THKWEKKLY I1KUALD: PLAITSMOITTII, NKHllASKA, .IaXUaIIY i. ISP i t it w FI.Y't! niJClM rtfll VVijy-.ilWB.s Allays I'iiIh aii.l InllHiiiiiiiiti.Mi. Heals yrWerOft,' 'if Vliilii-hoiVM, lic-lorw I'iisIp mill ! II, alio f'' MJlTARPlV V rer. VJ 6 .y , S I. A f ? tiives Kcllcl at once Apj'yintn tlie .trili sJc. Urn'ifts or by mail. ELY HssaaMaVJaMJMsIa, sf ' Ml RAILROTjME TABLE.;kin nisoct:i limit n, n. OOIXO WEST- Depart Flyer o. 1 H:4.u III Passenger XnS v.. H i in Passenger N. 3 H:iu tn I'iiwenirer Xo 7 .1:17 p ill l'nssenuer To !l, via Louisville ... Iililpin I'ussengor .No '.'1 7:15 u in Freight Xolu, via Louisville Hmiiin Freight No 7."i, to South Omaha... ():.') um ooi.m; liAsr- Flyer Xo'i .ri:17 p m Passenger No I lii:Hl a in I'lissonyer No H r.':-"i u in Passenger Xo.l 7:U p in l'ussenger No 111 0:13 u m MlsSdl HI l'A( IKK Illll.liO.U). COI.VG NOK'TH- No. 1 No. 3 No.l:!7 OOIXO SOUTH - No.2 No. x. liver . in, l'JU ireight 3:47 n. in. ;i:lh p. ill. iMJ p. III. 11:10 n. til 2:11 p. in h:.7 11. Ill CASi CA.MI' So. 332 M. W. A. meet every ecoml aii.l Fourth, Monday i v-nlngs in Pltgentld h:l. V Isitiiti: neighbor wcluuiiie. I". r. Jhui-eii. V. '. : i". tteftenlifiiier, . A.. . t. Wilde, Clerk. o liDKK OK 7 II K WOKI.1), Meet at 7:30 everv Mcinniv eveiiiim at the (ira:i4 Army hall. A. t'. tiioiini. .ietlileiit, 1 Ih.h Wulllug, jeerelary. A 1' W NoK-Meet first und third Kri day eveuiuK ot each mouth nt 1 1) () V hall, Krank Verinylea M W ; J li llarw ick, recorder. GA. K.MeCdtillile l'oit No. 4." I ts every -itur,iHy eviiiilliir t 7 : 30 III Uieir Hall III I oekwiuiil liluek All vIsitliiK cohiivi1-k Hie 'ior.llallv inviteil In i eet with us. Krtil Hates. ,ll..i..... . t v V,t.. 1'.... i ..,.(.1.. I up. , f . . nt-., w iu... KNUillTS UK PYTHIAS (iaiiutlet IodL' . ,T M....l. ......r.t t....l.....l.... ...... .XIMI, .'IITIB I'.l ttnilllTiiu, niiiU at their hull over Hetmet ic TuttV, all Vis.l.o ituii;iiii. tuu ... ..iti.i.v in in u ... attend. M X Ciritlith, C t: Otin Dovey K of U I c AO I W No hi Meet Feeond und fourth Friday evenings in the month at It) OK Hall. M Vondiuti,, l W,Ii 1 Drown, retordeJ. D.vri.IITKKH DK UKUKCCA- IiikI of Prmn t 0 l,iidi;e N.i. 40 ineetK tile second anil fourth Tlnusilay evenings of each month ill I lie i w. u. r. HMi. mis. i. r.. iiiianis, r. i. ; Sir. John Cory, Secretary. inKCKKK OF IIONOK-Meets the first anil third I lirursday eveiiiinf each Inonth in I. O. O. F. hall, Fit.eruld block. Nrn. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor Mrs. Nannie Uurkel, sister secretary. DEGKF.E OK HONOh'-Ivy lode. No. IS meets tirst and third Thursdays of each month in K. of 1. hall, Stella Trov er, sister secretary. I'LACKS OK WORSHIP. 0ATitoi,n:.-St. Paul's Church, ak, between Fifth ami Sixth. I'Kther C'liiney, Pastor service! : Mass at und in :30 A. M. Sunday bchuol at i :3U, with In'iieUtclloi.. ChkisTMN. Corner Locust and Eighth tits . tiervlcea morniiii; and evening, hlder A Galloway pastor. Sunday School 10 A. M. Coi.ohk.d Maitiht. Mt. fHlve, nak, between Tenth and Kleventli, llev. A. Hoxwell, pas tor. Services 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. in. Prayer ineetiiiie Wednesday evenhiK. VlltlNO MKN'S ClIKISTtAH ASSOCIA1I1N Koonisln N aterinan block, Mam street, tios pel tnectliiK. for nieu only, everv Hiiwihiy af- , ternoon at 4 o'clock. Koonis open week da) ' iroiu H:3o . iiL.iu :30 p. in. EfiH"oi'At St. Luke's Church, corner Third and V ine. Kev. II It. ISu.peso. finstor. Ser vices: H A. M. a:id7 :30P. i. Sunday School at2:3Ul'. M. ;hhman Mm'hodist. corner Sixth St. und tiranlte. Kev.Ilht. Pastor. Hervlees : 11 A.M. and 7 :30 1-. M. Sunday School 10 :30 A. m. IltHT MKTHODtST. Sixth St., lielweii Main and Pearl. Itev. L. F. Itritt, 1). 11. nastor. Services : 11 A, M,( 8 :(K) v. M. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Prayer ineetiiii? Wednesday evmi lu. Ocrman PitKHHVTRiiiN. Corner Main and Ninth. Itev. Wltte, pastor. Services usunl hours. Sunday fcchool 9 :'M A. m. BWRKPisit Conokh'.ationau C.ratille, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Pkksiivtp.kian. Services in new church, cor ner Sixth and tlranlte sto. Itev. J . T. Halrd, pastor. Sunday-school at 9 ;3P ; Preaching at. 11 u. m.H'jil 8 p. in, 'f h V . K. H. (). E of this church meets every Satihath eveiiini; at 7 :tn in the basement of thechucrh. All are invited to attend theee nieetlints. I PARKER'S lj-k HAIR BALSAM P lniniul. . laiuri.'t (Tfiwlh. I Ht.jtl Jf N.T.t Pall to Bentora Oraj iWA Man- to Ita Touthfut Color. Ii?3,"l Cum iralp diWHM hair tilliug. tjV! V,ncl IJil PrunftiU Th Consumptive and Feeble and ait n utTrr from lhuMln .Iimum diuuld w Parker'. Ulnr Toolo. llcaiMlhavonlUoiiak. Wak iMnp. lbilJ.lii difMUoa, r.aial. wwkiMM, Hhtamalun aud IW a 1 1. You Should KnoW A FACT. ThatFaihjhkk & Co. op Chicago MakeaSoa? "Whjch Has Ho F,q,val. Standard Quality slight iff aMV" -rr"-V HI1 !.., i. ,. thn Nnssl JULJ lor ( old in Hi.,., I. ( it tpiiclchi Alwtrbcil. liltOS.. 60 Warren SU, N. Y. JULIUS : PEPPERBURG, Manufacturer of ntul Wholosule und Ketnil Dealer in the Choicest Brands of Cigars. A FULL LINK OK FINE TOBACCO AM) SMEBy ANKLES ALWAYS IN STOCK. PLATTS MOUTH. ; NEBRASKA ' ...V " 'Vv itiil.II A.M P'lltOKI.AIN I'KoViNn B.-jiltre Wiirk w fine gold work SPECIALTY. OB. STKINAUrt LOCAL as well as other i.i, eUtetlcsniven forthe tialtilessextrAolion l teeth, 0. MAnSffAM,. - P'itL'orrtM . . f---;::' "Witt f' . -tv"-V; i (; -.' , " :. .- fv.' .'V -.. "' J- it. 7- . Jr-ii."ij W FrV.r"ial For Atcliinaon, St. ToHt'ph, Leaven worth, KniiHas City, St. Louitt. and all points uri-th, east tonth or west. Tick eta sold and hng tfaije checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For FORMATION AS TO RATKS AND ROUTES Call at Depot or addrens II, C. Townsend, G. P. A. St.UmiH.Mo. J. C. I'HILLII'PI, A. G. 1'. A. Omaha. H. D.AP3AK. Apt., Plattamoutl). Telephone. 77. Pick noadacheand rellevaall tha trrmblM lnof dent to a bilious etnteof tbo aystero, auob as Dizziness, Nausea, lirowsiueaii, Distrewi aftor eating, Pain in the Side, Ao. While their uos romarkablo luccesa ban been shown lu cudog iI(taaph yft Caricri Llttlo tlTnr PlUi W9 qually valnabloln Constipation, cunnnsuil pro Venting thiBannnyin)tcouiplaint,whilo thnyalsn rnrrectalldianrdersofthoatomachtimulatotho livor and logulato the bowels, tvenif tucyoulj curea 'AcbthT wotild bealmottprlcelessto thonawfta uffrr from this iliHtnhlriKCoiulniDt; butfortu nately thel rpooduosa dtssi noteud hcro.and tboss Whooncetry them will Und thoao little pillsvalit Bblein no many wnvii that they will not ba wil ling to do without tuem. Hut af tor altaick bead iBth ban of no many live that oat In where I we mak e our great boast. Oar pills cure it wtiila lotbera do not. I Carter Llttlo Llw PllU are rry amall and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dow. They are strictly votiutable and do not (Trips or purge, but by Uieir gentle action please all who .tuetbsm. Inrialsst 25centa: rlvafor $L Sold by diaggUU everywhere or seat by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York; SUALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMAUPRICE CARTER'S IflWER WjM 3ph.i.s. 4aa mm L.AUGHTER AND HEALTH Mi'es'Nervo nt Livr PilK Act on o new prieiple reo-nlatino; the liver, titotti.ich and bowels through the nerves. A new discov ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver piles, constipation Unequaled for men, women and children. Small est, mildest, surest. fx doses 'J.') cts. Samples ireo at F. G. KrickeA CVs Mother-Do you know why your p:t called Mr. lllowh trd a liar, Tomui? Tommy -Yes'in; he's a smaller man than pa. Real Estate Boom Attracts the attention of every prop erty holder iu-this city. Hut when Dr. Franklin Miles the eminent In diana specialist claims that heart disease is curable aud proves it by thousands of testimonials of won derful cures by his new Heart Cure it attracts the attention of the mil lions HUlTerttit;- with short bjeath; palpatatiou, irregular pulse, wind in stomach, pain in side or shoulder smotheriuir spells, fainting, dropsy etc. A. F. Davis, Silver Creek, Xeb by usiu four bottles of Dr. Miles' Xew Heart Cure was completely cured after twelve years sulfenng from heart disease. This new rem edy is sold by F. Ci. Fricke & Co. a "Well, how are the votes cC:lung- inr "Pretty 1 ivolj. Sixteen up to 8 o'clock, and only one man voting". He's a power in the land." The new style of writing "un punctuated letters" certainly can not be called t)ie fail of the period. Financially Embarrased A large manufacturer; whose af fairs were very much embarrassed and who was very much overwork ed and broken down with nervious exhaustion, went to a celebrated specialist. He was told that the onld thing1 needed was to lie re lieved of c. ire attp worry, and have change of thought. This doctor was mora considerate of his patient hei.lth than of his financial circum stances. He ought to have advieed him to use Dr. Miles' Restoative Nervine, the best remedy for ner vous prostration, sleeplessness, diz ziness heada ?he, ill elfects of tobac co, coffee, .opium; etc. Thousands lestyfy to it. -Hook and trial bottle ree tit F G Fricke it Ce's. Watts This has been a great year for record-breaking. Potts Hasn't it, though! j;Mudge paid me he borrowed, for in stance. She Committed Suicide. Mrs F. I). Hoe, at Watkins. left this letter: "My husband Forgive me if 1 cause you trouble, but I suffer so. You do not know what these long-, wakeful, wretched nights tire to me, ahd I am so tired, darling the pain will never be better. It is not easy to take my own life, but I have been sick so long. Guod-be my husband, I love you your wife.', This is but one of thousands that giveup. instead of using Dr. Miles' Res ative Nervine, aud bein g sptorily cured of their wretched- I am on old man und have been a constant sufferer with 'catarrh for the last ten years. I am entirely cured by the use of Fly's cream balm. It is strange that so simple a remedy will cure such a stubborn disease. Henry Hillings, U. S. Pen sion Atty, Washington, D. C. For eight years I have suffered from catarrh, whic effecte my eyes and hearing; have employe many physicians without relief. I am now on my second bottle of lily's cream balm aud feel confident of a complete cure. Mary C. Thompson Ccrro Gordo, III. Do you want a clock, watch, sil verware or a piece of jewelry? If so, call on Snyder and see goods and get prices. According to the census of 1HK), Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of l.UUS.aVO people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most of u desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Hurlingtou R ute.'' Three fast and comfortable rains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Franvis, General Passenger and Tiiket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. WOOD'S 1II0HI'II01IX1 The Groat Ensllsh Hemedy. Promnflv and tvpmnnnnt. ly cureH all t onnsof AVrcous UVafcm'wi, Amission., .Sjcn titnrrhta, Jtufxttmru iindall of AlnisflnrErcrue. Keen priMTlbi'd over 8 yearn iiiitumsnniisor cases; la tii6irii Urliulileand lion ert NrriirinA frmnrii. Ask .Innrirlst for Wood's Pnm. titforc ani Iftcr. I'homsk; It hn otters some worthl.'U flriA In ,ilaf,k .'i una, leave 1111 ui.noiicsi. nuiro, incione price in letter, and we will sund by return mall. Price, one J a. kmo, fit iljc, fj. (mo will jiltanf, st icliltura. Pamt'liletln plain soaleil envelope, 2 stamps. .Addruas TIIK WOOD I, 1J1 Wbodward evvuui Detroit. Jllth. I r-Sold la Plattsmouth by (iering& Co., F. G. h'ricke Ai Co., Hrown A Harrett, O. H. Snvder and druggists everywhere. KCRATCHEDJEH mm A troublosome skin disease caused me to scratch for ten months, and was cured by a few days' use of r!K'rij M. II. Wolff, KSil ma I'ppe: Marlbov.., M i. swift'Specific I was cured some years ago of White Swelling In my Icr by usinp; RsSsSCJl and b.ive b-ul nil symptoms of ro IFOyjil turn of ti e ills caw. Many pronniieiit physicians attended uie and l.:;lei!, ImtB. S. 8. did the Work. 1-AL'L . KIRlfPATRlCK. Johwon City. Tcti. TrtatiM ca BloM and Skin uinrun mul-.l !.,-, pU 6wuTIreciFio('oweANv, la1 Aiiuu, Ga, Uk m eMMBMeadbJsMaVaB To Perpitiuito the ffome of .ould. A Wall str-.-t lima, once associated with ilr. Coiil.l, toid uti iiiUTcstaitf Lit tf lila l jry ycMcr iay. -It w. is several nioiithn, pnx-iiiiv a year l elui-e he died, " he said, "ihat .lay tiiiiild cniio to the conclusion that Ids life (,n tliis Mirt li wan nlKitit splllllied. So lie decided to set LU llotlM liold to rights In-fore tho Miiinnotis came. HutiKikliis four toys into lii ttmlyotie ninlii. mid as.i pi. f.-.ce told lliein the his tory of his life-of ::1 the li.mi-liips niul st rubles of his j on t It up to tho time that he liciiati to k!:i:v men and to turn that hliow ledu-e to pi .l:t. "lie explained tin- method of his t;reat railroad opt i :ii nu.s, tl.e key-tone of which was to Imy railii.iul Mocks when the road was rundown and the stock was cheap, lie would then develop the road, Ikkhii the Block mid p t out with a Irmdsome prollt. lluave illiistratioiwof these, methods nud tiiu'cd his suns to follow in his footsteps, keep on liuiUliny up the yreat piopeity that he would leave them, and thus main tain the name of t.'ould as a Krcat power in the financial world, llo uixeil them to t'liiulate the example of the Vanderliilts. "Ho tidd the hoys," the Wall street man continued, "the amount of his wealth, and Ihat it would probahly ho left in trust no (is to obviate the neecsMly of miikiuir a will. The boys listened to this story of tho Krent tluuncier, w hoso fears were to he so soon realized, mid navo their promises to keep up the name nut! the estate of Uould, hut I doubt if they succeed, flhj I don't, think Jay (iould had much faith in power to do so clti.ur. Ha had consider able confidence in tieorge, but little In the other boys. "lillt 1 WOllld hllVH liked to Imvn l,.wi,-.l thatttturyf JayCoiild's life. It would bo better t huh a fiilry t 'Jc, and would make the fortune of any mini." .New York World. I'ii-lni;e Slumps Are Very Modern, The man who has tho mania for nullect iiiK post aire stamps is known technically as a philatelist. Philately wan much ridi culed in its early days, and is still, both by the press and those not acquainted with its value. Postage stamps, ns but few are aware, are of recent Invention, aud it Is only since l.HJU that letters have been stamped. With the advent of the postage stamp rates were greatly lowered. IWoro that, in Eng. lanil, the charKO for sendinu; a letter the shortest distance was sixpence, but with tho introduction of the stamp it fell to a penny. The introduction of the postal sys tem as it at present, exists in nearly every country on the globe is credited to Great Iliitain, which In 1M0 Issued covers and envelopes to prepay letters all over the kingdom. This plan w as adopted t hrotigh the exert ionsof James Chalmers, although the honor baa lon been Riven to Sir How land Hill. The first country to follow F.nuland was brazil. JnlSIJaset of three stamps was issued, consist ins simply of larj;o numerals denoting the value printed In black. Then came the cantons of Switzerland and Fin land with envulopes which today are Very rare; next came Russia, United States, France, lielKiuni, Spain, Ilavarla, and other countries followed In t he train, until at the present time there U scarcely a portion of the globe inhabited by civilized people that has not a postal system. Ohio State Journal. Composed While Walking. Paul II. llaynes' favorite hablta of com position were to pace back and forth be tween the standing; desk in Ids study and the bookshelves In the library, or beneath the trees surrounding Copse hill, if the weather was favorable, and with pencil aud volume In hand to jot down on a fly leaf the llrst revision of a poem or as much of it as the duration of the creative mood would allow. Sometimes he wrote while taking a leisurely horseback ride around the house or through the woods, sometimea while sitting In his armchair of Georgia pine, but generally with greater ease while walking. This was especially true during the early and middle periods of his life,, when he found H irksome to ait down for aiiylen"th of lime and never seemed to weary rf those rn dilative walks. I have known b m to compose the last line or the interim diate part of a poem la fore the beginning. When completed, however, w hat r would hnvedouhted that it came into being consecutively' Occasionally the choice phrasing of a thought that hud Ladled him for days, would visit him in sleep. My mother told me that ho awoke one uight (he had been very busy preparing his Savannah sesqui centennial isle) from tranquil slumber aud said suddenly, "Minn, at last hi sleep the thought which has eluded me for days has been captured!" Mr. llaynes in Lip pincott'a. A Soldier's Christ mas. "My boy," said he, "don't you know what merry Christmas means?" The boy shook his head. "Did you never Ik ar of Christ t" The boy nodded. "I hear dad say it when he's mad." Armstrong got up quickly and walked a few paces back anil forth. "I'm not the worst of men, but I'm a bad sample. I never knew much of this, and what I did know I've tried to forget. And now that this should come to me to be done her child but I'll do what I can, and God help me!" He had raised his hand as though taking an oath. Then he sat down again, and we saw that he took oil Ids battered old hat. And he spoke, but in a voice so low, so tender, that none but the boy could hear. And the sight softened all our hearts for it was Christmas day, and Christmas recol lections were crowding upon each of us mid we ceased to dwell grumblingly upon the comforts we had left belaud at the post. From time to time glances were shot at the place w here a common soldier, as rough as uny, sat tellinu in a feeble way a love story as old as Christianity to a little child. It we.i upon this scene that the sinking sun cast its level rays. George I. Putnam in Scribner's. Colds Aro the ltesult or Carclessoc . Contrary to the prevalent opinion that colds and coughs aro duo entirely to t.'io severity of the climate or to some unex pected change in the weal her, they really irise, lu very many cases, from pure arc Icssness and want of thought. Colds are not inevitable, but. could mtcri fie avoided if people would only use tm ir Hens of common sense and he rcasniinMr. The custom of muflling the m-ek v,.iy closely with furs or niuiilar protection is extremely dangerous. If tliougliL'.e.-siy n it, off a severe cold is sure. A light w i-.e ";;lig, sufficient to exclude cidd wind white p"r mittint; ventilation, gives the lxt protec tion. For Instance, if one sits in a he uteri room while paying a visit or during the services at church without removing any of the many wraps which havu ls-en donned for the cold atmosphere out ot doors, the re mit la almost sure to be a severe cold, con tracted by the sudden change from the heated room to the cold air. Eva M. Ken nedy la Good Housekeeping. UC o , n 1 1 r -i;ii . -- - - Lcld ICS Do, T1 Y'';':i i.up i.-:n .i.cfroanit? ?.ikI rtfasant? lie must smoke, , an,l y:t, on oon't like t :,. smell of his tobacco. You carl drive lnni away b Ikj of ju-t sn. h things coine misery, unharness and divo.t;. The trouble is that he uses poor '-tX 'm- cl d BlAckwcll's Hull Durham Smoking Km Sv! SC ,jIftate aria y11 not be offensive to you, anJ it will not fill all the curtains, hati.trin-s and clothing with that stale disagreeable o. lor that now troubles you. Keep your husband Tn'rrn h ,:im Smoke DULL DURHAM I0BACCO. Sold everywhere. BUCKWCLL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham. N.C. V.ME FIDDLER OF D00NEY. hen 1 play "U uiy llthllu In Dootiey, 1 elk ihinee like . wave o' the aeu. My brother is priest oi SUbaruet, .My coiibla of Kokiiun e. 1 passed my brother and cousin, Tin y reatl in a lok of pruyun 1 rcsil la a Ixiok of songs 1 boutilit at bluo fair. When w content the close of 1 1 ins To I'cter sittltii; la stale, lie w ill smile on llio tliren old spirits. Hut cull tin) llrst through the unto. For the coimI are always the merry, have by tin evil chance. And llic tin t ry love the tlililla. And the merry love to dance. And the folk there when they spy me Will nil come up to inc. With. "Here is the llihller of Iaioncy," And dance liku a wave u' the sea, -W. H. Veats. The Tables Turned. "When the Chinese llrst began to over run California, the laboring men felt about their occupation much as Othello did, ami failed to extend to the Celestials that courtesy which the youngest should ex tend to tho oldest oivilialion on earth," said Chang Lee, the bright eyed .Mongolian secretary to a San Francisco capitalist. "They used to abuse us terribly. A favorite amusement of theirs was to catch us by the cues and drag us about. We aro not lighters, and, being In a si range land, we could do no better than quietly put up with it, and hope Ihat our tormentors would become ashamed and let us alone. A lot of us were employed to grade a rail road, ami I he American workmen used to invaile our camp at night and abuse us shamefully. "One day a big Irishman named O'Fallon came to see us and told us if we would give him lifly dollars he would make our tormentors wish they had never seen a Chinese camp. We agreed, and he stained his face, shaved his head, put on a Chinese, costume and waited for our visitors. They called that night as usual, and O'Fallon took care to Ihj the first 'Chinaman' they tackled, lie had beeii a pii.e lighter, and the men used to say that lie could kill a bull with his list. About a dozen got around am! lagan to kick and cull hint before he made a mot ion. Then he turned loose, and the way he laid that crowd out was line sport to witness, lie cleaned out the whole lot, aud the nocturnal visits wero discontinued." St. Louis Globe Democrat. A Careless Posture. Grown people ami children alike are ln t lined to fall into a very bail habit of slid lug down into a chalrand sitting for hours with the spine bent almost in a half circle. That this Is injurious thousands of people who indulge in it never so much as dreamt but that it is the cause of many serious ills those who have Investigated the subject are well aware. Tho continual strain upon one slduof the spinal column, with the corresponding, compressions on the other, gives rise to nervous difliculties and affections of the brain. Dizziness, nausea and blind spells aro not infrequently the It of this prac tice. While tho strictly upright position is undoubtedly the most healthful, it seems rather hard work to persuade the young and indolent to maintain It. Ijuy people aud those who love luxury have a habit of "slumping," so to speak, Into their chairs and remaining in a semi recumbent position, w ith thespiueas nearly telescoped as may be. That isirtiou of the human anatomy generally kuown as the backbone was intended to be worn in an upright position, ami the constant pressure of the sections of the verlebrtu upou each other is productive of various ills. New York Commercial Advertiser. Wlfs for Dolls. The hair on the ordinary doll Is made from the hair of the Angora goat. This product is controlled by an English syndi cate and Is valued at fiO,HKj,ouo a year. After the hair is prepared It is sent to Munich and made into wigs by girls. Hu man hair is used only for what are known as tho "last dolls" that is, dolls for big girls, who like to do up their doll's hair iu the latest style. Exchange. A Trap for Deer. One thousand acres of laud iu Taney county, Mo., owned by Su Iouls men, are inclosed by a wire fence eight feet high and used tor a deer park. This fence is constructed around the hill slopes so that the deer may leap over into the park, but cannot get back. They become very Reu tle aud ure never molested. Philadelphia Ledger. Itenar.t of Merit. Papa Where did you get that dollar I1 Llttlo Son That's the one you gave me on my birthday. Papa My, myl And you haven't spent it? Here's another dollar. Little Son Thank you. I hope mamma won't borrow thU one, like she did the other. She just paid it back. Good News. Some of the busiest steel lien of the 8,o00,000 said to be daily used all over the world ure wielded by the iietiouists. A bricklayer at Hereford, England, on receiving an inination that he bad boon left $30,000, immediately put down his trowel and ref med to work another minute. - Vr - r Vat; i- v . . -I' J .IT 1 1 1,11 A;.:' Avy : "Vi'iiii L2 ; K ir.": hkc? .V0l!r "knd home at nichr, P. J. HANSEN, nUALKK IV STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN8WARL rutrouuge of the Public Solicited, North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth TIMOTHY : CLARK, DUALEH IN Coal and Wood. TERMS CASH. Yards and Ofllre m South Third Street, T elephone .o. Ill, PLATTSMOUTH, NlillRASKA The Old Reliable H.A. WATERMAN i SON. IPHsTE Zj TT aMsBEsR, Lath, Sash, Shingles, DOOI3N, : KfiOUH, Etc. Can supply every deimin of Hie cil v. l ull mid grt terms. Fourth Street in rear of operu house. W. H. CUSHING, President. 1. W.JOHNSON, Vics-Prts. T CITKEaNTS' PLATTSMOUTH, NEUKASKA. Paid Up Capital, $30,000 K. (iiithnian, J. W. Johnson, K. 8. tireiiset, Henry Kikenburv, M. W. Morgan, J. A. Connor, V. Wct teiikauip, W. 11. dishing. A genernl banking business transuded. llMEKLST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS THOS POLLOCK R V HYERS Kotary Public & Abstracter Solicits Estate, Loan and Insurance Ageut If you have real estate to eell or exchange Bend u description, price and terniH. Abstract of title furnished nt reiiB otinble rates. $100,n0t) to loan at 7Uj per cent ami no coniiuissioiiB, on koo1 farm security. POLLOCK & HYERS Plattsmouth - Ns Office under Cass Count J 13ank. . -I I -