Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 15, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Till-AVKKKLY 11KUAM): 1M. ATTSMOUTll.X K 1U1ASKA. SKITI. M 1.1. ... 181)2.
y' Trying to Patch Up a Truce
with the Warring Chieftains.
Now that Morton and Cerlng Have
Won Their Victory Over Bryan,
They are Endeavoring to
Secure Peace.
There was an important con
ference of Nebraska democrat. in
Lincoln Thursday evening. That in.
""more accurately speaking, demo
cratic "managers" for Nebraska.
And Hryan and Slierm:in were both
absent. This conference was not
for the beuetit of the Hryan
Sherman faction but exclusively
for the Moi ton-Cieriiiir coinliiiiat ion
ti v iv vviiiv..-, lit nil. .ill iv nil ill
,.,r. ..ti... i (..; ;.,
the wood pile." A day or two ago
the Hon. Matthew Ccring accosted
THE IlKKAl.Ii on the street and said:
"Now I appreciate what Till:
1" Hli KAM has done for me, notwith-
Handing its political opposition. 1
,,t' ,1:Vprceiate the (act, also, that this
s!''''.Wt in ill' behalf was made be-
u" "cause 1 am a IMattsmouth man and
Cass comity man and Till-: 1 1 W A 1. 1
is a I'lattsniouth and a Cass county
................... ! .. 1
liV S"J'.IJ'V.l. Jllll, Ull ill L' .11.11 1.11
ileavoring to show that (iovcrnor
Morton ami myself are antagon
istic to Mr. Hryan. This J deny.
While it is true that we differ upon
the financial situation we agree
upon the tarilf and that in this
,-j i,., rwi v : "
.fllli'illil I.- 1 1 1 VJ vr.v I, I l.lll .
And the wily and ingenius Little
Giant smiled believing, of course,
that The IliikWUi swallowed his
bait, hook and line.
Tllli lll-K'ALl) called the eloquent
., t I ...'... ', M .... I 1 . .., 4.. ll...
J 1.1 1 1 1 1 IIIIV'I 111 J ,llV 1 I I I ' 1 1 III I I I V.
f w-l lliil f'., iili-mi ,i- M. ,,-(., i, I, ,,1 .j.
.' muimI : i f i 111 t limit 1 1 til tit llu ili'iiiii
, - . -. ... ....
cratic managers of Otoe county
that no legislative candidates who
did not favor honest money should
be named by the convention ai.d
that "Hryan is unsound on the sib
7 ver (iiiestion and if his iBrvau's)
policy'is pursued the democrats of
Nebraska 'anuot consistently ask
for the support at the polls of busi
ness men and honest farmers." In
addition to this Mr. Gering's atten
Hon was again called to the fact
that the candidate for attorney gen
eral on the democratic ticket ig
nored Mr. Hryan and his pet theory
i of free and unlimited silver
1 and, taking Mr. Morton's talk in
public and private into considera
tion, no other conclusion could be
drawn than that Governor Morton
was opposed to the re-election of
y William Jennings Bryan and that
the display of the hand of Mor
ton in Cass county democratic
politics was such as to convince
any person with a thimbleful of
brains that tin; White and Gering
crowd were helping .Morton and in
opposition to Bryan. And for the
ver)' reason that the fiat has gone
out from the controlling element of
democratic politics in the First dis-
rii iIi-i Mr-:iil lllllsit lu f 1 1 f , ':i 1 1 -i 1 M
. v 3
f i hen the eloquent .'ir. tiering re-
' fused to be further interviewed
anil left fur Lincoln to attend "the
consultation for harmony's sake."
And todaythe authentic information
reaches this office that while both
sides wanted "harmony until after
election," the concessions asked by
each were such that both were ilis
satilied and the warfare still rages.
The republicans of the First dis
trict of Nebraska are feeling very
happy today and the name of their
uext congressman is Allen WYFieM.
Squeezed a Tramp.
Last niirlit while Mlie B. A M.
) switchmen were at work they were
L I . .1 I ... 4 I ! t
tSiarucu i.i) iiie 1 1 les ui simie one
who seemed to be in terrible agony.
I'pou investigating the cries were
located in a car loaded with lumber
A tramp fad succeeded in getting
into a vacant place at the end of
the car to sleep. While the men
were switching thev shoved down
some cars against the one the tramp
was in with sufficient force to
slide the lumber, pinning the tramp
up against tne enu i tne car. .li
ter considerable work he was re-
ieved, but not before the end of
lie car was demolished. The fel
low was fairly well dressed but re
fused to give his haine. His leg
was bruised from the knee clown,
but he was able to w.;lk up town.
ONK CASK l. I' A.N A I 'A.
Tok'iiVlo, Out., Sept. S. It is be
lieved a case of cholera has been
found aboard the steamer Wandra
linn from Hamburg, which passed
Farther Point yesterday. The One
bee iMiverniueiit hastily issued a
fji'ocl.unal ion forbidding iinniigra
C,m and making regulations lor
tne in.-pectiou of vessels last tlihf
Indigestion! M
sciable! Take
Heecliniau's pills.
All parties desiring grapes will
please leave orders with P. J.
JIaiisen. J. K. Lkcslkv.
HAMIIl'kHi'S 11 K AKTk'KN 1IX(! SI' K.N KS.
YlKNNA. Sept. In an interview
Dr. Wortmann, who has just re
turned from a visit to Hamburg
said: "Only the doctors have been
able to bear the heartrending and !
ickening scenes in the hospitals ;
of Hamburg. The epidemic has
reached such a pitch, there is no j
time for preventive measures, as 1
every moment is occupied in at
tending to the sick and dead.
Identification even is out of the
piestion. Very few names are
given and hundreds are piled in
nameless graves, Relatives can
only guess the fate of stricken
friends. The common misery ap
pears to have hardehned the people.
Nobody who accompanies the dead
is ever seen crying. There is little
doubt that many healthy persons,
especially children, have been taken
to the hospitals on suspicion, and
there have been infected. There is
no law providing for the forcible
removal of sick persons from
houses, therefore I believe that the
epidemic will continue spreading
throughout the winter, to reappear
with vigor in the spring."
Arrival of the Scandia From
the Post Ridden Ports.
Europe's Disease Spot Trying to
Dump Its Scoui'Ke Afflict d on
Our Shores Twenty-nine
Deaths on the Voyage.
OlWk'ANTINK, Sept. 111. At 1
o'clock this morning Dr. Jenkins
had been sleeping for over an hour
and a half when the telegraph op
erator called to deliver a message
from the long expected Scandia,
which was expected in momentar
ily. Reporters had been standing
around waiting for him, hoping
against hope to get news of the safe
arrival of the Scandia, which had
left the plague stricken port of
Hamburg on August 21, loaded
with l.ONi bonis. She had the
enormous number of tlSl steerage
and twenty-seven cabin passen
gers and seventy-seven mem
bers in her crew. Before she had
been many days out the cholera
had broken out, and before she ar
rived the pest was fairly raging on
board of her, thirty-nine cases oc
curring in half a week. Of these
thirty-two succumbed befcre she
arrived at the lower quarantine an
chorage. One by one, by couples and by
threes the bodies of the unfortunate
victims were dropped overboard.
Dr. Byron hoarded all the vessels
at midnight. He found all well on
board the Norinannia, the Kuge,
Moravia and Wyoming, but when
he reached the Scandia he found
this terrible tale of disaster and
trouble. Thirths-two deaths had
taken place, of which twenty-nine
were in the steerage, two in the
crew and one in the cabin. There
were still seven virulent cases on
board and these Dr. Byron removed
to Swinburne i-land. The Scandia
is the first vessel to arrive thor
oughly infected with cholera. The
Moravia. Ruge and Norinannia had
brought it in their steerages, and
in thecase of the latter it had worked
among the crew.
The Scandia has it from her bow
to her stern, from her main deck to
her Kelson. Cabin passengers,
crew and emigrants all have it in
their midst, and she will probably
be the harde.-t cholera importer to
light of the lot.
As though the Scandia was not
enough lor one night, another
horror was added to the situation.
Yesterday the Wyoming was the
only one on tile suspect list. .Now,
at 2 in the morning, sin- can be
classed as a cholera -hip. Mrs.
Person, the mother of the two
liltle children, I. lias and Adelaide,
who died yesterday of a -u-picioiis
disease, I i:i herself succumbed to
the dread di-cae. Shewilh three
mote were removed from the
Wyoming' during the Lite forenoon
yesterday. They were place 1 in the
hospital and .Mrs. Person died
during the night.
The removal of the seven cases to
Swinburne island was successfully
accomplished at '.Ma a, m.
Two More Steamers Arrive at
Paxton Appeals to Washlnnton for
Help to Escape From the Nor-mannla-
Senator Pad
dock Aiding Him.
Jl Ak" ANTl.NK, New York, Sept. ".
The weather is brighter, frostier,
and in every way more bracing
than any day since the cholera
made its nppearauce at this port.
The oil bark Hrilliant, which ar
rived front Hamburg on Sunday,
was inspected and fumigated by
Dr. Tabnage today and allowed to
go up. The steamer Woniing,
which arrived last night, was also
boarded by Dr. Tabnage. She had
'J7S cabin and iiilll steerage passen
gers aboard. Among the steerage
passengers were filly Kn-iians.
The emigrants are liable to be de
tained some time.
A Western I'nioii steamer left
here this morning to lay a cable to
Swinbiiru island, which will be con
necteu witn tlie doctors oiiiee.
The City of New York has at rived
hen1. She will probably be detained
five days. The Persian Monarch
has been cleared and is on her way
to her pier. The steamer Washland
from Antwerp arrived at Sand
Hook this morning. She reports all
well on board.
i;-Suigeon General Hamilton
said this afternoon that he thought
the cholera could be sueccsslully
kept from getting into New N oi k.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 7.
The Omaha prisoners on board the
Norinannia in New York harbor ar
getting erv anxious to escape trom
quarantine. Mr. Paxton this morn
ing scut a telegram to the address
of Senator Mandeison, this city, re
questing him to use bis influence
in securing succor for the Omaha
people, who are anxious to get out
of quarantine and on their way
home. This telegram was turned
over to Senator Paddock, and the
following telegram to Mr. Paxton,
just tiled, explains what Senator
Paddock has done in the premises:
"Saw your telegram to Mandcrson.
Had immediate interview with Act
ing Secretary of the Treasury
Spalding. The Norinannia is under
the immediate control of the New
York health officer. Secretary
Foster is there actively co-operating.
Llf'orts for the transfer of
cabin passengers to another ship
are progressing with the hope of
early success. The government is
doing all possible for the relief of
passengers. I have telegraphed
Foster. Will wire immediately any
important official information."
On board the City of New York,
which is now at quarantine, are
Mrs. . W Cotton and Miss Amy
I larker id ( huaha.
Senator Paddock, in answer to his
telegram to Secretary Charles
Foster, now in New York, request
ing him to transfer from the
quarantined ship the Omaha pas
sengers, received the following
telegram this evening:
Ni;Y Yokk, Sept. 7. -Hon. A. S.
Paddock, Washington: I am trying
to secure the transfer of all cabin
passengers on the Norinannia.
CllAKI.I-s Fosn.k'.
Senator Paddock said it is very
probable that Messrs. Paxton and
Webster will be in Omaha this
Can Not Use the Land.
WAsHI.NoToN, D. C, Sept. s.
General Grant, acting secretary of
war, received a telegram from
Secretary Charles Foster, now in
New York, suggesting that the war
department allow-Sandy Hook tobe
used as a place of retreat for the
quarantined cabin passengers ol
tin' Atlantic liners now in the
lower bay. A similar request was
also sent by Austin Corhin and by
Agent Boa, of the lPiiuburg
A 1 inc.
General Grain look the rcqiu'-l
immediately under eoii-iileration,
but will reach no conclusion to
day. He stated, however, that it
was improbable that it would be
granted, owing, for a reason, to the the government had im
portant gun ranges on the Hook,
which would be greatly interfered
with by the presence ol persons
from the steamers. I'uless the
situation becomes so critical thai
it is regarded a- absolutely neces
sary to laud the detained passen
gers for better protection against
the plague, u is hardly prob.d
; that t lie !a nd w i 1 1 be turned o t r t
the health authorities, but insica
I Ves-els will be ll-ed o receive
I '
!. -eager- lrom those ship- h,im
I the di-ea-e aboard.
l'r lirM Nt ln.isU.i litin-t aisori
; t i 1 1 np'ii'(l it -i if.isuni Ttics!;i v
c'Vtniu ;it 7. lit) o'clork ;it tin t;ili r-
Ol AK W 1 INK. S. 1., Sept. The
new cases on the Norinannia are:
Fran. Alaecht, aged -I; Adolph
Meir, aged '.'a; Gotlieb Dauishon,
aged ;tt; Gustave Neumann, aged
J."; D. Audile, aged II; Carl Grutn-
ich, aged 1M, all among the crew.
1 ii the Rugia the new cases are:
Gustave Wellschoppcr, aged 1;
Johann Podratskia, aged 4; Felona
Kunschin, aged lit). Fight persons
who were exposed to patients of
the same families have been re
moved to Swinburne island and
There is but one new case on
llotfnian island -Carl Blminiiig,
aged lis. A large steerage passen
ger was removed to Swinburne
island, he was one of the Norman
nia's passengers.
The following deaths have oc
curred on Swinburne Island.
years from the Kugia, admitted
September 'A.
HKNRY FRAKKL aged :t'.i years,
admitted from the Norinannia Sep
tember I.
JACOB lxh'SSl.KR, one of the
new crew, aged X years, who was
removed from Ilollniau island Sep
tember I.
ClIk'lsTINK llAl.l.siN, ageil ten
years, from the Rugia, admitted
September ti.
The nurse is bctler vv ho w as taken
with the disease. James O'Roiuke,
aged twenty tin ee, a son of the
former superintendent of Swin
burne island, was assigned to that
island as telegraph operator, lie
expects to have his line working to
morrow. Dr. Jenkins has returned from
Sandy Hook ami has stated that
Sandy Hook will be use 1 for plac
ing the i mini gran Is on. I le thought
(hat the old, unused sneds of the
Central railroad of New Jersey
would be used, which could ac
commodate ."nil, and the sanu
number of tents could be used on
the land.
Dr. Jenkins has not yet seen i
telegram, shown lo the Associated
press by a gentleman, which is
directed to Austin Corbin, ami scut
from the war department, saying
that the department refused tin1'
list of Sandy Hook. Dr. Jenkins
said he expected the Sloniiiglon
down tomorrow evening or early
the day after, when the caiiin pas
sengers would be removed to her
She will be lilted up tomorrow and
has l'.'f staterooms, with three
berths in each. The New Ham
shire, as soon as she is ready, will
be used for the cabin passengers of
the Rugia, The steerage passcu
gers he will remove to IIolFinan
island. The cholera on board the
.Moravia has been to all appearances
stamped out.
The City of New York and La
Bourgogne have left for New York.
Chauncey M. Depcvv, his secretary
and the wife ami daughter of Secre
tary Foster were taken otf the City
of New York on the cutter Grant
and followed her up. The steamer
HI be left at :t o'clock.
The Belgian sieanier Waselaud,
Captain Grant, from Antwerp.which
has been among the quarantine
lleet in the upper bay, was release,
this evening by order of the health
authorities ami proceede I to her
dock. She left quarantine at "nifu
p. in.
( Hi l. I.KA IN r ks.
Bennett's New York cable con
veys the following to this country
from Iferlin: "From an official
source 1 learn that the German em
bassy in Paris has reported the ap
pearance of Asiatic cholera as long
since as June. Reports to the same
eltect are said to have reached Lon
don and Vienna. 1 give the infor
mation satis rerserves.
"M i: i i:i:k"
For children's school shoes there
is nothing liner in this town than
at Murphy's Shoe Store, which is
the Mil ees-or ol ihe Sv h ildkiiccht.
li'ti Oj.-i i'.HI ( f.V.
t.-.'..:'.rt Th -i .' ; 'j : .
'rSJ HI;-!.-.- , ,i,
it- ( ii,.;... ' i iu
.''(u'.'i. I' .,i,y i.i.-.' titr.i,
l i i i -i"- -i.i i...i i ' ; ' . .i i " k I r i ftiii ' I
I " ' . ' ' I I'' ' . . - J" ' . '!,'., '
n ..I ;a .-,'! is .1 In oa :i i.. .-- ilr.
A ... l a. I ! , .' lu. l.lli, t
v nf i i ;' prti .ti :. i Mi r.--i-!;l 'if
p.';' .-,.: "I ..-r I, .ill . ti ' l.. .'I ar r: ii., .1 fr..
Uii.ijJi i; j.u ,;:JHK to.,
VTI...N IA, Ii A,
fO!.U HY A I L Ul.;,.i.ilS'.
A rfM-hf discovery 7 A'l
j i' M.'i'y ( thiu nn s u? J i-
' . Ir.tlii OJlly luTl.Ttlv 8,,fl,.lnf In nliu-nf u.U A-k fi,r I k'-j c i i
. "' ' "! i-i ,ex ii. .it,- t.nM.M'i.t.v.ur liiv'I.M ?l in; I
i r. nn In ",.inu In I' tn r. tin. I n will 'ii.,t. ;il' I,
ly r turu mull, l ull m.ilnl I'lirtltuiaU lui'lolu
IUVi lnpn, tj luiacjolllv, U KUirnp,
. I'uii.l l.lly ('iiiiipuiiy ,
-No. ii l j.Uvt tlv.k, tn-uull, Ulclk
C f-H.iia In I 'bit I S.IIH iiit Ii by OeringA
t o., I'. (I. 1-rieKe A Co", Brown A
Barrett, O. II. Sn der and dnigyii-'t-evers
w here.
j:t K. RHYNOl.DS,
lii-Hlstered I'll) Irian ;in1 Hi.irmnv'i-t
Special attention given to Office
Rock Hli i ks . Nkii.
rttr) l'ul)lic& AMlilctcr SoIUmio
Real Estate, Loan and Iusnranco Agent
If you have real estate to sell or
exchange send usdeseriptioii, price
and terms.
Abstracts of title furnished at reas-
tillable rates.
$ lUO.lKH) to loan at 7'o percent and
no commissions, on good
farm security.
pollock hykrs
Plattsmoi hi . Ntii
OtlUv under ('in-" County Hank,
Coal and Wood,
ti:kms cash.
Y.inls niul nilice hl s.mlli T'hinl Stovt.
I'e!i ili me No. I I.
.A. INT I.
Keeps constanll on hand every
thing you need to
lriiNisii vorii iiorsi:.
sixth ami naivsts.,
l'r. SteiiiHiivM niiii l lie! ie fur tin
iminlf.. I'Mriu liiiii nl teelli. l ine
mill wurk a vpi v inlt ,
Rockwood Block, Plattsmouth .
Attok.nkv-at-La v
ii A. N. SP1.LIVAN.
Will ni e hpcriiil iitlentiuii In nil Ini-iiie-n
enl i ii-l. cl in linn
OITU Ii fni.Hi Him Ii,
' i.Y.
' . , '-':'"N.
'",i .: v .
I tf 'S . - " - y
001.1) Ami I'llUCI LAIN CKdW.Nn
15ridi;e wnrk nndtiiu! paid work h
)K. STKIN.M'S LlH'AI. Ii- n" ctliiT nil
isilintii'sivfi, (or tin- i ilii l-'s e I raei inn cil
It-it. i,
J. A MARSHALL, Fiier.iU H!
M ii..- r . t ..i ,.,:...:
ninl K I . i ' I I 'i i ' ii Tit.-
Choicest Brands of Cisrars,
A I I I. I. I.IM- (if
mi; loiiAiTu ami mm
AI.W A VS l. Mdl i.
i . ' -i t
! ill II
? ' 5 I v. i
- r " : r- -I
STL. c j ;. , r'"V'::SSi
Tnnrlorto IntnMluro our CRAYOV POR.
I'll II TH ii i ui iimkit new ni-ttt.iinm. w hnve
(tM-iit4MHMtniktMhi Nit1iiI (Iflrr hfinl til ft
I'.tiMiicL I'lf'iiiii'.l'txtintti :i i li .Ttn ty p, Attihrotyps
or l;itf ;n'tit (n-of yuiM't nr iiiijf nu'nilruf y'iur
t nuiilv, livtitrf r (ti'tid, iunl wt will ninka yu a
4 in vti INii iritlt I'tw if t hiirvi. tnvulis1
on ci hi Nit It In j'.Mir inr mis uh h Hit nip Ii of our
n i u, ii, m I usi ' oitr lnilut'iM-e In iktvtiriitu un future
oiiti-rt. I'l irc nnnn rtinl -wli-rcif-n lm hof flrttim
Hint ii n ;l m' n-ttirnctl n :tt-v t ooUt, We mnke
niiv 1'hnhtK In rii tnn' von nih.ti-t liit4'rfrln
wiih liki'iii-ftf. ICrfVr to nnv IlimU In i hlctitfa.
A-l'Ir.-snll mull t.FCLIPSt PORTRAITCO.,
10 Eust Riindoiph fit., CHtCACO III.
(IV V nil) t, t: tn auv on'v
wnlin(f ) !,.. ., , ,r i.fc-.v,-m vmiun Q
. .tun. IA I-: V 1 ,. ' (UH
UtKl.H i.i MiiH.T;,Y noax
i. jt
rrr: tissm a trial.
It u her ItcU'lilKiiit Itrrud. XI
IliHiior'ii HBsniEMt's, Murniiotto, Mli-h., I
Nov. 7. ltv.
Tho Hot. J. Kosnlili-1, of aliovo pin, write ?
I bavo BUlIuriHl a (jrimt di al, ami wlionotor I
Dow fi'til a imrvnun attack cmnliiH I tako a doa
of l'antor Knoniy'D Nnrvo Toiilo and foul ra-
liovvd. I tlilnk a Kri'Kt dual of It, ami would
ratlier Lo witliout broivl thou without Uio Touio.
Kan Kuancihoo. Cel., Juno ID, VO.
from this fnr-olT land 1 wrllu to tay that I
have lionn milToring fur 2" yours ifrom tho tune
uiy first cliiM as boni) wllb spinal and brain
troulilo, and an I grow olilxr the pain sot-mint to
grow worm.; I brard aoiuo tlui ai;o of I'astor
Kounlu's Nnrvo Touio. Am ou tlio sooond bottla
now and fwl ths pain la luy back wry, very
tuuch relieved, induod.
pifp-;t TntnnblM tfnok wn Knrmn
L IJL L IMkihsi!. wnt frt'o to snysdilnw
f If f f snil piMir i.itlints ran sIm uhtail
I 1 1 La La Ibis iiioillciue Ireo of cliurKO.
Tins ri'ini'ily linn Invcti preiiap,'1 byllio luwrnorl
f'ai-ior koi inK. t I'ori Wnvni', lnil.. hi mco ki?j, and
Linuw iTi'i-.H' d under his vilructlun by the
KOEN'C M1TP yO ChlC30, 'f.
rJ.jl'ltv llnitir-ltl-: "CrUnt'lc. OforSS
. Si'.i -
- f'V" !?".
has bRcortiB a household word because of
its absolute purity, nutritive value, smooth
taste ami delicious bouquet. U is Rood for
weakluns and a stimulant for impaired
constitutions. Unlike inferior whiskies, it
does not rasp or scald the throat and
stomach, nor cause nausea, dizziness anc)
headache. You may know it by the abov.,
qualities and the proprietary bottles in
which it is served. Call fur "Cream Puic
f'yt" and take no other For sale at all
first-class drinkini; pbrcs and dru stores.
ii IULLF.MANP .r. CO . fhicace
For siilc lv n' McVcy.
Kiii 'iTtri-ril fi"i:no I' l'i'i'F f-,m IIiIh Klntr nf
'li'in :-. I"r bv a i.i..t .'t..l Uul in-'-'i.iy In
n,,- i-. -I-II- i- mi iti'ii :n j- '-iii "1 iIim l" i!y ' .in lo
li,.riiiiii''Mily uri'il w iiniftn llio unc of
the " 11 1 !'i.
Mli". II. I). Co! l:v.?MC lii'li-'iri Ave. T.!iu!,
f,... " U i -un- I "I i ii.' l- "1 "'" l-r. u-t in f.X
V. t H I'V V '. TIM "I Ill'll 11' ' '-'I'll l r
Ui auaU.' lli .H. t.. Jlulr k. v-llK ilKn.
ail lit) ,,m mm,, '
How Lost ! How Kesainodl
fl fa w ha fa w bfa B -
Or Si;i.K-riii:i;i( A l'f. A new ami only
,i!il MiMlil l'ltl1'. fSAV on M:it(II.SilLd
l'HVMfAli III 111 I.I TV, IliUliltS nf
iUATI l(i; UK I.IM:, snd ail lHl',.s-:(
and WKAHMSMS nf MAN. SHI papw, cloth,
it; iv'i mvsiimbie pn-ncr ptfum. limy fi.m)
Ty mn rlu'ili.o fii'' -d. lxr'jitivc I'riinio.'t-l-ri
witn r n (1 1 1 r s c mi1 n t fT T" f" I CrFHin
nf the I're.-ssi.d vol-.ii.inry I.MbU
ti-i.iiinii'.;il nf t!u' cnri-it. nUYY,
I " 'liifon 'li li-fnn (r l.y nil !. lAl'.Tt Init:-
m. : . 1 n lui.Ai'.i i:;i:cv i i;it-
TAIN II l;l . .i ''!',-- Pr. W. II. I't.rkrr. or
'111. IV i' .V.iImi! ti.titnte, Nw. I Ituillm-b i .
!.-: -ii, M i.
II. l'.-:i'.otlv M.-vIn-iil Ii.''.i.iiu- Ii i ninny Imi.
: . l -i' ii i , ',n..l. - r,r
'"- ..-ii-iu-'' i.f I. iti , r Scif, Ik
.i.t r in t" vu!ll;C'l'' TlKiil i.-"m1. lvi-ail tl tl"v,
, , -1 v YI. K .ui.l M 1! Ol i nun, und li-iirn U
i'i- 'l 'liilMi . - .! Ji : :; . .Coiorigliti'j;
(. ()., OF N, V.
T. II. I '( U.i.oi K", Aoctit,
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