THE WEEKLY IIEUALD: PEAITSMODTII.NEHR.VSKA. O'TPOItU 2'). 8!)2. cwmiif nxinoi uctcthdm r Colorado Swept By a Terrific Wind Storm. DISLOYAL DEMOCRATS. A Sensation Has Been Caused In Political Circles -An Iowa Fire An E xpress Train Held Up-Othor News. STOKM SWKI'T IOLOKAIH). Denver, Colo., tu t. 12 The rain, Tl;pt night acldeil ii violent wind to .51a ri.'t v lliw itiiiriiiiu'-. mill AID . . 1 . ' I -" - day long an ntinecedented storm im riiirii. rn i vwicii uii'iiv' i c i v- points in the statu it is siiown mat the storm is general in Colorado, Itul also in part of I'tah. All com munication by telegraph to towns in Colorado lias heen completely Interrupted during the entire day, he iiroHnects of restorinirthe wires 18 vry poor. In Denver signs were blown down, cornice torn oil and tundreds of trees were either up joted or unlit ly the wind. L . ... . leveral persons were nil ny nying bjects, but so far as has been amed no fatalities have occurred, he greatest damage was done by illing electric light and street car olley wires, for at least half a ozen horses were killed by bting ruck by these "live" wires. As ie animals were being driven at e time of their being shocked to Oath, it will be seen that their (j-ivers were in imminent danger (i meeting the same fate. As a ensequence of the breaking of tieee wires, the electric cars of nmy of the lines are at a stand- sell, and people living m the iitiriia om rn'i in rT iiiihih it M they may. Incoming trains hie not suffered much thus far, tlire being but small delays. I DIIOCRATS DISLOYAL TO t l.h V hLA. l jew York, Oct. 12. A sensation ha been caused in political circles introoklyn by the statement that may members of the central deni ocitic club believe that the denio crtic machine is not loyal to Cleve- lai and Stevenson and that the reblican machine is only an atux to the democratic ring. Us openly charged by some of tlninenibers, whose names, how ev are not given, that the Sfl8(),(XX) I whli was sent into Kings county k duig tne campaign of 18S8 went A int'the pockets of the so-called denrrntia rin. 1 i , Ib said that a committee of the ceml democratic club lias been aprinled to impeach the demo crai machine in Hrooklyn and to putvdi its alleged baseness in poOting the money and defeating Mr.ieveland in 18SS. ?tibers of the regular organi zati! laugh at this and say the chaes are founded on fiction. MUHNOT FURNISH THEIR NAMES, WHlNGToN, Oct. H-Postmaster Geiul Wanamaker today issued the lowing order: Vt REAS, It appears from cor- respdence received at this depart meifiat some postmasters disre garde long standing custom to not Inish to inquirers the names and presses of those who receive mailroiurh their respective ol'li hereby ordered: That all postisters and other postal otVi cialad employes are strictly pro hibitfrom making public names and (tesses or private informa tionbiinedby them in the dis charfof their official duties. Thigents of the postoflice de pnrtijt are furnished with the itamtjud acldresses upon letters and j?r articles of mail matte for tUole purpose of enabling them make delivery thereof to the ptins intended. Such names and aesses are to be regarded as cotential and this confidence mustj-espected. AuUsers and others have no right txpect that their oppor tunitifor canvassing shall b nidedir lists to be obtained Ihrouinowledge gained by post innate) the discharge of their ofliciailigations, and it is no part oi business of the officials of thostofTice department to furnisth names and addresses for pajfavor. Thisr is necessary because of tin brought about by the infractor relaxation of this rule unwittV by postmasters, who have feted and encouraged fraudul schemes, such as "green Js" and other swindlers who reipon the credulity of personse names and addresses have biobtained and paid for without-losing their objects. I HI WILL ORATE. Louise, Ky., Oct. 14. Henry Watterseditor of the Courier Journal, accepted an invitation to delmie dedicatory address at the Ws fair. He replied this afternoon to the urgent request from President rainier, as follows: "Hon. T. W. Palmer, President: The time is exceedingly short and I fear I can prepare nothing adequate to the occasion, but the invitation with which you honor me comes, uuder peculiar circumstances sur rounding the case as a command, and I act upon a sense of duty in accepting it. "Henry Wattekson." ESI'ION'ACK AT AN ENI. Homestead, Pa., Oct. 13-The mil itary espionage that has been kept over this town for ninety-five days came to an end this morning. Al most the entire poulation of the town gathered to witness the de parture of the militia, but there was no demonstration of any kind. At ten o'clock every vestige of the camp was removed and the men marched to Muuhill station and boarded the special train which was in waiting. After the departure of the trcops the crowd dispersed and the town resumed its wonted quiet. General Wylie said to a reporter that, while no further trouble was anticipated, the troops would be held in read incss, , and should cir cumstances require, the- would quickly return to Homestead. BEATRICE lORCERS. IU-ATRIt'E, Neb., Oct. 13. Fred Stewart, one of the colored forgers, was yesterday bound over to the district court in the sum of $."i0,atul the other, Guy Collier, a minor, was sent to the reform school at Kearney for the same cause. CRISHEP UNDER THE WHEELS. Manning, la., Oct. 13.-VhiIe driving to town on a load of hay today, Eugene Mowen fell under the wheels and was so badly rushed that death was almost in stantaneously. He was a young man and the sole support of a large familv. TERRIFIC SNOW STORM. Cheyenne, Wyo., Oct. 14. For nearly two days the severest storm ever Known on the L nion racitic railroad has been raging here and as far as Ogden, U. T. In all directions telegraphic com munication was cut until early this morning when this dispatch was sent through on a temporary wire. All railroads have been blocked, the cuts being tilled with snow which in some places was piled up eighteen feet. Rotary miow plows have been hard hard at work be tween Granite and Laramie, the snow being five feet deep on the level at the latter place. A half dozen westbound trains were tied up here all yesterday, but leit alter the return ot the snow plow last night. During the day thirty coach loads of people pulled in from the west in three sections, with more to follow. The Cheyenne Northern is entirely blocked, tele graphed communication being cut off, and no one knows where the belated trains on it are. Two days have elapsed since this road was snowed in. . At Granite cannon Conductor Roberts yesterday was blown olf the platform ot a car and hurled down a l.TO foot embankment, the deep snow saving his life. Reports are being received of immense loss of cattle and horses in northern Coloradoand in Wyom ing. Thousands of dollars' worth of these animals are known to have perished, and it is estimated that almost a third of the cattle and horses on the ranges have been de stroyed by the storm. An unknown dead man was found by the side of the railroad track near Greely, Colo., today. He had perished from the effects of the storm. DEVASTEI) HY I'RAIRIE FIRES. Winnipeg, Minn., Oct. 11. The western half of Alberta, a ranching district of the northwest, has been devastated by prairie lires. Thous ands of tons of hay and many buildings have been burned. It is feared m;my cattle perished. The flames advanced so rapidly that the ranchmen were compelled to mount horses and flee for their lives. I'nless they can find new ranges they will scarcely be able to tide the stock over the winter, and consequently the loss will be enormous. A MILI.ON DOLLAR I) RIDGE. Sioux CITY, la., Oct. 11. There organized Pacific Short Line Hridge company has commenced the erection of a million dollar bridge across the Missouri here. It will be open to the use of all railroads for toll charges within nine months. Heretofore the Northwestern road, owning the only bridge ncross the river here, has held the key to northern Nebraska and shut all other roads out. Wallpaper reduced in price at Snyder's, 5(H), Main street. To make more room for the larg est purchase in that liae ever brought to Plattsmouth, Snyder will sell wallpaper at reduced prices. Do not fail to call on him at 506, Main street. Im. p. train robbed. Express Messenger Shot and the Safe Blown Open. FOOLED THE NEGROES. Excitement in South Dakota Over Printtntf the Ballots TheTown of Sallx. la, Burned to - . the Ground. COFFE YVW.I.E, Kas., Oct. l".-,Tn warned by the fate of the Dalton band of desperadoes only a week ago, two men held up a Missouri Pacific train near Caney, a small town in this vicinity, last night, shot Express Messenger J. N. Max well through the arm. broke open the express safe and secured all the money in the car. As the regular express money, except what was destined for way stations, had been transferred at Conway Springs, the booty was of little value. Just asthetraiu drew up at Caney at 10:1.") last night, two masked men heavily armed with Winchesters and revolvers, climed on the loco motive tender from the front of the combination baggage and express car and covered Engineer Eggle- ston mid his fireman with lilies The locomotive men were ordered to pull slowly to the switch, where all was darkness, and where there was no danger ol molestation. This was done. At the whistling post the outlaws ordered the engineer to stop, and made the fireman uncouple the ex press car from the rest of the train. All this was done so quietly that no one in the coaches was disturbed. The engineer was then ordered to pull ahead with the express car and he obeyed, for the Winchesters held close to his head looked unpleas antly dangerous. When a deep cut half a mile further on had been reached the engine was halted. Express Messenger J. N. Maxwell, who had witnessed the uncoupling, had in the meantime blown out his lights, barred and barricaded the doors, and made ready for desper ate resistance. . Hie order to open up the car elicited no response, and the rob bers began firing into the sides of the car with their Winchesters Maxwell answered the shots with his revolver for a few minutes, but finally received a bullet in his right arm, which disabled him, and he was fain to surrender. The robbers ordered him to light his lamps and open the car door and as soon as he had done siVthey entered the car witli the engineer in front of them as a shield. Max well was then forced to open his safe anil deliver up his watch and personal property. The men then backed off the car and disappeared in the darkness. Messenger Maxwell, who is now here nursing his wound, which is not serious, declares that the rob bers secured less than $1(10, all told. The men engaged in last night's work were probably the same ones who last week held held up the station agent at Sedan. KOOLINC. THE NKGKO. Jackson, Miss., Oct. llt.-Mr. K. II. Wildcberger of Clarksdale.Miss., is in the city and brings late details of the recently reported race riot and trouble in Coahoma county, which went abroad as a bloody war between the blacks and whites. It develops, Mr. Wildeberger says, that the trouble has its origin in a secret society organized among the blacks bv the famous Judge Albion V. Tourgee of Maysville, X. Y., who in consideration of $'2 cash in hand (of which $1.."0 goes to Tourgee) furnished the blacks with a certifi cate which guaranteed' to them, whether qualified electors or not, in large black capitals, the right to vote, followed by these words in very small type, "in any meeting of the Citizens Kight , association." The poor negroes, Mr. Wildeberger says, think this oath bound associ ation is a substantial backing in resistance to any legal process in putting down the whites and ad vancing the prices of cotton pick ing. Some of the members or-the society came to grief in Coahoma county and gave away the whole play, which, Mr. Wildeberger asserts, is simply to get all the money possible out ol the negroes and to involve them in trouble for political effect. The grand jury of Coahoma county is investigating the society now, which has a large membership in the back counties and serious indictments will likely follow. The trouble in Coahoma county has simmered down to this: A negro resisted arrest, backed by this secret organization, firing upon the officer. Kesult Two negroes killed and members of the society in jail and the records of the organ ization in official custody. Hard coal $10.50 and Mendota coal $4.50 at II. A. Waterman & Son's. KA I. IX WIl'ED OH I . Sioux CMY, In., Oct. 13. The town of Salix, twelve miles ninth of this city, was oestroj ed by lit, l.i i night. A boy named Jei . n t droppeil a match in an imply gasoline barrel. The explosion re sulting spread the fut to .i solid block of frame building. A heavy wind was blowing ami ilu- tl.i:: ,s soon crossed tie street and were carried west along both sides ni t. Nothing checked tliw tl.tnu s, uul they continued to burn everything in their path until die pr.m ie west of the town was reached Four solid blocks of buildings wen burned, including every business block in the town. In a 1 aboui sixty buildings were destroyed , Loss, ifUKl.iKKi; insurance, fiO.OOO. IX HAD SUA!'!-:. PlKRRU.S. 1), Oct. 13 Considerable anxiety is felt regarding the print ing of ballots under the Australian law They must be printed in the state and only nine days remain to do the work. Large last presses are few and only one firm in the state has enough paper of the kind re quired, and it is working for better terms. CHARGING ItU i RATES. Chicago, Hi., Oct. 14- Chicago ho tels propose to make the most of the coining dedication ceremonies. Almost as soon as the dates were positively fixed there seemed to be a steady rise in prices, which con tinued until all the rooms were taken. The clerks were as gentle manly as ever when they showed the unsuspectng wayfarer a room which would only cost for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. Prices have been in creased six-fold in some of the larger houses. Even the little Euro pean hotels far down town, which provided la-cent beds "for men only," have more than doubled their prices. One of the largest European hotels in the city has devised a cunning scheme to tripple its reve nue while seeming to follow its old scale of charges. 'Every room in the building will he provided with from one to four cot beds, which can be had at the rate of $1 a day. In case a person wiches a private room he can pay the regular charges on all the cots and have them removed. In this manner the long-headed proprietor expe.Ms to sell the same cot bed four or five time every night. Two of the largest American hotels will receive guests at reason able rates up to the first of the week, after which they absolutely refuse to make any prices, saying that they will demand what the exigenceis of the case require. To secure favor ite suites of rooms at the popular places, wealthy easterners have agreed to pay the price named and ask tim question. SALESMEN-Energetie men wanted. hree prepaid outiit. Une ot our agents has e.irned over $20,000 in five years. P. O. box 1371, New York. For Sale or He t, Three desirable houses. For par ticulars call at Carruth's jewtlry store. 3ears: Soap To keep the skin clean is to wash the excretions from it off; the skin takes care of itself inside, if not blocked outside. To wash it often and clean, without doin any sort of violence to it, re quires a most gentle soap, a soap with no free al kali in it. Pears' is supposed to be the only soap in the world that has no alkali in it. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druggists; all sorts of people use it. Intelligent Readers will notice that E7y3 . n B "Sp7 r not 'W(irrnntl tnrurr" all clanMi fit dlMcaie but only utirh result from (Unordered llerv vin Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. rr lh lhy arnot wrrl4 n fnlliblt, but r Drly so II lsp lkl to luaai ruidy . W r ls Uu 8QL1) 12 VKKYWH EltE. .i-....;iikv VU'i k. ,-t TTJVT "3. THEUY!,-tE6.U':x ;;.: TKf BEiT Of CCJK.:. -. a TOiMAaiiOW.i'. - IFYOVWANT i f 'IT Buy tha CKASTf,'! , "WllhtLo Wlro tlauai C a D ?ors, BASTifirtipiBia i ryAxi ij ftUMi 5JT iti VJttArViguioieirtvItt Ai.awora, Cou, Jan., W. XII My wfo dm tnmliloil with iiorTuiiBnsii about one year before tlx took I'aalor Koenig'i Nnrva TodIo, ami at that, tlin bad Tory itivnro attack! ot iam.oonvuUlon,nud pains In difTiuiuit arti of the body; hn In thli tate her lower jawi would ant violently and aet ninetlinea, bite her tongue, breathe heavily, then ahort, then inemed to lUip eulirely, get a wild look In her even and rolliiiK around, then itop ouietliiieM ; it would take two men to bold bur In ImxI. ollirwlna her body would oramp and tie to (or two bourn. She took but two iMitlliM ol the Nerve Tonlo, which eurwl her entirely ot all them tnrinontM, which myself and wife Kladlv toadfy It truly had the dwired elleot 1). H. M Cill.UH. Hra. Enter DevilhlM, X,i H. Tenth utreet, Ran Joie, Cal., writes, OoUilier IKHl): 1'nntor KoenlK'l Nerva Tonio haa Indeed doue wonder in uiy part of theonuntry. T'liere haa been bought la Uiy neighborhood over Vis worvn. FREE A Tatnnlile Knok on Nmraol lilMMuto annt free m any aanreea and MMir piitleiilM can alno obtalt tliia motilriiio I roe or oliurife. Thta mrnnilv hut lw,nn uretmred bv tlie ltevemna fuuir Ki'iii, ot Kn vvne, 1 iir Mnoe UJU, and Ihuow propurud uuuor u. larectlon oy uiu KOENIC W!FD Chicago, . fioi(ltr"i''i:rr' ":i ' -V.itiJ'. 0Pr?J How Lost! Hov Regained I KNOW THYSELF. Or KKI.F-ritKSMiVATION. A new and only (iiil.l Mi-UI I'HlK KSSA V on NF.KVOIIH and rilYHMAl, 1IKIUMTY, K.ltltOKH of YOIITII.KX1TAI STI.I) VITALITY, I'RK. MAT Mir; 1H I INK. and all lUHKASICS and W I'.A R N KSH KH of M A N . HOO li-a, Cloth, But; l'4A invniuiiiiie ir-Bcnpii r. omy ai.uu y mail, double avult-d. lu'ritlvo l'roapecu ub with endorgemcnta rnpfi CFNn of the Prea and voliiniarT I'Krlr I testlmotitiila of the cured. I llaIUJ NOW. I oimultittlnn In iwraon or bv nviil. Expert treat. mcnt. INVIOLAIlI K KKI'IIH'V and CKlt TAIV -l ltl-:. Act,iro. tir. w. U. l'nrlo'r. or The l'eutioily Medical lumitute, No. 4 liullincli St., liontoii, M.uw. The IVslxxly Mi'dlntl IiiKillute hun ninny I in I tutor, tail no eqiiHl. ilrruiii. The Huience of Life, or Self rnwrvnllnn, la tr,aiure more vuluiilile th.'in iold. Ucml It now, i'Vitv WKAK uml N Kl! VOI'S inuu, mid li'iiiu to lie STKONU . AVrii-v. (( 'mii rlidind. :-. ' , ;. or s'. : -l ll . -. i( ... .' i.'l- "a., i, . '.. r. .i: n . t Wmw i 1 l.r.' ii ii- i. i ' .-.) priiri, t.-i I - I v'n.-'i i-. is s-TM-.!. Ca'.l ' r ' Ciiii Puri A';r" iAe no othtr. Fcr t.i'e at all firsl-rin,s drinkiru; plires and tire. j store 13 DALLEMW'D k CO For sale by Joe MeVi y. CANCER PuMerts need four no Innu'i-r frum Mils Kin of 1,'mirn. I. ,r I. v n. iin,"t wi,n"l,rlnl iliwnvi rr In uiixll -H i', i"ii''f;r o"i i ' l"H H. " ' I y c-iin t,o prrani'inll vi.r.-d vvUIioijiI. tlio l.u of I he kn.l-. MUM II. ll. C'iI.IIV.5.'" Iriii'iirm Ave , ''lilcno, (lay:: ' 'lr l"iri'-l nl'i'iMi't f-'-l (In, h-cir't. Ill KIX w','la t'y "i'r nii-ili'.il ol in- -n.,-: i ." .-''id for trt'uUMU. 'llr, l 1'. luie 'XkuIii r.'t., Chlcutfo. FREE TRIAL I PACKAGE profjTarrisN PASTILLES FOR THE CURE OF WEAK MEN 'VITALLY WEAK. VtU by irpiK.Mn. u K f-HUjin nil llU lift, nftieloui htblti ttnTef Invouib in iinrM or luo T i ieftr ntniii iiriiDsr aritf: Mill ll UfClIf UCII ARK VM TIMHIO NtHtltl N DRRI1,1TTI ln III ball BAH ui.k iiMi( liAk or vim. tior, ua uDib,iioimi orgiai Inr nfr l knl wtkrti4 ptrniAtuitlr la rproehtlif old oftx ttfULCU WC CAV rilDC woirMk from Knowing cMitrii(tdau4oard 1b ptti twolto vttUft TTt fin ,"'l-1'n'''"'lili la Prof. Harria' Vr w CsOLUBLE KEDICATEDPABTILLEK tl 1 J pi 41 ollrnUU;ill IKII, V a ' """in m.n, jouoj or oil, iii9riii iron tbu 'l, i.v tn.ut; ,Loul4 aQil their adilrf mm tao farolib prrt.ou. tvli auiftrrrii, lllit t tufty loow lb traMQ4ltloa ,1 fvcti eit.t slid prppmra oidlclb ta alTfel a prgupt fur. I -Mini In N V.iiH (vfifr ll iniiilll. Loulai, ill 'iiti-. ir i.ur.1 lT ih ri.liral.-l PuilllTrloiDl. rn; haris remedy CO., Mfa. chmit, HQ HKKirHAW STREET, WEW YOHlf. yt K. RKYNOLUS, Iti'lstcred riiyMclmi ami riianimiMat Special attention given to Oflice I'rnctice. Rock Bluffs Neb VI II HEJMBY LfiCEC-K: THE LEADING r'UKNITUKK .DEALER- -A. "INTO ZZh Mkm MM Keeps constant! on hand every thing you need to UllNISH YOU II HOUSE. SIXTH AND MAIN SIS., PLATTSMOUTH, - NERRASKA GUS. HEINRICH, KKAI.KK IN Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all kinds. MAK1C the best of all kinds of sausages and kee a good supply oustauty on hand. Call and see. MAK'KKT ON SIXTH STKKST, Ili'twt't-ii M ii in uml 1't'iirl IMattsmouth, Nebraska . MONEY to loan on farms from 6 1-2 por cent up, on 1 to 1 0 years timo,, to suit the bor rower. Also loans on second mortgages. J. M. LEYDA Plattsmouth, Neb. FIRST NATIONAL : BANK, OK PLATTSMOUTH, NEMKASKA. I'llllt till Cllllilill.. $."in.(Kiii,ii(i . 10,IKPII,OIK) Surplus .-. . 111 rn the very lient fucllitlrs fur 1 lie prompt triiiisiietion of LEGITIMATE BANKING BUSINESS STOCKS, ImiiiiIk, unlit, (foveniiiii'iit iind Im nl m Tiirilieit liounlit uml hoIiI. lr piinit rt-elevrd unit Inti-reHt iilluwi'il on till' l i-rtilli ntc-. llrnftH ilruwn, u viiilnlile in mi v port of Hie t T. S. uml nil tlie prini'i pul Iiiuiih nt' hunipi'. CiilleetiiiiiH riiiiile uml priiinptlv rein ittcil. Iilnlii"t iniirket priri' piiid fur i iiiiiity wurriuitx, Htiite nnil cuiiiit y ImiiilH. i niEECTOns : ilm l-'it'.i-rnlit, O. lliiwkHworth, S. Wmiitli, !'. K. White, (i. K. Dovev. John l-'it.ieriilil,l're. S. WhiikIi, Cufhler A UUAM) OI'FKIiTOTIIE HEADING I'UIiLIO. TO ANYONE WHO WILL I'AV A VEAK'S SUII SCUIITION TO THE WEEK LV HE It ALL), (IN ADVANCE) WE WILL IMiESENT A 1) 'KA UTIFUL rOKTRAIT OF THE 1 RESIDENT. THIS OFFER WILL HE (iOOD TO OLD snnscuiHERs WHO WILL RAY UP TO DATE AND ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE. ALSO 0001) TO MONTH SUL'SCRIPTDNS TO THE DAILY. HOLD AND POHCELA1N CK0WNH Bridge work and fine gold work a SPECIALTY. OH. KTKINAU9 LOCAL m well m othnr an pHtliKtluiKlveu lot the phIiiIbss extraction ol teeth, 3. MARSHALL, . Fitzgerald Bloc1' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD. Fifteen Cants Per Week.