State Histoical Socif'j. PLATTSMOUTH HERALD VOLYm. NO H IMiA'lTSMOUTll CASS COUNTY. NKliKASKA. THURSDAY, , I ANUAUV 26. 181)3. Si. 50 AYE Alt. r SOAP! HAVING made arrangements with the Cincinnati Soap Co to introduce their Soap in this city we will sell their best American White Castile Soap-two cakes for Five Cents for a short time only. Remember this is the best Castile Soap in the Market and is to any Ten Cent Cake of Soap retailed in this city. Don't delay but lay in your supply of Soap at once as the stock on hand is limited. Fred Herrmann. NOVELTIES IN ilih? HOLIDAYS Iff IIILE selecting a present drop in II show you something USKFUL fcaby or for grandmother. Our line fscriptions; Easy Chairs and in fact everything in the furniture line is complete. We have the LARGEST STOCK and sell you CHEATER than anyone else in the city COUVCE iUSTD SEE US. KEMEMBEK THAT WE A K E HEADQUARTERS I2T OUB (SUCCESSORS TO 522 Main Street, - ISAAC PEARLMAN'S GREAT ZMIODIEIElNr HOUSE-FURNISHING : EMPORIUM, Where you can get your house fumised from kitchen to parlor and at easy terms. I handle the world re nowned Haywood Uaby Carriages, also the latest Improved " Reliable Process " Gasoline Stoves. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Dr. SYDNEY NINCcR, Ptolessor of Medicine ct University College, London, Author of the Standard "Handbook of Therapeutics," artuallu writes as follows: "From Hut o.'irnfiil iiuulyhK of 'rf. ATTftF.I.I) 111 VAN! HOUTEN'S COCOA Im In no w:iy Injurious to lnittf It. ami flint, it ii uVeliloilly nmro nutritious than nth'T Cowiiis.-lt is I'Kitiiinlv ' li i iv" ami highly iliirotilie. Thu iiuotiitton In vr tiuu nilvertlseiiients ( from Trade rivals) from my ik m TlH'rupouties art) quite niisletnlitiK. tiii'l im.Hsllily tti! v to Van H'iUtkn'h Cocoa." Thf fait rrilertion on Van llotn kn'h Cocoa is thu vifectuaily repelled, anJ tht very aii'iorilyi i7.i In injure it, i tlrrrUu priimptetl In gire it a fieri hamltmw testimonial B FURNITUR and look over our stock for we can us well as OKN A MENTAL, for the of Ladies' Desks, Kockers of all de FOR X-MA8 GOODS LT1TE, IIEXKY BOECK.) - Plattsmouth, Neb iiiul ntlior, I nm Kiiti.sOed Hint A TERRIBLE HOLAGUST. Frightful Loss of Life Caused by a Collision. A HORRIFYING SIGHT Human Beings Burned to Death by the BurnlngOil In aShortTlme Cries of the Wounded Was Pitable. The Big FourWreck. Last Saturday at Alton Junction 111., there occurred one of the worst railroad accidents for years, caused by a passenger train running through an open switch into tin oil train, causing the oil tanks to ex plode mid scattering all over the surrounding country, covering the people who came to the assistance of the wrecked train with burning oil. The total list of the dead is ns follows. Webb Koss, Mitoou, 111. Hiram Cornellius, Iowa. Edward Miller, Alton Junction. Two Unknown Men. William Shattuck, upper Alton 111 Henry Penning, Wantt, 111, William ;Carthy, Alton, 111. John Locke, Alton. Edward Maupiu, Alton. Daniel Harers, Alton Junction. . William Mantz, Fosterburg, 111. Charles Utt, Alton. ' W. II. Miller, Alton. Charles Harris, Alton. John Wilkinson, Alton. Fourteen of the in juried are ex pected by the hospital authorities to die. They are: Otto Hageinann, Alton. John Hermann, Alton. Fred Hermann, Alton. Joseph Hermann, Alton. Henry Pilgrin, Alton. John Latrelle, Alton. W. H. Richardson, Alton. John Hurk, Alton. FredJScullin, Alton. Murphy, Upper Alton. Roten, Upper Alton. William Miller, Alton Junction. A. T. Fraser, St. Louis. Frank Iiarth, Hradford, Can. Those who sustained serioti9 in juries, but will probably, recover are: Mrs, A. L. Willen and Child, Kan sas City. Henry Wiggins, Alton Junction. George Stnple.s, Alton Junction. John MiPike, Alton. Herman Muske, Alton, Louis Deneau, Montreal, Can, Henry Staples. Uniontown, Ky. Montgromery, Alton. Dan Harris, Alton Junction. Frank Harton, Stamford, Ont. Louis Mcintosh, Alton Junction. Willi am Mcintosh, Alton Junc tion. John Monohan, East St. Louis. James Mullaue, Alton Junction. Charles Harris, Alton. W. T, Harrison, Alton. lletuplin Valentine, Philadelphia Charles Hall, Alton Junction. J. R Manhaus, Alton. Pat O'Meara, Alton. Z. I J. Job, Alton. John Seisler, Alton. Ephraim Richardsbu, Alton. John Finley, Alton. John McPike, Alton. Evan Caldwell, Alton. Patrick Find ley, Alton. Charles Crowl, Alton. Resides these, more than a score sustained injuries of a more or less serious nature, whose names could not be learned. All the dead were burned to death by flaming oil. Of the fatally injurfed, all are more or less burned about the limbs and body, but the worst in juries sustained are fearfully burn ed, heads and faces. There are also many injitried internally from in- haling Haines, which parched their throats to such tin extent that their escape from instant death is almost miraculous. The other injuried Buffered from burns on various parts of the head, limbs and body. The nwfulness of the catastrophe arouses wonder that the casualties are not twice as large as they re. l?y (he wagon road, in a ditch filled with snow, was found the en tire cuticle of eight hands, with lin ger nails attached as it potkd from the bones as the sufferer in their frenxy dashed into the freezing sub stance. In one pile of clothing ashes, with the flesh from a man's lingers, V( to found silver half dol lars, melted together. Several gold and silver watches were also found and returned to their owners or relatives. Grass in neighboring fields was burned by particles of oil falling two thousand feet from the scene of the explosion. Ever) thing possible has been done tor the reliei of the sufferers. In the verdict of the coroner's jury in the case of Engineer Koss no attempt is made to fix the blame although it is understood that the brakeman, Al Getton, is responsible for the open switch, and he has fled to escape the consequences of his neglect of duty. Coroner Kinder empaneled another jury and has been busy all day holding inquests on the other bodies. The bodies of the dead were pre pared for burial and the funerals will occur tomorrow. The total loss to the companythe officials state, will be between $l'i, 000 and $ 150,000. The company sent the remains of the dead engineer to Mattoon. William Hammond, a Hig Four track walker who was quite severe ly burned, said: "There was noth ing I could do. Water would do no good, and so I stood looking on. I had started away when the explo sion occurred. I had not got sev enty feet away before I was thrown on my knees by the crash. I felt the hot oil light on my head and hands and felt the burning sensa tion, To relieve myself I buried my head in the earth and threw dirt on my hands. One curious feature about the af fair is that when the tank exploded the oil shot directly upward to a height of 200 or 300 feet, then, as though impelled by some central force suddenly shot out in all di-rections. THE LION AROUSED. Wires Between Carioand Lon don. Kept at a White . Heat Now. TUB LION AROUSED. LONDOX? Jan. 23-The Egyptian situation is assuming a gravity which for a time puts all other is sues in the back ground, The for eign office has received a telegram from Lord Cromer saying the Khe dive has intimated his intention to refer to Turkey and the treaty pow ers the action of England in caus ing the dismissal of Fakhri Pasha from the cabinet. The natives are more excited than at any time since the outbreak under Arabi Pasha. The cabinet held a long consulta tion on the Egyptian crisis, during which a stream of telegrams were received from Cario. The prolonged session is said to have been due to a difference of opinion as to the ne cessity of reinforcing the army in Kgypt for the purpose of looking after matters at Cairo and protect ing the frontier against the Der vishes. The British lorce in Egypt num bers about '3,100 and there are 18,000 troops under command of British officers. It is officially announced that the British government has decided upon a slight increase of the Brit ish troops In Egypt. CHIEF IIAXDIT.i CYUfillT. GALVeSTOX, Jan. 23. A special from Rio Grande Bays: News was received lure late last night from an authentic source that Lieuten ant DickuiMi, of Captain Hunter's command, and Walker of Captain Chase's command, acting in con cert with Sheriff Stiell of this county and villi the state rangers, captured General Francisco Bena vides, chiefj in command of the Garza forcest and Pruleucio Gon fcealcs, next n command. The cap ture was malleoli the '21st, near the Julian (Juarjias ranch, this country Forty orniote of the revolutionists were assembled at that place. It is known that; Benavides assembled his forces jvith the intention of sacking t attiargo. Sheriff Stiell will arrive here tlunorrow and more will then be Ic arjied about the matter. HAY I ks h! K VOLU 1 1 ' ). . Pavana, an. 23. Mail advices from llayti tbdayjeonurtned former reports as hi the revolution. Hip polyte is ni.iiing a strong effort to crush the nj olutionists, who evi dently exploded their plot prema turely, and ijiet with only partial success. A vast majority of the people sympathize openly with the revolutionist, and most of the others assisithem covertly, JUSTICE LAMAR DEAD. In ExcellentSpirits at 8 O'clock and Died an Hour Later. A VF5RY SUDDEN DEATH. Rose Steadily In His Chosen Profes sion toTheHluhest Plnnacls Brave Soldier In the Con federate Army. MC, Ga., Jan. 23. Associate Justice Lucius (Jui tit us Citicinnatus Lamar died here at 8:,"iO o'clock this evening. His'death was a terrible shock to the community. It was sudden in the extreme, for although lie has been ailing tor some time, He appeared to be gradually gain ing in health, He came from Wash ington to Macon about a month ago and has been visiting at the resi dence of W. H. Virgin, in Vines ville, a suburb of this city. This afternoon about 3 o'clock Justice Lamar took down his overcoat in tending to go to the city, but was met at the door by lr. Llewllyn, a friend, with whom he returned to the sitting room. At that time and during all the afternoon lie was in good spirits and at dinner at 0:50 this evening he seemed to have a good appetite. Dr. Llewllyn left the house about 8 o'clock ami a few minutes later the justice was seized with violent pains in the region of the heart. LuciusQuintus Citicinnatus Lam ar was born in Putnam county, Georgia, September 1, 1821, and after his father's death was taken to Oxford, Miss., Where he received part of his education. He gradua ted at Emery college, Georgia, in IS 15, studied law in Macon, and was admitted to the bar in 1817. In 181'J he returned to Oxford. Mis., and for a year held a professorship in the university of Mississippi. He re signed and resumed, the practice of law i n Goverington, Ga. He was elected to the legislature in 1853 and iu ISM again returned to Mis sissippi and settled on his planta tion in Lafayette. Being shortly tifterwards elected to congress as a democrat he served from 18,"7 until 1HO0, when he resigued to take a seat in the secession convention of his native state. He cast his for tunes with the ''lost cause" and left the army with the rank of colonel, after having shared in many en gagements. He was again elected in the university of Mississippi and again took a seat in the house of tepresentatives, and was elected to the senate March, n, 1877. March 5, 1880, President Cleveland appointed Mr. Lamar secretary of the interiorand afterwards elevated him to a seat on the supreme bench Mr. Lamar was perhaps as promi nent a figure as any that has oc cupied a seat on the bench of that august body. He left Washington for the south about a nionte ago, I In had been for some time confined to his home in that city and was un able to attend all sessions of the supreme court, his absence causing some little delay in the rendering of the well known lake front case, wherein the city of Chicago and the Illinois-Central railroad were the participants. Just before his de parture from Washington, however, Judge Lamar was thought to have considerably improved. It was not without dismal lorebodings that his friends learned after his departure that he had been compelled to take one or two intervals of rest before arriving here and his death, while itwill cause a very severe shock in this community, where he was so widely known, and affectionately regarded, will not be in every par- ticular a great surprise. WKIXKKIl H Y DYNAMITE. Romk, Jan. 22. Dynamite bombs exploded almost simultaneously this afternoon between the hotel il Angeltorre and in the garden of the lUllirilll O llllliat. III Hip ;l j,n Claudio. The hotel was partly wrecked. Every window and every piece of crockery and glasswim. and bric-a-brac in the hotel was smashed. The front of the hotel was cracked in three places to the second floor, and in the door where the bomb exploded a large holt was torn. Nobody was injured, al though the hotel had more than h)0 lodgers at the hour of the ex plosion The people ran out into the streets without waiting to get money or jewelery. They were surrounded at once by a crowd and a company of gendarmes was required to keep the street in front of the hotel clear. At lirst the front wall was expect ed to fall. After an examination, however, the commissary an- ninineed that there was no imnie- di ite danger and that the lodger mi ,Mi? return to pack their trunks, era! women refused to return Si am 1 their belongings were cared for ny the police. Before evening had left for other hotels. all The proprietor said this evening- th it the Hotel and contents were al- most a total loss. Not a wholu piece of furniture was left in the building. Walls of houses near th hotel were cracked and all the win dows were broken. The proprietor's house in the Vu S; n Claudio was less dauiatred. All the windows were smashed for 100 yards on either side. No walls were cracked, however, and but for the breakage of glassware, crockery and furniture, little harm was done. n he proprietor of the hotel savs he isconvinced that both the ex- losions were caused by a man who e discharged recently. LAID TO REST. Ex-President Rutherford B. Hayes Laid to Rest Last Week. Fkemont, t).,Jan. 20. -Taps have been sounded, the tingle has blown n beautiful good night revielle, the last salute has been fired and all that is mortal of Rutherford B. Hayessleeps beneath n mantle of snow by the side of the devoted companion of his life. The cere monies of today were such as be fitted, a typical American citizen, soldier and statesman. The sim plicity of the republic shone forth in his life and was marked in his obsequies. No eulogy was said above him that is left for the future to pronounce, ami all who knew the man. lather and statesman' unite in saying that it has been wisely so. The pure, upright and generous good dee Is which drew so suddenly to a close Tuesday night1 have noihing to fear from the verdict of oncoming time. In some respecls the occasion was one of the most notable in American history, The only re maining ex-president, soon again to assume the ma title of responsibility stood by the bier of his tlead. The two men had some notable qualit ies in common, mid of all public men few more sincerely mourned than Grover Cleveland, who came and went without ostentation. A great crowd gathered at the depot. waiting his arrival, but the word wisely passed nround by the citi zens' committee no cheering or display there, and he left as quietly as he came. Only a serious threat of personal illness kept President Harrison away and his regret is as keen at his enforced absence as ttmseexpressed on every hand by the family; their friends and the public. BABY RUNNING SORE Worst Sight Ever 8cn. Legs, Hands, Amis, Hotly One Solid, Deep, Kiiimliig Sure. HtKiin I'filiiR Ciitlcura. In Two Weeks Great Improvement Followed by a Complete Cure. , My child tif en to tie norc when two rnnnthn nlil, Ki-zi'inu on hi (urn one) hi-ail. ll rapidly pral over nil bin body. Every one who n liuu Mii he wm lb.0 wornt il(hl tin y cvit i. lie n ul to tic wouii'l In hum cloltm ever p many tirnca day, atxl then hi would ntick fut to hiH clothe, t could not drtnit him slono for motitlm. Urn llttti. h'ifrt, hamU, and arm wcrt' junl one solid ilii i runiiiiiK tore : ha wan aore all over, but tht1 di'tvpt'at onea wero on hi arm, Ii'iih, and fad'. II ih dire aud mi hud limit dut p crat k tn the tli-tdi. utid Wfio awollcnanthnt h did not look like a child. Illawcro the wornt aorva I h.'tvo ever wen of the kind. Wo t emi lining the ftTUt RA Kr miiiiks, und In wii-ka we rould aee a pri-tit iuiprovttut'nt, and now he la completely curvd. Ilia akin la amooth und wliitemd he eeoma entirely well. We aro a- lh:iuktil. nrtnol inelna, d. 1 would like to tell hT.i' bu aaufTertnki tmhy aliout Ct'Tiruiu. Mm. HIKI) HAKKETT, WinhYld, lnirlinm County, Mku. Cuticura Resolvent The new Hlood and Skin rurtlicr, Internally, and C'Tirim, the ureat Skin Cure, and Ori'ici'Ra. SoaI', an ri'imalle Skin Ueautilier, internally, Iu td.vitiy relievo and aK'edily euro every dtaeaio aud h'Miior of the akin, aenlp, and hlood, with loaa of hair, from Uifuucy to ago, frum plmplea toacrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Citktiu, 50c.; Pur, '2'ic;, fl. l'repared hy the I'ottkk lKt u AftuCliKMicALCoitpoiurioN, Boaton, M aaa. So'" How to Cur Skin Ulaeaaea," M fifes, iO lllu-irationa, and 100 teatiuionlala, mailed flee. GABY'S Hkin ami Scalp pnrttk-d and henutiflcd by Ci.'Tici'Iu Soir. Absolutely pure. 1 RHEUMATIC PAINS In on ii mlnatei thi-Cuticura Ant I I'aln I'lanter relieve rheumatic, aei- f atlc, hip. kidney, cheat, and niuaculaC". i paUi aud wtakueai. I'rtce, a', ' fl'