Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 29, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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I. t
1 1
He Weakens and Tries to Of t
Under Cover.
The Cowardly, Treacherous Com
mi8sionnr Crawls Undnr tho
Tent Undur Pri'siurt) ot
i ) I ; Opinion
Notwithstanding his. treachery
ami douhlc dealing Aaron ('. 1. oile r
if neither tin1 hoss for Cass, county
nor of tin1 hoard of cnmmiswiiiers.
Killing two horses, going in oppo
site direct ions Mr. Lnder lias dis
covered is a very difficult jolt. True,
lie has succeeded in tohliing (lie
leyitiin lie newspapers ol this town
liy li in flirting willi the guerilla
newspaper. Now we i-h.ill see how
niiich it will profit him. At the
last minute when he saw that his
game was Ut he at tempted to ap.
tear to he for The Journal, while at
the same time lie attempted to curry
lavor with his original fust love hy
his small move in forcing a vole
upon the dillcicnt newspapers
all at an ctpial price hi hue III"
motion could he voted upon which
would give it to holh The Journal
and Till-: lll'.K' on the same liasis
as last year holh newspapers to
publish the delinipient tax list and
each to receive half pay, one full
legal price for the two, Mere is the
true story of his shameless hypoc
risy, while pretending to he a
Iriend of the tax-payer.
The present hoard of commis
sioners is composed id two dcino
crits -A. ('. I.oder and Jacoh
Tritsch and one repuhl ican S.
V. Pinion. Die delinipient tax
list was to he given out furpuhli
catiou. It ought to have heen
given to the printer at least one
week ago, and would have heen
hut for I. oder's ticachcry and hypo
crisy. When the mailer was up for
consideration last week it was con
sidered certain, that, as the hoard
was democratic, the advertisement
would of course yo to The Journal.
Hut no! There was an Alricauin
the woodpile. The News, vv h ich is
a ipierilla, sheet and knew that it
could not win in a (air light for the
advertisement, saie: "If we cannot
win we will keep the straight new s
papers from making anything on
the jolt. When we have dom that
we have at least accomplished a
(tart of our purpose."
(.'ailing to their aid the alleged
I Ion. A. (.'. I.oder they yaw him ''an
infer" to do the woik at half the
legal price. Coward that he was.
I.oder did not want to sIioa- his
hand and he handed the "oiler" to
Mr. lhitton with the ictpicst to pre
sent it and he staid in the hack
ground. I'he legitimate news
papers were informed of Mr. I.oder's
work and each tiled "an oiler," to he
used in case of necessity, although
protesting against the commis
sioners allowing themselves to he
used to aid two guerillas in thus
seeking to revenge theiust lv es in so
dishonorahle a manner ayaiusl
husiness competitors. At the .Mm
day session, Mr. I.oder attempted
to force through a vote fjr his alii
ancC'democratic (iroliihitioii repuh
licau pyi and w as tlustrated hy be
ing presented with "oilers" from
the two newspapersof I'lattsinoinh.
lie then wanted a post ;toneuient.
lie got it. The com aiissioners vis
ited Nehawka to view a road. They
returned yesterday ahout noon.
Kxeusing himself Mr. I.oder visited
The News office, prcsiimahly tor
consultation with his fellow con-K-tirators.
Mis t very step and move
was known, At the afternoon ses
sion it was discovered hy this pre
tended protector of the tax-payers'
interests that he could not carry
through his project ol giving ihe
contract to I'he .News r. Tritsch
stood squarely and honest I v hy ihe
Journal and Mr. Huilou equally
inanfiilly lor I'm: III K Al.u and the
contest was laid over until 1 1 i -llloriliuy.
Tips iiiorniuy came
war. Mr. I.oder had
that the taxpav ers wen
the lay ol
d i-cov t I ed
not at his
hack not could turnish any m-ui-hlauee
of foiin lalion thai thev
were. Still, ktiowuiy that he was
compelled to vole agaiu-1 I'he
News, rather than h i ihe conti.n l
yo to holh The Join and IT: ':
HliK' at the leyal r.ite ol t it-
or the other singly he proposed to
yive it to I'he Journal and the t.i t -
r ; ter yol it at half i ne. M
l.,! r
and I'rit-eii voted lor The Join n il
and Mr. Pulton (or Tin: I li.i-.-ui.
Thus was won a victory for honest
journalism, althoayh no par of the
Credit is due to I.oder. What In
dill he was loreed to do hy eircuin
HI noes.
At ten minutes afier twelve today
the commissioners hit the court
house. What did thev do'.- The
two honest ineiuhers, Messrs. Ihit
ton and Tritsch, had no excuse or
sinologies to uihr for their conduct.
I.oder do'.- Knowing that Ins
scheme h.,d failed and real i.iny t he
neccs-ilv ol' getting' in out of the
wet" and einh avoring to still pull
th w.tol ovei tSheram's eyes, lie
rushed up The Journal olliee
to tell Sin tin. in the news and
congratulate him. The democratic.
editor, who was well posted as to
the douhlc di alin , of his alleyed
denioci title "friend" looked at him
pityinyly and answered: "This is
not news to me, I expected it, hut
not in the way it came." The
toneand manner told the would lie
boss of the commissioners that
his yame was up, and without a
word he slunk off as any traitor and
hypocrite would.
The end is not yet.
Let The News "briny I.oder out"
for what it may. The cowardly
man and pretentious coiniuissioiu-r
will he pretty throughly aired by
the slraiyht newspapers of Plaits
month. The people shall see who
has the most inlluence in alTairs
and Mr. I.oder will discover that
"Honest)' is always the best p dicv ."
Columbus Day.
Stale Su perin iendent ( iou.l v i-
doiny even 1 h iny in his power to
furt her the success of t he t ol urn bus
day celebration, lie has sent
samples of the official proyraui to
school officers and teachers, to
yether with the followiny circular:
To school officers, teachers and
patrons of the public and private
schools of Nebraska: I n consonance
with a joint resolution of the
senate and house of representations
issued by the president of I'nited
States and with proclamation is
sued by the president of the I'uiteil
Slates and yovernor of Nebraska,
this department recommends to all
officers, teachers ami patrons of the
schools of the stale of Nebraska
that the children, the patrons ami
Iriends ol education and American
pa'riotisin be invited to join in a
school celebration of the IiniiIi anni
versary of the discovery of Ameri
ca to he hel l on Ihe 'J 1st day of
October, V'J, in the manner set
lorth in the circular issued hy the
executive committee appointed by
the department of superintendence
of the National educational as-tn-ia-tioii
of Hrookl)ii, I'VI-mary'lT, IV"'.
While the public school is the
product of the American spirit, the
perpetuity and the character of our
institutions depend laryely upon
the traininy which the schools of
the state yive to the citizens of Ha
state, and so it is peculiarly littiiiy
that in this festival the schools
shall lead; so let the schools lea 1
and let all the people follow.
Tile hoys and yirls may be led to
feel that in this celebration they
are partakers in th,' opcuiify
ceremonies of the Columbian ,.v
position in proyress at the same
time in the city of Chicayo.
I trust that every elfort will be
made in ever.. community in
every school district in the slate
to stir up the people to a realization
of (he far reachiny results of the
events to he cm nine mora ted on that
d i) , and that the local press, so
ready at all tunes lo do its pai l in
arousiny and inteusifv iny every
proper sentiment, may be everv -where
I am confident that those in
charye of the educat tonal interests
of the state will he ready to re
spond to the recommendations ,,f
this department.
I'ull official proyrainuies, includ
iny the ode, addresses, etc., may be
had by application to I rancis
Bellamy, Huston, Mass., at the fol
lowiny rates: One to 1 1 K copies at
the rale of fl per hHi, post paid; Inn
to 1 ,ut m copies al the rate of !,l per
luou, post paid, l.outl and upwards
Copies at the late of si per hut, post
pud. Sample copies of ihe pro
yramine may be had ol Mr. H.-llamv
on application, lice ol charye. KV.
spectlullv , A. K. tiiifnv,
superintendent Public Instruction.
II A I V til- II 1 1 ' M 1.1 If.
sin-in Mm x tin, N. b , s-pi.'j;!.
South Siuuxl'iiv is wcll known
is located in the hot-betl of dcnioc
racy, hut for all this South ioitx
t'ltv has a republic. in club oryan- I, li in I n-i my seventy -livt
i .... .. . , .
s. ue. ti iv ,,:i v oim
yvcai in. my ,, theni are coimtrv
boys and will c.i-t their first Vote j
"is 1 and there is not much I
doubt, jud-iny ii-oui the present
ciilhusi iui. but w hat it will be lor
'he r, plificiii !i.-k-l ivom the pres '
'dent ot the lr., , Slates down to
township .uiieers. Arr.myements'
, n.ive i.eeu made lor Hon. Ceotye 1 j
Meiklejohu lo sj.e.ik here Satutdav I
! eveuiii-:, ' s. 1 ,,, republi- j
I l''" ciubs throayhout this sen. nor- i
i n U.s;ricl Ins.- .,-en invited
ml i
' n v i
; iiiiiuner OT Iliem
1 1 I x e ,ii ccilei
permit i in-',
the democrats j., this section, w ho
t have rarely had the pleasure of
seeinya leadiny republican, and
i haviuy been told by the deuioet at if
' speech-in ik.'is of late that they are
all dead, will realise that there are
j (still a few left.
The Tin I'lalo Testimony is
Very Convincing.
Ur. Humphrey Writ'-S to His Brother
and Receives a Sworn State
ment as to Facts Head
and ho Convinced.
Tin Plato.
There has been considerable
printed "st ill" in The Journal and
more "stuff" said by democratic
oratifs about tin plate. The dem
ocrats ha"e a habit of talkiny
"stuff." We say "stiilf" advisedly.
Their whole aryunient in reyanl to
the protective larill is made of
"Htulliny." They misrepresent and
apparently proceed upon the theory
that "a I ie wel I si nek to i s as yood as
the truth." Such a proccedure may
vvt rk if the "lie" is not "lountl out.'
Hut when it is "found out"- fully
exposed even stickiny to it tloes
no yood. Now the it publicans in
this cauipaiyn are in the business
of expo-iny these misstatements ot
the democratic nianayers, orators
ami writers, lu Ihe lanyuayc ol
I' l.inu iyau of Texas, "that is what
we are here for."
Mr. Hryan ami other oraters and
The Journal ami other democratic
newspapers have told a ureal many
thinys which were not true about
tin plale. ami especially about the
industry at Klvvood, Ind. It seems
to he a failiny of democratic niana
yers to decry all industries
in their own country. If
any other country's interests
are at stake they are tpiick to up
hold t hem, but not one word have
they to say in defense of our own
country. Hut republicans Hki- to
clinch matters, an 1 Tin; i;K'Ai.n
takes pleasure in prcscnliny a very
lofcible clincher in these columns
Ir. W. A. Humphrey of this citv
has a brother in M iddleport and he
wrote to him to learn the facts in
reyanl to the tin plate iudiistrv.
He yol it. Not only yot the infor
mation hut he yol it sworn to. I'.N
1 1 1 : ic V III these statements are
made. K'ead them. T his is a t'ani
paiyn ot education and republicans
are cntleav oriny to educate. They
In no bllilliny. I'hey tell the
truth. They ileal in facts. Theories
tin not count in this campaiyn.
Here is Ihe answer vvh'ch came
Tu liiini it 1 1 1 ; i - ciiicei m
This is to certify that the Middle
port Steel Works (Hesseinerl has
been m.ikiny steel plates for the
last three mouths, for the manu
f tc'ure of tin, at the rate of (Hal
thirty live tons per day. Ahout
twenty Ions a day have yone to
Klvvood, In I., to the American Tin
Plate t o., w here il is heiny made
into the finest tinned plait' in the
market. I have been in person at
ICIwood, Intl., and hav e si:i:x our
product manufactured into I l
isiii n i ix, N. M. Pi ti:k'su,
Al'cst; (ien. Sllpl,
S. p. Hi Mriik'i.v.
r 1 1'. i u- t uiii 1. 1
Mel--, l',iinii t'"'
Sworn to and subscribed before
me, a notary of public in and for
said count) , thisluih day of Sep
tember lso.'. J.f. Mi Masti-iv,
si:I. Notary Public.
Last NiKUt's Mecdink'.
The Youny Mens lv'epuhlican
club heltl a rousiuy meetiny Fridav
niy ht at 1 1. A. Iv'. hall, t ien. ( leo.
S. Smith of Omaha came down
upon inv itation and addressed the
club. The speaker talked for an
hour and his speech was id a hiyh
ortler. ind one well worth heariny
and when he had finished he was
applauuetl to the echo.
Judye Chapman (hen made an
able talk upon tie- t in pi He ones
John A. Mavit's. was then called
upon and he spoke lor a short
tutu- mi the taii::'. in hi Usual
pieusiny in. inner, .m l th.- wav he
handled the subject was a caution.
M r. 1 .r i.'s is the best luntf speaker
in C.i-s county and w hen he is
discus.. ny the matter it's inideso
pie i 1 1 t !l il any one can s t he
ditlel i i:ee a once, lie s!i iw.-d
where the l iritf bene.i;. d the Am. r
can m, inttt icttiter, the Amei ,, ..n
inereh. int. tl.e Am. i i -rn inner and
1 Ie- Am. ne i ii '
m j Hi. ii.
.If. D. lV-es speech
'-a! o I e i n ! 1 1 1 1 a s m a - . ! ! ( , 1 1 ,
int!h and ludye ( h.ipui m.
i u ; to i en iui, i t on , i i i,u-.
fit.,' -loll, '.the :i e ear old dauu h
ter of i; -t.i Jones ot Nebraska l in .
was la' illy burned la-l i:iy,T.
While puttiuy Woo 1 in tMe stove
her t 1. it h i uy bee., me ,. , t, d a n I
l et, ue extinguished 'he was fear,
hilly bill ned. She died at o'cio. k
t'l i s m rn i ny.
l-i'lv- SAI.1-: nlv' I Iv'AM. A desirable
lot in ITallsiiiouth. Will sell for
Cash or will take a yood huyy v
horse anil liorses in exeh mye.
l'or particulars call on or address
this office. tf
t in: t'tti.i i ir.i. wniki..
i, lir villi, (li-si-t fr.ini yii:ir t ;iiv a
' l is useless tu hut-It n s,, in- wait ;
c sent vim to culture . ..tie term its a
Hut w ill nut rejieitt it this fall.
Theimt breath of llenveii Imrneil up
Ami blilileil anil litisteil the j;raiti;
Von mile nn (In- crest uf t ahtiitit y's wave
cause it iielece,l In rain.
niir part y, ( I, lir. van, ils ,hil fur in ami all,
Maintains a seinilchral smell,
C. imposed of it mi xt tire of ev ervt ltiiiK vile
This sitle of the cmilines of - well -
The crop yield is ureat in .Nclirasloi this
Anil prircH are on the ni uraile,
Anil no man cuti sail into ennuress from
I'linil the tleatl tfti of free tiaile.
The country is prosperous, w ayes are Itieh
And I'ielif lias no reason to fear.
"Cn in I it ions, not t henries, "fa vor t he in.! u:e
In this "rami republican year.
Then lliyitn. ( I, Hryan, t -nine hat k t.i your
( iime home, for the tempest is liiiJi,
K'e i in n 1 1. i t , the words t hat Were -i.nkeu in
Saul -mi
can't In
elected ; ilon' 1 1 ,
- I. ine.iln Journal.
The trial of W. II. Irvine for the
murder ot C. I". Montyonicry at
Lincoln has been postponed until
( ctoher eleventh.
I'.UIINIt I'l.tisKli ImoKS.
1 lie trial of Chancellor Creiyhtou
commenced yesterday at the Con-
yreyational church at Nebraska
City, before a jury ot fifteen fellow
ministers, presided over by Hishop
Warren. The imjuiry is to be held
behind closed doors. The prosecu
tion has three attorneys on hand
ami the chancellor two. The line
of tlelense is to be malice and
spite work. A number of witnesses
were examined in the afternoon,
ami the testimony was said to be
of a tlamayi ly character to the
chancellor, the exact nature of
which could not be learned. Hishop
Warren is try iny the ease strictly
on facts.
K'ev. I.. I-'. Ihill, of Plallsmouth,
one of the must popular ministers
in the slate, ami one who is much
liked by every one in this citv, re
yanl less of t heir religions beliefs,
is lu re slinking hands with his
scores of warm friends, lie is ".nuk
ing much better than he has been
fur years which is very gratifying
to all. -Nebraska City News.
IT.AiiS 1 KttM 1 K'A.M I:.
laeiileiiaiit-Covernor Majors has
received two beautiful Mays from
Lyons, accompanied by the follow
iny note:
l 't t s i i . a n: ( 1 1 r 1 1 1: C m r i : i s r a 1 1; s
oi' A Mi-kii A, I.voxs, ITv.wci:. Sept.
7, l'ej. - 1 Ion. Tom Majors.- Hear
Sir: Please accept the little Hays,
which I herewith enclose, with
which to celebrate your election in
November. The only ipiestion I
can possibly entertain is as to the
size of your majority. Nebra-ka is
sure to shake oil the last electit n.
Yours very truly,
IjiMl Nn II. I'Alk'l ll
The prisoners in tin- county jail
at Columbus came near effecting
their escape la-t niuht. I'hey
sawed oil a hut which enabled iheni
to yet in to the corridor, hut were
f.illiid before the) had yone anv
The city council of Plttsmouth
have a tpieer way of doing business.
After advertising for paving ami
printing bids, they gave the work
to the hiyhest bidders on both oc
casions. Weeping Water Kaylc'
Lieutenant Havis, a former Weep
ing Water hov, says the Weeping
Water K'epublican, arrive I Tues
day and will be the guest id the
Misses Wolcott for a couple of da) s.
He ha- i, ceil attendiuy the military
school at West Point for a number
of yea i s and after graduating is on
his way to Port K"u--li. W'vu..
where he has be.-u appointed to re
port. Will's uhl Iriend- are tlc
I ie h'.e. 1 to li i in.
ii'll.ll' A lili.HVV VM AN.
. desperate attempt was made to
hold up Mrs. Nellie I)av is ,d N ' -
1 .ra-ka ( it v last en lug. She was
tlriv my 1 h r my h Morion park, when
a hiyh'.v.iv in, ,11 suddenly sprauy
li'i'iu the -I01.111 and M'i.ed hei
lit't'-ehy ihe hndle, lrinyiny the
annual to , -ii.p. yi 1 s. p.ivis at
.nice 1'iH ihe h. ! with her whip
end t!ie .i-s va ihrown to the
y 1 o u 1 1 I .
I'o all JiiMiccs ot the I' of
t ' . 1 s c o 1 1 1 u vial. lie invited lo at
tend a nice liny ol .-.lid ollicei s ,,u j
the .".th d i ol t ictuher ls.,J ,1, I.tuus- ;
v ille, Nehr.i-k.i. al 1 o lock p. 111. j
I ,l.-i!lc.-s ,, iiji; , ,1 t.nne l,i voll will I
he helore the incetiny. Papers i,f 1
I he c, .11 ii I piea-e t'opy. I '.y order;
ol t'olllttill let'. j
t u r 1 1 u
,.-!! .i.i 1 t e
Will. Inee in.i-le
v t .sterda 1-1 . ure
. ;;ikti.
, eu-
am it her 1 Unit
his little daugh
ter, who has heen given to I r. liihhs
hv the authtu ilies. It will he re-
mcmhered that some days ago I.C
made a similar attempt and even
succeeded in slippiny her out of
town and takiny her to his home in
Plattsmouth. Holh he and the
cTiihl were hroiiyht back, ami after
receiviny a letter from Judye Ivi-
ton the little yirl was in veil to her
leyal guardian ami luce was let out
oi jail, nut yesterday afternoon he
triett ins olii plan ayain. He oh-
tainetl permissitui to yo out with !
the chdil, ami was already on his ,
way toward the bridye to yet into
Iowa, when Constable (Iran Hall
, was informed of his object ami
. headed him off near Hiyhth street.
I net promises not to trouble the
child ayain and was let yo, the
chiltl heiny surrendered to its
I'Mo.N's I.ATKST KM liKI'lviSH,
Work was commenced yesterday
for the erection of a creamery ami
cheese factory at I'liion, and il is
thought it will be in operation
within forty days. The .stock has
all been taken ami there isa surplus
on hand with w hit h to slat f the
m: vi-Ak. .-( ":.
Last evening at sunset the
Hebrew New year commenced.
The year is ." "."'. Festivities were
commenced last niyht in every
Jewish community throughout the
world. Al the Hebrew temple.
Twenty-fourth and Harvey streets,
at Omaha services were begun at
sunset and will he continued today.
The first day of the Jewish
seventh month is called Tishri.
The lentil day of the. seventh month
is Yum Kit piir This is the day of
atonement and consists of con
tinued religious services at the
synagogues from sundown of the
ninth day to sundown of the tenth
da). In common computation
New Year's day begins at sundown
this evening anil ends at sundown
tomorrow. The day of atonement
b 'gins Friday at sundown ami lasts
twenty-fourth hour
festivals are com iiieiuorat i t
certain periods in lit brew history,
heiny the Feast ,,f the I'-issover,
which is similar to the Fourth of
1 . . ' 11..,: . ,
j ii v. i en oiaimy uie day ol Jewish
redemption from Fgypti.m bond
aye; and the Feast of Penteco-t. or
Shehouih. commemorating the giv
ing of the Ten C'oiiiuiaiidinenls on
Mount Sinai to the redeemed He
brews. There are three feasts, the
Feast of Tabernacles, or Succath,
coinuit nioratiug ihe wandering of
the Hebrews forty years in thewild
erness, after redemption treiu
Kg)pt, prior to reachiny their
promise I land, '' he former and
latter holidays last eight days, and
the first and last days synagogue
services are held. The second
festival is the sixth day of the third
Hebrew mouth, called Sevan. 'I he
Feast of the Passover eehbr ites
the fust Jewish month of ihe thir
teenth day of Nissan. The third
festival is celebrated the fourteenth
day of ihe sev cnth mouth and is
called Tishri.
i:i.iv Ai. i''s TivMp i:.wt.
General John M. Thayer started
east ) esterday in answer to a tele
gram from his family physician
announcing the serious condition
of Mrs. Thayer, who is sick at their
old home in Massachusetts. Gen
...... i 'i-i ... . , t
t i." i uayei returned iroin .Massa-1
chusetls a few days ago. leaving
his wife much improved in health.
Her condition has grown alarming
ami her friends apprehend the
worst. The serious illness ami
poor health of Mrs. Thayer have
been a source of . jipre'iensii m to
her many friends for the past year.
The low state of her heahh has pre
vented the general to take the
prominent part in the pie-cut caui
paiyn that he would like t take.
'1 I
i.i. !-:.;i-:i su. nc r ui:.
1 llllilllil II, -e.
l'luiuias Shryock. father td
the late W. 15. Shryock, e. treasurer
of the Louisville, ch.,.f html hoard,
vv riles to The I'.ee in answer to what
he t-l les "ihe many unjust imputa
tions cast upon my name ;.ndth..t
,,f the fauiilv." end,.,, 1 1.., I ;., il,..
j rcMilution- ,,l the Louisville school
j hoard, ;i copy ,, 1 which appeared in
I I'he I'.ee l.s S tttlftl.iv II,. .t
that he. as executor uf his ,,ui's
estate, instead of telling the hoard
il nuts t look to Ihe htuidsmei fur
the funds, inf. .rin.-d Ihe ineiuhor he found a h.ihinc" in the
hank.- in 1 i-,,,i- ,,i V, !, ShrvucU
anionniMiy to several hundred
dollars, hut ,,,, -pec'die deposit ,,f
si 110 ol mi. 11, v . lie also tout iheni,
he s,-, lie- i.ecessury ainoiiul
was m, i j., siyht. hut tha! as tin ie
was no i in, I i it . nee. 1 of I he
in, nicy, il they would yive il little
yra, e. the unnrv should I ,e ! ,r: h-
fominy -non. as the assets 01 the
est. it,- would he ample. M r. Sh rv -
ock a!-o det 1 if-. I the full
nuioum. - i.i was n,,i leceived,
from the attot cy ,,r Ihe houds- ,
lieu, as slated
rcsiiiuiii uis, hut
widow through
in the puhlished ;
w as pa id hy the !
the attorney for
the estate. Mr. Lll is, the correspon
dent avers, was not a candidate for
re-election. Mr. KHi declared that
tlte tioard was eijic.ny respotisy
with the treasurer for the err
shortaye, "and." writes Mr.
oek. -to proper!) b: iny this i
toliyht will sav it has
customarv for the board to
warrants for funds in the coi?
treasurer's ban s blank. tin aim
oeiny tilled in by county treasu
which was done m this case, tl?
moderator. W. Culforlh. siynit
same in violation of sect ioi. Ki, su
division t.
Nebraska scho
ni.Ait stik'i-; i.n i m: ill v.
i ne democratic county conv
t ion of Otoe countv was held in
braska City Friday ami the
1 .
iowmg ticket nominated: Semi"
t l -v i . .
jonn .'lanes, jr.; representati v
John Sinclair ami George I.eidiy
county attorney, John Moryu
county commissioner, James Cn
lin. The convention was preside
over by IL M. lioydston. with i
Marnell as secretary. During t
leading of the report of the cre
tial committee it develonetl
Palmyra precinct had held
primares. Frank Hall, a resitlen
of that precinct, was present am
stated that when it became know
that the convention was to be heh
in this city the chairman refused t
issue a call. I Ie was no traitor an
wanted to cast six votes for Pa
uivi.i .oi l was allowed to do so
There isa biysplit in the westen
part of the county which means re
publican success.
Pure White Lead
is the Best Paint.
Care is necessary though, to
obtain strictly pure, as the
market is flooded with SO'
called Pure White Leads tha
in reality contain but very little
white lead
The following analyses o2
two of these misleading brands
snow the exact proportion p-
genuine wnite lead thev con
tain. The analyses describe
the labels and brands on the
packages and give the con.
tents as follows:
" C. F. Lawson & Co. Strictly Pure White
LcaJ." feed label, wilh brush, on which is
Printed, Uuaranteeil to be strictly pure,
orfeited if adulterated."
Oxide of Zinc
White Lead
Calcium Car
Proportions Analyzed by
58.10 per cent. t. Kicbinir.
24.90 per cent. Milwaukee.
13.60 per cent.
bonate 3.10 per cent.
"Masury's Railroad White Lead." White
label, marked "Railroad White Lead, 35;
pure; John W. Masutv & Son. New Yorii'
and Chicago, warranted superior."
Materials Proportions Analyzed by
Oxide of Zink 55.70 per cent. Ledoux & Co.,
Barytrs 44 30 per cent. Ntw York.
We have a book which gives
the analyses of a large number
of misleading brands. If you are
going to paint it will pay you
to send for it.
In Painting
use strictly pure White Lead
(see that you get either
"Southern," "Collier," or
"Red Seal"), tint it with the
National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors,
and you will have the best
paint that it is possible to put
on a building.
For sale by the best dealers in paints every
St. Louis Branch,
Clark Avenue a.ld Tenth Street,
li'.. I.o:::s, IV'o.
I m 1 li n , 1 r . r . f iin.t Wholes;,!,,
ail' I Iv'el.i.l lle.iler III Hie
Choicest Brands of Cigars.
a 1 1 1.1. i.i m; oi-
Fm: liiliKTI! AM)
CI A 1 I s-MOUl H, :
-1 1 t K.
(.iis UilllMcljS,
; AH killtls Cf flTSll. Salt tllld
smokea meats.
til ike the he-1 of
kinds ,,r s
U 1 1 -
-! y , - .1 11, 1 l,eep , ,
ci.ustantly on han
d slip
' M A K' I
( l
! I ',
1 '. t s 1 1 1 o 1 , t ; 1 .
Al ruivAi y. 1 . 1 w
ill nive siieeiiit iillenti,,,, (,, .,! )U
i,ii, ,sie,i 1,1 Him
Ol-TUK-l.iu,ai hlock,
u 1 yTr
N tr tut I
.t mi
v liti
, .UlllC I