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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1892)
V i J- i"ir"" "rf. r 4o-l.. . , DT ATT TU i O. HERALD V0LX.X1X.N0S. rLATTSMOlITH.C.VSSCOrXTY. NKIMIASK.A. TH UKSDA Y M TO 1.1 lit ls'.-J. U A Y!-AK. SMOU V 1) SEE J. 1. UNRUH FB FmsT-CLASs FURNITURE. BIG GOUNTY SEAT WAR. of silver to the ton. Tin' new com pany took out J!,iO,iti)i in .1 few HE WAnES AND CAN r.lYK C.OOD HA KCiAlN months anl Itirti cant' The it I : t -1 e:.r.-d. Hitchcock County the Scene cf 'like a ig.-n ;, MAYOR MILLER KILLED.! ;i collapse. I 1 1 Imiki'i! I il Former P.r.tts- CArvr.iACZs, the Trouble. TROOPS ARE ASKED FOR Cu'orston All fcxcitment A Siuirp Fifht Shots ExchanyoU Citi :er.s an Attempt to Niove Recoiiin. i .1 and had t.l th e ! r u 1 v rn ii t" iii 'til n from ('.:. turn. Hi the mine pay was attcrw.ird i'iivi'ri'1 h".t tin- present .-Il ii 1 f.titt' I the stock boll ' the exchan "i-i. mouth Man. ! HIS FKIKX'DS A I-J F PX! hi, Is IITED. I;:, 4 I'll o C Knocked Out ot Line IHmii C i ;'V. N-h.. I. ii H'lv t ! i s r 1 1 1 1 1 ii ..rn il i PARLOR SETS. DINING ROOM SETS, p.fd Koiiv m;is, ami iu Kirr m n ; ki A MF.TWOPOFI IAN FS f A i ill.-HM F.N IN ft t.::::: . Nr!i . vt, 1.. it (''lllll V Se'.: t V I r I - UK r - in t iii c, m ii t s . A II I I1J111H t Hill w;: 1 I lav nil MAIN STREET. THE : T.wfm mm mvnn, rwm n PLATTSMOUTH, GOOD : LUCK of HENDEE THE HARDWARE MAN OF PLATTSMOUTH. HARDWARE 1 -t-t ( I i.i )'."!". i iU I s 1 ''i-ni'iY" :! ! full., ri i ll'l't Clerk, In ; . ! K-f of the I mi vc t l.t- : j but V.I re .-: here l-.-iotv ; w . ! At tr.r.; 1 1 -. - re, ii'-.; again deb To lay ii ton, It''! b v I -.-Hi Hi- -i ; ;!-: i th , r, n.. ;i t ,:iri . mi ' r,,g' 1 ami i'I in tv co;::t t'oi ll''!s t-LVl U 1 -i; : i T -ar-il.-.l!!- ri..-.--.l. 'f I ' ' 11" IMt! ill- IV. ti wa.-" ttoi f ovi'i'-'ii .t:s liif liu- i . 1 1 : i ; . bflti-f i I'.i-.. n iff!,' il',' I i i .'. I.L.iil at ; fn vi 'I uvt -ii 'i -!!. Kii! ;.. I'Mi-'li:.. i: I,, rt-.- I- I wbil.- ii. Ki.'. lilt u 1 1 - N a:;' : )i:--' t 1 t'n in, :miv-; ! .-I t.i.' . . !( l;y X..Mr l-'-.l-lii-l iilM t"' In At i K an j to i l-;,-. H;i;,v Isui. ; Cif'-OI-l ;t..lVH- I'll I'I to Tl ,i'. T' His f- r i.s D 'l'l't That l-o K :i a H ins ...f (.licit r .t.'.t.'nu'ii. r I )..!., I ut .1 i! ! I..: a it. i . t a --i.l.'. .m l 1 1 1 -(-1 I , . 1 1 1 1 (hi- i!.-c. I no niv.Vrioiirt .iii.l ten ibl'tv tli it for a j inoiiioiit it tnitlifniiH i--i wu-t .lnllbt,-,!, but n-t :Hlt!,r-'ti.-it W.IA i ra.-'.ly proven, .nnl then i ame tin i "hork to ti e may ot '.- l! " i' ! when ! tin'V t.illy l I'.i'i,;. il u II .t hail hap prii.'it. " ; linn If'-i'.-of pen !e i:!iti'r.i,it,-ly .-t .i 1 1 I tot ( 1 1 1 . i ! i .1 to ; more o( !'.: alf.iir. The ti-rfible new win . broken to Mrs. Miller . Dr. !,!! j ,i "l 1-; o. May!-. 1. 1, w!.o -enire.l a i'.ii fia aii'I .ic-.'cil'l' inietl lier to l.'t l.o-pital, where lier I-.iimI b.jttliue- with .but !i. . y. :Vi-y'.- - ri.-l wn.-i 1-i'fible. aii.l V.', I - l-oi:p-..,-ly O i'I ,-. elie. Ii i -ii I- ..I Mayor Mi'.!, r t ii-' In- : -ia ; i i -tin i , ' i ' u ' -Mi i i -rein. a - ; i' in 1 1 - .' i . . ,M' in a i i ! -nia.i .-I. i'm; ill el T.llli'k. i rati i ii I. ti'--i 1 1 1 ; i 1 a' wm-'.l be -il r ! I'!, fi ll Il- li an 1 -, b e. Willi I , :-.-.. I I ; - .''1 :.'.e,.. I I ' ' 1 i III' ir ' I'l b Hi I ir. w '. ,1 : I '. in .1 AT LESS THAN 2 CortG o:el tlo-o IDcllar. J. W. II KNDKK. the l'latt.-miontli Ilanhvure mail has pun haseil the en tire Mock of the Omaha Hardware Co., of Omaha, ami at sueh prices that it can and will he re-sold in I'latlsinmith at relail direct to the consumer at from TEN TO 25 GENTS Oft THE DOLLAR. All the common and unsaleable stock was sold as scrap iron and lender boiii;litall jjood stock. iV It Will be Shipped to Plattsmouth at Once. ' THE , LARGEST i STOCK, i UICI I I l' H LLL ASSORTED i AT l ! i PRIDES i LOWER I THAN EVER IT WILL TAKE YOU MISS THAN FIVK MINl'TKS TO KI-AI) THIS AND I, HA W.N 1'liat we are iiiain prepared for (he FALL TRADE And cordially invite you to look over our handsome and well-selected line of DWF.SS C.OODS in Whip Cords. English Serges. English Broadcloths. Finest all-Wool Hen riettas. Wool Brocaded Crepes. Fancy Fancy Suitings and Black Silks Trimming Surahs. Velvets, Crepe De Chene, China Silks and Burgalines, Silk Girdles and Dress Trimmings. KID GLOVES, RIBBONS, FIXKST LINK OI-" I..U'.;s IN 1'ITV. Chenille Table Spreads, anil Curtains, ' Damask Table Spreads. CHIFFON LACES, LINENS. E G D O V E Y I i s o IN ! i ' ' ted 1 bell obi, i.l-M- 1)1 cit i.'.e he coittitv tf'.' i t ' : : i iili.-r M.-'ll- -,nt.- tin Ii puts c.,-r on tii" court ms-- a" 1 -r. in Ioailin- a portion o! the f -Ire:;- , rer ari l ot hi- be.. r ad ! Kid i,-:: i va- I t!ac ceei'ed 1 II records. : atvl t o: t; IK'!. 1" 111 short le s-illl ii. Il p blow the region ribs, The ,.-M lie- H -e: i!. r,iu';.'i! ea -; lot' 'ill p I , . i ii I , p i 1 f I I. near , I -tree! l;aur tl'ieouscioil-. up b bis s'loml.-. when the au,.iin interi-rred, corner, when -hots w re tired aled in and a tmnil er ot and the Tn nto:. t liot lias;-.. The town is in a fever of ext it tnent, and mote trouble is antici pated. The siu-rilf has telegraphed the li'overtior for state militia to quell tl'.e disturbance. SHOES We want to call your attention to a Choice lot of Odds and Ends from our SHOE DEPARTMENT AT ONE-HALF PRICE. A!.I. 1X1. AT 'Jf AK-.W I I.V:. OfAKANTINK, S. I., Oct. Tin following .steamships arrived at Jiiar iutiue today : 1'bnroah, from I,iverpool;t li ino.-o.froin Herin unda Fast fiale, froin Proarsso; and the lps, from 'Iriuidad. The only Furopcan passenger steamer ' ar rived was the French liner J.a (lascoene, from f In. -rboure-. with 147 c 'bin pas.-enyers.all well a'oard. Aiiiiui"- the passeimers were lion. W. K. Fane, ex-l'nited Suites minis ter to Francis mid Mr. Kt sley, secre tary of state for New Jersey. She also brine s a French opera company of seventy-seven persons, who are hound for New Orleans. The I, a (iaseoync was detained tinlil 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when she was allowed to proceed, the cabin passengers' bam;ae,-c heinj all llioroue-ldy disinfected. There was no special news from the lower ipiaraiitine today. The steanier liohemia is all that re mains of the cholera Meet. Her passenirers, which were removed to Hoffman island, were all reported well this afternoon. Dr. Abbott re ports all well at Swinburne island. The patients are all convalescent. The following steamers are an chored in quarantine having on board steerage passengers: Indi ana and Nevada, from Liverpool. The Massaiia from Naples and the I'olarsis were carefully disinfected yesterday afternoon and are only waiting the action of the govern ment as to whether their passen gers can be landed. The Massaiia will remain here for some days yet under the health ollicers' supervis ion. Action will be taken no doubt today on the Indiana, Nevada and Polaris by the authorities at Washington. The Hamburg-American liner' Dania will he declared tomorrow: morning and allowed to proceed to ' her wharf at Hohoken. j The tramp steamers l.aurest ine and New-minister are still anchored and will probably have to lighten their cargoes, which consist prin cipally of sugar. The steamers (lothia from Stettin and Slavonia, from Hamburg still remain in (juarantiuc. The Morvia will have (he remain der of her cargo discharged into lighter, by Wednesday and will sail for Hamburg direct. i his chair in his iood commenced to oo.e out oi hi- nostrils and mouth. i!e was c u ri 1 to one ol the boxes in the second story of the theater, and there -.'v'.' expired, never re gaining cor. .-c; "Ms ness. As" i"i as his death became know ii. nearly all in the I'mlit went over th" riV' r b- Sioux fil b es cape i lli'-el'-. A coroner's jury was impaneled and evidence is now I einy taken as to the cause oi his death. It is t'lai iir.'il by I'ovi II :ih 'II people that Kid, be. or.- the li-bt cmn iiiriK'cd, took some medicine as an autidole for drunkenness, and that was ;he immediate cause of his death Keefe has fought several ba'.b. in Covington and is a hard ' s i J.r.' I he Kid is a "sure tiling gambler and highwayman who has served several sentences in the county jail for robbery and niiniir ollences. Dully was under ifiiKI bonds lor his appearance at the next term of district court for rob bery from the person, committed on Peter Mollitcr of this county last April. Puffy claimed his home at St. Funis. He leaves a wile. Sherilf Wynu about a month ago endeavored to suppress pri.e light ing in Covington ami arrested two principals who were about to enter the ring, but when the case was called in court it was dismissed by County Attorney McAllister. Since then Covington has been more un lawful than ever, but the happening last night will probably end the sport, as the tax payers are becom ing indignant at the amount of use less prosecution necessary lo main tain peace in that place. ShcrilT Wyan tonight brought up from Covington and lodged in jail Jack Keefe, principal; Hilly O lliiimell, second for Keefe; Jack Cahill, assistant second for Hilly the Kid, and a steamboat man kuownjas Paddy, referee. Charles Monroe, second for the Kid, is un der arrest at Sioux City and will not return without a reipiisitiou. Complaint will be lodged against the prisoners as soonns the coro ner's verdict is returned. a i ' 1 1! I b I i.e lei, ai: or .'-!.! a ' "I'vo li'lle. . who be in t la- W ho ll.ul been alone, tin' r.iilro -in I ; i a " works, t ! .. . v. b ! Oi I 111 1 11 I III I-,' 111 t i' near I'i'bth and 1..!. about ii o'clock last night. 1 l.e man's face w is . ovelvd with blood .Hid a revolver lay ilnv by his side. Naturally the cl ildit-n were scared nearly lo death, and hurrying along the I'ttle path through the Weeds they emerged onto Dodge street and told the fu st people the) met. a couple of inmates of a low resort, of their discovery. A police whistle was blown by one of the women and an ollicer hurried down tbd hill, lie was directed to the locality and alter looking at the bloody (ot Hi, called the patrol wagon. The ollicers with the stretcher !ecoglii.ed the mail as C. P. Miller, mayor o! South Oniah i. The doc tor was at the jail as soon as the wagon with the dying mayor ar rived, and was at once ordered to carry the patient to the Methodist hospital. An examination showed that a la calibre bullet had 'entered the h it side of the forehead near the temple and that the left e e was l)ing down on the cheek, hanging only by a lew shreds of Uesh. Dr. Soiners probed for the bullet and traced its course for a short tam e but could not lind il. In Mayor Miller's pockets were found his watch, cards and docu ments which proved his identity be yond a doubt. The police obtained the information that two women who lived down near the Jones street dump had seen the man raise the weapon to his head and lire but the women could not be found mid diligent inquiry among the resi dents of the quarter where the dy ing man was found did not throw any light on the subject. All the women denied having heard a shot lired. Dr. Somers worked with his pa tient for a couple of hours and when he left the hospital to answer another call he staled that Miller could live but a little while. At ten o'clock the nurses said the mayor was still alive but that he was sink ing rapidly. Mayor Miller was unconscious w hen found and remained in a com atose condition during all the time the doctors were working with him. A message was sent to South Omaha by the police and a number iii'l 'd t!i i an. I th u I i . 1 1 1 1 I ! y ai eel sb-i y i. .el I'ltlle. isiiu le.l nf Self lb--tl'U. ' tl;eor was ha-'.llv !. Foul r a was g-u- ept'-d ,i, t!;, -I'llltion i.l an ! yet fh 't'i- v.. is no II suggested lor til'' i vol Miller ha I ery lew 1 enemies and was gen- ible t ea vt ei ally 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r -i 1 as a man ol ability and -tel ling i-iie'i itv. Tlie more ial tl'.e sul ject was -e 1 1 - I the more i:e at sea the popiiht'-" seemed to e.-t, be and ti it;' 1 ly ei nic I ut ' ed to leave the ,1s' p, bee to (bar up the mystery. Monday ..bout I o'clock in the afternoon Miller left his home and had not b. i n s.mmi (Ifere srsee. He took a motor train and was seen in Oinab.i during t be atb r noon. Mon day evening at rt( o'clock he tele phoned Mrs. Miller that be was de tained by l iisiiioss but would re turn home within hi. hour. At the same time he instructed Chief lleck ett by telephone to order the gam bling houses in thecity closed. He was. seen on the streits ol Omaha ) esterday by .several and to all ap pearances was enjoying lib' and di 1 not look as if be was content plat ing suicide. lie was a member ol the Odd Fellow's lodge of South Omaha, and of the Knights of Pythias. He was also the fnund -i' and president of the American Protective Asso ciation of South Omaha. I h-is the man who had charge of the express car on the Fnion Pa-, cilic that was robbed at Hig Springs in l"77. nl w liM'h -In-' ca me near losi ng fjis I i fe. ; Miller carried on his head scar Irom blows inflicted by the Dig Springs robbers. After he had been shot ataudlhey had entered the car and ordered him to open the safe he told (belli he could not because he did not know Hie combination. The sale contained tftaO.UH) in gold. They did not believe him until the conductor assured them that no messenger knew the combination. Three kegs, containing each JfJO, (Hill in gidd, stood in the car. " What.s in them kegs r" demanded the robbers. "Castings," was Miller's repl). When the robbers stove in the end of one Keg ami gold pieces red I imI out they saw Miller had sought to deceived them to save the property. Out of revenge they beat him over the head. At it o'clock this morning he was still alive hut rapidly sinking. dis- tf About 250 pairs in all sizes for Ladies', Misses and Children's. It will pay you to see them. K Q. DOVEY $ SOjN. SALT Fake, I'tah. Oct. '-'-The dis covery of a vein of ecxceedingly rich silver ore in the Ivmma mine has recalled to mind a chapter in the history of that famous property which came near ending in the dis grace of the 1'nited States minister at the court of St. Janiew, when Gen eral Schenck was minister to Frng land. An amazingly rich body of ore was struck. He and his Fng lish associates capitalized the mine for $5,(H)u.iaii), ami for a lonjr time the mine shipped MO tons a day of ore that ran from 2uo to 7ik ounces Chased a Bogus Check. Nebraska I itv News. 1'. Frederickson, the shoe man, on Saturday night was caught by the bogus check racket. A small, heavy set man. dressed in overalls, went into the store and imiuired (or Win. I law kc, and on being told that he had gone to Plattsmouth slated that he was acquainted with llawke and wanted a pair of shoes. Mr. Frederickson sold him a pair of iflt.aO shoes and in payment a check lor $la, purporting to have been given to William Hurk by Wales iV l.',.,l..l,... II... v..i.-..t l., file I ,.v.ivc-..,. .... v i.i.i. n,i v i.j National bank, was tendered. It was endorsed by Will Hurk. It was accepted by Mr. Frederickson, who gave the man the shoes in change. This morning it was dis covered that the check was a for gery. The man who passed the check is supposed to have left town. A small wreck occurred on the H. & M. near South Hend this morning. Nobody was hurt and hut little damage was done. Heechani'n pill are faithful friends. of friends, among them quite a number of coiiucilmeii, hurried to the hospital, but were denied ad mission. Some of the mayor's friends were so anxious to see him that they objected strongly to the doctor's orders, and talked so loud that (he nurse telephoned for a po lice ollicer who was asked to keep the crowd quiet. There was a rumor that some of the gamblers in the Magic City were responsible lor the shooting and (he idea of suicide was scouted by the mayor's friends. The news of the mortal wounding of Mayor Miller was received at South Omaha at 7 o'clock last even ing by Captain Van Wieatthe po lice station. The report spread rapidly -almost beyond belief and in a few moments after tin- intelli gence came N street was crowded with iti.ciis discussing the matter and eager for information. The terrible event created the most in tense excitment and was the only theme of discussion for hours. Wtutiors of ull kinds lloated about and it aeeuied next to impossible to secure information of a reliable nature. The news wa no sudden The ladies of the Presbyterian church wish to announce to those interested in t he course of entertain ments under consideration that the . Herger Dainty lompaiiy is not of the regular course,!)!!! rather a trial to test the advisabibty of proceed ing w ith the course for the season. 1 1 "ii r the above mentioned com pany at the church Friday evening and decide from its merits whether or not you wish the arrangements lor a course of entertainments to be completed. Ccrtilieate is made by Chairman Cady and Secretary It, ile)-, both of the recent republican state con vention, that a republican state ticket was duly and lawfully nomi nated. The certificate of the iioini. nation of Die democratic and inde pendent tickets has not yet beeu filed witli the secretary of state. although eleven days yet remain in which they can be filed. It is re ported that several candidates on each of the delinquent tickets will withdraw from the race. Elm wood Fair. Fl.MWouH, Ni l)., Sept. a.-Special to Tut; HiiKAl.t). The second day of the Khnwood fair was a great success. There were 3,300 people in attendance today. The display is excellent and the racing first-class Bryan RpoVe on free silver today. Van Wyck ipeaka Thursday nttd Crotinse Friday. .AO.