Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, December 15, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Tin: wi:i:klv iii:kai.i: pi.attsmoitii.xkimiaska. dix i:m iu:n
Clara Allen, tin Soiled Dovo in
tsouth Pond Partiics At cusod
Carrying Hit! Arms Loesoly
--Utliur Important City
Berlin (. n't Hays Hi' charu-nl.
Alter ail exam inal ion la.-liu- live
lays Dielv Merlin an I I harh s I lays,
fll.ire-e.l witii kil'ln- Hie late Mayor
Glider of South ( hllail l. WiTe llis
diare( d liy I'nlif. udv,.' M. rka es.
terday iiflrra.'-'H on motion ol
I'm -i-rulur .'i al h iie . The laltet,
in Ii is speech mi' mi i ; 1 1 n theea-e,
Mil id lie would led lian:', ;i do- oi,
tile test i 1 1 it 1 1 y thai had I" en ad
'Jdiewieiiiiu on w,. tl..- pi o
rtilion it I ;e., ( I n a Alien, wa at
rested snoii iift- r on ii t har-e of
perjiirj :ind is no.v in .-olMary eon
lilieuieiit. 1 1 - r ill re.-l will likely I if
followed h several ol lie: s, .1-1 1 1 is
thoiiulil 1' -:li"' w;i- merely an iu-
iriiilienl in the hands of sunt n-
wlni had :i Muster molive in the
pll.sllin- (he ii usee lit ion.
It was tlevt-hipe t hv the lestinio.'i
f doelnrs that Miller liad heeu e
'eediiiv,l nervous :mt had sulfered
from nu I 1 1 11' In il ia lor m in it' t i me I li
ft ire his death. Mr. Merwiek te-ti-lied
In hain administered nun
jihiue lor the nervousness, and lh
I'iriihout lest ii iei Mo Miller's takiiu.
II pilleiil eure for dipsomania : 1 ? 1 !
Ihiit lie eontiiiuetl to drink hard lot
fcimie weeks t here. 1 fie r.
Afr.iid of I hein.
(ii'ii, 1 1. Mallisoii and J.m. Woolt
III' .01, ill I'lentl liletl iiiloi'lu itioi
a-ai n.-l Ji 1I1 n I'i. Mediums ami hi
Wife I'liare in Ihein w ith linlau
I ll ly I'iU'l'x i n ; 1 1 1 I 11 i n t evol V e ! -Jas.
Wooley lile i 11 loriual i on
41-ainst Mttiiunis and Matii-01.
filed i 11 form:, I i m a-iilnst holh, Mf
Cililliis and his wilf. Tln-v elaiia
Unit they will do them -11 at hodil
liiirm. Wariiinls were issued lis
JiiHtiee of tlie Peace M. A 1 eher, a ml
they were placed in the hands ,1
t'on.stal ie I'led Kioehler lor ser
Tho Mm m's I'iith.
The storm of Wednesday w a
a hummer. The roads leadin- p,
the oily iire nearly iiupassahh-.
'. liikf nliary , silpeiinli nilent of the
the poor lai 111, was over an houi
imd ii half leaflnn- the city tin-iiiorniii-.
Mi '" I weather tin
drive (.an easily he made inside 01
thirty minutes. Mispatehes luiu,
lilferent parts, of (he stale shou
that the storm w;is -eneral. A dis
pateli il.itetl at OmTdia says: "I'll,
storm liiou-lit aliotit the almost to
tal .suspension ol hlisiness in tlma
llii. The sliects were comph-lelv
Mtielted I y the hu-e dt ifts ami sitle
walks rendered impassaMc, wluh
all 1 i nes i if street raiKviy were com
pelled to suspend. The company
made ii futile attempt tt) keeji it
tiaius m inoiioii, Iml was forced to
ahandon tin: ;ittt nipt. J.ast ni-hi
the tr.icks were so completely cow
ereil with snow ami ice that it will
proliiihly he two of three d.l s ln
fore they can he o aeiatetl a-am."
ICeports Iron Nehraska City sa
the worst snow rim 111 since the la.j
Lli.iartl ol January , I , set in a
nhollt N o'clock I. isl 11 i : ,a t mid con
tilllK'd Until .") o'clock this cvcuili.;
The filll of snow iuuou.ilt d Pi tun ,
lifteen inches, hut .hilled ha. lit
All a I on - Central avenue 1 1 1 d 1 1 1 i -are
liiilifi' Ih.ui a man's In ,nl A. I
trains 011 the M. A M. and M i-.-a .m ;
l'licitii" were iihau doned. Thr-m-h
out the emmly the .-now .hai,e ,
lleav ily, ail loads ltiniin to t,,t
city heiti- hh 1 kmled.
At Arapahoe snow led I 1 a t ! , 1 '
of two i 1.. iie .- la -I i;i lie
weather N clear now and 1- e,i.e
iuy; colder.
At Meatnct' out- ol die he.uie 1
falls td snow for several . .: .-. pi,
Vailed then' !!-;.! 1 . I .01,
lit mid,,:. d;t. Til.- . ::-.w r. ae'.e.l .,
t'uptil of e; ,ht i:.-!i u 1 1" I - I
A stroii- 1; a :ii- ' '. i. ' I .. - - a
pan ied ; in' .- loi ni a m 1 , : . - n .w . .
tlriltetl li id.iy. The s'.u ; ait
bloekadf'l. '!" et car liat'.ie sit
pended ami lnisiuess is al a -' a 1 I
Ktill. Thi't'ii or lour iuuei ..!
yesterday were n.-i e --a 1 i ly po-p
ponetl bci'iuise of tlie storm, i ort
tinateU' no ver M-veie de-ret ol
CoM follows " the storm iiiel the
people ;n hopt f.d lor its ahaif-
lilent. ..
The Cl'.ristain Endeavor.
The most siicce.s.--iiil County con
vention of the society of Christnin
lin leavor has yet been held,
was held ill tl'.is cil I lecemher
There were ber.veeu t i i- ' 1 1 ami
ninety cnlhur-l.if tu" tlf lf;;':.te s pics
fid. The Peereturv s s,:.,w c ,
that nt the orecan.Aation o. ,he j
county union, less than a year a;;o, I
there were but four societies repit . .
tu nted, with : meiubi i.-hip oi
ninety. To.l.iy there are ten soeie- j
! I lie "minute report" 1 nun .
doeii-t ie.j showed jm e n-s.-t;. n in:
,.lf,.,.,iv,. it.xU,u f ;.,,,., If Ho Fails on tho Senitorah.p
j t!i itieetitiyM. ' j Thon tho Cabinet.
I Tlieie iire two junior Mi'ielie ;
!""' , 1 an.l one at N.-jTHE SL;NATO,,s- MEETING.
I liaw na, ;i ml iinot her wil 1 lie ot'" ;m-
I Weepin-' Water in the neai -
Inline. .
ne of tln intere-itin fealure-t of
the cou eiit inn was the " I i - P i'.'
half Hour." live deiii nu i ions
wi e i ej ireseu led al the eon en ', ion,
Ihe pastor., eaeh told what Chri-h
a in I-. i nit a or h -id done, a nd wa - i le-
in- lor his elu.reh.
The " s. rviee" I lie
nit i.-1 impre-M Veserviee I ield n'
ii ; i i ...
'" " - " ""-,' n t i
ol tne t'eeeatt- ;.'.ae llii-ir epei-
i 'uee, and renewed their vows to
the I .or.!. , iP.- ml! .- .11 ..f tin.
of. I -in ielies IV .,. ..iven tl tein.
1 '. 1 s iii 1 1- (- ,1 ni I I '',. poiii let ! i 11 1 oin'i 1 (
1 '' 1 f 1 a I i n - a ;. t of -ri 1 it 11 re or
'";" U ' .1, " a verse of a familiar L mn.
' i n ! , won h I ,e., lie 1 1 1 t he . 1 . 1
church of thi- city, was repre-.-u-led
liy a i 101 1 1 twenty of I'm- youe-p-'ople
ol I hiit sot n t . They lot ik
pa rt in t he eon - ee ra I in. 1 .-. 1 if e n m 1
.1 I P r their re- pi '11 se t he W 11 e
1 e -I t-i I v. i Ih the chant , ui pia 11
lule hy the ( hri-laiu iimleavor,
and all joined in siu:;iu . " ' J 1 - t he
i In- Tie t ha t Mi ud h Our I I eai'ls in
Chrislaiu Move."
11m- service was hroiihl to a
close ,y t he eon;.; re -at ioi , rept a I i 11 -111
coueei t, t he Mi.pha lieiiedie t ion,
" l iie l.oitl Willi h hetwi en me I
I I ii-i- U hen we 111 e A h eal )ia
lioi'i Another."
I he next convention will In- held
a! eepni- U liter, Maivh '.I, I ' '
1' or Jil'.l a 1 i.
I'M I I I - I A 1 I S I'lA-i i Oi l it 1;
Dl.s Mm sr.-, Iowa. I'o J ust ice.- of
ill.' I'eaee iu ehia-i.a; I he I'nited
-I a le.- pension la w s r.-ipiire lhat il
I pension ollf her is , '..filled he-
II a e a 1.1:1 -i.-t ra it' wi ' ni I a ,-eal, a
cei 1 1 II 'a le I i'oiu the county olheer
aa in.; t 11-tod iv ol hi- Inmd shall
In- iiled with the Fluted tale.-i pen
sion ; 1 : ; 1 -11 1 s 1 1 1 1 .v i u ill the coin
lueiieeinf nt and t til 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 it in ol
-aid ma.; isl 1 ale's term ol ntliee am!
l.'l his ollieial -i-nattlif eertilied le,
said county oliicer lo In- .-niliue.
I n many in.-tain'i .-, the terms ol
1 11 -t ii e ol t In-peace i 11 thi- district
diuva and Ne'iraskal will expiii
Januarv 1, IVHI.
I'he re-uhir "piarterly piiymenl
of pensions will heiu ;it this
aeeney 011 January I,
I wish every jilice of the peace
in this district to know in advance
lhat if he shall he-in a new term ol
office January 1, 1S'H, either h
election, appointment 01" tempor
ary hold over until a .-iiceessor k
executed heloie him en or alter
January 1, s-.l, aixl p ayalile at this
aeency inu-t have the eertilieaie on
the hack of said voucher as to h s
ollieial character liied and si-in'd
hy the proper county oliicer. ( )iher such voucher canuot he paid
until a certificate of said mi-is-t
rate's ollieial character ami si-ua-ture
is written for and leceived .it
I h is olfiee.
I wish to avoid, if possible, an
tl la ol this kind iu the payment
ol pen -ions.
F cry pensioner is cut itled to his
1 a 1 I'll id Iowa nee prompt I , a m I
a 1 mac; istrate of the class not us
in- seals should retard p ayment h
n it ! 111 11 1-I1 i 11 - evidence of his (,lli
. ' 1 . 1 1 authority as lici t- directed. 1 1
-'. a ' : I el he remeud 11 1 1'. 1 cel l Ii
. Pes file. I lor past terms of ollice
a ill not answer (or a new term.
0 ' 1 1 ppl iciP 'e ni 1 w d I I a 1 11 i.-h an
1 t -, i -1 1 . le or ma-istrate elect wit 1 1
I ' ' i 1 1 .t lor the cei 1 1 liiaie 1 11 pi i rt 1 1
o law I 1 be relumed by him plop
" ly - : .-. ne I a - soon .is 1 1 !i a 1 1
p.l lid . . All jil PC 'S o, the pe ife
Aho will be in a new term 011 )au
II 1: t I. I -.'.l; slum It I apply tor such
hi iiilts widioii, dela . efV re-pee1-fully.
S . M
Fniie 1 Stales pension A-. ui.
-a' ' I .ilk, ("oi is m is Mum n
I in- 1 , , I hoii-ew ile i.- at all s - 1
''I el d'e car a b 1 1 - d . o d o I
'..I ' , -, 1 1 do nut use t he tt '. ill i . 1
1 - :ii la . i n ; sense and now lhat
I . e , ! e 1 . : ' 1 1 1 ', 1 1 1 1 a s a n 1 it f -
: il; - II' ' so fit i.'.e II po- I ; ' . s J ; ,
. 1 1 1 i e It a -icr Plan e ei . It reijii'e.s
- ' li , bl'il 1 u woi k to tlo e. j . ( oilou 1 i c
1111 . ,- 10 1 ue 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 a s ami one
k 11. ' a - i 1 so w el I as hei -eli pules-,
il be Table Talk. I'he ,l.a;; a..i ue Initio-
mouth is lull ot Christmas
sip; o -poii, recipes, menus, iiml .nil I
, , ,, . , f i . , , I
hnip. that cannot tad Pi eitlmlilen I
In r holid.iv labors and to clear her
vvav ol the vexatious mistakes ami
doubts that sometimes interferes
with the perfect success in h(-
pit paralions of a feast, Verily, the '
hou.-ewile will Cmd iniicli in !ie,
Chii-tiuas number of 'Table Talk i
that she otteht lobe thankful for. I
The in ,ei,.ine is published by the
'Tiibf- Tii Ik I'nblishin- company 1
1 1 pi chest nut street, Plula. lelp lii,,,
M. :i year, sample c.p . It' ct nts.
T,u. Mlou. p,,-,,, has ciiused a
H ,i. l(,111.m,i f(- f,,, ,iiri
m-j.y shoe store is tne place to
purchase ALL such articles.
i Thu It'epiiblie;. t1 S ir.a'.ors ot No'iraa-
k.i Hold a Caucu: Only a Few
i'i Aft' iKlaie . ... Siicfit::
I'm Exhau .t.
Melon's M vers.
I I'I , dem. i. i- ,t I, i . t , i ... . ,
. ,,,itp ,- ,., , i -i .,- Morion
I for see ret a i y i a ..rvml ; ur ti at lii.-ir
j meet i n - i u I.i neol a I i -! t vt n : n - a ud
i . . . . . " .
aif I . i i i : 1 1 1 ! haul ..a ainip
'! 'I' deal to pi . el-'l III the
I lii'eti eM lies -1 1 :;; 1 1 1 1 i -1 1 ,-."(-.--I
U I. lilt- .- 11 1 a', mi m ' t : ' " I: ia I -, to
I ..:.... ! v. .,
i " i ' w . " l I l e - -t r a : ' I II I i - I It .' I' ' ,
...I 1 ' ' . . ....
"lo the fonfeveiice .'.' . !. will '..'or I,
tin' !.- ; I . :-.ll i; i -worth,
but hav- I ; ' ' ' lit pe ol c , rrv- J
in-.: it t j 1 r. i 1 1 1 . I ;, i-sd.-pei: I. ait j
"le-. .Ill-1 rn'U'r.;.' lll.'l M-H' i.;-'
ti.m 'I' j eods'wi.i.iiy j
i '
' :.'.'. 1 1 ; ' " 1 1 1 ; 1 j
i i'inii nil mil; 111 e it is ! a 1 a I '
Ilia', it is the only way l.'l' til" I e- I
publicans to pref , Pie el, t pan of j
an independent, lor thi- 1 . a -, m, 1
the Morton im n I ,er .1 tl,-,, ! u i , I : I
Ike i lib- ii-ndt 11! .
ul"" '" ''ll !
election of an in.;.' ."-m 1 .1. i a 1 .
to scare the re pnl icai:-' iahi t urn-in-
lo ll.-in. i:i v , "ii.'li' i a-e iiiey
would repmliate ;l .- imk p. r ':. nt
d'-al and accept tl:.- Inlp .! re; a:!.!!
t'aus laakin- Morion. I ail 1 i 1 . - .''nn
ton crowd does not include the en
t i re tit u lot' 1 1 1 i ', - pa : M , a 1 id lie' 01
P"siiioii is not lalliiip' ml 1 bin
w Hh sufficient .-peril to eipa ader
Very mam, headaches. 1 he i.-,i' If rs
prrt.-nd to be mixin ; liiirmoiiy, bill
If'' " b in:: 10 1 for bulcher knives ami
-allin- -uns - row s a pace.
Will Pay Tiielr Kar.-s
A .If-pa'tcii lo The World I ler iid
tlated at Lincoln i - as f. d iows:
"I he appro; a ia t ion for fees ami
uiilea-e o sheriffs lor brin-iii- in
prisoners fr the county jail to
the penitentiary has heeu exhaust
ed. The sheriiis who have claims
of this kind ,,,'e h;i via;;- to hold them
with nolhiii- iu pro-'pect until a de
lieiency appropriation can be made
by the le-i.-latiire. It is looked
upon by the-e uiiici-rs as a special,
hardship, and one or two that have
called lately id the auditor's ollice
with their claims were taken aback
when no warrant was issue. 1 there
for, not havin- before learned that
110 warrant can be shown against
an exhausted appropriation fund.
I'he dealers iu state warrants and
claims are iis yet refusine; to pur
chase these claims at any price.
Meantime the county sheriffs arc
having the pleasure of ailvancin
itmuey, with only a prospect of be
in out of it fur in 1 i in lelinite period
for services that have heretofore
netted them .ami iheir friends a free
Ii ip lo the capital city and all the
-i-hts and a rouihii table wad of
ca.-h besides."
The Si-n.uot V Caucm-.
An invitation was sent by Senator
Moore of Lancaster county to ajl
tin- republican senators in the state
to meet in Lincoln Thursday. The
purpose ol (lie ineetin- is unknown.
I hose pre-enl were: .senators Clark
of Doiiela-. M. F. McDonald of
Thurston, dec. Y. Low-ley e.f ew
aid, 10. Ti. M e nf Laiica-ier, Alex-
Ulder ( iraham of Cia;e, J. M. Pope
Saline, A. M Con-ell of Thayer and
Leopold 1 1 oh 11 1 of A 1 l,m is. I he ses
sion was a ,-1 a- ia t 1 im a m 1 t in- resit i I
ol the caucus lia.-. not yet been made
know n.
No, id h Mobl.s ,, l.huwoiid ha
b en 1 , colli :m h - let I as a nieiii her ol
the pi nsii in ex ' in 1 a i u I ni,,rd 'it
u eepiiie .per, ice Hail resigned.
The 1 0,1 rd ol directors of the M nr.
IM y -P t : f I auk hae elided Jacob
l in. id president; U". Ii. Co u 1 it ry ma n.
vice.presidenl and Tilnier (iood
ca si 1 nr.
K'i . L. !' Mrin, 1 a t-'-it ! i n - elder
for this district, o.-cti ii -d the M. F.
i ui ' p 1 ! in 1 1 1 1 s ( i p, ,a-t Sat 11 rd ay
e.nin .; ami Mielay llioluin .
A'lbpi n l'tis-,.
At i.'l I I II i: I Alt','! I K'S.
I A tele ram from Ni hawka sa'.s:
"The worst --now stoiiu iu liveyeiirs
has sw ept o er this ceiml r . l-'roni
i I ' o'e'ot I. 'i tines, la i 11 1 lit moil 1
ocli't'k ui Ihe .. t n ri ioi mi il was ;d-
most in: I'os. 1 1 p. p, pe on u:e
stttt ts. The con ii I r roads are all
blockaded and il wiiltake several
days lo e i t t hem in shape for teams
lo -ft 1 1 1 ia ni j. h. There have been
no trains since Tuesday. The storm
ha- ciiuuhl several farmers with
their corn all out.
nny vour christmas presents nt
Ul . i,,,i,,M. c.oose at K. of
- ,,,,, , I'lte.-dav and Wednesday
i Deceiuber lit i.ud 1 1. No admission
Will be char-ed dut iii- the day,
OIly cents at ni-ht when you
can see the Mother House promen-
ade and other attractions.
Kdward C. K'ipple. of I.ou:ville.
iiihI Mr-. Su-ie Call, of m;ili;!, so-
o w red a permit to wed of Hie muni y
jud-e today, and left wurd for J lid-e pen. ir.iled th,- e; ot the sixteen
Kain-ey to meet them at If o'cloek ' moi.t ii on ! el: i Id ot Jo', n l icniaclit,
:i! the IVrKins house today to tie ot . ! .ras a Ci ty eon.plrt ly de.-tn -til" The ptde was promptly ia . t!ie si -Jit of tie.' eve.
mi hand and performed the cere- .
munv. Tin- romu i- t.venl 1 hi ee
ear- old and the I. ride i - tii i 1 1 -
I 111. V WAX I ;.! II i.:..
lie eo.d mm -o.i 1m, mi. ' !.
scooped 'lown .and hi'- caught (iih
!':i, Neb., in iis e;il :n nf i i; ' em
i :! . I. i-l ni-iii a s .a ;it train
1 X'K- vv,'s '"'' -
I there, a -an- of men at It !,.! ill
" d ears .-, ud threw t ,: ; -e , i ,, I 1..11
"d foal. .
'ee 1.
t o 1 land- w fit
in the ! ra i u fir I he pa
I 1 M ; i 11 a ! I who a : P -u ; ,
f. appro
an 1 lie;,
. 111.- f I
i pi ..'' any ot :ne nei;
I ''''' ' t ' . 1 1 I ', '.' i ' 1 ' 'I
lo v.-.. A ,
f i : a I an
pie.:"! :.,i:!! ;l
in 1 ale- ami wa ich ll a ' ! . K
( '. I '. I'i ' a 1 f h e r, ;, .-'llii ! a -, : ' I a I
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
il aa
u.'n- 1
11 1 . 1 u ill lown. I r e i o : ': :
1" ad' d 11 p a ou or 1 wo of
I sn.i 1 ,a 1 1 ': 1 ; : ; i -e eae,
'I'i. d i V le t h . .. mm r Jne.
.-! i i:
' a 1I1 r i 'a 1 I. .el. .-ec i red 1 In :t -1
le.- i llii' al of I'i1' dl el in the ,-eu-
a : t ed m-si l-iv. ! i . i'i 1 1 1 rou 1 1 a
it " lliiiau dir-'i line III rea 01 10 i 1 1 '
r! .., .. . , . a..... .....
1 ' - 1 1 1 I 1 11 , 1 . S I, I I. I
alien led lie- I n 1 ,'.-.-' rooms of Ihe
11:1 le 1 a.-l .-e.- a ei . .a Ml o i.-r- .- a -.
tlie sen it.ii'' . i tc'. a. 1- e !i.;ni;ed a nl I
dley are pl.iyiu- d;.- -viiiilui' wide
op n on '.he ..ri, liori.i! laro t ":', t -. 1
iie, if, old 1.
oi Omaha, . h I le i !, i o It . m 1 1 i n sin
el In - sue, w i u ! In- '. 1 '. y a t" ! s , : i -'
1111 over by a stvipch -ii-ine and
killed yeslerday.
The family of Jas. lem-in has
been e-iiarcd since thi- arrival of a
baby I m v.
Judee K'.i il i -a -y .received a P e
eraiu from Sp-rine ii,). 1, cb.. Th u rs-
Li y inioriuin- him not to i-i.-ue
a ui.irria-e iicen-e lo a runaway
couple. The ti le- r;i in was si ned
by iin- irate father of the yoiiip-lad-
who il was supposed would ar
rive herewith her lover. Nobody
put in an appearance, however.
The yoitn-people of Murray are
lalkin- of a liihrarv
The M. ,V M. liver collided with a
liht en-ine Thursday afternoon
about four mill's west of South
Omaha. 'Fhe eit-ines were badly
dama-i-d. Williiim I). Month ol
Troy, N. '., who was stealin- a ride
on the front end of the mail car.
had both le-s so badly man-led as
to render amputation necessary.
Ife is now at the I )el uion ico hotel
in South Omaha and his father ha
beeu not ilied of his condition. No
oneelse was injured. All trains were
l'Dnu- sltii'l'.
elua-K.i Ci; I're-s.
(ieor-e Wism raud l-id. I'u-!i weie
huntiu- rabbits the other dav.
W i siit-r looked into one end of a lo
alter a truant rabbin, ami ' I 'c-h
shied a stone iit the little fellow as
heslarted to run. lb- missed his
-ame, but he hit Wisner in ihe eve.
I he v ounil was a sev ere one; but
will fortunately not injure tin
I PPHI.S 'I HI- PIv'U p.
Xfl.,.,..! a 1 it., e.v-.
The hi whi-ky trust ot po,s -s
siou on Saturday las', of the di.-lil-leries
purchased by Sam Woolm r
and the li; -t tliia- tin- m:in;ie;e: s
did was lo advance tin' price. Cir
culars received here on the aih
staled "thai all orders, wheihei
ui v en iirr a -outs or sent d i rect, will
be based oil the market prh e ol the
day ol shipment." La-t cvenm;.;
letters v.'t'i'.' receive'l announf-iu-
that hi-ll wines hud advanced
a ceuls )er K:iH"il and that alcohol
I" cents per all, m ami that all
other -oods sold would be at the
market price of shipment. There
is no tcllin how hi-h the price
will u'o betore tin- trust is satislietl.
A yoitn- man by the name of
ilickson while himtin near Liv-iau-lou
llei-hts Thursday killed
Iwowo'ves. One was a u old one.
Tiii-v v i i.i. pi.::s'.Pi-;.
. I the le-ulaf lllectiu- of Ca-s
Council No. hCI, Iv'oval Areanutn
la-t ui.eht the follow in ol'licers
were elected to preside the cumin
Veai: Ive-ent, W, K. l o.x;'ice h'e--i-ut,
M.S. h'amsey; Orator, Henry
llerold; Secretary, Thos. Walliuer;
Treasurer, Fled Lbitleer; (illide, Ivtl
Hansen; Chaplain, Philip Kratise;
Collector, Will. Holly; Inside Senti
nel, Henry Zuckwiler; (httside Sen
tinel, Anbui 'Toman. Trustee for
three years, Frank DicKson.
In the year 1 -.i.i there will he two
eclipses of the sun: April hilh a
total eclipse ol the sun, invisible in
Nebraska, and an annular eclipse of
the sun ( )ct. '.Hit, only visible on the
Pacitie coast.
While pi.i in- uilh iin older
J.rother I'rid.iv a p.i.r ( sci.-
,su:- were di hi en-d. and the point
'--!--!!''. ' " I ' 1 ' ' "f
i ' : V '" '"'i'' 1 ri-'" ;,n;'l
I !. e
I. .11,
i '''' I'tin.i d l- i'i iinii:; i
ft n: t .a i w !i a :-, i in pi p.-. I ,h i t.
ii'!ea::e a V, ,i paid io i!. I, iwever,
': i ' ' . ! i . ' f ; ii I eol i , n it and his
.nan j..
i 1 1 ; . I 1 I : ra
I tt
a ;' en
is of
.- ia- .'- ch h-r
M ., t r. Ly !,n
ci ,,ad An
' , " n.ei-. John
''-. j.l.'i.'i !lll
.' Il.ei! I :ivi,
: - 1 ; 1 : , 1
P. I
u. 1 .
" I . :
W . I '-
1 " 1 ' 1 ' " ' e '. a I , a i -.- today
a : .;. 'i ': ' ,' e ..,;,,.
: ' 1 . . 1 1 .,;.', x . 1 : 1 1 m er
..'.:''. Mi tl ee,..- ...
ere I ila s p. a - a 11 u : I now 11
f'-' n 1. ...!,:.; be a I. urd, n
ll I a 1 1 I: O V
1 1 1 e " J j; , Sixth,
'.'. !.!', it I i I e -.- ll' ll
l.iJ f a r.) the a.,! ,;
P . "a I , . i ! : (.'iiih- , a : -,
He-Is. lie
,; ,-i'-''-'::
"f a-i.m.
l'ri"l. -y : i i 1 1 1 , !io,,.-ver, he beean e
s .m-whai I a a . a-r. .'. boil i -III)
' " .! il. I in- . - lai,
' ' 'Ai.- h. was
sii'id-ai'v Piio.-a Ihe
sidi'wa'k ;:.Pi a deep miow
Pan:-.. . . r. I :u a-m-r -nv s h
le was
vv.ioii'i- a io:. j; i -, ; ii .-a re, t
"f .1 -u Men -i,;;-,- on-- cam
. all
up be
hind iiuu, iin ! ihe , ih,n- he
knew he v. . i -. iv m -a' in the ,.,v
'Id. ra -h--r v ,-:.,!,- . -i .;, a! over
-'"' 1 '' I- 1 'vh.-i, In- -'.ruck the
"''' bani .-a hi.- hat ,,, vviih his
.'sii'l m t'a air. a kickin
'"' i-'l i ' P I himself loose,
an ev e w dims , ,, thai it was a
C a 11, : i . i : -; ; , ; ,
Vl'e-i i h,.;.-e..,- , - -,.iae! ).,.. p , ;
"'' ' ma -lL:!. ;.a,l ,v made
b'ack - !..- -. io iii a ,'. him-ell
The Keystone Watch
Case Co. of Philadelphia,
the largest watch case manufactur
ing concern in the world, is now
putting upon tlie Jas, lioss Filled
and oilier cases made by it, a bow
(riiiR) which cannot be twisted or
pulled of! the watch.
1 1 is a sure protection against tho
pickpocket and the many accidents
that befall watches fitted with the
old-style bow, which is simply held
in by friction and can be twisted oil
with the fingers. It is called the
ana LAN ONLY BE HAD with .w
cascsbcarini; their trade mark-
Sold only through watch dealers,
without extra charge.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet,
or send to the manufacturers.
Nen-eK Blood
Tonic HJ'X;'.. IVjWCcv
t' '-.
P i
( .
;""i -: r Dr. WIiLIA.If
lvrlax. x ...i,-,- -r n-r r,s
lur ti.30. ' ..... . ... v
ii . - o1- i
k$y vi.:'.ixxNi k i.i
1 aMriVc
MHf mm M
For Farmers, fersand Mecharico, 1
Cures Chafing, Chnpprd Hnnd Wounits, Uiirni-, i 'I' - '
Ltc. A IlcliRhttuI Sh..nipiw. ' " V "
white nussias soA?a;;i;
SceciaUy Adopled for Uo in Herd 'cl: , i;,'.;7
We perspire a pint a
clay without knowing it;
ouirlit to. If not, there's
trouble ahead. The ob
structed skin becomes
.-jHo.v or breaks out in
pimples. The trouble
t;'oes deeper, but this is
ii u.ii;pi- c
If ou use Pears' Soap,
no matter how 01 ten, tne f
: :-.!ti i.) ciL.t:: ,,'ia Mji'- .-iliu
'..i!i..n and clear.
All SO! ts of :,i.::res sell
it, especially d.ajg'gists;
ail sorts of people use it.
rc.,i7:j. cure or
-i : :i-.e .n u
. -''" I'" '. :il I'lllU fir ptl,.f; ,,t. ,1
'"' ' ! -' ri:. -oca.- m..,., ,., , .Mll
,,1K '" 'i'"s i' n.' a:i"i limn or,
:-. .'.Ml I Mm -:ie, iu,n,.ii-,HX, .'i',
a- . I : . s.tiit, l- ,ui I I la tv I.i Inl Mi j.,..'vei.
, I er, n,
' '' ' I ' ' ' - ' ' 1 f III HI 1 I' :-l:n ; , 1 ., 4
t' -: :r.f r-idr;: -. . .........
' . - . il.i I niioM. i ia -a ia i
. . " .a. I 1 CII 1 III .,.1 f, . y.,,;.
-.'.,. ."' '-'" Pr-.f. H'lrr-V
:T iirnaiCATKnpASTii.iv
. . .. a. i-i .iit-tii.t 1 1 1 v n;. -
-, t ' I s' i-r ( i, pi!!..... f I,,.-., ' ,
1,1 r. " " n ' , -.--i
1:j , I .. i, . ,,,
- e -i ...:, if,..
' ''..' . I -I. . -- .;
.'P.-., ae , e.!."fa. j.
' s
H.Wh f-l l'KKl!i:i rrom l!u- lm-Kular;(lt-
li'-culiar tu tli.-ir s(. i:n,l toinul iiruiiii.t
ami iii iinaiii'iii rrli'ji iu
DR. J. H. McLEAS'S -
It rUI.'I S A IX liiii-i-i of tii.' Ki.l ii-y-i
j.iv.T iiikI 1'riiinry irgun-., a-i llriht'I
a lls.;s,. Illll;i,ii,mi,, ,,r tll.l Hidiiey-
? lnr.i. Mvit, Irr, fular Menu, .,.
' rhu a or hii.-s in,. 1 iilm-y -,-ai 1K -, m
Clui'li'iii. I'riia-$1.1)0 jii-r lii'UIu.
i'i:i:i'Ai:j.i) i:v
How Lost ! lio.v Kcptainccll
THE;iMCE,S ;''
vr m:i r-r: p-.t r?.. v i..-w m-t n'y
"'.'l Mi-- 'I',:i ) : A V ..ii M'KMII ,ai.i
riilMPU, !, P':i:ni:s t
hi "! ii, i n 'hi : i . i i'A:.p, i , i'j:r..
.'ilA'il i;i. niiMM', r - i ' hisi:i.-,
lii.-l V f.A KM. '! '' el M V V. P' ij--..' -',i !, .tl-,
i: .V, IV. ra-' . I a'-. -,.. i a. , .:.-y -.,,.,
I.;- ii.-.:, i:...;..' i-.-.i i. i-. . -Puivo lT'-nn-
ef P." i" ,'.i.l v.,"v.- I- 'l. . l)
I'S' i-.-t. I'. - e r .1. 0 ti:J.. ,'IOW.
t'.'i.-i ' t L, ill ; . -.- .1 I,-
nu i,!. 1 s ii . ;.-,'.'. i . ; i i
'l l I i.' . e
:'v ii I ci.K-
'. " !' I' -. i.
... 4 " li.c 1,
I I I-..-'.air.. Ii.,s ia. it y in.:
I. - . 1 ',.,, ,.v .a - i - Fl
,r ,r
For s.ile 1-y J').- h'
1 V4 ' '
I'tS-iynr rrn '
t t t 9 1.4 I ,
I ' l ' i d I ' '