Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 29, 1892, Image 1

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il 1
J A.
lM.A'nsMOlTll.CASsl OIM'Y. N KliUASKA. Til I'KslWY M'.riT.M I5KI: . v.p
SI..-U A YKAli.
O ft. MfT
Tl Tv IT A
it VA I H M H
see j. i unruh
W iix N oil -
hi:d ko. m si-ts. and i-: v i-:k'n i;iin;. ki-pt in
the : great
Cerate cn.
J. V. lllv.NDKlv, (In-riiittsiiiuiitli lliinluiiic m:m liii- pnn liii.-n'il tin' cm
tile slock of tin' Oniiiliii ll;inlViiM' I'd., ol ( Mtiiiliii. .111. 1 ;it slu li
ptiot's Hint it r;iii ;iinl will In- rc-siilil in I1 1 , 1 1 1 -1 1 1 , , 1 1 1 ' 1 ;it
ri-liiil iliii'i't ti tin- l on-iiiiih'r ;it 1 ruin
V All tin' coiiimini ;iml imsiili'iiliK- stock v:i-i
1 solil ;is si-nip iron mul IK'tnlci' lniiylit nil slm'k.
I; It Will be Shipped to
K'i; A D THIS AND I.KAK'.N we .iff niiin prcpm t il for tin-
Ami .onliiillv invite on lo look
n cr oil i' hiiiiil-oiiii' nml Wfll-si'-liTh
il lim of DK'KSS CiOODS in
Whip Cords.
ASSORTED P reas' 00 Brocaded Crepes. Fancy i JJj
!j Fancy Suitings and Black Silks j
AT j
1 iNi;sr 1, i.Ni'. oi- i..ri..N in 1 in.
Chenille Table Spreads, and Curtains.
Damask Table Spreads.
We want to
lot of
About 250 pairs in all sizes for Ladies', Misses
and Children's. It will pay you to see them.
" " "
' i i: ii t i
. , I I ..-v i: e pi.' L-.ppie-t 1 "i
" ' H-oiier-. e ei ;i j ii.. n:,.i t.
PLATTSMOUTH.:'"(' ';''-. i, h,;,,. ,.-
!'' " I A I;, i i ! '. I l i,. i-..
n. m.m i. I M!-pii , 'lis C ; p I v i I ion II.
V.. Ii: p . ill i I P. ,i' :. '-
: good : LUCKi;5:::::;;,;;;:;::;;::;;;,;,::,;::
tii.o XDollar.
Plattsmouth at Once
English Serges. English j
Finest all-Wool Hen- '
Trimming Surahs. Velvets. Crepe I)e j a j
Chene, China Silks and Burgalines.
Silk Girdles and Dress Trimmings.
"V "T
JL. 1
call your attention to a Choice
Odds and Ends from our
voT "
N'- Susp-d u-i C.-im s t p.. F'l'vt; .!
Fr..o aCvlMnCr,
;U"s Soio Excitoetent
An On I- P.issi'nj; 'fi,
C Ml' I.. A . S VM", Hem.,. . .
"'' Not;. in-- i . . - : ! ; i ,
' .in- h-ir-l In ,, i ,;i ..;,!,...
..I v. ;!: m d -;.:, ,,-
il! I In -1 r !.! i i -i .i i r. p-
'it II." I:..! -r.i. v. Li.-h i. ..I ii
' I '.I 11'" n-.'p ' .- .A. ;!:.
. ' ! i ' li' I 'I l.i 1 :
i: : . ' -. . i .'
ot I ! . r n i : i;i -N.l
.I! n il,,, :
y.y. I ' iiili,., 1
.':.!'ll'lt"li l.'-l l'iI'l. '
i'i' .-r. , i,' ':, ,1: - r; .-. -. ,
I'iiI'T.i -11-p,-r! ,i - well. ;
lIi'..K W. Saw 1 1.1 !.'..,
; : r 1 1 1 ; t M.ijor C'oniniiin'l,;nt.
Tin- me, lie, i! ,-pri took ;i,:nit se
'.'f the v.'e. ili, r mn! mi'l r the
.-i:per i.-iiMi ot Dr. h the h.i
Uii"e ol the Iv'll" i;i-H n.m-en ,it
was all open.'.l mi l the el'h 1 f-i J 1'1'''('"1K' '"'",u! ' ,l'""u" "s :xv
w, leex.o-e,lt,.theMM. mullnee.e :ma'' Tl' ' "' ,li:lt 1,11
throughout the .l.i). I"" MX I""'-' ,hr w'" '"
Tl.eeamp.iilteri'. i.ui. tTnilp,-;..-,-. ''I""''1' ti'i'H'n' ami th-v will he
till il.iv. wax thrown into . mtIhihth i i'!'',v'1 '' Mru''
L the appei,r,me witl.ii, ther''"' ' P 1 ".-'s Iron, mhrte.i
limit-f a tr.,n:p. whose arrival ix!'1' ' several !as,
enxhrowih-,! in nnxtet v. Th" man I ""''1""1' liM.if.-rl.-.
has the appeal mice ot having i i.--cei
11I r mii;!i ,ix i-e trnin the torn
stiite of his c'otliun;' ami his hnt
less heiiil. He is a (iernian, ami
H.ivi' his name as Anto Diithi. lie
is apparentl) a lunatic, ami told
the ollicers that he lelt New York
the last time he was shaved, ap
parentl some months ,-ince, am!
thill he walked here on the water.
He added that he had l, en locked
up for three months lor idiiiit.iril
walkini;' into prison.
As far as cau he learned the man
eluded the sentinels posted Lythe
New Jersey a lit lim it it s at the state
line hound. ir . and yot on the
Liroiind occupied hy the regular
troops at Sand Hook, who turned
him over to the marine camp. whose
ollicers in turn ran him out of their
lines into this camp under the im
presion that lie was an escaped im
inierant. lie was ordered hy
M ii jor Sa wtel le to he fed, and, on
seeing the food, the poor wretch
ate witll the avidity ol a wild heasl.
lie is housed in a tent down the
railroad lines and is under the
surveillance of a emml.
AK'im t;i AT AK'AM im;.
Ol 'ARAN I IN P. Sept. 'Jl-The All
L!iisla V ictoria Iroiu Souihainptoii
arrved at ipiariiiitiue at 1! p. tn. She
hrouUt out H'Jil Ciihin iasseii4tTS
and has had 110 sickness 011 hoard.
Anions her pas-cii.-iTs are Director
lim i I Ilol., K'ev. Dr. A Miickey
Smith, Mrs. John Yiaii.Tiiiaker, Dr.
Satte, lield, ami parly.
The French steamer l.a louiaiuc
which arrived trout t'hei houi I.;' to- Ii:k I'H i-iiliiM I, :,s-.-n ,,. i.ii.I
no steet'ai;e. Iv'epoi ted ad well.
I'Akls kl.tiikl- luiv' A PAY. 1
I,..,..-:... jt 1.. i. ..;,.. .'
. ' 1 fct. nu- J''-
ler,.l llllll-l"lll iii 1 oi
cholel ,1 and sev enteetl ' I
j the disejise were lepoi led lo
I thol'it ies. I 11 I l ivi'e (hll'i
hs I run 1
the an-
ll"n"-- ''
same lillle there were twelve In
I'.i-r- an.', leu deaths
I ki 1.1: ,i 1 1 1 1.1 1 v. .
' CM! I.11V.. N. Sept. ' l-IV.
1.' 1 1 ex., ,. , ,
1 ' " '
him. h e. I ol the Nori.iaun la pa
sene ers wei e put ;il. 0, ml steamer
t h is 11 n 1 r 1 1 i lM ii ml VV'ete I Hide. I 11
New York Lelnre ni-hit.,!!.
T he second hoat load .1 pa -m i ;
e.T- h'lt hen i.l II 'oil'" k 1
. 1.11
! !;'", .N1";1"':'i,,,",.,:M'n,,m
the discipline o the s -1 e 1 1 1 . I ic 1 1 1
Iteflive that lli't nli
liece ot I, a
xv a- hsl. and
Major Siiwtelle, tin. oiiinmmhint.
asked each passed cr ;i- thev
passeu uovvn .,, line ., nicy nan
ail) wants they.VVMshed supplied he
i . . i . i . i . i . . i
! fore Icavin- here. Nlhine; hut; -
i word-of -ratitude and praise were J""'.-:-' K'am-ev issued marriage
il -ilini,,, ii ,v.iiir,rU I licenses as follows today; ( hris
The ramp census at 'Jjp. in. is as
follows: Total nuinhcr of passen
yers received. 'Ill; releiHed officers
in i-. imp. ii; leav it.; Mi
tOW I'el'f.
. ... . . ;,. .,,
;;i ...- it j ..i !. i
to ! ' :. w ' Pi - s.Pi-
1 . !.TV - I . : ! ' ' ! . ". - i - I p.'! I.
1 1 . nil it: ! Ii ,ii v c !.).
A ! I ! . ti mm -i ..'.! S ,v ' : 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 e i -
w 11 I ..i' l !'... .-ctidi.i cud
II 'lil'Ull.i. 1 ' 1 1' -1 ill I l' pi - .-I'll ( ! S
v..!-.' i.!i 1-.'. I ti'm lamp Lou,
uliirh i r, v nr. i' p I-. I ni'.lp I
t!iii 1 'i tin' i ii 1.
Mr-. V 1:1, s.n .t v. . - I'ti ).. .i-i!
1 ! '. 1 1 .1 1 P 1: 1 A ' : 1 -! . .1 111. r.
. ;ii-t l. i..! . . II. r Ii!i-.Imii.I.
I ! : pi !: 1 -' r "i 1 . . 1 . .... in p . 1 11
: I il . 1 i - ... iii - .it. Mi-. ;.
Iv ..ii.. I .. !! . 'iii,' .!.. ti
! !M. -1 :.. :' !'" v ,1.-1 'I'M :;.'! li.-r
1 '.'.-, ! . J "r - V. ! . .! '. r .111.I
I ' !' ! l li'tl : I'll -1 l "li',.. I '1 . : 1 i ,w . I
I! il' 1 1 1 ! 1 . -I Ii r l;- ' - up. v IitIi ,
v. :!! I'i' I 'ii'.". !' .'. i
I'll-- -!. ! . T..i:r...!H- nl T I i -'
I'l.'ii.'l' i
I -..!.
i n
. !. I
' . 1
il!. W.l-i IV
,KI" K'
' ''"', ' ' ''u'
N.-ws s.: .-: I lir ;: 1: 1 lii'i i 1 ir- ml
l".t'l k!i - i.l li " rvt ! a'
i niT 'I I - -li p- t.uvar.l 1I1
t'lwn iTi'l j ; . 1 r. n ' 1 ' - w l-ciis-
111,1 li- t. w.,1'.! i.;t i I ' liT. 1 ,-l.onlil it
malv' its, " in the south
OniiT n-ri'ix I nt Pii-iiiMx Ni'r.ix
in .- to n 1 : 1 pi " p. 1r.1t ion t ' 1 cn fori i'
t jil.iiv.tnin..' ti'nl,iti"ti.-i :i.iiii-t the
l'niti',1 St.iti-.- in tin' event tlntt mi
ami tr;mxt Treil to .'leviean cars.
Smallpox ix an old ati'l familiar en
emy m. 'I not much tlrcatlec hy Mex
icans. l ait cholera ix ureal! illeinleil
anil ever irecantioii will he ex-
erted to prevent tl e entrance of the
disease into Mexico.
Ktiitl'I.V I NlM'k'l'i: IM AK.W I INK.
I.As.i , ' ell., Sept. '.'I. -The
stiite hoard ol health has estah
lished a ipi.irantine of twenty d:i) s
aipiin-t i 111111 ic.t lint x Ir 1111 inlected
Kuropean ports via I'miada and ap
pointed inspectors to enforce its
orders. This inspection hoard has
followed the orders of the Detroit
Im, 11. 1 of health and admitted ini
mirants without detention or in
spection, and at a special ilieetini;
la-t I'Miiiu the stiite hoard in
st rue I ed the i 11 spec tor eit her to con
form to its orders or fesi"!!. As
the saute inspectors were appointed
t'i represent the h'deral joverninent
at the leiplest of the state hoard,
their removal in case the fail to
act in accordance will, the hitter's
instructions was asked for.
I k'Il K IS rxi-ASV.
IIiOIKS'I i:.l, Pa.. Sept. 'J'i -Chairman
II. I'. hrick of the Carnegie
coinpmi paid another visit to the
steel works today. Mr. I'" rick de
clined to stiite the ohject of his
present visit, hut there is a strong
suspicion that the unusual interest
In- is taking in the plant is Irauejit
with consiih rahle import. nice.
It is thought that some important
ciiauuv in the ni;imiL;eiiiei,t is
contemplated. The local officials
; ;"'r e'plnl.y
I Pil'lill' ail
reticent ah out i 1 1 1 -in
lot 'mat ion. Very
1 liltl" work wa- done in the mill
prior t" (lie noon hour today,
IM- eveiiin;; tile Lentil mill is ill
. .,
-perat I. nl it is .put.' .viileiii
1 1, , 1 ,,.'e ;:.- .eell il a .I," oil 111
,M. tore ..I the .'in pl.. e-. The pay
i-,,!1 ul ,. Sixteenth t'eL-iin. ill was
Hiiii'd in .-at nr. lay. and it
!' llii iii'l'.t tile llliilirt will tea. Il
I' ' -'
1 ; , 1 ' It' ,1' 1 . 1 I I . 111 11 i ' I u "
' . . ., ..... 1 ' '....-i.
1 . .1 ..... I
' ' ' 1 I ' - I', Il 0.1- 1 ,
I u iv - vTi'l e 'ii -
A I' . Ill ..N I III. v A k I A 1 II.
i I ' ', -.. 1 i v . S. pt. A - p.-
I ,ii,i - !i.
Ivil;".-'... N
1, i.i I- that . .ilk. r ol pla,
. . , . . , t
vv ! de the .Mum..- nver.
L...1 I.. V.. ., I.,.. Tl,, , '
v ' .i"-.'"'" I
L. lie, I I,,- I -,,,! do" aiidi i,
u , i i; , .,, ,,,,,, i,,n IV,,,ui
Si, !.. who was w ith V .,,lo i. has
1 not hei'l In-ill ! Iiom. and i
t!., uuht to h iv he. I! kill. d. t our-
i, I - have 1 a ell sell, ill 111 I llllo'tious
, warning the miner- and r; 1 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1 1 i .
r.r t,.,,l,l,. i. ,u, ,l
Harhe and Miss Au-usta I .all ami to
Isaac V. Teeja;ardeii and Miss Lucy
Wolcott, hoth of Weeping Water.
Thoy arc Suffer n- FrePi
ivssiv,o "Harmony."
.(is WillCiMT..',. Au.ii.t C C.uulul t. -. L...I. !. .
l; Jill C luM.-r.i i
. .1.1 ! l.n li:' ml i:i'.
D: 1 k'. ( 'nl. . -- .! j; 1. 1 .v
M it" I'.ilnn 1 T L ; 1 1 1 ii .1,1.' I III '
l!"' ''' I l'".'l"l ! '! " " '.-I'I- Ml.' i i
! '!' - pl" !,'.! I ' :.p.
i- fii-n-i 1- i'i.- 1 '.p : !.. r I. t:. .
1 1 .H i' M.i'i- I .-1. 1 I. iilll'.Hi.: I: it , 1-M.iMU-il
.it .! 11 Hi ! i. hi III;- I" lip nt 1
I ! 1 I - I I 1 'ill tin- I : 'J, II 1, r 1 l.ll 11 . ,
IT 'In' - ! .! tr 11 HI I'll! i. " 1. I'i 11' 1 li'llli - I
1 li' t.ilc i'i' I '.'ii' 11 111. I u 1. 1 nl!
I 1 1 1 I . 1 1 I I U ' U I I l S ,111, IV.W 111 IT)
till I'I 111 I II 1 i ' I l.i V 1 '! Til I II -11 ill I
will' I hi' 1 ri .plr' - p. u'l .mil 1 lir !
I i-i ipli ' - '.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ,"i w.'i r in-,
! . I..I -.!. A iT.illi'-li'i.; CI ,,, I j
j .l' !i -.'ti"ii I : .1 1 1 li' i'ii i-nl liuiil I
j At,.p;ilnii iTiiinly, i'i uliii-li Di nvi r
1'. I, iin.l t!ir
j went 011I ami funnel a separate
. conven'ioii aii'I tlacei a lull
-liaiiiht ilemocratic ticket in the
tielil. This ticket, the secret. 11 v of
,t;ite ,1,.,-i.les. is entitleil to -o on
Iheoihcial hallots lahel led "demo
era tic." The other ticket, though
mimed at the regularly called and
lon-tituted convention, must e,o
under some other name. The
iusion stiite central coiumitte",
under the le, nl of Thomas M. Pat
terson, of The K'ocky Moiiutiiiu
.News, met today and indorsed the
people's pall' slate ticket entire.
The matter will douhtless he taken
into the courts, as each side rccoir
nUrs the lad that .1 vast advantage
will he secured ill having the ticket
"democratic." T. J. O'Potincll, a
democrat, has heen iiiuned hy the
lusionislx as the candidate for
supreme jude, to till that Viit'ancy.
1 A 1 IK' A 1 1 Mi 'HI I'l i'..
( k'l I i:, Nch., Sept. 7. -Weather
( t op hiilletin No. 115 of the .N 1'i a.xka
weather service isxiied froul ,s
central ullice, Ifoswell ohsetvatoi,
Do. me collen'e, (.'lete, for the week
endini; Tuesday, Septemhcr 'JTth,
sa s:
The week has heen warm ami dr,
very favorahlc lor maturing the
corn crop.
The temperature has heen every
where much ahove the normal
rauniii'T from seven decrees in the
wester part of the slate to thirteen
deerees ahove the mirimil in the
eastern and . south winds have
Lpmcrally prevailed. Tin- maxi
mum temperature on the '''ml gen
erally exceeded ninety dem'ees.
No rain has lallen throughout the
centril and southeastern sections
ol the state and less than half an
inch an vvheie.
fori, has matured vet rapidly
and the hulk of the crop is heyonil
reach of frost.
Thedr weather has heen liufavor
ahle lor the putting in (d fall wheat
ami in some sections the acreage
will not he as la rye as was expecti d
earlier in the season; yet reports
indicate that the total acreage will
he a very larye increase over that
of any previous year.
Wil l hay is m at h all in the stack
hut tin- crop is eenerallv reporteil
;ix .;it.
As this will he the !a-l I ulh tin of
the sea-on, we take Ihi.- oppoltun-
. .1v (i ,,,,,;,;,,. ,,M. who have
I . . . , . . i :. . ;. i I
in,ll co-opil ated in liillii sh inu
repoitx I n nu wei k lo week.
s ; COiSll AIIOUNI) t:()Ull T KtiOMS.
I'lie InUowiii" I- the I'li-ille-s
"itran - mted in
K'am-ev '- 11 al 1 1
'-I" 1 . , I
. 'the pn.-l vv eel-
1 . . .. 1 I'..
1 ,1 ii'el '.' .X l II 11 ii 11 1 .0 .1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' .'...-.
'I. M. Ward. Suit on no 0 unt l"i'
"i ,,-,..; I . Alisw.-r t letoher 'tfd.
,, pi, esiat, nl
P. K'y.'ii. .lo ea-'ed I iia -
In t
; ' ' ' .
I.l i li
11.. , ,1, ,, , ,,i,te.ied
1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 . .
- i . i.iiiii .
( . . I'aiim le V-. t It) ot Malts
- ' .... . ...ii.
'tui'litli. v .miiuue.i t;. ...',,,. .
i,. ,,.,ii,iol the estate nl
! vi, ,a,l l.ewix. d
l, I eii.-el
!. Ilealini
- on set t h llle i : t I n t ween c vecul n'S ol
,,-t will and test, nil. 'lit ol . I..
Shry ock, dei ea-. d late administra
tor ot said estate, ami (idlev S.
Ward, administratrix de honux mm.
Amount found due. said estate ifl.-
In the matter of the guardian,
ship of the minor heirs ol William
Welireheiu. deceased. Ileiiriuu- on
i;;:;' :;' i',":
, iiii-ut of i:!;! ii U i lir. li in,
1.11. mli, m. . t t..r l.i'.irin- ( .-t"l it,
; till l' o'rloi-k ii. in,
I I 11 till' 111!' !! T ill till' 1 ... 1 l'. i.i n hIi i 1 1
i'! !'! I vv.l!' I Slli'i 1 1 . ; '1 . 11 i i in l;i-il' nf
I-a.-l Sh.-i-h.tM. .!'....-, , 1. ll.-;ir-
I " 1; nil pr! :! i. HI I r ii I ( iii Ml llli'llt uf
1-. i 1 : I t 1 ! 1 Slin li. in ".it, r. Ii, 111.
r 1 1 1 i't m I it ii. l: r. r ; ; . . I witll
,,,:, 1 .. ,. 1 l( p-;Ki J!,,,, 1 ;. .,,, t.(
, ., i,,,,p
n . ...
I li" ,-iiil.' nl Ni'lir.i-U.i . lluli
A nil,Tiii. '1. 11. p!. nut lii- j , 1 1 y
I 'i ':!.;. jiiiil iin nl 1 i;!i!il . Tii.'l
I" .'."iii. l-'..nii. 'in!l :ni. i-oui-
mi!!" I (o I'.'l.'.MIl Si'
in (!,, ni.;'! I' 1 ! liir ..I jnhil
pv , ,!,,,.,.-,.!. .v!ji..: ..11
'l-:ill!; - Hill' .'lii'W' .l iill.l (li'i !'('.
.Ii-''ht!iII ' .
Ill 111.' lllilll'T el I'l-' l'-l;l!i' uf
I':'.!mI Mill. Iii'.ili'i't 11 -i'il. I Ir.ll'ill nil
mi i l.iiiii-; -.mli' iillnwril i'liil ili'i't'i c
ill 'I'l 'I'll II ". I .
I 111 till' Itl'lttl'l" llf I 111. ...III,. 1,1'
K'ii Ii it-1 l.i wu, .lri'i'ii-cil lli iii'ini; M ltl'-lll. "It I l tul. IT 17l!l I')
I'Vlmlv il. Ill
l.inn'M M. I'.iMiT-mi v-i. I't-ti-r II.
Ix'lltlil' l'. Drf mlt of di l.'M.hlllt en
tered. Judgment lor pla'utill oil
promix-,r note for .fUdS.
Moline, Mill. urn .V Stoddard l'o.,
vs. Oirin Ixiiinisou et al. Suit on
notes xj:t. and iuttresl. Judgment
for pliiintiit fur 'JI.i'i.
Moline, Milhurt, Stoddard (.0.,
vs. John Yoris, Suit on note tor
S'H. and interest. Default of deleu
iint. JiiTyiuent for plait, till' for
I n the matter of the estate of Y.
H. Shi ock, di ceased. Ileariui; on
petition lor order to si II personal
properly. J'rajer ol petition
y t illltee.
1 1, the matter of the eslale of
Hiiihiira 1 1, irimck, deceased. Ileiir
itty on claims. Same allowed; de
cree for pay mi nt.
Pal tiler's hank vs. II. ( i. Strouy.
Suit on promissory not'' for .'riL'.i.
A tixvviT Nov . Hid.
In the m. ilti r of the l.i-t w ill ami
testament of 1'harlottc Marshall
deceased, lleiiliny on petition to
adiuit same to prohate. Same ad
mitted, houd of John Marshall, exe- -cutor,
tixed at itd.aiH).
In the matter oi the est ,te of J110.
K'iclianlson, deceased. Hearing
filial seltlemelit of accounts ol W. C.
Showaltcr, executor. Siiuie allowed
and decree accordingly,
T he jui ) in I he case of the Pren
tiss lirowii Stone Co. vs. ( . J. Kiiiy.
liroiii;hl in a verdict for the defen
dant. The jury in the case ot Crush)
vs. K'ii he) returned with a verdict
in lavorol defendant hist niyht.
The case of So Ionia 11 & .Nathan s
Feder Nalishailiu was tried hefore
I udye Chapman and a jury yester
day, and the jury this iiioriiine; the
jury returned with a verdict for
$:ifM in favor of plaintiff.
Chris Stoehr vs. The County Com
missioners is on trial today and the
jury hroiiyht in a verdict of l-'a on
M. It. Marshall appeared he lore"
Judye Archer this morning with
his I ice hadly disliyuied and asked
that a warrant he sworn out for the
arrest of Coon Yallery oil the
chiirye of a-sault and hiitter) . The
warrant was- issueil and placed in
the hands ol an ollict f.
J. P. Lewis vs. Dwyer, Wallin'nA.
Livingston. Judgment rendered
no deinurer ill lavol id delendailts
j ,,,,,1 cost taxed to plaintilf.
'; The juiy ill the case d Stvd
I 1,1, alia Southern was out all 1 1 i 14, 1 1 1
land tins inorniii'' hrou'yht in a
v..rii;.., f;IV(,r f . ,,:liiif for
; -.j lie,) im, interest at the ride"'
' per cf nl lor the past two year.
W. . While w: s iiiri'sted Satin-
1 .... ...;.... Tl
1 lay infill 0.. s u-jm i m. 1 ...
, In e,s had a sev . 1 " 1 11- le with him
1 and lie appeared in curt thi -
! intifiiiu - witli the cliiir-i ol resist-
' "'-'- mi ''"'' 'li'i'm-t him. lie
' pleaiii'U n.'t umitv ami ri- 1
i ,v.x...t I, ..- 1 1 . i - I mm ... m vv 1 ;ei 1 a r
rested he had ii ladv's -old watch
, in Ills l.o-sessii.ii.
Will. Kills.'', a colored iu.liv idllid.
was arrested a.-'a suspicion.- mar
in ter. II. I elolc Jlld'
Archer and ay recd to -et out of
town il he was let -o. Chief irace
esi orted him to the city limits,
"l re.l Ixnuhler was iirrcsted this
moriiin- charged with iptai rel iiiu
and usiii- obscene kuitfiiime, etc.
1 le pleaded not guilty and the case
will he beard "Wednesday morning
at 1') o'clock.