Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 20, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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He Goes in His Official Capac
ity to Attend the Dedication.
William Jennings Bryan's Future
Pictured out For Him In a
Dream-Old Van Wyck's
Good Advice.
The Covernor' Pilgrimage.
Governor Boyd leaves today for
Chicago to attend the World's fair
dedication. The governors of
thirty-five states will he present on
that occasion, so that if the gover
nor of North Carolina should lift
tip his voice there will be anywhere
from one to thirty-four responses.
Governor Hoyd in his official ca
pacity will represent Nebraska.
He will be accompanied by his
wife and daughter and attended by
Private Secretary Morrissey, to
gether with his staff of nine or ten
colonels in uniform. Hie party
leaves Omaha today at 4:30 over the
H. & M. and members of the staff
are ordered to report there. The
train arrives at Chicago tomorrow
morning, giving ample time to pre
pare to take part in the great cele
bration. Every courtesy will be
shown the party, boxes having been
reserved for the members at the
ball and reception and carriages
have been provided for the proces
sion of Friday.
The governor's staff includes
Colonels J. P. Uratt of Bennett, C. J.
BillR, J. Heasty, G. L. Prichett and
ICE EaldnTSt Pa irbury, It. B. M til
ford of Omah, T. J. Hickey of Lin
coln, J. S. Lefl-'w of McCook and
Captain J. Il Culver of Mil ford,
many of whoittj will tbe accompan
ied by their Jrfi.'es. The governor
may appoint aj a member of his
staff one regular' army officer and
Lieutenant L.fH- Koehler of the
Sixth cavalry, flationed at Xiobrara,
will Drobablyltro aa a member of
the staff.
- - St - ' .
' Dream.
I had a dris
in: the otner nigm.
when all the
rorld wsts still, and
the moon ha
not yet risen from
behind the cajtern hill; I dreamt
Van Wyck anitl were out together
on a tramp, tcutriving hard to
steal a march dsn Morton Field and
Shamo. Someliuw the look of old
Van Wvck waif foxy, keen and shy
and I didn't life the twinkle in his
erstwhile wicktd eye, as I told him
twnue wicnt'u eyw, aa i wiu mm
my plan t ?et 2,000 votes for
u, if he in titrn would see that I
was safely in tfie swim. At last he
spoke, and in f'-oice that made my
spirit ehrink;"oung man," he said,
"I feel that M,Km n earing ruin's
brink. I neecUl e votes you pledge
to me, but Bryjti, look you here !
say right now Jlc ur -victory ia cost
ing you too dokr. I'm getting old
and all mv life! Has tilled im? with
W a ... , ,
distress because . like you I v
traded my convictions for success
I've claimed "to be the people's
friend, but wheii I reached a hold
upon the pubflc" purse strings
have traded tnt:m for irold. I've
been a mossbaok democrat and a re
publican.and whether one or t'other
always first ai d i last for Van
But, Bryan, Ijliave had my day
mv time has2 :orae this fall on
every side I re Id the cold handwrit
ing on the will. And I swear to
vou in candor,! nat the stars above
; may hear, I woiild give my princely
fortune for a conscience once more
clear. I say t;70U. my friends, to
nicrht vou canl pfford this deal it
smacks too sfrongly, Bryan, of
congress-hunt&ig tteal; and I, well
that has been Any plan of gaining
power of old; IP hat have I now?
monument ofilroIuti faith and
gold. Yea, ye' ; Tlie fortune still
is mine, but wtjen , I quit this earth
my last concern will hardly be to
estimate its wtb''tlu I made it out
of politics, built has cost me high,
a conscience sAired all over and my
life a living lid And now my race
is almost run-the end is full in
view when I'll, trade my gorgeous
palace for a 'soddy,' six foot-two;
and I say as he who speaketh with
hi8 best foot itt the grave, you. in
stead of those! about you, need a
helping hand,; to save.'s Then I
woke all perspiration with a wild
Comanche Bcrfcim, and I still am
some affrighted when I recollect
the dream. Lincoln Journal.
Work Will Begin Soon.
It will now inly be a short time
until Sixth street will be paved.
The curbing tone that the con
tractor has been looking for arrived
this morning and in .a few days
work will be commenced.
The contractor say that after
they get to woik it will only take
about two weeks to finish. In a
short time ' the ' street will be
paved and flJien the council
should take ud the city hall ques
tion and accept; the proposition
m:,Hi l,v Parnate and Craiir. With
t JIainand Sixth street paved this
city would be O Jt of place without
an opera house and city hall.
Valuable Coins Stolen.
Henry Gering has been for a long
time past collecting coins of differ
ent values and from different
countries, and also American coins
hat a premium has been offered
for. In so doing he has collected
over f 100 worth of old coins rauging
in value from a one cent piece up to
a three dollar gold piece, all of
which he prized very highly and
which he took great pleasure in
showing. For a long time he had
the coins exhibited in a show case
in the store. Recently, however,
he had taken the coins out of the
show case and placed them in a
writing desk in the back part of the
store and when Hnybody called to
see them he would take them out of
the drawer.
Monday night a party called to see
them. Ileniy was out of the store
at the time and Ernest Pietfer se
cured the coins and proceeded to
show them, remarking that "Henry
must have taken the gold and silver
coins and put them in his pocket."
When Henry returned he was in
formed of the missing cius and an
investigation was made but the
Coins were not found.
The police were notified and
started out to find a clew. They
started out with the saloons and
there they found several of the
coins which Henry Gering identi
fied as the ones he had once been
in possession of. After following
the clew still further, they found
some of the coins in nearly all the
saloons in town.
From the saloons it was found
out that K. O. Scribner had passed
some of them and a warrant was
issued for his arrest.
The amount of coins taken, Mr.
Gering says, amounts to fW, and if
the prisoner is convicted it will
send him to the peniteniary.
Scribner is having his prelimin
ary examination oetore judge
Archer this afternoon. County
Attorney Travis is prosecuting and
J. L. Root defending.
"Nebraska on Wheels.
The exhibition given on the Wa
bash rail road last Wednesday after
noon by the Business Men's asso
ciation of Nebraska, was very line,
says the South Whitley, (Indiana)
News. The object of this associa
tion's yearly visit to the east is to
display their agricultural products
and thus to keep before the country
from year to year this exhibition of
their wonderful agricultural re
sources. The plan originated three
or four years ago and was carried
out to couteract the influence of a
report circulated by some calamity
howlers that Nebraska was a fail
ure and that the people were slarv-
when at the same time they
were harvesting an abundant stock
of grain, and producing vegetables
in such quantity and' quality as w e
have never seen grow in Indiana.
They have been making their an
nual visits ever since.
The exhibit of cereal was unus
ually line. Samples of winter wheat
that yielded sixty bushels to the
acre were shown by the different
counties. Vegetables of all de
scriptions were to be seen puiii
kins, squashes, melons of monstrous
proportions. A curiosity some
what resembling a pine apple,
called a pine apple musk melon,
was displayed in the Buffalo county
exhibit. The fruit exhibit was es
pecially fine. The very finest kind
of apples were shown that were
grown in orchard only six years
old. Nebraska must be a very fine
fruit country if this display is a
fair sample of their products. The
sugar beet was exhibited by sev
eral counties, some of them being
so rich as to contain one third their
weight in pure sugar.
Muttalo county came to the front
with the exhibit of their cotton
mills at Kearney. This is the larg
est manufacturing plant in the
state an ) is now giving employ
ment to l.iO binds and consuming
JiM bales of cotton a week. Annual
value of output at present capacity,
$4,l(K,iHi0, requiring KM horse power,
which is furnished by the great
Kearney canal. Kearney has a
complete electric system, cuipplied
with power from the Kearney canal.
Indeed Kearney is one of the great
industrial points of the state.
BtEMEK, Neb., Oct. 17 This has
been a great day forthe republicans
at this place. Hon. C. A. Kobbins
and Jacob Honk spoke here this
evening. A large crowd of enthus
iastic citizens and a uniformed del
egation numbering over KM), to'
gether with a fine band from West
Point, attended, and presented a fine
appearance. The large hall was en
tirely too small to furnish room and
many were disappointed. The
first speaker, Jacob Houk, spoke for
over two hours in German. He
clearly outlined ;the principles of
the republican party and told why
it was to the interests of the far
mer and wage earner to support it
He made more republicans out of
the German democrats than any
speaker that has been here yet.
Hon. C. A. Kobbins followed and
made one of the most entertaining
addresses heard here for some time
and created much interest by the
manner in which he presented the
leading issues of the day,
Field, l.rjnsint; and Pollard Dis
ci' the Issues.
Countv Younar
M. r ,.
Man V
.''.roiiK Talk'
' -kes Votes
NehnwK.i '. j licanlsm.
To the Kili'. : . .'.Nut:
Nku.wvkv.N i. 17.-Xehaw-
ka put on In r ;- clothes Satur
day, in honoi .! .. distinguished
orator, Judge Ail , W. Field. Not
only were the . do of Nehawka
out in force, bin the surrounding
country was so well represented
that the large tie a1 storage building
of Isaac Pollard's would not nearly
hold, comfortably, those present.
Five hundred would be a low esti
mate and in comparison, the Bryan
meeting of a few weeks ago was a
tame affair. It was tame in every
particular in numbers, in enthus
iasm and remarkably tame as to
When the seats in the building
were all occupied and those who
could not be seated were as com
fortably located as circumstances
would permit, the chairman intro
duced Ernest Pollard, a young
man who was born and raised here,
and who is now completing his
education at the Lincoln university.
The prolonged applause as Ernest
stepped upon the stage caused him
a moment of nervousness, but he
soon warmed up to his subject, and
in a short speech gave a clear and
concise statement of the republican
faith in a protective tariff and the
republican reasons for it. When
Judge Field was introduced and
stepped upon the stage it was some
time before he could be heard, but
after the applause hud died away
and after the judge had compli
mented the band and spoke a few
words of encouragement to the
Young Men's Republican club, he
jumped squarely on the Platts
mouth bridge, and I want to say
right here that after his explana
tion of the case and after citing, as
he did, his authority, giving prece
dents for the decision, if there was
a man in the audience who did not
believe the decision was made in
good faith, it is because that man is
so blinded by partisauism that he
can believe no man sincere who is
not of his faith. Judge Field's
speech throughout was masterly
and eloquent and I have heard sev
eral democrats, who heard Bryan
when he was here, and who have
read the World-Herald's brazen re
ports of the joint debates, declare
that the speech Saturday night usis
a surprise to him. I know of fine
man who claims to have voted for
Bryan before who now declares
himself lor Field, and I believe
there were other converts made.
When Judge Field stepped from
the platform Orlando Tefft came
forward and remarked that Mr.
Lansing of Lincoln was present.
This was enough to bring out a
demand for Lansing, for while pos
siblyfew present had heard the
gentleman, all had heard of him,
and were anxious to have some fun
to take along with the sound logic
to which they had been listening.
Well, they got it not small doses
but in large chunks which, when
they got home, could be cut up and
distributed among friends, giving
each enough In laugh over. A
gentleman in the audience tried to
enlighten Mr. Lansing as to who
was the author of an article from
a southern paper, which he was
reading, and well, we will simply
allow those who know Mr. L. to
imagine what followed and how
that man felt after he got through
with him.
Taken all in all, the republican
rally here was the grandest
political success Nehawka has ever
known, and Judge Field Jias left an
impression over the people which
will be felt at the coming election.
Si-ionium Cook.
Business at Nebraska Cltyi
One of K. O. Dun A Co.'s Nebraska
travelers, writing from Nebraska
City to the Omaha manager, says:
"A majority of the retail
merchants- here report this year's
business rather smaller than here
tofore, due chiefly to the building
up of interior villiages in the
county along new lines of railway,
which have cut off trade. The
opinion is general that the retail
trade of Nebraska City must more
and more depend upon the de
velopment of the city itself. Money
has been easy all the year. Xhe
four banks, with a ccmbined paid
up capital of ffrrf),000and a surplus
exceeding hw, bad at the close
of husines September :), 1802,
aggregate deposits of Ssi,717. Last
year at the corresponding period
the deposits aggregated $X),112,
showing an increase for the year
approximating 00,000. Eight
years ago the total bank depo-its
were $I0.407.
Fruit has not been a good crop
this year, though Otoe county is
the banner fruit region of Nebraska
In the fall of 1SU1 about 50,000 bar
rels were packed and shipped from
Nebraska City alone. Thus fur
only 500 barrels have been for
warded this year. In P.1 fmo .
ketsof grapes and 5,0(10 eases of
berries were marketed. This year
neither grapes nor berries made a
good yield. Other crops, however,
have been excellent.
"The manufacturing iuterests of
Nebraska City are of no mean con
sequence. The cereal mills, which
began business six years ago
with a daily capacity of 5iX)
bushels of grain, have grown
into an institution which em
ploys 105 people can handle (i.OlX)
bushels daily. The starch factory
opened in fehruary of the present)
year and has a capacity of (MX) bush
els and gives employment to sixty
hands. The distillery has a capa
city of 2,(.00 bushels. The canning
company has enjoyed a profitable
season after a period of idleness.
Otoe county is one of the best coun
ties in the state and Nebraska City
is her substantial metropolis.
Vacant farms in the county are at
most unknown and vacant houses
are as few and far between
the city. Everybody met here
hopeful for the future."
Until Tuesday, lOutober 23, at 9 a. m.
In consequence of the late fire of
the large wholesale clothing house
that recently burned, over f-'SS.OOO
of men's and boys' fine clothing,
hats and other goods, have been
saved and removed to the large
building known as 1J1U Fariiam
street, between 12th and 13th streets
Omaha, Neb. The building has
been closed for one week to urrange
for this great fire insurance sale,
and this great fire insurance sale
will commence on Tuesday, Octo
ber 25, at 9 a. m., in the entire build
ing at 121.1 Farnam, between 12th
and i:ith. Everything will be sold
at retail 50 per cent less than actual
cost of manufacture. As the stock
must be sold, in five days, every
thing will go rapidly. The np
praixcr for the insurance company
liter carefully examinating the
stock of ciothing, concluded it was
not so badly damaged as claimed
by the assured manufacturers, and,
failing to agree as to the actual loss
they were forced to take the same
and turn it into nionev. Conse
quently the goods must be sold at
once in order to make a final settle
Below we quote a few of the ex
traordinary bargins that will be
offered, and bear in mind that there
are over 10,U00 different articles tve
can not mention here.
Men's heavy overcoats, 1.71, posi
tively worth $ 1 5.1 XI. You may keep
the coat home during the sale, and
if it is not worth !rl5, return the
same, no matter what the cause
may be, and we hereby agree to re
turn tne .t.i.m. .'leu s Heavy ulsters,
$1,411, positively worth Hi.5t,oryour
money refunded any time during
tins saie. Men s Whitney chin
chilla overcoats, $5.25, positively
worth $20, or j ou money will be re
turned. Men's "Royal" standard kerseys,
silk and satin lined overcoats, $7.W,
positively worth $28. You may
keep this coat home live days, and
u not worm return the same'
and your "money will be returned, 1
no matter what the cause may be.
Men's diagonal suits, $:t.W, worth
$15. Men's English worsted cut
away suits, $7.!ii; valued at $2i. You
have the same privilege on these
suits as on the above-mentioned
Men's Melton cassimere pants,
worth $;i, for OS cents. Mens all
wool cheviot pants, 25 styles, $1 40,
worth $5.
Hoys' cape overcoats $1.00 worth
$..'' Boys' pants, .".(XXI at 10 cents
a p.iir.
Boys' suits. $1.25, worth $l.5':
good woolen socks, (i cents per pair
worth to cents; line embrodered
suspenders, 0 cents worth (10 Cents;
line heavy read flannel underwear,
III cents per suit, worth $2,50; men's
hats, 00 cents, worth $H.75, all shapes;
boys' bats, 15 cents, wortli $l.5o, and
30,1 Mi different articles we cannot
mention here.
I. ...Ml - - - A . .. . .
ii win pay you to come km nines
to visit this great sale. If you value
money, don t miss it. Everything
sold as advertised. Now is your
chance to get winter clothing for
almost nothing. We advise you to
cut this out and bring it with you
so you get exactly tne goods men
tinned here. This sale will posi
tively commence 1 uesday, Oct. 25,
at 0 a.m., at 1213 Farnam, between
12th and 13th, ath door east from
I'm. t i- t .
i.un, vMiiana, Aeo. lie sure you
mahe no iiiistaxe.
N. B. Railroad fare paid to all
Purchasers of $25 and over.
For Sale-Two desirable res:
deuce lots in Orchard Hill addition
to I'lattsmouth, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call on or address The
Herald office.
When Baby w aa sick, we pave her Otntoria.
When abe wan Child, alie cried for Cfttoh
When ihe became Mian, he elung to Ctotona,
Tlienahf hfwlCt.iMn.D. nl jravcUiein Cuiona
I I'rnMrftn Pru fne PitrriA'. Pie,e!i
i viiiiuicii vi j ivi i ii,iigi o vajioi ia
. .
Wliftlit-r 'lis nohlrr in the niliiil to sn (T r
1 ho hlinu't Riul mninn of mil ruinous fortune.
Or lo I like nrnu m;Hlii- t neif trnuMos.
Ami liy i)nmi ftul tliem,
Kor w ho ini J bmr UiowulpH ami leurnii of
Tin' opproswir't tt-rntiK, the proud nmn'ii con
tu nit I v,
Tli i.iciu's uf (lt silMl lovr, tho Inw'siti'lity,
Tlio liiM-li'iirr of oriciMiriil the Hiurnii
Tlint patient merit nf the unworthy takes,
Wlirn ho iiiiiist If illicit Ills itiieluti uinko
Willi a hure In'.'
Tims reiiHilied Iliuulet, the nieliltirlinly i
liiine, or tliliH iliii'S Pli;iki".peitr? represent ,
i i in hs having reasoned. And thus Iuin
nmny a nolilemiul reasoned from the iIiiwii
of civilization unt il now. And the venliet
of the Kreiitest rriwuiient litis liy no liieni l
been iiniiniimniM. Almost the oldest tradi
tion In .liiiiineso literature Is that of "The
Seven ltiiimn," who killed themselves in
turn because their chief Iwtd been ilis
placed, and tho l itest, sensation in New-
York is the miicido of ,1. llarhnv Moore-
head, who left a mile saying he had killed
himself "as per chili,"
bet lluieold truth he acknowledged. The
suicide clnt is 4in unquestionable fact.
It h8 Wen known from the dawn of his
tory. It Invariably appears In certain
ntn;e of each Hiiccesslvo civilization. It
exists today not only anions the Japanese
and the fanatical rclk'ioUH sects of Russia,
lint equally hitioiik the wild Malays and
the most cultured citizen!) uf the United
States, Finland and Franco.
Nor Is it easy to refute the arguments
employed. Hamlet decided that ho could
not kill himself because the Everlasting
hnd fixed ills canon against self (daughter,
hut the Russian fanatics say there is mi
Knell prohibition inthe Hible, and ilieHguus-
tics care not if t here is. Their reasoning Is
simple mid in this wise: A man's life is Ids
personal property, and his disposal of it is
nobody else s concern; if a man falls In
business in this country he has a perfect
right to k'O to some ot hep country and start
again. hy not to some other world If he
sees fit f
So reasoned the men who organized the
much disputed Suicide club of Ilridgeport,
Conn., in IHKl. There were nine of them,
and they threw ilico for the "first man
out," an they phrased It. The lot fell on
Max Hctsterhagcn, saloon keeper, and that
night he shot himself. A year and four
months later William Mickel, sign paint
er, of this club, cut his throat. About the
name, time another member, Karl Huberts,
went .mail, mid today he is in n liiuittjc
asylum. Next John ICiiizie, keeper of the
saloon where the club was organized, shot
himself, and then in turn Oorge Ix'aven
worth, journalist, took laudanum; Weu-
A snclt'K ( I t'll 1USOIT.T.
dell hiiliin. lintel tiinii, cut liin tliroiit, nml
William Mnyliie, letter currier, (liil tlie
Mline. Hut two iiieinl-.iTS of tlmt nlli";eil
club remain siive. aful they refuse eitlier
toallirttior deny tin oiiiiuil agreement
They (iiuitily wy. ' If I choose to kill my
self it is nobody's buxintKSl''
Next toiilirnit at tent ion wn.i the fatnoiM
WhitetliHiiel dub of Chicago. Due of ;
members committed toiiciile not long ii,;o.
and by will left his body to the dub, wliic'u
burned it on a pyre at nlylit with at raiiKe,
uncanny ceremonies". Ilie cluire la now
nuide that irmide. this Wliitethai! dub
there Is a suicide dub: that it has a branch
in Philadelphia consisting of seventeen
membera; that barlow Moore bead was a.
member of this branch And killed himself
according to previous agreement, the lime
determined by lot. Such thins are n)tiuly
hard to prove or disprove, bet lis see what
history liu tu oHiT 111 kiipiiort of the Mip
position. In the troublous tlmtii b Greece and
Home filicide wait the leTniC roi;ri out of
the, world, find everj mini of mark v. lio
ki.ewthat liieni I, ciicmits were on I.i
truck curried coliivnlfd poison, Kuinet
ill the jeivi I of a rhiir, someliines in ;i cane
or peiistor !:. Deinostheiii'sclieweil 1 1 i -i j it
while st'nlvini' Ihe words ( f bis la-l It tier
and piiseiitlv f ..-: 1 dead from the poi-mi
t litis tak( II. siickeil lil:.ll releji'O
fn.ll) a jeweled liliL'. Seneca tried hliroiiiu
in a hot bat ii, and t but failing bud liiioM'lf
Fun'ociiled by clmrtoiil funics. Hi ut us mid
Cnssius fell on their swords. Hut the Ji5t
would fill columns. Kveryonu has rend
the story of that noble Komim who K:ive
notice in the forum that lie bad n tree on
which more ureat men had hanged them
ael yen than on any other tree in Ituly, but
as he intended to tut it down on the ap
proaching calends all persons desirous of
availing themselves of the honor of a death
thereon must ait at once.
It is sometime stated that the religion
of the Jews forbade self slalight er, but t her
often departed iu that way. Joseplms
gives au interesting account of a dub of
forty, each of whom was to be killed by the
uext, but the last t wo decided to back out.
It is a pity Josephus was such a liar, for
the etory is very Jewish and good enough to
be true. Summing it all up we van sny
this: There undoubtedly have been great
epidemics of suicide; there certainly have
been suicide clubs in past ages, there us
certuioly are Miicldal societies in Russia,
India and Malaysia today, and there is
very strong evidence that such clubs exist
in the L'uitcd States.
Sells Snakes by the Font.
TaxidermUt Martin Hergng, ot Tyrone,
Pa., shlpd to a circus at Washington a
a blacksnake measuring t) feet-4 inches.
Under the terms of his standing com met
with this rhovv Mr. Ilerog receives lifty
ceuts a foot for all the blackbiiakes he can
furnish them. Kecently he sent them a
five foot reptile.
Decatur, Ala., has one negro alderman,
cue negro justice and twohegro policemen.
I ce p v
h U
I i mi men
t i .i' ti-. cay s the
.ue i.iiliing if
will w,i r their
I i a lam in the
-ideiiti il election.
y evenlv Pvided
'I'lies, and are all
lo buk their
i'i nioiii y The air
in .l . i market
iiv lelegraph
.n.iMiii, bets,
v. I'll. ii le- I'owler
-1'-. i iheiii on the
ei ion. In,vler is a
i. mI I'o.iuur is one in town.
. i .
1 on
in .
Tile -'oiiv i
U '.v
gene i v
Opium, .c'.m i ,
is .i , , :i
I i .,,on.-.
and the plu.. ' r
J. -V. Co ,
have a a .11
gtitiel'ii.iloi at i
black repuiMic.i
of the hesi oe
There is $liK in n mr ilu- winner.
1'liere are $Uo 1 nig around on
Harrison, mid a man turned up in
Kansas City -yesterday who wired
in that he was willing lo take il.
Two modest men, who don't want
people to known they ever bet,
have gone deeper. They waxed
warm in a discussion the other day
and it ended by $1,2( 0 being put up
against $l,tHK) that Weaver will
carry the st.ite,
The fever is spreading fast and
ever one Irom .Secretary Nason
down to the elevator buy is looking
for a dead cinch,
' Has t'.efn Continued.
The preliminary examination of
K. t ). i cribuer was continued from
last night until this morning.
Scribner was put on the stand nml
he testified that he had received the
three dollar gold piece from his
father. A telegram was sent to his
father who is in the east, regarding
the flatter and another continu
ance was taken until he could be
heard from.
Editor low a Plain Dealer Cured of In
ufrcrable Itching and Pain by
the Cutlcura Remedies.
No Less Than Five Physlelani Con
sulted. Their Combined Wisdom
Followed Without lleneflt.
t nm ulilvuli Jmri nlil. In Anmut, I'M. M
trmililril with the peculiar akin dlM-win to whlrh
people nf my sue re lutilrrt, known innoim mi'ili-
nl men ccrenis. Il llmt tsiiriim'e m neur
the unkli-n. Il rapidly eitended over the lower
rxtrrniitlrt until my lrg nrarly one raw iir,
from !( th trouble ritemli'il acroM the hip',
hnulilem and lha tnllre leniMh of the irmi, th
lir and urini iirmtly awullon with tn lulling,
tnirnlnij pain, without ci'MHtton. jMlhouxh lha
t.i nt mtilldtl (dvlct ttalnalil in imiilciyvd, ni
Icm thun tire phyilrlant nf the plar litlng con
idled nml the prpurrlnilona M11K the rrnult uf
tholr roniMnrd wlnlnin, the dlaeaae, though ai-
Iiarently checked, would recur til a few day! aa
mil hi ever; during Ita rKreaa my weight fell
awny nlioiil twenty five inunda. Aa an aiprrt.
frienl I begun Uie ue nf t'CTli cm, following to
minplc and plain tnalructlnnt given with In Kihk
eir.a, and In four weeka found myaelf well, with
akin and and natural Id color, ilie Itching aud
puiD entirely relieved. W. It. 1KAI,
Kditor Iowa f lain Dealer, Creaoo, la.
Cuticura Resolvent
Tke new Wood and Hkln Purifier, and greatest of
Humor Kenieillea, Internally (to cleanae Ihe Mood
el all hnpurlllra and polaouoiii elriiieuta, mill tliua
remove the cuuae), and Cl'Tlcl'lu, the great Hkln
( lire, and frm I'll Snp, an eiqulelte p uii
pVr mid Ili atitlKer, paternally (lo clenr III. i-tio lied
a. iilp, nml ri lore Ihe hitlr), apevdlly cum every
liM'nnr noil diaeiiae of the akin, euilp, and bloml,
iih loaa nf r, whether lulling, hunting, acnlt .
eniiri'v, luid hlolrhy, whether almple, aerofiiloua,
I it. iln.'.rv, or roiitiigloua, when plijaiciaua and alt
o hi r reiiudiia hill.
even-where. Prli e, ClTirt'Ra, SOc.J Hoap,
Ithaiii.visT, ft. I'repurcd hy the I'OTTKR
In. i ii ami Hti( i. CoiiroRATins, Hoaton.
r Send for " How to Cure Skin IMeeaeee."
niMI'I.KS, blac k, chapped and oily akin
In cured hy I 'ctici ra II imciTSO Hoar.
In one mlnot the Gutlenna
Antl-l'alo Hauler relieve rhtu
matlc, actatic, hip, kidney, cheat,
and mutrularpainaandweakyeaaea.
The hret and only pato kUllbg piaster.
.... .-'v
'ill i':
s: r o -'A
In tho Scientific Treatrvu-nt and
Safe, Sound, Spoody an J Perma
nent Curo of nil classed, form,
phases and degrees of
Stricture, Hydrocele, Varlco,oel,i
Cleet, Spermatorrhea, Syphilli.
Conorrhoaa. Lost Manhood, Blood
and Skin Diseases, Female Weak
ness, Effects of Early Vice, and
every form of Sexual Disease.
For !m eeiti la rUapi ti jrili letl ni liltrm'.oi
book af 123 pjfii.
CSS?LTAT!01I rSIZ. :djx, allrm vita ittap,
Drs. Betts & Betts,
110 Sontli Htli street, southeast cor.
Mill nml HoiikUis Htreets.
Omiilia, Nebrtiska
Notice of Lease of School Landx.
Notice is hereby given thut tlie lease i
iiikI coatnicts on the followintf tescrilM-l
school IiiikIh have been cancelled by tin
lioaril of eiliicntioiiiil lutuN mill funds nml
if not reinstated by payment of dclit
quetit interest or lenne rentul due, sni ?
lands will be offered for lease by tin
countv treasurer of Cass county, ut H
o'clock ii. in., on the lth dav of oveinhr-.
IWNK'a SK 36-10-10 W; ,Wi NV4 l-
Dated Lincoln, Xeb., Oct. 3. 1SH2.
. , . A. k. Hl MPIIkKV.
torn. Tublic LlimNuiut Iiuildini;-.
i e
m"i l