Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, February 09, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tin; y!:;:i;i.y m;i!u: im.atmoi' iII.nkiwaska. FKnni'AitY . ism.
L S VtRv-';'.. .... LOO Tt. LACKS.
Ol) iif tli 'I n XV. v. ! I xrtl I I. :ii
l titir hi .1 .t; ! i .
Iai'i V IhiW .III I ..)! I.eV
J'IkI ot pmi ' :- nf !'. tri.i.!i:.i?i
Ll'o thrust. 4 i' -'l! n .it. ! i mat
ter huV lil!'; y.m Ii;:vi nwl in
Gotham, lui i! i.i ; tir Imw much y.'i
hitVl' llWtl illll'l.t. l,n m;'.t T Ili.W
close till ! TV I' i:H II IS M'!i..-
tl.iti!; tn hir ri. i' y.r.i.
in t'o ci ri'if of Ninth uvi !ii:r and
C' Jity ...ret. .: ! I low ill"
flc ';; t til Mailiili, Is II Mii;lll. U!li:iint
rd Wuiidcl llti.M' illinllt l.ilir l,V ,,;
feet. It c"iit::i:)s a tUj, uvA :i
cinq ! df liniil! hirk chairs tind a
dark hl.imu'd leu. u:t wild npiTatrs
tlii'M-. ()i;is;ili. is niMitlirr chuir
in t'iu vi ai Ikt. unci a luiii; Imard
ii'-'iiiiist the fence In -a is an nut
Mold f .l-:ily !!: Vf. tended by lh
diminutive kiii iif tin- colored hi;. : i
IhThiv mentioned. The mixed iv
t ililisliiari.t lias been runniiif; eight
If ym kIkhiM i:ijii'ii to con
tiliuii,' hero about daylight i:i tlw
morning yon would hoo f;;thcr ur.d
Hon engaged on a hi)( row of sIioch
of variniiis s'.yles of arcliilectino.
Kmo are f; ntlemcn'H shoes, an. I
Koine boar the her!) In 1 1 in t!n i:iid
illonnd liaJf inch too ami wealth of
instep that denote the feminine nal
ity of the wearers, and t-oni are 110I-
isheil t'p like llie rdmind's liairUe of i
t!ie trout ihi T, Mime arc htill in a
Kate of jihy.'.ieal (le;ral:tinn, vl:i'-
others are undcn;iiiic.r the jiiih'iw of
li"ii;? I n n il iipnii inalcr the l,r.'h.
Thus I saw them ouee, twice- then 1
Ktojieil .ivil asked wlioso slioe.s thes'
were.'li.M eeiin into tint littlj
lioitso t we if the owners were not
Kitting in their hloi kinged feet
around t'r stovo.
"Do's the cuTnicn'K mid the la
dies of er neighborhood." wiya tin?
mnnll ly.
"You don't mean to nay thoy send
their hhoen here to he blacked?"
"N n no. not zaetly. Ia inits'em
out and woeollects 'em. See Some
deni hIkm's done b'long two block
way from liynli."
Further iinnury elicited the infor
mation that the hall hoys or janitors
of the Hats in the vicinity arrange
with tenants to have tho lattcrn
nhoen hlackened every morning ut bo
much a month. The shoes are left
outsidrt the doors. The hoy collect)
them, and sometimes he hlacks them,
find sometimes he lets them out to
adjoining stands on a percentage.
Thi! htand collector conies around for
them and they are duly cleaned and
delivered. In the meantime the
owner is netting his or her soundest
uleep. blissfully unconscious of tho
fact that the shoes outside the door
have, during t lie mornhi!;, Ik'cii m a
mixed row on the sidewalk n coiipl.'
!' hlocks awavt'Uirked "C ll'.' SV'or
"X " ir.t'M." New York Herald.
. , ,
I'lnU I iimIii;; I'ciir ill Spiirrown.
Dr. Ila.;',ard is led to hope from
lis that, native Amer
ican lards ;::v 1. .,m their tear of the
fijiarrow. and that tlie despotic reijui
of the latter may be near its end.
Although us hostile as ever, thesj ar
rows seem to be (rrowin more dis
creet in their attacks. At any rate,
robins ami other birds esteemed for
their plumage and sonr appear in
increasing numhers j,,-ar ly year,
nnd show t lie disposition us well in
ability to hold their own.
An interesting statement is that
Rome birds, noticing sparrows
fchuniied the topsof hih trees, alian
doned their habit of buiidin their
nests near the ground and estab
lished their homes in lofiy perches.
This affords an twamplo of reason
overeomiiif; instinct in tliebird mind.
If tho agressions of the sparrow are
to bo checked by more pluck and
jKi-sistinice on tlio part of other
birds, the fad will lie Uith interest
iter and welcome. Rochester Dem
ocrat. Onrrn VlilniU Attriiillitk l.i'i-t urrt.
When Sir Kichard Owen lectured
to the royal family the whole court
attended, with any visitors that hap
pened to lo staying at the castle, and
wheu tho king of tho Belgians was
thero two largo nrmchaii-s were
brought into the center of the room,
and tho queen and tho king sat to
gether. But sometimes tho course of
studies of the young princes and
princesses was of a purely private
uature, and then it was that tho
professor noticed the door of their
workroom ofteu ajar and a mys
terious rustling on tho other side.
He afterward discovered that the
queen Used to bring a chair and sit
outside in order to listen to his lec
..ire when her majesty felt so dis
posed Loll. loll (llolHl.
The Trntilil, sltl- flit- lln..U.
A New Yorker i n waiiled to ono of
Ins friends in the west a set of Colonel
Ingersoll's winks Then he sent u
telegram informing him what he had
done and expressing the Imp" that
tho books would arrive safe and
sound. A few days afterward he re
ceived a telegram from his friend -who
was an orthodox Frcsliyterian -which
ran this way. "Hooks arrived
safe, but not sound." New York
A V It'll I'l rlili'iit'n Cnti.
Once w hile Mr. Hamlin v. sis vie-j
president of the United States a cow
wns rent to him from Carmel, and he
came to the yards fur her personally
and led n-v to his lioiwo through thy
streets of Bangor, dressed in his tra
il t u mal swallow tsiil. Portland (Me.)
impress, .
A I i : I. i . I li. ..n h ill.
A -i : i - i'.'- ' ; :: r f J-(?
V. 1 I Lis ' Ml' V . I (;,.
old ! i' r k . j . in houi r -y-Initi-dV
s -ill. i : i T i ' .,i:r: t vj-ie.:',
K'. : It I ;. ;: ITI'.i ae,l
!'('-.. - ' i ' !: i s.-. o ) s'l'ee
nn is; : . f the Kill i f ( lf .id f; :n
i!v. ' I 1 ... ,.' s.. the lli un. "ibn
1 in i t. ! ; .:t of a Kind of
ir.;. i li - a I'l'i-i. i, iiielinliiiL; lne s,
wi! h ale, 1 In ai. a'oout live lex
than n:y fl'i' l -I ti:e 1 iiila-oi ( 'lia'.alos,
n:; i 1 underi.ii d lull -ic bke a li urt
eo'. I l.t lny is bO (ep;eu
eVa'e Ulli'iT the I'.-i'.lis of foril!'-
deans i;t t.unoiis li; t.n.ry that th-)
liire of pen; le called J:elitlelnell
Livers of 111 U ie tell me 1 lntit Ix'
M'iy earef'i! in supplying two va
fancies, which 1 have been two ycjiM
t iideavoriii' to do. For you are to
u'.Miersiiiiid that in di-posin; thesj
niu.Me.' l employments I deti rinine to
net li;ect!y ct-ntrary to ministers
of state, by niviiij; them to thoso
who best deserve. If vou had rej-
oniinende(l a person to me for a
church living in my jril't, I would be
less curious, because an iiidut'erein
person may do well enoiiL'h, if he be
honest, but sili;;els, like their broth
ers the poe;s, must be very ,'ood 3c
they are jjood for nothing." The
Dulce of Cliaodos was of course
1'ope's "Tiinoii." the patron of II. in
del. London News.
l.litTiiry I ii iiKm.
Tin-re is a trend in the literature of
today towiTil the occult atul myste
rious, and the modern novelist is be
coming a sort of speculative plido.o
pher, deali'iif; Hide wiih human mo
tives a'nd (motions and present hit; us
with character types and incidents
whoso only claim to attention comes
from their violation of all accepted
canons and traditions. This reach
ing out into tho mystic shows the
mental drift of the times anion;;
those who are not anchored in tin? se
cure haven of faith, and the novel
ist, in touch with the tendency and
disposed to trim his sails to catch tho
trade wind of tho hour, caters to tho
seekers after tho unknown and un
knowable. As literary freaks tho works of
these novelists may have a value;
they may astound for the time the
reading public by their very audaci
ty, but they can have no lasting
worth, and after an ephemeral period
of popularity they becomu an un
sought encumbrance to the book
shelf, from which they eventually
find their way to the junk shop.
Doiiahoe's Magazine.
Trmllni; hi llii limiery.
A Frenchman, recently arrived in
tho country, who had been warned
against the exactions of the shop
keepers of a certain section of this
city, entered the store of a hatter to
immiro the price of a shiny silk tile,
which he had long admired through
the show window.
"What is zee juice of zat eha
peaiif" he asked the clerk, pointing
to the hat.
"Seven dollars," replied the polite,
salesman, holding the bat that tho
electric light might play over its
flossy surface.
"F.leven dollars!" ejaculated the
would be purchaser. "I give you
niuo dollars lor him."
"Oh, no; you misunderstood," sai l
the c lerk. "The price is seven dol
lars, nnt eleven dollars."
"Oh, pardon, monsieur. You say
seven dollars. Then 1 give you five
dollars for him." And as it was in the
Ilowery he received the hat forth
with. New York Herald.
Waiilnl Snuilli r ISiiiiiiin,
An amusing incident Wiisllamiibal
Hamlin's experience sit some place in
Italy w hen hewsis minister to Spain.
On arriving at the hotel the landlord
very obsequiously conducted Mr.
Hamlin and his wife to their rooms,
w hich consisted of si whole suite on
tho lower floor, and ushered Mr.
Hamlin into ono set of rooms. s;iy
ing, "Here are monsieur's rooms,"
and then took Mrs. Hamlin into tho
other rooms wiih the statement,
"Here are niadanie's rooms," ujmmi
which Mr. Hamlin took him aside
w ith this remark. "These are all very
well, but haven't you got a comfort
able room up stsiirs somewhere w hich
would bo less expensive and which
we can both occupy ("Portland Ex
press, Tho ( ri ami ilii TliMlrm.
Prince Bismarck was once about to
decorate a private soldier with the
Iron Cross for some signal act of
valor, and with his customary con
tempt for men's motives determined
to test him. "My friend." said he,
"Ium about to pin this cross upon
your breast as a reward for your
courage, but if you happen to lie
poor I am commission! d to give you
luiUhalers in its stead." "What, is
the value of the cross?" asked the
soldier. "AUiut three tiiah rs," was
the reply. "Well. then, give me the
cross and ninety seven tlinlcrs, " said
the soldier, and he got theiu.-Nev
York World.
'I'll- 1ikIiiIi line. I.i'i i'li.
Tin' only thin rs lnniv annoying
than mosquitoes ami i-aini ihis la
Sumatia are h-eches. :e; three
i. ids into the ji.i:g. at liie side of
the roail, said in mst.cit there will
be some of tin in i.p yoor t I'ouser.
legs, little fellows an i:a ii long and
"""tenth of en inch in diameter,
which just fill themselves with blood
and drop dow n New York Adver-tiacr.
A r. il :ili''i'. I'll Inli. tlmu
1 1 : -i I : l i i i . i -i : ..r.
'!'::. . ' I .-,( I II I'eViT l.ovpitsd
lil i.i laii.ii i coliiiui ted. ,'is sdl such
lm.-p: ,a!s oegl.t to I e, wi;h the tvo
fnld p. h i oso of -reventi::g thesprcad 1
of ini.-cii'.i.. t'.i -i ase ai:d at the same
time i rea'.i :;: tin- a i :.i lit V- 1' !l i VI I V
po-' ible n i. i i, )::'.,. ih. If the inno
cent Miff .'ier must be removed from
home for the safety of the public he
may properly expect competent!
ing, suitable food and comfortable'
No such le '-pital should be coll- j
Iieet' d, bvevelisoliiUelliispiD-.iiiiitV,
i with a workhouse or penitentiary, a.s
is son, i the case.
In this "Hospital, surprising ..s it,
i may seeiM, patients suffering from1
scarlet fwer, diphtheria anil typhoid ;
fever are allowed to see
Certain precautions must beobserved
I of course, i'.nd it is worth while t.j
I quote thei.e almost Verbatim, as tin;
I inin ling of them in case of such din
eases occurring in 'private homes
would doubtless go far to prevent
Visitors must be more than twenty
one years old. They must not be ad
mitted if in a weak state of health
or in sin exhausted condition. They
should ha ve eaten si good meal shortly
before entering. They are required
to avoid torching the patient or ex
posing themselves to the eniiiniitions
from his skin. On no account mint
they sit on the bed. but may occupy
a chair at some lit'.Ie distance from
the patient.
They are required to wesir wraps
provided by the hospital snithoritic--covering
their garments while in
the wards, and before leaving the
hospital must wash their hands and
faces with carbolic soap and water,
or use such other means of disinfec
tion as may be prescribed by the
medical superintendent. They pre
strongly urged not to enter any omni
bus, streetcar or other public con
veyance immediately after leaving
the hospital.
Visitors are excluded from the
smalliKix wards.
It is a satisfaction to ho assured
that with these precautions no harm
has ever been known to result from
visits to patients.
The regulations of the hospital lay
great stress upon the thorough venti
lation of the outside clothing of vis
iters, and upon scrupulous personal
cleanliness on their part. London
Put In li Siift- I'lnrr.
It fell to the lot of a young man in
this town to attend a funeral the oth
er day. He did not know any of the
members of the r.filieted family, but
it wsis his business to be at that fit-'
ncral, and he went. Tho services,
which i ere held in the family resi
lience, were fairly under way when
the young man arrived, and much
to his embarrassment the butler in
sisted upon leading him to a seat
very close to the coliin. After tin
service the menial accosted the
Stranger as be was leavingthe house.
"Beg pardon for putting you where
I did. but I bad to." I e said.
"How was that,'" asked the young
"Well," said the butler apologetic
ally, "you see 1 didn't know you, and
we have to be careful. There's lots
of Valuables in this house. So peo
ple we didn't l iiow we put way uf
in front. Nolnwly would do nothing
wrong sitting alongside tho de
ceased." New York Times.
t'nniTi ssiu y (it SpiTlfy Wlilrh Noun.
Two young ladies on the street cm
wen discussing an approaching msvr
risige. apparently oblivious of all else
that was passing, and this was the
conversation as overheard by others
on the ear:
"The invitations ore just out, I un
"Yes. 1 got mine today."
"At what hour is tho ceremony tc
take placer"
"The invitation reads, 'noon.'"
" "High noon,' you mean."
"No. The invitation simply resuls,
'noon.' It's taken for granted that
every one will know it means 'high
noon.' She's too aristocratic to he
married at low noon." Detroit Free
Too iHin-lrtitinna.
There is a Boston woman who fc
so opposed to stimulants that she
never uses vinegar, and of course
never spices. There is another wom
an, also from Massachusetts, who
thinks tea and coffee wicked. The
doctor forbade her cold water, so she
drank hot water, which was served
with cup and spoon. Ono day it oc
ctirrcd to her that the hot watei
1 mis-lit be mistaken for tea. Although
! she took it aitei ward from a glass,
j her soul was much distressed trotn
the numbers who might "have been
; influenced tr.'in her apparent cxaui-
pic- New oik livening Sun.
T III' Ol-illul 1 liil'.irlrrir.
j Man's life is populai ly divided into
, seven ages, find funnel iy it was sup-
I posed that seven situ! nine were
i i sipable of exerting much subtle in-
1 flu. an ver men, the product ot
these tvvi tu um hi -is I icing particularly
powerful in Ihis respect.
Thus i.1y thti'i' vi als was called
the grand climacteric, and thsit age
was considered a very important
crisis in a man's life. Women, oil
the other band, v ei o sup posed to bo
more susceptible t the inlluenco cf
six. Xc w Y or k Is e w s.
.-Mittiini; l.ii.t. .
"They take tremendous precau-1
tioiis stt the mint so that no specie J
shall lc lost." sssi l Jones, with si lein
inisci nee of sin article he bad lni'ii '
residing on thesubjivt. "F. very scrap i
of refuse is burned in order thsit not I
the slightest vestige of metal shall
lie wasd'd. The working clothes of
the men sin- burned, too, when they!
are worn out, siiid thev even burnt
the csirts which are used in csirrving !
the bullion tu the mint.
"Wi ll," said the American in the
corner, contemplating his cigsir, "I
guess wo go one bettor than that in
our inuiioi t;d country. We burn the
refuse, ill nl the clothes, ami the csirts.
Yes, sir, wo do all that, and, what is
more, when a man dies who law
worked there we have him cremat
ed." Then they talked about th'J
wesither. London Fun.
W In n it Dl.Mihli'il ship UmivpiI.
Any gross misconduct on tho part
of the sal voi-s, and especially any ein
lMZzleineiit of the property wived,
forfeits the whole claim to salvage.
Tho responsibility of ssdvors respect
ing the preservation and protection
of property continues as long as the
property is subject to tho decree of
the court.
Ssdvors in possession have a quali
fied property in the ship or cargo
saved, mat they cannot bo divested
of this inleii t until it is taken from
them by adjudication. It is not inv
esssiry. however, ti at they should
remain in actual po session in order
to oiaintsiMi their rights. New York
Evening Sun. lYrtii mi liidiriiiiitliin lliircnn.
He was one of the "Cholly" varie
ty, w ith a smooth face and a shiner
in his scarf. He demanded of Msijor
Miller, the Chesterfield of tho Kim
ball counter:
"Ah, is Mr. Jones in"
"No. he's out, sir."
"When will he Unnf"
"Win n he returns from being out,
fcir." Atlanta Constitution.
The Olllro if Attorney Oneral.
The oflice of attorni'y ftrneral was totals
lUlii'd in ITS'.I, but the department of jus
lice, of which he is the exi-iaitive heml,
i nies tuitk only to 1S70. Originally the
attorney genenil whs the president's legal
adviser. Kilmiunl Kundolah, of Virginia,
was the first attorney Keneral, and during
the seventy years KiicceedinK no western
man held it. Kihvaid Hates, of Missouri,
was the first. Grant had live attorney
Heiii rals in siuTcssiori, Imt since the close
of his second term each president has had
but a single attorney jjeneral. In this way
the ililliclillies nrisiin from a change in
leisal advisers luis been avoided hiuI uni
formity in the policy of the goveniiiu iit
belter secured. New York bun.
Ilii limns.
An old n nth iiiiiii, hfii r the funeral of
a relative near Kirliy inooiside, was li
telling itli rapt intention to tlie readiiiK
jf the will, in which lie unexpectedly
proved to he interested, first il rceounleil
liow that a certain field was vvilVd to him;
then it went on luisive I he old t'niyinare
ill tile said field tu sonic one else, with
whom he was on anything but friendly
terms, at which point he suddenly inter
rupted the pioci'cdiiiLSs by e.( laiiniiiK in
".liKiiantly, "Then sha's ceatiu ma u'''m
((;rass)!" London Spectator.
In l..inieM.
lie (dcliuliti lily) Have you really and
truly never been enagci before?
Slu NVver that is, not in the, winter.
New York eekly.
I.IkIiIiiIiik'h .Vlllnlly for Oak.
Ktectricity in the clouds, like its compan
ion lower down, loves to seek the can li
the rent reservoir of all electricity uml
it liniis the most available way to'do so,
choosini; always the H'M conductor, con
spicuous aiming which is the inucli ma
ligned linlisiiiim rod, the hit-h trees or thu
frievuled steeple. It has its choice of trees
Us well us other thliiHS. mid will leap over
half Hii acre of trees i.i laid an oak, for
which it appears to have a spei ial at trac
tion, and it will pass a hih point to lind a
building that hiisincul about it. There
has M-arcely been a thunder storm in the
ciiy of any inayniiiiile lor some time in
which soinethiuK has mil been struck.
Ilaltimore Herald.
the progress of Consumption. In
all its earlier stages, it can le cured.
It's & scrofulous affection of the
lungs a blood taint and, as in
every other form of scrofula, Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
is a certain remedy. 15tit it must
be taken in time and now is the
time to take it.
It purifies the blood that's the
secret. Nothing else acts like it.
It's tho most potent strength-restorer,
Mood -cleanser, and flesh
builder known to medical science.
For Weak Limn, Spitting of Blood,
Hronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, and all
lingering Coughs, it's a remedy
that's (jxaraaterdy in every case,
to beniiit or cure.
If it doesn't, the
mony is re
lu other words its cold (l
other words it's cold
No otlur medicine of its kind is.
And that proves that nothing clso
is "just us good" as tho "Discov
ery."' The dealer is tliinkinaj of hk
profit, not of yourst when he urges
something else.
Thin is the Largest One Shipment of Shoes
ever Keceiveil in thia city consisting-of
ior humanity from infancy to old sige.
of Ladies Juckcts the llalance of the Month.
"'Veil lectin is Lull done" iVgin your iiotisesvork ly hiiymg
si Cake of
iijiolio is a solid cuke ot Scouring soii, n.-cd lor all Cleaning
jut r loses. Try it.
novelties in rnmim
'0".T,!:; HOLIDAYS
W J 8tIcct",- n Prewit 'Irop in and look over our utock for we can
II how you something USEFUL as well as OKXAMKNTA1, for tlin
baby or for grandmother. Our line of Ladies' Desks. Kockera of all de!
scnptions; Kasy chairs and in fact everything i ,.. furniture line i8
complete. e have the LARGEST STOCK and sell you CIIKAPKK
than anyone elfe in the city
522 Main Street. - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Drugs,: Medicines,-: Paints,
1 WOlv'Tl I OF
S H O E S,