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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1892)
f i THi: WEEKLY HERALD: PLATTSMOU I'll. NEBRASKA, DECEMRER 29, 1892. 8 I THE DEPOT SCORCHED. But the Building Still Stands as of Yore. RECORDS WERE SAVED. The Firemen Did Good Work at the Fire Last Night-The North End Entirely Destroyed-Other News of the City. It Still Stands. From Tucailuy'a Daily. The H. A M. depot had a narrow escape from destruction by fire last night. At 5:30 last night the fire alarm van Hounded and the fire de partment quickly responded to the call. The cause of the alarm was the H. & M. passenger depot which was on f.rt: The lire caught in the flue near Aent Latham's oflice and al though the firemen battled bravely it wan over an hour before the fire Was put out. The lire burned very slow, but at the 8ame time was making good headway. All records belonging to the of fice were taken out and waved and the only damage done was to the building. The baggage room and Agent Latham's room are com pletely destroyed and if the com pany does not decide to build anew depot, they will at least have to re build the north end which is ho near destroyed that it cannot be re paired. Last r ight only one wire was in working order at the telegraph of fice. This morning men were at work putting the instruments back iu place. The ticket office is not damaged any and Mr. Foster was Helling tickets this morning aa if nothing had happened. The company should now at the earliest opportunity build a new depot on this Hide of the track and one that would be a credit to the city. A Bad Fait. -Mayor C. M. liutler failed to re port for duty Tuesday to the clerk of district court. A messen ger was sent down and informed Clerk Dearing that Mr. Duller had fallen on a sidewalk and Hprained his ankle so bad that he was un able to bear any weight upon it. The mayor will be laid up for some I im e. American Young People. And now the. young men -and women of America are to have a magazine of their own, early in January, from the onif of the ma gazine in Chicago, will be issued in the first number of the Ameri ican Young People. To quote from the preliminary announcement, the nw venture is designed to meet the widespread and urgent demand for a periodical, which shall have for I its prime object the education of the youth of this country in the principals of patriotism and true citizenship. While American Young People will be educational in purpose and effect, it will aim to furnish the inosi entertaining nnu in teresting literature pertaining to the history, government and insti Unions of America. This will con Hist of choice original articles on t!io most important incidents in ,'.ne history of this country, instruc . ' live talks on the various branches of the government, and on the privileges and duties of citizens Berial and short stories treating of American' life, articles on home science, hand work, amusements, recreation, and general miscellany. the magazine, it is said, will be illustrated by the best artists, and will be typographically abreast of the times. Copies of the prelimin ary announcement may be ob tained by addressing the office of the magazine, Chicago. The sub ecription rate will come within the i reach of all young people, being but f I a i'ear. Tha Handsomest Lady in Platt&mouth Remarked to a friend the other day th;:t she new Kemp's Dalsam for the throat and lungs was a su fvrior remedy, as it Btoppcd her couh instantly wnen other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merit, any druggist will give you a sample bottle free. Large size ;K) cents and $1. A lire in Oiiaha last night burned the Continental clothing house and S. A. Orchard & Son's lnrniture store. The lofcs to the clothing firm U $2ir,000 and to Orchard & Son $120,000, with $:fl.000 insurance. New About Town, the citvent report about :'Jt is VKfit that Kcinti'a Dalsam for the " M, J..... 1 I i 1- . !i jmiiu aim iunn is miming fOllie ; , 'markable cures with people V y$ A.are troubledwith coughs, sore '-"njat, Asthma, Drncliitis and i3uniption. Aly druggist will eyou ? !.ai,i,lttl( Iree of cost, i guaranteed t releave and cure arge bottles e .TOc. and I. ' i PEOPLE AND AFFAIRS. WRECK ON TUK B.4.H. An extra freight train on the Hastings and Aurora branch of the D. & M. about three miles from Hastings yesterday morning when the engine run out of water. The cars were uncoupled, and the en gine went to Hastings to fill the tanks. When the engine returned tobring in the train. For some backed with con siderable violence into the cars smashing up the ends of a half dozen. The twenty-fourth annual meet ing of the Nebraska State Horticul tural society will hold a three day session in Lincoln begining Janu ary, 10. An elaborate programme will be executed. A dispatch dated at Ashland, Neb., says: "Arrangements are be inir made to form an Eastern Ne braska high school foot ball asso ciation. Delegates will meet he December 30. Representatives w ill be present from Omaha, Lincoln, Deatrice, Nebraska City, Wahoo, Crete, Plattsmouth and Fremont A young married woman residing at Union is violently insane. She will be before the insanity board tomorrow. Sheriff Tight' went to Auburn Sunday to bring back the man and woman who left Landlord Woodson in the lurch for their board bill Judge Ramsey Saturday night united in marriage Lepold Hud licka and Miss Mary Pouchucar. The thermometer last registered twelve degrees zero. night below HIS PRIVATE 8KCRETAKY. Governor-elect Crounse has ten dered the position of private eecre tary to Professor W. K. Andrews of Hastings, and the fame has accep ted. Professor Andrews is the young brilliant republican who made such a gallant fight against McKeighau in the Fifth district His appointment will be specially pleasing to his friends iu Adams county and central Nebraska. SHOT HIM IN THE ARM. Wily Willoughby of Omaha ac cused her lover, William Dixen, of infidelity. To prove his faithful ness he tried to cut her throat, and she shot him in the arm. Doth are in jail. They have been living as man and wife in a respectable neighborhood. PAUL St'HMI.N'KE DKAf). Hon. Paul Schininke, mayor of Nebraska City, died Monday night Death was apparently painless. .He has been sick since early in the fall his malady being Dright's disease of the kidneys, complicled with other troubles. He was one of the most prominent men of the city, nn old resident and known all over the state. He had nerved as post master of that place, repiesen ted Otoe county in the legislature and held many other positions of trust and honor. After Janury 1 the M. P. wll sell limited tickets for continuous pas su ces. Tickets will be redeemed at the office here during the month. After that they will only be re deemed at headquarters. The following Cass comity u-ach ers went to Lincoln this morning to attend the ttnehers institute: Miss Florence Richardson, Miss Jennie Daily, Mrs. James, Mrs! Thomas and Miss Josephine Graham. George Smith, son of I). D. Smith of this city, arrived home . from Cheyenne where he is in the em ploy of the D. & M. Saturday to spend the holidays with his par ents. Last evening a large number of hisjyoung friends met at his home mid perpetrated an entirely successful surprise upon him. The evening was passed in youthful mirth and jollity, games and amusements without number abounding. At midnight all sat down to a delicious repast. The company did notdispersc until the "we 8ina' hours" of the morning. The Masonic ball will be held this evening nt Rockwood hall. The ladies of the Episcopal church will serve the supper. John T. Ryan, the fellow for burglarizing the City hotel had hisporliminary hearing yesterday ueiore judge archer. He waived examination Jmd was committed to lail in default of f.TOo bonds. HE CRAWLED lISIltK' THE TAIILE. N'eliruska City .Newt. A drunken man with a loaded rn. volver went into the Auburn depot nnu made the pnsseuo-crs ro out nnd stand in the cold List The telegraph operator crnwle.i .,. der the table and while there told n orotner operator nt Weeping Water of his predicament. The advice sent back was aa follows: "If you have a gun get out and take a shot at him, but if you have no gun stay under the table." The answer was: "I have no gun and not ntill under the table, where I will remain until this wild niun leaves." Chief of Police Grace yesterday nrre.-ied George Little of Harrison county, Iowa, in this city on the charge of shooting with intent to kill. He notified the sheriff of Har rison county, who wired back to hold him and he would come after him. The case in Judge Archer's court wherin Mrs. Cal Walton appeared against the spotted woman The fendant was discharged for lack of prosecution. Judge Ramsey issued today the following marriage licenses: Iloff Wcm pie ami Miss Alice Hathaway, of Union and Earl M. Maldwin and Miss Josephine W, Stone both of Greenwood. ' John L. Fight of Eight Mile Grove died yesterday morning at his home of typhoid fever. The deceased was twenty-three years old and a son of John Fight, and also a son-in-lawof D. L. Draper. The funeral occurs Wednesday at L' o'clock and the re mains will be interred in the Eight Mile Grove cemetery, m Dud of Promise lodge, Daughters of Rebekah will give a "surprise social" at their hall in the Fitzger aid block. The proceeds to be do nated to the poor of this city. Sup per will be served to all who wish There will be games, plays, a fish pond, grab-bag, etc., A good time is anticipated. Come one and all- Thursday evening, December 1.1). KfK'K CREEK tCHOOI.. Average daily attendance, -'0 Names of pupils not tardy or ab sent: Inez Hesser, Jessie Tigner ana Claud tigner. Names of pu pils not absent: Albert Young, Bert Young. Charley Tigner, Edith Nix and Marcus Furlong. Names of pupils not tardy: Frank Oliver, Alice Oliver, Willie Oliver, Susie Young, Arthur Young, Roy Young, Viola Young, Rex Young and Maud McCullough, Harry Tigner, Tommy Nix and Myrtle Wiles. Teacher, Joanna Graham. FATAL UUKL1XGTON WRECK. Engineer Cummin and Fireni an Baxter Goodman iu charge of a lo comotive attached to a gravel train, were killed Tuesday after noon six miles west of McCook. The engine was derailed by running over a number of horses. The fami lies of the victims reside at Red Cloud, from whence they recently came, The track was cleared by midnight and traffic continued. Mrs. Anna ChiJcott of Union was taken before' the insanity board this morning and adjudged insane Deputy SherilT John Tigh? started for Lincoln with her todav. A (inat romlilniillun of Writer. One of tlm uni'iiie oiKuiii..itions hi tl.e country I what is known na "Tim Socio lojjii nl (houp," a company of men di.stiii Kuishvil hs i-ollt'ge presidents, professors, xtudciits, literary men mid statesmen. H meets three or four times a year and listeui to papers hy different members. The pa pers Hre discussed hy the group with the utmost frnnkucss and many of them never we the lilit, but when a paper after thor ough discussion by all these geutlenifii Is accepted by the whole uroup ai worthy of publication it is published. The inemlN'i's of thisdistingiilshod croup are Itev. Charles W. Shields, bishop Henry V. Potter, Kev. Theodore T. M linger, Rev. William Chimney l.itngilnn, K"V. Samuel V. Dike. President Seth Low, of Columbia colleKe; Professor Mellaril T. Ely, llishop Hugh Miller Thompson, Professor Charles A. lira's, Dr. Washington Gladden, Pro fessor Francis fl. Pcabody, William F. Slo cum, Jr.; Hon. Edward J. Phelps, Profes or William M. Sloane ami Charles Dudley Warner. Forum. Tim Inventor of Clepsjilrnn. The Chinese were the first to invent the form of clepsydra to which the term "nn. tercloek" can alone bo properly applied Hint is, an apparatus which rendered watching unnecessary by striking the liours. I'd to the becinnliii' of the Kiuhth century persons had lieen employed to which me t'lepyclra.i in palaces and pub lie places in China, their duty beiimto Mnkf bells or drums at ivery "kih" or IM'ih part of a day. Hut at this period a device u- enn. Uructedof four vessels, with machinery which caused a drum to be utrnck bv due nnd u bell by iiit'ht to indicate the hours. description ol t lie works of this inter estln invent ion can lie found. Mr. Uoinyn Hitchcock snirireststhnt the Saracens tnnv possibly have anticipated the Chinese in the Invention of these true water clocks. Host on UlOlM!. A Mistukn Made by Tri'idillng Ofilver. I think the treat mistake made by lire- Biding olli'ers of lxlh sexes is forgetful- ness of the fact that they are not called upon to rule the opinions of t ho, meeting. I have noticed that men as much as women are upt to endeavor to control the action tf tho meetiiiK over which they have lieen called upon to preside, and that is some thing which 1 consider always objection able. It is so very clear a mutter that the chairman is merely the pivot upon which the whole matter turns and not the con trolling K"i'' of the sentiments of the meeting, that 1 am sometimes surprised to ee people arrogato to themselves powers which they do not possess, and which were never Intended to be conferred upon them. M. lionise Thomas In Iulies' Home Journal. THE POPULAR ONE-PRICE CLOTHll! HOLIDAT Among which are some JOE HAS Go Everywhere else, not satisfied that THE JOE, THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER, : STADELHAHH'S BLOCK. - PLATTSMOUTH, rY School Money. Stale Superintendent Goucly yes terday completed the December Heiiii-annnal apportionment of the school fund. The total apportion inent Jintotints to $:!TS,12(U:t, the largest in the history of Nebraska The total number of children is .'UH, 028 and the rate $1.01 per scholar. December of last year the total apportionment was .271,.T8.:tr ap portioned anions 33,'i,ll,- children at the rate of eighty-two tenia per Hcholar. The fund thin year ist derived from Hource: Intercut on United Statea bonds, $:X): iutereot on Btate bonds, SIMTO.G!); state tax ifSil'J.flj intercut on county bond, $.k),310.8(); iiitereft on unpaid prin cipal due on school lauds, $117,073.' 20; lease of school lands, $.":i,7 12.20 I he fund as shown is derived larcelv from interest on school lands, there beinc a revenue of $117, Oid.20 from interest on unpaid prin Cipal, while for December, 1801, the amount from that source was only $70,8(50.30, or $WP101.10 less. The revenue from school lands is in creasiiiffo rapidly that in a short tune with more laud subject to dis posal in the name way, the fund will be Biifliciently large to warrant ..L : .r .i ..... r... . . i.muij- uu me jjii-peni small lax tie rived by direct taxation. Cass county's share of the npnor tionmentjis $S,2:U2. A.NTiiD j cents to acll our choice and hardy Nursery Stock We have many new special vari- ties, both in fruits and ornamentals to otfer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms. and secure choice of territory. MAY HKOTHKK, Nurserymen, Rochester, X. V. List of Letters The follow ing letter list remain ing in the post oflice for the past week ending December 21), 1802. Clifio Tnlin ( mwford, J. J. Kllinou. K. K. KniMt, Mi Uouretta Klltntl, W. I-'. Klile. A.J. irvin, IMr. Murt in. Mr. Kut I'fiwi!!. Krimlr Mi-Cnllv. I I Norton," C !". 1 1.- Sireet U U Co. SpireM, Niii-hIkiII 'oOlll It..r1t,, KnliiiiKon. 1 1. !' Tilltoll, Tilolllil '.HU.I, JllO. Persons calling for the above will please say "advertised." H. J. STk'fclOHT, I. M. Wlien Dabj- was girk, e gTe Iht Ciwtoritt. Whoa she m a ChiM, lie criw! fur Ci.f t'n'i Vhen b hwimip Ji'-, nhn e! :a . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. JOE v HAS RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF T of the Prettiest and Most Unique Things for Presents? 01ESTIG BEAT ANYTHING IN THE CITY OP SPWTTAT. says Joe, and then come to me and if vmi I Beat them all, I will Two We Presume You If to, hard yon heard nf the mtgxii ncant otlur niauv bjr tu GLASCO LACE THREAD COaiTAIIT. 1'2 mtt r til THE MEXICAN BANDITS.' The formal complaint of the Mex ican government with regard to the crossing of bandits into that coun try from the United States deserves prompt and careful attention. It is a notorious fact that the neutrality laws have been repeatedly violated by such persons, and severe sen tences have been inflicted upon some of them by our courts, says the (Jlobe-I)emoerat. The difficulty of preventing offenses of that sort where the conditions are so favor able to the evasion of capture and punishment is manifest; but it is none me less incumbent on our Kovcrniuent to do all it can in that direction. It is impossible to patrol the whole border effectually, but it is not impossible to keep small de tachments of soldiers at important points und within co-operating dis tances. The secretary of war has lately ordered more troops X) the Kio Grande for that purpose, by the way, and it is to be hoped that they will be so located as to provide rea sonable protection against the ille gal operations of the raiders. At the same time, however, this service should be judiciously performed. It is no partof the proper business of our army to do police work for a neighboring nation and help it to settle its domestic troubles. The neutrality laws do not require us to arrest men who are merely sus pected of using our territory as a place for the hatching of conspir acy and tha organisation of revolu tion. Action should be taken only where the evidence of guilt is pos itive and the identity of the accused parties is well established. There is every reason why a con troversy with Mexico upon this or any other subject should be avoid ed. Our relations with that country are now so friendly, and the interestes of the two nations are so much the same, that we can not afford to have the situation disturbed. ' President Dim is anonlTfor GOQK CUFi THE KIND. TSAPrtATiV not ask you to buy. J Thouiinnrl Dnltnm HaA Coin -1 Ml prpmiiitim lor hrmt vtrk mnn Imm tli itliAnuu i vv iijijr.i kttkSJrs innr.Au You hive to )m eililiHml hf trwta fti th Worlds rir. r.vtnr ppiiny of it win r ' plenty of time to entf J th tontast' pmmptly imtrl to tmmn f hw work dfVm nioMt wortayof tho awarun, $200000 for-.' . PREMIUM? Send for circular con taining til noceisary In 'formation. GOLD COIN In Premiums. ffpm to all rwfimt$ of (An tf ti Kottft In omit fnr amiT rmnA of twill. I tlin-ml hMt viU llltitratwl r roc Ium bo-ik. Hon. 1.3. Bnn 3. Mcfu. Much. IJ nice linv Dttnm. 6 ctn n h wiithiuI nntutrni. (trtn mcIi. all rwt Mi h"T of nhnvfi bookt Htat frtn wila tut rjittfrn fl thoroughly in sympathy with d Cl ideas of progress, and will dispd V toward those of our people tnf doiii business in Mexico. He tto j not ask or expect more from us course, than is consistent wit.T ordinary obligations of in' I t Kill can d justice 'and property, not undertake, for oh- i 1 reasons, to decide between him his political enemies. . That 'y matter witf which we have no'. r to do, and n which we could interfere without incurring seriottj blame. IJut we con and ehou employ nil available means to ke the resolutionists on their ow, side of the line and to laintai' the policy of neutrality jn got) faith. It is not likely, that th V ministration nt Washington f miij iiiv imuiiuii tit i oiner' and certainly our people woul quick to condemn anything ing the appearance of an attt to provoke Mexican ill-will. resources of diplomacy are am for the adjustnieutof all such 4 tions iu a spirit of mutual res and kindness. Mexico' has ct claims upon us which we can honorably or decently diareg, and it is not to be doubted that s is willing on her part to' recb5 and make due allowance for , pecular circumstances' which are obliged to contend with 1 the enforcement of the lawsaira peripatic and irresponsible gan of bandits. uitlor of ( '1 r if Oi ' I leeeiisei'.. Vn'.ii c h, I in purHiiiii .''; nt Merof 111.111, judi;.- of Cx,- ,1, itrict inly, maOe on 4th lu ) Moti o, In tin- iiuitte Wiilruill. tie Uiveli lllllt i N. t lllllllll ofC'uwK count v, masieor Lieceniiier. lor tl i- '., estate herein niter (Uv-lnti, ', fold nt the front l.,or .1 t!, i 1 'lilt t HI 1 1. It! t ll , ClIHit 1,1V,' the mst iluy of J.utu.i:' i t: i 111. Ol Hllill (tllV. ut t,t-io V liiuhext biilder for r,, J, x,v it the , hert?n-; , jrt h( V ' ebni"- UUi'cl nd ue t followit M rilieil reul eHtiite, I qiifirter l) of tlii n. of seetloti ceveiitffi: 1 1 2 1 liinao twrly.- .; I'rimkii. Said snlf will n in:. e notth t qtnirte Ttrihit) twi 9 county, J i one lionj f 1 :.ex ) llenrv AMI iiinl V Wulradt, I tetmtn HieorKP Widruilt . , run rin inn 1.. . e i vl ( Hateil Deceniivr fj i,. 1