THE WKKKLY I1KKALD; l'LATTSMOl I ll.XMUltASKA. n-nKl'Al.Y 'A (X AROUSED HIS ANGER. Nebraska Lawyers Have a Live ly Time in Council Bluffs. ARE FINED FOR CONTEMPT. Inkstand Used as Arguments-Narrow Escape of a Brother Law yer Who Came to Their Rescue -Not Settled. Counc il Hiafi's, la., Jan. 2."-K. II. Wooley of Lincoln and I). I). Dwyer, of IMattamouth, found another Daniel come to judgment ' here today. Tliev appeared before Justice Fox to defend in one of the numerous attachment suits brought against the 1$. & M. employes, resi dents of Plattsmouth, by a Sioux City collection agency, When the case came up for trial the attorneys for the defendants asked for a trial by jury, which they claimed they jfwere entitled according to a great (jmany decisions of the supreme court. The justice ruled against them and said the cases must be tried to the court. This was the be ginning of the trouble which lasted all through the trial. Several de cisious of the court being con strued by the attorneys us unjust to themselves and clients, at the close of the trial there was a formal declaration of war, Attorneys Wool ley and Dwyer filing an objection to the trial of any of the remaining cases by Judge Fox, alleging as the ground of their objection that he was "non compos mentis, not com petent to try the cases properly." The justice thereupon proceeced to enter up a decision on his re cord, fining them $10 each for con tempt of court and sending them to the county jail for one day in de fault of payment. Wooley requested that he be given time to consult an attorney and this was granted by the court. A little later he returned to the court room with attoruey J. J. Stewart' who, in addressing the court said that the attorney's had no intention of committing a con tempt of court, but they were of the opinion that ex-Justice Swearingen, from whom the case had been tak en on a change of venue, who oc cupied a seat on a box besides Jus tice Fox during the trial, was hav ing altogether to much of a hand in the trial. i i At this point Swearinger reached over and picked up an inkstand from the desk in front of him. The prospects were that Stewart's brains would presently be painting design in crimson on the floor of the room. He dodped but the dodge was useless, for if the ex justice had any intention of throw ing the inkstand at his enemy he reconsidered it before it was ever lasting too late and contended him eelf with remonstrating with Stewart, in a rather energetic fash ion. Stewart then presented the court with a paper embodying the statements which he had made in behalf of his clients, asking per mission to withdraw the aflidavit in which had applied the term "non compos mentis" to the court, and in short, taking back everything. The attorneys then asked the court to expunge the record of the contempt proceedings. Justice Fox was not willing to forgive nndjorget everything, but offered to reduce the fine to $5, Wooley offered to take the respon sibility for everything that had occurred if only Dwyer might be released. At last, after some tall speechifying had been done, the justice agreed to take the matter under advisement until Saturday morning, when he shall decide whether or not the contempt pro ceedings shall be quashed. To Whom It May Concern. Report having been Jmade to the board of county commissioners of Cass county, Xebraska, by the clerk of the district court of said county which report shows that there is mow and has been for the latsix mouths remaining in the hands of he said district clerk, certain wit less fees which have been uncalled or. Xowif such fees shall not be called for within six months from 'January 3, 1SIM, the same will be considered as forfeited and will be paid into the common school fund of said Cass county. To Jtlie honorable board of county commissioners of Cass county, Nebraska: Gentlemen Hereto attached are a lint of the witness fees remaining uncalled for. for six months last past. Allen. H. I Jlrukt I, Charles Uaker, Oliver x'A) 1 la I Ion, O. II 200. Ilarnes, atnes 2.00 llurke, F. A 2.IX) Hiiute, 1I.F 1,00 Carriugtou, L 2.00 Cummins, John O.M Chandler, William 2.00 i Davis, Kdwiu ! Foley, M ; Gordon, Ira 1 Hacksell, Harry. . 'J.OO . 2.1)0 . 1.10 .. 4.00 . 4.00 . 1.10 . 2.00 . 2.0U . 2.00 . 1.4) Ilatiiblelou, V S, Hay, Geo A Johnson, II. X . . . , Kinder, W II.... Kerns, J W I.eis, Mrs Lee, Charles 2.00 Mercer, LC 1.00 Merges, Peter 1.10 Mills, F D 2.00 j Murray, W K C W McPherson.CC 2.00 Plummer, Kli 2.00 Petersen, J C 2.00 Parcell.K W 4.S0 Rockwell, S F 3.80 Kayburn, Win 2.00 Hitter, J E 4.80 Richards, Taylor 1.20 Raapke, Lewis 2.00 Siebold, JH ZM Streight, II J 1.00 Sprague, K S 4.08 Sprague, Mr 6.00 Sievers, Kd 2.00 Sievers, Kd 2.20 Strode, Jit 2.(X) Thacker. DT 110 Todd, Kdwiu , 1.00 Todd, Mrs Kdwin 1.00 Wright, William II 2.00 Walker, J A 2.00 Wolfe, John 3.20 Volk, Peter 3.40 State of Xebraska ) County of Cass ) 1, W. II. Dearing, clerk of the dis trict court of Cass county, Nebraska do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct list of witness fees remaining in my hands unclaimed for the period of six months last past. W. 11. Deakixo, Clerk. Nothing Else Like It. When the publishers decided to issue the Journal twice a week at the same price of the old weeklies, $1.00 per year, they struck just what the public wanted something be tween the old fashioned weekly and the high priced daily. The success of the Semi-Weekly Journal has been immediate and continued. It has distanced every one of its once a week rivals. It doesn't take long to convince people that a good live paper every Tuesday and Friday is better than oifly one week, espec ially when you appeal to their poc ket books, and give it to them at the same price. Readers will testify that it is almost as good as a daily. Its markets twice a week are worth the money. Four complete novels each year by "The Duchess" Miss Braddon, and other widely known authors, alone are worth the dollar. Its legislative news is its strong point just now. It is wideawake, spends money for news, and is al ways in the lead. You can see its superiority over old fashioned weeklies. Kveryone who subscribes now gets a Seaside Llabray free ThiB offer won't hold good always! One of our big offers is the Semi Weekly Journal and Weekly New York Tribune both one year for 51.23 Regular price of Tribune is $1.00. Our great Premium History of the United States, Stanley Hook, or Life of Spurgeon prepaid by the Jour nal, $1.40. Kither book is worth $1.50 alone. Your choice of these books and the Tribune and Journal a year for only $165. What a com bination of reading matter! If you send us your own and another new name, we will send you either ot the above books free. Subscribe now und get 104 papers a year, which is less than one cent per copy. Address, Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Xebraska. To-Nlght nd To-MorrowNight. And each day and night during this week you can get at all drug gists' a free sample bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, the most successful remedy ever sold for coughs, Croup. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Consumption. Get a bottle today and keep it always in the house, so you can check your cold at once. Price .Kfc. and$l. ONE OK HAYES'NAXIMS. liKliiinupoli Jiiiiriiul. Kx-President Hayes was the author of one of the best political maxims on record. It was he who said: "He serves his party best who serves his country best." The expression occurs in his inaugural address. In urging the necessity of civil service reform and fidelity to public trust he said: "The president of the United States of 'necessity owes his elec tion of office to the sufferage and .ealous labors of a political party, the members of which cherish with nrder and regard as of essential im portance the principles of their party organization. But it should strive always mindful of the fact that he serves his party best, who serves his coutry best. A good live paper every Tuesday and Friday, is what you get in The frcmi-Weekly Journal for one dollar. TllE Heralu and Journal both one year for $2. LOST IN THE BREAKERS C. W. Mosher Tells His Story, to the Grand Jury. SAYS HE IS DONE FOR. I While Hla Story to the Grand Jury He Cries He Was a Whole sale Robber But Was De tected to Soon. Mosher Arrested. 1.1X1 OLN. Neb., Jan. 27 -The grand jury has found live indictments against Mosher, in connection with the Capital National bank. He is in the custody of United States Mar shal Slaughter and is detained in his room at the Lincoln hotel. It is stated that Mosher has pur sued a course of systematic forgery removing original papers and re placing them with forged ones with obt tho knowledge of the cashier, who supposed the papers were all right. Mosher told the grand jury that he had lost the money in the Western Manufactur ing company; that he had found it necessary to put in new depart ments of manufacture at the peni tentiary and replaced old plants with new ones. He said it had taken a vast amount of money and that he saw nothing but ruin ahead if he did not succeed, and thought the investment would have proven all right had he been able to keep his head above water for a while longer but Was compelled to steal by the wholesale and got to the end of the rope before he was out of the breakers. He rattled along with his story, sobbing and crying and be fore he was down the eyes of the jurors were wet with sympathetic tears. It is stated that the friends of Mosher, called upon him and of fered to put $100,000 at his disposal to stem the tide but this he refused saying that nothing could save him It is rumored, however, that his attorneys are figuring on saving the prison contract. The legisla ture has practically determined to take the matter entirely out of poli tics. The present contractor is un der indictment by the federal grand jury, while the manage, is under indictment by the state, and the fact has gone forth that the period of political indulgences is nearly at an end. The grand jury is going into the matter beyond the connection of Mother with the case, and will dip into the penitentiary contract, as well as into all the other assetts of the institution. There are grave rumors that the evidence already introduced seriously effects a num ber of Lincoln citizens. The trial is a hot one, and the grand jury will probe to the bottom. Mosher will not be allowed to shoulder the full responsibility as he desires to do, unless it is demonstrated that others cannot be criminally con nected with it. The buying up of claims by scalp ers has been going on all day. Among those thus disposed of was a $16,000 claim of Humphrey Bros., which was sold to Nels C. Brock. It has been supposed that the scalpers could not be thus invested unless they had a tip from the in side and knew what they were about, but a "way-down deep" tip to night advises all having claims to dispose of them for what they can get, if it is not more than 65 cents on a dollar. It is stated that this is based on what the grand jurv has discovered, and which reperseuts the situation as far less promising than has beeu supposed up to this time. The Governor's Proclamation. Lincoln. Xeb. Jan., 27-Govemor Crounse yesterday issued his pro clamation declaring Beatrice a city of the first class. This was Uoe as the result of Mavnr Pi.iii;,,., i... j ... . i ' -.-ingcomeplled by writ of mandamus io ceruiy 10 tne governor that Beat rice had a population of more than 10,000 ns shown by the last census. The proclamation was issued by the governor under date of I a mi. ary 20. As the affair cutniinated in a lawsuit there are rumors to the effect that the opposition to makt wig the city one of the first class will take further action, but it is generally believed that the case is settled for all time. The governor's proclamation reads as follows; Whereas, a certificate has this day been filled in the executive office by the mayor of the city of Beatrice, in the state of Nebraska, wherein it is certified that the said city of Beatrice contains a popula tion of more than ten thousand and less than twenty. live thousand iu. habitants (13.S23I as shown by the census and enumeration taken by authority of the laws of the United States in the ve sir A. I), in1.). Hi'Tcl' n , in accordance with sections KM', and 2.")07 of the consoli dated statute of 1801, of an act to amend sections one and two of an act entitltd "An act to incorporate cities of the firt-class having less than than twenty-five and more than eight thousand inhabitant, and regulating their duties, powers and government," approved March 14, ISS'i, approved April 4, lWl, I, Lorenzo Crounse, governor of the state of Nebraska, do hereby issue my proclamation, and declare said Cil of Heatrice a city of the i.-i. class and subject to all tho provi sions of said act. HKOKK l'I A MEKTIXC. Lafayette, Ind.. Jan. 2tv-Profes-sor George P. Rudolph, formally a Catholic priest at Cleveland, O., at tempted to lecture at the opera house this evening under the au spices of the American protective association: "Why I Left the Rom ish Church." Soon after the opening of the discourse a mob broke in a rear door of the house and rushed on the stage and attacked the speaker. Rudolph was knocked down and raising drew tt revolver and fired two shots. This brought a regular fusilade from all parts of the house, which was crowded. A stampede at once ensued, and while screams rent the air, a rush was made for the doors. Many ladies were bruised and thrown down in an etfort to escape. The crowd was ejected from the place and Rudolph continued his lecture. The sheriff appointed a number of deputies, but they were unable to keep the crowd in the gallary quiet and the meeting was adjourned. Between fifteen or twenty shots were tired but no one was hit. The mob wait ed outside, but under strong guard Rudolph was placed in a closed carriage and escorted to his hoard iughouse. Interest was awakened Tuesday in the subject of reapportionment by the introduction of a resolution by Representative Suter, independ out, calling for a joint committee to report on the question of an appor tionment for senatorial and legisla tive districts. The resolution was re'erred to a committee. It will be remembered that two years ago the legislature neglected to apportion, the parties not agreeing. JAs the constitution pro vides for an apportionment at the first session after each state or U. S. census enumeration. Two years was deemed the proper time but now it would be illegal. The inde pendents are to blame as they had a good working majority. The resolution as offered is in line with the following parargaph in Governor Boyd's retiring message: The last legislature neglected to reapportion the state into senatorial and legislative districts, as required by law. Whether your honorable body as the successor of the body which failed to discharge its duty, is competent to adopt a reapportion ment act is a question. In my judg ment, after consulting with eminent legal authority, you shouldpass such an act, leaving the supreme court to determine its constitution ality if the question should be af terwards raised. I hold that such a reapportionment should be made in compliance, not only with the spirit of the law, but also in justice to sections of the state, which, be cause of the increased development are not adequately represented uu dcr the present act. TELEPHONE) REGULATIONS. -Senator Pope opened up on tele phone companies last week by in troducing senate file Xo. 9S. The rate to be charged for a telephone instrument in a private residence shall not exceed $1 per month, $1.50 per month iu a business house or office, 15 cents for service covering a distance of SO miles, 25 cents 50 to 100 miles, and 10 cents each addi tional 50 miles and 10 cents for messenger service. The bill not only provides a pen alty of not less than $500 against a corporation violating the law, but also makes the agent receiving fees liable to a fine of not less thou JfUiK) and not over $500 and three month imprisonment in the county jail. The American Woman. Marion Crawford is evidently uti lizing his social opportunities dur. ing his present American visit for a study of American Women, and in the next issue of the Ladies Home Journal he will give the re sultsof his observations 'and des cribe "The American Woman" as she appears to him after an absence of ten years; in what resp.-cts she has changed, and whether she has improved in her dress, manners and tendencies. The year 1803 came in on Sunday; Lent begins February 15 and ends with K.ister Sunday, April 2, Wash ingtou's birthday, February 22, is on Wednesday, St. Patrick's day, March 17, on Friday, Fourth of July on Tuesday, Labor day, Monday September 4, Christmas Monday December 25. There will be two eclipses of the sun -April 16th and October 0th. Neither will be visi ble to the inhabitants of this part of the globe. YKtnll Una, fonarrlrtora. rn-'iir.8 of tho South Pari fie ocean produce a wonderful njwcies of tho sea weed called tho "veget.ihlw Imou constric tor." Th.y are likely to lie met with ut any point U i,vra tho lower point of Bout hern California and the Sandwich Islands on the one hide und between Chili ntnl Australia on tho other. These vine lib) bi rangier are frrqnoutly found tightly entwined almut the body of ft ili.dwl i! , '.: l or porpoise, but wheth v they h:d fift-wd Upon llie bodie of these dad wa minimis lief ore life had become extinct or hud only ventured to attack the remains after tho vital Fpui I: had fled arw rouutudruina which of course eiinnoi ho aiiHwered. DxpcrituenU made with this curious vine unci the car of u iorpoise washed iihhoie in the harbor at Apia tend to prove that the Tine, like that of our common liean, will not entwine itself itrouwl anylhiiiL; ili'iol, whether that thing be of vi gullible or animul creation. Dr. Chadboume, iu his "Annals of tho Caroline Islands." says: "I have often Been monster specimens of inacri cystis (the giant Kcaweed) with every vest ago of life HiMicezcd out of them by that ocenu ileiuoii, tho constrictor vine, which is itself a species of seaweed. MncrirysistiR often grows to 1k from 2(1 to HO inches in diameter and l,ri)0 to 2,000 feet in length, while the constrictor vine seldom exceeds 100 feet in lunnth nml is never larger in diameter than u pound and a half salmon can. It is the 'sipieeze snake' of tho ocean, however, nml woe to the unlucky man. animal or plant that comes within its reach." fc Louis Republican. The Mntidl. Tho mahdi's outward uppenrunce wiw strangely fascinating; ho was u man of strong constitution, very dark complex ion und his face ulways wore a pleasant tsinile, to which ho had, by long practice, accustomed himself. Under this mnilo gleamed a set of singularly white teoth, and between tho two upier middlo one was a V Hhaped upaco, which iu the Sou dan is considered a sign that tho owner will be lucky. The uiuhdi was well versed in the in t of winning over jieoph). His unrufllcd smile, pleasant milliners, generoKity and equahle temperament, though nt times somewhat severe, all tended to enhance tlm populur idea of him. Ho attributed tho elocution of Said Potdia and Ali Iley bhcrif (tho vali ant defenders of LI Obcid) to the Khalifa Abdullah, aud when tho two little sons of the latter were brought to him tho smiling hypocrite wept for their father's fate. The popular belief in him and his cause almost amounted to worship. Women enpecially raved about him aud thought him the most handsome of men. His virtues were extolled in poems, and constant reference was made to his good looks, wisdom, stature and to his re peated victories over the Turks. The beggars used to learn off by heart special laudatory verses, and by reciting them from house to house they were sure to ; be given alms. "Ten Yean' Captivity ' in the Mahdi b Camp, lie Threw Away the Cigar. "George," she aaid softly, aa he looked trustingly into his eyes. "What ia it, dearest?" he asked ten derly. "Don't you think, George," she said slowly, "that you had better throw awuy that cigar'1" "Do you object to Brooke, petf" he asked. "Oh. no, George, dear George; not at all." she replied quickly. "I rather like the smell of a good cigur, but but" "Does your mother object to cigar htnoke in the house?" "Oh. no; papa smokes here all the time, but but" "But what, dearest?" "But you are so forgetful, Goorge, and and if you should forget to take the cigar out of your mouth you might even a slight burn on my check, you know, would cause comment." The cigar went into the grate, and a minute later there was nothing but a blush on a fair cheek to indicate that George would take a broad hint. De troit Free Press. Longevity In England. The death rate in the Peak of Derby shire is bo low that the district rivals in salubrity the American village which was so extraordinarily healthy that the inhabitants who wished to "shnflle off this mortal coil" had to migrate into a neighlioriiig town. The mortality at Buxton is nine per 1,000; at the adjacent hamlet of Flash it is said that death takes only the very young and very old, the infant end the patriarch. The sexton can almost tell whoso grave he will next dig. In a similar maimer at Ednle, un der the shadow of Kinderscout, death goes by seniority. At Tideswcll, also In the "Peake Conn trie," there was, quite recently, the fu neral of a man sixty-four years of age, whose father and mother were still liv ing in the parish, having la-en married sixty-seven years. Sala's Journal. Not to Tie Outdone. Governor Tumey, of Tennessee, tells a good story and has a keen appreciation of fun. Once while his regiment was in winter (pun ters with a Georgia regiment a religious revival was started in camp. An oflicer told him one day that twelve of the Georgians had tieen converted. "How many of our men professed Christianity?" he a-sked. "None, sir." "What! what!" he aid. "none of my men converted? It will never do for Georgia to get ahead of Tennessee, Ser geant, detail eighteen of my men for bap tism at once." New York World. Merely a HyputlieialN. One remarkahlo thing in Japan is tho number of small children and babies which are shipped to the backs of other children. ILaven only knows where they come from. Iu (icrmauy thero is a legend to tho effect thr.t storks bring babies. Perhaps tho great number of forks in Japan nro engaged in tho same pursuit. Bultimore American. On of 111 Great IHiinora of Venice. Perhaps I lie most expensive banquet errr givcu in Whir was that to Henry III of France. 11 was ft-asted In the ureal hall of t lie docm palace, and there were silYtr plates for 3,oo i(iietH. At another time the Mine inoiiii)vh was entertained at auar banquet the napkins, plates, knives, forks and even the bread (so called) went' all of siiKar. The Venetians were mightily pleased wiien Henry took his napkin in bia hauils nml, to his surprise, found that tt broke to pieces. At this feast I, 'JflO differ ent dishes were served, Hnd SOU miliar elli pie were distributed among the ladiea. National Heview. llellufii About the Karth. Newton, the jjn'at Sir Isaac, surmised, although he could give no reason for the conclusions he had reached, that In the course of time the earth wouhl bec-ome per fectly dry. Others, most notably lie Verne, Hamilton (Professor A. L.)and the young er Lysaniler, all believed that eventually the earth would liecome as dry as the pro verbial chip. Kven In this day and age the theory has many ailliureuts. St. Loui Hepublic. Mie Never ('opln liar Work. Margaret Sangster tays that when she writesanything she has it thoroughly out lined in her mind lieforeshe liegius to put it on paMT. Often she will know almost the very words of a poem before she touches pen to paper. Then, when she duet write, it Is very rapidly, aud she never copies. -New York Kocorder. Mucilage for Stamp. The mucilage on the back of postage stamps Is nothing tint dextrine dissolved In water, with a little alum, vinegar and alcohol added. It is the finest mucilage In the world, for when it Is once set paper or cloth gummed with it will tear anywhere else rather tliau ut the joint. Exchange, ltnther Particular. Walter Will jou try some of our green turtle soup? IJuest No, hlree, hob, I won't. 1 ain't eatin auyth g green these days. If you have any ripe turtle soup, though, I'll have It. lbirper's llaaar. At the table of the regent Duke of Or leans it was he ctistutn for a guest to drop a piece of gold in the plate from which he had just eaten a dish whose taste he fan cied. A stained glass window has been put la the parish hurch of Hythe, England, im memory of Lionel Lukiu, who conceived aud designed the first lifeboat In 178i Following Good Preaching. Vicar (severely, to his cook) Mary, you had a soldier to supper last night. Cook Yes, sir; he's my brother. ! Vicar but you told me you bad ne brother. Cook So 1 thought, air, until yon preached last Sunday, aud told us we were all brothers aud sisters. lxmdon Tit-lilt. A Straightforward Answer. The late J. II. Lippincott ventured to ask Ouidit, the novelist, how she came to know so much about clubs, camp life, barracks, gambling houses and other places which are only visited by men. She placed ber bauds upon her knees and looking straight at her questioner said, "It is noiia of your business. "-New York Recorder. The reason why corn (maize) never rows unevenly la supposed to be because of Ita having opposite radials of growth from tha cab csutsr. X)fl. BANDEK'B ELECTRIC BELT UHITMTHTI 'i-t'FS "" IEST Km MrLOVtMtRTt. HJfHMIT. Wilt (tin ellhoal im4IIU H ! MaiUef tttm e ruxfttlos or .rta. r.rtM, ihmh r InfllftTv. U. D, M M1U.I cxhmuttloa, dr.lni. Ihw, rroui ifbll It;. ilttplMiD.u, lf u.r,, tldnt;, llr.r u bl.dd.r MmpltlBU, l.m. nek, luBb.flo, I.I.IIM. lintr.! Ul bMltk, t.. IkU elvrtrle bell wialm Wrfl la r of.r .11 olb.n, tod Ivm e e.rr.ot tbu bf iu.llr r.llbr lb. Mr.r or t. rorfoM l.OOO.O. .oi will rmr .11 of lh .bov. oltiMt.. .r m ..v. Tb.uM.d4 h.v. be.. urd by ibii Bftrrtioui i...tio rt.r ll oib.f i bar. r.n.4, nt o lit kimlrao. MUsMateU loibuuid .T.r, .ibor tut. Our Krrul Improxd ll KTRir SI'SnHSORT U lb PT.IO.I bM mxlinl wool ii.ii; film KITH M Kl.TN. llr.ltb TI.m Nlrtwtb (J I AKlMblll la oi.M) Dili. Son lot luf Ulwtnw4 auaaalMa, eftlod.rre. bf aaall. Addr.u RAIVOIill'r XBXj3BO'X,'1TO CO, No. 1 09 La Salt tret, CHICAGO, ILL. CUIII! CONSTIPATION. To enjoy health nnaehonlrl have rr lar cva'tu(lona evorr lata y four hour, 'the evils, both mautal mmA fhjralcal, resulting from HABITUAL CONSTIPATION romany and aorlooa. For tho ar or this common Iron bio, Tnft'a I,lor rilla hat Kalnwrl a popularity napajr ftllolcd. Elegantly sugar coai4. SOLD EVERYWHESE. SUBSCRIBE for the WEEKLY HERALD, $l.SO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Tuffs nils