T1IK WKl-KLY HIIRAU): IM,ArrsM()i r,M;i;;AsKA.ti:ci:Mll;i; i;,. I NIL' XL j n n rv n A I 1 1 i r i ii n r r n i rs. ri Tho Monthly Meeting of the Commissioners. A LARGE LIST OF BILLS. One Man Put3 In a Bill to tho County For Services as Challenger at tho Kucrnt fcluction Was Refused Payment. Ccm-.ty Tr.in ictio vi. I'l.A N'S.Ml' I II, .Ni'l)., Dv. (). Th. board met pursuant t adjourn fluent; present, A. (.'. i.odcr, S. I'll 1 1 tin iii 1 1 1 j ao ii i n i-.cn, e i ii in is sinners, ami i .i 1 1 k 1 )i, k.-un, conn l clerk. Minnies til November sis mom read approved, when tin following business was t r.u i -.irt . . 1 in regular farm: 'I ' 1 . . C I . ...... . t . . . . . II - I -n i i ne iiiiinwiii 4 o:;r'i ii ii in approved: (leu. V. Vomi s were . Mi.nl ri..y.i h.-iri, ; OVlT- overseer ili-uicl o. L Iarshinan, ri.nl overseer 'o. ."ii; M. M. Sliipni.iu, mm seer tli.-lnei No. :; ;; Arthur Kiivli, road overseer district No. ''l;j. K. Stuckcr, road overset r district No. T; J. 1'. l'alter, assessor I'latts mouth precinct; .M. I.. Ki edcrick, as sessor Ki-lil Mill- drove jireeinel ; W L. Wells, assessor South Ifend precinet; (Ico.A. I lay, assessor Klui wood precinct; V. S. J'unly, assess-orl-ourth ward I 'laitsuiouth ci'.v;.. L. Tiiiililin, assessor Third ward Weeping Water; Samuel Cashuer. assessor (ireenwood precinet; . II. ."Montgomery, constable Salt Creek preeinet; John k Denson, constable l'laltsniouth city; ('. J. Vincent, jus tice oi the peace Tipton preeinet; 11. (.'. Maddin-, jusliee nl the peace Llmwood precinct; II. J). Travis, county attorney Cass county; ohu II. Hecker, roail overseer district No. LI. Ifoard adjourned to tt (,,. Viorrovv. i i. v. leriv was omi.-ic'I to make requisition on state auditor for supplies per copy on tile. ii i Cla iiu of Jas. W'uodard for ser vices as challenger at election re fused. Harry Jlowland was allowed ?.") as additional road damages in con sideration of withdrawing his suit against tin: county now in court. The ollicial lond of Oswald (iulh mami, assessor of the l'irsl ward i lausinouin was aiinrovei . December IS Hoard occupied the time iu auditing claims against the .county. December !)Oliicial bond of K. IX. K'oliothain, assessor for Stove Creek iirecinct, approved. Claim ot Sheridan county, .e!., for mod i- 'yi ,i -.i.t t.n.i i... i - ,l '"i... in niiL- iKiniflllt' ' Kelley in the amount of .f,u.S,") w;i. refused .on the jrtm .ul that said Kelly was not a pauper when he left Cass county, having never re ceived aid from Cass county. Claims allowed on general fund; Jacob Tritsch, sal and cp..:j; ;;7 S W Duttou, same. . IU) '.'a att !M 'Jii (Hi 17 is hi (in .S IKI 'J ''. !' W) on H 7a LV. II Ik, Zi l.M lbi m Ul 7i i lia 1 ail .1 in bi 'Jo Ci (In U ha ( Ml Zi -la 111 ."hi Id (III la Oil !! 11 1.1 ,V, "Jl ad j:t (hi 'JO INI l:i7 Ja 'J all 7 I, a llN la ;m 17 i hi S (HI :rj s;, (', Oil I (HI :ntu JS la :t no ;t mi .( no l j; 1'rank Dickson work V exp. Shinder Pros, mdse to poor i Hoeck, same A H Weckbaeh, name A ui- Hach, same Thos Oiiin. road tax receipt G W Clark, Maine 'Hen lleinpel, janitor ( W .Noble, sal anil c VH Deiirinu:, otlice work.. School 1 list No. :s7, room for elt-ction II j StreiylH, ytainped cnv. J C i;ikenbai), bd-- ,atip'. ern (ess rent A H Kuotis, printing- .' 1"' S White, mdse to county. A Clark, mtlse to pool I K' tiuthuiann, bi.;- poor.. (1 F S liiirlon, prinunt;- V 'P K'ichardson, rent to p'r A W' White, mds.- to ioor. iirardet .V biiuens, same.... K McCourt, same I.ehnboir Pros, stationery. . State j oiirua I Co, sa me .... J C Smith, keeping- poor. . .. Jos (Iraham, same Omaha Printing Co, stat'rv I'latts (ias tV Pieclric I.t ( o tj W' Sherman, pi inline- I' C Parint le, expense acet . . J W P.t i t: cr, bd poor Win Ti-he bd- Id,-- pis, etc! Chas lleinpel wot it I to poor. C I-; Weseott mdse to ,,-. . W J White coal to Co. XI ... .1. : ... 1 1 i . . . . i.i. on. in i infill, Ml l.- poor ,'ones.V Fil;-eral-d, nvrv.'. I venesaw l osl I, . ; , ,,,, lor election. ... W D Jones, crv iV room lor elect n ,,, ost Hill, t .i'i..',nehart insane ost Hill M .t s ,f itevs. Sailtelle. J , .ir,, rtnnu ft r fli'i t imi e 1 I.V IMI I, III'I.-M l VMI... o. Tel. Co., tel rent K (iiilliman, room for election less .U.tii I Any; Hach, same less , .m. . A J enkins, same W T Melvin. use of stove Mrs. John lilack, room lor election Hennet A: T'utt, mdse to poor A Hasiiueir, Co. physician j Swaboda, mdse to poor. . . . vearlmau, rent of furni- II (III HO on b CO 1 ho l.'Jllll INI 2 m M no S (Nl Jl (N) I I INI 1 I INI IJ IN) .1 -c less aOe j tt'over, bid-- briilecs. . . W .nice, mdse to Co,. . . 1'" Hie), care of insane. . . .vices.. ' physician ser- S-Mathev!... i. i '-V'1'1! s.iVls"rance.... ' Hansen - ; ' o-lock ,v lV(.rl.!same.... , y.'vyer,snIluH- . " A'-rrutli, san, Urr'wiiHo,;",(i,- 11 INI , 21 y,-) S.iml l'.itteron, same H S Ramsey, same Mrs. A Oruiumoud, same.. C S I'olk. same Tin is. Wal lin";, same A C l.oder, sal A, ep HeesoiiiV lv'oot.atn fees C H.'J. U. K. vs. tin- count v. less ' W II Icarinir, cost insaut cases Cost lfil!, 1) yUdluh im sane i . ... . ..'-'. in Jl IM Jl U) II ( II Ul all 7u linn .-,m .: n.'i m i i-iie, t.ikiu.; live ieiils to asv lum pat- 171 ."i.l menu.,; iti. Cliicao LuuiherCo, lumber and tilm- J liillsl 1 1 .);; He n Isley, Clark .V Co. -ame oleiil.iu Mcl'llersun, same !. J it iliit ii. repair of bridge MopherA- Wilkinson, luiu ber ami liliu:;- J W Hoover, b ulldiil:.; hM-- s I til'NTV IsiiAM I'lM). Otoe eoiin'v. work on coun ty line. .,JI !es ,l-l Sac!. elt A. ; lies, spikes C Aaa-ai l, repairof -era-"''' i:; :.'i 1 1 i 'j.i.i ;;ii :.m ir. hi 1 ', I n.. I a n lum i ii, spike Mull, road winie Pan!, I I- . 1 1 - I K-1 1 1 .MI 1 1 i t Til Wheel .V S, -taper 'o, plow triet No. :; W II t..- I.T ,-e, 1 .- '-taper .lis- ; ri n 1' IW oi-ii , .x.i. I I, e i ieo l.aK'lle, repairing road tools diiriet No. e'. :; l' l Hoard adjourned to meet in regu lar session, Tuesday, Jan, .'!. li.i. Fk WK Dli sn. County Clerk. Find Ready Pin clnsnrs. As an evidence ol the lu iL'.hl out look for the city. Tin; IIi.kai.ii respectfully refers its renders to the county treasurer's ollice. All prop erty sold for taxes is taken rapidly nnd iu fact there is some sharp com petilion imiiiii" (he bidders, and il is ;;oin-- fasl, too. There i.- more yet to be sold and the purchaser. are e.iyer lor the saleto open. Out--idc-rs seem to have a etiod deal of conlide-ice in the future of the city. Thu Mill is Grinding. I lie December term of the dis- "ni i "mi i was t onvene'i .'ionday with Jlldi;e Chapman on . the bench. Tie- largest portion of the inornin-; was eotisiiin,.,! j., call inu tile docket ami assiuin cases. I he lirst to appear before his honor, Jiltle Chapman, was Mr-". Sarah Theiuhart, who asked the Jude-e to sever the bond that was binding her to Harry Theiuhart. The grounds upon which she asked a divorce was cruelty and failure to support. Thejud;;.. granted u de cree of divorce on the above grounds, Mrs. Theinliart recently lived in Ivhnwood, this county, but is now a resident of Lincoln. The residence of the defendant is unknown. This afternoon the Murray ali mony case was beiuu- argued by the attorneys. Over a Corn Field. Simon I Lo:i; beiran replevin iroceedin.r in couuly court Monday against I'red Kroehler Constable lorCass county, wherein he expects the court toive him possession (,( forty acres of corn in field which Kroehler had attached. The ease H-rows out th' Voris-Craiir trouble. Skipped Tonethor. An elopi-ment is reportetl from Kifiht Mile (irtivi'. l'loui parties who came in Tuesday inorniue; it is learned AsaWheeloek and a Miss Jones of i-aehl Mile drove have left these parts on a matrimony bent. I he t;irl it is reported was en-!ram-d to three dilierent parties. out concliftled to Wheelock. leave with I he .- ir! UUl in.-rlryin;r Wheelock ami trouble was feared when he went alter her, but as yet nolhinir has I" ( tl heard from those ipiarters. The yoiint;-man has been in the employ of S, I. l.on--, who lives a lew miles from this city. Mr. I.one; said that Wheel oektoldhiniMoiidayth.it he v.-,;,; loine- away Tuesday and that he didn't know when lie would be back and that he was e-oinr- )(1 ;,k,. ;, , away with him. Polh parties are of a;.-e and tpii.-; will be restored when lin y retui n and receive the parental bles-in--. Tho Columbia Daily Calendar remains the only valuable daily 1 1. id calendar. The calendar for 'i'li is of the same general design as that of previous ears, con si-1 io of : tt W ; leaves, one for every day in iheyear ami a calendar lor the en t ire ye; r. 1 he day of the week, ol the mouth, and of the year are e i en, and on each leaf is a short sermon on the '(iospel of Outdoors, Health, and Happiness," with valuable hinls on practical road making. The leaves are so arranged that there will be no stub left, ami each one can be referred to any time during- the year. The pad is upon a ineltalic stand of ivory black, arranged soas to rest desk at a convenient an-le. The pail matter, which iu the a--reate is enoii!;h to make a book, is all fresh and new, ami is of more pertinent value than that of any previous calendar. The calendar is issued by the Popn M'f'y;. Co., of Huston, New York, and Chicago. For Abstracts of Title go to J. M. ' Leyda, Union lilock. I j ANOTHER ARCH LIGHT. But This Timo tho Missouri Pa I cific Pays For it. i -- ! j LARGE GRIST UK BUSINESS ! The Council (Jrants a Llnht at thu Cerni.T of CeaiT and lour toenth si;,,s Aft' r tho Ci M Company. ! What 1 he-v DiJ, I'-' ! Til, e.eon il M.....I ., ... 1...I ' ...., . ..till,.; o I iiieenu.v al which all members wei present w.th the , xeeplion ol' M 1 1 nor j and .Murphy. - lier ih i , a 1 1 ml;' and approva I oi the lee, e . 1 ol la-t .-ess ion, tile Co mi oil ti acted t:ie lollou in:; bu-i-il, s -. i t i : 1 1 o.i ii ii i, -a i ion Iroiu C,iltl -e . .--it;. ei inlead m , . .il, r works, w ,i:t re.nl and lael tin la,-,- ' 1 1 ide. I lie i i ,u mi it ii ', a I ioi i in b a Hied Hie council that the i: i,u ordeted put ill ha I been pui in ;;!el water turned on. A petition iioin t'.ie Hohemiai! I'm n -i s and re.-i.etil- of the vicin ity ol Pe ul and Fourteenth was read a-kiiii;-the council lor a ;;as lii;hl id that coiner. A motion was made by I) M. Join s thai the peti tion be referred lo the "lis and 1 ihtiti;;- committee. This brought Councilman Spies to his feet, lb- said that he would like to hae the council look upon the petition fa vorably. The society, he said, have spent considerable money on their new h ill and that when completed it would cost tin-in ?.-,.( Ml; that there was no lihl near the place and thai their taxes would be heavy and that they were entitled to some con si , iera l ion from the council. Coun cil in. i ii ( i raves nro-e and said that he would like to have the council d i s pose ol I he pel it ion, as the e;is am I buhl in-- committee already had two or three petitions thai they w, mill ha e lo report on unfavor ably. Councilman D. M. Jones withdrew his motion and Council man Peter-en moved that the prayer ot petitioners be "ranted, pro vided the i;as company would lay (he four block of pipe id their own e.xpen.-e. The mot ion was can ied. A communication from Mr. and Mrs. Copt-land offering to donate a strip of ground on smith Seventh street, lilty feet wide ami Jill feet loiift-, which Woiilil make said street straight, provided the city would open said south Seventh street. On motion the communication was re ferred to the judicial)- committee Councilman draves introduced a resolution which was unanimously adopted, orderini- the Missouri Pa cific to at once place an arch liyht at the railroad erosMiijr on Oak street, on Fairfield Hill. The finance committee reported favoi-tihle on the followine- claims: Nets Aiiiiaar.l. 1,11s I 1 1 In , ii jii i r, ii' I n rner 1 1 . 1 1 1 . i em S.ii .rr ,v l'u., plant i ii In, n, I Mi MaUi-ii .V Sun, team urk .la- iiue. Ii IM W ill Iv'i-ln-l, Mime 17 ru Sa in 1 line, saint 17 I-.' I i n I late-, ti-aitiwiitk Ill mi J M Wnri Ii, 1 1 . i I hi ',, il iki I e 1 ',,i-iill, -aliir.x' I ifc- I ien l'ni.-iill, ti-iini wih U ill 4ii J'llin Mel.iiiiLililin, liiiml ,,ik g 'jj K' 1 'lii,,-, -.inn- 'j .V, K'. il iei I Juli n-iiii. -.inn- I .t in Jal.e Siull, -nun- I J m i li;i- 1 1 in a e , -aim- I.'i Jiilm Ji una, -,inie .", in J ' , 1 1 1 1 .f alula, learn wui k tin II, or v Mm I, en In, p, 1 1 i ,,1 u, ul, 1", , .1 :i - i i iii e. -;i la i' v . . . Mi mi .1 N 1 iiaeli. -;ilar I,, J. .h n I- il pat i ii i,. -.alar v I i " . I.. I'. W. .. lent . . ' II liii da- ,V Kleeliie l.i.Jit ( .. :i.;, . On molion ol Peter.-en the may or a iii I cl,i k were ordered to issue war rants for the same. Tin- report of the city marshal and police jtlde showed lines col left e,l to the il moll nt of 1(1. The re p uts were referred to the police cotmuit'icf. 1 In' claims committee reported the K'icln-y lu ii I her lull back, sax i-i tin- Mr. Kichey had ileuii.ed the bill and positively M l'u-ei to take any less than the bill ca! led lor. Coiincibnaa Pake moved thai Mr. Iviiln-y's ,il 1,,. idlowed nc Coldiny to bis bid last si'in:;,1 ( ira e.s moved an am ndment lo t lie ellect that Cuinin i n - iieures I ie ,-ub-stitiited. Alter considerable ill--cu-.-ion the ayes ami miyis were called on the amendment which re sulted as follows: Ave-, J.onyeti ha;V (i.S, lies, Slei iu pke Petersen ami Citaves a. Nay-, W. D. J ones, ). M. Jones and Lake ,'. I lie ayes and n i j were then ca lei I on t he oi ii n.i I motion with the same result. The city nUorne was then calladupon lor an opiu ion as to whether a niiiorily of the council present or whether a majority of the council elected was necessary to make an appropria tion. The ordinance wa- looked up ami the attorney said that it took a majority ol the council elected, or halt of the council concurred in by the mayor. The mayor voted aye making the Vote stand six to three. The judiciary committee was granted further time on the Kiken bary matter. Councilman Petersen called the attention of the council to the de plorable conditions of the sidewalks in the city on account of the snow I m l said it was a sh on,, il, .i ii.. property owners were not com pelled to clean them. He made a motion tl at the pidiei u Commit tee be in-lructed lo dial! an ordin mice to clean their walks as-oon a the snow .put f dim-, and in a-e they nelect.-d that the cil w I to j do the woi k and chaise il up ,, the i property. Carried. An attempt was tin ! bv Peter, i w ii """ 1'i'ies a eei snow I bill the oilier mem hers ol lli, low, iin I cil did not apprme ol il. j Councilman W. i . Jones c j the cmr.cd s alietmon to the lad ! thai -lock wa- abowed to t mi loo-e hi oie i emei.il v .111,1 lie ma le a iiiii put up. Hon III i( a woe I, -uce be I t II I ied. ; i i.e 1 1. is a n. I I a:; h 1 1 ii e ! lepoil, d iin!aoiable on Com iu 1 1 lee a p, titi.oi ' b:;ht on ( I ik and Duke -Keels, and al.-o an arch b:: III on Clmtou siM'ei near the South Pat k 1 ! iiUi-1 church, i hi m.'i i in the re pin I was aece I. Cnuneilmau Spie- said thai be hi-ii!-, ih.,1 all the Imsou-- men had not paid their occupation lax, he made a motion that the city (feii-ui ii furnish the council with ii h-t. at the next meeliu:;, ol (hose who h.e mil paid their tax. Councilman ( irave- .-aid (hid the I !. A M. bad commeueed pi oeeed- in-s a-ain-t the citv to collect back taxes which they had p lid under protest to the amount of .".MM I, and thought the iil attorney should i ii . . . . o.iM- neip. t in motion Ihe citv at tornej wa- in-triicled to procure help bill was not idlowed lo pay over If-lnil. Councilman Spies proceeded lo call the ( ias 4v Kleetrie Id-lit com pany down. I le said that lor six ni;;,'its ill sue, essfoii be had been keepm- tab on the lie his ,,u his way home and that the imi jority ol theui were out for tin- six nights, lie moved that the company be no tified lo repair all lamps and to keep them biirnin-- accord in:;' to eontiint. ,. ;ls,, said that be was !;oini; to watch Ihein ;m it they were not run according tocon tract he would havea bill in ayains the company lor several thousand dollars. A committee of ihree, cousisline of l.on-enhaeeii, Petersen and D. . Jones, was appointed by the mayor to procure a stove for the police court. ( n motion the council mliourned. Presents for the Children, Fit rn i 1 1 1 re, so loiii' ds it is inten detl as the particular individual property ,,f some member of the nursery, will be welcomed, but not if it is considered as an article ol general unity, writes Frances. F. Lani-;m iu an article on "Christ mas presents for the Nursery," in the Christmas numberof the Ladies' Home Journal. Fancy chairs, tables, or even bureaus, are wel come under these circumstances, and cared lor as they w ill be under no other. Dainty little toilet covers and pin cushions will he delight fully received, and treated with the respect born of individual owner ship. Silver toilet sets, con.-i -1 i.i ot mirror, brush, comb, pin tray, powder box and puff are made up especially for children's use, but t Ioi r extreme co-t 1 iness puis I hem out ol the reach of nio-t persons. A cuckoo clock w ill brin yreat pie is ure, and be of much servile iu tin iiu i .-t ry, as a bookcase, or pictuie ot children or animals ; a small slamlin;;' desk, with chair to match is also a list-till present. Faiicy cal i iu bu s, book marks, paper w eights stamp boxes, pencils and portfo lies, Call be lolllid ill pretty desieii-, with silver ornamentations, lor cb i Idi en's u-e. Avoid pit's which may call for the use ofjnk. n1he absence of th is sure tu be spilled Ilu ii I is desii able in tin- w'i regu late, I nursery . GOSSIP AKOUMDCDUnr ItOOMs. K'eplevin pro.'eedin:-- haw b, en commenced iu Judy" Anmer's court by K". J. lillaml . Fled Kroehler constable lo ;;a in p. i - - es. -ion of ::iHl bii-bels o coin. The t hi -e hundred lei -In I of coi n, il i ela 1 med was y i en (iillliah l b, em ploy er, ',,ri , for work dm ie, an ! ixi o' hler iitlaelied it for anolhei dt bl. The attorney- are aryinn", the Mut ray case Ihis alh ruoon. Mrs. M. $.. Thomas and Mis. (ol ley S. Ward ol Louisville were in the city !'ilay. J.S. Ciirnes ha- lilt d an .appeal from ( ireenwood against Jno. lel tel'S. In district court Tuesday a judg ment was obtiiined by tlelault in the case of Thus. Swobe vs. M. D. Polk et ill. A decree of foi ei lo-ure wits ordered and lot 'Js iu block !J in this city was ordered sold. Jildye K'amsey this hflernoon married M ich ael Dept h sse and M i-s Lmiiiii Kin-ley at the home ol tin bride's parents on l.lm street. John Hauerbeyan proceeding's in J udu'' Archer's court today against D. S. Draperon a note for .f id. BAZAAR OPENED. Tho ():H-nin;; Ni-;ht ul tho Ha z.'i.ir Draw:; a Largo Crowd. THE SALES WERE LRISK. The Ladies ol tho I'r, .a tm Ian Church ain Mo, fin; With Un limited Success In Their Und.M t ikiey. I h 1'he lad,, - , t .a .'.i.ir, ol ih" Presbyterian ay u i Id opened their has been so exteu e,l. e-tei i lay umrn- chinch I ue-d I la.aa r v h ;cl i si v ely a. h ,-t 1 1 mil: the vveallier was vet able, but I dole eveiini:. u u fa v or it was as I -1 vol a 1 I - a- could b, in:-; t vei Ihiu into .peeled tak-ii-ideiation. Whenever the ladies liuileita any thim; il is nio-t suielv 11 m ...... . . i . ... . .' i i . 1 1 , i -. , i ii v.n '! i 1 1 .. i ...... : '' i 'i 1 o . an i nil' i.ii i n- ; ji, e let I I nU jubilant over their l'i ma I huh !c success. I he Ivuic.hts o Pv Ihias hall, iu which the lla'aar was held, wa- en I in ly too -mall lor the bi", cnovd "nil had gathered to look upon ami puicha-ed the many usetul. ami in nanienlal ni l ic -s they bad ili-play ed on Ihe sev eral tables. At '.I o'clock the march of the lit lie lolks, occurred, bid owin' to the clouded i' , 1 1 1 1 ( i , 1 1 1 of the hall Ihe little ones coiiid not execute their drill iu the manner that had been intended. The customs were foul and considerable time and money had been spent in inakiiiL; the lilile lolk- .customs, ln they did exceedingly Well. I i ...... I ., . , . . la the Iront room of the h.dl the Indies had prepared, and served supper lo thus" who were disposed to eat ami many were they w bo partook thereof. At the head ol the hall and to lie-h-lt as y on euler was n booth which was presided over by the "Kins Daughters." There was sold al ludes which the youn- ladies had made themselv es, besides this I hey had lor sale cup anil saucers, either empty or lull of tea. The next on the ri'ht as you enter the hall is a uinitmioth shoe, This represents "The Old Woman W ho Lived in a Shoe." It was pre sided over by Clara Dovey and there were dolls of all sizes and de scriptions, lor sale. Hit il little way s was a stand dec orated with eveia. teens and across the front were the words, "Fish Pond." There anybody could for live cents see what they could lish out. This part of the Ila.aar vvns iu charge of Mrs. J. N. Wise and Mrs. A. Patterson. "Little Miss Mulfet" represented by Claire Driimmotul sils iu the next booth. In one corner was a la rye web with a biy spider in the center. Mrs. Warner mid Mrs. J. M. ( 'raiy presided and butler milk and cheese were dispensed to those who wished it. In the next corner was a la rye web which reached to the ceiliny, made of silver braid and upon il were pinned articles which were sold by Mi-s Haltie Chapman. The next booth iu cliarye of Mrs. C. C. Paruicle and Mrs. II. M. Caull, where were sold fancy articles, such as pin cushions, sofa pillows, etc., and where there was a larye assort ment 'd (iincy work. The next stand was represented by .Nancy IlMicotl, and here Mrs. S. II Atwi od and Mrs. D.S.tiuild were iu chiii'L'e Willi small articles, such ii- small cups, wax candles and candle - tick". The next booth was iu cliarye ol Mi s. .yii"w and Miss Lillian Smith. ih i boot h sold onlv home made "iiu ly and popcorn balls, and thi--land did its share ol business. Tb" next -land was what was call.-.! "Ilu- Plack Sheep." On the -t.t od w :e. a ii i in ila! ion of a larye I. hick sle ep 1 everylhiny .''old w a- woolen yoo(!s. .'uys ami tidies W'i i e 1 1 N. M. ! !', ' II undance, Mrs. W. of this n m i n -;i, in cha r: I ih. 1 he stand n - t v so!.! ji Hie- of everv v. here was cripliou by I ,e-sic limit. Milt Weseott was in char; t" ' ' -ied "old pies and caki il 11, i Imt'ortan 'Arrost. A man went into the home of ',. V. Iy-Ih r about noon today. 1 le went in the front door without let tiny anybody known anythiny about his presence. The lirst inti- ! mation was when the hidvof the house heard some one stampiny their feet in the hall. The fellow th"ii went into the front room and there was found. Vh"n asked ! what l:e wanted, he asked if the I man of the house was iu. When tol 1 that he was and that if he wanted to sec him he would have to yo to kitchen, the fellow became abusive, ami the lady then railed her husband by name ar.d then Ihe fellow went out. The lady showed her presence of mind by sayiny that her husband was in THE el i- h" was ; -H, l.v! by ( l,e,f (;,...,. jewelry store. think :t is t) ,. M.; 'en making lite a burden i ll bov -i bv C'l.i.-ill.. It that ha-1 f. r the s, around tou n nights. " o I mole I'l-niielt .V I i.'t .,. I iUi- a-so, h 'il.'.il'e; 1 . 1 1 1 1 . ',, ;.'i( ciiil i'l'lille taild. , n , ir an, . cr none i e'e r en hi'lnd iu (hi- ei)y SYPHILIS is rue o tii Mo';r iM-oi'isifl. ir.; Aa vviic hi lIM' OF THr voir nanr.;n.i,ij t i i liib. r ' I r ' idfii mm. Mr. f:-;-rrn y. i V N0 F-tRW.V -.. j w::li. 9 m:nviv t jiit: lYi'HtL" GONORRHOEA r--r GLEET STRICTURE VARICOCELE . HYDROCELE s SSniliAL WlAKHESS -EFFECTS OF EASLY VICE l-UO ALL IT AKNT'lsf s A mi Ul "l A'if 3 OF A PltlVATl., CtLICAl E Oil tjtXll .i. A I'LRE. CONUULTATION Oil. f. cli upon, or minus wits ntip, DflS. BEITS S BETTS, tin nil! Il I Ml I. i-l. Mill, eel i ' i 1 .111.1 I I. I' It is si I I'l-I I - i 1 l.-l . No u'.-i.- -! U , Ic.i'il N.a.i r., I'm. let- ami ,v veil,,.. ,,f ,,,, ,.,,.,.,,( j,,,, . -"I ''V Vt . H. ileaium. , I, Hi ,, . ,is. lo, I i mill ul t , .,,,lv ... I,t l,o. Ill a ,i.h;iiienl ii ii.l, n-i in II, y 1 '"" 1 1,1 t ii-i rmini , elnas, i !" , '".W, "' ""' la'-t .iili..i,l I. an', el I'liitl'-iii. mill am 1 m, ,i,ii- l.,,rt.,. h'limis ,,,i Aii.-iin.- ii.iium, ,,,,,1 iiiiiiinst William lislii-ni s,ri.Vi vxi,,,,, Iii.l.aiii'iil ,,,, . i,;, ,11V ,, s,:,,,,.,,,,,,.,. IM-. was, I ii I y tiun -i i i,le, ,, ilj-a ,j, , eelllt. I llave lev l, , ,, ). ,,,,MI , ilese, iheil ii ;,1 l -l.ite li t I,,. i,,,,!,, n v ,, , ,pt sa i, I 1 1, -i a i',- S. Ililliiiv.- i,:i. .,, ii,. tj . Iiu::-. I .v. 1 1 : mi i in i. i l; at a i , t I.LS iiml . III net west ,, t. M., ,,ori, ,,,. 4v iiiiiiter ,,i tin- sw 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 r i. si,, t,,wiisiii l'J, inline II eiea ,,,1,1 j,, M,,,' line ul I lie sw , mi i lei thru, - -.. -.,,( .'I In leet, tliell,-,. 1,., ill, -.", U t t, III. -in ,. Vast I -I I" I'll, I licm e MiiilN j;.ii f,.,. ' t,, pliice nl lieu iii n i ml: ; iiIsu cinniiien, Inif nt ' l',s '' el ii, nth i,l the m i inn, r nl tin- sw ,ii.,il, a ut ,,. sV1 ( , i ,-r s,,ti,,,, K tow ll-lil, , rilllue II lllilli e we. :t i .,t t,i plliei' ,,l l,i'L;iiiiliil. Ilii iice west mi ,.(.t tlieni ; n..r1 Ii IMS feel, tl,, n, ,. ,.( !ai f,.,., Ilienee s.,,,1 II I'.n leet to t lie ,; enl lieyin iiiiiu, loinw ii ii-ii purl ill I, it J srclinn is, tnwii l.'riini;!- II i oi 1 1 ii i ii i 1 1 1 (,, Imim-ich' Al- O 1 illllllll'lll-ini; ill I, ii.miiI Jl) f,.,. ol I lie noi l lieasi t oi ni r nl lot IJ, section It low nsliip j, tun 1 4i- II east, tiu n, . rutin inir south .,; led ,i Hie plaee ,, l,e,;imniiii Hunt u soul h 1'JI leet . t h, nil- vosi t,iw,.t I ol s.iiil lot I.', Ilienee math ;- j,.,,f Ihein e east lo pliil l' of lieLailiim,', kllowil lis ii purl of tot l'J. section Is, township y rui i ue 1 1, con I n i ni n u I wo houses; nUo lot il! him I, L' ;n eoriliiin lo I he rei nrileil pint ,,(' 1 liniiipsoiiV r,hlioii to l'lllltslll. 1,1-1,1 coiiiineiiemif nt the soulhwi st roim r of section !, township 'j, nini;i. II cast, tin-lire milium; rust in roiN, thru, ,. M,,rih '.!l ln,ls to place ol liridliiiuiK, t In n, e east iiii feet, thence north ill? leet to p;i, ,. ,,f . 14 i on i in;, I hence north 7:i h i t, then, ,. ,.( Ill l.-el, thi lice wi si lillfi et. thence south ,'' le, . theiu e east ;,i fl (. u ,Uu toil H-t;iii. num. conlninini; one Iiiiiim-; nls0 t; iu, -ii ' iiiii at the soath, list (, inner of north west ipiniter ol the inn t hi nut enruer ol s.-clioii ,'l. t,.,w i 1 1 1 1 r'. r.inte i:inis, run inn 4 t In-lit i- noil h ;!n roils, tin ner west Wi roil- to il are,, I l.ivinuiui:, tlieuci- 1 1 1 it mi, s. then, e w,--t Ii I ;: roil- tluni north IS rmls, ilu-m e cu-t II I il rods to pl, e o l,e- UU'iiiiii,'. talilillLrnue in re imne or les iiinl I will on Ihe .1iti,:,v of Heieuilirr' m.'. lit tin, i Ioi -k u. in. ..I -niil ilnv.nt the front , our ol the curt I s,- i slli( ,. tv in I lulls,,,,,,,, h. s, . , i , 1 i,.:, ,.stt,. f pul.lie ,,, linn to II,,. Iiihrsf , i,, ,. r ,,,r -ii eh tocu'i-fv sniiliM-, ulion. tlieauiount line t nen'oll lieiin; t tic sN,, ,,( iH, xx 1 1 1 Willi tell pert-rut. ii,vf,-t r,,,u Seiit. 7th IMi'J ji,...ii cosf, inn! in, ruiin.' i o-t- J I. t Vh't'll. ( on, in i ( I oty..el,r1i-kii. I'lileil .Nov eeil , : ..' ;- . MONLY to lean on farms from G 1-2 per cent up, on 1 to 1 O yoars timo to suit tho bor rower. Also loans on second mortyaf.;o'j. J. M. LEYDA Plattsmouth, Neb. A GREAT COMBINATION. THE OMAHA WEEKLY I3EE V. III! The American Fr.rmcr V oman kind. I".'.' 1 M. Ir.I.I.Ak , I n The Omaha WcMy ,.(. j; ;ll.i. llo'A e,e,., (,, j. ,J,,. .ir:, i- t new- paper iu the west, put ii- h ill"' more w, slei u and ".eiierai le ws than ail) other newspaper in tho country. The UMtal price i- ,- p, r ear. The American l arat, r is pnh. Iishcl at Spr.ii'.hdd. (i., i,. ;i Hi. pnye monthly paper devoted to Agriculture. I Iorticultur-. I Miry, I'oultry and o'em.r;i j,,,, restino stories and oilier matter lor the home. The usual price is :1 a year. Womankind is also published at Sprmjiliehl. O. Jt i, ,, lti-pao-o monthly publication, i! voted 7o everythiti"- that inl, rests the wife, mother and maiden, It is full of usetul information .-in, 1 interesting talks and stories that ate instruct ive as well as eutertainiae, both to yiiim;' and old. One dollar pays for a ' scription to the l!ee : of these journal llers (o tlte ifi-;i-: I'C. when in I. I'-How wa, in (,''.,,.., Thep,. t