Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 22, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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II Iii l i 1 l VJiill 1 1 VV 1 I W .
In Spite of all Precaution
K Cholera Breaks Out.
From Bacteriological Examination
There Have Been Five Deaths
-There Will be Sporadic i
for Sixty Days.
i:V Ynk'K, Sent. U.--T1U' lxunl
i.f 1... .ltd 'tn hi .11 ni'ii 1 tlii-l :i f I irti 1 w 1 1 1
that from hacU'i iolokal i'atnin.i-
?L . i.i ii r i i - it.
' noil mailt i'v i 101. uniuiin im
1 1 y(ll tin' hoilit'S of st-vi'ial suspfi tftl
' cliolcra iatifiits, tlit'iv haw lnvn
ivi i1:il im frnltl iiatii' chiiliT.i in
tlio fit y of N't'vv York.
Tlio tiamt's of those who i! it'll from
0 the i'holt-r.1 wi re:
1 CIIAKI.KS .v.WttY.ilii'.l Sfptfm-
1'tr Ii, atlilifj-s not known.
I Mk'S. MM'MIA WICM.W. tlic.l
St'ptriiiln'r H'. at 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 . 1 1 avi'ii'.if
vA WILLIAM WKiMA.N. httsl.aii.l of
JSojiliia Wisjnian, ilirtl al tin- sanir
iitltlrt'ss tin1 following day.
MlNMIvTl-YIXCl-R, Jhild. tlif.l
ft C . . ..t 11 ... Ill VV. .1 I." ......
hjhiiii i ' t i ii. iii ill r"ii
sixth fdift t.
ClIAKI.t T 1'A ItlUK, thirty year
old, died f .-U-i al ly afterni'oii at
7lil Set'otid avt iuie.
All these eases were originally
reportetl to the health authorities
as suspected cholera and h a e I een
under investigation 1 y the physi
cians conueeled with the depart
inent. I'rot. Heriuaii Hriyys. who
is in charge of the division of
pathology and bacteriology , has
heeii making hacteriidoical e
aiuination of the intestinal thuds
taken from the bodies of the sus
pected cases, lie reported to the
department this afternoon the re
sult of his examination ami an
nounced unhesitatingly that the
cases were Astatic cholera without
William Wiyman was lifty-two
years old and his wife, Sophia, was
nixty-three years old. lie had been
nick for cii;ht days and his wife
,liad been sick for about the same
length of time. She died on Satur
day ami lift on Sunday. Physicians
in attendance reportetl that tin y
be'.ieved the case to be cholera, and
by order of the board of health the
bodies were removed to til? recep
tion hospital, where they were ex
amined by 1'rof. Hrijjtxn.
Charlotta Heckof 17til Second ave
nue was found sick in her apart
ments yentt'itlay morning. She was
attended by Dr. Ya title realty., who
Haw her at '.1:110 o'clock. He reportetl
to the board of health that he be
lieved the case to be cholera. She,
too, was removed to the detention
hospital till her death, which oc
curred nt ll:lio the name day.
Charles McAvoy was ICi years old
and a plasterer's assistant. 1 It
died at STi Tenth avenue.
Minnie Tevinyer was one year and
eijrht months old. She died at 111
Kast Forty-sixth street, where her
parents lived.
The physicians have been unable
to find out how the cholera was
contracted in each one of these
cases. So far as they have been
able to learn none of the dead per
sons came in contact with the chol
era serins.
lvvery precaution has been taken
to prevent the spread of cholera in
these different houses. 1 ledd me
lius been burned ami the houses
placed under observation.
President Wilson said this eve
ning there was no occasion for the
excitement in the city. The health
department has taken every posi-
ble measure to prevent the spread
of the infection. Mr. Wilson was
averse to talking on the subject and
said that the bulletin ol the hr.dth
depart 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 contained everv til inu'
there was to be sa id. S;i n ita ry Sti p
t i 'inteiident , Kd-on said there wa
no danger of the cholera becouiin
epidemic. There would be sporadic
cases, he said, for at le.i-t ,-it
day.-, until real i ool weather -i t in.
which will have the t li'ect of -tamp-iujr
out the disease. The health ol
lit'ials have sent to Mill- i -l.i'nl It n'
the passenger lists of all e--el-t
ha t have arri ve I In re si nee A iil: n-i
'M. livery eMort will b made to
trace the p i--rn j,frs as a- prac
ticable. lr. ICilson said the mleetiou
which caused the cholera to t r- , i k
out here must have colli'" through
some ipiaraut ine. Ilmav !iiebeen
cailsetl by some inlected baat'
or clothing of some a.--",n;;'i'r who
came ashore, who nia haw com.
niuuit'atetl the ili-tai-i-. Tlie -miref
of infection is heinj i 1 1 -! i . 1 1 -i 1
very carefully. A circula r pi i n t -'d
in l-jii','li-'h. ierman. Hebrew and
Italian w ill be scattered 1 1 1 r 1 1 I i -out
tin. citv tomorrow.
Ni.u YnK'K, Sept. bl. -Another
plauiie-ship in the port and another
story of disease ami death on the
voyage. Kleveu more vict ims added
to the lony; list of those who have
died of cholera between Hamburg
and New York, This iss the story of
the -team-hip lioheinia which
reached Ne.v York last niht and
.im hor.-d in the lower iiarantiue.
ller coming had btvu dreatlcd as
much as the coming; of her sister
slnp and sister dead-house, the
Scaiulia. She lelt Ilanihui'i;. the
fruiting hot-bt'tl of the cholera, at
the time when the jie.-t was at its
wor-t. and her oM steerage passen
gers o.itlieitd trom the infected
regions of (ieiiuany and Kussia
w ere coiilident ly expet ted to hrino
cholera with lhein.
1 lie I iohemia sailed from Halli
burton September 1, ami was tine
e-ttrdiy. On Wednesday niuiii
in. ;Qi miles east of Sandy Hook,
.-he wa- passetl by the Trave, which
iirrived here yesterday inoriiini;'.
The 1 iohemia was expected here be
fore nightfall yesterday. Notwith
standing the anxicu with which
the health officers waited for her,
.-he was not reported trom Fire
island, which she pa -set I a I a o'clock
in the alteriionn, nor Sandy Hook,
which she reached at t'. Half an
hour I. Her, she via.- added to the
cholera licet in the lower bay,
dropping' her anchor near the New
I lamp-hire.
I he lb ral 1 tu;, which had been
waiting lor her in.-ide the llook
drew up alone- as she .-teamed in.
and I'aptaia Shnrtler ol the I !o
l'.eiu ia came to t lie rail to tell me
about her vo ae. He was unable
or mi w ill in,;' to say an til ine- id Mint
theileiilhs on board until he had
repot ted to the Health officials, but
he admitted the essential facts of
the misfortune that had befallen
the company.
"We have had eleven deaths on
board," said the captain. "They
wire all of little children. There
is no .-ickness on hoard at present.,'
"What did the childrou die ol r
"A diarrhti iil disease."
"Was it cholera V"
"I cannot tell. The last death was
live days aio. Nobody has been
ill on board since."
"1 low loiii; alter on left port did
the first death occur V"
"About the fourth day. The chil
dren were all cry m uiiiu'. The old
est was between 1 and a. Tucy
were all in the stecrae;e. There
have been no adult pa-seut;crs
A row of heads projected from the
port lights of the steamer as the ,
ran alongside, ami some ol the pas
sengers who ow ned the heads were
willing to talk about the voyage.
One man, who saitl he was an
American citi.en and lived in New
York, told me there was very little
excitement cn board the lioheinia
over the deaths that occurred,
though nearly every body knew that
there was cholera on hoard. The
steamer had been carefully disin
fected ami the sick children had
been isolated.
My informant hail proceeded so
far when a ship's officer dashed
into the room and hurled the pas
senger hack from the window.
Then he uttered some fierce orders
in ( ierman and stood in the door
way to see that they were carried
out. That ended the conversation.
The other heads alon the ship's
side were violently withdrawn also
as the til passed alomr, and be
bind eiicli head appeared an officer
as vehement of manner and as de
cisive of command as the first.
Fuoiieh was learned, however, lo
show that if the captain hail any
doubts about the nature of the
disea.-e the intelligent passengers
ha I none. In like manner all the
passengers had who stood on the
upper decks were driven back from
the rail lest they should convey any
The lioheinia Is of the unlucky
Il.iinhiire -American line. She has
been many years in t
an I .- inec the pl"'i a ; ict jer -team 'I - .),.
ea i I - in;; i m , :; ra i, t -.
cabin pa - -i ii 'i'.-.
ser it e.
d the la-t
hiid been
' ha- len
I' h is in. ii iiii ;
-fai lic! that b
I iallemi . j'hel
pa --cn:;e; -, ten
and a cr. w of
b" e,s,.!. ail ;,
t o:i,!;t:,,n of the
. i
i-lled the
! -b't rae
ias -i n e ( r-
s. veil alio i rd
Plly wail. I'be
is I-
i e a a i , ne.-s w.i- iir-l rale.
Three of I 'latt.-nioulh's ollim
imai I'Ti Friday niht br diilen iit
d - -: i ii . i ' am- biit all on a matri
monial mission All-list K'eaihat'ki'f
0- oes to Wisconsin and mi the Juih
of this 1 1 1 : i . I '11 be united in
ii a.;e to Mi-- ! -. i : ; 1 1 y Wilson. v.Tin
1- well known in this citv. (.'has,
li'll. mother ii. A. M. machinist
started for I !u rl i n - ion, Iowa, and
will 1'liiiu' back one of I !i nl i u ton'.
I lire-t daughter-. Mr. has u
cotta-e Third street neatly
furni-hi'tl and ujiou their r( turn
will enter into t). n steries ol
kecpiu- hotise. The other oiin--man
is Frank McCoy who departed
for Pennsylvania and will be
married to a younir la ly whose
name Tin; 1 1 v. I.I w;is unable to
le tin. t he first two, will .after
their return, reside in this city,
while' Mr. ami Mrs. McCoy will live
at HaTcloek.
Everything Favorable For the
Stamping out of Cholera.
Cholera Seems to Have Lot Its:
Terrors Five Thoiuiaiul S'.""
ae Pa-servers From j
Europe COmins, j
Ni:V Ytilv'li. Sept. la. -The board
of health litis morning' issued a
bulletin st.itine- that there were no
new cases of cholera in the Cit .
The mornine; opened bri-hl ami
frosty, ami .New York is thus ,-u-jo
ine- j ust the kind of weaiherto
prevent tl e spreiid of the plajue.
The few cases whiih have ap-i
peared here, ami which were cm-j
cealcd by the board ol In all h. h.i e j
in no wav alarmed the aul hm il ie.- I
or citi.elis. I'll." peopie liere have
become etlui'ated up to a point ol
having little or no tear ol the
foiineiTy niiich dreaded di-ea.-e.
The i in m i e'l'a n I pa--t n :;ei - t the
steamer Frii'slatid, w hich ai l ived
here Au-ust -i, seeiii lo have
brouyht the disease to little Minnie
l.evin'er. who died Septcinl cr 11.
I'hes are Hacked back to Antwerp,
which they reached Irom other
cities of Hurope doubtless iulecteil
with cholera. When they rcachetl
ipiaiiiuliue there was no illue.-s re
portetl aboard, and after a lew
hours' detention and so called
lutuieatiou, they were allowed to
proceed. From the steamship the
pa seiieers scat let ed over the city
and country. Four vmiiii; women
went to the house where little
Minnie lived. The infection was
probably in their clothing, as they
escaped attack themselves.
It is authoritatively stated that
nine ste. unships, carrying a.uuii im
migrants, are enroute to this
country. Ainont; the steamers now
enroute with steerage jia-senyers
are the I uiuau line steamer I ndiana,
from Liverpool, Si pleinber In, with
' K I in the steerau'e; the Anchor line
steamer Fthiopia, from tilasyow,
September 1, P'.l sleei iie; the Ham-burn-Ainerican
line steamer Mo
heiuia, from Hainbure, September
I, s-iu the steerage; the steamer
I lolaria, from Stettin. Septriuber 1,
with 1 IS in the steer'i'e; the North
(ierman line steamer Herman, from
Hremen, September ti, with HiKI in
the steerage; the 1'abre line steamer
Mosselia, from Naples, September
II, with 4DI) in the Mceraee.
I.oMxiN, Sept. la. The Mtitish
bark Fmiilie Hinle, Captain K'oose
from Fcrmiudina, August hi, for
Ainwick, has put into Holyhentl.
Captain K'oose reportetl that chol
era disorders) had appeared amoti'
his crew and physicians had 'one
on board the bark to impure into
the nature of the disease.
The Ionian liner City of Paris,
Captain Wntkins Irom Liverpool
sailed from Otieeustown for New
York today with 11a saloon ami 'Ml
second cabin passengers. She had
no steerage passengers.
The White Starsteamer (ierinania
I'aptaiu Cameron, from Liverpool
ye? tertlay, ;do sailed from ijueens
town for New York today. Her
passeneer list comprises 1211 per
sons in the saloon. She has neither
second class nor steerage passen
gers. The Ciiiion liner Neviula, Captain
Cilshiny;, . from Liverpool via
(Jueenstown for New York, took
alio steeraj-v passengers. Ol this
number, I n) are natives of (
Mritiiiu. The others are foreigners,
thoueh ihere are im U'ussiau Jew
aiilone; them. Their llle-aee was
t'isinleeted at Liverpool before tlle
were permitted to embark, and it
was a-iiiu tlisinleeted ;it ijilarai;
tiae. 'J'he I un'ii-i' of those emi
i-i aitts who went nboard at '.Mlcei.
townwas also subjected to th a'
oiih tl i-i nlei t ion.
The 1 1 1 1 -1 1 line .-earner, c ,..;, ,
eui.m, C ipt.iin France, Irom l.iv
etpool, Septelill t l' l.f, lor St. Jollli'.-,
Halifax an 1 Mont rea I . has on boa r. !
thirty saloeii 'a-.-en-ers. S.'ie ha
also tiity set nod cl.l.-s. ami sleera.;e
Fnk S.M.I-. UK" I K Mil. A desilahb
lot iii Platlsinoiitli. Will sell (or
Ciish or will lake ii ootid bie-
horse am) hor-es mi exch h, e
For partiCiihirs call on or i addre--tlns
ollit'e. 1 1
'I he -ii; no I service have in ,t a,
III.;' to be used durnie the w in!,
and will be known is the "Id i.'.x.n r. 1
lla-. I he !la;' will lie led with
black ta uter and will be used ,
North ami Siuth Pakota, Nebra-k.
Minnesota and Iowa. People m
be warned t wenty-loiir hours ale a
of time in i" t ry localitv . where l!,
servit'eis hml of the iipproachii;
blizziirtls and the llai;' will reniiii
up until the storm has abate.
All the Other lilies w ill be the saill
as. they are at present. Postmasti
Streielit has sent in .-m ortler Ii
t!ie red fla with a Mack center.
Th' t I.UtsnnMith "Klea "
M K'. lil'li.'k': lieiiiu verv much I
iutercsle I ia o,n ci!'s wdlaie 1
cannot retrain trom report m' a b.'
t le com ei -at ii ai t o w h It'll I was an "third partv" You see,
Ml", l.tlitoi, I am -oiiiewlial of a
naturalist, and -o w hat to oi ilinarv
ears is inert' "pi-ion t,il'." to me,
set-ins Ii alight w i t h I a .; - o,i. Atmv
home 1 keep a tame owl a pel tect
wiseacre which, in a moment ol
faith and iiiili-.'ret ion, purchased
Irom one ol our t it lalher.-, in
hopes that thelibv, ,-ouie of their
wisdom miejit be imparted to me.
I.a.-t cvt nine, 1 was making my
ciistoinaiN mum! ol inspection,
when I heard a urcat lass ami llut
ter, and in an instant his owl-hip
e;ievent to such words as these,
as a put! itl odoi was walo tl in on
the brec.e. "Owl what a swell!"
"Well," was my mental comment,
"that isn't el y n et i . I lope he
didn't learn that tiotu the city
la, her- but surely he has yieat
pi ov ocat ion." Here m thouhls
Were ill le-ted b the -pa! low who
had U!iwi!bu;l spoiled his owl
ship's nap that v ulnar Fneji.-h
sparrow who -aid, "Oh! that isi.'i
bail. 1 just hopped into that gutter
in I it oi t I Met i ui i t's.w he i e the city
dads ha i' been 1 1 iiil; to I nil -111 -lace
w a ler up h i 1 1 tor two veal's, or
more. 1 1 does make things pie! ty
misty, I'll adiuil, but it i- the per
fume III. it ph ases the ii lined, edu
cated nostrils of our city fathers
ami then it's only siirbit'c water,
Irom one ol their barns, a butt her
shop ami a lew other nice sources."
"What is the matter with the sewer,
that lare, commodious, easy of a -cess
sew it that would make a jj'ootl
subterranean driveway under that
mud hole':" thumb red the Sae:
"Oh! it's all i jo piped the spar
row, tlu-y are pre.-erv ine it nice ami
dry for the millennium. They've
duo some nice little Hitches across
the streets that carry off the sur
face Wiiter. and the tin jil-t as well
ami does not fn-1 sn in, ieh, - and
then it keeps the council in per
limit' ami 'he city in readiness I ir
cholera in I veal', and "ives Hu
stle ! emploves sonic bine to do.
" W hat did on say about ditches,"
impiired the Owl'.'' "o!!iujr
ninth, only Mr. lltsser did,
when he deposited a wayon
load of ferns ami other choice
tropical plants into one of those
model ii pitlalls up on Chicaeo ave
nue al K'ichey's lumber yard.
"This ditch business," continued
the sparrow, "seems to hcthectn
bociment of an idea that is playing
sail havoc in the pale of our street
commission!'; at one moment he
erects a bulwark across Seventh
street by the Presbv terian church
but after a three mouths' trial he
decides that that collects too much
surface water, so at one fell swoop
he levels his fort ilical ions ami ilis
a trench on the upper side of the
cross walk so that all who ritle
may fall." Almost any place as on
U'ti alone, you may expect to be cast
hcadione iulo a tbtch of uncertain
depth. I assuie on there must be
some kind of an idea on net ted
with it." I was called in ju-t then
and the noi.-e scared the -parrow,
but volt inav In' sure that if lit
tomes avaim soon with ar news
e "iit'eriiin the I'latl niaiith "Idea,"
I'll report. I'ul.t.V.
1 liareains j:) wall paper at
lirown iV I im i t tt's.
In Paint
the best is cheapest
Pure White Lead
is best; properly applied it will
not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off; it firmly adheres to the
wood and forms a permanent
base for repainting. Paints
which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burn
ing before satisfactory re
painting can be done.
In buying white load it is im
portant to obtain that which is
cenuine, strictly pure, and
properly made. Time has
proven (hat white lead made
by the "Old Dutch" process
of" slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be ob
tained by any other method of
manufacture. This process
consumes four to six months
time, and produces the brands
that have ,iven White Lead
its character aj the standard
are standard brands of strictly
pure Lead made by the "Old
Dutch " process. You get the
best in buying them.
I-ur sale by all lira cliiss tlealt-rs in Puints.
It yo-.i ure ;oin In p.-m.t. it will p;iy ant to
?cnii to us t'.a a honk t ura;tiiaru: e.luMT.ation
thiit ir.av s.-tvc uu many a duil.a , it will
cnly cost l'.j postal tjr 1 to do so.
St. Louis Branch,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street,
St. Louis, Mo.
. V-re? r . v.
io:.iyOclichtly. -?r;. P.
r Qt ft.'"!.'- J v;
rtu'ND Kxn.rstThLr on tith
run v yvxxxj
.ii.Vv' ' I'J . "-tl VA J
Itillit-r Itf Hlitiul Dri'iitl. A I
HiHiiai-'a Kinu.Nt r, M 11 nn.-l a. Stti-ti., I
Nov. V. I hi. f
'J'ht ltt'V. .1. Koit-ilili'l. of itliovit I'liu'ti, wrlti:
I bllVII Bllll. lt it n IrUl ,, III, tt 11.1 lltlllHVIT I
IIHW fi'i'l II llt'l tUH illtiu k t'.ilulllH 1 liiku it iliMi)
of I'litiltir Ktinni'B Nitvo Tutim iwi l fil rtt
lloviil. I think n Kr.-ut . ! -. 1 1 of 11, an, I would
ntllior lo uillioiu In fit I Until without. U10 'l'onlo.
S l'UAM i .ro, (,'al., Juno Mil.
J'roin tills fnr-o it luiul 1 wrilo lt buy thiit I
Imvti Imt'ii miii'tTiiiK for i: ymirn ifrom (lia tlmti
lny firm clnlil ttftH li.ini viilli .iml un.l hrnlu
trouMit, mill iu 1 rt'W ol.l.T llm jovin Kixuifl to
row wor no ; 1 hi ar l boihb tlnio ni.n of l iinlor
KtM'iilti'x Nurvu Tolilo. iii tin Mm hiioihuI IhiU In
Uow RU 1 fottl tlio (mill lu ltiy luki'k !''!, tci'l
tuucli reltcvitl, iutluu.1.
Ti!iiiiili fViok an yerrrwn
L ! W k lllt'HHtn inoit lr0 lo inv
w w T f A'nl iHHir I'tiiiriiu rati 1U1 titrtAll
I lllala lliln infill. in (1 tf. il tiliamo.
Tills r'ltitvly hac Iw'ii ('".ir"'! I'T tlio Kctv"Pi1
tui-tor Kot'iim. "I 1' "ft tlion, lint. inoekAaii
Ljnow iirt'imit tt uii'trr la int'Uou bj Ihu
tcoENtc f.irr. Chc9 ".
e itr.r
M d -A ten
' -- a
.V- t
c .... 1 vnK
: 1. - . .
ti: i'c-t
o ..,;t ': vox POIl.
. ; ..'.'- In'",' cii-l.i!..!'!. wo lutvo
.'..i i" I ON, r M'ikI im it
I '- t rr-'f 'i.'l Oil ' i n. A T.ilT'il ' 11
i' i ' :m r.l't rol jour
1 ! .. ' v... ., .a 111 iM . .11 A
. - CfiMt'iri'. crtit nli'1
' , . ; - :i :r jili' i I our
' - - 1,.' 11 lianio
1 'I r 1 1 i ."I 'iro
I'T. r Hi:il.o
1 1 ' 'o' -'.'Tintf
: i" 1 ru.
a ' ! : ;':o.,
v.-' ., ;,
' l!H
How Lost ! How Regained 1
Or SKI.F-rHIKK A I TON. A ni'w unit only
(.oltl Mtuliil ritlK IISSAV on NKU VOI'S ami
I'HYNH Al; HKIlll.l l V, KICIUlim of
mi i n. rxirti SI I l MTAI.1TV, cnK
ami Wr.AKNKSSKS of MAN. Mil in-tn, cloth,
L-ilt; lib Invftliialilc iirtittriiitniii. cmiy
liy ninil, (toiilu waWtl. I'rriiniT8 1'MiipBf.t.
im with f n il o r B e in i' n t n fn fft FND
t.f tho I'ri-eaana voiiiimirT M(J( I ij
tt'Hliiiininain t.f tlio cuitil. iliJl; nUVY,
1 niiitii'tittion in ji'Tnon or hy hit!, hixjrt rnni.
infill. INVItH.AI'.l.i: M l l'l.i V mil i I.K
I'XIN I't Id-'. A!!"-- 1". V,-. 11 I' rH.-r. or
Tin: IVa'""! Mr.llfii: Iii.liaik', I',' a. I I r . 11 ft.,, I i-.'.
I'l.i' I fiii.oily In-tituti. I.. m.i: y 1ml.
t;.'..r-,, I 'it ii.. r.iul - ; r i
'I n.' Si-l.'li.-.' nt I. il.-, 'a- "- :f !'"" a" -k '. 1"
:..irn io.iii' v ,li: i' I.' a. ,i, ,.,,,. la ,i i,i..t,
r.' Wl. tK .''.I M KMM i no., i. 1 '. ."ia
,.'lKltM..- I.'- .f ."". ' 1.. I. i.J..
in r ini!! a li -.ehflil v ar'l brau i 1
1 1 , a a- ! a to j.uritv, natrita v.ilin', sm.ii tl.
ii t a'.,! il. acini: Imii'MH't Itisi'atll r
v. la-' ;'.:vl a stimulant far itvj .a i rctl
. Hiins. I. :: like niliiri. r sshi-lat-s it
' ; i: t r;';i r staid tin' tlmut a rid
:",'.,( 1 ii a1 i iiHti nauao.i, tli.inss ant'
. ;.n V a in iy l-.n. .v.- it !-y t!i" a'niv..
.,. ,, a:. 1 t'.a "r-rrx't a v n!."s in
.- .: . ; it- ! t'..:. I r ' ' .-. ;. .
, " :;:nl i -,; i- no . .., ! r s.i!-; at all
l ; a a 1 : . ; ! r 1 il o .' y a -'. I' a 1 'r-i.; e'.i.T'js
i i !I.!.r! N"i
,,r -alf l.v l.f MfVfV.
Sol rtv T.f'"1 ft'irai 1' in"" fr " t'.r K'nir of
'I i ti.iI, 1 T ! 1 't n "t r y I 0 . -ff III
1 li.-lni., . -i- ''r -ii r.,v , i" "I l;i ' a fill l'.
Iii rmuo. inly uurt-U Y.UIil t In? llo til
(lit ktillt'.
IIU II. 1 1. "tif KV. ?VT Initlmi-v Ati. 1 ti u"o,
f.i; : " ai rmii I "f i'inir I In4 I 'nit I a I
w..i'k l.y v.Hir i' i'I'i "I ' f iri-alti..""! ' " '1 '
Ucullsc. lr. II. . Ilt ' J.i" V-loiano.
CO.. K X. V.
T. II. rol.Uii K, AK'i'iit,
1 n ft
t t t t , ia . r x --r r
HiiiMTliill-; DM ALKU
i.t1..V)i .'t,,.(
A i". - V.' As)
ffV " ' it a I ' a "N
t . . ..
Kft'l'-t fnn-it.intlv mi linnil i-vrry-tiling
tii nt ail In
MXTII Al M l sr.--.,
A (ii: , ! ( i !'KI; TO T1IK
i : I-: A I I N ; I'l iw ic.
I I.N A I " A N ( ' Y.)
o.K YL AU IX A I ) V A N ( ! V..
ALSO (iool) TO :i
llriilio wfirk nml linn unltl work a
HI. xi'KIN.W S I.i ( v , as woll in otht-r At)
".lliftit"ii;ivt'ii (or tin- imiiili "ts(mrnt'ttoii ol
:, M.iisii.r.i., - Fitz.-rMidinocH
i;i:m inif n
Tunev of Pianos and Organs.
I.i .ivi' i i . 1 1-1 - al l.i liiiliiill Hrn.
I ' 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 ! l . A-liliind, WnlifHi.
iii;i.i:u- i
! Coal and Wood,
ti:i;ms cash.
V;,i.! mi. I IH'i;,,' I 'I mhi'Ii 'l lnr.l Miivt.
I Tt !"i'ii an ... I ..
! 1'I.AT ISMOI'TII, m:i;kaska.
, , i:. km;v.( i.i s.
I l.'o::lt. a "I I'liv-ifi.m ami I'liiiiniai-i-t
' Siitt iiil iitti'ilti'aii yivi'ii In OflK't'
1 'rarticf.
Ktn K lll.LFKs - Ni:n.
T. II. roLUXK, Ani