Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 12, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Cleveland 26o, Harrison 144
and Vvoavcr 24.
Tl ,l'.t V:tes Cast for tunjamln Hji
r.son aid Whitelaw Hied by
TheNliidka Last Mon
day at Lincoln.
They Met Monday
Tlie pn .-idential elector cboii
iM tin- election November N in ev ry
state in tin' li ii ion met In.-l Monday
1:1 their re.-pective capital and cast
tlifir votes for president and vice-jiii-ti
lent. The result in each
Mair will be certified to tin1 fieri",
t. try of Mate ut Wa-diiiigton by the
jjovernor of each state, and when
congress assembles tin- second
Wednesday in Feburary tin- two
Jmiisi'H will neet in tin- liall of tin"
Jtouse of representatives, count Un
votes, and officially declare tlu' re
result. Tin- following talde tnki-n
from the Ch ci;'" tribune shows
what the ballot will be tor presi
dent providing" the vote is cast in
liecordance with the will of the
people, and there is little, proba
bility that it will not he:
I'l.'ve- iliirri- Wen-
lit 1 11 1 . full, VI'l.
Alabama II
Alkllll-!H s
t iililiiriiin 8 I
Coluruil') .. 4
('mmei'ii ut fl
licit-ware . . ,'
Moildn I
fitMrKiu ;
Malta .. 3
Jlllmils 21
bulimia 15
luwii ;i
Khiimh ,, id
Kentucky );(
l-mii.-laiiu H
Main I) liui l H
Hii"iii 'liiioi'ttM 15
MiiliiKaii ... 5 y
NiiiiK'xiitii 9
M iKislil jj
Missouri 17
Miiiitunu 3
Mi-Iraka y
. ...... .,. o M
Mi-viidii t j
New Hampshire...
New Jersey i t
New ttrk ;w M "
.North Ciirolltiii n
Kurlli Dakota '3
1 '
,r''K" 3 1
Kliwlo Isluiul "'
Hoiitli C'omlinu .. u '
hnulli Dakota 4 "'
Teimewsee $
Texm 15
Vermont 4
Ylrtiiniu y, j i ri k 1 011 4
West Virginia (i m "'
Wiscotisiiiii ... la
Wyoming g
Tot it I ynl ul i
Tuliil Milliliter of votes 4H
JSecessiiry fur u I'lmli'o ... '." 22a
CIi'VcUiiiiI'h majority J,
TJii" total electorial vote as can
vassed l.y congress Feburary 13,
was 401 votes, 201 constituting
a majority, Harrison received ZlH
mid Cleveland llW. Since that time
Idaho lias been Hilmittad. to state
hoi.d with three electoral votes,
Montana with three, North Dakota
with three, South Dakota with four
Washington with four and Wyom
injf with three. The population in
other Hates has increased HiilVici.
ntly to bring tin- total number of
rhetors tip to 411, or forty-three
more than there were selected in
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. K.-The Ne
braska ineinbers of the electoral
college met at 11 o'clock this morn
ing in the reception room of the
governor's suite at the capitol to
formally cast their votes for presi
dent and vice president of the V. S.
Col. E. P. Savage of South Omaha
presided. A formal written ballot
was taken um Heiijaniin Harrison
received eight votes after which a
similiar ballot was taken for vice
president, and Whitelaw Hied re
ceived the same number.
A ballot was taken for a messen
ger to carry the result to Washing
Ion and Hon. Daniel Neltleton of
Clay county was declared to be the
man. The only requirement being
that heshall reach Washington and
deliver in person to the president
of the senate not later than the 8th
day of next month. Three copies
oTthe result were drawn up and
signed by every one of the electors
One will be taken to the national
capital by Mr. Neltleton, another
will be sent by mail to the same
destination, while the third will be
transmitted to Hon. Elmer S. Dundy
judge of the I'nitod Slates district
court for the district of Nebraska.
Wa.TI;i Agents to sell our
choice and hardy Nursery Stock
We have many new special van
lies, both in fruits and ornamentals
lo olfer, which are controlled only
iy its. We pay commission ; or
.-alary, Write us at once for terms,
;ind secure choice of territory,
M.W UKOTHKK, Nurserymen,
KoehesUr, N. Y.
Try tlie"frowir couu-li cure, llrowii iV
Harret Kuur.uitec It.
It is time our city dads wire wak
injf up to thefactthat thiscity must
have a in irket place, For the past
two weeks Main street has been
blockaded wilh loads of hay, wood
aad corn so that in many places
team- could not pass.
I loj-s ;.rc worth .?7 a htindred.eys
!!" cents a doen, butter accents a
p 'nnd and yet at these figures there
are not enough to supply the de
mand. Joe McCaiij went from Wabash
Tuesday to see the legislature or
uaui.e. On his return home he con.
eluded to net oil" without bothering
the crew by slopping and he j;ot
olf while the train was running at
a fast rate of speed, lie lauded up
against a snow bank and was com
pletely covered up. lie finally ex
trade I himself and found that no
damage had been done.
Mrs. CD. C'lapp of Weejiiu Wa
t'T is the yuest ol Mrs. W. A. wear
infill. li. K. Hilton the 11. V M. civil en
gineer arrived home from Wyom
ing where he has been mrvcyiiitf
for the new extension all summer
and fall. Work has closed down
for the winter.
Marriage licenses were granted
Monday to Chas. G. Goldsmith and
Clara M. I tigers of Ashland and
Frank Walters of liiirlingtnn, Iowa
and Li.aie Kupley. The first couple
were joined wedlock by Judge Ram
sey and the second couple were
married by Kev It. H. Hurgess at
the residence of the brides parents
on south Sixth street.
Daniel Andrews of Center pre
cinct has sold 13) acres of his farm
ing property to his son, Daniel, and
another l'Jt) acres to his son, Fred.
The consideration in the former
tratiffer was $2,1 11, and in the latter
$2,400. Warrently deeds for both
transfers were filed in the recorder's
oflice last Monday.
Henry Stander purchased last
week 240 acres of farming land of
Henry Messner. near South Head,
paying for the same 10,000 averag
ing nearly $42 per acre.
S. H. Atwood and J. M. Craig left
last Monday for Deadwood, South
Dakota to look after their mining
Typhoid fever is reported as rag
ing just south west of this city a
number of peron are dangerously
At-lilniiil Gazette.
The Gazette regrets to chronicle
the very dangerous illness of Kev,
Samuel Lewis, pastor of the M. K,
church in South Hend. Dr. Frei-
day of this place held a constitu
tion wilh Dr. Hamilton of South
Bend and Dr. Green of University
Place and they express but little, if
any, hope of the patients recovery
Typhoid fever and maningetis are
the ailments with which he is afflic
ted, and at our last report he had
lain unconscious for a number of
hours. Mr. Lewis was taken ill on
Christmas afternoon, after having
addressed the children of the Sun
day Bchool at his church in the fore
noon. His last sermon was preach
ed in Ashland two weeks ago Thurs
day night. Kev. Lemon of this
place was at his bedside Wednesday
Mr. Lewis has a large number of
warm friends in this vicinity who
are saddened to learn of his illness.
Miss Sue Matson was taken worse
Monday and begged so hard to go
home that her father made arrange
ments and left with her Tuesday
evening for their home in Iowa.
Her many friends will tie sorry to
learn that there is small hopes of
her recovery.
A large amount of wood and Hay
is being brought over the river
from Iowa on the ice and shows
our merchants what an advantage
it would be to I'lattsmouth to have
a bridge across the Muddy.
The suit of K.J. Gilliland vs. Con
stable Kroehler and J. M. Craig, a
sipiabble over the V'oris corn crop
and which resulted in favor of Gil
liland in Judge Archer's court has
been appealed to the district court.
Messrs. and Mesdames, II. C. Mc
Maken.M.A. Dickson and August
Tartsch and wife attended the sil
ver anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Capt. Manchester, at Lincoln last
Tuesday evening.
John Kohhius, who has been do
ing carpenter work in the southern
I'art of the state the past summer,
is at home visiting with his par
ents. I'hi' county commissioners have
reappointed J. W. Johnson as a
member of the soldiers relief com-mission.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carruth, and
daughter Louise, left Tuesday for
their home at .M.:Coolt Neb. after a
two weeks visit in the city with
friends and relatives.
Sialas Long, administrator of
the estate of Agnes Cole, deceased,
has filed his petition for final set
tlement of the estate in the county
Court. The settlement was set for
Feb. 2nd IH'tif.
Roy Young, while coasting last
week at the Rock Creek school
house, was so badly hurt that he
willhaveto be kept in the house
for some time.
The ice Baron II. C. McMaken
left Tuesday with his men ami
teams for Cedar Creek where he
will cut ice for the B. & M. R. R.
Dr. Brendel of Murray was in the
city Tuesday.
CJ. II. Johnson of the Murray Ban
ner has accepted the position of
local editor of the News in place of
M. D. I'olk who resigned the first of
the year.
Olflcers Installed.
Star of Nebraska No. 4, Degree of
Honor, of the A. O. IT. V installed
the following officers January 5th:
fast Chief Sistel of Honor Mrs.
D. B. Smith.
Chief Sister of Honor Mrs Nanie
Lady of Honor Mrs. A. Adams.
Sister of Ceremonies Mrs. Frank
Sister Recorder-Mrs. Frank Boyd
Sister Financier Mrs. D. F. Foster
Brother Receiver I). B. Kbersole.
Sister Usher-Miss Anna Adams.
Sister I. W. Miss Kva G. Smith.
Brother O, W'. Frank Vermilyea.
Trustees-Mrs. D. B. FJbersole.Mrs
Robert C. Patton and Mrs. Frank K.
Organist-Belle Vermilyea.
Legislators at War.
Amid the most intense excitement
and the greatest uproar, two sepa
rate organizations were perfected
in the house of Kansas, Tuesday.
The two houses both organized at
the same time and the same place
and both held sessions in represen
tative hall in the evening The
house is composed of 125 members.
Of these sixty-three, or a majority
of one, hold certificates of election
and compose the republican house,
claiming their organixation is the
only legal one. The populists num
ber fifty-seven.
The governor refused to reconize
either house. But the plan of the
populists is to hold out til today
by which time they think their or
ganization will be recognized by
Governor Lewelling and the senate.
Then they will have the military at
their backs, and will proceed, with
the aid of the adjaunt-general, to
remove the republican from the
house. All the populist members
on the floor are armed and at one
time pistols were drawn between a
republican leader and a populist
deputy sergeant-at-arms.
The Cass County Agricultural so
ciety will hold its regular adjourned
December meeting on Saturday
February, 3, 1S'J3 at 2 o'clock p. 111
A full attend ance of all the mem
bers and ofliters are requested as
some important business is to be
attended too, and also the election
of officers for the ensuing year.
The society would like to have every
business man in the city present.
K. B. Windham, Pres.
Davk Mimner, Sec'y.
A. S. Bobbitt is working in the
elevator of FJvans & Hare.
Wolf & Tool sold a car load of
coal last week within six hours af
ter receiving.
Mrs. G. W. Meeker was visiting in
Seward lor a week past.
Mrs. John Cook left last Thurs
day for I'lattsmouth and vicinity
to visit wilh her folks and call on
Mrs. Rush isver) sick at present
Her folks summoned a doctor from
Weeping Water last Thursday,
Mrs. F. Bass is also reported sick.
Mrs. II. McDonald started for the
west the 0th of this month to bring
his family here.
School commenced last Monday
in the new school house in Mur
doek with Miss Wcrtz as teacher.
This district has now as nice a
schoolroom as there is anywhere
in a town of the size of M unlock.
A lv'ikli is putting up large quan
tities of ice for home consumption
these days.
Our only "Joe Carter" Is a very
handy person indeed. He rims the
post othce in the absence of A. Za-
bclatid now runs the drug store
until our druggist and family re
Mr. Wirth of Omaha is doiiur the
painting in the state bank building
lor ;ir. dentine, the contractor.
93 is Columbian Tear,
And JOE will beat all Eecords in
Cass County Citizens.
The Best in Clothing And Gents' Furnishings.
. prfmipni.
III iOk.
Mr A w
k. ... k
Presume You
IfM, hm foa hoard of the nucnW
Scent oliir mad by Um
i Iwd
an order Inr
We always look for the arrival of
this magazine among our exchan
ges with a certain degree of long
ing not perhaps that we are more
fond of good eating than the rest of
the world, but Table Talk has such
n peculiary irresistible way of say
ing what it has to say on the sub
ject. Besides its well of gastrono
mic knowledge seeni to have no
bottom. For seven years it has
been bubbling up and overflowing
with information relating to what
to cut and how to prepare it, and
Tm Tfcoanand DolUm Hold Coin
ir -w. -'JLVin
You hiv
pltnty of
Pnn7 ol 'f wl"
nMnniu iuliA tn threw wlinee wnrt
.i.u,.i I, thm at thfi World e
time to enter
damn mart wortnroi iu wrun.
the contest
Send for
circular con
taining all
necessary In
In Premiums. I,
Hani! 10 MlU Inr MunDln I"" o'
twilled thmad. 6110 sd Illnltrated
.-.V.. H, I Q and A lilr.tJI
linrrad patlf m. 6 i-u Mch. all pwt
Kitlwr of above book! wot Ireawiln
12 pattern
now it has commenced on its eighth
year, and still the well seems to be
as full as ever. Moreover, like
Mimir's Well in Scandinavian my
thology, there is a big amount of
wisdom in its waters albeit stom
ach wisdom and to drink of it
doesn't cost one the loss of an cj e,
I either; the small sum of one dollar
I a year will secure the privilege,
j Published monthly by the Table
1 Talk Publishing Co., 1113 Chestnut
1st., Philadelphia. The January
number is now ready, Single cop
ios 10 cents.
Giving to All
Fresh, Salt and Smoked
Meats of all kinds.
T MAKE the best of all kinds of i
sausages and keep a good supply 7
constanty on hand. Call and see.
between Muln anil I'earl
Plattsmouth. . . Nebraska
North Sixth-St.
Meat Market.
frl?, Salt aijd Smoked K
Headquarters : for : Poultry.
North Sixth-st.,Opp. Postoffico
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in Union Biook
WANTED -Wiile iiwiike wirrki-r ovurv
where l.a "Mii.i,'a riintuutupli r I lie WiirW."
,JL".'.L;i'ii'i".'i'""k "" eunh ;-o-.t ii i;;
SHEPP SrV,,,',il "' ir ..r i,,:,
f . ' . W stiilliiiciits: inn mi mot li ill.
hi 1 fit eiivulars aihl trrm-t irie; d.iilv
imtpiit i.vr 1.:.ii v.ihimi'-. .L.,,u
(eiitieville Irx., ilmre,! a-l I in"e
A.I.iiik, WihiMit.O ,J,1 In fr,'J
1111 nnl,. ; h'ev. J. iKiiMinl MailisMH l.v,,,,;
i;:, theWOHLD
cent 1 1 lit nnty f l),,ks (111 ere.lil Ireiht
I'liKl. A.l.lres (ii.oiiH Itim.K I'l hi.ishiv,,
O., i heinil nt I'liilu., I',, r xa
IleutbnniHt., C InciiKo, III.