Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 12, 1893, Image 1

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    Stato Ilistoicul fJucio'j.
1 4
AVING made arrangements
with the Cincinnati Soap Co
to introduce their Soap in this city
we will sell their best American
White Castile .Soap two cakes for
Five Cents for a short time only.
Remember this is the best Castile
Soap in the Market and is to any
Ten Cent Cake of Soap retailed in
this city. Don't delay but lay in
your supply of Soap at once as the
stock on hand is limited.
Fred Herrmann.
IMEIILK selecting a present drop ia and look over our stock for we can
"ri" ehow you something USEFUL as well aa ORNAMENTAL for the
'Vbaby or for grandmother. Our line
yt jcriptionsj Easy Chairs and in fact everything in the furniture line is
Sit' : complete. We have the LARGEST STOCK and eell you CHEAPER
than anyone else iti the city ,
?522 Main Street,
ik f Where you can get your house furnised from kitchen to
parlor and at easy terms. I handle the world re
f nowned Haywood Baby Carriages, also
l the latest '
' improved "Reliable Process" Gasoline Stoves.
Or. SYDNtf KINilK, Professor of Mnrlicine at University College, London,
thorof tho Standard "Hanu'.ook of Theraooutlcs," "'t'"'l'U writes as follows:
I rum tlio riiTvful ii'uk.;.. f Inf. ATmn'.n ami cth.TH. I am (tut foiled Unit
y 1'" i " '"- i n'.i.iri. mi'i iiiui ii ih niThii'W!)' nn'i n'uruious u.iiw fl
i-r ( uc us.-f! i-1-,' i ,i.v and liiiihly iliO'si Mill'. "I'll" 'lili'tutl'ins In ,-- f
i.imi HityiirtLs.'1111'iit-i ( from Trade rivals) frmii niv Imuk "ti 'J'tiitriiiii'Utk'Hitrou'ain I
MiiMi'ii'liiiK. ami iMiiimi -i ! v ii.lvt' Van H'iu'I'Kn'h Oii'oa." I
J if ui'm' rWivium on s lion un s COCD4 is rii( ttfectiiallu rD'Hnl, nwl the ivrv I
mi'JnirtUiri), it to ini'ire it, Ihrrt hv i'tinifiri to girrit a rnri linmhnme ti'ttnnnfml. 11
r V
. , . . ---,. ... v i im, ..
of Ladies' Desks, Rockers of all de-
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Jcil'FI'SAlOlPl'lI, XJ'cH.
v .yv wii. i l , x lilUC AMvA. ill L USD A Y. .1 A X IT A 1! V lo I soil
Correll, Republican, Elected
President of the Senate.
The Democratic Senators Vote With
the Republicanson President -Frank
Wilson Will Get
the Sacrutaryship.
Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. ti -The senate
was slow in getting together this
morning, and it was 10.30 when the
lieutenant governor called the body
to order.
After roll call the senators were
requested to record their votes
again for president pro tern. There
was nothing in the roll call to at
tract attention, except that four
democratic senators. Habcock.
Mattes, North and Thonisu, passed
when their names were called. Then
before the result had been announ
ced, Habcock, Mattes and North re
corded their votes for Correll while
Thomsen voted for Dysart.
The secretary announced the vote
as follows:
For Senator Correll Habcock.
Clark, Correll, Eggleston, Everett,
Graham, Hahn, Lobeck, Lowley,
wattes, McDonald. Miller. Moore
North, Pope, Scott and Tefft.
For Senator Dysart Camnbell'
Dale, Darner, Dysart. Grav. Harris.
Johnson, McCarty, Mullen, Pack-
wood, banders, Smith, Stewart,
Thomsen, Young.
For Senator Mattes Hole.
Senator Correll was declared
elected president pro tent of the
Moore of Lancaster offered the re
port of the committee appointed
yesterday to confer with a like com
miMei from the house in reference
to fixing the time Jfor the joint con
ventiou of the two houses to can
vass the vote ou state ofiicers. The
report fixed the time at 11 o'clock
An adjournment until 3 vwir
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 6.-Spcaker
P.m.. ii. i .. . .
uciiuu caueu xne nouse to order ut
10:30 a. m. In the absence of the
regularly-elected chaplin. Repre
senative Johnson ofNemaha county
offered prayer. Ninety-five mem
bers answered to roll call. Carpen
ter of Jefferson offered the follow
ing: Resolved, That this house do not
employ any female employe; ex
cept typewriters.
Burns of Lancaster opposed the
resolution. He said that this
had no right to draw the line
against female labor. Porter of
Merrick, also opposed the resolu
tion was not intended to preserve
the character of the ladies, but of
the gentlemen members of the
house. Mr. Elder opposed the mo
tion and said he was willing to take
his chances with the ladies. Com
mittees on employes reported as
One third assistant clerk, custo
dian and in book keeper in clerk's
office, Messenger in chief clerk's
room, Two typewriters one en
grossing clerk; the number of as
sistants cannot be determined at
this time. The enrolling clerk, and
the number of assistants to bo de
termined later. Sergeant-at-arms
and one assistant, one chaplin,
postmaster, assistant and mail
carrier doorkeeper and assistant
timekeeper, one bill clerk and us.
sistant, not needed now; one custo
dian of cloak room, one proof read
er and one copy holder, thirteen
pages, six janitors, two watchmen.
Total 41.
Erustus M, Correl the new presi
dent of the senate, was born in
Canada, August 4, HJ."), while his
parents, residents of New York,
were visiting in the queen's doi.j
iuion. He is a man of more than
ordinary educational attainment,
having attended Eureka colle-e
and the L'nivirsity of the JPacilic.
After leaving New York be went to
RocKford, 111. While he did not
enter the service in Vd, he has come
in contact with numerous hostile
bauds of redskins, and still lives to
preside over the senate, lie was a
inemlier of the regular session of
the Nebraska legislature in ISM,
hIm the special t-cssioti of ISS'J. In
addition in tins lie was elected to
the presidency of the Nebraska ed
itorial association in 1SS1 and issii,
and was seven years quartermaster
general under Governors Dawes
and Thayer. Mr. Correll was al
ways republican ntul an untiring
worker for the cause of republican,
Personally Mr. Correll is one of
the finest looking men in the senate
and is always courteous and oblig
ing. He is the editor and proprie
tor of the Hebron Journal and is
reported to have a number of de
linquent subscribers, all of which
is an evidence of a charitable nature.
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 0.-A fire
broke out at S o'clock tonight in the
four-story brick building of the
Omaha Priutingcoinpany, at Tenth
and Douglas streets, destroying the
contents of the composing, station
ery and storage room.- on the
second, third and fourth floors, res
pectively, Bnd the whole interior of
the building from the second floor
to the roof. Office furniture on the
first floor and maccinery in the
basement were badly damaged by
The danu-ge to the building is
estimated at twenty thousand dol
lars, with an insurance of five
thousand dollars. The utock and
equipments of the printing com
pany were valued at f73,0(K). Its loss
is about $4."),(KK). The fire started
among old papera in the compos
ing room, no one being in the room
at the time.
Rainmaker Swisher's Crock9,
Tubes and Tunnels Have
Been Displayed.
Is Not Very Pretty Appartus.
If a cloud burst wipes away the
Lancaster county court house this
morning, there need be no surprise.
All of Rainmaker Swisher's ap
paratus stands in all its crudity ou
the table in the county court.
Colonel Long said he felt tolerably
certain the thing wasn't loaded, but
it is always that kiud of affairs that'
The apparatus attracted many
curious visitors. For the benefit of
many ambitious young men who
are thinking of starting out in life
rainmakers; the Journal took an in
ventory of the necessary articles
The most striking pieces are two
stone churns, one about six gallon
and the other about lour. On each
is an inverted funnel, surmounted
by a jointed tin tube with an elbow
at the top. Seven other eectioua of
pipe, and two extra elbows are pro
vided. There is also an extra fun
nel. An oblong box of galvanized
iron with hinged cover is carefully
wrapped in gunny sacking. A
good sized electric battery with
which a cuple of feet of insulated
wire seems ou friendly terms, stand
on the table. The minor acces
sories consist of a pair of old bal
ances, a wash basin, a glass funnel
two bottles, a glass dish, a email
pitcher and a quart tin cup. Among
the weights of the scale is a,
rattlesnake's rattle. All this stuff
had been packed in straw in a
The case was called for trial yes
terday, but a difference of opinion
immediately arose. The attorney
for McMurtry wanted a full discrp
tion of the operation to say the
least, and preferred an optical
demonstration of Swisher'H ability
to make rain. The judge concluded
he could not be compelled to do so
and a lively argument enmfed. Lin
coln Journal.
The democrats and populists
joined forces yesterday in the
seuateand elected H. A. Edwards
permanent secretary of the senate,
and it was currently reported on
the streets of Lincoln that Grovcr
Cleveland had sent word that none
but those who stood firm need look
for office. Which clearly shows
that its anything to beat the repub
licans. Although the democratic
senators strongly assert that the
tie uplwis tiothiugto d with elec
ting a I'nited States senator, and
that when it does come to electing
ii man for senator that it will be a
three cornered light, but neverthe
less the friends of Kein assert that
he will be (becoming man. It has
also revived the hopes of McKcighn
and Hryan. The republicans still
have hopes of re-electing Senator
Paddock, and when it comes to a
vote they do not believe all of the
indepedents will vote for a democrat.
A Formal Agreement Between
Franco and Russia.
Thousands of Them are Likely to be
Involved In the Big Coal Mlne9
Strike In the Rulil Districts-Other
Rome, Jan. 8 -There is no longer
any doubt that a formal agreement
has been signed between France
ami Russia. The holy see has been
confidentially informed that Sig,
Resstuau, the Haitian ambassador
at Paris, worked upon all the lead
ing republicans to hinder the Rus-so-French
alliance and to break the
present friendly relations between
France and the papacy.
lie especially aimed at a rupture
between President Camot and the
pope and tried to enlist the support
of the Free Masons. With the op
portunists and radicals Sig. Ress
man used arguments which up
pealed to them as liberal sectarians
To the moderate republicans he
set forth the incompatibility of
French civilization with the auto
cracy of the czar.
The pope was apprised of the
danger of these intrigues, and gave
instructions to the nunciii, who
warned the czar's representative,
who had resumed diplomatic work,
These instructions were first given
in 1888, and had a special result
in the Craustadt manifestations.
Thanks to the papal and other in
fluences the situation has at last
beeu determined and cryetalized iu
a formal agreement.
The pope is convinced that the
new year brings a decisive crisis
on the continent. His address to
the cardinal reflects his keen pre
occupation with the political situa
tion and he holds himself ready to
make an appeal to the nations when
the day of complication shall come
He is finishing at this moment an
enyclical on the perils of the situa
tions in Europe, but its publication
will depend upon eventualities.
The monarchists groups and
other opponents of the papal policy
toward France take advantage .of
the Panama Bcandals to urge the
pope to retract his Bteps or at all
events to use the greatest reserve
towards the republic. The pope
not only remained inflexible as to
his attitude toward the republican
government, but he has declared
that the Panama affair will favor
the development of his democratic
policy. It is probable that the va
tican will make some official state
ment of this opinion.
Hkklin, Jan. 8.-The coal miners
of the Ruhl district show signs of
strking in sympathy with the men
oftheSaar district. The agitators
from Saar-Louis have been at work
there for several days. This after
noon 3,000 miners met and heard
with approval appeals to help their
comrads in the Saar district. A
resolution to strike tomorrow was
passed unanimously.
,j The cause of these men and the
thousands they are likely to carry
with them is a desperate one. They
are totally unprepared kfor even a
day of idleness. They are penni
less and have no hope of help from
Berlin, Loudon or Brussels or ot her
coal districts.
The Krupp works in Essen, which
the men are especially anxious to
injure, are fafe from inconvenience
for several weeks at least, as the
managers have accumulated a
stock of 3,(H'K) tons of coal. Other
iron workers of the same region
are equally well supplied with coal
and in view of the prevailing slack
ness of trade are ready for the worst
the miners can do.
A meeting of 3,000 miner's dele
gates from all parts of rteltphalia
was held in Hocliuni this afternoon
The socialistic element had com
plete controle from the beginning
and htroug resolutions of sym
pathy with tiie Saar strike were
passed, and the meeting decided iu
favor of a general strike to begin
tomorrow in support of the Saar
mm. It is not believed that all the
miners will endorse the action of
their delegates.
Rome, Jan. 8.-The Vatican has
caused an inquiry to be made into
the extent of the opposition to the
Satolli mission. The pope holds
1.50 A YEAR.
absolutely to his policy that ec
clesiaetical affairs in the Tnited
States shall develop themselves
along moderate line, and in a spirit
of harmony with the institution!, of
the United States. From official
sources your correspondent learns
that all the arch bishops who took
part in New York conference have
affirmed the thirteenth school pro
posals which Mgr. Satolli placed
before them iu the name of the
Rome, Jau. & Impressions, gains
ground that however great or final
may be the measure of Satolli's
success in America. Rome wilt
btick himiip i tiu, ilopt. that by
making what may be described as
concessions, the Vatican will obtain
the assent of the bishop to the en
voy's scholastic scheme.
Cologne, Jan. 8. An attempt was
made this afternoon to blow up the
Cologne express near Rauxel. A
dynamite bomb was placed ou the
track about 300 yards from the
station, but exploded prematurely.
The track was torn up for some
twenty yards and the buildings
shaken ou their foundations.
Ther cport gave the alarm
and the train was signaled
The passengers were terrified and
several refused to proceed after the
track was repaired. The track
walkers were Bent out ahead before
the train started and dispatches
ordering similar precautious at
stations ahead were sent out. No
other bombs were found. No
arrests have beeu made. The new
of the attempt to wreck the train
caused the greatest anxiety In the
Dortmund district. It is believed
that the explosion was the first gun
in the strike of the coal miners
which is expected to begin early in
this week.
Details of Conspiracy Against
Archbishops Satolli and
St. PAUL, Minn., Jau 8-Archbish-op
Ireland would not talk today
abouth the story that he had for
warded charges to the pope that
Archbishop Corrlgan aud others
had organized a conspiracy for the
overthrow of Mgr. Satolli Hnd him
self. He had read the story, but
would say nothing about. How
ever, Rev. John Conway, editor of
the Northwestern Chronicle, who
stands nearest Archbishop Ireland
of all ecclesiastics in the northwest
had been unable to get away last
night on his trip to England in the
interest of the Hill Catholic college
here, and this evening he gave the
following statement to the Asscia
ted press:
'!The news from Chicago regard
ing the conspiracy against Arch
bishops Satolli and Ireland has
been received iu St. Paul with much
surprise. Many will no doubt be
astonished at it. Most people will
be except the conspirators them
selves and those who follow eccles
iatical questions very closely.
Journalists who are directly inter
ested in church matters knew by a
journalistic intuti jii that a conspi
racy was being hatched."
"The people at large heard rumb
ling noises, but they never dreamed
that such a plot was concocted. The
libelous pamphlet written by Arch
bishop Corrigan's Italian secretary,
the effusions of Miss Eades, a gar
rulous old maid who is Roman cor
respondent of the New York Catho
lic News; the dispatches purport
ing to have come from Boston and
other cities outside of New York,
yet all having the same purpose:
the plethora iu the New York Sun
and other papers has hinted clearly
the existence of a conspiracy
against the repiesentative of the
holy father."
All Fir.l-Clns Dnmgiats.
From present date will keep on
sale the important East India Hemp
remedies. Dr. H. James' prepara
tion of this herb on its own soil
(Calcutta), will positively cure con
sumption, brouchitts, asthma, and
nasal Catarrh, and break up a fresh
coldiu 21 hours. f'M per bottle
or 3 bottles fori.."fl. Try it.
CKADDOCK & Co., proprietors.
1032 Race street, Philadelpia.
A good improved Kit acre farm
for sale. Enquire of J. M. Leyda,
Plattsmouth, Neb., tf,
"Crown coukIi euro WiirruuUM to care
tiy Urowu Se Barret.