Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 15, 1892, Image 1
MOUTH VOL. XXIX. NO .V lM.ATTSM()lTIl.(SS(!(aNTNKIMLVSKAlirKSl)AYS-:iTI-:MlU-i: l.. IS!- SIM) AY KAIL AT HERALD, - SEE J. 1. UNRUH FIRST-CLASS UTTDXTTTTl O 17 r U HE iTANDLEi NI) CAN" GIYK PARLOR SETS. DINING ROOM SETSJ I hkd h-ooM si:t.-. and a mktk'opoli in MAIN STREET. : THE : GREAT : GOOD : LUCK of I-IENDEE the hardware man of plattsmodth. HARDWARE i AT LESS THAN 25 Cents on. J. w, HKNDIvlv. the riattsmotith Hardware man has purchased the en tire stork of tho Omaha Hardware Co.. of Omaha, and at such prices that it ran and will he re sold in J'lattsmouth at retail direct to the consumer at from JEN TO 25 GENTS All the common and unsalenhle stock was sold as scrap iron and 1 lender- bought all good stock. t Will be Shipped to T WILL TAKE YOU LKSS Til AN FIVK MINI' IKS TO K'KAD Til IS AND LKAk'N That we. are again prepared for the FALL TRADE And cordially invite you to look over our handsome and well-selected line of DIv'KSS GOODS in Whip Cords, English Serges, English Broadcloths, Finest all-Wool Hen riettas. Wool Brocuded Crepes, Fancy Fancy Suitings and Black Silks Trimming Surahs, Velvets, Crepe De Chene, China Silks and Burgalines. Silk Girdles and Dress Trimmings. ''' THE LHnuco I KID GLOV J STOCK, WELL I ASSORTED 'I PRICES I LOWER Whan ever iff 7 l-I.NF.ST LINK OF LACKS IN CITY, Chenille Table Spreads, and Curtains. Damask Table Spreads. CHIFFON LACES, LINENS. We want to lot of SIIOE DEPARTMENT About 250 pairs in all sizes for Ladies', Misses' and Children's. It will pay you to see them. v im Q 1 1 U lLL. TIIK - CAHHIACES; GOOD HA K'l ' A I NS. kvkk'ytiiing k i-::'t in ks.'ai-.i.isiimfn r. PLATTSMOUTII. tli. Dollar. ON THE DOLLAR. Plattsmouth at Once, E G D O V E J E8. RIBBONS. S o N call your attention to a Choice Odds and Ends from our AT ONE-HALF PRICE. S(.)j. FIGHTING THE GHOLERA.!;;1:;;;1 The Latest Dispatches Con cerning it at New York. FEELING MORE HOPEFUL Dr. Jenkins Usi -ig Iao y Etlortl-'os bible by Him to Chock The Disease anil Aid In Land int,r Parent; IMS. J1 .h- v. I I S. !., Sept. 11. - A number .if steamers arrived - - to . -ni tin- ,ti i. I ol t he ! a!th I lie .Tin. n tie ; a t oilier: .- alti r simn.-e. Annate; the arrivals were two ci.u k v.-;., 1- In. lo.!:. ill-; to the Herts of prominent lam ir iiii -. :'!:. -i v. rr lh" I. a Chan. a .; i , . ('.;; Tea lt,. . r, of the French line, which sailed from Havre and Che rhoure.-, and the Anrenia, Captain W alker, of the I'nnard line, from Liverpool. The La Champagne aas sighted south of l; ire i.-laud at a. ill., and the Altfrnia at i;..".". a. in. l'hey showed clean hi IN of lira I ih, and alter he i lie inspected hy Dr. Talinaee. ware allowed to drop anchor oti the piarantine station. The other arrivals were the liritish steamer Mattello, C'a;tain h'e;:, from I In!, which passed Sandy Hook at !!:''." a. in., and the Hritish steamer C'lintonia, Captain Ihilinan, from Shields, which ar rived in (piarantine at t'cOa a. in. All these steamers will he closely in spected and if it is found that cholera has made its appearance ahoard of any of them, they will he treated ineach instance in a manner simflar lo that adopted in the cases of the infect. d vessels which are at present uudereoiii;;- quarantine. The steamer Ohdam was released from (piarantine at (i a. in. Dr. Jen kins has heen as active as usual to day, tfoiiiy the rounds of the steam ers at anchorage. In addition to his regular rounds, he took passage on theCephus and proceeded to the Normatmia to superintend the transfer of passengers to Fire Island. He returned late in the ;,f lernoon on lal Stokes' yacht and soon afterward sent the following telegram to governor in explana tion of his movements: Have possession of Fire Island and have trausfered first and sec erned cabin passengers of Xorman nia. I had placed them on hoard of the iron steamers Cephus at this afternoon. They are now on their way to Fire island. I am awaiting telegram announcing their arrival. I will keep yon in formed ot my actions. Will he pleased to hear and act upon any suggestions you make; have mat ters in control and believe I will be successful in keeping out the disease, OI KK KKS (iKTTIXti IO.N I h'Oh. "We have been successful in stop ping it on the Moravia and check ing it on the Hngia and Normannia The Seandia is being disinfected and the tie . i ascs removed as fast as they dt velop. I have a compe tent staff ami will employ physi cians as the emergency demands 1 have accepted all assistance of fered both from local and at Nional authorities. The steamship Wyoming is not definitely infected with cholera, bat will hold her until we are perfectly satisfied of her condition. lialeh ha.-a. t"i! c.a (,,.r telegram. The Stouiugtoii, oll'ieted by Mr. Morgan, was the cause of eonsidn aide com plaint. The New Hampshire. riven me on application by Secretary Tracy, anchored in Lower ijnaran line this afternoon, ami will he used until we can complete arrange ments for rcrc titious ,, passengers. At Fire Island I have placed a com petent hotel man in charge ol the Surf hotel and a competent man to inspect and look alter the passeti liers. I have also appointed thirty live special police lo patrol Fire I- land. The committee from the chamber of commerce waited upon Ibis afternoon with consulting board of physicians appointed by them, and said that Camp Low, at Sandy Hook, will he proffered to me as soon as complete for the recep tion of well people. 1 shall also re iptest and act upon any sugges tions by the medical consulting committee appointed by the cham ber of commerce." The above telegram state deli- m'"iy : i:-e p .-- . . i . ! ; laud. nieit simrtiN i . to min I 111. doiib' loctor IV SO, lift tO plius can go in over the lar with tin- present wind blow ing. Tin' number of new c;ihiv on the Si';i mli.i are three. M irv Lino- i it, aged two year-' ami six months j whoso mother accompanied her to the Anna Oleson. n I s years, an 1 Malke Mitske. a y ' it s. I'lu tr was oulv ami gcd i: death. tliat of I'l ion. lore Olson, a ii-ycar child who was taken ill at ' o'c li! K this mottling ami di.'. I at v. There i was another death on hoard the j eaudia. hut it was not from ehol-i era. that of Marsouia Hursa. a ours- I i i i g i 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 . i IT VI IX.IIAl I li, I'lK'i: I.-I..M. l!l: l.o. Se a. 11 l; i mil a ' I in the li iiiei Ahout I:.' w .; - a sin . 1 ! men. sn.i'-'i. a-nl othi'i e'l.l of tii. d w ill It t'.'r T pph" lie' slati . pu; in I i i' ii 'T in i 1 . i - pl.u e 1 i 1 1 ir war i - o rr. tin- altrrnomi there 1 o i i o I 1 1 r - vi ie !' ' re- i'leiii.-. ha tin u arotin.'. the K at the piri . in in i Ml!'' .'i-m-ii hi hoat the property of the between Fire I. In the middle ol and in i.i in ' this thr( ne was a han l-ome i . j w hirh lour ernllenini were i I'hr more pi om i nent ol lie rig. in 'rated, -e was tin much abused David S. minds. tin late pioprietor of the Surl hotel. Fire Island, whose action in selling his proper; v to the state of New- York lor (piarantine purpose!- has aroused ahnarit hie plot w hich has been veiy much exaggerated. An Associated press correspon dent asked M r. Sannnis to make a statement of his views of the whole affair and he said: "The whole matter has been a tempest in a teapot. I did what any other man in my position would have done. 1 was made a fair offer for my property and I ac cepted it. T hat is all there is in it. Some o( the bay men exited by peo ple who had political measures to serve, became impressed more or less with the idea that the establish ment ot a ptat ant hie station at Fire Island would injure their business This is all bosh, and they now know that it is so and practically admit it. The political lenders led them on for i rfect ami the demon stration when the Cephus fust at tempted to land the Normannia's passengers was the result. There is no need now to send troops here, and on F'ire Island, in I !,il Ion, at Islip and at May Shore till is unite." The Normannia's passengers have all been landed and will be made as comfortable sis possible. The Associated press report ahout the vacation of the injunction was the first intimation of the mat ter received here, and was immedi ately communicated to the passen gers on the Cephus, who acknowl edged the receipt of the good news by loud cheers, the band at the same time playing "Amcrka." Soon afterwards Sheriff Darling re ceived a dispatch from Governor Flower instructing him to aid in the work of landing the passengers, as the injunction had been ordered vacated. Senator Md'herson, A. M. I'ahuer and I'. T. Wall came ashore for the purpose of locating rooms for the use of the weary pas sengers. UfXS UK AT AX IXJl Ml l( IN. N i.w Yok'K, Sept. i:!.-T'he rumor circulated last night that Governor I'll a ( r would call out the naval re serves to protect Fire island and cover the landing of the cabin pas sengers of the Normannia was con firmed this morning and three regiments and a battalion of naval reserv. artillerv are on the way to the island. '1 he .V 1 ii'utli reg iment and miv al reserves . m .,i 1 1. rd on tie- steamboat Pegasus lor Fire island it II o'clock this morning, ami the Fourteenth and Forty seventh regiments let! Inr the same place hy tile Long Island t a 1 1 road at e o'clock this morning. The Ccpheiis. with In r carijo of hclple-s woman end delicate children, is still anchored in the channel oil' F'ire island. Their stilh ring (luring the night i- de scribed as having been most in teiTr. Men paced the deck- all night or reclined upon the bare Honrs lor a lew hours of restless sleep. w hile the women and c hildren huddled together, crying and pray ing, in the warmest corners to be found. It wi.s only alter the nio.-t earnest entreaty that the bay men oi, chore permitted some food to be sent to the half famished passengers. The Long Islanders have acted like brutal savages, as F'i-e island, on which it is desired lo land tho or- lort unale miles by mint le. W . i -.1 1 : 1 1 . their tie td, THE TELEGRAPH IS CUT. The Wires Down Between Now York and tho Island. COV. FLOWER'S ACTION. Jud(.;u t' o n;. rd Coot l'str-s A(.ain'-t the N e vv o: t n bo i erne an Iniunction (iOvernor ot Yoi k. l V Ynlv'K, Srpt. I.'. New York is ma-t anxiously ,i. aiiing new s Ironi F'ire l-laiid. Telegraphic coin iimhi ie i i ion was cut oil' 1. 1 -1 night 1 iet w cen here and I la 1 1 Ion and Mip. It w:t- announced that w i i h t he I i.-ing ot I he -t: u today a mob ol llolll liOO to l.bni .,iy n.en of the ueighhoi hood ol l ire 1-1. onl would mu-ter fn mi all parts of South bay ami make a descent upon Fire Island ith the intention of burn ing the Surf hotel and its adjacent cottages in order to prevent these buildings being u-e-d lo shelter the quarantine saloon passengers ol the Nornianuia. Last night the hotel and outbuilding's were de lended by President Wilson of the .New Yorn board of health, assisted by a few employes and a score of New I lork reporters, w ho r athered there to describe the landing ol the (piarantine passengers, Dispatches this morning from Fire Island says the inhabitants of the surrounding country are still preparing to prevent by force the lauding of the (piarantine passen gers. In Day Shore the feeling is at fever heat and there are threats of treating Landlord Saimiis, who sold the Surf hotel to the state authorities for a refuge, to a coat of tar and feathers. Justice of the Peace James Coopi r says the hotel and all its surroundings will bo burned if a landing is attempted. J;;dge Itarnard of the supreme court of Ih'ooklyn today issued an injunction restraining Governor Flower, Dr. Jenkins and others from landing the quarantined pas sengers on Fire Island, This ap plies to the town of Islip in particu lar. Governor Flower arrived this morning and immediately began an investigation of the cholera troubles. 1 le said the state would take possession of F'ire Island at once. He is prepared to take any step, no matter how stringent, to keep cholera away from New York City. I AT.r. CASK IX I'DXX.SVl.VAXIA. JKAXXI-TI K. Pa., Sept. L2. A Hel gian, whose name has not yet been learned, who arrived at this place last Saturday from Fatrope, was taken ill today and died in a few hours. The physicians in attend ance pronounce the case one of Aasiatic cholera. A full investiga tion is being made. MUKDOCK. The State bank ol Murdock will commence busincBs ahout Sept. lath. They will have their safe in K'ikli's furniture store until their brick building is ready. .Nearly every body took in the State Fair. The new Lutheran church will be ready for dedicat ion about the first Sunday in October. I he pastor will arrive this moiit WolfA Tool are furnishing tin lumber lor Mr. Nippert's new house. Five or six dwellings are needed here yet belore winter, who will put them up r , The masons have started the foundation of .Mr. Wolfs resident e after finishing that, they will put up the foundation of our new .-t liool house. I M rs. K'u-h is v t rs siek, she had a doctor from Weeping Water, who has attended her before. Carpenh rs t tanuieiici il work on the building, to be occupied by the I Sank of M urdoc F. Iless moved in his new house ami A. Zabel took possession of the room vacated by F. Hess. K'ev. C. Stock of Knox ,'ounty, preached last Sunday in the Fvi::i ! u al church, this used; to be Mr. Steok's old home. T he bell the Lutheran church ar rived and was put in place last Monthly , its weight is nearly I.'1' pounds. The I't ad iag l t.o.u will be ciosed T hursday and Friday alternooiis on iccottnt of the fair, but will be open i 1 1 as usual in the evenings. COSSIP AROUND COURT ROOMS. Following is the business done in county court in the past week: P. J. Hansen, v s. Plattsmoutli In vectmrnl company. .Suit ,i ac count for Hearing Sept. tith, M o'clock a. in. Samuel T. Anderson, vs. Frank P. Hull, it al. Disjrfie.l on motion ol plaintilf at plaintiffs cost C. II. Parmele vs. City ,,f Plaits mouth. Motion to make answer more definite and certain ly alleg ing t hat grade was established by ordinance ovci ruled. S 't for trial Sept. Milt, la a. m. In the mailer of tile estate of John Ptlite-haiipt deceased. Heal ing final settlement. Accounts of administratrix allowed. Decree ac cording I v. In the matter of the last will and bsl-uuenl of L. C. McMurray, de ceased. Hearing on petition to ad mil smiie to probate. First National Hank vs. George S Hillings, et al. Suit'on promissory note lor sa."il. ami interest. Default of (I. 'fend, nit entered. Judgment lor plaintilf tor "it ; l.t is. State of Nebraska s. Georgt Sawtelle. Complaint for shooting with intent to kill. Kxnniinatioii waived. Hail fixed al ItailO. In the matter of the estate of Kosan Decker, deceased. Hearing on contested claims continued until Sept lUlIi. HI a. in. Nehawka Hank vs. Allen Cole man. On demurrer to netilion. 11. C. Hefner vs. Myron Cole, et al. S, lit on promissory notes. Default of defendants entered. Judgment for plaintilf for ..0 P.J. Hansen vs. Plattsmouth In- vestment company. Default of de. fondant entered. Judgment for plaintiff for S'.fi.Xh III tho matter of the estate of J. II. Austin," deceased, Hearing final settlement. . ' ', In the matter ijf .the estate of Kllen S. ' Richardson', deceased. Hearing un petition for appoint ment of C, D. Stevens administrator. Prayer of petition .grunted with boniFlixetl at !jt,i K A ' Patterson, Murphy A Co. vs. O. II. Mallou. Suit on account for $'2 !.:). A nswer Sept. '21 It 1 1 10 a. in. Anton Sciler vs. Clnis. Vandeven tor. Suit on account. Trial to jury Verdict for defendant. In the matter of the estate of Kllen S. Stevens, deceased. Notice to creditors to file claims on or be fore March Mth, 1HU'(, 10 n. in. Last will ami testament of Frank G. Iirown tiled for probate. Judge K'amsey issued a permit to wetl today to Win M. Thistle mid Miss Nellie N. Shafer, both of this city. The garnishee cases were called in county court this morning and a motion for a continuance of thirty days was granted in all the case. Tho county commissioners met in adjourned session today. The petition for a license to run a naloon in Cedar Creek was laid on the table until next Monday. Johnathan Adams Mas com menced proceedings in district cotft against Chas. Martin, et al., to (piiet title. District Clerk Dearing has re ceived notification Ironi the board of public lands and buildings that after October 1, tho. hospital for the incurable insane will be ready, but that none but those who have been pronounced incurable will be ad mitted. A man by the name of Siler swore out a wiirrant in Judge Archer's court for the arrest of ( has. Vande venter charging him with carrying concealed weapons. The case will be tried before a jury next Sattir day. II. C. Mc.M.ikeii vs. Ilulb.u ,V Drowne was settled and dismissed this morning. In the case of Siler vs. Vande ventt r in county court yesterday the jury brought in a vt 'diet fur Vaudsv enter. Roblied His Employe' j lilias Sage living near the city I .... . I .. . r nas nau employed on ms lanu a man by the name of West. Yester day while the family were picking grapes West went into the house and stole about f) out of a bureau drawer. Last night the man was arrested and placed in jail. After Ids arrest he still declared his innocence, but ottered if the charge was withdrawn he would go back and work for Mr. Sago until the money had been paid back. He had his preliminary examination this afternoon. -X. i .