Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 29, 1892, Page 3, Image 3
Till: WEEKLY Ill-RAM): PLA'n'SMOliTll.XKRRASK A. DKl'llM Rl-R s 7 '0 FitHT DEMOCRATS. braska Will bo the Euttlo Ground. MR. CARTER'S VIEWS. He ThlnksaRcpublican Will ba Elec ted Senator From Montaiui Grovor Cleveland Will Stirtthe Machinery, WASHlM-.TuX, P. C, IKv. L'l - li lH v enable it to i'c;iik' with sUilrii liooty it Y. ill ho tin' fault of tin- iv jmblioalfis. The ri'piililiriin i;iihmi to.liiy determined to iulvis," repub licans lu nit tli ' Mates tu assist in Ciirrvin;; ii,l 1. 1 1 . - e;,ivs.-i"i ur i:iti!lfin:l r i-r Itlll s 1 1 I 1 1 ' 1 ( ' !1 I t.l ii -rii ..t i : i i: : -viji.l ne 'l 1"" ' ' " ors piD.'tTii c. !.- .i .-iH'tim nm winJloil of tiiolr fo;i:. i.i V.'ii; Illus ion. I'llilU ll'u' in i'i " i .'. .i I nil .-in:!- niul fti-ally cxi'iuviuii-, hi .Neb: a; Ia (li'UKK-ratd to Va.-'l:iil!n "'lie would inia.ifi no tli ,t liio c i-. .1'. jruartf of doiiUTiats in llu' Ne braska loi.-'l-it u. o vi-iv in a v.ib! tiny ivi be peni! ittol to exriviM' their minority ri-lits. 'U' tliey Mt-eiii to be complaining of i.-i tliat they may be iitvveiitel I rom " -r-cisinrr Uie powers of a inajorily. Charley 0j4'Ieii t-f Omaha Munli in and out of Omaha ) ..-a ton lay pr..-.ioli-illLj the gofpol of fusion ami e pron iing ftTavo iearxlhat tho ivptilj lican.s who are almost within roach of a majority ol the I. e 'l..Uiiv may !i'Cure a majority otc lor senator over two parties, one oi s Iiici is a more fly spi ck 0:1 the wheel an.l the u .1. t . -i- i . i i . . c . . A'tlH & VI ,11.11.-11 . " V ' ....... ber of voter, ueeileil bv the reoubii- can.s. A !-Wr.l.l, A I I Alb'. CllIC'Aco. 111., Deo. i'lio pio- rammo for the ojieiiiiii; ot the ex position next May has been com pleted by the committee in charge. Grover Cleveland, wiio wiil be president of the L ulled Stales when tire fair is opened, is to deliver the only addre.s.-s and tart ilie machin ery. The public will not have an op portunity to attend the cm ci.scdof formally i u n i ii- n lit li i if the jreat ex position. Festival hall beats but 5,0(A(persons. One thousand tickets will be reserved lor officials of the fair, members of congress and others. The remaining 4,(JU0 seat.' will beflolo at $5 each, tickets being issued on invitation. This is the programme decided upon: Music, arranged by Theodore Thomas; prayer; music; presenta tion of chiefs of departments by the director general; poem; music; ad drees and opening ot World's Columbian exposition by the presi dent of the L'nited Slates; benedic tion. ft is recomended that the exer cises begin at exactly 10 o'clock on May 1,'and close at noon or earlier. From noon 1:110 o'clock lunch will be served 1'resident Cleveland and the 1,000 special guests. WILL ELECT A Klil'UIU.lCAN. SALT 1.AKI-, U. T. Dec. IM.--Chairman, Curler of the republican na tional committee was in this city todav enroute to his home at Hel ena. When asked if the democrats would succeed in stealing Mon tana he said: "1 think not. T ho re publicans of Montana elected every state ofiicer except chief justice. .The doinocarts made a special elfort to capture the legislature, with the result of nine democrats to seven republicans, twenty-six democrats and (lire; populists in the house. "A portion of the democratic press criticised the action of the re publicans for undertaking by the the courts to right a grieveous wrong propretrated on the electors of Uox Klder precinct in Choteau county. The returns were formal regular ii!$('ry respect, but were throw .jjthuid disregarded by the canvassing board without warrant of law. Hy this action the demo crats eh ctcd th-'ir legislative can didate whereas the republican can didate was in fact and truth elected, aa shown by the returns, includin Uox Klder precinct. This precinct was thrown out by the canvassing (board on the pcrtext that three or ifour persons alleged that they re . ceiveu small sums -ol money tor t'iheir votes. I'nder the stale laws rflMvooot,, lr..,.1.j .'itiiani III, It tioualy deterinine exparte showing. ,ativ ciuestion ot tact relative to tie , iiguioi tiny iio.en iu vuie ai any election whose returns are reiris- icrju, u netner tne court gives Leech, the republican candidate, a certificate or not I think he will be good portion of the democratic press and fair minded democrats wre favorable to his qualifying. In that case the populists will control thd vote on the joint ballot. These gentlemen, I am informed, were republicans before joining the pop nlist ranks. 1 think ; republican will be sent to the United States senate." Asked to the candidates for that place, Mr. Carter omitted him self and mentioned Senior San ders mid Lee Mantle of the Untie Inter-Mountain. It is gonor- lilly understood in Montana that Mr. Carter will be the strongest ceudi-l dale in the field. Inca-o a deuiO'i crat is elected there is a long list of aspirants in Congressman Dixon. W. A. Clark, ex-Governor llauser, 1". li. Collins Govel nor Toole, Mar lol Maginuis and W. V. Uickford. NOl'ol 111 Y. Ci:.Tk' M.Citv. Nob., Dec. J.'. The jury in the case of the slate against Slarrell, the ex-cashier of the de funct l'lalte .Valley bank of this city, which close I last June, came in yesterday a.Hiinoon with a ver dict of not guilty, having been out tvveniy hours. The charge was oi falsifying th.' books of the bank lb" checked oil' the hooks as paid a ceiiilie .tv ol (i.-oosit hi Id bv his i.e. her bill the certificate showed u; in his hither'a un- canceien. i He i : ler Mai reit, now evi r, .. n I mi the .- land and swore that he had iivea his son aiilhorily tii use the money before the date ol the entry on the books, and the le- sult was an acquittal. AiTKi; Tin; si i ion. S!.T I.aki:, U. T. Dec..!.- On No vember a daught'' was burn to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kimliall of this citv. They a.,l the baby Kuth, in honor of drover Cleve land's daughter and of his election on that day. Thev also wrote to the president-elect, eongi atulatiag him oi; his victory and informing him of the naming of their olf- iriug, figning themselves "Mor- m in o-'uioi'i al ic Inends. I'he haj'py parents wetc sur)!'ised md ili'liglited to receive today a re ply from the president-elect, thanking- them for the compliment and pressing this wish: "That the baby will be as great a joy and comfort to your household as our Kuth is to ours, and that her life may be long and useful." MURDOCK. A. Zabel had business in Omaha Monday and Tuesday of this w eek. Large amounts of corn are brought into market at prvsent. II. Schmidt, the contractor for our new school house is finishing the building these day s, and Chas. Van Every is following him up with the painting. Mr. F. Wolf means business when he undertakes auythin, he has been plastering his second dwelling last week. Mr. McDonald will occupy the house as soon as it is finished. I'. F. Gentine is pushing the work on the slate bank building as fast as possible, and will complete it in a short time. L. C. Ivickholf slarted for Okla homa last Thursday and will pro bably spend Christmas there. Mr. L. Aehl an old residence of Cass county died very suddenly last Thursday evening at the age of sixty-seven years. Mr. W. M. Moore contemplates a trip to Illinois with his family to last about three weeks. It being his old home. The school bonds for district No. Ma were sold to J. S. K tigers of Lin coln last Friday. Now labor and material can be paid for, and many hearts made happy. A Christmas entertainment will will be given Saturday evening in our new school house, by whom we do not know. Mr. J no. Shurman took a trip to Oklahoma over the C. K. O. & I'., he will return lor Christmas. Mr. G. W. Meeker is building an addition to the state bank, for a temprary dwelling. He will make a line resident next spring. We understand there is to be an other shooting match to be held at M unlock the IH inst. He Is After Them. Philip Andres, deputy commis sioner of the bureau of labor and industrial statistics, has been look ing after the condition of factories, hotels and lodging houses with re to fire escapes, and finds a great many that have not complied with the law. In order to have these dc fects remedied the deputy conunis sioner lias sent a notice declaring that if the owners of such buildings do not comply with the law in thirty days the names of the delin quents will be published. A Tough Gang. Thursday a gang of about one dozen tramps, arrived in the city from fowa. They huve some artic le that they intend to bring here to dispose of. One of the gang went into the City hotel last night and secured a pocket book belong to Mrs. Kate Schniidtniau which con taincd 1. The fellow failed to make his escape and Johnny Kitz Patrick landed him in the city bas tie. He will have a hearing at 9 o'clock tonioorow. remarkable old Lis DY I She is now 102 Years Old and Healthy. THE MEN WITHDRAWN. Tiio I'lory of a Convict's Parol president Harrison ProsecuO il the Man and Sia-,cd a re t.lio,' tor a Pard'rli a Ki.:;.i.Ki.:.i: n.i i.adv. (iliuwoi-.Tow.N, Mas., Dee. 'J.'.. Mrs. Sarah Haleh Ilraman, who to. day celebrate. I her I' .'d birthday, sun ouud.'d by relatives and town poop !e, is a re m a. i L able woman. Ma is the daughter ot John and liuni. a 1'alch, and was hem in Ka-I lh ..:! ford. Mas.-.. December 1, l'.'.M, being the i"ouith child hi a fainilj, oi thirteen children, lu lv7 .'die be came the second i. iie ot tin- l.i.e !. v. I --aac Hi .on in, of l i, oi g . i. ,... n. who wa the .-avond -to; m i,e First Congiational ebnnh i o t'.iat town, and Cono..'e. ii. ed I , . i icon I life 111 t'a.' sane- i.u- e ' : she How le S It ICS. .ii'--. I . ; .i ; . ' a i oil... s.'V. ntll gelleli.lioii I.i. i ii.iii i. w, o c.nne to . . .en v on I apt. Kobeit George-- in :"; .cm'.,, i", '...til, and settled i.i v. hat - now S..',. in, .''Irs. llraman enjoys. cmcIIciiI health for a l n son so i ,: r ad , a i aa d 111 lilc. She wad.s the la u - e and receives her tunny call oid-tiuie ease and dignity. w i t ! i ARM I.I) I!-:.N Wl I IIIM,' WVN. CU'i:i:n::, Col., Dec. Hi chief in ti rest to (uvnet's of mim's jit-l now is the coalrovi rsy oi er the cnteu sionoi'tho Am., lliv.-l h ad. After mouths of untiring :w.k in til il viciu ily t he ciiur-e of t!a: big ri, !i lead is now definitely .-eti'c.l for at least ii.tM',) feet beyond the Amethyst line, I hit tiiroi'gh iguot.UKO i i the law and inatteatiou f, the il exacts, it secnis probable that the men who did the mo.-! work wiil re ceive the least I c n.;i t fi om the lo cation oi the lead. ( higiu.d localei are having a hat . I li.uo of ii, while the new enlislers oi the search bid fair to come in fi r good things. The trouble broke out between the Happy Thought ,.ii 1 a new location made by Arthur (j. Milicr.a Uiiaing engiiieer. Since the discovery of the extent of the had beyond the Amethyst line, ten locations have been made iu conflict with the Happy Thought claim. On Decem ber hi Manager Dewey of the Hap py Thought was alarmed lit tllMC encroachments and began prepara tions to stop them. Miller was in formed of this and sent two armed men to his claim to meet any emer gency. The next day Dewey sent an armed force to the Golden Eagle location, another alleged encroach ment on the Happy Thought, but did not interfere with Miller's claim. The contestants finally agreed to withdraw their armies ami let the courts settle the matter. If a coin promise is not allTected years of lit igation will follow, consuming more money than did the famous Apex side-line case of Aspen. STOK'Y OF A CONVICT'S PAKOLK. CKAwroKPsviLLE, Ind., Dec. 22. John Campbell, like Kip Van Win kle, came back today to old places but to new scenes. For twenty years he has been in the Northern Indiana penitentiary, and that he is permitted to spend this Christmas at home is due to a parole issued yestei'day by Gov ernor Ira ( ha.-e. The action recalls one of the mo.-l sensational murders in the hi- lory of Indiana and which is of more than ordinaiy interest Irom the fact that President H.niLua v. as largely instrumental in securing his conviction. Iu August, IMTii, John Campbell, then about thirty years of age, engaged in a drunken quarrel with his friend John Little. Matters were amicably adjusted, however, and Campbell repaired home and brooded over the quarrel till he worked himself iu a drunken frenzy, and immediately began preparations to avenge an imag inary insult. He stripped stark naked and greasing his body thor oughly, rendering it impossible to hold him, he sei.ed a butcher knife and started down the street, yelling and flourishing the knife like a madman. People lied iu terror and Campbell paraded the street for an hour unmolested when he found Little. A conflict ensued in which Little was hacked to pieces. Camp bell was arrested and two months later came up for trial. The state was represented by Hon K. It. F. Pierce of Indianapolis, then prose cutor, and Henjamin Harrison. The defense was represented by Hon. M, D. White, Judge Cowan and Dan Voorhes. Voorhes and Harrison, both fatuous as pleading lawyers, had often opposed each other in similar cases, but Voorhes had hitherto had the advantage of the closing speech, which the old law gave the defense. This was the first murder trial which gave it to the state under the new law, and H;z;;:::: T;;::r t-':: 1' fill, for although the In do on .-.ena-tor made his usual bi igh; ,K,, ,,i his client's life and liberty. Harri son enp:ed it with one of three hours' length, and the w broken down completely. In.-tend of a .-hoi t sentence, as was epec:.-.i Campbell was ent u for life. His friends have been u n t i I iug a ud ;o . ernof a f'.i I t," oi nor has hi en np- j pealed to. but a remained !o.- a f.llUuill ,llld iug Oailuuler to M--Care the Cow i. 1 t'lui.-tmas gall. Miss IMaa Campl ei: --who. ". way, was born .'. f. a mouths .tltii the tril t4 h:.s nev er m i m ii.'i cniif icti ti Iher eireul iled the pe. tiiion. which bore tne signatures oi the judge, v. itm -s.',, I'lesid.-nt 1 , and all t i.e i i iroi s, and who h met tin- apj i. ova I ol I ,. i . i n,n Cll.l.-. Mi I'.OIl-ii'e'il i-, id to have j i o i o : - c ta .-c, il. a in-en -r .; lo.lio ,e .i n and ! n i 1 1 i , bv the I n I ii i ! in at oi in l I -. M .1 ' I ( '., I ' I'd eon i . 1 . , , , t I ';,,! b j, 1 1 ion. ji c i n Y A - i I i ' t!o;i'.d. ii I ' ' ran. ",,, oi i a c -i i ii, Oi 1 ic ,h . i . I in nc o! t: tv.ent be; s. i : (.olem 1 a . l . man, v. ., - a ppoi i: Ilarrilv of the t... ice! d ,. eoniinill.e. creased the tioi: of aboii Urn s, inel in Soi , 1 1.' . ! a i i . I' ll r i g i 1 1 a I Co I h i -i i no e ; -Wiis tne one Chairman I ! a r i c ', i 1 1 - i iniil' in c pa 'Mae, I fc a l.V II d.'i. lil- lb.. oh : ?, d wi:li I.,. li Hi. W A 1 i I i -de lla- -caieii io the i fi P'.MC. .ma!; e i . A f I'i. lite i build a i ists arc I i. a I to i n i s e i ' i 1 1 i n i . i ! . I'.'s n i oalal- III tor ' I a scheme loi moucv a; ,i. I piom:- -i t. l.)r. 'i' eo. it, i,i, bit. '.,io,.g' a trip to Texas, lleisvei;, anxious to interview the "Julinnv" who turned him over on the "Field of Shi I oh" and to i ega in po .--.- ion of his long lo.-t t-pii itual guide. 1 Uorncy IC. 1 1. Wooh y and County Allorn-ty il. D. Travis itcre last Saturday to assist J. II. Davis and E. Wurman to light a legal duel before Judge King. The contest- ants were not ready for tli.- frav, J - 1 but will live Io light another day. The European hole! ba ! a p;'tv ng visitor Monday night, lb' prayed so long and so bind thai all the boardcis thought him or, i.e. The next morning, when approach ed on the subject, he said he .vouid bet SaO thai (here was a girl v.vv.--dered in I .c. clock that night. Ib is still loose and will pray :-omo il lore. Chris Shritmpl i .-. a lover of sweat Honrs, i !e saw an ai'v rrti -e-incut ill the h'epi'bliean where he could get ii A-holo pail of candy ior The dollar went and the pail of candy an ived today, iti-s one ol t bo-r toy ; , thai will I old about u ball pound id la-cmt mived candy, finds will have a iblltrs wot ill (,f fun out id it in showing i to his f r i i 1 s out will fail io get much hwret out of his investment. ClIVHT.MA. li la come nc! goc and now the p' ; -deb," . will !. bilisy straight MMug o'tt e la who over loaded thea''s ..i'h 'he rri.iny goo ) !h;n.g i tii i! :. brings wit!', it. I mas . . ym,'jrs XUu lutrcaacJ cliculatluu to a),000 cojilcs weekly enable Tin: Companion to provide more lavidily than ever for 1&03. $6,500 Prize Stories. $5,000 Las been awarded tot Triie Serial Stories, $1,500 foi Trize Folk-Lore Tales, to be given in 1893. Git-at Mm In Iliclr Homo.. Mr. (Jla.ltone, Gen. Sherman, Ucn. McClellan and I'rei. Garflcld pictured by their children. "The llravr.t Iwd I ever Haw" U vividly denorlbcd by ticn. John Gibbon, Capt. Charles King and Archibald Forbes. , Glliniaw. of KorelKn Land, by Ch.irlen 1)1. kcnn, Hon. Clmrlea E. Smith, Grace Kllory Channlng, Charlei DIckeni, Jr. Article on Sc ienro by Lord 1'Iayfalr, Ir. Cyrus Ednon, Sir Henry Thompson, Trot. . 8. llolden and Dr. Auatln Flint. Your Work in Life. What aro you going to do? In what Trade and Professions Is there most Kooni; by Suceessful Men. ' Leading Features for 1893. Eleven Serial Stories. The Best Short Stories. 100 Stories of Adventnre. . Health and Hygiene. New Se Stories. Science Articles. Monthly Double Numbers. Household Articles; Sketches ol Travel. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. 700 Large Pages. , Charming Children's Page. The Cnmpaninn ffiivn 4om!iir u th Aw Building in .lor. C Free to Jaii.93 KHOUGHI biliK IU LIFE.: ... The? Lo cLlTiumphof MoJcin Sii.-itiuy. GOT ON It) Hl aYSI'LM. Il.-Cf f 1 In e.nso-- tm W.'ir Path c:- : i i ' 'i s; nvr v i.-.c in I '.ilni .. Cllll r I - I l-a : D--C,'..' ma,-!, 1 : ' ! i t en i Nj.'.s V- pudc . ; .. i . i . r . : ,' Ccs", CV 'i sin -red i u a I e iv , M I u i i i . C.iii.J . di, it,-." . The me !-.-- tilleit so fn' .1 ? del ols ... 1U a 1 1 Ik ...f le 1 i . I ', I i , i i 1 1 i I o I , iavspc.-t b lr. ; i1. i- cit. J .oi , - a ". ,-;-i n j; f roui . . it i I ' ' ..; Ill V ' .-f fee I ,; i i . . , I -, . i t . o l , l .;! in., the v . , ! ml.i- Alfeti j os Me- j appen- I e.dleO. ot. 1 he j I. a coi j It o Ce in , i he nei lot V. hen .a i ii lit in a had 'A , , I ed in c ,, i . 1 1 i i ' 1 i , -!,. ill;' ,!l l b. e Ollie i an the .1 - '. . . CI , I ; l I ! ll I! lb a C ll. 1,1, e,l f,a 1 ih ' a 1 i v a ! of I'd- . ., I o , , o ,- n i i 1 1 1 i o 1 1 1 . 1 . I n v, i i c Ii a ad n in y lor ) m the . helot (i i -on ci cd j e s had i us I 1 1 i 1 1 jo 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ! j '.'. 1. ill.ll . 'h .o I i i - i !'a ,d a lonl i ted 'hi,, i li-i- it ,- eeim d ' b 1111:1 . h ing, fin .-ii i . ih v- i I w ba I . a ,.i, ,., . I at loll 1 1 I . e, lit S.l V e hon, In the chain an , ih ; i -d and V a .lata s v. cl c many I e patient w a.- a soon h i a n j n the a b, I, .i.e n I ;, .11- II Ol pc ii i't lie i h. a 1 ; oi the .i ah I ..a - ,11 I I . h . ran ,11, i uie i i c l I i i ! e ( ,'i , ,.sc I ( I em d tic ,. I a i f , '!,. fir ia-t i M ilv ,';. no .1 . " 'ldhsg it o,,,,! v.i:h , d . ith tin- o.h. r a . l ,iirr into th a id i . . . . I . I n a ic u mia no s a 1 cue dot 1 ,e heart a i led by h V'del i.'lie in lt ' b. y slow ly ret unii'd to h ii hb t a lie was I In t! cii M,,..(, I ,",,,' o .a 'dy ic a'ad and removed, tile I ni h c : i com plet" I and the ,.,iy o ... on li:e load to iccovely. in..:. ,; i lull" i.Mi. :ii-:.i .i'..!.:s, Miun.,Dec.--"i. Th. rribiiii'' froi a Dill nth, Minn., says A d '-patch lioin Marker, Carlton county, i . ports a terrible fight there Inst night. A number of half breeds and Indi, ids bom the Join ihi I, .'io reservation have been living iu a h per north ot the ! bilker de pot lor some time. They went to CI. act to get their annuities, villa!, u.i a oh. I In ,,.,,,l I ,il,i I , . , b :,i:i k iirli.i li..,,,, Si , I , i , , I ti i r il 1 ...... .......... .......... -!...(, -. Ciiiii. ill, they bee,. me ery drunk, h'e.ti oiii;,, it.rk. r last night they iieg.oi p.. ;.nr toons for a b a.-t, and a free light in which the sijuaws joined, 'bilels o! wood wcr a n.-i .1 and hnaily the In dians n. -i.. 1 Hu i.' ii i'leii'.'stors. John Laui.tiy, agrd twenty-live, was allot through the h'-art and instant b, l.ili il. ills tea.ycar-old -on, Young Kaag Hoard, Was shot ll.i'oiig'.i Ilie i I ,.-.. 1 ami dii d at noon loday. l .io clwi ilea, a bii, k and a s'l'iaw. naiues unknown, a..- scr ions;. .. a...;.'.!, nim nl etc K innon reach ! i s t t h 1 . at n ioii ; i . to ar '1,11 1 1 O v Ills s , ,s i; .. . has., 1 Ice. 2 ! rii - ..,,; , . !: ai y 01 pnii il l , . , .a . ic : ; ha-' ' icca bl en !i,...' il -. V Ii- i Hi!' hint Ilie thell., were i . v, fm i'i i heri ngioii, the a l.ansfrr ,va;.,iii nhich '. i i all, -lies iroai the i a ' pi 'Stoliice. The itij ,i led I ' 'Ciiiii '.,' i i ni. :n ., .'at- i.u o. :, to I-...-...'! ,.., iia'c i I iii.a i li ha..:, d i-umi j v.itry 11 t uu:y luusiraira - rarh jfiw nearly One Thousand Uluilrationi by THE YOimiS WWMION T Nrw PubM-rlber whs will eat ant and Mud thl allp with nnmo and addrrta and SI .75 we will (cod The Comanloa Free la Jannarr 1, 1M93, and for a fall year from that dale, Including the Double Holldaf Numbers at I'hrUlmaa, New Year and Easier. The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. 1 Mi Cheek. PoM f)JHr Order or Rtgitierei Utter at our H. paoe t, tent on rtetipt oHxetnt. or fRKE to any on ,;.li'"i no. :iu;i; -ag ', i . en !)... u ji , 1 1 was t i - d into Totheringtoii by son,.- ol the; -""b ii J'l nin i! y which K !..i.i s,.;L'. It was In ,,;, , ,V1J ,,,1,, I'oiieli. s I., ii,,. (J. pot aial sleep with th. i:i Utilil (!,.. tj-;,i,,s nlm,. ;,u ji as at fiis ! tiie rob'. cries weie conimiited. iiiiie. rsseaieliedTi ih 't ington'-. house todiiy and found " 1 -.nil i - Mole. i fi om th. I'O.e !. s ai'i.iianin:'; m v.. hie to mi .1 l.nndri ! Ooilar- e ,ris- ! . re, il. i in, (mis, jo clrj , 'Ic-. ch.'.ldi:..', etc. Tetb .CCU i c.oft: i in jcil to t'.dtk d Statf' Pa. hi S At"i . i he I 'o III o ' al iners' iuu, 1 ns'iiaiic o' will hold l! i' r annua! I I' no 1 (t'll sola ! Iioiisi', '.'.i.e. e o.cii'. , Salur- I ' ca-ln in . (oi the c ' act i ii g ol .h rs mid so hi airiness ma .... the tl-'o.g. I. 1'. I ' l 'I l aW . C. I III t ell our : e Si , 1.. ,1 . ..ic;, i.e v, : , .eci.. 1 a , i 1 1 i ah and ornamental-' C'eii'.rollcd on!) e ,. i ell 111 til I bo n ill once for terms cii. nee of ic: ritory. oil ;. k', N in soi men, Koche.- tt r, N. Y. : III I i ! .I nr , r ir. co. mm u ilio Iiib Of I be (o-ci..'ii! to-oiill'in. t( irrit r..iTnt:,t (IM i i mtinMH, Mirk ui ne, CeiiHl n' jiix.i -.att t ilfj, laui Kial r j. i ( fi iu ,i bv hcfomr no fHiHiiiiti. They nrt Ki(ily Mii'i K'.' tut f l Hi;.'tU orvnu.i.lvi. a 1 a .u I ''' uii'-J i Ik or liiOi il l i.i. Atfi'Vi;.iir, yr iauta Cold ibivei'v-wlf cro. Omce. 140 to il l l'asltiii ;'i St.. K. T. ..rts. a'-fc. SAN.'iavo, f i-i "oV tlie oil.l.Tfll i J'. iH IT 4' t-'S remedy prv.Mirii.d ti fi ? t ,.or0 J r., V (!-? cur nil Ner ' ' ii' ?. '.!" . vcn. 'Dl.ossca, C .' s . ,.-.., niT.,.al,k - - " i vnuel u liar lij. (c.iih: Loi ir,-.;n ff'i. ill a ii hood. r fi'.iidiiit'iR f fi.ilf.M rmlve Ortnn, nc. in, 1 !:! tii i t"'ti tjr iiKnc iii.a i'i. flit n f(ir.t,'M ,.riif lu tMTl lit iif, -tfi'. l o: ' W ririt flu ih( I: u (re. or l,ir J.i, vtifia written giiHrautt to cji-.i .-- m.'lVii nun f.--me y. If trl.'S '..null yi.a nr.- WO: I'olt'.ltNX IM IT ''f.';V 't. ia .-4iutt.i.i.--l;.'i'lvlj,.ic'..i.t,rli,t' Inecv. Iitc iinrt wo will M nil l,r m il!. ll'iiiihl"t lu ij;.i s: 'cUil ftui!.iitlr.j. Addt'ca. r.iVT'in CHEfJS'.cai. ci., U'T.c'iPiMcaturu.s.. H'i Icarb.irn L im t, Cii If bitiO, 1LU SANAT1VO v l.l i'i 1'l.ATTSMOt'TII, KEIS.. by i. II. si.yili r. 1 'iu -ri a, 5 1 Main buetit, i t'liit'.i'.i.'.l'i nrfi.iruliy. Why Suffer? When you can be Cured Thousands arc suffering with Torpid Livcr-thc symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indices lion, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator ia a reliable remedy for Liver Disorders. It cures thousands nnroru vwf v1lV liot tTV j j t ."-V- . I Dr.Sanford's Liver Invigorator? I Your Druggist win supply you. On.'y fj.75 a Tear. the Beit Artiltl. rtqwtinf tt w Mndl a nbtcniitum. um Mi cS