liavr ton.iy that I think your In-. Snmlni KuM'tnr iMlt 0110 or me frri-ait flt invt'titiuti ir tlie nuifUt'tif n 'i mturV.IHMl rolinhhT tt ll liunr imv' rt til uift'iil. ful- trmnl f i flu Hi? th limn y afthrttt on thistvirttt, Aiut 1 know Unit Utrotiti nie iM'veralct ytnir bcits mvi Innboltl.t parti taiftn irroau-t tutlitTuctit-n. Art to nivm-lf I uiiiuhH! luy fifun v.cariiii.npnf ynurlf trtc Ult!.iuxl m thirty ikmium-h. i. wrr than bt:fnn u-mg it. Iciitcr z ftuuj iuiu ti uiii' mi ii t-MiiiHii'mi nmr in tu . 11. IN. WlM.1.., 0 bhuvMiiut Avenuu. CENEBAL DEBILITY, EKYOrSNEH. :i' DlL A. T. P.'X.FN. h.-.ir h r .Tin KUi'i nr b- ll 1 r- epivt'J from voiiht A?n ii 1m -nloiii-ji.t i. It- nrinni' ins ( (to, i can Miy it in.s Onm- inin tor in" thun uii tif Itifdirlno i linvntnlnii in thni- ytTirn, 'flu'iin.i l pot l'UO.Ai:riE&lDt,NX F U1EH TEOW CO. MoVMomi, in., Oot t. DR. A.T. Pavtfn, IVnrFIr t-TlifKuiden HtMtile lleli ii -h I jitin linwil of yitii iwnyrHin no workoil to n y 1 STIKt KATlMTACTItiN, fttld I tiki Illl'ilMm ui ni'OIH ineiiihnir it t . nv of mv trlin'i who an nlHu iiii with uilnif ntH for l. pourr of winch t ho bt-lt in ri-finnnuMicli il. Kouipviiy tiuly, WJI. I.ANNA, riVH.Wr I low Ctf. LAME HACK, kIDM V IlHKANi:, AC. rnirr,o, tVlohri-n.'W. rn. A.T. Wkpfv, TVnr fllr--IU ih to rt nifvlli .t I li.tv.) ti-wdthe bahtliii Klitrtrio belt fr.r laim h:u k uitl ki'hu'v tioubif, mill my t ltne ni11iti(l th.it 1 hfio uTi'iviit i (iii!i!h-Ui-iin I most clm'ttiillvrrt'onuiH'Tiil Uicpi. Ynii.-h.&f., JAMKB MILLS, 47th and Kiuziit t, liEt'031 MEMH HIE IIELT TO ALL, K ssii City, Kfinpa. Oftobrr 3th. Pr A T Rui vv It. mi Kir Vi.nrMi.l th..'ri-l, nut '-.if. V '! !.. hi. ) 1 wilt sj.v in ivtilv tl'it vi Mir No. ft. I'r Par tint l- tfi'lrif I'.i lt li-ia irivi n in nl will if ml Inn nml hut ilntii, ik1 it i i h iu ii ui ii uiii j i it mi , pti ti t,ri"'t? t"'t'jii iy 1 1 on 1 1 ui" n vouuimui ir-"H. rrom now on I muiii n-e it niMl i.,' hiu-'il w;is in fry d'i v, rml kii'ov it mil bririif rue out a vi-ry iNior condition. I .mi-Ii -l m it,r tiinf I cot t In-It lirj MiuniN, but fit iri -cht v i i; im." nr. v(-ii?ht it 1' W 1 ruouiuiuciul jrour btlb to ull. BUoi;iLl.L(i:Mirnn;;M, O. K. I 1 iivc vrm'i: ymir u t-'n,l r coi: inriid tofvvcrril ticro. llojiui you u i'l pi 1 1 it. iin v inotT, I am, ourMni'T. L. b.bl LUUV, Iamv llvx lU,t:.ti.&Lu;iuu THE DR. .AtVOt-U ELECTRIC UF.LT IsscomplptOBiilvanlr'binii r . mii'lo Infn a belt so n:i !,o easi'y wnm rturlriif work or ntrPPt.ani? If. gives siKithint', r Ih'ut I eii i . wii.rh ri fn-l.ii.t th-oin:li rit rll wtoU parn. nr wt Iiirti lt yo.OOO. It has an lllip ivi-d l!i'(rii' (-litrflK-ory, lliifiiMM'.-l I. i ever nivcn weak ni n ru we warrant it toeurn i'iiy ni i lie u'i . -.vi-uliiii'ifH ., a mi! in .i'liri;i ihrnrkrii lnvlw, or part. .r illourv K elunili'tl. 'l'liey are if i ii '. h: sri- ii in inc. i nil -i .);,. .r , aki'es in yi.i::i-:. u nUilu-ayeCui'ijIJ men, anil will cure the w. rt i ..j . .. in h,,i or tiiree iii.iilh-. aiiuiess fur tu I liiliirnii I inn. SANDEN ELECTS JC CO.. iGot.aSctiSESt., C5!!CACO, IL!, 1 i ii.iinn UALIVI -( leiinx a the inn mill J nll.i mill :i I Oiti i;etnri-a ' nate ntui im'li, inn iMiii'ii, iuiu i "rrIWn7lArtrVfll 3 1 (Ivi'K Ki'lit'lat . mien tori iilil in lleail. Avvly into fne Snttrilt. It it (jtii.-k'u Ahtnrhnl. inc. l'riiKKi'tMor ''y llla'l- KI'V UltOS.. rni VNurren St., N. Y. RAILKUAD TiME TABLE. Ill KMMiTOM A nisSOl Kl 1(1 VHt K. It. (iOI.VC WKST- I). inrt l''lver .. I :t:t.i u in v. I'lis-t-tiut-r No S :i:i l in I'uMM-iiKcr ." !:mi ii I'iiswiiKiT Nil 7 5:17 i in I'nsi'iiKcr To!), vin Louisville ... 4:IOin 1'asf.eniser .u i'l 7:15 u in l''reii:lit .No '.'!i, vin l.imi-ville :miiin Kreiulit .o 7"i, to Sunt Ii Ointiliu... Ii:."i0a tn OtilNC KAST Klyer .No 2 ,. 5:17 p in rasM-iiKer No I tiii.'ll h in I'MSM-nuer No ll IL':'.'."!!! in l'asiMier Noi 7:41 i in rasi-cim-r No 10 icl.'ui m Mst l 111 I'll II It IIAII.liO.il). (;i; Nok'Tii- N'o. I 5:4711. im. Nu.;i li:4ii i. ill. No. l.C 4:il p. in. OOINtS MMTII No, '.' 1 1 :tC tl. til No. . Il.ver '.':ll i. in No. iri iylit h:."ii n. ill ' i ' . V. i tv .' ' AMI' v'. :c".' M W. A. tiii i'H ev. tniMt iii ill F. mill Muii'lii) I V niiK" i" ia!-i im I - 1.-11:11:: ii 'Ulili it " well'. .me l!,ui-ei. . f . : I'. tt i ilcnlier::er, V . A.. v ink1, t'li rii J ()l(iii: ti- 'I UK Wdlil.O. Meet ut 7 : ,'tn ' ' evi l) Mi lm,i eveniiij.' at Hie l.la'.lil A1111J lull. A. I'. 1 01 .1 11, ii''iilt ni. Miiih Wnllniti s"i,ntniy. V o f W No S -Meet lirst til thinl Kri ila evening 01 eueh inont h 11 1 1 I ) O I1 liall. l-runk ernivlea M U : J Ii Uarwiik, rocoiiler. (J A I K.Mi 'oiiiliic I'nst No. 4"i nn"ts ever lur :.v rvimiliL' at 7 : -M in heir Hall lh i l:wn.i'l I lin k All vlMtnii; I'niiii.iil mi roMiulh Ii vile'i t 1 eet Willi us. Kreil Hates I tii-i Ailjiil.tul ; K. Mies, l oi- 1 (iiiiiiiailili r. I'XIiiHTS OK l-Y'l'lllAS-tiaiintlet Loilue No-17. Meets every Veilne-ilay eve iiinu at tlieir liall over liennet A 1 nit's, all visiting kniulits lire conlially invited to Hlteiul. M N Uritlitli, C C: Otis t'ovey K of K ntui S. o f V No M Meet fecotiil unl (onrtli l'riila v evenins in t lie inont Ii ut 1 I) O K Hall. M milium, M V, K i' lirown, reeonleJ. llM t-H lUlS OK HKHKft'A l.uil ( Plum lJ I LiHlue No. 40 meeta tile nediml anil loiiitli i ll lslay eveiih n uf i .u li tnoiitli III the I O. (). I . Ii:. II. Mm. T. K. Williams, N (i. ; Mia .lohii Cory, 8eeiet:iiy nWJKKK OK IIONOK-.Mfets the llrwt unit tliinl Tliriirsiluv evenings ot eai li month In I.O. O. K. hall, HtKcralil liloek. Mrs. Aililie Smith, Worthy Siwterof ilonor Mrw. Nannie Unrkel, ninter wetretury. DKUKKK OK llt)NOhr-lvy lodue. No. VI nieels lirst anil thinl Thursday of each month in K.ot i. hall, t:r, nister secretary fetellu Truv I'LACKS OF WOKSH1P. Oatiiih.U'.-SI. raul'M I'liiirrli. uU, lieleei. Fifth ami Sixth. Father I'utiiey, rastur Hervlees : .Missal Mill to -M A. M. 8linUa) Sclltiul at : l, u illi benetltrttiu.. (HiitsTiAN. t'niuer l.ji'iist ami Klplith M :erviee iiii)Hilii(! anil t- f 1. )HK - hitter A t!:iiowiiy puslor. Huuday Heliuol in m. ;i.i.i)iiKi) lurns'i. Mt. olive, oak. between IVutli ami Kleeutli, liev. A. Itocwell, pas tnr. Servlees II a. 111. ami 7 ::U p. tu. l'rajei iiieeliiui Wriluesilay eveiilui!. Ynt'Nll MknS ('Hill-.'! I V AssllCIAII N- Uoiiiiisin alerinaii blm k, Mam Nll'eel. tlns .e! ineel mi!. fr lueii only, every Siimlny kl L ' 11 n i m at 4 ii'eltiek. Ko'iiiiik open week (lay from M::n a. 111 .n : :tu p. ia. KriS"OI'AI..-SI l.llke'.s CtlUll'll, t'oi hit I 111 111 :tin! me. Ilev. ii ll. l;iii te. pa-tor. Ser viees : 1 1 a. m . a il 7 :Su F. i . Suml.i) Si hou al i :M p. M. . 1 k 1 1'. For Atchitison. Sl. Jost'pli, I.eiiveti worth, Kansas City, .St. l,oui.s, ami all pointstK'th.i'ast Hontli or wt'.-t. Tick i'ts sold and ba; Kacr cfiorkcd t o a it y point in Hit I'ti it i'.1 St a It's or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO KA l i AND KOl'TKS Cull at Depot or address II, C. Town si; xi), C. P. A. St. Louis.. Mo. J. C. I'mudi'i-i. A. O. I A. Omaha. H. I). Al",AK. Ajft., riattstnouth Teletihone. 77 ; S M B" us. y phis. A Mini n ( It L. ... I'l'lM" . . . .I.'-' (..!'; . i- a '.t;:il!'l f r.ii'ly ,.r t I .ll .H i I l-l 1 '!!. .Ml 1 1 1 ! I; 'ni l, ! v il- : 'Lie il. . js.it ,iln 'ia i i.lll S Ml , , . -' bverv 1 " t .'riily ;.:.t , i. i l K ;ihn !:'i k ' li1' 1 1' i.li- 1111- t,i t'lis ni!.', it ti'id 1'rl'ii.M', i 1: hi T ; ; 1 "i ll. is nut ii Mi'uii'.' ' ! '' A..O i a n.p i'l' 1 ly ;:i ink i.ia.i u.is .11 1 vi r i ii Ii. mi' ip :i ' :i L l' a r i l;:;ti t:'.''.!. is . :t M. aim I Mf ;.c,ij u lur.in i:i vai'iiiii:; iihi t; 11 ol" i;Ti 'at cii;iu.siiiiij Aclniitti'd the Fct. Ncw-ipaper editors h ive to U- very eanliil in opeiiiiio- their miliums for stiiteinciiis Hut aw. ire that the Dr. Miles Medical C'n. are respmisi ble, w make room lor 1 lie folniwiiio tesliiiionial iri .1 1 1 K. McDoiiiill, An hiirii, 1 ml., who lor two years not iced a stoppage or skipping of 1 lie pulse, his left .side pit .so tender lie could not lie on it, his heat t llntlered, lie was alarmed, went to diifeient doc tors, found no relief, hat one liolilc of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured 1 1 till. The eli'o'imt honk, "New and Stai llino- Facts." free al F. (!. I 'ricke Co. It tells all about heart and nervous disease and many wonder ful cul'ss ;j, Tilton - Since Hastings ins ipiit drinUiiiLS" be bought his wife a beau tiful bract let. Mrs. Tilton I suppose it's a bi chloride of pdd one, I h ive been troubled with chronic catarrh for years. Fly's ("refill Main i the only remedy aiming the many that I have used that atfords tin; relief.- F. W. Will.ird, Druist, Joliett, III. My son has been al'llicted with nasal cjitarrh since rptite youti. I was induced to try Fly's Cream Halm, and before he had used one bottle that disagreeable catarrhal smell had all left him. He appears is wt 11 as am one. It is the best catarrh reitK'dy in the market. -J. C. Olmstead, Areola. 111. "What beautilul fresh color Miss Dunbar has." Carrie Yes; the druggist said he hadn't h id it iu stock more than a Jy- Won'lerful Gnnis, Dr. Miles' Nervine not only1 cures al nervous diseases, headache, bines, nervous prostration, sleep lessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, lils and hysteria, but also builds up the body.' "I am pleased to say that titer years of intense suffering with nervous disease, headacheand pros, (ration, I tried Dr. Miles' Restora live Nervine, and iu two weeks trained eiiiht pounds in weight. I could not lie down to sleep, but now sleep perfectly easy, and am im proving wonderfully. Cannot say cuotiuli for the Nervine. -Mrs. L. Mil.LAk'D, Dunkirk, N. V." One c is tonier used Nervine and gained fif teen pounds iu tlesh. HK'OW.X A M A Yhi'KY, Cortland, N. Y. Trial bottles and elegant book free at F. (). I'ricke A Co u. CURE Blck noadache and1 relieve U tbotrrmblM fncf. dent tu abiliou. state of the ijitom, such afl Dlrr.inPHS, Nausea, Drowaluea., Distress after catnifr, fain lu the Hide, he While tuetrmoat penjarkable auccoHU lias boen sUowu lu curing SIOC BnadaehB. yet Carter'! Llttlo ttver ntlf are) equally valuable. In Consolation, eurlnn and pro. Venting thiannoylnucouiplaliit,whlli they also cnrreclalldisonti 1 sot tbestoma:li stimulate tll9 liver and regulate the bowels. reo IfUiejonl mm Acli.they would boalmoatpriceless to tliosawlia ufair fnun thisiliatresfinn complaint; butfnrtu natsly tlicirpooduewi ttte. nutuiul !i"rn,anil thusa vhounretry tliemwill tlnd thoao lltlln pillnvaltt. fible In .0 many way. that they will not be wit. ling tudo without Uiem. But alter allilck hoaj Is tb bane of .0 many Hts that here in hr Vremakeotir great boaeU Oiirpiilacurollnhlle Other, do not . Carter. Little Liver Tilts are very smalt anil very easy to take. One or two l illa luakoadoae. They aro strictly veneU'ilo and do not (tripe or purRn, but by tliuir lieutljaolinu pli.isoall whi Usethem. Iu v1.1t.1at SSeeiifn : Uvnfor f 1. bokl by druKfiits everjwiiero, or n.ut by mail. CARTER mOIOINE CO., Hr York. SKALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SVIALLFRICE F'.HST Mstiioihni. Sixlh Si , tietwt'll Miiin aiii! tViirl, Kev. I.. F. linlt. ll. I). u:isli r, service- . II (. M . . S :mi p. M rul:in Si'liool H::i'iA M. I'liiyt r ini'i lii i! eiliie.silay eveu- 111. a. Jf-r. tA i" 1 t - I-.....-.I.- i,,i.(ii.,r i.t( n,ii. --" a it ion., ll 1,1.1.. .s 1), r.. I it,' . ' !-'. v !'t"- 11 1. ... 1 v rnrc '-"" ' ''" .'("'.'. r.Nl IlLC "t s I 11 "'siivTKlti 1 s - t ru er .Main .nut Niiilli. Ki v. Wnie, pas: i.r, snvires iisii.c '"'MM. s.i:,l,,l Si'lpMil !l A, 11 .s ! I IIIMI I ONOHUI 1 lli.N'AI. - t,l i.llltl', tie-I'V-e , I Mil. 'Ii,, I s,vth. i Kl' Sll I l 11 1 .- -rl 1,-i's m pen e inn eli, eor -1 i t Mih ntui (.1,11. He . I'i-v . .1 . 1. Iliilril, rastur. similiiv-ii'i .ml at !i;.)i; I'ri'iii'liliig at II 11. ni.e'.d p. in, i lie . U.S. ('. K 1 1 tht" elinieli tin ets every s-cibatli I'Vi'iiir" lit 7 in the l :iven:n, n"( I in- i liuri li. All are Invited to 111 lei, u llie.e meet niys. p, ter "Don't you think thai CJu-s-sy and Annie love each other." Chollie-Well I should say they do. They were talking yesterday and s;iid nothing but, 'Oh, Oussy denr," ami "Oh, Annie dear." According to the census of lS'.KI, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of l,(tys'7ti people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and. when wu do. wt can find no better line than the "Hurling-ton R ttte." Three fast and comfortable rains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. FraiiTis, (ieueral I'assenger mid rit ket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Hird Critchfield was iu the city last Thursday and reports business ys being quite lively out ut Klni wool. faukIii'S Ftf ...;" 1 MAIH l! ALSAM re .(. I !..-. .ml I.-...I,. tl..' I.,:r ,7'.-.-i. ,.v,.N-v"i- tali. 1. 1 J.-1i.re (ir.i: r ' "it' ' '" " Vontl ml Coler. K .'v.'''w 4lt I'uf'i s .ne it."'-!!..'.. Jiatr I: llli. Js'v -: '' )' .'.w ... ! y I ... ni in..-i-.u The Consumptive nnd Feeble ,ii .11 nil. r I nun li.ii.ni. it .1 .....- h,,,i-i. I u-i- H.rkiir'a (.ini r Voilll. It riir..ilii. M.ir.l I '0111:11. S . u. l.inii;., I irlj,.,..v . I tliiilioli. l.m.ir W'.ln ... It)..-Illll.ll.lll .I'll i'llll. iHC. 1 f I. kiui:ii. Kit., ut Itruuu. HINOERCOhNS. Th. onlr nn chit fur Cnroa blot .li hUkvt ...ki FeniHla Weakness Positive Cup;, To TlIK KlUToK': I'lease inform your readers that I have a positive reined y for thousand and one ills which arise from derauged female organs. 1 .hall be glad send two boll les ot my remedy I k-t:!-: to any ladv if they will send t'leir express andl. O address. (,ilrH respect fully, l)K'. II. D M i.i nisi, I ricx. New York. eUULv-IL 11 COMPOUND. A recent discovery h an oM l.bysii'l.iu. Mi. ' ... tullji .i'i tn,uU'u I'V liiu..'iw..s l.i. V A1'1"'' ' lie only i '-rr, ci) n,if,i iy biiiI rt'ilaiihi ii'i'illelnn illhi-m. JIT ..r.,.l ... l ...I ttril.-t.l. Hlld nIT. ..,.. .!... meJIi lnes In plneeof nils. Ask fur C'ook'h loins In sit 1 1 hi'iiitmi. did' noMiti.'i''iri',orliielwel nii'l lUenls In iHntiiKoln letter, unit we w ill send, senled, by return reiuk J nil B.'.il. il luirtliiulur. IuiJlnlu tOVi;l'iie, to lu ll.', only, g stumps, Adiiii a I'oml I. Ily 1'iinipniiy, No. y 1 Ijkjr tlwck, Uclruil, likh. Iirs.il.l in I 'liiltsinoui h by (ieriug i to., r. ti. i ricke .V I o., Drown iV llarrett O. II everywhere. and ilisi-i'ii :o. i. "Tin si. ii,-. ,i it M'l-i.isas if I shoulil t:;'!'" K:i 1 Hill' V:,,l..,li 1 1 1 Jl ill Uli'l', J.s ' ..: y s.k-ik cii'li iin i a rocking cliair t.iul ili i.iisi;,'i t ii 'ir biuiilli s on th. 11" Tl:ey Ltv,:tll to pock violelllly; i ;i.'li liii-lie l lace grew reildcr anil rcdil.T. 'i'liiy hint not Miingth ctioimli tn talk, hut they Mckeil steadily on. ui.til "Cais lcmly I'd:1 SHiantinn ini'i way stations!" stnoU' the an-. Al tliisclieeringaiiiioiinceineiit tilt two women ; siiit d tlieircxerciso. ratliercd u; t licit-1 nuultfs aiut walked lifelessly nut to I'.U' train. Tliei-o was a iniuilli' a red man win, came- in wiili his wile a'ul two lioys. "Sojihy," lie r-aid. as he sat down heavily mi one of the bciicjies, ,-l 't's all keep si ill and get ivs,.,t or,. V, hac to ,o iotit!i.it .smothering ear." And .Sijiliy figrei d that it would lx wise to do so. In tin; twenty minutes that lh" group sat ia tliontatiou tiieman who was going to "keep still" crossed mid uncrossed his legs fourteen limes ac cording to the elderly gentleman's count. H::s wife buttoned nnd un buttoned tier jacket four times and made live thorough examinations of the contents of her bag. The chil dren made a dozen cvcursioiis to the door. Among all the tired people who cume and went during tho elderly gentleman's, sojourn in that wailing room there waH not oao who kept perfectly titill. As iu ii philosophical and pitying mood lie recounted his observations at supper, his wifo said smiling: "Poor things! They didn't know the first principle of rest. And you were tired too, my dear; I can see that from your forehead." Tho elderly gentleman roso hastily from the table; one glance at tho telltale mirror convinced him that, while sitting in judgment over that railway assemblage, he had been vigorously employed ut his old time trick of rubbing his forehead tho wrong way. Youth's Companion. r J iuvery Smoker's Nose knows w hen it is rleusoJ. li is r.'-svt p''.'s with the Irji.rdnt u.u r.tJ; ,r -:i.t i f BJackwcir OisJJ Durham Smoking; 1 obacco U'iiiilt has lcen for nmre than a ci;art:r ei :i teiilury the tV..;re anj delight of oiiiit.i-t lovcts everywhere, it stiikcs liw l.t-.te ut many fa.stiJious unokers. lry It. P'lacl.wtH'3 Durham Tobacco Co. DHRIIA5.T M r I V.-wTV ( JT r . i i Nwallouhii; liolera IM lerolien. Two well known Munich physi cia ns Professor Pettenkofer and Professor Lmnierich have, iu tin? interests of science, been making some daigei'(msexK'i inn'nts with the dreaded cholera microbe. Choosing a time when they were both in full health, they swallowed a large (plan tityof comma bacilli, and the result of the risl- y e.M'j ii:ient h;is bee!i to prove, tit Ic-ist so far us they tire con cerned, that these 'edged tools" may be played v.iih in comparative. Nile ty. Their general health has not been all'i eh d at a'!, though both for a time sufered trom diarrhea. Professor t'l'ttenkofer concludes therefore that epidemic cholera is in duced not by any disposition toward the disease in' individuals, but only by local conditions, which thorough cleanliness and good sanitary ar rangements iv.u remove. London Tit-Bits. (holly's Ahsiirbla 'I roubles. 'AVhat's tho matter, Chollyt" said u friend of that young man's, who dropped in on him just as In; was get ting ready to go out for the evening. "I'm in a deuce of a worry." "What alM.ut:" "Too many guhls gave me neck ties foli pwesents, don't you know !" "That's nothing to bo troubled over." "Oh, yes it is. I tell you it's next to impossible to keep twack of which guhl gave which necktie, so he won't weah wong tie to beo tho wight guhl, don't you know. And yet if 1 go ewazy I just bet they will sayitwa cigawets! " Washington Star. An Old Kentucky Wnmnn. Iii Bell county I spent tho day in the house of a womau eighty yearn old, who was a lingering representa tive of u nearly extinct type. She had never been out of the lieighlior hood of her birth, knew the moun tains like a garden, had whipped men in single handed encounter, brought down tunny a deer and wild turkey with her own rifle, and now, infirm, had but to sit hi her i ,ibin door and send her trained dolrs into I the depths: of the forest to discover j the wished for game. I had in ver looked on a fu ller woman. "Bhu (lias's Begion of KetiUieky." Tim Mil! In l . Fond Mother That 1.1 v buy .n iuss j the street js ; tun I bov. is,i 1 i;,., luy 'pel? t I Little Sin-Xo'm "Isn't l.e ' T'li'i, v ' li.ei t ( oil il:iy v. it ii h):ii :" j "Jlis llloth"!' Well t 1"! 1:1". " (i,,o.l ! ..v. i Ala. I, VJ,.,... ! Yoiirg Man I ie ipe v mi cm pi'opj iae to la: more tnan a h.i, v i,, nie. Young Woman-1 can. I'll be a .smdernnd ilriigiiista m"ll"'r to You. us 1 am foiug U unary your lulLer. -Life. I'd iiiiiir i:iiei i. or the tii ip, "I wonder if the grip will mao a visit to this city," said young Yan Braam as he and his friend Larimer sat at breakfast lit Mrs. 1 laslicrolVs hoarding house. "It wouldn't surprise me if it did," replied the la! ter. "By the way, did you ever hear of such queer elfeets follow ingany oilier disease as come after the cl ip in many cases;" "1 don't know that ' I have. Still, one never knows what is going to follow iin at lack of typhoid fever." "Title enough, but the efl'ecU of grip are more startling. What do you think of a St. Lmis man who had a relapse from grip and his teeth all dropped outf" "1 don't doubt it. I heard of a case where u relapse from grip wiw followed by the patient's eyea drop ping out." "Young gentlemen," interrupted Mrs. llasherofl, "when did you have the grip"' "Never had it," both replied si multaneously. v "I was almost sure you had, for in some rases it leaves its victims in capable of telling the truth." Pats- j burg Chronicle-Telegraph. i Scene In ii Kunhiiiii t'lnireh, j A miracle working picture of the1 virein lady of Smolensk attracted! intu h tittiiition, and many ki vt s were lavished on the glass which protected it. While we were exaiii-1 iiiing wifh some interest this highly ' venerated work of art a woman i dressed liken peasant itppronchcd us', carrying a basket covered with uj white cloth. From this basket she! produced a Hindi phhd containing an t.ily looking liquid, which she of fered for side. It had been specially blessed, she said, by coming in con tact with the iairai le working vir- l fin, and was wan an ted to cure all maimer of (iisoas.i s. Strongly she press ul its virtues up on us, saying, "Alihoiih you aro ( remains and foreipicr and dumb to what is going on, you ought to make some f.ieiiiiee for the Mother of iod." As we Ft Ml declined to make the purchase, she opened the cork, tint some of the oil on the lip of her linger and was about to pro c( 'd to anoint ns. However, at this, point wo slipped through the crowd and escaped her further attentions. Chambers' Journal. ' P. J. HANSEN, I'KALKK IX STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN3WARE. 1'nlronnge of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, F'lattsmoutV TIMOTHY : CLARK, DKALKH IN Coal and Wood. THItMM CASH. Yuritu mill Oflire lot South Third Street, '1 i lcplioiK' No. I.'l. PLATTSMOUT1I, N FUR ASK A liieiit Artist'. i;iirly I'.riort. A man named Px'tieville, in com i;uiy with his two sous, passed through (Ireville every Saturday on his way to the market of Beaumont, which was about a league farther, in order to show some donkeys. These three men had large figures, and to see them mounted on their donkeys, which they had ornamented with false ears, appealed to the imagina tion of Francois, lie liegan one day to represent this grotesque little cavalcade, and did it successfully. A short titno after he had lini: ' 1 it tho blacksmith of the neigl. ng village, "vho had seen the dra.'ii:g, asked, und was allowed, to take it for a few days, and he put it in a conspicuous place in his shop, that the men with the donkeys who came often to his place, might see it. At their next visit the first object they spied was this picture, and thev at once recognized the party. Thoj father immediately asked who in th. , place had enough talent to make such thii!'.:s. lie was told it was the little Millet.-Pierre Millet in Cen tury Tlii' Ncl of Hi kliiclMier. Our , mi i i, ;tl, 1M.,., ah-jim, or common kiiiu.'ilii'r i an e.vperl hole l.oivr. '1'lieie is m areeiy a i I n i y Im ti k nlntio 1 1,,. . r,.i,mk el our nn.lilie iin, I .nut Hern stales hnl lias its (..,. (1t ,y I,,. , ,,. (JH ,,( ,!,,.,. ploomv lookiin.' I.ou-i s. T..e iii ile i-. i, -ii ii I! y niti. roinifl, uiul i?oi k iliii-iiii mio th,. Ik, nk, with a sli'-lit, tin instance of from ivn to il inn's nearly at, nuiit e i l' t l.e ot her. i-litl i uj ill 'I " Let, u lii-re t he i Kk's ' 1 1 -i"-r is 1 1 1 in.et elieer i" i I him nut for ii diiy'd i .I'L'. It I ,'t! CM I' fesi li.MI - iVoo'il II- llli'.l l ill'.O A ll"T Wit ll il i I ,. j 'lilts an; f. .I'l Ii i oat is ii ie' like n l!:ike lloin a I'i'. i M',; iiiiw: i.r ii ll. lament, ot turquoise, lie finely fails lu can ll tl.n IllillllOW lioktlikis ut, hilt Ills njipellteis lilireliiittiliu' ntui insal ialile, I le euH f loin iiiorniii till niKlit .Maurice Thoiniisoii in M uu Uule, The Old Reliable H. A. WATERMAN h SON. Lath, Sash, Shingles, OOOI1S, : IfiTillVlIN, Ktr. Can toipply t-very ileinnn of the tity. Call mill urt terms. Fourth Strt't't in reur of opera house. W. H. CUSHING, Prtiidcnt. J, W.JOHNSON, Viee-Pres. f CITIZENS' OF I'LATTSNOfTIl, NKIIKASKA. Paid Up Capital, $50,000 F. R. C ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 , J. W. Johnson, K. S. (.ri'UHt'l, Henry F.ikenluirv, M. W, Moriinti, J. A. (.'minor, Y. t tetikmup, W. II. Ciishiiiu. 1 1 W. It'll Mil III I four . el. '. j Hula's 1 a '.in I.UVe. jlll." ' life lai'i 'I !,. I ! tat c.iniji.-iti.nn or a u 1 1 i. s ,, ' il"le..'l 1 to v. i'i t he i I. ;.' la,., 1 I II ML'!'. Uiul I" A neuernl tiuukitiK huslncsx triinsaeteil. IMFIItST ALLOWED 0 TIME liEFQSITS THOS POLLOCK' R W HYERS Notary I'lihllfA Abstracter Solicit. R-nl Estate, Losu and Insuranue A?"nt A- - If you have real" estate to sell or exchange send us description, pricf and terms. Abt-tract.s of title furiiislied at rean onal'le rale... f i x ).' t) to I i at 7' percent and no commissions, on good farm security. POLLOCK .fc HYKRS Plattsmoitu - N OOlce under Cai Cuuuty Uiiuk,