Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, October 06, 1892, PROTECTION AND RECIPROCITY, Image 10

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    TIIK WUI-KI.Y Ill'.llAI.I): IM.ATTSMOl'TII. NTIiUASK . ()(TOI!i:i: !. tS!2.
eot I want to know whether It I so or not jlor wire nail. Reuben 1 paid Pr
tiara la tha tariff l No what do von flail oant tariff tax. Rut tha tariff. I And. 1 $2
th stuff mil shirt to mad otr
Ektm Flo Theoriei Knocked Oat by
lyery-Dty Fact.
tXLarel-Ileailed Farmer Expose tha Per
cental Trick -Cleveland' ofcallow
Phllosophy-So Tariff TU aa DomralU
. Uoadt-Verjr LltUa Iniportasl-Thc
Tariff Tal Faka Riddled k a. Clever
Deacon West wie not much of a politician
It heard In allene tbulmaid argumuts
kvtweon bit neighbors at tb villaga stor and
elsewhere and norer put la a word. Tt
every ons knew that tb csusof TrotMtlon
could lys cauut oa bit ?ot. Tb fat
"Shirting print goods, a kind o( alloo," re
plied lira. Weet
"Well, bar Id tb tariff I find that tb rat
on printed aottoa good of tb ordinary kind
a ft. That make Rubo' 'par nf an
rkbt; but I (ail to wbr my tariff tax
cam In.
"Saw Mm wr another e'ass of thine Ren
ben meotloned. He aald t&ey war taxed M6
par oeoL Tb tariff rat on small Ble Is
75 oent a dozen, yet 1 them advsrtisad
for eale la tbla paper her at 41 oenta
"Reuben eom plained of blng taxed orer
300 per oent. on bis clears. I saw him bay a
box tor 11.50 bofor be left tb store to-day.
Tb tariff rat oa ltrs I laid by th pooad.
with a small additional per cant, added. On
box of average weight this tariff would
some to $5.09. By Reuben's rale It do la-
deed figure out orer 100 per eent. of tb price,
yetxeci 'i-rrt a yd ;
' '4t thefree y ruder
ju tai(iprice r cj. a yet
tnys Ckt merchant
1 Iho matter was h bad wrestled with tariff
lone year ego, and bad reached the conoiu-
alou, alter diligent study of tb writing
aj lbs early staiosmon, th debate la Con
gress on the various tariff measures from
1789 down, nod our marvelous Industrial
ptour- under high tariff, thatptotaotlon was!
absolving ol ttiesui port of every true Ameri
can, llo h.i .1 therefore gone on voting (or
Protection, sanel'md tliute system wbloh bad
won Iho support of Washington, Hamilton,
Jeffoiton, Miidiaon, Monroe, Jncktoa, Web-I
aier. Clay. Greoly. Oraut and Lluooln was
good enough for him.
Duo rainy day, not Iodk ago, Reuben Davis,!
JCttectiW9 or
la 8 ent a yard, but I dont ss anything
about 100 per eont What did you pay (or my
shirt, wlfo T"
" Fiv eenU a yard."
"Ah I That I pro! ably where Benben trot
hi 100 per oent. Prise 5 cent, tariff 5 cent.
or 100 por cent of the prio. But I yet fall to
e bow I paid S cqnt a yard as tariff'tnx oa
my shirt when Its entire coat to m was only
5 eont a yard. Now, It Reuben bad told me
In ibe first place that I whs t iled 6 cents a
yard on it, I should have known at one tha
It was not so. But bis little trick of changing
the du'y to 100 per cent rather floored me.
Somebody must have deceived Reuben about
"Her I a calico spron 1 bought for i1, tied to koo$ how suoh queer Idus cot Into
rents a yard. What is tb tariff tax oa luaw
asksd Mrs. West with great Interest.
"Five cents a yard, according to the law;
111 p -r eent acording to Reuben ; not a mil
lionth part of a cent. In fact. Neither 1 that
alo oalioo dress I bought for you tha other
at w
H -w, 0
tjartff faxed
or "ytjer cent
Setin j fnce
i8 cents.
ax so cts.
or tit. per cent "'
pctaiifrict uch
but It eortalnly was not Included In the $1.50
he DHld (or bis box. I'll mate htm admli
that, anyhow, when I meet him again.
'Hl gums of euchre was taxed to the ex
tent of 200 or 303 per cent., he sal J, by mans
of a bleb tariff on ptarinft cards. The McKIn
ley duty on car ls Is 50 cents a pack, with no
per cent, mentioned at all; and I saw onrle In
the etore wli.dow yesterday marked 19 oente a
park with a nloe card oaae thrown In. It elves
a hint as to where Rnuben got bis blp pr
cent., but leavus us wofuliy In the dark as to
how th- meiclmnt managed to Inolud the 50
coDtstaiiff lathe 19 cent be asked (or the
"What did tbatflaunel shirt of mla oost,
. T i .v
f 2 f -'
n j lax
,L 9f ttnte
fj r( nt '
h li mn! bur
9j cf nn
that, (or h Is not diBhonoat enough to do It of
his t'T.n accord. I'll ask blm nbout It when I
see him iignlu.
"Iteubeo also enld our blankets are
tnxoil 105 nor cent. I find that the law does
not say 105 periont., but ihat th du'y on Man
ko'nof tiio eh3'p-ut kind is 1G conts a pound
and 39 pnr cut. ad valorem. Now, wife, what
did you pny for that oheAp blanket on the
IhiriJ mau'e bed?"
"Nluoty cpnts. onJ it wolahs over (our
I pounds," was the roply,
"Then tue tiirlff on It would be 95 cor.ts,"
lexc'liilmnd the deivcon, ns lie flulxhe I a o ilcu
latlon he bad b 'en milking on th margin of a
i anlont Democrat, met Deacon West In the nepnpr. "nro ai; uu Is whore U.mben go'
riling .torn, nnd an there was no'hlns dolnit his 105 per oent. He told ino that was tho
n nocount of the storm outaido, proceeded to
lighten blm oa tho roi herl , extortions,
oppressions and other Iniquities of the Ma-
Xinloy tariff.
"Why, Deacon," exolaimed the excltod Reu
ben, "ihnt shirt of your is tariff taxed 101)
per cent.; the blankot you lop under is tsrifl
taxed lo5 por cent.', the oilico you buy for
your wife's dtons Is taxel 133 p-r cent. ; your
boy's olothes is taxod 100 per ci'Dt., as la
i your girl's drees. Your salt Is taxed. l'iO
per cent., your nulla 121 per cent, your lead
penolls 1"3 per cut." And so b went on
naming article after article, till the Deneon'a
far ( faxed SjcU
or 'i J percent tut
cosr amy
Tariff Jaud
j3Q3 Qrioper(enrp
act amount of tariff tevh-d on my blanke's hv
the McKluley law, and that I p ild every cent
of It In tailff tax when I houitht my blanket
But Mnc" I Ond by thi law Itself that the en
tire do y on hlnnke Ilk mine I folly 95
ot'Dls, nnd I only paid 90 cents for tha blanket.
It la clear that I am not tariff-taxed, as b
continued the deacon, apatn consulting the
tariff law.
"Mxty-nlne oente, and a nios soft garmen'
Is too," replied his wife.
"Well, I Ond that the tariff on euch a shirt
mounts to 80 o-nts. so I -vidMntly did not pay
for nil of R uitii-u's 'HB pr o-nl.'
That liitln suit you bung lit for Willi cost
bow muoh?"
"One dollar and twenty cents," eamethn
prompt reply.
The Uinff was not ndded to It, either, for
alone nmouirs to $1.24.
"The dress we bought ready mads for our
Irl cost $1.H0 The taiiff on -Ui!h a dress In
11.73. or. ss Reuben puU It, '100 per oent.' l!
said. Reuben may hnvebe-n thinking of an
aalr falrlr stood on end at the thought of how Imported blanket, for I don't believe be woul
ks was belutr blundered. knowingly He. uut my o annex w.e mm,. ,D
Now.Reuben Davis bad the reputation o1"1' ery mate, and so eecapeo tne larui aim.
aalno a truthfnl and felrlv Intelliaent man " her. 11' BSVe Some IUO WUU Heuoeu nex
and Deacon Woet. whohad notetudled the de- time I se him
tall, of the new tarWsuflloiently to enable Din. " He said my lead pen-lls were tariff taxed
ia aavvliHiher what lila Belt.hlor aatil 133 par CUt. The tariff law says nothing nbout
ao or not, did not foel warranted In ooutradlot
Ing blm. But be ourefuly took down on a
pleoo of paper Ihe srtli'le m-n'ioned by hi
Democratic frl rd, toirthr with the respect
ive amount be bud salit thuy were tariff taxed,
and mentally resolved to inv etlgite hi state-
menu to satiary n mti wbh'ht tny were
Vue or false; and if false, discover bow It waa
5. . -J-,f!!l I '
(fa.xca J)'t cent
or' no accent
133 per oent. Her It 1 s Lend pouells 50 ceuts
Jjjchrc f)ed
at ed soefs.
cct 9 cents.
across, sod 3.) per cent, advaiorem. wn
lid our toy pay for that gross of pencils
bought Inst we W to u In oopylug his lessons
at ohooiV
Fortv-flve oent," said Mr. West
" That make th 133 percent, sure enough
reepondod (lie deacon, "Six. y cents, the tan
one kioh of 'i.a la, is exactly 133 per eent
45"cnie, ihe price. Hut I am as puxzled as ever
to know bow punoils at iiceuu ar taxed
Oe tits.
"Then my ealr. That Is taxed by the tnri
120 p r 'nt., Reuben said. Dy Ihe law here.
thatsoconsolenl'onsaman aa b knew Reo-
bn Devts o n cou a i e rui-i -. in-o eo posl.'uo p. r .ent., Reuben a!d. By Ihe law here, II
tlV'lyasrlng their 'tuili. fld n, trirl on salt to b a Utile over 33
Tbat very, after be r-ichd bom, he rents a barrel. Here again nothing I sh!
got out hi eopr ol the newlTilT oiled hU ntiout pr 'nt But I i-ee by my book that 1
Wife io his awtlsUnofr, and proewtdod with the paid Just 28 cnts a barrel lor that last lot of
Investigation, H j t du.-ot, ao t Is evident that It was not
"Wife," said be, "I met Ronton fin la 'o-.'ey'txd 3 i cents a barrel.
ull.. a
mi mm
percent . IfMlftl
bis head. And yet It a sms to me that I
have seen someibtng that Ornver Ovelmd
enld about tariff taxes which may dear up th
While talking tha danam bad risen anil
gone over to the bookcase, from which b
took bis scrap book. It w is where he saved
newspaper ellpplnrs, extracts from spe-chea
and tb Ilk lor future referenos Turning
the leave over carefully for a few minutes, h
itt length began to read Intently, and at last
"I think I have found the sourceof Reuben's
delusion, wife. It Is right br In Cleveland'
jfree trade mesaago to Congress la 1387. Her
lit wbat bss iys;
1 " 'Those who buy Imports pay th duty
charged thereon Into tb pub lo treasury, but
day, at S'i oent a yard, taxed S cents a yard,
or '133 per eent,' as Reuben says.
"Now take that comfortable oa our bed.
rrlr $1,00; that I Its entire 0"t to me. But
Reuben says it is taxed 131 per oent, wbloh be
probably gets by computlnn the tariff, wbloh is
$1.31, on the price, lor that gives exaotly 131
per cent, but it fulls to reveal bow I paid that
or any other sum as a lax.
"Then there ia that homespun dress which
. . ... .. M ars Au
our blreil girl ooucnt, teaiy maas, ror ..ji
cents. Wbat I Reuben's tariff tax oa that?"
laucbln.'ly inquired the duaooo's wife.
Th drees was bi ought and weighed, and
lh r fa
fie &
'J 'U
af9 rfm
Li ' -v
y4M W W r H3l.1rJ
nfier a eareful consnltn'lon of ths wool and
woolen's schedule ol (be tariff, tho d aaan nn
unceil that the tat - ff would be $1.13, or, by
R-uben's rulo, 104 per cent. '
It h- hud told n o that that drees wa
tin. d 104 ner rent.. I should not know what
to say," -nid Mis. West, "nnd I ml: ht be mail
le leve ihsttbe tariff was robbing our blre
glrL But when It Is re lro-d to pi ilo, evt-ry
lay dollar nd oente, nnd I em eskeil to b
iev that wliut cost only $3.99 Is tuxd $1.13,
wliy, Ihee Ihe Hturdity ut once. No doubt
IbatU why the tree tariff alwuys reduce bin mnjorlty
V t k,itwfV- m A.
ill v
the tariff Is added to the cost all you have to
lo Is to abolish the tariff and get the suit lor
one cent I
That nice morning gown of yours. Wha
did that cost, wife?'
"Seven cents a yard, and there's soma wool
In it too," replied the now thoroughly Inter
est d Mrs. West, who ner-ir In hr life before
bad given ao n uch time t poli'lcal questions.
"1 he tar ff tax, according to Roui en, la 13d
per coot, it teniiy amounts to vy, c nt a
yarJ loeuts more than the entire oost per
yard. No tariff tax there ooi taluly,
ho great mnjorl'y of our citizens, who buy
domestic nrt.oles of the snrae class, pay a sum
at least anproxlmately equal to this duty to
the the homo manufacturer.'
"You sco, wife," resumed the detenn ns ha
re, laced the sorapbnok, "uvcrygool D"mo
crat thinks ibat whatever this m in Cleveland
says is so, and Rt ub'U is a good Demoorat
He rend that froe trade turssige and blindly
aocopti'd It as law and go9el. Then soma
diehonest fullow figure I out those enormous
perconiaes.shonod them to Roubon, and thaj
Is how be ca i e to give the . to me.
''The tact is that ev n on impor ed goods
our peoplo do not nlwavs p.tythe duty, Tha
foreign niuont loiurer i:on rally re. I u cos bis
prices suflbdiintly to allow for our tariff. But
only n vury small part of the tb'nxs tha
Ainerlojiu people use ura iuiported. The groa'
'turiffymed a ceuh
or nsjer cent
'nte stent
n unrd
,Ji "At V'
ol fa
v r a
jew r-fr.
a. r i m
f i i-'t
1 j I v
o( our people. epeolally working
pnopla and farmera, neV'-r see nny ImpoiieJ
goods except in the shop w odows. Those
who buy them are the wn hy ; and even U
thoy did p iy tha tariff ou them, tby on-lit to,
so long us thi-v think An er can goodxaie not
L'ood enouub lor lbi m. Beside, every rent of
the tenff goos into the public treasury to pay
iD exH'nees of governm -nt, thus relieving
o her more patiioiio citiz mis, who are conteut
wi h tbeproduoisof ihir follow eouutrymon'a
labor, mm tax'tiiun lor the support of the
"But wl en Orovcr Cleveland aafierts that
goods mud' in ihls oountry, right herein our
own owii, for Ins auco, nie tariff taxed by tha
amount of duty tb y would pay if imported.
he Letts) s douna iguoraoe of eveiy-day ai
. tlbSUS Pil'tB,
'tariff tnxes' to peroentngea. He esn tool the
people that way more easily."
"Quit right, wl'e; quit right," replied the
deacon. "And now let o see at out two other
things Renbea mentioned. They are tissue
paper sod rugs. I I ought a ream of tissue
paper to wrap up thoe ale p-era which I
sent to market and paid only 68 Crnls for It.
The tariff on It is 65 o-nts. It la plain that 1
did not pay it.
"Wbat did that lltll rug near that chair
cot Reuben Says we paid 100 p r cent, tax
on It."
! kKi'e
(farft fax a c ft
orjii jercent'
(price fscefft:
fairs, ss ws have seen In our Investigation
this evening.
"The tariff has nothing In the world to do
with their rice. It Is fixed by the oost ot
production In this cnnniry, and It Is a well
known lact that ordinary goods ol almost
very dworlptlon -II n eh a ply here as la
any othr cotm'ry In tho world. This is nn
ft'berjiroof tfc the tariff la not d led to tho
prices. The F'M-Trndnr means th foreign
price when h"BaKaof the tariff s blng added
0 It But it tha price Is as low In this ooun
try aa lo Em-land, do tariff could have been
added. It It wr so, tb price bare would
n"ct arliy t nbovn thifoieign price by juat
ilie emumit of the duty.
' So lioio auy -oiut of view, Quvelanda
"What did you pay (or that winter oloak ol
"Only 1S.9S."
"The tariff on It would be $3.13. I wonder
and be to d me that th e ehir n nxo I HQ pur "Wbeu I built my house I paid $1.C5 a keg bow Beubun enures tbat In with the price?"
or'j per cent"
frice i ao
"It Is a moquette rug, and cost $1," was th
"Well, Ihe tariff on such a rug Is $1.05. Tbla
explains agnln whre Reulien got bis 105 per
cent,, tut also proves that he mad a mistake
when be said that It wus added to the
"Well, I am satlsfld now thnt Retibea was
entir-ly wrong about those tariff taxes. T"t I
am sura hs thought bs was right, I am pus-
far iff fax $!05 m
(fit rail fios
philosophy I all awry and Renben baa bee
wilij Ueceiveu. Alltl Unit reminds melt.
1 1 nie to go io oi-u, ns i promised llucbeo lo i-o
over nnd help blm threrh io-morrow. HI
did nil ihe ta king In the More to-d iy. but toi
morrow I'll hav.- a lit le kbi in n ol my own U
ureuch aboilL tllla tariff tux Imulnaai." V
I lodge went to
r a short visit.
J.I. L'kki'U, secretary. I euulight ehould never be over-1 Watteoiouth, .Neb.
I iauious 1'ecR, wtiom rynn enta
BOLD BY LL !'!'rj(iISTi.
Ay i