Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, January 05, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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It Promises to Be an Intense
ly Exciting Session.
No Party Has a Majority In Either
of the Two Housfes-CblcaKO
Society Shocked Over an
Aliened Insult.
I.INOU.N, Neb., Dec. !!!. -The com
ing legislative HeKHion promises to
J ie intensely exciting. For the first
time in the history of the state no
party ban a majority in either of the
two bonnes, and therefore no party
van organise either of the two
house without making a combine
with the members of another party.
There will be plots and counter
plots, combined and countercom
bines. There will be contents and
investigations. There will be
mnashed slates and wrecked hopes.
The session promises to be a light
nil along the line from start to fin
ish, with the ablest political brains
and the most shrewd political strat
egists directing the contest.
The irrepressible conflict is to be
gin with the opening of the session
next Tuesday. The advance guard
is already on the ground, and by
Sunday night the chiefs of the war
ring clans and a good many of their
followers will be in their respective
The constitution requires the leg
islature to convene on the first
Tuesday aftr the first Monday in
lanuary, but it is decidedly doubt
ful whether the legislature will be
fully organized by the end of the
week. There are too many compli
cations in the way. It is a 11-15-1.1
puzzle, and the question is, who
can manage to get most of the
pigs in the pen? The senatorial
contest conies into play from the
outset and blocks the way of the
railroad gang from fusing the men
with brass collars regardless of
party. For instance, it will be no
trouble fo get Jim North to vote
against any and all railroad regu
lating bills but Senator North
can't be induced to vote for a re
publican pro torn. The senator
from l'latte has his eye cocked for
the biggest sugarplum in the Ne
braska orchard within the gift of
Grover. lie wants to succeed John
Peters after the 4th of March and
that makes a heap o'dilTerence, as
lTncle Hilly I'axton would say
when he sized up a bunch of Texas
What is true of North is true of
nearly all democrats with the pos
sible exception of Senator Habcock
of Douglas. Ho does not look for
fodder at the federal crib so long as
he remains superintendent of the
stock yards.
At this moment nobody can tell
who will get on top in the melee
over the speakership. If a republi
can caucus is held the enhances are
ten to one in favor of Oakley, but
there will be no house caucus at
least not as long as it remains a
railroad jughandle. A very re
spectable number of persons will
positively decline to be caught in
caucus trap. They are detirmined
to break up the oilroom gang at all
hazards. They know they have no
show in the caucus and therefore
prefer to tight, in the open field,
where they can dictate terms.
Kumors are almost as thick now
us the smoke will be in the hotel
corridors by next Monday. It is
rumored that Tom Majors held a
consultation with Oakley, Jensen
and the Lincoln contingent last
night with a view to withdrawing
them from the race and putting up
a new man for speaker who would
be favorable to either Crounse or
Majors for United States senator.
It is pretty well settled that Tom
Majors will take up his headquar
ters at the capital city with his man
Friday, Walt Seeley, as his confi
dential negotiator.
It is rumored that the democratic
and independent politicians have
been in session all day trying to ef
fect a fusion.
Jt is settled that Senator Paddock
and (.iovernor-elect Gronnse will
have their quarters at the Lincoln.
It is rumored that the counter
coinbinejjiade up of five republi
cans uud eleven independents has
signed an agreement binding the
members to support a maximum
rate bill; a bill for the abolition of
railroad passed hud a bill to repeal
the law creating a state board of
It is pretty well settled that ex
Senator Koonz is to be bounced
from his sinecure as secretary of
the state board of transportation,
and that his. soft job is to be given
to Tom Henton or Charles Magoon.
It is rumored that Kric Johnson,
ex-chief clerk of the house, has of
fered two votes from the ranks of
the independents to the republicans
for his re-election as chief clerk of
the uexthouse. These two votes
aire said to be Swede Y0tC3
It i iil)s1(ii( ly nettled that Paul
Vamlervoort, raml commander of
tlic indimtrial legion, ia to resume
btiHinemt us decoy extraordinary
and capper plenipotentiary for the
combined monopolies, with inciden
tal dabs into all sorts, at bin old
etand at the Lindell.
Widk Awake.
Chicago, 111., Dec. 2'.). Chills ran
up and down the aristocratic spines
of Chicago society persons today,
when they saw on a heavy calendar
for lS'.tt the well-known picture of
Mrs. Totter Palmer, president of
the board of women commissioners
of the Columbian exposition. Mrs.
Palmer'a picture has nppeared in
some Chicago newspaper every day
for a year, but no one dreamed that
it would decorate a vulgar beer
"ad." Lithographically, the adver
tisement, which is an lSxW-inch
calendar, is a grand success. It is
in the most gorgeous, blazing
colors. On the top is a view in per
spective of the woman's building,
with the lake in the foreground and
gonodolas floating lazily upon it.
lleneath this is an oval picture of
Mrs. Palmer, with a stand of Hags
of fill nations on each side. Her
name, with the added title; "Presi
dent of the Woman's Department,
World's Columbian Exposition," is
placed beneath the picture, for fear
it should be mistaken for some one
else. In a few days every saloon in
town which deals with this particu
lar brewery will display behind its
bar this interesting picture. Al
ready many have hung them up for
the calendar reference.
Mrs. Palmer was shocked beyond
measure when she saw the picture,
and Mr. Palmer was frantic.
"Did I give any permission for
that?" he shouted. "No, sir, I did no
such a thing. An unwarrantable
liberty has been taken. Give me
the names of the firms and I will
put a stop to it at once. I will en
join every party in the transaction.
If they do not immediately stop the
issuance of these things I will be
gin suit at once.
The brewery president said crow
nod heads in the old country did
not object to such advertising, and
he thought Mrs. Palmer was too
"It's a great lot to make a fuss
about." said one of the lithograph
ers. "We have used the presidents
and vice presidents, Mrs. Cleveland
and others."
What the Teachers are Doing.
The second day's session of the
State Teaches' association opened
with the union mooting at the uni
uersity chapel J. A. Heattie road a
schoUry paper on "Moral Kduca
cation Necessary to the perpetuity
of the republic."
Nomination of officers, who will
bo elected by the Australian ballot
system, were made as follows:
For president T. II. Hradbury,
Wahoo; G. K. Chatburn. Wymore;
Mrs. K. W. Kdwards, Lincoln; Frank
A. Fitzpatrick, Omaha; J. F. Hosic
Auburn; K. W. Hunt. O'Noil; C. M.
Nanville, Dodge; C. G. Pearse,
Heatrice; Alexander Stephens, Sut
ton. For secretary Miss lv. O. Clark,
Fremont; Troninor Cone, Cedar
HlulTs;Miss Margaret Gallagher,
Cedar Kapids; Miss Mary K. Hos
ford, North Platte.
For treasurer W. II. Skinner, of
A committee on resolutions con
sisting of T. Cone, John O. Taylor,
G. W. Nahle, Mrs. K. W. Kdwards
and A. V. Hughes were appointed
o report tomorrow.
"Rural Schools was a topic which
brought out several good papers.
"Country schools vs. City schools"
was discussed by Mr. G. Y. Samp
son of recumseh and by Mr. J. F.
Ilosic of Auburn. Prof. Cone read
an nble paper on the needs of the
country schools.
The subject of the relative impor
tanco of the common school bran
ches was treated by J. F. Morey in
one of the best papers so far pres
ented. After the regular pragramnie
was disposed of in the public
school section officers were named
as follows: J. O. Taylor of Chadron,
president; Mrs, LatTcrty, secretaay,
and Mrs. K. T. Kdwards of Lincoln,
members of the reading bureau.
The section then named two mem
bers to represent them in the educa
tional council, these are, A. H.
Hughes of Schuyler and George R.
Chatburn of W'yniotc. Superinten
dent George K. Chatburn of Wy
more presided over the meeting of
this section; Other members of the
the educational council nanijod by
sections were: A. Keed of Beat
rice and K.S. Franklin of York in
the county superintendents, sec
tion; J. Y. Morey of Kearney and
C. P. Care)- of Fairbury in the
superintendents and principals'
section; President Perry of Doane
college, Crete and President J. A.
Heattie of Cotner university in the
csllego section
J. M.jKoberts departed this morn
ing for Litchfield, Neb., called there
by the serious, illness of his father-
Urgent Appeal to Populists
Regarding Elections.
A Long List of Destructive Fires
That Occurred Yesterday at
Which Several Lives
Were Lost-Notes.
Ixni.VNArous, Dec. "JS, -The peo
ple's party leaders today issued the
following manifesto:
To people's party legislators elect
in Nebraska, "'joining. Montana,
California, North Dakota and other
states: We hereby request that all
and such of j'ou stand firm when it
comes to balloting for United States
senators in your respective states.
We caution you against fusion with
any of the two dominant parties.
Make a square light for our princi
ples. The people look to you to
carry out the promises made in the
last campaign, and unless you do
your utmost in that direction you
will fail to do your full duty.
We also request that the people's
party state, county and local com
mittees in every slate in the union
do all in their power and lend a
helping hand to organize (lie indus
trial legion. Push that organiza
tion in every state, county, pre
cinct and school district in the land,
Signed. II. K. TAl iti:.Kt i,
J. H. TUKXEK, Secretary.
II. II. K.WKIX, treasurer.
Cedar Kapids, la.. Dec. 2'.). S. L
Wilkinson, grand master of the
Hrothorhood of K'ailroad Trainmen,
with A. Sheehan, grand secretary
and P. II. Morrissey, vice grand
master of the same organization,
arrived tliis morning to attend the
mooting of representative of the
various orders of railroad employes
here. John K. Wilson, grand mas
ter of the Switchman's association,
with John Downay, vice grand mas
ter of the same organization of
Chicago also arrived this morning.
The executive officers of the Kail
road Conductors and Telegraphers
are all present and officers of the
Locomotive Knginecrs and Firemen
will arrive this evening.
Owing to the non-arrival of some
of the delegates the meeting of rep
resentatives of the various railroad
organizations to discuss federate,
which have boon held here this
evening, was postponed until to
morrow when a full attendance is
OssAWATOMlE, Kan., Dec. 28 Fire
tonight destroyed throe dwelling
houses at this place, resulting in
the loss of four human lives. The
fire started in the bouse of James
Kendall, completely destroyed it,
and spreading to the houses on
either side destroyed them both.
Mrs. Kendall and child and Miss
Sadie Griffith, Mrs. Kendall's sister,
wore burned to death. Miss Mattie
Fletcher who was spending the
night at the Kendalls' jumped from
a second story window and falling
upon her hesd broke her neck, dy
ing instantly. A servant in the
house escaped.
It is believed that the lire origin
ated from escaping natural gas.
Mrs. Kendall's room was heated by
a natural gas stove, and it is
thought that the gas asphyxiated
Mrs. Kendall, her baby and her sis
tor before it ignited. This theory
is strengthened by the fact that no
scroamos or groans wore hoard
from the victims of the (lames. The
money loss is small.
Paris, Dec. ISi. The liquor stores
of Gautier Kion ami Vincente
burned. There were six violent
explosions during the fire. One
workman was killed and several
firemen, soldiers anil workmen wore
injured, some fatally.
Galvestox, Tex., Dec. 2d. The
sugar mills warehouse and l,8tK)
barrel of refined sugar of the Dar
rington plantation in Fort Hend
county, owned by Mrs. Narcissa
Willis of this city, were destroyed
by fire, entailing a loss of 25l),iXK).
insurance about half.
Ml'XC'lE. I iid., Dec. 211. File in
Deleware's elegant county court
house, a builing valued at $300,000,
ruined the structure. The origin
of the fire was in the court room.
ASHKXlLLK, N. C, Dec. 29. Fire at
Statosville has destroyed $7."i,00()
worth of buildings, including the
Carolina hotel and business block
and the Statosville armory. It is
said to be of incendiary origin.
KlTAlLA, I. T., Dec. 29-A man
from Kansas City, giving the name
of A. Harrison, came here some
weeks ago, and going out on the
range between the North Canadian
river and the Deep Forks, gathered
up of five of cattle. Dur
ing several days' high water he
kept them herded between the
rivers, and borrowed over t on
them. He drove two car-loads into
Checotah some days ago, shipped
them to Kansas City, and sold them
before the theft was dotectec. He
left three other car-loads
hero to secure the borrowed money.
Not coming to redeem them, suspic
ion was aroused when the theft was
discovod. Cattlemen of Checotah
will endeavor to hunt down the
Al'RORA, 111., Dec. 27. A letter
was rocei veil in this city today by
the, editors of two daily papers,
purporting to have been written by
the diamond thief who stole a ijiU)
diamond ring from L. M. Hird, the
jeweler. The letter was turned
over to Marshal Denimor, who com
pared the chirography with that
on tin register of Hotel O'Ncil,
where the stranger stopped, and
found the two to be strikingly
similar. In the letter the thief of
fers to return the ring if Mr. Hird
will put up $50 with the newspapers
to be used in buying meal tickets
for the poor. If the proposition is
accepted a notice to that effect is to
bo published in the personal col
umns of two Chicago newspaper.
Dr. Clius L. Mullin of Eagle today
filed his certificate with the county
Tim Walter, applied last night at
the South Omaha jail for lodging
which was given him. About 1:30
he was found hanging to the ceil
ing dead.
W. D. Hitters was arrested yester
day on the charge of stealing an
over-coat from Sam Lee. Today he
was taken before Judge Archer and
fined $10 and costs.
Word reached the city today that
the cases for damages against
several merchants of the city, and
tried at KImwood was decided in
favor of the plaintiffs.
Agent Spencer has received a now
sign which will be hung in front of
the office Monday, announcing the
fact that the Adams company is in
Klani Parmele received as a
Christmas present from a friend in
the west a full grown mountain
lion, which he prizey very highly
and keeps caged up in his barn on
Seventh street. The public is in
vited to call around.
The funeral of the late mayor of
Nebraska City, Paul Schminke, oc
curred from his home, under the
auspices of the Knights of Pythias
out of respect for the dead mayor
all business was suspended.
Judge Kamsey granted permis
sion to wed today to Chas lvngelkol
meir and Miss Minnie M. Martin,
both of this city.
Mrs. Edith M. Sellick, the woman
who owns a cattle ranch in Sarpy
county and choses to smoke
cigars on the streets when visiting
Omaha, had a struggle a few days
ago with Office Cox, who either
suspected that she was a man in
woman's attire or objected to the
sight of a woman so deporting her
self. She was locked up in jail
overnight. She seeks satisfaction
now in a suit for $1,(KK) damage
against the officer.
Lincoln Jimrtiiil.
Church Howe will also occupy
his old seat, within reach qf the
spot where ho and Frank White
tore up their annual passes. The
other representatives who have
spoken for places, comprise Messrs.
Shappel and Gi fiord of Pawnee,
Cross, Carpenter and Jenkins of
Jefferson, Jensen of Fillmore, Smith
of Nemaha, Griffith of Adams, John
son, Brown and Khea of Seward,
Wilson of Buffalo, Cotton of Butler,
Oakley, McKesson, Cornish, Burns
and Spencer of Lancaster.
N. H. Meeker, of the Greenwood
bank, was in the city today.
Chris Meyesand Miss Annie Com
stock of Nebraska City have boon
engaged for some time and a few
days ago the announcement was
made of their approaching mar
rriage, which was to lake place this
week. Relatives objected, however,
on account vf the youth of both
prospective bride and groom,
neither being out of their teens.
Tuesday evening they started, os
tensibly, to attend a dance and have
not yet returned. The impression
prevails thalj they left on the Kan
sas City train for Missouri, whore
no hard hearV'd relatives could in
terfere with their plans.
Burglars seem to bo very thick in
the city. Only last night au at
tempt was made to break into a
private house. They were scared
away and in about an hour made
another attempt, but were unsuccessful.
Secretary Lambertson Denies
Some Sensational Stories.
A Nebraska Town all Tore Up Over
the Marriage of a Young
Couple Compelled to
Leave Town.
Washixctox, 1). C, Doc. 31. As
sistant Secretary Lambertson was
at his desk bright and early this
morning disposing of accumulated
business. Later he conducted
Indian Commissioner T. J. Morgan
and party through the treasury de
partment. The assistant secretary
was soon this afternoon and showed
the newspaper clipping insinuat
ing that he was a covert candidate
for the Nebraska senatorship. Mr.
Lambertson road it over and said:
"I think 1 1uiow the source of this
item, which is at once antagonistic
to me personally and to my friend
Senator Paddock. It is utterally
and absolutely false in statement
and in inference. I will not dignify
it by discussing it. I taw t he pub
lication last night and wrote to
Senator Paddock concerning it."
Here Secretary Lambertson called
to his clerk to bring him his letter
book and said: "You may print the
follovvingoxtract from my letter to
Senator Paddock. "1 heartily wish
you deserved success. You doubt
loss have seen in some of the news
papers my name mentioned in con
nection with the senatorship. It
was done, of course, without my
knowledge or consent. I am sin
cerely devoted to you and am as
anxious as any of jour devoted
friends to see you returned to the
senate, whore you have done such
faithful and unremitting work for
our state. If I can be of any assist
ance to you I will be glad to render
it on a moment's notice."
Assistant Secretary Lambertson
said that ho would make no present
changes in his department, retain
ing his clerk and stenographer,
who, by their familiarity with the
work of the office, wore for the time
being quite essential.
Sioux City, la., Dec. 30. The lit
tle town Of Homer in Dakota county
Nebraska has developed a sensa
tion. About a month ago Kev. B.
S. Masten went to Homer from this
city to take the pastorage of the
Methodist church in that place. He
boarded with a family named Harris
fcoon after he had settled down in
the place there were numerous and
unsavory rumors put in circulation
that wore anything but compli
mentary to Masten. The result was
that President Elder Maxwell of
Omaha made an investigation into
Mastou's conduct, and last Sunday
suspended him from the ministry,
saying that it would do him no
good to make inquiry as to the
cause etc., as there was reason for
taking the action and he could not
hope to be reinistated.
Tuesday Masten took out a li
cense to marry Miss Harris, the
daughter of his landladly. The cit
izens of Homer learned of this and
also ascertained that Masten was to
be married. They organized a
posse and started for the Harris
home with the avowed intention of
tarring and feathering the minister
and thus preventing the marriage.
Masten had spunk and got a gun,
with which he succeeded in stand
ing off the mob. They retreated to
points of safety behind haystacks,
etc., and from their points of van
tage informed Masten that if the
wedding came off next day they
would return and carry out their
purpose, and ride him out of town
on a rail.
The wedding has not taken place
and Homer citizens say they have
been assured that it will not. It has
since been learned that Homer peo
ple also warned the Dakota City
minister who was to perform the
ceremony to keep away from
llomerand that he took the hint.
Graxd Island, Di-c. 30. The mer
cantile agency of K. G. Dunn & Co.
opened a branch office here today.
Mr. W. S. Pearle is local niauager.
Mr. Robinson of Omaha, business
manager, who has been here for the
past few days superintending the
opening of the office, said to a re
porter: "We came here because it
will enable us to keep, in close
touch with a very important section
of the state for the better protection
of our trade, which will be of ma
terial advantage to ourselves and
patrons." The opening of the office
is highly appreciated by the cit
izens. Nick Cunningham has com
menced (proceedings in Judge
Archer's court against M.K.O'Hrein
of the state fishery on account for
Ii. D. McNurlin of Weeping Water
' was iu the city today,
"Beauty is but skin
deep" was probably
meant to disparage beau
ty. Instead it tells how
easy that beauty is to
i nere is no oeauty
like the beauty of health"
was also meant to dispar
age. Instead it encour
n TM . 1 ,
ages beauty.
Pears' So an is the
means of health to th
skin, and so to both these
sorts of beauty.
All sorts of stores sell
it, especially druggists;
all sorts of people use it.
is stamped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
known factory in the world
1500 employees, capacitysooo
cases daily. Its products a're
sold by all jewelers. It makes
14 e ri t-- if
the celebrated Jas. doss riuea
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the only bow (ring) which can
not be pulled off the case the
Ask your j'ewelerforpamphlet.
HAVE BUFFERED from the Irregularities,
peculiar to their sex Hnd found prompt
Bud permuueut relief iu
It CURK9 AT.L Diseases of tn Kidneys,
l.lvcr sud I'rinary Organ, as HriKht's
Piwano, Inflammation of thn Kidneys,
Torpid liver. Irregular Menses, Leucor
rha'8 or Whites and Kidney Weakness Iu
Children. Price $1.00 per bottle.
,' .. 1 v
"K 'I, Ii
.! t.-r
, i
.11-. 1'
j am'
1 1..
Killvt. It !: ;
i- sf. mil tut fur ii,
I i i 1 . j iii-ci ii r v.W.t
or uai'l ihr. ihr. i
h' lull sniv l.'.io v tv 1 ; a;iov.
qn .iili'!i i nl tha pr:;iriff.-.: y i.oilli'i itr
wb"'.i :i ;s ' rrv.:Q. Call U.t r.;n:n Pure
A'v-" ir..' u',;.! no n; her Vnt al nt nil
fir'sfvin (i.riiiii'i;; p! x,"s ; vl ilni'j ntures
13 DAI.f.i'.M Vn K rn n.Y,n;c
For sale lyjn MrV'-y.
" mm mm mm W mm miKZW. W
DuMmm or itndr; trr men it I itrilo or ttitt- kuwvkm
WEAK MEN SSS7.l..5ra.K;i".r
ri-rnirnufiwtiiPQfi prrmftiurt r In tDDrotahln aid
."'""",r,d la put i.i,.,m
liVn""""""w Prof: fiirrU'
wwvi.uu.i 'EU1UATEDPA8TILLE9
It I A L " 0T" "'" J'' ,rl' "tommi 1 hk
atn, taunt or old. lul.rln f,.m ihii
i"Mitc itaiw.i.7ta.iblrMiiM
1 pt,,r, medtelu 1 .ITtsI protnul .,..
.' ' V" Vor; (.f l,r U Tr. U Bk L..I. .
'f; '"ADV CO., MfR. ChemlBtB.
. - . . " Vl'HEET.
tihtoptaH hr ii!mr.i i.-v . fefert. After. hu
iJonnTwrrk. Th r rt-.r ; ; , t. U -US lt M lt 50 Iba
fimibrtihmnii.f it,,n- i. 1 ,; rk , t. ... 4 in. ;T In. II la.
titt. I now (m) hi ivv t . - , (i , . I' tii.,. 10 in, $ (a. j to.
m4 flmf til pint. iy tr- ,j f .. .... m tn. 4il in. In.
nrfruwrl. Wll rhtwrfn I lv rr' U - 1- in with Una ikrlnwd."
Htraltm, fU Hurrtftf, Smti 4 tnu id ilunn for prtfclan to
11. w. r. umi iiicuii truth, ciiuu, iu
n s