Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 15, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    tiu: wi-r.Ki.Y itr.u.M.i): im.attsmoitii. ni-isuaska. sr.i'Ti.Mi!i:i: 1.1. iso.
t 111
nc Opening Day Proves the
4 ,
success u a me ,
'. j
; no oiiuw in Agricultural 11a,, is
Beyond Expectations-Only a
Few Races Today- To
morrow the "Eix" Uay.
J Tli.. C-.. ,1.... ... (li., I o-iu .Mill
l III III llflj 111 Ull V 11 v , , .
lair opened under favorable a
Ves. 1 In twenty-sixth anmi.i
jroniises to be the best of any
J,m before.
Sec rotary MilK-r ami assistants
civ busy at t he secti-hiry's oi'tice
mi tin- rounds iiiakiiij; entries anil
ail were liusv all afternoon, ami the
1 try bunks were closed it ti 1 1 mi
1 lore enti les will In' mailt' except
1 'ho sp -ed department. It is i'.-
re-vied nun an eMiiiuis win ne osi
VV-rouud this afternoon.
11' ai;rii'iilt!ii al hall is 1 I ! i 1 1 Li" up
pully. J. M. 1 tiling' has a line lis-
iv of honey. 1 11 thf nin th part ol
Mil' hall V. Iv'. Murray has a hire-v
display of firm products, while in
ttho western part of the hall V. H
vK'tihorts, lias another hi:;- displayof
llie fruits of his labor on the farm.
"lll(.M UlCSl UlSj.ldyS O.lVl I'll u
entered for the sweepstakes prein
iiiin for the largest variety ot farm
products raiseil on one farm.
Secretary Miller inforiued TlllC
IIi:K'ALI) that the spaee had all been
taken ui(l that the MU'cess of the
f.iir was assured, lie said all e
uibits would be in place today ami.
that tomorrow the fair would open
The speed program will be the
best ever held 011 the fair grounds,
V in-.. til i- I'll .. li..r..j nr.. 1,11 tin.
V.. 1. ,.c 1 1 1 : 1 1 1
'rounds, to enter the races and some
ij'itin races may be expected, as
e horses have all ;ood records.
flic management of the fair had
de bix preparations for taking
eof stock, but the entries have
iiitly exceeded theirexpectations,
A now they are afraid that thev
fill run short 011 stall room. Never
in the history of the association
has the demand for stalls been so
S'reat as this year.
There will be some line blooded
horses ou the grounds. Mr. Todd
if Union, has his i,J,."i(0 yearling
,.l II, I I M '
UH Ull llll lUIIIHI, 1 1 1 1 1 1 .'II. I OUII-;
.1.- ..l.l
is ii uiit t'-vi'iiri'iii son. 1011 imu 11
'i'liiu oe worm going many miles
let1. V. D. Jones has some tine
'yded horses ou the ground.
.tomorrow tue loiiowmg speed
program will be carried out under
the supervision ofj. C. Kikenbary:
AmI I 2:51) trotting race, purse
V 100.
l-irst i't) nu
Si'iuiiii :i no
Thiril 2ii 00
Three best 111 live; four to enter,
iiirri' 111 mi in. 111111' iif-.-ns.
Lot 1 1 -Cuss Co uuty green load
ster race.
For horses that have trotted out
sale ot L ass cctuit v and have never
won first or second money in any
race, llorses must lie owned si
ths in the county before the
Mile heats, three best in live;
W -lltl sc .-ll"'.
I Hrst. $."! "ii
Second "Ja (Kl
Tliinl 1
Fmirtli . o (10
Five to enter and four to start.
ot III Jiicycle race, purse 10,
t S l.-i nil
mil In mi
liinl fi mi
One-half mile heats, two best in
three; four to enter, three to start
The opening day of any fair can
never he taken fairly as thecirterion
of the whole. While this is true in
'ie sense of the is not in
ther. If, on the first day then
ppens to not a good attendance
t iiyes not necessarily follow that
upon tin.- other days there will Mot
be. lint, weather in its favor, i
jthere is a i; 1 attendance upon tin
lirst day, then there is reason d
suppose that the succeeding days
will have still greater attendance.
This is what has occurred at the
sent session of the Cass C'ouutv
l air, . larger number of admi
sunt tickets were sold todav than
ever neiore on the nrst day 01
(''4s County Ft
,"lie liorticult
1 if.
ultural hall is nice
arranged and well tilled.
The agricultural hall has not been
filled up as yet but it is rapidly
being occupied by the merchant!'
ot .town. J. I. Uiiruh and lienrv
Lioeck are there with furnitur
Fred (iiirder's Sons are there with
buggies, carriages, etc. The Indie.-
are at the center of the buildim.
j wuu a one display 01 needle am
( fancy work, hnlreos are still com
ingin ami not until tomorrow will
. Tub Hi: ki.i be able to give anv
itlt-uf;like a completion uf the ex
if, J'ollowing is the speed irograni
for tomorrow:
Lot 4 Pacing or trotting race,
I ptjrse if PX). Coutined to horses in
1 f'mi i. ill II 1 1' t Inr.u llllll l.i.
filed six months in the county
efore the fair.
M ill- heats. I't-st three hi live; I
"Wr. ' i'iv, lo x"rX-
Lot -II lit uuli' runtime ra.v,
... .
purse ...). I wo in
cuter thri'i- In stai t.
throe; four 1.
I'll -I
sci aid .. .
I lit I
i ", i H l
Int ll :i." I run in- rai'i'. tuns
;. -
Mill' In . ns; ln'.-i three in live;
i cuter tin ec t st. li t.
1 -1 1 1
Si-einiil.... ' '
'I'll i 1 . 1 -'
In the '':."0 class this afternoon
one heat was trotted and "Dick
Til. leu" came out first, McC.uty
second, and Duchailleii third. Time
The green race was surely rightly
named. It was really laughable to
see "the start." I' ur horses came
under the wire ab.uit abreast and
the pole hofse "trailing." "They
walked un ler the w ire." said one of
the judges, "l,iit they got a fair
start." V. P. Junes' "l.iltle Moy"
won in ::l''. S.iut Slui'uak t's "'1;i
iin'"caiue in i'i'iMi., John I'lem
1111. .1-' "liilii.' S" third. O. M.
Streinht's "I'illie I!" came fourth,
and William 1 lilmore's "t.'ai"
ru'iight iii tin- tail end.
ThH Field-Uryan Dt'b.Ua.
The despati'hes from Lincoln
date that the congressional c 1111-
laignwas opened in that city M011
day night by joint discussion ol the
sue of the day between lion. Allen
W. Field and lion. W.J. l'.ryan, re-
MiMican and democrat candidates
or congress. The event was
marked bv no blading todies or
niarclung nanus, niu me;
theater, in which the debate was
held, was packed to overllowing by
the friends of both candidates.
livery seat in the vast auditorium
was Idled and every loot 01 siauu-
nig room was occupied. 11 was uie
t i. .1. .
opinion of all that Mr. Bryan was a
lissappointmcnt to his friends in
lis encounter with Judge Field.
lie had not met the man his demo
cratic friends had led him to be-
ieve he would meet. Not only were
lhyaii's friends disappointed, but
o were those uf Judge Field, lint
not in the same way. Judge Fii Id did
even greater service tor the repub
licans than his most intimate
friends expected he would, while
Sherman's (Jreat Bryan" was a
complete failure as compared with
the expectations of his friends.
The republicans are feeling
jubilant over the result of the first
meeting between the candidates
and the democrats are feeling blue.
Are you satisfied, Hrother Sher
man r
For Sale or Trade I will sell un
livery and house and three lots for
cash or will trade for a good fat 111.
Call on or address V.. U. Parinele,
Plattsmouth, Xeb.
About the Crops.
The week has been rather too
cool for the best ripening of com.
The temperature has been every
where low, averaging about three
degrees below the normal. There
have been slight frosts over the
stale generally but 110 damage has
been reported.
The rain fall has been below the
average in all sections and with lew
except ions has been less than half
an inch.
lvxteiided special reports from a
large number of reporters indicate
the following facts with regard to
the 'join crop; there is on the whole
a very slight increased acreage as
compared with last year, the in
crease being in the northeast find
southwest sections; there was a
slight decrease in the southeast and
northwest; the estimated yield per
acre, if not injured by frost, will
average from .'a to HU bushels, re
sulting in a total decrease ol the
crop for the state, as compared
with last year, of about la per ceul.
the greatest decrease being in the
eastern sections. The acrage
time required to mature the bulk
of the crop is about two week-'.
Nehawka's txports.
Xchawka, one uf ( ass county's
nio.-t prosperous villages, situated
ou the M. P., is doing a large
amount ol business for a small
town. Last year their exports were
as follows: cattle, alt cars; hogs,
l'J'J cars; provisions, IK) cars; wheat,
la cars; oats, 11 cars; corn, P.'li cars;
barley,.") cars; seed millet, 1 ear;
seed tlax, 2 cars; apples, It cars;
stone, 1,5711 cars; lime, 111 cars; mis
cellaneous, li cars. Besides the
above 1'ilt.m pounds of corn was
shipped in small lots, 'Jii.pH pounds
of apples in barrels, and la,'-1:;.')
miscellaneous articles at dilleront
times, also a large amount of eggs,
tallow, hides, poultry and d dry
produce. Till-; 1 1'Al.n ventures
the assertion that there is not a
town the si.e of Xchawka in the
tin-state that can eiial the above
Hay bur Snl.
Flam Parinele Son will deliver
hay in bulk to any part of the city
at all times. Leave yours orders at
I'arinele's barn on Seventh street.
Mrs. J. M. Craig was an Omaha
passenger this morning.
r Condition is Cons.U lon-vl j
Serious by Physicians.
Some Monumental Corruption nt I
Ha-dmHS and a Killing at I
Cre. lev AUout thn Mar-
Kots ether Matters
u .' i.ak!-. N. Y.. U.-Mrn.
Hani-ell ::i--i'l ! eoiaf, :t.ililt day. but
lion on.h'iou i it" -:irh a .- rimis 1 liatai ler ai l len sumniinieil.
Dr. (i inline!', th- f.tmilv piiv., wluij
lias, lioi'ii in ii'ii-tai.t attiinlanee, lt
titled to call to his ai l Dr. Doii-lii'ity,
an eminent m'" i;:li-t of New York City,
Dr. Tniih'ii will ai-rov h"iv liniii S.n.'.
liae Lake, ho. wiili ir. Dmi ;liertv
tl Ull t i.H'lllt'!-. 'v:
Till' pl'o-tilellt ji
bitle of l.i w
Fi'i 1 a (:i-i'.!i.ition
111 111
iv at. tue
Oiip uf 1 . 1 1 1 . ll' Moi.
Lir.narv. Mo . S.-pi. l.'.-Si.ln.'v W.
Creek, a l'.'!!i'vi-r . ! v. 11. was -In t
ami killel
rismi. Thei-qn.tiTi-1
li. i w
I'llIT'-'l I'll 1
block c.l-!
lloil-e i nn le
parties M, ;
Kei il S I'll:',
oil ll-'l 1-4 .1
'V hi- son in law, .loo M"i'
'l. '..1 -,.,, a 1 : ; -! ni'liiu'
1 I M"iu Tin- slii n.i hi -i-1
l..ii-."- .-;o" i. a'-iiat a
1 tin At ilinr 1 1 ' i 1 . 111 .1
a Mr-. I ."I'l. Ail of th"
it .i.e i: ! :iu' a I'l' inc, li' .ii'
. i: II-1 il.i'l It ill lie I to tnV.Tl
"! the I'.ii'i. A i'ni!,!i' i.f
Wi.iii.-a ot l-L.r.i 1- ( 11 v wei ' ;t it t. n'i'
hi th-- tini" Ii" was -a ,; . mi' I it is th. in.; ht,
that the son in-law. M. .1 ri-i.ti, was atlalil
t'lv-'k was . on r to man y one ol tln ia.
Crock lived 111 Kearney mid was pretty
well fixed. He was one ol v.iantrell s
most tru-le l -nhlit'is mi tin. Lawrence
raid, ami it had ofu-n beensaid of hu.i
that he would die with his Fonts on.
Miiiiiiuii'iital ( iii'i iiit 11111.
II.VSTINI.S, Nch.. Se.l. 1 1. Cx-Di puty
County Tiea-iu'cr I'.uiaaii-l Fi-t lias
given to tli--public Ins si .rollout of th
county treasury nui'M!t. If In-can p:-. .ve
halt' he alleges a- trui-. tin- Aiiani-eount v
treasiuei's oliiee -e-u corrupt ioa
almost l.evoii.l (li'-i'i'ipti'Hi. To show
win-re tin- lu-iiicv vecKt. Fi-t stated tint
it was sunk in a brick yard, some p aid
to the president of tlm defunct
City National bank, -"in.- l-.-t in r. I
estate speculation, soim- li-t in I'liul's
Mexican mine and from --'., "lin to l,nen
loan. --1 to political friends, in or-lcr la
cover r.p his tracks Paul, he all. .;-'!,
burned all the checks.
Fi-t states, in -i)iver,'itioii. that lm
will show when-ijfMi.uiHi of th" couuiv's
money has g, .-fjj.oua adihtioiial be
ini; l'.-es, ete.
A Ni ln .isl,,i Kllliiu;.
(iKI'.l'.l.r.Y CKNTi.K. Xeb., Sept. 13.
F. A. ('in rd tier and Richard Hole nub
were employed by the Widow X.isoii.
who resides 011 a ranch twelve mil.'
north of (ireeley. Holcomb returned to
the ranch intoxicated, iiml drove (iavil
n.'r (Hid the widow from tho house, Hiul
endeavored to shoot (ianlncr.
(iiinlnev succet-ili-il in evuilinprtlm bul
lets, and Htter llolcoinb had tired tiva
tihots. (Jardner raiseil his revolver ami
shot Holcomb through the head, killing
him instantly, (iarduer ciune to (iiveley
and gave himself up to Slu-nlf Finn.
A I. t.o It Aliilliiilc.
Ottawa, Onb.Sept. lb It is thought
that Sir John Abbott has virtually abdi
cated the premiership. His rooms nt tho
Victoria chambers have been given up
and all his personal cth-cts have been
sent to Montreal, indicutiiii,' that he doe
tint intend to return to this city as
Struck ami W cut Dow n.
Prnryu:. 1 1.. Sept. bl. The steamer
Mary Morton struck a hidden obstruc
tion livo miles below Cliirksville, Mo.,
and sank in ten f.-et of water. She. is
owned by tlr- Diamond ,l..o line of
Dubuuiu-, ati 1 ha 1 let: St. Louis for St.
JOHN i. Willi III It 1KI.
The Vi-ni-riitilc Oiuilicr Hard I'ciircfulty
I'ii-m( Away nt Diihii.
Hampton Fau.s. X. II., Sept. 8.
John (L Whit tier, the poet, died here at
4:30 a.m. Repassed away peacefully,
his relatives being present when death
came. 1 he t unenil will take place at
.Anu'shury, Mass., nt 'J ilia Saturday.
liciir Admiral 1 1 owe 11.
Loni.on. S.t. II. Rear Admiral
John Cuiiiiiiii! Howell, of tie United
States navv, died at Folkestone, aged
73. '
An Iiliidnii ini lull.
KoMK. Sept. lb A. Viiicint'i, arch
bishop of A'lnilla.died here.
I .1 rii'iclm Wins tin- si. lager.
Loni.on. H. 1J mm llirsch's
filly. La PI -iche, won the St. Leirer,
Lord lit ml !'. .c.l's colt seeotul, and Roths
child's Waii f. re-s tliinl.
lilt: AlAKIil is.
Otu.iliii l.ixc stiirk.
(IVIAIIA, .s,'.. 1 I. (
PATTbr. 1I-. iacit.'il reiva . l.l-' Ih-aF.
1.:m t.i I, la-., Vi.'o , l.;:l, . . .1,. I.I.O 'n,,
$l..-.-.!.'; ie In 1.1-" l'".. !.! M''i 1 '.-.i.-
cut?-, j.'.-- ..' v; . miii'i 1.1 1 .in.. ;:.' m 1
tfi-iiuis, i: i, . iciiiuici tVt- i.'i-s, ;i. : (;.
Mfll li.-t -! i-.t.i;.
lldoS im'.'.t ri'-i'l;, ': lia4;
liKht, fl. i. 'i.e. iniv.'.i, jv.hi.i., : heHvy,
ii.J.'i ;'.. 11. M o. i.-t If 11ml t ;. 1-1:1 lawrr.
l liici-ii l.ip stink.
L'MnV Srill K Vlt!.s, (,
1 an viiii, s, .-. 1 1. 1
Cnllle were in smiill - -1 1 I I y hii-I - -M t I'tiuir, vvil listaml iiiir n i.iiln't -Ink ,i nia.i'l. 'I'lin
liei; tiatli- i- d-il! c a I itti-r 1 .oil-'' of valiii'ii.
Tin- slniM1..'!.' tv 1- '1 in la m i l' il'as. slu-.-p
aid l.iinl is ur: . i:t I :.''.: Ujia'.v r. 1 wi-rc ttrtn.
PATTI.K- '-.sum.ei I 1-1 . :;-. T Vo ln-ad. 0. I'M 1 i -'.ir-, $1. 1 .'.. 1; si in '.Ti
o l. I lt't-ili-i s. j ; -1' i,! !',; . -e. .:,.( 11 :'.'.,
HOiiS r-tiiniii'd r :,'.. i.'-.n."! li.-s.l.
Ht'HW. $V.i.'-V '.: mix.- I .1:. I nc- le.-ii, S '.1
VA il.'iii, i ' i: ii'-.
IisUKKI'- K-'iiii.oi-l iv i'i.'s. lieJ.
I'-jiii- tot'iio-.. ,-. . .''-.. ; l.oa.o, i. ',-...').
('lilcHgii (o .1111 11111I I'lov l-lnii.
WIIKAT s.-e'.-ii'ii-r. :'''', U. '..',-, Tl;
pel iiiiilii-r, ?.',',i ; M.iv, .',,r.
COKN - Sri,-,-:iiVr, 41.; U tn'io-, tV-ie;
M;iv. ie
I) Vi s- sc;i!einin-r, lil'-i '; 0. t-iti-r, 31' ic;
Mnv. Xt:
I'ltltK -S...-iitl,.-r,$!".1.4: d. i'.ii.i:;
Jlllltlitl V,$l'.' Hi '.
l.Altl) si-.i-nij-r, SWi; O. to'.t-:-. $M.".,;
dn:ri,o v, f
SlluliT Kll'.s SriiU-ii.bcr.
ToU; Jati'iai , S'i.-T.'v.
1 I 1 . l.i iX..Ii..
I'.l lile In 1.,' .1 -l.l.'l .
Mill 1 . Ii ll,.. iu.;.i.i - -!ii
1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 ' ' 1 1 - 1 . . 1 j 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1
A 1 .ii 1 ! h , 1 1 nil 111 1 u. :
I'll limit I'.r 1 1 1 1 i' u 1
All. I jit 1'. ;il i' ci 1 I, .on ,'.
l'- .ill 111 I'l llil 111 1 1:1 : 1 t l
A 1 I iter 1 11I , .111.I .1.1 in-.".
I 'it ?t I'll! .111,1 -Willi; .111; I .tlJ-tlT
Ml,! 111.1K1' no -i ll .1 I 1 1 1' ,
I I j 'lr I hen -Ii nilil I1.H1' in,.,
I'll 1 1 . i 1 I li 111 li,,li uir lin if,
I'll lift all. I -u .illil ;;ll. It'
I'' 1 inn ill' 11 n 1 11 n mil ll inylil 1
I'll ll!C tti l.f , li.lll.T
WI111 ilex ei 1. hi, lil a lilit
Wall M.i. .11.
The public schools will be closed
every atteinoon of thi week id
order to let the ehil.l.ien attend th.
la U'. Ill
ol der at :
e schools are callo
lio ami are ibsmi-si
( II M'TI U- l IWW.W 1 U11. 1
rl-i a- U.i I 11 v New-. 1
It will be reilleilibei ctl by th,- '
it;atiers of the Xeusthat a week ,il;o
last Sunday William luce came In'
this city and took iivvav bis child !
w liich was -ta iug with Dr. W. II. i
libbs. Last c cuing I 1,-puty I
Hiorill Weber. ai iiii'.l u till a warrant. !
went to I'laltsmoiilli and nirosteil
William luce and brought him to
Ihiscitv in (.( m 1 1 .. 1 1 1 with theliult
girl. At lii'-t luce was v ci y ii.dig
naiit over the arrest and iviuse.l to
come, but on being given a good
straight talking to lie 1 on.-euted to
come and bring w ith him tin- i hd.1.
Hie case was called this morning
in Judge Latou's court and the
state withdrew the complaint mi
luce turning the child over to the
court and promising not to molest
her again, luce took the train back
to Piatlsinonth from whence he
came and the little gii 1 is now in
Judge I-;, don's charge and he will
see that she is properly adopted by
Iho-e who want her. John C.
Wilt-on appeared for the plaintitf.
i'.k'k'li:i) i: 1 k'V ( i u ry.
Chairman Xanlev, of the repiib
lieau statt- committee (.f Maine, has
telegraphed Chairman Carter, of
the national committee as follows:
"Our victory is growing. We
elected our governor by over I'.'.
uuii majority over the democratic
candidate, carried every county in
the state, have foil r li 1 1 lis of the
members of the legislature, and Un
vote on congressmen gives us II,-
uuo popularity.
Those who intended the state fair
say that the fruit exhibit id our
county fair is ten per cent better
than the display at the state fair.
"Nebraska on wheels" is being
outfitted in the Union Pacific shop
yards at Omaha for its second
annual triumphal journey exhibit
ing the product, of the state. The
special train will consist of three
exhibit cars, a baggage ami a sleep
ing Car. and it will start east over
the Ituriington road at I:! I p. m.,
September ''ii. Three exhibition
cars are now iindergoingdecor.ition
at the hands of Allison Knee
formerly of this city, who adorned
last year's train, and Mr.
Coole of Lincoln. Mr. Coole has
coiniili-ted Udd feet of panel work for
decoration. The panels stand six
feet high ami three fed wide, have
a back ground of red ami blue and
are covered with wheat, oats, rye,
tlax. corn, grasses and specimens of
all sheaf products that are grown
in the state. There is room for four
or live more counties. Fifteen
counties have already contributed
1. X. Smith, secretary of the Klm
wood fair, is in the city today at
tending the county fair and adver
tising the Llmwonil fair which will
be bebl next liion h.
Captain Palmer, commanding
company C, first regiment c.
I L . . X . . . : 1 1 ...
I -n.i ...oitiii.ii g 11.11 . 1 s o 1 lent la'e.
Saturday evening received notice
to iiirni h ;i detail of men irooi his
company to act as an e-crt to
' iovci 11 .r liowl to the world's fair. !
This c-eort is to leave lu re ( letobor
1 11 1
Walter t". IvVvnol.Nof I'niv, . -,tv I
in i ii- " . . '. '
'"'i'""1 ..ul.-.-. Jenkins of!
Lincoln wen- twice married j
ill Nebriiskil l ' it v Mom la v ev fll ill" . I
I'll.- youn-rc. mule went In Xebr.i.k.i
r coiliile went In el.ra-k.
City Monday, armed with a mar
n.-oe bcetise procured in I. ancistt r
countv and Iv'ev. I. H Creen ,.,-.
formed the ceremony. Later the
miuister learned that the niarriai;e
was not Ien;, a the license had
-- i -
not 1
d 111
lied in t toe countv . I !e
011114 Couple up, m it.
. t re e
: ocure
mined, aiiiithcrbi-eii-.'
iiml the cei t'luon v was
I M ' . 1 1 1 1 I
i'-si:n whim iii.hs., ( ui:i lis.
I.. S. Ilortoii was arrested la-t eve
niu ' at Nebraska l"ity (haloed
with pa-.-iii--; worthless checks. Ho
l'lir. ha-.'d .1 suit of clothes at
tin,, ho ni's olothino -tine, tendei-.'
ino check for !.."iu in payment ami
n-ceiv , d in chanot", i iu. , heck
proved tobe worthless utul he was
pl.ue.l in jail. Another check for
i-M) was found ou him.
m;i;k.s!x Si-,,,.,,
: 1 1- t 1 I
t ' 1 1 ; 1 tip i'1 ir
v, . . . I' l'f I i.'l"' v.
(Mil I.,- Ii, I I at U.o 1 1
Cl' '. N'pl.-ii-i-. ' .'" I.. '"
; Tin- la-si .illllll. ll i I 1 .tl ( ' .l
' "s.-l 1 . IV. .01. 1 1 11! one . ..lei 1 1
Of I V lljlt'll
1 .III
V', lih.nii .1. s;,,., e.x. i, ini- l.-ti
IIS .1
I .--.ill nl el !.i!n ,;. i-
i '-Iji'llis.
,a 1:
Mi-, , s-i s , :i,..,l In- the
i ICslllli-,1 ia I in .li-,.l ll ol
il. : III ll'l't'l
M:iiiua :il
I la. i'm-ii 1 ii .
! 'I'lie s 1-1 1 1 mi 1 L. .11 1'airlii Id will 10a.
' li'i'in ,-i.j.i'i ,11 i, :is 1 1,1-muni It a-iil ill em
I ph.y I'1" men.
1 s-.'ll li-i-s in l!..,l countv mi tin- l'cnil
l!.K k 1 fi-ek ii-i Mils-ill'..- cad e.
! tli-apprai.-.l.
I Il.inii'l Ibit.iii, mil- nf 'oi k count v's
' 1 l.le-t sclllit... died al his Iiiiiiii' lic. l-
, W ill .., .ieetl . 1 .11 s. 1
i mi ; i 11 l:,is been loriniil in Kcnn.'
to liiaiiul.e I nr.' 1 pateiii lI.i-s i lii-i'se -alV
ami 01 In r store Iivi ures.
I'li'il 1'. Kill'.-, edit. ir nt' tin- l.iU'llfii'l.l
Mnuitni', ha- (en ili-cliimecl li'iiiu th
N. .t it it k iiisaci- .;- bun as 1 uiv,l.
I Mis I'iiii.i ' 1 . , v , 'i voillic 111.1 1 1 icil ladv ill'
1 lain ..In. was 1. 1:,. 1 hv a I ill lo .111 t b- ti'
I Inn.' m 11 -I ol-- .11 bin i 1 1 ml 1 .11 1 ' it Ii.
Tw 1 1 Tl 1 iii s: , Hi , iimi i 1 1 1 1 ) 1 . 1 1 1 11..- Af
j . 1, I! ami fii i',: -:. have lui-li In ,1
t I'.l.i 11 t;i 1 M 1 ii-- 1 1 1 -1 1. 'ii.- im 1 real nil ni .
1 V pn nniiiii el -Vi I, ir tin- In -I 1111I s.' 1
; t"i' 1 'if sc. ei I I. -i p-i ciiti t tli - oi l'. - nt'
I ni'. .1 1 1. I In 1 ei in. 1 1.1 1 1 ol r 11 111. is 1 1 iii I: I v .
A 11 in: I. :n tt a nil I w . a l.l a u 1 10 .1- I'm 11,. I
i v. ai:' l.-i in . 1:1 ' 1 e 1'i'l'ls r,.' ir M 1 uni-liiii e 1
' Week .1 : .. .1 I Ih-i II -.-III to I'll- ill-.'lll '
ll'-V I II 111
Stiine urn I'm, m a 1 hunk of . 1 1 in 11 car
wimli.u tn .11 l'l,i-t I-and 1 In- ul.t-.-. -Mill 1
T. S. .--.ipji n' W' 111 tin- head, inllii i
i it H se ere culs.
A rl lull' 1 'in al. 11 1.' M-.ii' old IVnid ('it ,'
I. rtv, was ill-, ,, ,-o-1 in I lie a. I nl Inn ".1. 11
iiuii a liroci-i v tme and uas seiilctici d t .1
I In- ivf.irm si-lniiil.
There vt ill lie a ili-irict am it; inn 1 f
ten hers in Siuiimi Sat unlai . (lit. '.".1. in
cluding Madi on, W'aine, t'ollav. dim
11m and Sianiim t uinn It--.
The W'oiiu u's "hi i-i ijtti Ti'iiiu't'.'itii"-'
1111 imi of 1 'aw 11. i cm 1 1 it y In ld its -iv ill an
iiu.d session iU Tiil.le buck and .111 inlet
estiiiK piin.'1'.'Uiinii' was cii'iieil mil.
The Viiiiktini pnatonii h -idm- wa-emu
pleti-d and opi-ned to the pill. lie. Tl iswill
uivc Nelii.askii fanners hotter facilities fur
tiiiuketiim uiiiin and other farm pii.diiclw.
The oi-iini r In Id ,111 impiest nvi-r the
hndy nf I). ( '. Iliiu in.iii, a fanner rc-idm ;
live miles friini h'tsinii City, w he nil hi
throat w ii h a la, r. IS.m niati w -is insane.
Wildtals killed chickens fur ben 11
Hock nl I lanisiin. and his ihumhli r II. .-i
took 11 una and went after tlieni. Sin- -hut
..tie and killed .neither wilh -liik-and
Curl llen::ert. niie of the pa -seiiecl's o 1
the sttiiiuer Nni'inatiiiia, w ho died nf th '
chiilera, was a 11 sideiit nf ( Inklaml. lie ha I
been un a v isit In his old ll. Hue ill I lei
Charles Kinlsley, fur twenty yens 11 resi
lient of Chen niu- county, ha- been .it
dared insane. Twelve years aeo he shut -i
eowhoviii a quarrel uhiiut i .it t Ie, sim
which time the mutter has been preying
-in his mind.
Dr. .biines I I iuui.-ii r of Liberty was w
verely injured hy heinn tlnnvvn from Lis
Imucy. and Mrs. .lames buret- nf the s:tt-.e
place was very liiully but iii'd by 1111 exphr
sinti of (as in a stove.
Francis Itni'ier of Hurr struck rock In
dik'tinu a well, and put in 11 blast. It Pt
pit li-l heforc lie not to the top of the well,
shattered t he 'nut ket lie whs in, ami blew
him several f -t from the well.
The Saline 1 'utility Asriciiltund micletr
Ims decided to lint. I t he Salitiu county fair
(let. 4 to 1 this year. I'reinnnns furic'ri-
"iilturid pnnlucts to t he iniiount of if.', .Mi I
mid in the spe d rinn f l,."iiK) are olTi reil.
Lijllit nin-i struck the hniise of b. ,
Kllswiiith of I Iiildree.-, went ilnwu th.
chimney, ran aiuun 1 the tnmildiu:; mi tie
Willi, lull oil the clot ht'slilic to the ha ill. in
which it too- a hole and killed a do.;
t In ie.
A number of jnan-i clerks wore tilled
with bird-hot while raiding I'.-it In i- li.nv s
melon patch mar loc-iov I Tin- ni l
man's Ull II cv 1 I. 11 led dill m the evt'iieiu.'llt
if t he nt ca-inu. The,- wen- lint -i-rimisl ,
ill inn d.
A special It-nil nf th" dis'i ict court of
A. hun-county ciiiiveucd in I ia-l iims, th
prim ipnl liiisiiics- bmiiu' tli" lu-ar'nu uf tho
.a-e nt the -lao- uf Nebia-ki .iL-uii-lex-llepnty
Treas'iror b-n.i aiel fist, chars;"!
wit h allium in the ei.ilie.!i'un'ut of t'd ul cuiiuty iiiuney
While b ill I t K' lieV. Is years uf ,C'(,
Wiis a-s-t imr in r 11-111.,' ,1 pipe mit of 1
well lie 11 III. .lo II 1!..'( a I k liroke and .1
block and tae'Jc fell on hi- h.-ad. ci 11 -Ii i 11 ; 1
In-skull. Ib-liveil thiity -ix leiui's an I
died while th" duc'iir , va- 1 1 Vi 11.; In -. 1 1 - - !
the boil" from tie- brain. I
Three nf the live 1 1 ii-i un-i s cmilini'd i a 1
the comity jail at A ubii.'ii 1 scaped by pry - I
ill',' up. a. a wi idu v tram", v. hieh wa-cmii
plis'-'l l.t 11 '-'It .'"'I'l IV 1 'I. They W.'l-e Pel r,
Sainin- I-, lie' I .-r ::!' i-id l.u-i-tiv; I! -1 ;
siiiilh and ."suii ivie-mi, hel'l l.irpei.t 1
larceny, .bile -. n 1 . In Id Im- inunlei-. mihi
liave g 'II . b';' 1 -t 1 : .0 1 1 d ill ilie jail. I I
ot her ; one: i 1 : , pi 1 - 0 0 e - i -. tcm ,it
The In u ' I- ."'I " 'eld ..i n P. U'uaiiT .
of J',,-" 1 1 ', -. ii..-. me!" I- I lie ( I l i a iii
r-oicilcc I imtt: cut nl a erv luild 1 i-e 1' ,
summer 01. :ii;i' line A li'lh' mi-r a ii-i;
' li"' liUiin II . i'l '":: l'-ol"l li-iy i i- I It
j healer 111 li.c t was
I 'I'lli' child W is -1, U lell
i Mi- i'uvt ti -ti. . ' .
.Iivi and nut th
K!ohnt ell" 1 1 '(I- in ele In a 1 1 1 '. a ' t e n -
-").,. .;-., -idr U h-( 'hn-- m Sc'..-:,. -
., u- p.l,,,.r,.f O :niha. t ravel, , a.,.
itorfori A lb-.' .land, wa- ai r.-t.-il
' ' iiand I -I nnl and pl.u t-d ii'id.-r bond to
' 'I'l"' "' '"'l",v 1 !"' """" v """', ;"-'A'1'
the t Ii.ii-:i- ! In-ii.e; an a .rent nl a company
i which 1 1' m -I ei s i '..tan- ii.alii-t i -til road
1 eniil'.. s to hma fur c.u ui-hini-iit of
! wa.-is The led-' i'ivi- ii nt two years
,-iuii. it is num. -a. 1 o 1 1 1 . 1 - 1 ai
and law
' yei's t hink il v- iii In- 1 It--; 1 a-e.
1 C. K. Merrill of Ib.vv-uil has two Am
' s pei -i 1 1 ie 1 i s 1 ! tin- remains of a m.-ist'idnn,
; w Inch wei I'-" eii'lv foii'i I I,-. ,1 dermal:.
; while ilik'-jiiiu in a vi::-l pi: ii'-:u- tln-ri .
' Tht-ycmi-:s: u a ninth, tn "1-111 aiv: fn.:h'
ilii hi's bv t-ii:: ,11 lo-- I !e- (-..-,. and II I;
inehe- iii I- u J a. and a p 111 nt ni" ni t ' -fore
1" t '.'o'll ! 'l"' kli-e to the -iinuldet.
ni-'.'i-.u iiu.' t;ve t -el in I 11 in- be 'ie- ;a
!e!iifii, wli.l !a-- k'i J -i.t.' i"i"i-'ii'. -
tllilt.l ill' he- I o'lild.
lint -f ! ll- b- .M- him th- M HU". Id ;
( llnii'lt hank 11 Keaulii.-'oii They tvn"
' evidently tj'l'. '1 new ai the luisines., nr,
nbh't'lL-h th.-v Wet'.' lltl lis! i ir I Mil, 'lav d: I
i nut sin cc.-'l in ii'icliitnj tin- sk'i- TI. 'V
' t-tuie a b'.'u kstniih tool tc wmk wrhj
, and niai.a.'l In kick tin- knohnllth - 1
iioor of the sate, drive ti- bnit hi. k and
dr-.p bl.istiliu' ).nwder ill. hut willmut ef
fect. A ret (.Iver iiml ' ' in pu-eatfa I mOrtRaKCS.
' raaips wi-the. xteni ,.f Man-hiul. ,
(ovcrbiit Kntlie IJody vlth Vhlt0
Scab's. SulMTlug Fearful.
Cured by f 'uflciini.
My ,i-.-o- ' Miin.inir ) t'at l.rnl,i- nut on my left
rh..,, 1 ,-., 1 1 1 . .1. ii-. 111 y iindi', mil iilimi. t i-iiv-i-.i:
ln t.i f. ll 1 ill llitn luy eyi-K, liinl tint
.loii.ill mis .i'mhI I wi.tllil li'ii- "my c.ii.lit
nil. -trill" r. It lyirtil nil HHT my llnul, iinil luy
,v t'-TM. " llr "a "'" 1 vin
cnlirrly l.nltl In :i I, tl , It t!i-rt
t-ieki- out en my urins mi.
etn luldiTH. tnitil my iinim wi ll.
Jii-l em. unrr. It rm, rrtl my
i-iillri' tieth, my t .. i', In- i f,
. -I Im rn lu'liii: tin- Mer-.t.
The line ti-iiti fell t'utt-Utitly
frmii my lir.t.l, t-li.-ultti rn, ntul
H1.IK, till" "kill Illllll tllll'ltl'tl
11111I lie ml hii.I very ttrliy,
mil wmilil (-rink un.l M.-el
U mriitiiii'.l. Aiti-r spi-ii.ini
ni.-iny tniiiilrrilK tf (l.iil.trn, 1
K:ii Ttr.iniiimi-i'tl Inrimiliji-, I
hi util ef tho (YTirt'lu lil- mmiiks, b.h! iiflrr uhIiik
llin In.ltle t'l Tltim liKsiil.VCSr, I l-i-lllil ,' 11
rh iiurr; Hiul iiiti-r 1 Im.l t.ikrn fmir IiuUI.-m, 1 wim
II hi. .ft ,'lirrtl . Hint M lieu 1 ll.ltl lli-t ll l.ettlt' nl
( I I'll C HA liKsul.vrN r, HIM- l lH (if ( I Til I IU, III11I
- il,,. nf (1111 1 i:a Sum-, 1 miiii i-nrnl et tlitt
I i-i.lltil .'ir:ie frew will" Ii I liml "iifternl fet lite
0 iis, I r.itmxt rvpri-urt II Ii ti pen whiit 1 Htifti-rrtl
I'. 'i'ti' miiii! Un- Ki Miain..-s Thi'i -iwril no lilr, unit
1 ! 'rl It my iluty t.i ri-i-i.nnii'iitl tln'in. M y li ilr i
r. ht.irr.l um fcrn.nt evi-r. un.l .i i mv e esiwht.
Mas. ko.;.y lvtil.LV, Kuikwill ( It), loa.
Guticum Resolvent
'i'lu ww Kliuiil l'utltW'r, Intrnially (to r'onn-'o
' .' Li t 1 if uiltlUpimili'M Hiul KiHiHiiillK rli'llirutt I,
.linl 1 I It I II A, tin' Vv il Skill 'T Ull't ( 1 I I' 'I' It A
ii', rkiiiiritc lvtit I it .nilllit i , cxti-i n.illy (lu
( - r (lir f!dn in ul -1 iint 1 wt 1 1 r (hu lint i , , t
tilh 1 ttlllritlliirl f CilH. ri M tliTl till lirll-1 1 lltf l'f
1 ii miM-Mnv't atjUitit d uly, tin kiii ci irkctl,
I'!'- iliiikf, I'M nn Ml, it if I iti'liim; ulnnt luinl
en lui-tini', I i.t 1 r liit-li'HH or all mir, ti ft rtn l-rn-!'n titluT n-iiii'ilh K h.tvi- in.ido mii li furt:Hj
S .1,1 every wlii'tii. I'rl.'i-, Ci'Tict'iu, Mi.'.; Chap,
'.' i- ; liKsui.vt.M', t. I'reniri'il l y tin- l',uii;rt
I'lll .1 A N II ClIKXIl AL C'llltl'UllATIi.N, llliKt.lll.
i;-s, ii, (ur " Hew tu Cuii" Hkin I iir.'iiii ," Cl
.',11 lllii-ttniU.iiiH, mid lut) ti'lliiiiaii.iln.
J JBI'I.KM, Mil, k lii'inN, ri'il, r-nik-tl, rh:i'iiil,niiil
11(1 "ily "km i iirni liy Li Tii uiU Ho.U".
Tta. k n.-lii", kl'tm-y pulnx, weitkncM,
i)i.'tiiiiiiUi.iii, nnd miHi-iiliir paiiiH re
lieved In nun lulu. He t.y tin- full-
urn Antl 1'uln l'luntcr. c.
I III-; l"l '!," II I in iN I'd- A 1. 7 Y.
A Ib.l'so tViii Nine Feet in
l.'-oo'!i W I'll t!i lilli.tllii j iti-.t-i,
"I ': in. o ( hu blciiii, llu- 1 Vi cheroil
M-auly," is the 11, niie Unit b is hern
ippropi iatelv I., - lotted upon one
of the most bcaiililul spei-inicn-t
of the eipiine that nature has ever
proilueeil, and which throui-h the
enterprise of the I. minus K'uinlin
llros. has nowToi the litt time been
placed on i".b ibi t ii 01. This w under
fill horse is worth ;i day's tiavel to
behold. ( )no t .ini'.iit eiineeiv e any-thinn-
nun e bountiful in hoi -e llesh.
l'icthre the lines! mill heaviest Yr
chei on ev a r imported njX(. him ji
lordly mien iiml a noble cuiriune,
inspire him with the pride id 1111 ir
reproachable podinree ami niiwii
iiiU'all. iimii; i ne I. iui vvitb a imim-Ko
lonn- that despite his nreut heinht
il svveeptt the uroml, and that will
be il inind-di awi,-n- of this marvel
amone;- euincs. I'l ince C'luiblesin's
iiiiiue by actual measurement is
nine feet, two inches in length, nnd
his: tiiil i.-i correspondinn y lonjr.
Mis woindit is over 1 ,m K pounds,
I Ie vv'as sired in Kuroet I.oir, Nor
niiindy, si ii I is registered ns No.
"! iiml (i:t7. Nothing like Ihirt
noble auiinal has hitherto been
seen in .' nieiit-ii, nnd iis one of the
tiovel fi-iilurcs of the K'ino'linir
llrother.s' World's ("ireatcsl Show.s
be has created a sensation. Thist
f.inioii- horse, with 11 thousand
other novel thitins, will be seen
wit h t b ,- Iv ini; I in"; lb-others' niam
nioih ti'iitctl c.'ibil.ition at I'l itts
1111.11 h S.ilurilav' Si 1 Iciula r 'JI.
Dl!. n- V. II. .Miller, St pt. Hi, nt bis
resilience about one anil a half
miles sotitheasi of town. The lin
er. il will occur oniiirrovv from the
(.'lit 1st 1. 111 Sprint; church at two
in the nfti moon.
l-'ranli l.uuu'er bus n turned (o Ibis
city aii'l has courluiled to stil)'. He
broiii'ht the ilnMnn back iiml
turned the sniallest one over lo bis
win- and In- will sheep the oldest
N.illt o.
In .i'
mi.!' ll
..l.l ( .1-- cunt v, Nrbrnslin,
n ! : 1 1 :
v -.
1 - M.-oliii. Ma., b linc Martin, tic.
(,.e l-.ilah.-tli Iv'.'-e nod .M. S. I'al-
nu 1 Oir-t oame 11 nl. in im .l.ulcli'iiihiut -.
i 1 . .1! 11 1 e on tlu d deb aula'.: -.
V. , II u ill alii- I ml it C t I lilt nil t 111 l.'t 1 1 llill
nt -e;,leiu.,- 1 J , 1 1 il t 1 1 a 1 1 Vt 1 . 0 1 1 - ! ' ll '. I
1,1-(nt it u HI lil the 1 1 1 t l a I t court ill i',e-
nut.. . cbra-kii. t be i.l,;eit joitl tirnver
a w hu Ii oi- t
't a-l.e deeds
t I liesler
j Vi . iliiilnii tn (liinles Marl ill ; t liurli
' Maitiii nod Maud, hoe Ma. '.in t.. Imiici
I li. Ii-o-e. C ;-. i m- .. K'um' and l.lillb-.'tll
, ll'.i-e to M. S. I 0 1 11 1 1-1 . 'ia-1 Oiltlle llll-
l-iii win to t be to! low i ii de-i 1 1 1 1. -I I .ro icr
1 1 . to w it : 'I be lion !i 1 1 a 1 1 . i 1. 1 i he tiurt Ii
1 w .- -1 . 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 i-. i'i 1 1 -e uurt Iii - a -i 1 1 1 i.i rl . r
I i .i nl -eelioli twelO'. -iv 'Ja. lowi.-lll.
lla-lo- ' I . ' . lit til.' t w el c V ( ..- ci ul 111 ,
i Ni i i .t-l a. and to iisict ' i' :. i : ill, in
;o id ! o t he a e i!e-c l . '. d .. . m i -r- I
: l.i'-oll nl the "iiell iul. I -e i-ciuo-sii Ul
ol jilaitn ill a ud hi-u. no ei - : Vol.. are in
1 1 1 1 1 1' d I o ; 1 1 1 - w i r ou , - r In toie ! 1 1 . - 1 1 III (lav
1 ot I li toiler Is'.'.'.
I b IN. I II A l MS.
i In I.i- A I loli'M.V Ji-IIN A. P VV ll -.
lolJreu Cry for Pitcher's CL-iStorL
U I:-
1 T ivl'V m as -ii'
1 -.'a.. 11 .-is .' ' 1.
li. r Cn.-
: ;..r ( ';
MONEY to loan on farms
from G 1 -2 per cent up, on 1 to
l o years limo to suit the boi"-
rower. Also loans on second
Plattsmouth, Neb.
--;, i-f iv A