Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 20, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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His Voice Raised in Support
of Republicanism.
A Distinguished Gathering at the
Home of the Vice Presidential
Candidate Commends
the Administration.
Blaine Has Spoken.
J.unea G. liluiuc lias spoken; the
magnetic man of Maine Ii.m thrown
the weight of his utterances into
the campaign, lie lum silenced the
democratic claim that he wan dis
K'rtiatttlcd by t-arnestly, und with
much of his old-time vijior, pro
claiming the republican cause and
advocating the election of the Har
rison mid K'eiil ticket. His speech
wasdelivered un.ler uniipiecircum
stances. There were no cut and
dried arrangement:1; no set pro
gramme; hut when informed at 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon that the
residents of White 1'lains anil the
surrounding villages intended to
serenade him at Ophir fi rm, the res
idence of Whitelaw Keid, where he
was visiting, that evening, the ex
secretary turned to his host and
said: Then I will speak to them."
I'cllow I'ituens of New York: I
should be churlish indeed if I did
not make response to your call
after you have come peveral miles
to the beautiful home of Mr. K'eid
on a pleasant October evening. At
the fame time I am not making
speeches in the canvass, far the
reasons are well known to my
friends ami which have no con
nection whatever with politics.
Generally administrations, in n
presidential election.are challenged
on account of the condition of the
business of the country and I sub
mit that the republican adminis
tration of l'tesident Harrison can
triumphantly endure such a test. I
doubt if since the government of
the United States was instituted,
anybody, at any time, has seen
what we call "jood times" so tfen-t-rnl,
taking in so many interests
and spreading prosperity through
out the whole domain of trade. I
iiiiht appeal to New York if the
city lias ever passed a season
more satisfactory in financial re.
spects than lor the past two years,
in which the general effect on
capital and labor has been more
The opponents of the republican
party always represent New Y'ork
as a commercial city and not a
manufacturing one, and yet the
product of the manufactures of the
city in placed at f 7iH),iXK,(KN). Any
thing that would cripple that great
interest would cripple the metrop
olis seriously and to a very hurtful
extent. More men in New York get
their living from pursuits pro
tected by the tariif than from any
other source. I know New York is
the center of our commerce, the
great entrepot of our trade; but all
the men engaged in commercial af.
fairs in and about New York, are
smaller in numbers than the men
engaged in manufactures. Nor, if
you go west, where the democrats
this year are making considerabls
effort and doing a vast amount of
boasting, will you find it different.
Take Michigan, Ohio, Indiana or
Illinois and the products of manu
factures are greater in pecuniary
amount than the products of agri
culture in these four great agricul
tural states. So tl at think when it
liappens to democratic orators who
are on the wing trying to arouse
the hostility of these states against
the protective tariif, they will en
counter a sentiment of which they
have not dreamed. We learn from
the democratic parly that these
western states are in a desperate
condition. The amount of their
farm mortgages roll up in the mil
lions. You would suppose it fabul
ous that the amount of money they
embrace could ever have been so
invested. This is not so among the
fanners in New York; it is not so
aiming the farmers of Connecticut;
it is not so among the fanners of
l'cnnsyl vauia; iv is not so among
the farmers of any other state near
by whose condition can be easily
learned, but by a singular fatality
it is the western states that they have
to go. It is easily learned, by a
singular fatality, it is the eastern
states that have got all these farm
mortgages burning them and tak
ing the life out of the people I do
not like to state that the gentlemen
have voluntarily misrepresented
the facts, but before accepting
them as such, you w ill do well and
wisely to demand the proofs. The
tariif, so the democratic papers say,
is the origin of a plutocratic gov
ernment when wealth shall rule and
poor men shall not get their rights.
I shall venture to challenge any
statements of that kind, and I shall
make the democratic accusers the
judges in the case. A careful
examination of the list of the
wealthy men in the country has
been published, and has demon
strated the fact to be quite the re
verse, to such an extent indeed that
in the city of New York, taking the
first laO fortunes, not three and two,
not more than one would be consid
ered as derived from manufactur
ing investments.
I have a word to say about the
Irish vole. I see it stated that the
democrats boast of having the mass
of them in their ranks this year. It
is one of the mysteries of politics
that a question which interests
Kngland so supremely, which is
canvassed almost as much in Lou
don as it is in New York, should
have the Irish vote on the side of
Great Hritaian. If the Iri.-h vote
were solidly for protection they
could defy all tin' machinations of
the democratic party tor free trade I
and throw their influence on the
side of the home market of America
igaiust the side of the foreign mar
ket of Kngland. I know this appeal
has been frequently made to the
Irixli oters, but I in ike it with em
phasis now, for I am unwilling to
believe that with light and knowl
edge before them they will deliber
ately be on the side of their former
oppressors. 1 lliniK my goou menu
Kgan, the brilliant and successful
minister to Chile, whom I feel es
pecially glad to ine -t at Mr. Keed's
tank this evening, will intercede
with his countrymen his country
men in two seusesi not to aid the
leniociatic party in lowering the
tandard of the wages of American
labor by their potential votes and
potential numbers.
Thinks he is Not Insane.
The story of Judge C. k Scott and
his fight with the Hurt county at
torneys who are trying to show him
to be insane has taken a phase in
keeping with its sensational start.
Judge Scott has secured an injunc
tion to restrain'the insane commis
sion from preeeeding in the exami
nation of his case. I he. injunction
was granted yesterday morning on
l representation by Judge Scott
that the case is a conspiracy on the
part of the sherilf, county judge
and attorneys of Hurt county to bar
the wheels of justice and to secure
his retirement from the circuit.
All the attorneys heretofore men
tioned in the proceedings at Hurt
county are spoken of in the petition
as conspirators seeking to drive
him from the bench there. With
them the sheriff and county attor
ney are brought in.
Yesterday morning Judge Irvine
called Judges Kcysor and
Davis into his private office and
showed them the application which
had been filed by Judge Scott's at
torney, Joliu C. Wharton, and a con
ference was held, the result of
which was the issuance of an in
junction restraining the commis
sioners of the insane of Hurt county
from further proceedings in the in
vestigation of the judge's mental
condition. The investigation was
to have been held yesterday.
the hearing ot the application
for a permanent injunction was set
for next Tuesday, and on that day
Judges Irvine, Havis and Keysor
will go down to Tekamah to heat t.
ludge Hopewell relieved Judge
Havis on the criminal docket yes
terday morning and will try crimi
nal cases so that Jui'ge Havis will
be enabled to get away.
Attorney lv. ?. llartlett, who is as
sisting Mr. Wharton in the defense,
is at Tekamah where he went to
serve the writ. Judge Scott and his
son, I-). A. Scott, were yesterday both
at Tekiuuah, the young man is
looking alter :ns fathers troubles.
Started to Cut Willows.
One day the fore part of the week
a number of workmen came down
from Omaha and commenced cut
ting the willows on the bar in front
of the city. The chief of police
promptly put a stop to it. Last
night a uother force was brought
down and and put to work this
morning after having been told
last evening by Mayor Hutler that
the willows belonged to the city
and that he proposed to protect
them. This morning Chief Grace
went out where the men were at
work and ordered them to stop,
The foreman came up with the
chief and saw the head man who
was stopping at the K'iley. After
the mayor had shown him the city
charter he concluded he had better
recall the men, which was done.
This afternoon Knginecr Near
who has charge of the men, said
that the willows were wanted for
the purpose of putting in the river
at Omaha where the company, he
represented had the contract for
building the new bridge across the
Missouri at that place. He said it
was necessary that they should get
them at once as they were under
heavy bonds to build the bridge and
that they had to have the willows.
The engineer say that there are
about 2.",(XX) cords on the bar and
that they only need about tHK) cords
and says if the city will allow him
to go ahead he will cut them in
such a maimer that it will not be
noticed, and, furthermore, that he
will hire I'lattsmouth men to do the
work. As The Her alp goes to
press he is in consultation with
Mayor Hutler on the subject, but
no agreement has been reached.
They Ar H1, Klrrca and Hai. Con
Iniit Appetite.
Among the new nttrttcticms at the Zoo
logical gardens Regent's park, London,
are a couple of hinl eating npirier, pre
r nted to the Zoological society by Mr. T.
Terry, of TheGrange, Borough Green, Kent,
who brought several of tht.K Interesting
arachaidans from Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Spiders at large are perhaps not very at
tractive crealureH, regarded, that Is, from
tbs popular atandpoiut; but a closer ac
ojinlntanee with their hnhlts will serve to
interest even the most casual of observers.
Of course spiders are not "insects'' at nil.
Though they belong to the same groat
division of the animal world, they form
quite a different branch of the genealogical
tree which included the lobsters und ci Abs,
spiders, insects and ecutipedi umotig Hi
An insect has onlr six leg", a spider h.v
eii;lit the two front ''legs'' of a snider arc
really appendages of its mouth, so that lis
ten legged appearance U thus explained.
Then nlso an insect has its head, chest
and tail distinctly marked, the head ami
chest being joined In the spiders. There
are no feelers or anlenniB (as such) In the
spiders, and they breathe by lung sacs, and
not by air tubes, as do the insects, white
finally wings are never developed in tin
spider class. The bird eating spiders can
not legitimately be called "tarantulas;"
more probably they are related to the My
gale group, of which the trapdoor spiders
of southern Europe are examples. The
Is a spider common in the southern 8tate
of America which makes its net so strung
that It captures small birds. The tarmitu
las are not, as a rule, of big size, and thf
story about their bite causing "dauciuu
nisdness" is of course pure fiction.
The bird eating spiders at the "Zoo" an
male and female, und, as usual in the
spider class, the female is the bigger, foi
the spiders long ago satisfactorily solved
the, woman's rights question, and not
only domineer over their husbands, but
often eud domestic differences by eating
them. The poison apparatus exists in the
mouth, the laumlibles, or big Jaws, being
provided each with a poison fang, which
draws Its store of venom from a poison
gland. Mr. Terry says there is no doubt
his spiders kill small birds. Mice they will
sometimes capture as well. He feeds his
spiders on cockroaches, beetles and moths,
and has tried them with very young spar
rows. With regard to the effects of tue
bite on man. Mr. Terry says they often
cause death; but one may be pardoned foi
being somewhat skeptical on this lattei
point, though there is no reason to doubt
that, as with the bite of the scorpion or ot
a big centiped, severe inflammation may
follow the wound made by a big spider.
A iiuiiiinc Afnerirun.
The London Globe says: "We recently
published an account of the presentat ii.
in lloinbay of a medal to Lieutenant Hud
dleston, of the Indian marine, for 'tin
bravest deed of a year,' and have since re
ceivtd particulars of an equally gallant at
tempt to save life made by the American
champion long distance swimmer. la the
winter the steamship Tangier, of Philadel
pbia, had an eventful voyage from Safu hue
de Cuba, and it sad accident occurred wliKi
the vessel lay at l'ortde France, Martin
lipie. The second eugineer, J. McFar
land, well knowu in Philadelphia, went
Into the water to but lie, and being seized
wit h cramps gave a shriek and disappeared.
"As there were several sharks In t he vicin
ft y, everybody hesitated before going to his
rescue, but J. U. Johnston, the champion
long distance swimmer, of Philadelphia,
one of the crew of the Tangier, jumped
overboard fully dressed, and for an hour
continued to dive for the body. Jle finally
rescued it after a desperate conflict wiih
two of the man eaters, in whic h he had to
use his sheath knife to ward off their fero
cious attacks, both Johnston and the
drowned man were bitten in several places.
Mct'arland was greatly respected by his
shipmates, and was buried with full naval
honors, the French authorities of Martin
ique sending forty officers and six sailors,
in full uniform, to attend the funeral. The
cofliu was covered with wreaths from the
American ami liritish residents."
Tlic liny iiml the Mud.
"The most remarkable adventure I know
of was that of a ten-year-old boy in Coio
rado," said Hien.i lieaucbamp to a St.
Louis reporter. "A party of us had gone
from rucblu Tor a week's hunting and
fishing along the Arkansas river. We car
ried tents and camped out. A man named
llritton had his young son with biin, a
manly little fellow, who could hind a trout
and bring down an antelope with the best
of us. One day he got separated from the
party, lost Ins way and spent the niht in
the mountains. 11,. had with him u oS
caliber rille, a good weapon for small
game, but in the section where we were
camped mountain lions were plentiful.
His father was well nigh distracted, and
We searched ail night long for the adven
turous youngster without avail. Just at
sunup we started to return to camp. As
we descended a ravine we discovered the
object of our M-arch, sound asleep, with
his head pillowed on an enormous moun
tain lion, which was curled up as though
enjoying a nap. Three of us approached
cautiously to within fifty yards, drew a
bead on the animal, und at a given signal
fired. I he brute never stirred. The bur
whom we supposed dead, half rose, rubbed
bis eyes and Inquired peevishly: ' bat
are you fellers tryin t' dor I killed this
jere lion lour lours ago.' "
lie tint a Straight Tip.
As an Oregon Pucillc train, west bouia
was three miles west of Lyons, Or., the ot her
day, a woman was seen by those lu the mis
to be shaking her apron violently, evidently
lor tee benefit or one of tins passetgei
A nmu riding in thecals reeugniied lb
woman, and, though the t:a!u whs goir
about twenty miles hii hour, jumped to tl
ground, and after turning sevcrs'i sonx r
saults got up. evidently not tuiurtd much
On reaching Lyons the canst of Mitiange
procwediigs was learned. The roo was a
saloon keeper, who was wanted lor selling
liquor without a license. The wohud u us
Ids wife, who had walked Lhrte tulle up
the track to give her husband t. ibo ni,
lo vrblcb. sue baa been suaturul.
For President
of Indiana.
For Vice-President
of New York.
For Member Congress,
Lancaster County.
For Governor,
of Washington,
For Lieutenant-Governor,
T. J. MAJORS of Nemuba,
For Secretary of State,
JOHN C. ALLEN of Red Willow.
For State Auditor,
EI GKNK MOORE of Madison.
For State treasurer,
J. S. HARTLEY of Holt.
For Attorney -Genera I,
For Commissioner of Public Lands,
A. R. Itl MPHRKY of Custer,
or Superintendent Public Instruction,
A. K. GOL'DY of Webster,
'or Presidential Electors,
W. J. IIKOATCH, Douglas, ) At
I. M. RAYMOND, Lancusfr, f Large
ISAAC Wiles, Cass, First District.
E. P. SAVAGE, Douglas, Second.
II. A. MILLER, Cedar, Third.
C'EXEK Dl'RASS, Saline, Fourth.
D. M. NETTLETON. Clay, Fifth.
C. JOHNSON, Scotts Bluff, Sixth.
For Senator
For Reprcsenat i ves
For County Attorney.
For Commissioner Third District
The republicans of I'lattsinoiith
have a duty to perform in the face
of the dirt and filth the Journal ia
loadetf with against the republican
ticket, and that i.-i to vote the ticket
straight from top to bottom and see
that the old sectional cry about
Pluttsmouth republicans bolting
their ticket for lJlatUinouth demo
crats is buried deep and forever.
Vote straight boys, and have the
approval of your conscience, for
your ticket is an exceptionally
strong and good one, from Henja-
niin Harrison to the last one upon
Allen V. Field will represent the
Uig First in the next congress, and
everybody may as well get ready
to acquiesce in the verdict of the
people, which will be rendered on
the eighth day of next November.
All over
your sufferings from Catarrh.
That is, if you go about it in the
right way.
There are plenty of wrong ways,
that perhaps you've found out.
They may relieve for a time, but
they don't cure.
Worse yet, they may drive the
disease to tho lungs. You can't
afford to experiment.
Rut there is a right way, and a
sure way, that Joes cure. Thou
eandj of otherwise hopeless cases
have proved it. It's with Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy. I?y its mild,
soothing, cleansing and healing
properties, it permanently cures tho
worst chronic cases. Catarrhal
Headache, "(jfdd in the Head"
everything ciiarrhal in its nature,
is cured as if by magic.
It's a way so sure that the pro
prietors of Dr. Sage's Remedy
offer, in good faith," 500 for a
case of Catarrh which they can
not cure.
If it's sure enough for them to
make the offer, it's sure enough
for you to make tho trial.
They risk $000. 1 What do you
For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burnt,
Etc A Delightful Shampoo.
Soecially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
I 1
Autumn Overture
BY :
Leaders in the
low -
Showing Bargains
Any of Our
Our assortment is composed of selections
from the cream of the best manufactures of
New York City and lialtimoro. When re
began making our Fall purchases we deter
mined to show to the Cass County the best
selected stock of Men's, Boys' and Child
ren's Clothing ever sold in this market. Wc
succeeded lai beyond our own expectations.
Ask for Your Inspection of the These Goods.
It will be? a pleasure for us to show you
Show these Goods
Whether You Purchase or Not.
Herold's Double Store.'
THESIS two words oj-itoiiizt' the whole phil
otopliy ol Mercantile success underbuy, not so
much to make extra profit on poods, hut to sell
Hirain at a proportionate under price, and with the
"Knock-down Logic" of our iiimiatchable bargains,
sweep am, competition trom our path tike the ehull'
before the wind. We earnestly invite you to call
and examine our goods and prices which appeal
with the burning eloquence ot genuine bargains to
your self interest. We call your attention to the
following "Trade (Jiiickeners":
Trade Quickener No. 1.
Hats at Half Price A complete stock of Mens1
and Hoys' hats, consigned to us by W. A. L. Gib
bon & Co., wholesale hat house of Omaha, being
the stock of one of their customers who tailed. We
bought them for 50c on the dollar and are pre
pared to sell them at a proportionate undcr-pricc.
Trade Quickener No. 2.
Shoes at Less Than Cost, to Make 3,000
worth of Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and
Hoys' Shoes knocked down at auction to the high
est bidder. We took the lot at about 40 per cent
under the regular price, and the price that we are
offering them at will be a great bid for your trade.
We are also offering in our Shoe Department 1,
500 pairs of Ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and
Hoys' Sample shoes, being the entire line of sam
ples of shoes manufactured and carried by one of
the largest wholesale shoe houses on the Missouri
river Kirkendale, Jonct. Ar Co., of Omaha and
wc are ollcring them at exactly factory prices.
Trade Quickener No. 3.
Underwear to the consumer at prices that other
dealers pay. We buy our underwear in case-lots
direct from the mills, saving the middle-man's
profit, and can sell it to our customers at the same
prices that the western wholesale' dealei'6 charge
the small country dealer. Call or send for our
prices on underwear and lie convinced of the truth
of this statement.
We have opened up the store room formerly oc
cupied by Brown & Barrett, druggists, so that we
are now ready to do business on u larger scale than
ever, in our Immense Double Store buildiii". See
our Fall and Winter line of Dress (ioods and
Cloaks before buying. We can save you 20 per
cent in these two ilepaitments.
William Herold & Son;
505 and 507 Main-St., Plattsmouth, Neb. .
Clothing Trade,