rin: wr.KKi.Y nr.KAi.n: ri. TTioiTii.Ni.ni: as:c a. m.imi.m iii.i: -ja w. f to Advertiiinu Train Cone on it Mission. ROUTE OF THE TRAIN. Ten Counties Exhihit the Agricul tural anri Manufactured Prod nets' of the State Thous a lids View theSieiht , : - . v.. ...i V!i... l" I , C o I .1 n.i ." . ifissteil tliiiMiiili 1 ho city last ni-.ht . ..... v : ... ttiif-t- tiiiii.it.. I ihi "'i'i""s. ........ .v 1 1 1 o 1 1 ( luii"' lielorc tin' tram arrived an immense crowd had ratlu'ied and from flic time the tram stopped until it pulled out there was a con tinuous st ream of humanity p. iss- in-- in and oill. The Omaha Pee 'The cars looked more like V VsVe palace of Peres, than anv thiiu s e i i ii. 1 1; i l iii 1 1 U'. til either side ot .ie front car there is a lai'ue man painted mi cloth, shov,- inr; every county ami all the towns in the stale. lhi- is the uift of the Puiou Pacific road and is certainly a most appropriate decoration. At each end of the im Hums" map, neatly fastened to the sides of the car, there are panels of cereals ami grasses, hrailtiful ami artistically arranged and ivin the coaches a most invitini;- ami attractive nppcarancc. In late letters alon the top run the word.-, "Nel.raska lMiihit. Free." This in vitation appears conspiei.ntisly on hoth sides of the front car. The second coach has exterior decorations ot a similar nature in grasses ami grains. Put the Paimers are dit'tereut. Ihe lenfiid that greets the eve as one catches a i "liilijiseof the second coach reads thus: ".NehrasKa is the Mate. -n i .i. . - I... 1..- . .f 'die car is covered with heautifu! ,.f V. .I.iv lti:l Ol-lldlll'tS. Not until one enters the coaches, at iwev er, do the hill meaning ant! iiiiiii-rssiiiii ul Ihe exhihitiou dawn ) upon the v isitor. 1'hc products are arranufd on Irtlu't's on either side ofja Proi l aisle and even the root is completely lined with the rich grains ami luxiiiianl grasses ot tin's yreat .'luriciiliural coiinnoii wealth lu the trout coach the Vv hit n'ls i.f I ..mea.-ler. 1 'av. soil, I lilt- f. . ... i r . i ...... Ijiy li 1. t i:i.;i ilii'l i mi :i .o, i i . ii i ii i i I" yirrau;.;ed. also !!." exhil-it ot the I (l-'rcmoiit. lilkhorn v Mi-soiiri ai- 4l ',K'Y railroad. The-e com iletely 111! I- t!ie car. It would ! diliicult to state whi.'h county has the nio-t en diialde iP.-play. They i'ic ali exceptionally ood. ami aPhollll t h.ey are - i ii : i I i r i n irianv n irci.-. yet they are itoi alike. hie c :::: may appar a li'.il" loin; cm u anil short on li nit-, while t.ir next couutv will present only a I '.v'ood hauiples a! th" kin:; and h ive more I ru it than an .r itiy 1 1 1 I ' week. 1 J The ,-econd coach contains tiie exhiPitsol Lincoln. I loU'Jn.-, I'ur- ii.i : . m, lias, .tianis ami i 'o, i -e con a i u-.-fyf and of Sheridan comity, Wv online,. 'f " The Wyomiu- exhiPit is p in'u a- liarly interesting;' on account i I havint;- several samples of coal ami other minerals in addition ,o its verv eiedilalile tlisnlav of small 1. n'rains anil splendid showing of ( vefi'e, aides. Mr. (icorm' (iird ami J P. Pouhlen' ;i aloii.i; as re.iresenta- '.' tives of Wyoming. They have an immense elk's head wei'hiny; al most PHI iouiiils that is fastened to the rear end of the last coach on the outside. The vem'taPles and grains in the Wyoming exhihit were all i;rowu on irri";ated land iind are very line samples. Poll-las county has a splendid display probably the lar-c.-t ot al! the counties represented on t he ;.. I., ii,.. n;.,.! ,,..f li.,,,... ii,ii,i, 1,, . .... , I is .appeals to be ahead, al Hi. m-ill m my others counties show line j m iinples of this the chic! cereal o,' I the state. n... !...., .. t... .. " 1 -k. i, 1 1 1 1 1 much Petler variety ol 1't'odm ls ill it I hat siio.vn l.,-i voir. In; I m 1 1 ' 11 iinn m to nearly all kind- frilils, -rains and uia-se- that are com mnn I v -Town tneiv ar- ex eel lent -amp!, s ot tobacco, a I la 1 1 l. clover, iia'ite woods and ..nee s - C.'l lent p! loio-l a pi 1 u v e'v. - m I'l'i'inont, Kearney and other im portaut tow ii-. P.n !i county w ill be lepr. -filled oil the train ale! the follow in.- members ,. ',,,- e- Iirask.i I P. si ii. ss al ,-n' . n-.i i.iii, will a I so a a a nil pair, tin' I i a i n : P". I foil - i ii, ( bn.ili.i; S. S. I '.rrj. 1 i -l-ai-le; I-'. II. Moore. K . arttev ; J. I'i-k, lleatrite; am! J. ('. poll ol I iurchiiitl. II. f. I)c.e - o iii'-i-.; iis the repre.-eiitoi i v ol iiiil.: - coitnl v . ;i I The train Irtt at bid" la-t veiiin.; over th I !, u l u - ton and nude V the litsl slop lor t xliibitiou at ,f I'lattsmoi.th. Il will .-top at dales- nr--. Peoria and other points Ion- the route an ;ss (, iron al Ihe states of Illinois, I ml ia na, ( )h in, I'enus) Iv aiiiia and .New York, coinin-' back throii-li Michi-ain, Wisconsin and Mitiuesobi. The It is il splendid show-ill.; (if ag ricultural and h. rt icult ui a 1 rin- ,lm.,s ;..K man m-nl t ,: : ashamed to say he is a v " i T i . . t 1 1 el 1 Nebraska alter bikini; ..look at t'ii M , I rietl am' V : I I i t ' ' 1 1 .' 1 altae . ! J( ltuiilj ,;,), .,,7;ju,v.l trom ,he 1 soil ol this slat''. Circus Day Harvest. Sum! iv a lar-.' liiimPer.f bur-; -.lines were icpnrletl WHICH were committed Saturday afternoon ami , i ev en in - and trum all report s a ul harvest was reaped. Notvvilhstnnd- Imrii,,. ,...-:, ,iti,, ns tik.Mi l.v the I inavor in appointing 'a lare nr.m- i her of extra policemen, the Micak thieves yot in their work. '11........!..., f 1. .... 1. .-, ... ' , -' ' . 'i. . oi I , , . ,. ! chief of 'lolue. was enlerei! diirmc ! thedav, and Petween !Ni Mini P was taken which hatl I .ecu lei, in a Pureau dia,ver. An enl ra lice wa - al-o t Mectc.l int. the residence ot Mrs. UinUi -le,u ami a trunk vv., Proken open. Put ( n.ithin-oiany v .due was tak, a. A Mr. rhomp-on who liv, - in a louse owned P" V. P. lirovvne iir.ir I the lower I a hi-" is another man who was tappe I Py the rol.Pei-. M r. Thoui psim h i nisei I i - in I n.P,. na ouavi-it. IPs mo'.her happened to PelieV e that it was oml policy to look around the place. The VfiicraPle lady visited the house in tin- evcuin-- and discoveretl that things were torn ua generally. What is missing cannot Pe told until after Mr. Thompson return-. Pecause lit' alone knows w hat was in the house. Mr. P. P. Pates was one more cit i.'.en who was visited. He is a loser of two revolvers. His house was pn tty Padly disturPed. Hcd were titrnctl inside ami out ami furniture tipped over. Put i! so happened that tilt' folks had cat I it I with them their jewelry and money and for this reason the loPPri-in.-ide almost "a water haul ' (here. I he residence of A. Kurt.', was cutcred and Mr-. K'.ii't. ".old watch taken. Pr. Schildkuecht w!ii!e l ;.'.'.:. j near I he sl'.ot s e - ter-.i a v t i i - co . t i . i a u u. t. Per o I carpet' tor t to!- which had p.-eil tid-.t n from the -hop-. Mr. Sc hildkiiocl.t !: :,1 the t,..,;- Pl'ol :; h I into the c i ,y a U .1 1 1 : 1 i ; - 1 over I o the pol ice. t !'l I.I.s Hi- . X. N. th,- - i-t- n storv-h-lh-r ..-all.-,! his ii.i, i-sit -a.i to i-ei.,i.-. he i,:.: not hit a u t h i a! It . -1 lie h . '. - o 1 1 o ; : : I . t o s h , , . ,- I . , , j 'V I- .! I II I'd I I Vi. ii P. -.-ru had uoi'- 1-' P'"l. IP- ! ..;. hie! i 1.11:1 a ,vvent;. two c.'iPr. ri tie and 1 here was ,i , 1, , ; v. i i ': :i!-o t , leai. o il to the hoy. '. w , i the il.o-. Ihe ;:i,:, n:d Mr. 11 e- a:' 1 ! -, . , i u ... M i s. Ilr.iii''.- chicken are sale. The in . !e a I'.oi -, a I'n,; 1 e;i n'clock and Mr- 1 ii "sou wo!o' I lie old ; i I i : I i 1 1 ' l h !.l , t T looked out i i: Ol tin' li ::. il I lie a ' i i 1 1 h t i 1 1 1 1 -i I u d it to lid the dark hini.Ti ow." lawyer in (ol 1 1 n - ahou t it t h is uioi n -in-."l had iiothiu-' lo siioot v.il'a ext'epl the -nil whit'ii my boy has for shunting liinls. took l!ii lille down ami aimetl at a tew feet above where the supposed lan tern wa-, ami fired. The chickens were undi-tnibetl for the re-t of the ni-h' bin when I went out Ihis 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 i i i I neither discovered a corpse or even blood. I did not co out to look for either until after day li-ht this moriiiu-. but I think I showed some bravery by shootin with my bird trim, for, had the chicken thief come into the house I believe I should have been com pelled to run, notvvithitandiii"; iny arsenal." I.unibermaii 1. P. ('uinniiiis. whose count rv holm' is we-t o town about two mile- was another of I t he tin fort .inah's. I le and the la m- I i!v w.-re at hi- so:, Charle-' becau-e , a . . i.a. l . , I .a in,, lot..,-'- , . ( .(J l,,..,,t,.y ,. ami i: was entered and riii-l. Core -i lerahe -ilvei ware was taken Inuu t 'lie h, ni-,' am ! "''"lo'ls. "" t lotliuu" end W hat s. ems sir.iii-e ah. iii th . . ,ol,l.fv tui-ine-s i- ue,t not on" sinele ii-i-n:i w;i- arrested I - if a ill, ...111,. 1.., , a, '.'-' .. . ,, . ', , , , , , a 1 1 a : aa o ie io nun i nun. in in p. ol .-tina-ter xreiht. "I ho I act i-.'s we will have io e u 1 1 ac.'-u-h n :-, touppe PMnoe-. i - to arm l "'"' "T . 'i 1 1 !" " '!,,", '""' hoot tO Kll ( j I in ; :lt 1 ho Pi imai-.f s i i - t u I 1 i . ' a u prim, li-s ... , aitent i. ni t !ie c. ,m 1 1 1 hi . d the side S.ittird iv a 1 1 '; m .on au I 1 1 :- vv , i !, - . m laiic-du avenue couiuieii," , ! inc vv a - in M what i I should 1 in.; ai the i n i ei -e. ' u i n o i- i , i a have be.-n. Tile ' -I' S are as !o!!...-: I-1 r-t wail ! I . . 1 1 . v . W. A. Ilium. Prev. Pro;i t l.'il-.. .i!in A. I 'a a.-, Will White, I . P P'iruh, P. P. "I - and I r:iiik ( on' -';. . ! '. oml ward I'. IP I 'et-r-eu, T. A : . ! nr. oe Pa i i tie 1 , ! , I '. Ix . 1 ia it, (ie,,. I Inun-M ami Wm. Webber. I'!,ird ward S. A. I lav i-, Iiar-'ow. I, W. ISri.Lv- I..-. Mitcb-ll P. 1 1. Mctnplo-r, J. C. K'icliev. l.ive I 1 - - I ell, n't. I'.. VV . V iiiilv, . .' . t 1.1 1 - . Iv , - . , , - it - . , , . I. . livers, W. A. Svvrarin-eii. Fifth ward A, J. (iravc-. Levi Churchill. M. M. ;d ,md Y. I!. Shurt. Y CuCQIiV'1 1 Tno Covmv-. I Vra:vjl rV.vtn ; L'.nck. Ov or R EC I STRAPS APPOINTED. TtuCouncil Kefu.-eci to L'h.in t-o City Llmits ;ls u, the ror.or Pi ace Louisville anil Atchison L'.rick. I he eity c omieii in. t last in- it in .. .. , : th all inemher.s ... , 1 l's ular sessi,,u wi present except ir. M nior. Tlieniin I . ... . itileso: ttie las, rcuuar session ; i 'iiiil 111,. i 1 1 l . . r , t,,.,', il ilin 1 1 ie m u i i i o 1 1 " s i m i ,i i . ' mei'l.ii.s ..ii. re i.l on! imuovrd 1 nlt v 1 'll ' ' li'l""X1"'! t'. .en a i in i, -a! ion was read from Anna O'l ,..,!,.. a-kiu- tl'.e couu- rilto co n. ,. .race th- iiecc-,,, , y Ie- ;al pio"e.',lin,s j,, order to open, alley a! l nil street and .Maiden '""if. On motion ol Mi. Murphy Iheclv .niU'tT was al,t!ior..e,l , 1,1 :1 P''1' ''"' p'eniises ami !il1' county cleik. A pel it i. m wa - i , ad i roil l a n i Pel" of ci I i.'. us a - 1. i : u lile Council ,o 1 mi ch.m-e the citv llii.il. ;is to ex clude ihe l'orter place lltull the ; city. On mol a "i ot .Murphy t ho praver ol the petitioner.- was not o ranted. A petition vas also read askin--the council to order the property owners to put down sidewalks on the west ,-idr id p i I teen 1 1 1 street. On motion the pi.iverof petitioners was -ranted. A nuiiiPer ol tin' first wardciti ;'.t lis pieseiitetl a petition to the council asking that the culvert be tween Sixth and Sev t nth streets in Plock '.la Pe made p;i-saPle. The pe tition was relerred to the committee oil streets alleys anil Pl'id-rs with pow r to act. Murphy called the attention ol the council to the Pu t that tlieside walk mi . ranite s t rect ordered laid h i ! not Pee n i lone a in I t lie en- i ueer wa- oideri'd to aiake e-liinales am! adverb-, for bid- lor I iviiu said wa I :.. , unibtti " l eported lie 1 1 1 1 . 1 11 , favor. ib!v on (!: l-diow in - i lanns: v, M ,M. i, till -,. . I. I ' i , lain, V, j.; 1 t . i a : . , ' I la, ... ic I l i'-.e. i I. - s.. I . '.'j 1 ' ' , i "" i 1 . V Ml IX.-. I i a...,- I.., lh a . '! I ' - a ,, I I ..I 1 1 i.i : I .. .... ; ie - . o I i '! V,, a I ' I V,. .'! 1 1 ii. .i Iii vv 1 1 . i Irn lie illili'il 1 i o t a i , a . l , 1 i ' ' i 1 oil I he e s leu - no I i 1 1 i . .... . I ; : a :,. ; , , 11 - , ,, . X I 1 1 I ! I I . 1 1 1 V t ' I , i II -.! art. a ,r 1 a.- u,ov . I tiiat an exh n- si.ei . t mu- hiueU l-e old- veil. T I-.' mot io a v a- lo.-t. .-i.iee tliovm- ihe water troW- h oil . i-.Pl -treel III" water 111 I I II will ive t i P.-extended and t!ie couu- cil ordered it il.Mii' la-t ni-hl. Mi. bums ,, the Second wanted t!ie order place. I with an Omaha til oi for h..-e. cancelled, stal i n- Unit th- order hail Peen ill lor .1 Ion- bine and it did not look much ike th"V would even till it. Lake iiinendeiltll.it the matter layovel until the next ineetin- which was) carried. I). M. Fones called Ihe attention tl'.e council to th- fact Hint K'-''i vitrilietl navincr Prick coulil Pe hail ,it Louisville and a brick that would in. ike : a s i in it 1 1 . r i ,:t vi o 1 1 en t 1tir.ni the Atchison brick. Mr. Miirtihv moved that the b.iiin! ,1 public work-, il tliev tieem it atlvisable. rccoiuniMid the Louis ville brie!-, instead of the Atchison Mr. (leaves saitl that he was in fi.nr i, t pat ion i. i ti - In une iudi; tin - but CollPt that it would iai i coui'i! ii at ions to th,- matlee am! ! ,((. en, o il h e! already ha I . i . ...... I i I . . . I a ' , 1 1 ; ' . I I l .' i , , , . , , I , I ' : a i 1 1 'I'l. -lii.ii. lid that I M r. M 1 1 rphy a n ones Ml. .'.ill ft the I.' HI i - V i i le will!, won I I - ive a ten ear u unrniitf - on i- blick illld tliit the Atchison ( e, en pan v had i Ah- rcn-i, n pa n v had 1 . 1 1 i ' 1 1 ti , .lo (lie - ami l-rable di-Cll-sioil Hie I iiio'i. in carried. t M . . .. . . O 1 . t , - ' ' t o a e- t a . I' , i lie i o 1 1 lit i i street and the avenue. I pe rite ,.t- it-rue-.- wi- i u I rtiele. I lodralt a ' re-olnc'on au-l b ive it print"d. i . : oiurin-' .ill -id.-wilk- io be r. - 1 paiie.!. j A u ordinance .ictin-- puvn ' di-trict No. vv i- pe.'-ented io i - u-j en . I . . I a ad 1 1 v. a - pi it r piei i I'oml ti u 1 1 re, 1 1 P n - ail , pa- I The in.tyor mad" t lie 'fol low i n appointment- as rei-trars and i . ... . . ... !, . 1 , ,. 11,,' I f',,,,:lt'lt, ..'I.,,' . " " 1 " ' ..,,.,,,.,. i was done. lir-t ward bred II. li'.ack, IM ( Iv'.mrke a. hi I linn. a- Wiilliiitf N'ohhI war. I ( has. .'Idler, I. Uilford iiinl M. X. CriHitli. t U.I! n 1- urt 1 1 v. .: ,1 Wahid t" u I P-ck. t i'ar Tliom.i-i an. I I .. I es:.. Filth war.! as. Will .m -. A. I Craves an. I 1 lent v H iln i . On in. an mi il Miirphv tl:r mavor and del k vv ere appm ate I a special . .limn 1 1 fi- 1. 1 lia r bonds pt int. il. j i mi ; in a t In- council a 1 1. . a rin'.l . ALVO. Mr. ai d M: s. J.'.uies l'.cnuett are Pic hnppv parents of a t u elv c ac.d one hall pound PaPv . J. A. Moielv the w '.itcliiuakcr, has removed Ilia place of hiis ucss o er j 1 i toP. t liuchnells store. i ..,,,,..1 I j ..I U......1, . " . iit.'.v'i i'. ii iii n i 1 1 ii i 1 1 I iiu ill i ... , i , , i ... , let est o t t lie . I vo r. I ev a tor com pa II V . 1 1 Mrs. . Krvvrr, livui" west town is very low, Put is recovering , Py the aid ot I )r.Sl ru.i i v an t of Alvo. i A. I'roiitv is Piiihlin a new n si- ! d.-nce in Alvo where he ran look ! al(rr ,he allairs ol tlir 'Milling Piisi- ,.s, Alex Sk les his P ceil on a plea-ure trip to Nuckols count v I and other points west, lie re pot t s j l 1 1 1 1 ' : i s , a t 1 1 1 1 1 1-: l e I . i - I C M. Skv les, ol the Mate I'ui- ver-ilv is emplovetl to teach the liist term ol school m the new school hoii.-e, Lvervoue looks It rwartl to a siiice--lul school (he j t'oinui- v ear. Ihe republicans precinct com mittee met in the hall Saturday eveliin- a..d sent . N. Tolund.A. t hristeiison ami Mr. prixson to the county convention at Weeping Water and placed a full ticket in the field. Mrs. llenj. Tappew died very suddenly Saturday, caused Pv heart troubles, leaviii" Ihree son ami two ,1a, miners to mourn her i loss. They have .he heart fe 1 1 I syuijiathy o! all the tominnuity. Iler remains w, re intrrrrd in the , ieruian 15a pi i -I cemetery. The I 'i only ITouriii:;- Mills ol Alvo aie piiltm- down a well, i which is -Jo lecl deep now ami .lie I .. I ,,1 I I , , I I 1 , a,,.,-,...,!--, . i i I 'i''11 """ will not ha" to shut d iwii lor lack t l v. at"r. I he., r oh! v. el 1 la i i i n - has in n Ie a lloii r l a in i i; Mere to, a short time. Th-,e i house ami elevator are Pill to over- ' 1 1 o w i 1 1 with hist cla-- "at an I will In rtipii-.n- in lull cap icily in j il f.-w t!., s. j MUt.'DQCK, , i 1 he Soup, I'laUr PumPrr I o. ' l.'iiii'i., ii - ard (hi- v.a . , . T!li"! u !' 1 - N.str. Sch lap loll .V O-tei't.i ; ::'t 1 1"' i"b ,,, pre.et ve l!:- - line. p!a-i, i ,:i-- ..in- school b..u- . j .i.wiy lime I -nit out circular P. lb-- has s,,., j,;. . i- , I m -, ;,,;, a (, ,, :ll ,, a lu.ii i.in I in;ni ,bl ll-S I.l oini bill" :i. v. 'n , m i . i v . ':!: in- h " " e don't k n. c, v. I, it "1 intends ! i " " ' " " m . , , i . i . ' .11. I t ' I p ' II 111. ' . I i 1 H i I1 11 ' 11'" : towns between Mil. lh 1 and I. lie, tin with rot I;. v a s lire ii ,".v t!a s aa.i lookin- alter his bll-im s- i 1 1 1 rest -. j Jj-- K'ose Pi 'kho:l am! xp , , j i Shnenemu II '.'ere lliall'i'tl I i-t ' Hmrsdav. Pah are web !-. nown i,, ,!,;. county. ( 'on - ra 1 1 1 1 at i, m- : ar-in order. At the rate apples bi oa-!.t i,,,,, our -tore-one won Id tint lira! i v -.!;,p.we that we li-id a larfe crop if p w', for the :i"!i pi ice. I .- -,- ... , ,, , . , ' I I-" 'I" T....I " 1I...1 I., li.'.e . on in law, lie hein-r U'lnunisiratof ol ' the estate ol Pie deceased. r vv. a f i. ,. ,t. n n .... 1 1 ... i ' i i . , ,' , ,' ' ' ! h'' '"X '"r ' ""'''''' ''" 1,UM' Ill SI- nil It. We acknowledge a Visit of the Wabash t'orue, band, who ca me over last Siit u nl iv eveniiij; some v"rv fin.-m u-ie wa- heard Py the Minneiise ciowd who !l,ei o-r io.vi'. We -ay: Pol I c a - a in' i 'he iml-pt-iden.- and th repu'- "' l" ins la i i ,'.e ir primar. e- here . i: : e. i i; . eaeli r'v pul i ball pie- I ticket ill 'Ie iii-,". ( i o. ',','. Met .-r i- putt ii; oil 1 ho plop It V V.'hel e 1 i a i ai n r , ,i hllilihll- I- to b" lo. ai. '.. , .. H'-. ,;,...,! over t! I i V el ' - i Mr. . ( ..IP. i i Mouda , ,.. . is , ntirel . out ol bii-na -- at .,.llt. V" hope V.e V. lil so.lliui - , i , fit in oiue 1 1' M a i u t rpi i -. A , a'ioid !o 1 i III ,11 I , le ! : -d. ! io I' : - -erv ! t - , : ! ; i i ra 1 , . I 1 1 til : 1 1 l , rami lai-i , man. .... hit.-, i-at li ,!!.- i -.-..:! in a 1 1 1 ; ': 1 ; -ni n L a - ' , i t e-s V.'o'k. io-e; i- - -. v ho P.. -.- -( ol PI iii -moil, ii. c : , i i a i : 1 1 .- i a -1 1 1 . ' . 1 IP- . v heat and o i- I ., u tl.i't ii.ii- v. is -lac Ive, I and lead) i-a 1 1 1 , resin I s. a a I a 1 a e. it I vv.-i v i h l, ,, o-htnu!" -in., k one ot the -tacks tl the w hole v. :i- burned iroiu tin- ii-u.il course ami practice ... . . . . . It . . . - . w- . a a - , . ,tt,..,r Ill till1 altent in .... "ad 'intliis paper of Me-sr-. liar ton, Khver and Parrttt, of their , , f . , , ; , , r . 1 I wood, Xcl.. Oct. P., IMfJ. pCP" I LV.A .-i'JnllH. ' L)! Nov: York- L.-.Ikm- C laicm m-ikt M i..,s a T.il'.. PLAIN' PhiASONS STATLD. Wny He i it N .V. Allow the Toe m.t t' ' to iiiuii.. the Cm i ' t 1'einl' iu o on Which Ho 1 asi d His Hi.p irt. 1 c i , . ,, . I '--patt he k Talks Hark. lioni Alhanv. . . I contirm the opinion expressed liv ' Pill: 1 1 1 K' I I t hat I In luniii ilruin- . . ' . i i i i a . ic i.ioor i oimn is. is ahlr lo takr earr o illllliMinir- w,l-i ,iiii , I him-rll. Mr. Peck vv i in coin t v estetd. i to show i .,1,. xvh hul , , a,(,w ., ,xa in i uat mu ol the ta.iil circulars , eeived Horn ma n n lac I in ei -, am P whiili the c, un m i--,, an-, I u -rporl ot the eln el'o o I.,!,,,,- ,nll v.ajrs. t ,1,,. , M j,j ITi,. aliiil.iv It t.i.-l. il. ,,in , , ,K,.,, u,.,.,. ..,,,,,. at the institution ol this proceed i n- -u IXHI--IOII some i nil- a-o, ami al- le-e a demand Pv the relator to see Ihe circulars; that Ihev aie puPpr papei s and that this demand was ieuse, Mr. Mec-.m read an al'lidavit o Mr. Pet k in iin-wt r. in which he said: "I he law really specified no de tails tor the peep, nuance , , t my duties, or the method to he pursued in oh, aiiiiii-; the information, il-ms ilesi-ned to lie.seciired for the leg islature of (he stale. In order to obtain the i 1 1 f irtii.it ion repined to make annua! reports, ilujs neces sary thai I should obtain the con ,",' lu v nl '"ph.yer and . tn- 1 ''"''' 1 "' ' 1 !."' 1 ' 1 1 '"' l.inoi in- nit n, ol the stale. At the M-ry outset ! was obli-e, to make a rule, publicly announced Pyiue, that all in I, irin.it ion was to be re t'e i v el in I he st i iciest con lit Ie nee as to ail ciiire.-pontle.it e and intoi ma t. mi. and no names ol pel -i m em ployes or employers, except Pvex press iii!--ion, should appea;- in any dt pal Inieni report, or Pe othei i v.a - u . v "... c I her ., , ...dividual-or I tl,,. ttiil.ee i,,,l I I , o ' 1 ''"I" ' ' t a 1 ii i u - or 1 1 ia 1 1 u -' to i u a a u la ! ion It" cive. 1 of II-1- I , in,' ill the ii- j t'h. it - " ol ill y ollit'e. v a-- to be ma' Ie a I m itlef "I record .or he con- i. lore, i i ii hef ill. Ill Pie pi iv ah' plopel t ol the i omn i ; -- inner tor t h pioi e. t i, ,n I i 1 -, i e I . a - 1 1 1 communication-, and I ! i a v ' lie v er o u, - it h -c I i I in v 1 1 lit v -.l e pie, i Ml h I ' a -eereey to in v col a i : I have done si a ., l M.ao., i . . r i ........ , i i .... . ! ' " ' ! j '. O -' I' I ON II ie Ol I I -an an 1 I -a;, ,v,: . m . 1 1. p., i I u i e bom the uniloi in coin -e ol pii'.r ye us. i "I louiid in bie law CO ..lii'4 n y ' ! 1 1 .'e pi , i V I - lo u - a : 1 ' 1 1 oP o 1 1 u,"t., exaaiiii vv 1 1 e e o bllt oil lh ' ('( ""' i! " "' "' 11 1 1 "" v'll!l1'-- shall. ; 11-'1 ' "M v'll!- '"' 'onip.d led to j answer any . , n . .-! u m- respect in- ' h private alt. lie-.' ! " l'h is r.-t net ia u remlered il pr "'"' i'Uposs.ble to -ive etbet lo ,l"' (,f "'" h'-i i-lal lire, unless t he con I ide.lce o I t h" pi , .pie ol the slai" could be secured and retained ami their allairs voluntarily dis (. Pi-cd. Iv'eir,'ited relil-als Came to me I : i ii 1 1 business men. ami work- j ,u-.uen. and Pesides the circulars I stnt out each year, I have written -ai.l I 'a .1 I, . i.iUi . ,1 I..M..I-U a t" . . , ....... , , . - in- personal a -s nra lire to t he writer hat no u.-e w of. hi I .e niade of t liei r i ,nfnlence ami evetv ctuiiiuiuiiea- I,,,,,, would b"h,-'d to be -acr.-tl and 1 ilemed lo anv one in 1ml in l'- rival I hi the -nine or. inch ol i m 1 1 1 -1 rv . "!',.. -:ich lej'it i;u..te mean- am in -in :i n".i"i ,.n uje- h i-' I 1 '''" .!;. a, ,1 i-.p e-. the l e-pi li - i hi- nut e- oi my otlice am! to render to 1 1 1. ie - - iai u re t he data ' ant: na 1 1 v l ran -m i ! led to it in my ! annual report-. "In t w cut;, si v . i -taie- ol t h" i ' ii ion thai have I.:', or bu I ,-aus. it has l,,-i ii loim I ia- al' to e;ive ol seCUilt'. id per-t Ul- III" p ,e - '' , I c 1 1 : 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 . - , , -n , -. i u , , ! 1 1 r 1 1 : - r , I v ea i - ol in v oil ie ia I I i !e I i'.e - .' pi I'll J,"- I' Calif t. c. i einpi.-.ei- a:,.i t - ii.i.iov" ii , , , . " I i ; ' - : 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 ; le. l..e I., I- '.., ,! t tie pi ot'et i i i a - II vv a - i - - u 1 .: a i ' I -1 vv bo i . a r i - e 1 1 , vv a - is. '' -u- 1 a i n I pi ii d. -'. ie. I by n n at tht tune i , -o 1 1 Im In i. il I e,,, s a1 oil! il other -lit" oli.e, !-, and - time I have ,.,,),. P-he-i my i- port i-v,-n oth, r v-a''. , i ' , ie 1 e v erv ol h , r v -a r in which I ,., , il iVt I'll i" Up a I. -poll to tp" leai-- ,. 1 ittite I in v aria! !y pubb -le'd In i. im. n.iii i. "i' aho'it .u.:us( ' "-"' " -""'"... " 1"" . i , li-hetl lit I so.!. 1 have not tlcv iateil I . . . . . , . . . l 111 III v (lllllt. I 1 1 I I I I . I V I 1 11 I ' Oa - I parted lioin an v ciisloni ol mv ol- lice, with respect to in v repot t. The i.ttempt made to estahlisl, (he the- . ory that my rt-pt'l t was - ivcn to m- n t'.,,.' .:,-election is lalsc as ti.,- c .:!i"..l..t;..:i- were all made ' ''loi e .; i . li i n o. i a I i .' noiu inat inn was mad" and !!. d..ta was oh. t nurd ! L i .ni.aieroiild tell who "ii- Honour. ..i .hi;, party would I e. " 1 he ,dinii:iiMiC.it;ous ;md letter l: .oil ulucli m pi.-eedin-- annual i poll s urir I,.,.,. were never tiled, nor mad" a i. r.u.liii in otlice mid "i m rr th" property of Ihe -late, hut w i" p. i.ie Inters, and u hatrv ri',iri :pn i exists in them is divided letvveru tlii- deponent as the l eceiv er and the several HCll tiers ot the Irth rs, and I am advised y , inv contisel that, under the decis- '"'i ot Wolscy vs. Jndd, Duer, :t7!, ,,,'"'r kindred cases, an action HMI'I lit' iUiiiit-1 mi' if I iilli'inpti'il ; .. ... . . ...... i i .i ;.. it i "M.1 i" im.iio pui-iu me iii.u- i1'1' ' H'liaranteed slioiild tic private matter a 1 1 1 1 held as secret and conlideiiti.il "As tl.e head of tin: depart men t ' " 'I ""' ' ""' ' nuiot the opinion, and i-pr.--e.it P. the hoiiorahle t iiin l. that th" puPI a'at ion otthe name-- oi l . e I, h ,-, t .f 1 he persons ami corporations who have (urn i - h ed ill" data I. ; mil which my i e poi t i- Pa-ed would Pe j.',ieall v in-iurioii- to the pul l.r interests." This al'lidav it Itilky 'outlines the defense of Mr. Perk.' .' I lee, 'ham's pill- cure I'illious ami ue rv on- ills. Lett With Another Man Sunday noon tl,e wile of Xcls Pieison, a l.oi ler twiKer at the II. M. shops at llavt liick packeil up it r trunk ami ilecampetl. At the same time a work man named Pon tics pit lown. The woman went to Lint't In via P ii iversity Place, tel-lin-- the ilrayinaii who culled for Ihe trunk that she was -iiinrjf to visit liei mother in llenver. Pou nces took the local freight to Lin coln ami parties -(ale that lliey met lhe'Mn I hi I I in-loll tlvel ami proceed-I to t tin aha. Others say they took the Mi --otiri Pacific out from l.incoln and vv lit to Kansas Pity. Piee-oiivvas an i m! list eious, savin- man ami luiiied over all his line' i . 1 1 " ' k up to la-t month to bis wile, who settled all bill--. She toe'- sl n ibat she had on hand ami In . h a - ! 'a in I's -old W itch. A tie-po-T cert il'cale mi th- h'irsl N liion.il ban', ol this i j , was n p par. til! ,' ov ei looked, a- she left it I " 1 1 i lei. I Vni nor-- i- k no w n In ha V e hide or no ilium", . A pecu I ia r th in.; a 1 , , 1 1 h" ii !ta i r was il s pub- P i ! . V e ! .1 I III' I, k'l''W a I M III t it, pi'-v I...I-' . .o 1 !'ii i -ou was noti ti1 at 'U -ho, hi hour or I wo al ter (!: .i e ... i i n : v. lie i pi i t work i i n im . h i ' P , c i-he. ! ni his t hue eheck am I P e ; all ti I e - ra ph i II (o I I i i I e 1 1 lit point-, lb- ' ei.l east in ,-. al. !, Ol (lie, II ,t ,l. ',.1 l,i-t Ill-lit. I 'i. i a a 1 his v i la are well !.!,, ah a tin- ei!.. SCRATCHEDJ YE&RS Siiiri i'p , Srnitrlifil, nntl ni.'tP I or 1 in H No IP-'lli f. iiril by Two iM'ts Culli'iira l.'iiitcdlcH. 1 n th lo pipT, ii niv Hi h'.h f" r ttie lion. fit I I,,-- iltTio.l (rem ii-iiiu t ru . n I(ri:iK". .x.,11,,1. Im.) tlit'iu ii nil mniiiif irtu i .-il . .'.if (I.l, ,- V HIM I'llO' I Mlft . 'I ' mih i, nri' hi'ii'l. I n.i'n I "'VX lai-.-ik nut nil hot my I,, .. i v ill) , in. p1 ft it lll.'tl W.Jti,,. t form n u-iti-ry initlU'r, a 'i j I ttit'ili, li.-iv,. ti b rHi h V, unlit 1 -iiulill.lifil. Aft-r , ,4-torili it II tuiiU'i.'t.iirt i.r tliri- yt'um, ni'.ro nr linn, I dually muili. up in iiiln.l to try yt.nr t'UTH riu Kkmeiukh lth rrmut I'Titiri'iy iitlfiiriurj to tui'. x AfltT lining two ai-la of (Itlfl'lll IOmiuikk, I am rritiri ly ftirnl. I luvu rri'inumi'Diliiri ynur feme liiin 1o fvrral ,,Miin, and tht y all Ull trm they mu N... 1. O ir tlriiKKiiln dulng a nlrt bualnpm i:i ecru i'R4 Urmniil.it, iliire my cure. 1 hav tr.v. ii hnn the i rivilti-f o( uiitirf my name M jirunf ,a i;,i-,r i-fl'.rii-iwy. I rnrluw my nirtrall. A. K. OllAMSI,rii.iti.Kia.Lr1Ml.llorrb,vli. '.v nlfp hia t"'n Irniitlrd with trie (alt rhiMim f r I. 'if tc iiH. ImiiIik tliis liint' il,.il,ir of Win i ..i i..t,, ,',iii..ia, ami llm tn' t eminent d''tor ol ( 'i. i .io., i ul. il la civil M'hrf. 1 liiii(bt the Ci Ti i' uv Iii MKiiim, ami flu1 ti'f't i.iilv ni'" b'U of i i'.i itA. I 'itii i ill r-.iM', i.nil h f a lioll!,' of I1 . i in I'll llt:s..i.vi;sT, and tb'o love cuirj n. v, .Ii- t iaiir,li i,-iv. C. il. i-it'-Mi, lit .u:o Ft., Chicafc", I.l. Cuticura Resolvent TI Ne r.',... mi'l . kin l'urif.er, li t. Hml!v, ami i i .nil. a, 111.. I'n-Jt s-.ui I'tir... ai, 1 i n t'l'o s o', l1: ! i -i i - - to kl'.a lleau.ili.'t, evii'iii .i!i , i- r: .'i; y n-ii -o; .-.ret upo -lily i n ory.l1--.!-- .: I 1. '., ,r . f tl . r-l.iu, n ;ii i, u n.l I k ,1, v-..n ... ii.... , In -in uijw-y tu ii-'i , (nail pun, '' to acuwu.a. S 1 ,-r, rvn Vr". I'tl' -e, (.'l , It l HA. S'f. : S, , . r ; una, l'r, i.iirol I y tl... I'a.i'i I'... lilM,. II. Ull .IL ClU'. ii.ll. N, li.Ml,. r,- " !! tu Cure Si.L'i 1 a-" fa 1, t ,, I i,.,,B-;al,,ii,t., y;.l I, Hiini ,:,i.i ii ... 'a M l'.-:s. '.ai. kli. -i.lt, ri I. r.,.ii'ti, Ti it p,,l,.u, 1 I'l , rkiii turvii I, VV I ! lei U Pl.Al'. i - until im pari enrol - 1 J-9 nurt ni ham ftvnco: ( l- X Ita. k A. -be, Kil.i.'V Vmui, ami W h. ,t,.i... I ,tii,!.... H:r ,i:o. ie -l ( 4ti l .im' ri'llevetl in one rnlt.nl- by VfrT Cutliura Aull-l'a'n Fl.i.ler. , I ui-l;:i. i ,. i ', j i , . ,. I '"' ' ; ' ... 'a I 1 1 i - !.'! -I i ' i- - - , ' ' . : '! r : i i'1 in- In, -I .1 I :,- - I mm, i- . i i i I,, ; t.il lio-: I n n. I i,.e '-I n ei . I lee ,, I , a. .i ..... i ,, .. ... i , .- 1 of1,, v .... I,,,,,;. ,,. iv',,-,' .at I lii,..-li .!! - .1 s a nt r aal n.,111.. ul - ' ,. .,. lallavM,, ,', -, ,,! ! r 1 ' ' ' 1,: I li.'ii.nlli li.tf ,. Hie nmtli . '. i . ... i ' i '. i -., i ,,t I lie i; 1 1 iiea -I ntiaiter . . . t turn tueulv -i :. lavvii-lii;. nt'-ia' ,ii, riiiio-inc a,- ii.'i I :i oniiitt. , 1 ,,. ami .. i 1 1 ,t 1 a ,e ..i ,aiiiit ill , ni - ' . . . iniltillie alinve ili-sci iL. ! a, 'inisc-i ,i,v l":i-ait i f lilt' nii'ti a, Iv, r-e ni'lllllssieii -I plaint i t li'nl Iii-i.ialll.,s: Yuaaie re , I 1 1 let I I , , an-vver an nr I i -1 . ire 1 In' I J I li il.t v ul I 'ele' ."l- l-'.e, HttJ n JiUlIN A HAMS. I v Iii- A i n iK.xi; v JtiT A. tv ifc.. J r