Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 27, 1892, Image 1

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HATTSMOimi.CASSmUN a yi:. ir.
, A
23 CeiELto cn
J. w
, 1IFNPKL, the Tlattsmouth Hardware man lias purchased tin- rutin-stock
of the Omaha Hardware Co.. of Omaha, atnl at such
price that it can ami will lit? re-sold in Thittsniouth at
retail direct to the consumer at from
All the coimnoit mid unsaleable .stock was
Hold as scrap iron and llendee houyht all
;ood stock.
It Will be Shipped to Plattsmouth at Once.
' F
A i ii.Mi'i.i: 1 1:
Drugs, : hedi
In all the Latest Styles and Shapes--From
a Hat Frame to a Silk Beaver Hat.
We also have a FIU'ST-CI.ASS TKM MM Llv' who is posted on
all of the LALFST STYLFS and will do von
Cool) T K'IMMINli.
Whi le you can n'rl your hoi, -if lurnised tn,ni kilcheii to
parlor and at easy terms. I handle the world re
nowned 1 1, n wood Hah; Carriages, also
the latest
Improved ,k Reliable Process'' Gasoline Stoves.
IO SHOW (loops.
1.1 v..-. f A ,e--l l??.
?00M SF1S !',
IVUVJltl UL 1 U,
KVFK'YT il I Nii Klw
LS T A 1 1 1 . 1 S ! i M iiM'.
T l
XZ-J l , V :
mm Vo torn .
si i n'K i 'i
Tio-clrer Sister
Sherwood Blk.. Plattsmouth.
She Passed Quietly Away at
1 :40 This Morning.
Tlw Pr.-ti.i. ut W tciioct I y Her p....
sicjn Until ths Messen-rer lamp
Her Lat Moments Pa-ie-cl
in Quiet Slumber.
- "''' - i.;,
,illt w ,( ;it ., (.
il waitini; for t
a- Hi. I. f.
"vim.' l!; at i
i tunc
' 'I.I-
' I'M !: il .-. ;i
!re."i.! in ,vai:.. '1 , ,.
! i ihe si.!, r.i n.i or
.-el: out for a hi i.-t t
With the (omni:
in t. i i -. 1 lii.n-
-t IM room.
ui tilt" (ally
mommy hours the watchers by the
bedside waited almost breathlessly
f ir the i h.myiny f,,;,. ,,lt (!, . c, ;
.-i- did not come. The pa'ient lay
half sleepiuo, half wakiny. n-ver
at lively conscious-. When the hour
of yrcato-t d inner had passed the
president lay down for a bri,. f rest.
He was in the so-krm mi :i.. .m, h-i,...,
the i; ictor aniwil. a lew r.i.aule-.
.itler 7 o'clock. Mts. Jl.irii.-oii was
aw.iki then. Sin: recoeni.r-d t : :.-;
doctor as he hent o, r the he,!, an 1
whispered j faint lectin.;- to 1 : ; 1 1 1 . ;
The d"ctor that .-he was we dtcr j
hut thvre were no indications, of
collapse. 'I he presitlent. however, I
would not leave tl e sick room, even
t.i et t his hrcakfast. After the situ- j
pie morning service had been held l
iu his room, I e had ,-ome food sent j
up to him anil ale a little of it. and
then returned to the .sick room.
It was only a half an hour later
that there came a sudden chanee
the patients condition.
Her strencth .seemed to fail and
Mrs. McKee and Mrs. Pinimick.vvho
stood ly the bedside, feared that
the end was approaching. The
doctor, however, by the use of
stimulants was able to brine the
lleetin-vitality back ayaiii to the
feeble form, and once more tin
e es opened and looked tipun the
world, but the hps had moved for
the last time. Kvui had the will
been active the mil.cle ot the face
could not have re-ponded. Lor the
remainder of the d,i the sjrk
woman was lyin- motionles- aiel
-peeehle-s on her bed. the llame of
me iisiiill an i iauiv. i.icki i iii
teeble, l'i ady at allliort an) moment
to :;imiI forv er. The lim-i le.-til 1 1 e
throat, too, refused to do their dot v.
and so the last act of the tragedy
beeim. There was no pain, no sill
ferine;-, physical or mental. The
faculties were not ail beiiumhered.
The eyes could look and know a
little, but the wonderful energy
which has foueht oil (he end so
lontv hail all wasted away.
There were intervals of stupor
ami intervals of wakeful semi con
sciousness all through the day
The doctor had stayed until t
o'clock, then he had yone away to
his other patients. He returned
about ntuii and aain at 1 o'clock.
He said at his third visit that Mrs.
Ilairisim uiiylit live for four or live
hours. I le came airain at .'t o'clock
anil saitl that she mielit Jj,. three
or four hours loiiyer. The presi
tlent saw but on,- visitor today, in
fact, only one person who was not
a member of the household. The
exception was Dr. T. S. Hamlin, the
pastor id' the church of the Coven
ant, of which the president ;ijn
Mrs. Hairisou have been members.
lie came to oiler a lew words of
; comfort to the president, and Mrs.
' McKee saw him for a lew minutes
in the upper hall wav , vv lli this
exception the president saw n ie
not even Mr. Ilallord. No busi
ness was bronchi 1o his attention
and then was no attempt to in
trude upon him. The White hoii-e
was closed to all visitors Ms it is on
Suudav. A card on the door .in
iiioi nci 1 1 the I. e l.
At '.::su o'clo.-k Dr. i. miner said
"Mrs. Harrison may live until mid
n ii lit and .-he ma v die in hall an lit ur
She is verv low. She j- nulv jiisl
; lireathmi;-. Willi the ee-s.ition of
that breathing her life will pass
piielv away. There will be no
l ,
sn uu-le. .-Mle I- too weak lor that.
The family has kept (heir v iil in
the sick room since ihalf pa-t I thi
alternoon excepting that an mo
tilt 11 1 the end II. i ht come.
A .-v moments before In o'clock
Lieutenant i'arker came lioni the
sick room, lie said that he thoii-ht
Mrs. Harrison miejn jV(. (,
jhoiir or two. When he left the
room Mr. Harrison was tdeepini;. H lLUULIUf 0 I iVl 1 M I II T .
At midnight Mth. Harrison wan:
sinkitie; xlou-ly, w ith the chances in '
favor of death comi.!- to her within jToleBrnma From all Over tha
a lew hours. She was sleeoinir.
Tlic president remains at her bed
side and the membei'st ot the family
are still in the mi U room. Only Mr.
H ilton!, Mr, Mouiei,m, rv f,,ur
of I ! 1 1- newsp aper cot r esp. indents
were left in the bi i I ! i.m ily lighted
vestibule. The doorkt t per guards
the cut i .nice to the mansion and an
swers the tpiestioiis of those who
corneal loni intervals to ask how
l rs ll.ii rison i-.
N'i!!i;ii,; has been said in the
f.iuii.x alio it the luaei al , arrange
ments. I'rob. no ttioii-ht lias
been :.. i v en to them. I!ui it seems
lil( ly a simple service will be held
in t';e cloin h of the Covenant here
on cdiii v uiorninu; and the
tin. -tal p.uty will jo west Wednes
day afternoon. The final si I vices
may tie held in ItidianopoliH Thurs
day afternoon. The l'eunsylvania
ro id h is' tendered a special train if
it should be needed
At 1:15 Dr. (iartlner, on coining
from 'tie siek room, said tie did not
believe Mrs Harrison could live
h ilf an hour louder,
i At I to a. in. Mrs. Harrison passed
' eaee : nil v a vv.i v .
fvii'il 1 li:n" I -v. Kit luvi..
Ii ivt ii'iiie -one
I i-f..;. nt ! ,1 t .'art -
A filli li.w-, tie! a '"llIifU lll h.llll til ttlt it
tinU." t :ll'l,
Wlai Iivi h iiiiiiuif ,1 bytiiio (iriiMi, unvri.'tl
lij-et-ttl-li an-,
A till hn ;iii;t in slicis tnif, itml gooJ us
m if fair.
Oil. lute a i:e.v'r tint I : in I,h. 1 Li Uik'li mi l
kiln t,i r, ieh ii t.t.r
t'ut frlcii'!iliii.'n I'l.H't i n flit i anil clitics
Wttll srt'M 1 1. .It ' hWOIlll'l!
Hlli.ri 10 III,', i lit. 1 1 1 T.W (jliul; hlltl tiliint.
Hint I er.nv -j;
Uor wnys, urn ti.ti :tnl nixlerly: tlicrts'H tin- In ln-r ;
Iter lovaiK Ui'.M l lineU liuli'i f ir ov'ry ill Ui!
iVit i n -H'P't:
A ml n )i Ii rcr, 'n'av'a luiiro iifiir, l."''ise
hl,e it I it frieiiill
Oh. IumN a vh tint', linm nil mIU with
iJAriini'.i inpturv jtt.rt rirf,
But fr!,'i!ilii(i U.i 'ailUfvy tLnl H'Xttljus a tUil
A S:. I Mriiiniy.
Tliey t .ik' ii of !: tne ami family niat
ti'rs. Imliy's new clothes, pupil's trip on
tl:e roa 1 jiti-l niiitimei'i visit tn lnT lllotii
nr, wliiln every c.".e listen,-1 ia a most in-tersi.v-ri.i!
Tlw treml of the
culiversaiii li si:nve,l that tilrt wifu aud
ti.ihy were not. : i j j to t'no ili-jint with
t!ie liapjiy f'.it 1 i--r. as he ieelar. it would
h" i!t,iii-iis. I'.'i- ;i tin car lieiired ,lef
f. ivinn Mt'eel. v. ii' i e he vv its to leave
them, every one x'.'iM"l"r,l all to himself
hnvv they vveiM part and whether he
vviiiiM his hi-r ia fi'iiiit, of the ll'ovvtl
Tin y wet- I, ii, in tlotilit.
When l'i .;T;iues street was reached
the ili iiniiiii't' uro-e. cuimht ttp h;s bahy
:uitl kissing it eomlhy placed it besido
its iiioliiet. lie Mooped down to
his wife, and the loving vvninati (ilaf'd
mi arin itti'iiit his neck as sho said,
"Now you'll writ often, won't you','"
Ju-t then a iinnnse individual nn the op
posite hide of tiie car, who had evidently
been absorbed iu his puper, glanced over
the top of it Hinl reniai kifd iu the driest
of tones,"! lost a watch doin that."
C'hicao News,
I lent il n titl l.i i iiihii liilliess.
Iu Ktiihiiiil, as the titles of nobility
lire liniiti'd and eiinnot Iih nsurpml by
(ietitioiis chiir.u ti'is without detection,
they confer a decree of consideration
iijhhi tho (lo.sses-or far superior to what
is observed iu foreign countries, wdiern
they re abundant to nu extreme mid
where every needy nil venturer can iis
Minie them. A (iertiian banni, in tle
rision. nn a raeti cmtrse u few days since
observed to it Trench umripiis that the
title of lnat'ipiis whs very coiiituoii iu
Trance, "I," added he, '"have a ni.irijuis
! in my kitchen," And 1," retorted the
! Frenchman, who felt insulted, "hnv-ft u
;(ieriiiiiii bamn in my stable." This
j repartee was particularly happy, it beinj;
! well known that (ierinan p'ooius are uk
1 ciiintiiou mil of their country as arc
. l li.'lie'ii eoij;-. It a fTol'ds II ju-t lesson,
! loo, against the folly as well lis rude
! lie of nil national reflect inlis.Magn-
zine .lnni nal.
sjiorl lor ho llot;.
Tiie most laiiL'iiahln tiling I have seen
lately was the discovery of n new kind
offline by a lively ymnie; s.-tter ilnj. It
vv,i iii u hivij dry fluids Hon, vvheie
en.-ii is sent to the desk ill li't'ti ImXes
vhirriii. nhni on slender rails. The
iln was follnvv in' his pretty ini-tress
.-ed.itely i i n 1 1 1 1 . when ho heiud the
H.illld Itml saw the t-vvift 11 i li 1 1 1 nf the
la- cn-ii bux. He thtnmht it was a
, .-iiel tore up nnd down the nish-3
r it , seuturiir,' tin- row,! and unius
t v erv bntiy in siht. An ho vvotihl
be convii I of his illusion, he had
' removed forcibly from what la;
lably;ht the best huiitiin;
in d hn had ever btrueli. Kate
tl's Wa.-hllii;toii.
The (It ii il IMIl n! en -1. nn I- , ill t in w
We Ille lull I i, i - el 1 1 1 . i II av t I l.l 1 II .:
We ask whether Ihcv ntie,t loU-.
'lltere huve It, en I went y-scvt'ii caset nf
iiisinlty in tin- Itiiv.tiiatt rowvl family tltif
4a; the iit-st tit i i i.l in v .
n n crr Ci r nnnTin
worm tiavo uoen KeceiVtXl.
The F tin. Tal Arrannem nts Simple
hiryicus nt t 10 Whit Hous.i
and a t Indianapolis Last
Sati Kites
VAS:H.;r.)N, D. ('., ) f. yy The
UU ml .iron, l t,,. executive inaii
sioii to k. ep o;, intimlers was e, u
linuetl totlay. It was found imprac
ticalde to hold tin- funei .,1 sei vices
Wednesday, ,t V1 ,ei iiled to
P"w'!' the, n tilt Thursday morn-
i n i.
1 iley vvill be in no sense pub.
i huis-don to them beinv lint-
ttetl to those invited. Only it la
ttvcH, members of the Cabinet and
their families, and a very tew inti
mate friends will be in attendance.
As far as the position of the
president will permit, the s rv ict s
...:,it .a
win oe me same as in fl.e cuse of
meml'er of a private family.
will be lit Id in the eat room
, i ....... i i
io, no aiioi.ini ,i i re.-iiv
lorrii by JOev. T. S. Hamlin, p.i.-tor
of the church whit h the president
attend.-. The body will mil lie in
j state. After the si rv ices the body
'will be accomp inii tl to J mliain, po
ns, win-re services of a more pub
he character will be ht Id in the
I'irst Tresby teriaii church, ami the
body vvill be interred iu Crown Hill
AH myht Ion-- and today Ulc
urnmso! coniloletife jioured in at
i lie white house. If any, only a lew
will lie ".ivcri ihe public,
those from persons of tiuunual
proiiiitu iH e, or from other utivern
inents. The inesitlent is averse to
parades of this sort.
The remains were embalmed, this
morning. A plain Mack erupt knot
on the door i (lie only outward
symbol of mourniiie;.
Secretary kusk will reach here to
"v lit and Secretary Llkins vvill also
arrive in time for the funeral, so
that nil the members of the cabinet
will lie present at the ceremonies.
They vv ill act as honorary pall bear
ers (it Ihe .services iii this city. Vice
I'lvnideut Morton, who tele-rapbed
during tin- day asking Ihe time
when the funeral would take pi. tee
and Chief Justice Fuller may also
I"- a-ked to serve as pall bearer-,
ri i i . , ...
i nv ooii i. eaters will lie ein
plov i s of the while house. i The
pall bearers who will ofliciate ;it
Inilianapolis have been selected.
They are Dr. II. k Allen. John It.
Flam. Ilueh Haula, L. II Martin
tlale ( it iii ral Lew Wallace of Craw
lor.lsv ille, lion. William lv. .Niblack
ot Yiiiceiiues, John lv'. Filler ami
Thetitlore I. Ilau-liev. '
A 11 the members of the president'?,
family, with the exception of
his three ratul children,
will accompany the remains of Mrs-
Harrison to Indianapolis. This, of
course, includes Dr. Scott, the ven
erable father i;f the deceased. It
was at first felt that his advanced
aye would prevent his making tin
ii tp. nni wiien i in- matter was
broached to him, he auounced em
uaiii any iiiai ne propssetl to n'o
ami wiiiiiu not listen In a propo
i ,i . i .
sition t o 1 1 1 e col 1 1 la ty. Mr. J. N. Mi
Kee, the president's son-in-law, ha
laneeneii an important Inisiuess
enyayenient iu I tail iniore ami will
also iii-compaiiy the body, as will
the members of the cabinet and
pos i I ilc the ladies of their lam i lies.
It' is also likelv that Vice I 'resident
Morton and tainilv, Chief Justice
T il I ler a ad a lew ol hers vvill In es
p''t i;i 1 1 x invited to accomp. mv the
pal ty.
Mr.-. Miller, wile ol (In- attorney
yeueial, ami Mrs. K'usk and other
i.eliesvol the la ill i I ies ol (he uieili
bei ., nf the cabinet, called this
. mi irii iuy and -pent some lime with
the l.tniilv . A b w Othels lllllln.lte
llit'lltls v. ere uiso received. Mis.
Tal hi r met nio-t ill lie- callei s w ho
went ii p sta ii s.
C.k- p VNP. let U."
bov 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 I-. I !. ( Iweils. '
In t ll einplov t il at the I 'aim
was : 1 1 i t -s 1 1 1 Pnla v tor
i A b.-ll
Aim ha
il lmu-e.
from tin- uu, ,,,1-1 .-ample- pom
t In- I ra v e! I i ii y men In his trunk
weft loiunl several pans of pants
oi, i i v i re i ia 1 . silk 1 1 n i b i , 1 1 , i , s . i m 1 1 1 1
hal- and cap-, and other tlnn-s too
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - it 1 1 - loo mention, taken limn
the sample loom. About T-ii'i vvorlh
ol tleiitist-' yobl lent and .-cores ol
letters that had never been mailed
were found. ( )ne letter contained a
ilrnlt for .f'l and another said "Fn-
e let-irnnd
el S We e
Island a
C.iiry Lim' i I m ton f ISt-nrf oiy
Chi l'liii' ITilulliiiitr,T Mi'loth ini i.
"Ye ftrlie Trnudlf," wr'leii ly tliaO
I tirilluiit Imt it pl.'iv.M ; lit. I'rery
, thiv Cm let hi, vvat Jiro.uu.l t ..! : at
lroel ur's 'Tvt t ut y -I liii .l Si 1'"
i hi k i lly. I he (litre w l "' ' i
' I'-'
Iticril it I ii iiit a j" . t r it '.'ii at lie' 1 '.. -.! t -1 mn
Jelini, but tJijiiy'it IHly fair inee:. inn e!'
jlicet'ss. As thi'l e Were ftfaiii: el , nni. n mas
on that o it-lull, the present prnthiftlnti Ihe lir-t opport noil y to jinhje
Htpiint ly of the mt-riis of tint (day. The
Aiiierii .-ui revdliit.imi itllortls very little tip
f url uiiiiy (or iu i-lb-tit unl,s the
f.'lets of hi-tnry nri nilhlessly distorted
mid viol.-ilvd. This Mr. Cinli-toii Inisilnne,
mill he just itit-s his in t by a , u it.jtl inn fioiii
the (in fai-t- to 'T'everil of the Teak."
ltut. evi'ii iis ll. is, "Ye Kitrliti 1 1 oublt;" U
t'tttirtly niiwiir'.hy the traiisei-ndeiit aliil
i y nf Mr. ( arli-tim. His cliariietfi-s nro
horrililv nvi-rdr.-tvvn fud arti Hulked on
nnd ctT the !.iro in the most niiiih-H.-f.Lsliinii.
'The climaxes w ith pel hups u Kin
Kle exci-pt.itiii tire slrme; hi tins Kciitimttnt
Kip-Hlitm tumlity, hut tln-jr are worthy
only nf the middle. Krmlu of inebxl ratu h, in
which tiitt-Ktiry "Yi K.irlio Trouble" prop
erly lii'lnliiis.
Tin) iay is inter jirt'tt-d by nu exet lli'iit
ciisl, iin luiUu .buepli Ibiworth, Wiilima
K. Owen ivnd ,I,i!i Snuirt. Miss Stintrt
and Mr. Owen easily eelipsi-il the titlnrs.
This ynium lady is, in my opiuion, om-of
the liest Iniiniiei, on t he Alma it an Mue.
Ib-r every word, net nnd Keslure denote
iii-pirtit ion as well ns stuilieil art. '1'lils
was first nuiile cnuspii-uously iiianllt-st
when she was a member of Aiiiisiut
I'itnii's i-xt-t-lleiit stiii k eonnmny, now tie-
film i. I cannot tinderMiutid why it is that
Titlnii r, the Troluimns and Daly do lint
snap ili this Kleitt artist fur their lhie
11111111.' tiriraiii. '.ui inns. .She Won Id lie u cit dit
to any one ,,f tin-in.
Mo.j,sk.i s revival of "Henry III" ut
the New York (,.triien theater dms not.
Set-Ill til llaVM I" ! II Itll Ulllllllllilll'il Sllt-et-s.
St ranue In say, it, is Slmkespeiu'e ho has
het il ( iiuilt li'lit d, vv hilt: Mo-lji-skli, her l,-:nl
hit; man, Ot i- Skin iit-r. iiml the Maem-l
tiii have Iven ;,i'.'iist-il liy the t-rit its. Afler
alt. t' as is Mmlji ska'.s rei i'.ul
nf t ItN iiiil.nnili'ir vvni k of ''ihe
liard." it liilist, he f ii 1 id i I it-il the pro
h olies and epilomn-s mi cmwd out the
dramatic i-h uu M in "Henry YIU" that it
is a very poor aelin jiieee .it. lu st.
1. 1 1 y I. AWN
A "WJiut Sltol" r.illlaitl l-l.t.ver.
St hai ft r. Sins-nil, 'ii;iiailX mid Ives urn
ei-neiully ri i'iiuiii.- d its the clianipiou hil
liai.l pl,i)i rsnl t In,
world. Kverylinly
knows that, hut
everybody does not
know that there is
a mini in New York
city wlio makes
wilh ease billiard
blint s I hat none of
make. This mull
is I'ltifi-s-or Kaar-
Ins iiml wlit-ii olitv s3
"- -- i j
iin; his favorite
Xauie hi- tairii-s
a Ueili! of loo
pnllllil- nu his
-liniiltlt-is. Kaar- t'llOKI ssul! K A :M
hi- invent s tlilliriilt shuts and hint otTeifd
In play nny in in in the world at this mime
forMi,imo. lb-is iil-o the invinlnr of tli
two ball name, which tenches the nrt of
(il l v Oil' for pn-it inli.
Kicliaid T.axtef, the rt-iit I'britau
pi'i-m her, was the son of u teiiuiit fanner,
mid until nearly jrnwri the future author
ilid the oi k nf a farm hand.
If yoti wi-h nieci-s iu imy hocicty
ItV'uid the belle t.f i:. This Will (lilt you
iii favor vviifi tin- other vvuineti - inn'
i-Vi ntiiaily with tin.- belle.
Frederick Uarbarov-a, einpero:
ttei nniiiv, wus drovv in d while cros-'-unall
river in A-'.a Minor vvfien !
way to light the Tin ks.
! 'n lleail for Itnsiiii-ss,
j Most-Sehauiiiiiii! .'. Jr. Vader, n shea
' th minis van's to know if dot iiti-iilinka-j
lile umiei shii t thui't shrink n lculle. anj'
i vav.
M'ise Seiutllllllilll-f.'. Sr. I)o.s tlot f tiit t
! tit him'.'
j "No; i! v a-ciioost a little too pij:."
i "tif com -e it vi'.l t-hriiik. Yy don't
I ymi have s,,,;,. l.,l for pi.-hness."
- Texas Sn tn;-.-.
VV ctci'ii (. mills,
ft- lire ci.llll- evt-ll ill tin -e (laS ill
we-i." A fiiiuilv In 'all-Wall;l
(omit. W'.t-li.. consist nf li-n melilbi-is,
lite ivera-e vv.-ij-lit. In iin; 'Jt pouiitls,
uad I lit- a el ae licielit ti feet 0 inches,
A llolyjko (M:iss.) eoufectionrr is put
tinj in a coiih tlroji maehino that will
sough out one tmi of drops a day,
1- - ' . "S
i AAA Ik ",, - :
term.i ' :
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