Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 12, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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mmissioner Hayes Elect
) Takfis His Sfiat.
J W.Johnson Is Reapdolated on the
Committee of Soldiers Relef
Bills Allowed Other Im
portant Business.
County Legislation,
il'lattsniouth, Jan. X 1S!H. Hoard
Pursuant to adjournment.
Present A. Lndor, Jacob Tritsch
nnd S. Y. Dtitton, county comniirt-
donerf, Frank Dickson county
.umiites ot Hoci'inbcr session
al and approved, with the follow
ing business wart transacted in
regular form.
fflicial bonds approved.
John Krliart, District No
V. G. I'ariliotiiin District
Joe. Ley an District No. ."'.).
Henry Pcll-DiMrict No. :.
J. YY. Campball-District No. 2t.
C. A. Ilayworth District No. 0.
G.C. Pita District No. Hi.
C. T. K'ichards-District No. 8.
L. Horn District No. 2.
A II Weichel- District No. HO.
C L Vallery-District No. 11.
David Albin-District No. 10.
A II Austin-District No. IK).
Patrick Hayes -District No. "1.
Dana Wulf-Distri.-t No. 51).
Win Doty- District No. 34.
J, It Drown District No. :8.
Jacob Musingcr District No. 3.
Win H Porter, jr District No. 1.1
John McKay District No. .".
David Leine District No. 10.
Geo Hanson-District No, 2S.
Chan Huiner District No. 42.
W K I.add-District No. 41.
J C Smith-District No. M.
Kd Comad District No. 41.
YY W Willett-District No..")2.
John Tromble District No. 57.
I T Durnett -District No. 27.
Joe Cunningham District No. 31.
Geo Shoeinann District No. 11.
A (Jutton District No.4S.
Sain Cox District No. 23.
J J Kaha District No. 4'..
Jacob Schutruin District No. 31.
M D Kudy Louisville Precinct.
11 G Deardsell-Stove Creek Pre
cinct. D W Foster-Liberty Precinrt.
P K Kiit'f tier Second ward, Platts
louth. C S fwiss Third ward, Platts-
K S Williams First ward, Weep
iig Water.
V C Wollen Weeping Water pre
I) J Pittnian Rock Hluifs.
Jas M Carper--Mt. Pleasant.
Win Sharp Tipton.
, Win Finlej Salt Creep.
maa. r i-iorion i.iueriy.
V Morton
i .i - iiiou i.ouisviue.
r4f K A Kirkpatrick Nehawka.
'Chas. Tighe Center.
Ainsdel Sheldon A voca.
J C Williams Fifth ward, Platts
niouth. Claim of P Z Fowler for merchan
dise to F M Dalton in the amount
of ifl.X'.W was refused.
January 4, ISM Official bonds of
Fred Law, road overseer district No
32 and D. J. Griffith of district 3S
Were opprov.ul.
j Claim of K. I). Root for boarding
Frank Allen was refused for the
reason that Allen was not a county
charge when board bill was con
t T - . t T fit .
Resignation of K. J. Wright, con
stable of Tipton precinct, filed and
Claim of judges and clerk ofjelee-
A1 of Tipton precinct for extra
' . ie was refused.
Hids for blank books for Cass
county for the year lH'.M were opened
and contrct awarded to the Omaha
Printing Company and their bond
Claims audited and allowed.
I'H Norris, phy salary
J f ob Tritsch, sal and exp. ,
30 00
:v; oo
4S 30
237 30
tW 00
12 00
13 00
'W Dutton, same
' Dickson, work, sal aufl e.p.
' t .
Miempei, janitor c t liouse. .
v W White, mdse to poor....
Dora Fleshinan, bdg poor
P Z Fowler, mdse to poor
K Palmer, same..
J C Smith, keeping poor
K K Parniele, team for com.
10 33
IS 00
3 00
It'... T I, ...
i in i4 w i-iis, rep r Mouse ' ()
Win Tijfhe, Ddg, gdg pris.. .. 2(30 73
ManUer Hros, mdse to poor..
J C Kikenbary, bdg poor less
2i 00
78 70
Noble'sal and fxp jq
ji i ravis. salary 20(530
Aug Hach.indse to poor 8 00
Mina Panne, care to sick 6 00
C C Parmele, work on records 50 00
Clans Brckenfeld mdse to Co 5 00
Joseph Graham, same 5 00
tt l m
Kobt Gilliam, work on court
,Lo,,8e 3 50
(McCort, mdse to poor 21 43
A Clark, same lti 30
Win Herald & Son., same 10 24
W II Dearing, expense acet. . . 7 30
I.enhotT Pros, statinery 23 10
W J White, coal to Co 133 43
K Stiuz.euegt er," mdse to
poor 43 30
J no Swoboda, same 4 00
M Haight, bdg pauper 22 00
Straight & Sattler, burial of
pauper 0 3(3
Cost Hill, State vs. Anderson. 7 00
Cost Hill, state vs. Al Robin-
son 23 S3
Cost Hill, state vs. Jno F
Ryan 14 23
W H Cashing, expenses for
county 7 (X)
John Swoboda. mdse to poor (100
Cost Hill, ao M Dalton in
sane 77 20
Cost Hill, Anne M Chilcott... 73 SO
Jos Graham, keeping poor. . . 13 W
C W Sherman, printing 13 23
Mrs F J Cooper, enormous tax
refunded 3(H)
P I) Hates, work on court
house 13(H)
Fred Patterson, room for
election 3(H)
Piatt Gas Co., gas 10 70
Win Kirk, rent to poor 10(H)
Frank Coursey, repairing
steam pipes (i!)3
Chas llemple, wood for poor 2 30
V II Hearing, costs vs 12 22
M Archer, same 17 03
A C Loder, sal and expense. . 30 40
R G Gordon, lumber 3 33
Heardsly Clark Co., lumber. . 32 (X)
Applegate & Stone, tiling 2130
Chicago Lumber Co., lumber 2 40
F MJRichey, same 38 14
A F Stusin, same 13 53
R D McDonald, nails less $150 J (HI
January 5, 1S03 -Hoard met pur
suant to adjournment with full
board present and FranK Dickson,
county clerk.
Hoard organized for 1SS3 with
Jacob Tritsch chairman.
Lewis Samson was appointed
road overseer in district 17.
The following official bonds were
A Jenkins, justice of the peace,
Center precinct.
Frank Greib, constable. Tipton.
M W Waitz.road overseer district 40
January (, 1X1)3 The following
names were selected from which to
draw a petit jury for the February
term of court 1HI3,
Tipton-J N D Auble, W DHoyle,
J li Grove.
Greenwood J W Toland, Andrew
Salt Creek-A C Lodes, W t Hald
win, T Sampson.
Stove Creek Win Duster, Wm
Minford, C C Cowell.
Klmwood-H F Allen, J A All
hands. South Hend John Huskirk, C S
Weeping Water-J M Satchell, C
P Gilbert.
Center John Domingo, J M
Louisuille G L Merger, Fred
Stohlinan, C D Tapper,
A voca L D Switzer, A K Cutler.
Mt, Pleasant-F M Massie, Pat
rick Reed.
Light Mile Grove-A H Walradt,
John Lohnes, Conrad Meisenger.
Nehawka-LC Pollard, FJ J Pit
man. Liberty-D J Tl.acker, Win Liken
bary, G S L'pton.
Rock Hluffs-C N Heaverage, T H
Hock, H Chriswiser, Jos Root.
Plattsmouth, First wardwll x
Dovey, C A Parniele, John IlarP j,.,,
Second ward-H M Gault, I', ,'.
Cooper, J Pepperberg.
Third ward--S A Davis,
wood. R WHyers, John R obbi
I'ounn ward h A
'Jates, A C
Tartch, Louis Dose.
Fifth ward S C (
yreen, A
The followin
of ex
Court expenses t .....
County Coin ' " '
'" s ... . n nt nj
ssessimr ,
, vouriiy iiuu niaK
Salarv V"JOO
.1J ll.Fl, t
. list for 1303
1.200 00
uoks, Planks, printing and
Klection Kxpenses
Fuel, court house, poor
house and jail.... v
Jail expense, incliuling
jailors fees
Kxpense of poor house Co.
charges and physicias..
Agricultural society
Clerks salary
Incidental expenses fc
4,000 Oi)
1. 800 00
2,000 00
2.000 00
O.iXH) 00
HiH) 00
4(H) 00
4,5iH) 00
m. attorney, sal
ary muY
1,200 00
10,000 00
Cdtirt House bonds...
Clerk was ordered to
to all publishers of nr
Cass county, and bit"
ceived till noon of F
the printing 0f the
,.. $8:i,5fX),00
send notice'
wspaperu in
la will be re-
eb, 7. 18, for
court dockets,
ccedings, road
a statements,
of Q. Iltilfish of
v uiiiiiii.tMioners pro
notice and treasure
Druggist Report
Wabanh for the si;
c months ending
Jan. 2 1803, filed ai
10, 1803.
47, ap-!
J.W. Johnson was appointed a
member of the soldiers relief com
mission lor a period of three years,
, , , , . .
Clerk was ordered to advertise in
ll st-il. I.oirn .1 f I ii ninl
tneMate Journal ot Lincoln
Plattsmouth lournal that bids will
. , ., , ., , ,
be received until noon of March 0th
1S'.I3 for the erection ami comple
tion of county bridges for 1S1.)3.
liM. Claim Allowed
K R Todd I $ 3S 30 f28 50
L Horn 2
G F Seybert 3
Henry Inhelder. . . 4
Paul Rager 3
Geo Pearson 0
Jacob Pearson 7
C T Richards S
II L Messner !)
Gust Nordval 10
J M Hoover 11
John A Hunuiug..l2
John II Pecker.... 13
C T Vallery 11
Silas Long 15
G L Pita Hi
W W Graves 17
Win Mowan IS
R Mono 10
A P Cox 20
Wm Pankonin 22
John Krhart 23
C F Lau 21
G V Pickwell 25
Win Leesley 20
J F Cornet 27
A Van Cleave 28
Samuel Cashner. ..20
J A Allhands 30
S R Rodgers 31
James Carey 32
O Carinicheal 33
Chas Philpot 30
J C Smith 3(1
Fred Hall 37
L D Drown 38
Henry Pell 30
Kd Reonrad 11
Chas Ilubner 42
J L Hutchins 43
Frank Towle 41
J W Hull is 45
J C Hayes 40
Phil Williams 47
A Sutton IS
53 00
SO 25
41 (HI
32 (HI
43 00
31 (H)
33 SO
40 75
L',s 50
40 25
40 25
34 75
30 30
34 75
30 00
30 30
35 50
43 75
30 75
31 70
33 (Hi
41 (HI
40 70
40 75
50 75
52 50
30 S5
82 11
41 (H)
30 tH)
34 50
30 00
30 30
50 58
35 (H)
38 (H)
34 00
41 25
42 (H)
50 15
40 50
30 (H)
30 (H)
38 50
82 75
32 75
102 (H)
28 85
40 70
34 25
35 30
31 25
37 (H)
31 00
33 Ml
30 73
30 50
30 75
33 30
38 50
33 75
30 75
20 70
30 50
31 70
37 75
30 (H)
31 25
38 50
18 K5
50 It
15 00
41 (H)
30 (H)
33 50
30 30
40 48
31 50
31 25
20 30
33 15
28 50
30 IH)
33 50
32 73
32 75
41 7!)
42 (H)
28 85
32 70
Thos Allen
. .33
. .55
Hans Wulf
G Hickert
M D Williams,
Patrick Hayes
John McKay . .
Floyd Harsh man.. 57
John Tromble 57
L J Griffith 58
II Hathaway 50
A II Austin 00
DAIbin 40
Giaradet & Emeus, mdse to
Neb., Telephone Co., rent
J I I'liruh, mdse to poor
Towl & Shack, coal to poor. . .
State Journal Co., statinery..
5 00
20 05
3 30
4 30
Cost Hill, inquest of John
Kintnann 47 30
LCKickholT expense acct... 35 08
Hennet & Tutt mdse to poor. . 12 00
A A Weckbach, same, 10(0
Davis A Kikedbary, spike... 1 75
Hoard adjourned from day to day
to check the books of the different
county offices and to meet in
regular session Feb. 7th, 181)8.
Frank Dickson, County Clerk.
The Plumed Knight Nearing
Deaths Door at a Vegy
Rapid Rate.
Washington, 1). C Jan. 11. Mr.
IJlaine is still on the border land.
At midnight hU wonderful vitality
had reasserted itself so that there
seemed to be no. immediate danger
of dissolution. Xo one has the
slightest hope for the recovery of
the sick man, anil tin: most that can
now be done is to make his hours
as ncaceiui aim tree ironi nam as
There was little variation in the
news winch came from the sick
Chamber during the day. There
patient took his nourishment and at
intervals roused up to his surround
ings and showed apparent con
aciousness of his own condition,
but most of the time he lay ,in
state oblivions of his surroundings
though not sleeping. The ability
ot Ins system to assimilate nour
ishment obviated the necessity of
resorting so continuously to nitro
glycorene and the other powerful
haart stimulants to keep up his vi
tality, but they were ready at hand
for an emergency, and there was not
an hour of the day but that Mr,
Blaine was more or less under the
effects of these stimulants.
Land to Lease.
Official bond of Win.
overseer in District No.
To the right party we will lease
our section of land for a term of
years. Good channe for man with
plenty of help of his own. Will as
sist tenant to stock the farm. Ap
ply to ;K. O. Dovey A Son, IMhtls
mouth, Nebraska.
lhe y.LK.K, A. has sent out
initations for a social to be given at
the residence of Miss Amillia
Vallery tomorrow evening.
j In the niMttiT nt the rt:itp it tirnri'
; Walrutlt, ilivrnol. Nntuf in licrrti
' t i i-ii that in i'iiruani c i mi iiritiT nt linn
. S. M. (. lilt t mi ii . jmlco nf tin- lit rii-t l imn
jnfl'iisM county, tti;ito till thi'.'lth il.i v ul
' I'ivi'iiiIht. I si.', tin- sulo t the roiil
I otiitc hfiviii a ft it ilt'!-lrili'il, I lu'iv will l'
i iil thf tmnt ihior ni the cunt liuusi-ut
I rliittMiiiiiitli, t a-- I'tiiintv, Xi'hriisKa, oil
' the jxth ilay of jammrv at nuiVim k u.
I '" ""'' ,l:i v' l"1'1'1" VOIHllli- to I ho
I hicin bi.l.W r r..r ci.-h. tin- follow iun ie
m-iiU'i! i--tato, towit: tho north i -l
iliiartcr t'l ol tin' north t'u-t iiiarliT
ot si'itlon twi'tity r.Mi tow n-hi i t cl i-
(l-M TilllKl.' tWl'lVf (l-'l, I'llfH i omit v. Xo
Saiil sale will remain open one hour.
Henry -Mil ami Ahraui II. W .iliaill.exe
rutorsof the last will ami testament of
(ieorue Walrailt . ite
Iateil January 3, 1-
Leiial Notice.
, In the ilistriel court of Cass
Vanillin llarrett ami 1
Susan A. HrooKins ; Referee
's, t
! Kthel I). Ilewins, !
oimty, .Xe
i Sale in
l'ai t it ion.
I'niler unci iy xirtue of a coiiiinis-ion
ilirecteil to us from the .li-trict court ol
Cassi'oimt , .Nel.rasl.a. in a cause tlu-if in
tien.l.iiK wherein the heirs of Saiah I..
Stoi'l..-r i.ti.l II. . 1 .:.! ..
i ii llltltr. niB II1IIIN
31 .X) ' realty l eloni;ini,r to her estate in tlit
.. . . nlioye eiititleil nin-i'.
.') I The iniilei-iuneil referees will, iiihiii the
30',5i1Mh '"iv "f l ehruarN A. I). s:'.l, at the
" I south iloor of the court house of Cass
31 75 ' I'ounty, .Xehraska, nt I :M
sain unv, sell t.i the in.. ,i, ,i,.ri,.r
cash, the following ilescnhcil real estate.
I'he north half of the southeast onarti r
of section twent v t wo Cl in tou tishin I en
dill north of r.iune eli-M-n till in C ass
count v, .Neln aslia.
.ail sale will remain open for one hour.
M . Vi oi.t u l r,
(,!', I II V .... I ...
liVRllN Cl AK'K. T. M. HilWAWIl.
Attorne- lor Action k'..i
Pateil this Uth ,hiv of Januarv A. I. lv(l.
Lentil Notice
t'mler and hy irtue of an cm'CiiI ion is
Hiieil l.y W. II. Iieariun, clerk of theilis
trict court of Cass count v, .Whraslia, in
lavor ol the Kiist .National Hank ol 1'l.ills
mouth ami a.snn.l I.eoi-eS, Hillings ami
Adeline Hillings an. I against William
TiKhe as surely, which jmlyuienl outhe
!ith i lay ot September. Iij, was duly trans,
enpted to said district court, I haye lev ied
upon the lollowint: ilescrilied real estate
as 1 1 if propcrl v nf the said (ieorye S. Ilil
luis and -deline Hillings, town: coin.
ineiiciiiK al a point and M0 leel west ol
t he se coi ner ol t he sw quarter of thesw
iiiiuter ot section township J, ran'ell
east and in soul h line of the sw ipiarter
thence west JI and .1 lit feet, t hence mat h
in; feet thence east -ji ami : hi feel
theme souHi 'J:ti f,.,.t to place
of lieninuiim; also coiiiiiieiieint;
t a peint PS feH nmtli ol the se
cornerof thesw ipiaiterof I he sw .punter
section IN tow nship l.'.ranye II thence west
:l.i leet to place of lieyimiini;. thence west
ll feet thence north I:" feel, t hence east :m
leet, thence south I'.Kfeel to theplai eol In .
uinniiiK ktnnvu ns apiutol lot 4,', section
Is, tow u I.', ratine 1 1 cout ai n i in; I wo houses
Also coiiiineiicinu at a point Jl) feet west
ol the noi t henst cornerof lot , si t ion 1
tow iisinp i-, rane II east.tlienci
south !ti teet to tilt'
1 hence sout h 2I feet
line ol said lot I.', the
thence east to place of I i-u i n m ii 1 -. know n
nsnpartol lot U, sei'tioii s, tm, nship I.',
rnnne U.containinv; two houses; nlsocom
tneiicinu at thejsoulhwest coi ner ol set -tion
x. township 1J, ramie 1 1 east , t hence
riiiuuni; east 111 rods, t lience Port h L'( rods
toplactof lieinnimr, thence east etifeet,
thence north ai7 feet to phicetof In-tin-tiitil,',
thence north 7:1 feet , I hence west Ol
feet, thence south Til feet, thence
ea-t Ot feet ;to place ol I euin
ninij, containing one house, and I w ill on
the Uth day of February, lvi;l, at ItiuVluk
a. in. of said day at the front door of I he
court house in said county, in I'latts
motith, sell said real estate al public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash to sat
isfy said execution, the amount Jdue
thereon bein the sum of $.Vi.a., w ith ten
percent interest from September Till, lfl,
Sl'.W cost s, timl uccruitiK costs.
J. I. t'Nh't'll,
CnronerCnss County, Nebraska.
Hated January 1 1th, 'Xi,
Legal Notice,
State of Nebraska I
County of Cass )
Hy virtue of mi order of nale Usueil to.
me, hVuheii V. Hyers, by V. II. I)eiuitl
clerk of the district court of Cass county
Nebraska upon it juilKeiuent of foreclos
ure entered in sniil dislrlct court, mid a
decree thereof marshalling thensets of
Thomas . Thniiiiis ami Albin A. Thou a- i
and suid judnciiient beimj In favor oi
Susnnii Thorn. is in the xuni of :iin),iii',
And NichohiM Holmes, and Ami II, Todd
for SlT'.C.Vi, Anil Culyiii II. I'armele in the
sum of JJI Ci.lm. And K. i. Dovey in the
sum of i:ms.47, and general jiiihieiiient
creditors according to their pri
ority of record, directing un
to sell in the order mimed,
the following tracts, pnrt and parcels ol
land to Hiitify mild decree of date De
cember .'lint A I). 1S-I2, ix:
That part of unv eminent lot No. live l.'il
in the southwest quarter of ;the northeest
quarler, nNo known as Mihdividcd lot
four lb and eijjht isi said last two mini
bers referring to the same tract of laud as
Kuvcrmnc nt lot No. live l.'il, coutaitiii u
about eiitht (s acres according (to yov
eminent survey.
All of government lots three CI) and
four Hi except ten t lot acresof the north
side sold to the H. Ac M. K. W. Co.. in Ne
bruska, anil ten llni acres known as sul
division lot I'll in the niithvcM comer ol
LCoyei'iimeiit lot three ill coiitaniini: about
a aires ucordditm to uoverumeiit sur
A No the west I a'f of the southeast
(luarter, and the southea-t quarter ol the
utnwest otiarter, all ot me anove ann
ireuoinu lands beim; situated iiilx-ctinu
thirlvtwi i'-'i, touuship thirteen d.'-i
rthet raiiice thirteen il.'t) east ol the p. m.
Also the east hail ol the northwe-t
unarter of section nine I'C and the north
at quarter ol port heast quarter and the
t half ol the sout heast unarter. and toe
west half of t he sout henst quarter ol the
norttieast quarter ot section eiyiit S, all
in township twelve north, ol rane
tlnrteen i.;i In c as count v Nebra-ki
And I w ill, on the sih day of l-elnirai'v
A. It. ls!H, nt one o clot k p in. of said dav
at the south door of the court house of
ass count v, in the cit v of Phittsinniilh
ell real estate at public auction to the
lushest bidder for cash to satis! v siad de
ree. 1 he iiuurt-ifate amount of saul
judeuient beinu S0,j-w,ua exclusive nf
costs i untitiKto f.'lil.ns and acctiriiig
Hated this llth dav of lannurv A. 1).
i-'i- h'Kl l'.J.N W. llvi-kS.
Notice Is liereliy ien tliat liib will lie
reeeivi'il up till noon of Krlminry 10. IVtl.
for the iirintititf of Court IloeKet, Coin-
inionern l'roeeeiliiiKH, Kmul .Nottien,
linn i reiiMirer hlateiiients for the veur
C'oiiiini?-iioner! recerve the riuht to
reject liny uml nil hiiln. Suiil liiil-i to lie
tileil in my olVice. I'len-.e stute on eiivt-l
ope "Hiil for Comity Printing."
I'liittiinoiitli, Neh Jnmniry fl, s:i,'.
Kk.wk Dickson,
County Clerk
Llstot Letters
The following letter list renuiin-
ing in lite post olhce for the past
week ending January 5, 1S.
llnllimcf, Sunt Hell, J II
Chirk, Nellie Hnrilon
Mnrk, J K M Leiiluti, Jean
Olive, Llhlile Mm t-lorn.A. H.
I'crBonH colling for the above will
pleate say "iidvertiHt-d."
II. J. Stkkight, V. M.
Ksttiember that the Hekald in
the bent advertising medim iuCaBH
county aa it haa the largcat circula
tioti of any paper iu the county.
The llt-iKlit ul the Aliuutphrr.
CVleulatiiiiH, LaAed uu the il!-ervB-tion
nf the refraction of light, have
caused it to ho supposed that the air be
comes st) rare at the height of about six
ty miles that that distance- may be re
garded as the limit to its sensible extent,
but other calculations, liuulo during the
present century, of the distance from
the earth nt which meteors ignite indi
cate that the atmosphere extends to tip
want of ix hundred miles. rhiladelphia
Tnu Slilkinii HelKlitv
Sir William Don, when quurtereil with
his regiment at Nottingham, was walk
ing in the market place, uml was met by
two mechanics, one of whom thus ad
dressed him: "Sir William, mo and my
mate 'as got a bet of a quart of ale about
yer, atfd we wants to know j ir 'ight."
Sir William answered, "My height is C
feet 7, and yours is the height of impu
dence." Loudon Journal,
l.uu' SI rut icy.
Aii ingenuity worthy of a better cause
was t-liown l.y u niaii and his wile in the
lockup at Hath the other day. They
were in separate but mljoining cells, and
managed to keep up domestic happiness
under theso dilHc.ullics by playing a
game of liigli-low-j.ick through a crack
in the partition. Lewiston Journal.
Soulless l urpiirat hum.
Child 1 don't believe the canal com
patiies cares much for children.
Mother Why not?
Child-Iu the siuniner they put the
water in, so we'll get drowned, and in
the winter they let the water out, no we
can't skate. (Jood News.
La grippe has made such terrible rav
ages among us that the smile that once whea reference was made to it has
now changed into a grave and very seri
ous expression.
The modern form of football involves
excitements of a very dangerous kind.
The players put into it the utter reckless
ness of suldiers on the battlefield.
Some barbers pack the face after shav
ing in towels tiHi united with hot water,
and very soothing and refrtwhitijr it ie
Kainiiin It utiles.
The largest ruby known is one men-
tinned bv (llinrdin nn li-n-ln.r I,,...,, ....
' place of I it'L. i ti 1 1 i 1 1 ! , I graved with the name of Sheik Seiihv
i.e!:ce"io,;h,.!;;uUm,t' k10 r.ubr i-1? 1,1 rouof
mo suan or rersu. its weight is put at
175 carats. A third, belonging to the
king of Usapar, was cut into a hemi
spherical form and in 1053 was liuiight
for fl3.8(M. A ruby possessed by Gns
tavns Adolphns and presented to the
czarina at the time of his journey to St.
Petersburg was tho size of a small hen's
egg. Jewelers' Keviuw.
The honor of the invent ion of printing
has been claimed by Mentz, Strasburg,
llaarlem, Venice, Koine, Florence, liasle
and Augsburg. The first three are enti
tled to consideration.
A horsefly will live for hours after its
head has been pulled off. Tho head of
the mosquito hawk will continue eating
its victim when separated from the tho
rax. If Your Cistern
Is Out of Order
or Soft Water is scarce,
don't worry yourself for a moment-
go right ahead and use hard water with
an,l vou'll tieVLT K110W the Ul k'reilCe,
The clothes will be just as white,
clean and sweet-smelling, because the
"White Russian" is specially adapted
for use in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap.
II tit for tht
It ONC or THl
ouNOtitous or
V1' J.-
ONiUlTTlON rlf.
110 Hontli Mtli otrret, nontheiiht cur.
Hth uml DiiiikIiIi HtreeU.
r. -
A. -
. creinn of tautr I
MighcM of all
strenoth. Latest
food report.
liking powh-r.
in lea t i. ii ig
I'nitetl iMati
K'ov t. Bam.v; 1'i. i i w ( ii
b 'i Wall St.. N.
Nerve Blood
Tonic Attfjitf. Builder
,r.t i. OAW
pi-r lint
V fur 8 J.30,
Schenectady, N.Y.
souvenir corns nitt
TobII ptircliMOM of our polebrntod alMvoni
HllU'lt Chevlut hint III ill'- gV t gr
iwy, Hnek. Bud hlnuln niut H
Dmililn liriMistt-a slruiijlitcut, 71 I 0
your liieuHiire, ... J &
Cniitiot n donated In tlin wmlil for leu1
than f l'. Kt-iKl in lirenst, waist Hint luxentii
iiieiisiiio vltli fi.iiml we will si nil C'.o.O.
'i v. Illi tlin irtvl!i)iii ot exuinlimllutt. 1:
(Ilnthen do not suit when reeelvi-il, ret til I
tlti'in uml wb i'lpli!e eiirsclvestn return your
Uollnr. In nrilr to ndvi-rtmi'inirliiisliiens w
kmiiI n Ioi ri-Ii pnrcliiiHi r of it cheviot stilt
wno oDtatn tor us tito more oraeri tor iuiii,
worta Mir stouvitnir com.
Semi lln-iiHt inciisiiM (or overcont of same
imiterlal nt a.lnii) irloi Klu -ml lur H)
litriluular sample ot doth you desire,
121 C. Monroe St., Chloago, III.
Pltaie mention thtt piptr.
for the
I Kol'KIK'loi oi 'l 11 K
I bis l'irm do their own Killing and
use nothing; but Cass County
Cattle and Swine.
Always on hand.
nut (iirr and mli:
I'aiil up cnpitnl.
irKi.ioi.iK i
. ll'.WKi,')" o
(illern the very lift fm'ilit iem fni
the pruinpt triiiisiiction of
S rt H'KS. IioiiiIh, colli, ;o ertiiiien t unit
loeiil M-coritii M lioiiKht uml Holil. He
poMtH ret ieveil ti ml interest ullowed on
the CertilieuteH. Urn ft druwn, uviiihililt
hi tiny pnrt of the I'. S. find nil the princl
I in 1 town nf Knropr. Collection- nindo
uml promptly reinitted. lli.liet imirket
price pniil for enmity wurnintf, ntnte uml
county lititiilw.
John Kitifcriild, I). Ilnw k-wortli
S. Wmitth, K. K. White, (i. K. lovey.
lohu Kitxk'erulil, I'ren. 8. WmiKh, Ciinhier
Will jjlve fpet lnl iittentlon to tillliilii.
entruftetl to him
Ot-Mt E-Ciihm Hloi k,
, "4S-j,t yy Dr. wrLLL7IS