Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 29, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till: Wl-KKIA HI-KALI): lMATTSM)i:Tll,NI-inVSKA.SKri1-:Min-:U-2!).lSl2.
Judo Field is Fortifiod With
Some Facts.
Thousands at Aulmrn to the
Joint D jtiate Voters In Nem
Cilia County I 'leased
With Fluid.
Three Thousand Press it
Thursday was a lint l.iv. politi
cally spcalvinj at Aiil uru. lie-in-nine;
at 10 a.', m. Calamity l'M.pT
ton addies-o2 aloiit ;( ! ( in
tin' comt inula-.' u.u in tii ii-u. i!
niiiiiiKT. I'iil V" li'Mi"!'- ..!! -t .!
to tin' at 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 - in i ! i
.' p. in. Ail daV ill'1 l"w "
in- up li'i'Mi aj! p til - 'l
I i v ii nl i i l lioiyw a - ."" I"
hand I" ll-.I'll ' tl'.' I"
-peaivc: - M ud'!i:it'l: II..
pi .i.i
C ill 'I
T. 11. (h'llian aded
Ii.i ,1 :ii"i!.
i ill 1 1 ..I ii.'iii - tii.' .-1 "
liiiliii' I'irl'l i.i). a
.I v, h '
t;V"ll Ni'luM-l'l i'i'l i" I' I'1'" "I" ' 1
uinli'1' icp'il'iu ait riil.-. ri. i '..'ii''.:i;
fa) inu Hiat iIh- . 'li-'i p ; h i'!
tin' fa-l,-d !: .'. -'-, .-f
hoi;s ami wlii'.i! i 'V. ! Ii' v "i ' i II
tlit'ii wriit al "lie" l"-,!';t;n,i l -I
ion mi im, th.' il'-.m c.rtfi - ; ! :"
talli uf ii't'i-ion. i". it v i- ii.'' an I tl"' pna. ip'1 " : ' "
tiou i.f A mil nan I il".!' 'a.i 'iil.i. l
(li'sln.N i'.I. Hi. ;, ,' a!". at i!i"
MrKinli-j hill ng;) Ii" v t:i v
'oill' to l rpr.ll l!. t'l.t al thr rat- "!
ploli'.-H so tar it wo'.ll'l t . I k Mlm
ji-ars. Iir tlair j.latf'.nu tli'
di'iiicil tlu- i'oiitituti"ii i'.tt "t !!:'
McKiiiK'y I. ill, I. nt r.ian ll l'l II"!
tlarcil to sin All tin- .l. ni"
crratii' picsiili'iits in rat lylii-t'ivv
favorcl "protri tioii. Tln'i ivpul'ii
fan pail was ctfati'il ami ln l'1 in
liowcr l.y tlic iiirmiT" ami lal.oi ri -l-ntl
all ol its li'islati'in was ..
tlli'ir lu'iiclit.
I'loill blalistii s 111' slimvnl how it
hail opciicl market lor i;rain.
raised the pi kv o( prodm't, intro
ihired t iitlle and h" to Kiitnpe.
I le then nave a result of reeiprorit)
mid how it was in the interest of
farmers. The repuhlieans leyis
lateil lur fai ls, not (henries; tlu
had pro ided lor the inspection nl
meats and li e slock and sent them
to Knrope to leach European Imw
to use corn. He read from the ci n-
jj uressioual i'oniniitiei''s rcporl how
j the price of lahor had inerea-cd
i and Ihe eusl ol li decreased.
He had only touched on thesilwr
i' (,nestion when time was called.
j l'iild was repeatedly applauded a-
he made his puints, and at the cud
I received three hearty cheers.
Mr. Ilriiin was received with ap
plause h his democratic Irieinl.
He agreed a to th' prosperity nl
the slate, lull would not r,ietlic
credit to the i epul .1 nans. He
(plolcd ll'oui I he Slate Journal Mr
I' ii'ld's speech in I ,i ucol n, tr iny to
Ipri'judice th' iii'li-pendents against
M'ield hecause he, (1'ieldl, had said
,it lie ealanulN lellows had hint the
-tate more than had crops, etc.
ale said the way In please the imle
Pieudent was in take away their
J ause of complaint, ami "ttdeaiored
Jo hot their ynod will l.y mi iiii;
;lley had just yt ievances.
I The reason the democrats did not
jjcslroy the McKiuley hill was he
atlse the rcpiil'lieaus had the sen
to ami president. I'hey had forced
he repuhlicans to hioh tarilf en-
" r,.- II.. wi-.i.l ...... i :
. v ij . iv ,lil 'l. II, ,11111 ,1 S , I 1 I -
it made sui;ar cheaper imd
;;'j;s holier; wool was cheaper, hut
' ilinel pii.iU wen- higher. The re
' ihlican ;.lwa s talk of the heue
' to inanulact in ers .,mio uiiles
; -ay from el.raska.
I'ield in hi cl.t-iiii;- remarks
I Miikly stated that he had m,
, oloyies to make fnr his remarks
l : . . . , i .
i lai.niiiix li lauciilu. lleipinleil
tliorities to prow that Jelfersnn
s a pioteetinnist; proved l.
llples and hy stati.-tu that the
.llhlicaii parly had put down the
Ve of calico luna cents a yard
I cents and other necessities, in
, .... ., .. ..-i ... ii
I -i m ,i 1 1. mi, i o- a ni .1 I eat I
pri.-cd that Mr. !r.m wished
iself or othe'r i ,puhl ica n .- t,i
; 'in ! " ii for c,nwr'ss, hul
j "ot in, lined to accede to the
... i , Minna is 111,11
met a foe lie cannot down.
I'i-'ld in his closiii speech
hard and made every point
ll. He va almost iucess,intl
red and lias . his lo-ic and
il liy utes outdoii,. Hryau with
ophistr and luiiiiy stories,
repuhlicans me jul.ilaut and
,deilt ol success. Two years
'tryan had his own way, hut
5 completely did him up in his
it lllinuti' talk He showed
Hryan's eiimt to train with
'dependent and tickle them,
ji-' -""'-l l"'i''ld had the crowd
liiu. and as ihe men present
Jed ii. to shake his hand it
'd plainly that he had won a
.place in their hearts and a
jOte in many an instance.
A CHICAGO HERCUL.C3. Ivm.iHii' Hulil, IV, ell , r V
! .l('rlitii; l ils.-n llei t Itipi. in..
IMtii;' K in-, i.f I '.a i - ;
: Ml man ' I. At ' I - :: nl live lr ,
prrllt iced 10 11 I' ll Ms lll.'lll u !io .!
makr a I, h rhU r ,,f 1 1 . . I .
j, miI' !'..' I1." iv ,t' iiij. w Ik ! '
to I'M n a . (. . !.- sni'i'-i -anil 1 1 ,,,
j 1, . .r-. '- I '. ' ' ' k , i ' 1 1 1 1 ", . i v to i i.i' It mi: :. i
I riiiu siii!..ii '' ! iiiiio force
j ii"h, I'.-r I "- j.-.iri la w :is l.u i ,: t
J I ! with I., v i-ii'.i i.f i i t- spine, ii.i'! ,.
1 he till iliv ..- .'....V.-ll. -ei-lit tl
I t'ii'1 linn I hat i. ,. ., il l i,.' a i ( ti'' . i :
I ;iim1 t km' a,.;, '''iiniijii l.-hi t,. ' i
In 1 . 'It, In."- a- lllvs 41'j ii,i i v
I I! tf . ia-a. '. , !" in s If nil ;i I I hi' : , ;-t i.
' ill 111' i .'.-:.. i . . . . V 1: . I I- If.: ii 1 .
Tin i i
X" K. -Hi: :
' : I ri ' - i
lis I !. V -ie.'d l nil'
.n. -i..i ii.'.-Mt . r i"
i ..-lift . s I a;,.!
1 ' ' ii. ' ' I r 1 1 an I i.
Ii i t!l!:ii4 i
i I
' I
i : n ::
t!,,' mi' of tii,. ,!i ;,'::!
m Hi iill to II, --a ' II
.mil hdiiikI lie.r.i Ii
. 'il l- ,i i , -. 1 1 1 1 y
it : 1 1 - n,' i'.ill,i
Kratiii- sa . any in. 11; j.i-,i'.,1 a,' 1
Iliis lia ,-lM-niiie ,lsi -is,. ,-.,i .a lam n a I
(ill) -I' nl ili-Vt'i ,ni,i al in- niss,-s,v s, in.
villi il In- I.i,: iu'uily 1, ,i;-i. , ,, it, 1 ni. plan 1,1
l.ri at liin in:, t I In li-lu cilia tii'iiie i'.'i
l is!' Wllirll In' li lt ,nli:lli il. !,. says It all
il, i.i'inN, as far as t he l.-nut li uf tun.' i, .
saty is coin etiH-'l, nj.nii i,' iia:nl.i-:- nl' La.
Illll.itS tl) I'i- I.Vl-l rnla'-.
A iilmilile
Mr. K ilpii N. Kllis' liiu' y n ot p-i.i;n, !,
win lint winner of tin; ini'iit imi, lei
M-liouiu-i'H for I i,,, hniotit 1 n;i fur Is-..;,
ialni',1 nt. ."-in. Th,. t i-i.jiliy js ;, 1,,-aai mil
otic, ninl tlie il'-sin is i-vr nn-ly c'i i-;,'
iill'l ormili-. Tin' ran, in w 1. m was w ,a
liv the ln.iiil.iis, via. fall 1,1 i-v.itj:--- j,-, 1
tl'Mits iiiid w as i-'i- ,. I in- In-si 1 mil,., I ii.
tin-l.isinrv ,.f the', Vai lit
l.ii-i-n was Imi. iil, ait uni, iniiiuui tn-1 ;i,i
I'lll-: I A r ;, HMn - i i i i isa-i
Iroiiiois, ami was ,,i:,,u, ,1 -a -, miinite
l.iler l.y Shainroi k. w hi, h Imt siM,.f,i
si'ioinls jila ail ,,f M.ii'-iu iile. Win n it 1
stateil tlmt t he ilistan, ,. saji, ,! HMs mmv thirty two miles ii will readilv l-
M'i'll how lu ll iii.u, li,., Km-,, th,. jut :
III:; nrlits.
1 he M eplci ha in at (,.a li, . , ,.
I'I'l ll llllllkeil mil. he jlllii.s nil I,,. I,; !!,
of mh ninl the 1 haiiii-,,. imi aei iilent w-a
he ivtlncnl I,, ,-, iiiiiiiiniiiii.
M. I'. Dwyer Las l.oiiuht the :.' ,-u ,,,
cult hoveiiiee In nn .lohn 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 1-.
Sail) )e-''l h.-ls l,.,n s,., ,,,., ,v J ,. (;
I Iill lip. l,M,el' ol Hie Onei k Mlll'ilis, 1,1
next jear ,t a s.-ilan ,,' k.(,(I1i j;h'
llsiwl lei s. ...
"Sii,'" Can is,, n will en to laiflau,;
ti-'M si'iin- ton.:,. fr in,. Mntlisli In,,,' 1,
of M.uvim Paly ', Mai, I... U s ,,,!,., . .
t-'.ills for M'.'.nim ninl ej n-,,-.
'I'hi'Wiiitiiiiesof pieriv l.oiill.inl f,,r 1 1,
si'.'.suii are ilaieii a! jia um
William Mar, in, ,,. siv ,i;lv ( u ,,
elimni.ioll. h'l, h:,ll,-in.'e.l C. V. Ashui-er
lO.'l l.lelity f,iui- .(),. ,..--,. f,. j-,,,, .,
h is t-ni'l that Tammmiv will ma l.
st.iiteiliieainiliisveai-.ainlihai alWIian..'
ol seeim.; h I In 1111 asine si rule, with V.,
l'miil.ieli is ell 1,1,1 ,1 ie jear.
'l'l, .11
" " i,t. w lien 1 I an,,.,-. ,v ,;
yearlme, ,. s t;,. M, L)
t hey Iiiim- ilnlie.
TIih I!, . I , I iv jKi
The created of a'l the e,,-Hi ,.,ilm,. , ,,.
lI.V of ilvl.s is .!altl: , Wilkes w I ...
Illlle III 'J."silts hi l's,, ,1 ,,,lv , N,,,
'J:,"-' iiii'ii-.iiieil "(jnet-n 1 1
Turf." Martha's i l,,rn,.,i ,. is a'l 1 1
inoro llotahle I,, a, i-,.,,-, ,,,.,,, , j,,.,,'
i 1
M n TIT t II K 1 s. -.'.os
tOhlTHIV.-lt I'l l f.'l'lnaiiee vi:,. ,.h )., ,, ,
met litTuf four loN. all of ul.ieh ale nat
urally t",ivi,ler,,l fail ,,f pnm.ise f,,,- tu.
fiitur,'. Mar, ha Wilkes ,,,.. (lon.-t Iv
l.v her ureat s,-,,.,. Her treat uraniNirf
was the lainuus lliimbh tunuui, her Kr;tn.U
sue trotie.l a mile in .:.". anil lu r irf hail
a iveor.1 of .ia..,im is llL. r lm
KiniCHt ami liuii,luiiie.t umren on thu trot-
Hi mV'J'M f?
-UV.u ii:r.
T s.
This Typu Will Defend the
America Cup.
Th I mpiM-or dt G'irmam's B at
i. ai P. siiy l: nisuvjsf d of, hut
Lord Dm-.raven's Yacl t
M i v Win rv Th -la.
. im i::: u : :- ,
-' t; i ; - .'iii i.i'i-
i'rlll -Ihl li r in ... 1
1'V ' I.f III. Ii. . '
ti"ti 1 l;:il I'lr 1 "I
'I' ':!i:.IIM I.. -
' t i .-"
!..- H-lit. Mi 'i- i
t.. A : . I i . I t
-'III. M i I' t.i e n. -I"
'' l 'i- i ' A-n.-r
: i i up. Ali'i.'j
vali ti.i- in" -'jnut'
a t.T'itiit!.'il,
1 1 ' 'r;. :'r -n ti
li. : I. ! i'.l II
!"I.'V. -f.ii t I,.-.';'..
i 1
.V '
' I -
" I .r
ft I!'
!'!' I,
I'll.' i
- I'' -Ml'i . ,' I .;.' ., rlll.-lll I I I
' ' ' " -' 1 l:si; Ill
I I ' ' l-' ll'A I. I -1 1 ill if I'M
I' I ' -t I !
' r le i 1 1
- i in n. i : .
s !.....! ' i,.,' i
''-ii i hi r
' ' I" .l ,M
uii i 1 I... n.i ., i'i
.-.v. . Imi ; u.i
' ''.I l.i-i la; l:
" ' 1 ".ii 1 1 ;
1 ;..,. i .! I ..-.-
' . .- I '.sll., ... t'l
. . ,ls ,'V I yl ".I
1 I
I .
I i.i, ,-. I I- -. '., . ,,ir I :
'a -I i- ' I i J - i- a ! -ra- : i
; M -, nil- uiie o:' l !i - t ii . ! j' i ,. i .
' I ' . :::, S Victurj ji i a- i .; ,.v , . ;i Ink of g'X)(l, f. r .. .' i- .H
! i' .: s, , i j i,,(! foreign i
i I. - i l Iiiiiii.iV'u'Mfilmn ,.i, 4; ,'ij A
I i Ml y.-K nl sli:,'ii :;,;-"h ,ii p.. j
1 . i. ' i-;e sii.i. w.di 'laa-i it, -,l in
1 II, ' il., s I." 1111114 Mi, - , 1, 1 ,1, .,
Im, k !! c 1 1 p. CVj al in.ili'ii-r ,,f it;-:
' ' '' I' :' : '" '.'. 1 1 . I w 1, 1. la I
I :'-v' '' I'- '' I lif . :: 11. :-'ii,i. .
Hi',:, .-l.t
p -.I 11,' Hie ih-st, ,t aM.liai va.
,.,.. I 1., . , i . .. .V ..
'""'' k".l loth- Mn-Ii-ii si.n-
i f a narrow -1, I .."; hull in son:,. ,.
i.i-ini :it. ".-si,:, will -h,. .net. I.y a lin k
"Tla - till keels." . a.l.lell," '.'lie -
in tin-1 ;. iia. ;:t ,
ill sta.-,., Imt 01. . j J
till!.,' M I'-rlain. -
,'iM'l that; i.s tbev
-il.' ta,: .il.l.'si.
li f;ivy wain her
11.1II, ever heeii ill
onr waters. Tla y
sii.r.vei! this 111
ia ery ra. ; t h"v
h u v e e n t c l ed ' '
s 1 Tnv n; 1
w'"' 1 1: 'r
;'::.'-' 1
n n: . In in or 1 'n-,'i. in . :
w le u t in 1 ',' was hi t or iia v ui., 1
We: e 11:11 ,.v. .1 . f I'. e 1 1 by l.,.-it , tin ' 1 '
toner V of 1 ii:,;. : !'.:: z ia r.nuli -e.l-. I !
'.his w is l.y a 'f.iir -Vilvi'' l..r li e ha,
I'i !'-:eia v. ai ei -. !",., 1 h- 1'.:, i,..,i.,u:
W aj ia ', ! e !' is', , 1 11 !.,))iy, Tl,,.
J1' I." t II vr. s, r V. eli"i. 1 1, an I , .
ii.e v. ;.;,. ;, et m t lie la.t hi- 1-- c , ,:
I Ml i I si i',-; ,
' i'lll' 1.1'IV !, t .'.! is ..MVtsl'v l! I" r.'. t.
the :-s. , el,'. ..,, "'., leel'l..., 1 ..
that il Wi.'lhl I e !,i!:y ll"t t ) III la.-.
imp! , v. I.,. -lit i'i t 'ia !"M Lie it : ' 1
I i.-,.al st'iij..',,'.
, "ll i Ihe saiiole-t thiii in the war!, I
1 -''.'lin" reet'i-t i'loher ran cis'i) 1 1 1 1 . -
I st., i,. 1st. '1 i:,e a w ti i-rinelaa .-ni l m' i; i;
j tw.i hi; ,: : w :-e. V,,,i h ne tliei, two 1 - v
I ':' '' I' , .1 . -. T. e a j ieiv of tin t w . , 1-
I '''i'-' -'s it Is w i'i e in el cut it si f.hat ia' 1 : :,.
I "! 'He "I th, -",, s. pini: i, ti, -
11: 'I e i"W 1 r suie 1 1 1 he 1 in ninl in it a i l.m,
l..'l!"W illol.l al.'ll:.' liiis eil.e. Pom 1,,,!
h el iiiln I he iiiuh!. The inuiil is a -hel
vi eeli a i i u'.ir a lnl a lisli in 1, a pe. hut u s
lines aie Vei y lean ntM laie. The le:nl run
throiuli the holes in t he tin . uni malsi's a
series of hauler. 'J'he inolil i, t iken away
an. I there's jour h-a-1 ll-!i si u, k fa-l . ::
I.'.lli fi'le of the lower i.l.e of I iie tla
The lead is haihist, mi,l it is deep .1, w :: r:
thi'Waler. 'I hat makes it p.-ssii,.. ,. 1 1 ,.
I.oat I,, carry in, .re sail t han u i' ii t he
last in the hull, ore, n on a sio;ni"; kiel
That is il,,. main iul antai;,', Imt Hot the
Mill. II- U oK I 1. 1.,
only i, ne. The Hat lin lakes l., it,.r ,,,i ,,
the water In jut t-n t drift, to h ew a nl in
windward w,,i k t han a Imljim.- keel l,,; m
iill! pail of the hull. Tin m H ,; n , . ,,,,
I he w hole story."
lien.. Ihe ai ht siui-n lundf fvi.i 11,11;,
sketches, of w hh h nearly 1 aet eo,ies are
Uiveii, They -hew 1 lenrly t he character,,'
Nathaniel Hen,--!,. IPs icmnrkahle ini,-i
".V very imi ieeal, e , at 11 n- ,,f the 1 . .v
ll'olh l," he , -ludeil, "is the , mil,- ..
sein e of ,','' , ,,i,v,-x hues, p ha- aiw .
I.e. Il tlie nile t,, ta-hioii the ill wal, 1 an-1
I Low eoiei n;, ; inn mol e cr less on t lie lorn,
ol the ,',o,v, Imt this idea has .,-ei, , .
en ile, I in t in- in-w ile-iLii,''
A 1-u (in sl,,,,, t,, m, 1 '. the two fur. i.m
1 cr- is all, ady of the , , ri a: 11! i, s ol ihe
; loinilij sc., -.111 ami w ill he i.i . -1 ,l,,vv 11 .,.-,
! Masler l,a;;,i, i- Aln v . ,.f 1 1... 1 ,.,,...1,.
i "l"-'-Mi. " !:.' !.a a j. ernal in:, :, -I in 1 . ,
! t.-n vessels,. I 11, . ,, ,. v, j,;,. , 1,.,,,.
01111,11 1 1 M ,11 ii.,. i.n-!i va :,!-. t,,id mi-
I that the s,;i ., ,ad n ,l,. tim-lv.i
I Hli'l tln-ie is every 1, a-oii la I hink t ha! li'i
I Ml or !. loot rac-r wouhl ,!, -i-o,on;a.ii
j i.tely h.-iter. Three other vii.'.-essfnl Hi,- ,
luoe li.e'i tnade hv l.uial, . is in bo-i, m an, I
. hi'ookiy,,. I, ism,, vet -etUedM, i
; to Imiid tin lieu Ann ro an 1 it uiipioii. j
1 . "N I'.i.mi.. '
Mncr-M " k r7"r,r,T7..7"Z
iMjit-. !
I Wright lhuitiii-ami has I.,., seemed l.y ;
j Mhiihxit l'li.e f head I.i "hiiajinat ion" ;
I oiiiian.v the loiuiuu season.
Salvilli. tl.c el. l.-l- will si, .-,:, ..!..,
tcmrof lhi'world, im-lmlinu' n 1...... isii to ,
Hi- L Iiiteil Stales.
the Utiiteil Stales.
Mr"- :
l'.i-iit rii e t'an.eroii rei elil iv l,e( ai
llii hard Maiislield.
Mm.. !',.. l. 11; 11. f.. . , i
.vinic. Iifl.elli, the fnlik.ll Coiitrnlto
W ho died few weeks l.Ko. Was f ,,,,,1,. 1
l'il'th, her linn,,, hein- 7.elie l.illeliei-t. lie
lliNllla il.
Sims ninl Ihileih's new toiunlv, "The
Guaidsiiuiii," will lw produced nt tin. Lou
don Court tWter shortlr.
l-i.r l'ri'-i!ciit
t Indiana.
I'.ir in- 'n iii. nt
vjirn;i..v hii.i)
.f .i'v Vurk.
,- M . ,.
lor Mt'tnlirr I onaje-s,
. w. i 1 1; i.i ,
I.UIll u-ter County.
l'' I iliVITtlur,
l. IK'i;.N( t (. K'l M ' .;
"t V.iiiilut,.;i.
I :' I . i ' 1 1 1' 1 1 , i ii ; I ,, , i m r .
I .1. MAJDKS .,1 N.'im,,!,;,.
I'..r S.'t 1 1 -; ; . i nt siat,.,
J1 n i . i i.i; n ..f K',.,1 w ,:).,.
1 Mali- Aii.,..-,
l.t I , I.M-. ii ii K'i: M i.
I'"!' -' a' I i . ii i. r.
.1. -v I. Iv 'I l.i.V ,.i . .h.
I "i A -1. -i ii. 'v ..
'.' I','l'. II. II A T I i ni ..!!,..
' ' .. - -i i I 'i: : i an. I-..
a. ! HI MI'IIK'IA i i Ci.-t.-,.
I "r -a; r:.M iiil.'iii l'iii,h, I n -' : i : . n .
A. K. I .' n I ni V . I..;,.,.
v. I I.I--'. ' 1 1 II. I...," , v
I- KA 1 Mi ii. I..,,,, ,,..-,, , !. ,,',.
is .l U le -. I ass, ; Ii.-l-u
I . . I '. s V . . i I, l,ni4'a. ..,;..
II i. --i I t . I i . Is" . I ,- I ;,,..!.
i I. M.k h! v' ss, .-.,,,,,. .,
Vh M. I I I ll I ". I lav . i
i . .:. -;i -. . . s, i:;,,,., s,,v,,.,
il"- ,ui party is the fneud
, "I l.ll'.M' ,Mo 1 I in- l.u ti n , m 1 1 1, III i lie
'd mi 111" l-ilin. It will at all
: tunes .-t I ready t,, a,i,,pt ;,,lv
i:i i-:il" that may iitlprnir Us coa
I d.tion or iio:-aot,' ils ,iiis,i-ntv
I We i lepii a e ihe occurra i icr ot any
cmilh, t helun-i lahor and capitai.
U l, imiiace tlie aitalinn ol dem
I aa'".iii s , , -.i:;ned to 1, uncut and in
l I ii-iity 'h. -r l onihcts and we most
j 'Mrm'stiy dis; ppiove ot the u-e of
priwte armed torces in ;mj -it-
" iiipi i. settle tliem. We believe
that an appeal to law and its olli.
eels n ample to protect property
and preserve th'- peace and favor
I he el.i hi i -ii nieiit in some form of
I'l'.i! ds or trihunals ol conciliation
and athf.rafoii lor the peaceful
settlement nt disputes Ii, 'tween
capital and lahor. touch i no- wanes,
hour of lahor and such
.'. app-rtaia to the safety and phv
siia', at ,1 moral well heui", ol the
wot kinu'ii::!!'..
ihe farm, r- d the st ite. who coti
stitute the chief Helm ut o! our pro
dtu'tive wealth, creat iit"; pii.iilatioti
are entitled to tie.' cheapest and l.e.-t
tacihties tor storinu, shippiti" and
niarkeliu", tla-ir product-, and to
this end we favor such laws as w-li
Uivethrma i la up. ,-afe and easily
ohfaiuahle elevator and wateln Mis'
t.icilities am! will lurnish them
r,'ii'.p'i and w ithout , I i.-ci im i na
""'i "I in-! ami cjiiital'le lates.
proper trau-piiftation facilities lor
al ' in ,-. i ! 1 , markets.
We d'-mam I I he enact incut of I.i w -relllatiliu
tile rates charged l- ex-pre-s
companies within thistateto
th.- em! that such fate m;iv he
II!. 1 ie e.l-ollal-!e.
We I, ior the adoption of the
aii'emhu, t.t to-he const 1 1 lit ion pro-
i' 1 1 iii: i"i' an , Icc'.ivc railroad coin
iii'sson; , -nil a "A , i e,l to ti local,
p. i--, -tier and In il t i.ites
We are i;i lavof ol the postal tele
uraph and postal savings hanks
s -tem and ruri. 1 f l ee , 1 1 1 1 v el v .
I ru.-!- and couil ,i nat ;i ni - to con
"'"I ami unduly enhance the price
"I coiuim al i! a-- are a 'jieat ev il, am!
we tavof all prop, r legislation to
er.'Mla-ate ami icpre-s lin n:.
I'll'' levenil,' law- ol this -,,t,-should
l- ciin-lully lev ised hv a
commission ot competent person ,
repiesen! in", Ihe principal iiulu-.
tries ol Ihe state, to the end tl'.at all
propeaty rightfully subject to taxa
tion max be made to pay Us tu-t
pn.pot 1 1. HI of the public revenues.
I he debt o! this nation to the peo
ple who ,1'e-eiM d it can never I e
paid in dollars ami cent-. The re
publican parly ol .Nebraska cordi
ally and earnest ly favors a system
of pensions so liberal as to properly
pn ide for (he livino; iind tenderly
protect from want the widows and
orphans ol the dead.
fOPVKlCiHT lgl
and oilier to. "I!.. after eating".
I lien you need a " IMiet." Not
: one of the ordinary, r.-iin -u, tear
1 ill"; piUs it's a sieklless in itself to
take them, lei: of Dr. riereu's
rii'.':uit lV'iet the original Liver
im .1 ... , ,
J "'f,. :-t .".lid the easiest to
t;lke. 'Iill' easiest ill till' W.'IV tllPJ-
Work, too thev'ro mild and gentle,
U thiH-oll-rll ail.l effect ivc. I'.vcrV
r ,).',. ., , r 1 .1 1 i.i'
XM l''1' U' LM 1 i,ir 1't'altll-
1,11 "llliletiee. I liey clemlSe and
rfejulatc tin' liver, stott'.aeli uiiilhow
( ls' Il'ii'd'itf, mind you. Thoy
, . .. . r 11
j,f,rn,t ihsi'iise as well as cure it.
'they're purily . oftahlu and j,t 1 fect-
!' lliirilllcs-. Mck 1 lead.U'la', IhliotlS
lloaihielie, Const ijiation, Indigestion,
.111,1 ,i'l .l,"i
f-toni.tcll and l.oW. ls arc i.romt.tlv
, , . .
rciieveil and J't'tnametitly cured.
Tliry'rc the cluouH von can
'"V Ior l'"'v r-' ,"All(W( (i CJIVO
r '
"1 1 S f .1 Ct lOtl, Or VOlir ffiOIiey I TO-
V1111 liiv oidv f.,r ll 11, i, Y'sal
This tt-uo only of Dr. Ticrce'i
ft i S
111 M
Herold's Double Store.
TIIKSK two words i-j.itonize- tla- whole j.liil
osoj.liy ol liicrcaiitile succc under!. n v. not s,,
liuicli to make c.Ntra j.rotit on on,,,!-., hut to eel!
ao-ain m X n',.ijxtrtioii:itt' tinder j.riof. and witli the
"Khock-duwn J.oiiic'Vifdtu' tiiimatclial.le hai'jriiitis.
-weep ai.i. couij.otitioii ti'oinoi!!' path tike the'
I'ctore the wih'i. Wc- earnest Iv in ite you to c;ii!
and oxiiiiiuie our - Is ;,.( wIik-Ii aj.j,,-:,
with tlie liiirtiiny; eio'iuciicc ol ei ii'.iiM. l ai'e'a:!!- f ,
"iir sell interest. We cull v.-nr at'ti.rioi;' to the
i"!!ovii:o; Trade kiiickc::i-rs":
Trade Quickener No l.
Hals at Hail' I'i ice A c,,ii I , : .Me:..-'
.'lid Hovs hat, coii-i-'n d t.. lis .v (,;;.
l-oli iV ('.... wli,,h'sai' j,at I."!'-,., oi' ( .! ; , ':.,;,.
t! i' stock i.f ma' ..'! tiicir eu-!"!i.' i-s de. ! .'I- ,1.
'"lic'ilt ihl'l.i toi' ,"l'C o! the e, .Mai .... .
i 'r'd I" -en !h in at a
Trade Quicken op No. 2.
ii'i -s at la's- Tl:. i:i Ci -i, ,
V.'l'th l.,!;.'', ;di--es'. I ::..,:;,
l!"'s' S:c i s kiaa !;,-,! down at am !:
est," bidder. We took ihe !,.; at a!
iiuder Hit ie"iiiai' price,
'"'ll'!.-' Hd"o Ut- '.Mi! '" a ore;'.: !mi 'a- 01; r 1 1',;. ,c.
Ueaie a! od'eri u- i n ,.ii r Mi,,,. I e .art men t l.
r'"" I'-'iir-'id' Ladies', Mi--es'. C,i:, :,.;;-. t.u ..
I.n'Vs' Satuj.le shoes, lieinj,' tla- ci,;;.-,. In,,- , f
'.es of shoes inanulact t;i t d ai,d carried hv ,.!., ,,f
the largest wholesale shoe !.. ,,,, tl.e'Mis-otii i
l iver- Kirkcndale. Joiie- cV ( o., of ( hnah;, :ie,l
v,e are oiK'i'iuo; them at exactlv t:ut-tv -rici'-.
Trade Quickener No. 8.
I ndenvoar to the eoiistMiicr tit j.riccs that ntiicr
dcaii'is .av. We Imy otir underwear in case-lot-'iirect
from tlie mills, saviiij;' the middie-iiiaii's
J.rotit, ninl can sell it t -customers at the same
juices that the western wholesale dealers char-e
the small country dealer. Call or send tor our
Jit ices on underwear and he convinced of the truth
ot' this statement.
We have opened ti. the stole room formerl v ec
cii.ied l.y Ilrown Uarrelf. dnioo-i -fs, m, that we
tire now ready to do husiness on a liirer scale than
ever, in our I iiitueiise Dmilde .Stoic Imihlinir. !ee
our I 'm 1 1 ninl Winter line of Dress (iooTls tmd
Cloaks In-fore ltnyinj;. We can save you per
cent in these two dcpai tmetits.
Wiiliam Herold & Son.
503 ami 507 Main-St.. Plattsniouth. Neb.
Still continue to be
This is luliy ileiiinii-tratt'd 1 v the (act that tliey
li:i v sold p- m1 (1i pi'ipo- in
They own their goods as low as mortal man
can buy them for spot cash.
They sell them to their customers at as low
prices as mortal man can sell them and make
a living.
They are Square and Honest in their Deal
ings. Those Th ee Reasons are ihe Keystones of Their
JT 'I'tt snow their ;i .juvri;it ion u their
inciviise of business ihey jirnjiosp to
isrivt' ;i;iy 1o their
.' s
l.'.ok. eiiiitlcl -The (oliiiiilii.'in World'a Fair
Atlas ijl'ihe World," to every person luiyiny
(iods lo the amount ol' S25.C0, either at one
pureh;ie or in a running aeeoiint. Thev will
liive thoin a copy of this valnale hook I'rtc
t hai ire
Mayer &
The CWhing Kings.
1 1 . , ? t ; , . j
!l' I
S ,1 a ,1 )
: a d
ti " h! !-
I" I'd' cel.:
price that v.e are
In the Clothing Business.
eiitunicis m 1 Iniulswint.
- Hattsmouth, ITeb.
The (