Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 08, 1892, PROTECTION AND RECIPROCITY, Image 9

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Vol. i-no. 3.
Publl-he.l monthly at 115 Wet TwntT-thlrd
Street, New York. Subscription price 1 cauls a
year. AilJiws
r.rlnr.1 al Ik' .Vr lVk I'.
e'fU.imit.'f. 1
O. , .Vie Vttrk, (r srmittl
rJ r.eA
-, cnxrTER vl
1 B R A 31 B I. K RULE.
Ml furnaces, dismantled factories, silent
mine, unemployed wi.riinicti und general dis
tress art. Hi hurt) Inn Ihiiki8 (it Democratic
victory. 11d.. Wii, Mi Kim.kv.
At lust the exelMng electoral ounvuss was
ovor. It result wa seen Ii 'ho victory of the
1'oU u J Dallas party ami James K Folk wm
inaugurated with due ceremony, March 4th,
Manufacturers sighed and submitted, while
labor was jubilant. I he seeds of dissension,
bo unscrupulously sown, hud resulted In a
bountiful harvest 'of work logmen's votes Bud
blaring bonllr-s and shouts of triumph tes'l
11 ej to tbolr joy at the re-ult ol Democratic
A year pnssal by nnd for a while all wont
on lis usual in not without the Fletcher
Works, nut, eveu beloro ttiat period bud ox
pired, a suspicion was awakening in tlm tulndi-
oi tuo people that a treat fraud had Iteon bit
don behind that ory of "Folk, Dallas and the
Tar (T o.' 42."
iliiuuiiiotu-oro throughout the country b v
tran lo four another low tariff era and thob
fcnis wore cot without foundation, for in
the party in power did indeed refill the
famous tariff of '42, which ln-y hud an
Solemnly promised lo defend, and that repeal
was only made possible by the casting vote oi
me minor protectionism, Ueorgo M. D"llasl
All IK'UltIi the bill, now lntrodncn.l !nr a. v rv
low tar. II, was bravuly fougnt by the Willi's In
. ougross ami i,y itotoci lonisis tnrougiioui
the country, it was esuibished id spite of
their proMsUaud too tmilt oi W, tb loet
turlll tho I uitod KUtiw lia-t vvr
winch was practically iroo trade,
That imme.Iinte ruin did nv result was due
to px niQooiis oansfs. A famiot in Ireland,
flu rt crops iu hurope, tlso Moxican war, thn
(Vini nn war and tho dUeovorv of Kold in C!n 1
fornia all onntributncl to postpone tho evil
dnf. Inn as soon ns those ui.usu il ro-ourei s
wrt) uut oil, tl.M old disastrous con80iuonee
The J'.ritish free trade doctrine, put Into
prnot(?M by the tarill' of '4i'i, d-ti royel our
chief imliislrii'S, paralysed all busint'Bs ami
nuain were thousands or nun and women
thrown into cn'orovl l.llenass.
M'Tclinuts and inaniit ciurivs KfRw pal
uu appreiiension and luii'Tin turn ixrnw rot
1i c K
CHAUI.1E HAN A 'Serves rou all ri,'lit ii"W for eatinjr those imstv preen niid.
yon, ion." Judge.
Here I had cut a nico ripe watermelon for
.rurfwo0 TudlW. to nr it to-nW,l,tr.i as there's a Ood'vou would sue it is your own fault that you I In spite of the Rn
Z i. i ,?;.. . i ii ..v. u favther (1 .vYime u' 1) irtlo' 1 lire siarviiiL' and not (lie hunt ot the uiuu you the pouniry, the l-i
rade, locauie '; ' 'r- .J''r 'VSneW M in won d murder." fjf Imbued with the
coo ls, many factories closed nnd o'hnrs kent
ou workitij; al lowered pi ices, Miiiiuf ictnrers,
woijtiumcii, morchiinis mi I larmera nil shur
ed iu the (jnuoral ruin and dis r-ss.
"Waces Jiiisf come down I" at Inst criu 1 Cap
ital throughout the country.
"V.h;h WmU nof come down !" turluko.l biif
Inrtiii; L ibor.
A the hiontht passed by times crew worse
In spite of the cnnornl distress throiiuhoiit
moerats were so throui:n-
II. a .Innl.inii. i.f ItrOiuli 1. t ,ut
n. a aneh terr e inrnes'nes in won u luiiiunr. . ;'"" .............
W voice 'that I thel l' uevor paused He Kand irlooiuilv at her, ynt s'ond qiiietlyl 1 r.ide thai thoy persiMud in inaliitaiinnn uw
t(i 1 lllh UU'im till III 11 tin II' -fj liiuv Bnoiiinu t aft my vw ...... v. -.,.. r - .......
" . . . i . .i,. i.i: and eointort to his desnerate mood. tloodinir the marksti. t)"0)l were unomplov-
,,,n!i h',n!i ",,r,,l bvthe sound of "l.nok at yonder factories," she continue 1, ej every whore, nn I money became scarce in
elnncini! do'TS an
ilie putli, thn 1 stenini? nan i.oen neo on. . . . i"" '..-.. ........ . . ,, ,ii..i , .i.,o l.o f...i
When Miss I'lutoher returned She lountl uiosmi uoors aim siuuck-si iciis oh "'' . .; ........
Nora line msol'us u he lloor a tiny those barrels to keep thm from riiHilnir thi-e .Margaret Uwyune and D .rtle upon reach
Mf ldoo so of, th Vl.ue (7r bl the bff.rlb; Idle days. Who closed those doors? Why. the in- the town entered one of the soup houses
rn on h en she , , men you followed a iov va,s .wo. Where found Thorpe rictehor, Willi two other
T Ahent liuckthorn? In Cons URaln ; put ,etlemeu. standing In the midst Of lh
to h r bi.Rnm, Noni's (lurk uern uy uur yuiu. y." "') ' . ,. ,, . , .
a look o' iullablo haiipl- i naireis uancinit uirro diiiuib, jt..i. n..n m.n .n.o ..n. uutuu n ....o ...
' they thoiusolve. aunt Mr. Uallusto ahnit(-!your elmritl s, Fletenr," sal. I one of thoin.
ion. a nristian worn, me oiny irouoio 1 we
Vu're mltfhty wise," fowled Darile, wi hl need more 01 them durinp Iheso sad times.
evion and bvthe sound of "l.nok at yonder faetorl-i," slio continue 1, ej every wnore, nn i money ueoame scaree 111
n.l hu'rrvinii 'footsteps down with unconscious oratorical power, roisin hericonseiiuonco of the enormous Importation,
tenini? child knew that hervouu voice ami pointing tn the silent build- Soup houses were opened In the cities and
l", 'iuKs belo, "look nt them. Jo. with th. ir towns, nnd thousiuds of starving people
uiiciill.llike laM
ves opun.-d With
... .. .... .... r.i..ll'
Ive. TUe country was flood..,! wi, foHitnL 0iMJar. mlu" f1". " "7 '.:,..
t h I un Z no not It be , faVt or V' uHnRleJ Rnr and admira-io,,. "1 s',,,se the t "Yes." 1
. - .ml.. II. .v vir a in. ' , Ki hull I
,.m.I f t..n nnLin.f nil .A II II lit 1 11L1 I 111 V . II 1 I'l" .
..u.. .... m. v." v" 1 . . . .
. . 1... .1.; i.n- I...... t'a
rt I In 1 1', "I Busliiiu this one
0 'Utraiy to my principles. I do not
like soup houses. They are a d.'Kriiilntlou to
I.... .. I l.t., 1 Imr inr nl'm leileuor S .uini lhi"i imiuni niniii'iiij uumo ... ...j - .
linn 1 fc n"u 1 . " I happv days," answers M irnint aoltiv, -and be UikiuK oup (roiu oil his own table."
V. mM ribel about Jesus nn'.now that she Is iroua it seems BOimvimes as "1 h, thoy are a 1 iy lot," drawl -d the Oilier
his a ov' u' ?u, nu' vantin mb lu l "'X h had Kone her. You know1)'""" man lu a lowr vnieo, "This Is easier
hUi", VU,. T"rS,i!, lr n, . sa jlln..'wlieiVlrr i,.drather was dyin- Joe." hero sheldon't you know than our.m.s It. Ours is the
A iuh nionth passed by times crew worse fi";"llT,. i,ir'm 1.1 her arms did not 1st rubied with a sob and smoothed tho folds, grandest Rovurninout on thetaeeof ttio earth
instead o Uter; msnulac urersbeoimelir.nk- uf'" t! h,r black drss, ".Mr. I'iotch. r came a.,dflor now everything is l.oa, for these poor
ru t nnd street coiu-is i,, the numerou-rl1P".k.' or 8" kn"w b t,1B . Ji. ' . ii..iL,l 10 hi,,,, on." l I. wondorful liulit- devils. M,i vou ev r know a time before
nnsnvr 11110 ibu...,--;;- - - ? . : . ,., ,..,,
ur n,.nr 1 Iia works mij oi i ne wy as an u a 1 re uiiuu 1 u i.i'i tie 11 iuu:r, , w u uwn nn.. nuvvra n...,.. .. ..
Another AtUmpt lo Convvrt li West U
t'lN Tiadr.
ThoWiBtom Dornocratio Campaign Fund,
headed by Mr. Joseph 1'ulltMr. the millionaire
editor ot the Now Tork H'nW f, will appeal ia
thesyaipitliiosand to the pocket-books ot Iht
Cobdeo Club. Mr. 1'uliter, who lives abroad.
and merely visits this country occasionally to
see bow tblncs i:et along in his stupendous
nenaenper bud.lirg down on 1'ark How, la
doiK-lft.1 in closo touch with the torelk'O True
Timlors. Theirs is the hleaot couvertlni the
Westtra laruier to Cobdeuism.
The Cohden Club yiars ego saw that the
farmcis oonstltuteJ the bulwark ot Protection
In this oountry, nnd re ill.oJ that, If the Cob
don Club was to triumph, they must beweuued
from their allegiance to the teaohmjn ot
iieotce Washluiitou, Alexander lluiudton,
Thomas Jefferson, Henry Clay, Horace (lros
ley, uud every Illustrious American statesman
who has earned the tore, gratitude nnd nduil
ration ct hie countrymen. Bo they hired one
l'rolosor Monxrcdlon to write up the side ot
Free Trade, and his books were scattered free
by tho KW.iHhl throughout the West. The Lon
don lime Instead of the New York H'orld waf
then the londiu c'lamplon of the 1'ree Tradi
crusade. The Tunts said 011 July l'i, 111) :
"We wish the Cubden Club the bei.t euceeii
in the arduous encounter which lice before it.
We hope Mr. Augustus Monitrcdlen'e excellent
volumes, and the other publications of the
club will, between, thorn, carry the VnltoJ
Stutoe by storm uud thrust reason I. e., Fret
Trudu Into all minds, whether willing or tin
willing tonduill It."
Substitute "Uoforin" Club for Cobden Club,
and how like an extract from tliellmMol
is'.ii this extract reads. But the limes added
a soi Ions reflection which we earnestly ooni
mend to the thoupl.t ul consideration ot th(
Westorn ralDbow chasers ot this campaign,
"Hut we dure not veuturo to be prophotio,
Wo havo heard too many prophecies, and luivs
waited vug nud vainly for thuir ocoomplish.
meut. That free trade will como some day in
.the United states It is perfectly safo to asseit;
but how uud when, end other mlnuthe of the
kind, must b left te theCobduu Club and !o
its twelve Cabinet Ministers In their uuofllelal
capacity lo decide. Their propho,:i;s shall be
lil.olovoiV vows -broken, It may be, a thou
sand times, but uttered sincerely ovory timo,
and believed iu to the Vury last."
That In the lovor-like hope and aotifldeuao
ot which our Western Democratic Fund cam.
paitjuets will noo I a goodly storo to carry
Ilium through the cruel disappointments nud
failures lylnjj bolore thum.
towns nnd citie s were lilied with idle, eX' ito I
Thorpe Fletcher, through all thatroublo ol
chi d's lips, that the
As l''i.ii.' nnd Pcvton dr
the coiintlriL'-rnom windows were illumined
i . 1 ii , : . . .
l'--. ."."4 ! Hy"?ST X
F.otuher drew his bre.i'h sti irply, uud II
lened his nt isi) on l'eyton's arm.
I .V..'rn Inn inlA llm Kholn nlaee is on
llun. L'lve ttie alarm, reytvu, 1 -
nud well pai l, but at length lie saw that the
rea'y Iossm he wae daily IncurrlrR would
noon rivult In immediate bankruptcy aud 1 uin.
nnd In 100 was ohliited to join the joui al cry-
ami to declare that wages must bo rodiiiel.
'J lie re-:uli was one ol the tno-t disastrous
riots In the State.
One evening, durins this time, three mon
sat cronchius ovor a miserable lire kin lie I on
the holly hearth. Thev were (iiiffer (iwynne.
Joe Iiarlle and (ientlemin Kelly, nnd lhy
spoko in wh Bp.'ieil, conll loatiai ton s, nl
though Mrs. Keilv had beea sent to the corner
store and the children wore In their beds.
Little Nora, grown tiro a tall, tliln, delioa'e
Kirl, h id teen very ill since Christmas and
now lay ou n conch In the corner, to-sing uu
eaeily with pain nnd fovr.
les muitered Kelly, with nn Oath;
nn the foino tlnin's coin on up to the
iinuse just the same, wid the mlu a dym'
nxe sneeji in the town I There's to be
a graud ttoddm' in a few days and them
tiypererit. s is to sail for torrln" parts, ilrs.
J eylOII. Hies tO Is" h rn monb.
lnn emphasis to the name, "an' a prouder,
more 'ustoeratio hussey 'twould be hard to
.S; A ft a l.A.a .AaI In n n.l MAni.
uw.v, ...... 1 u a. ,11 ,irn
oui nn faith she'e sot niv own family tip
again me and thin she nud l'letch-r port1!!,!
th re's no worruk an' lots honest mlu die for
the want or it I"
Truly our blessings brighten as theytak
their flight. Work had been waiting for
many yoirs at Kelly's very door yet
lie had never shown a desire to embrace. It
uutll It was beyond his reach.
Thoa there were morn whlpors bolweon the
men and Kelly ended with :
"Hut we'll take our revlnge out of 'em b'ys
Tnuin tliet Fletcher un' lu Mise Ithel 1 Damn
iiri , p, v, 1
now he talked I If voti nnl I eould alwjsi 111 re pittance? why. our worklus men ought
iiteu to such wo would never wish harm to to live like pi luces 1"
one of them wgsln. He was pale from the! "These 111 it disastrous times, sir, nnd yon
very shot uriindlathor lnivs him that nulit rity politicians knew It," tetor:ol Hotelier,
vou m n luirui'd his factory down, and yet liel"What ma'tcra It to me If things are cheap 11
neat up to grandfather's ted und Bald: 'Mar-! I h ivo not the money to buy? I nra compelled
tells me that vou are sick aua 10 suiri my uiciory uuroau iu orn r vo nv ou.
". . '..7 . . ..,,. .i.., r ; i.u sulTurinL'. tiwvuno. and I thouoht it might! nouo tho lees shall 1 tnniirn my rulnoJ oun' make vou feel better
"i". . . . ...... 1 . I,. .u
lteirnrdlflss of personal danger he hurried to!"" ' "-ar no w 1 .
- 1- -( .1.. I... . 1 .1 m .. -.,1. .l,l,l..r.f fnrnlni.lDPV for VOU misguide
illed, he ran
slip past him
lie Uau lurn -d, nud, grasping a email si.un y
llguro by the throat, rocognizod, by the now
bright light from the burning building, the
smooth, villainous couuteuauue oi Uoull omiin
" This Is your work Is It, you cowardly
hound I" cried I'.e'.ohcr.
Tlinn a sense of this man's base ingratitude,
and a real .gallon of what these ruined build
ings meant for him, oausod him to tnjirton his
urnsn on Kelly's throat, and to shake the eow-
make vou fuel better il I called aud told y u try 1 I eonsidnr tho-o ilaeards marked
in.i ,nnw i ifi.., ni, 1 1' I'lin:!,,. I H, iivn I ii, ill, uur Mil lit w , iuwh. im
- ... , . . --- -rimr
Niguais o uistross uu.i
llniinelal run I "
lenve and Fletcher
nasantly to some ol
his best known workmeu in the orow I, As
ho cros.od tho room Marginot dotoolod ntuny
an evil glance directed toward him.
"Damn that arM0er.1t," muttered one man ;
"ho portends to lie our friend, Hud yet, curse
hiui, he's a tnklu' tho gold we put Iu his pos k
ot to forrin' pans nud leaves us here to
thV;Xot.l.e .ulTn ""ul'leJ wlth yar h"' j"'v.y. mud..
, , r , h aS ''.itreds und sta. viug famil o.' ..., of famine aud Una,
"Xlonnioml blnUa' cloud of "tirai.dtatnor-he died the next dav, yonl The turned to
against a msn who was tryinstoi""'," " - ' '.1 .
in the daikuess. In an lustaut U, 'for oomlng. It is on my consclenco that
1 raised a hand a-'iilust you. You're been a
itood boss nnd 1 know It Ibu't your fault that
the people are Idle find starving. Would to
Uod we had llstonod to you trora tho first 1
" 'l kept up as long as 1 could, bum .Mr,
1'ietcher. 'without roduoiutr wages, and then J starve."
called the m'n togethor nnd told them I must "He's trying to sell his grand place and the
give them less until tho panic was over, but : plant," s dd another.
would uot o.os" the works uule-s obligod to.l "Juvll ot a plant we left hi in ." chimed lu
You know what liAip,med thou. Th. y burned' Kelly's familiar brogue. "Faith, we seed to
my factory, threatened my life nnd home, nr.dithat the night we were afther smusbln' tils
." ,, .t." 1. a ... 1 ....., now 1 must 1:0 eswnre; uui 11 11 is liny niiiuysau liuiuiu 1 burgu iu iuo iuu. nuuin.
rihot sharnand t""" tneii to know It, I go lie's u whlto-livered coward, for lie nlver .0
alS -an, Joe, ,1, Fletcher is a m rnan oe. at,;
OH Oil., I1BUHI1, U Kill"., 11), p ow. im . . , I . 1., .. ,,-., I, . ... f. 1,1 hU.,n.l,lnnn.n,,.lk.
wid a soup House I
"He damned it he do 111" shouted tho now
excltod crowd.
iron; tiling hanif, nnd, ns Fletehr with a groau
raluxed his hold on Kelly's throat, and fell lilo
less lu the doorway of his bin mug factory,
ilwynne's unshaven, terror -s'rlcltuu face
disappeared lu the darkness.
liAI.I.AS NliillTCAl'S,
The cry of hard times reaches us from every 1
seems," sneered iJartle.
iliirgarets pale face crow warm With the
crimson blood as she replied :
"I could not take money from him t Cod
knows te thinks 1 have plenty, for, af er Mi's
Ktliol'a marriage, Just before she sailed, she
called mo and end : '.Margin el, these mo
b ird times, nu l worse days ure nhond. und 1
f roads ;C0,,IJ not ,aBl huppy It 1 thought or
- -4..4
An Echo from Free Trado Times.
New Hiven, Conn., July, IBM.
F.niTon Ameiiicam KrosoMisr: I should like
"Tariff Oppressed" Wage Earners.
The following dialogue Is reproduced lu J lit
Hid'rtm of tho American Iron aud Hteel Asso
ciation. It occurred between tho MitrlcC
Attorney of Allegheny County and tho
worklngmoa (under oath) who offered to
bad llurgess John Mol.uckle, arrested lor
participating In the recent labor disturbances
at llomostoa 1 : "What Is your name?" asked
lilstrict Attorney Lurlotgn. "Owen M urphy,
Whore do you reside?" "In Home
stead." "How much real estate do you own.
.Mr. Murphy?" "Well, sir, I own a house ot
fouttoon rooms with a lot CO x 110 feet In
Homestead." "What Is Its value?" "Ton
ihousand dollars." "Anything ngalnst It-
any Judgments or mortiagos?' "No, sir."
"Own any other property?" "Yos, sir," and
tken Mr, Owen Murphy, mill worker, pro
ceeded to designate seven other plocos of rent
ostnto wtil oh. bo held in fee simple and freo ot
encumbrance In the borungb ot Ilomottoiid,
tho aggregato value ot which was $15,000.
A second worklngmnn was sworn, who as
sorted that he owned real ostate to tbo value
of JIO.OOQ. Comment U unnecessary, but wi
anuot re&lal the tomptutlon to Inquire : When
under the shlulng sun, except among tarill
oppressed workers ot this protootlon-plure
lerod laud ot ours, ooulJ two stool workors,
or any other workers, be found who, between
thou), had laid away $ 11,0 )0 from their own.
part of Uiecimti y. The making . of roHds Is;"""'" 1 'i . "', J
Li...w,.i f..i. ,. i.. ,.ri, ,-i.,,.,i kii i,im,. n,i;sullerliig. I have pieced a sum of money lu
sliip are no Ion x r lui It. 1 aetmy hands, road-the bnuk for you. and you can draw It as yotrto lot you know of a littleoceurrence that hap
niaKers. carpenter, bricklayers ami laborers neel It, My brother will t'y to soli our homo noj wlnn I wa9 u boy of twelvo which ro-
are Idlii ami paralyslslsraiddly enibiclngeveiynud his property here, und Will follow us In, , , J, . ', .
,,,, i in. ,., ir , m vmk Tr,i j.iil I:, i . ,.i ,i .n ..... .. i,i i i..,.a ., . ... Jcslls vividly how free wool dohbIUs the'iior.
at ll 11,M1,sei1' 0 8hril, troinbllng voice crlod it. fully, and in a few months 1 will write und! It was soon lifter the Walker Tariff begin to
Mbiw ,w. a . , Weeks passed by aftorthe burning of Floteh- see that morels place 1 to your acoouut. You 0R8t Its blightiugshndow over the ooun'ry. I
i.ri - . . yorrtamn my Miss Ithel, you Lr'g lactorv bringing no relief to the starving will uot be forgotten.'" . ,,,. ..,. . . ,
tad. wicked man? Jlow dare v.t? I hat,, Ti,-i.,iii.ii,.J ,ii,t n. 1 narMmi. .cnn,i Mar..ri imiise i me.nv timns to wine aw.n- w"s nt that time living la ono of tho most
Vl,r tlli.t'u lel.i.t I T .: ........ , ...... ........... r ...., ...... , -. - -. ,
1 I i t ' wiouyer was iiwiut the Hnmes stood with bl.iekoneil walls, closed.tho tear as sue r pouted tn words.
lill'OJIiri ,l,.nr iir.n lull smokn Ktnet n,,
nora stood them, her thln.whlto face work- rols to protect tf.em iu their id
ingwith rnge. nhe shook her puny list iu Ii t
net oni. lui i ffiit...'. i i .r.. .
....u.-i b iiii-o, mm men, S-iiggeriilg
from l-uenth the blow he dealt In randfol
lowed by hm dread tui oaths, flod out into the
welcome shadows 0 the ulght.
Half an hour later M:ss Fletcher, sitting Idlv
ilreaiiiliig by the lire, looked tip to s.e n whf e
luce, hgined by supernnturn'lv brilliant eve
press,, i C,M9 Hgai,)8t the window pane. The
tunes had beou so wild end the t ,nfu i...
bad heard so drendful, thnt she arose willi a'
shriek of terror, then nshamod oi her mo
inestiry weakness, crossed the room aud
threw back tho window.
Nora K;:y, with n ragged shnwl covering
per bare head and a Beauty, torn dress hang
ing nnout her thinly clad fo t, stood shivering
aud sobbing in tho keen, frosty nlr.
Eth-i l'lutchor drew tho poor child to the
rright Ore. and rinirlnc for n-irm o,. .,.. i
. ..... c o u.. , uiuuj
lierto drink it. 6
"Oh. Jliss Ithel," gasped Nora. "I rnnncd
f t '.'T..t0 t01' 'cr' ttu' uow we throat hurts
BO I can 1 1"
1.-1 , r 'n,n,1' a"M" Bnld ,h9 eet voice,
'whalevor you have to tell can wait j and now
Ml me-3 U re6t ' littl0 ttuJ. tUou yu tau
Norn chok.,1. elntcfand her thin thront with
ter elftws ot fingers, and taklngtbecun.ohedi-
eni y swallowed its contents. Then she fell to
117, 'r ,lo,uPn M'8 I'letchor'srichgown,
rS?.iV?.J"J-,r a, not. I""1 ""Ikon lalWi'
vered with bar
Ulonoas from tho
rust lug frost nnd snow
Thx-e tiarrels were mockingly dublied
"iiallas Niglitcnps" by the starving, desperate
men whose votes had placed Dallas lu power
a few veers bofoie, nnd they could be 8 on for m?
"Well, au' whore's ycr money, thou?" de
manded Ji.irtio.
Free Traders Think So Still.
In a true competition tor the market rf the
t'uited Stutcs, the wages, of mauufuoturliig li
bor lo the Northern btates must bo reduced at
least ns low us tho wages of labor lu England,
1 ho natural prioo ot the manufacturing labor
of the Northom Statos la precisely the same nl
ihatof the iiiiiuiiluitturlng labor ot England,
and not a cent more. wit nr i r, , rn . j
prosperous sections ot the State of Now York,
an I the farmers had got Die ly startoi In the
Joe " answered Marrnret. with her dark " -I"-"""".'. """'"""""J """ ""J c v,,,,,,, . . , lt , Smlh Vl,roLlM. IXIi
earnest ryos turned toward the quiet town, wlmr Wl)ul 1110 rr,'8 WftS u,,t omyvery low.
"do you think that I could have mouoy iu th" but the demand was limited; in fact, ll n
bnnk nnd see poor folks a stnrvlng aroiind1, ,ir,ii,rit .h l m t !... it,. .u
miles around, hanging, wenth'r beaten signalsiOod I hud it to givol"
I've drawn out every penny, uud thnuk
it had to produco It, tho ouu'.ry boiu,; II ,o led
Au' u etui vl i uu' froeziu' yourselves to do' with foreign wool,
it 1" cried Iiurtlo. The result was tlie farmers beeivr.o discour
i am youu.! nn t strong nnd it nooin t
matter." said the girl. "Th ru ure many sick;
the towir that uood it iiiuru
of distress, ovor tho silent lactones wli-re
once happy, busy life h id reiguo 1.
One cold winter's day Margaret (iwynne nnd
loo 1 turtle ntnin confronted each other in the
path, which led to .ilar.'arjtVhomonnd looked aud old ouoi iu
down upon tho rurnsd factories. Margaret's than I.
(nee was pa'e and wsn nud Dariio's eyes, dcs-l l)ai lie looked at her glowing. Inspired face, ..nil liuti.'rv Innlrim. (lrtiim.,1 (n i,n Willi iiu'i tphiin a itAip Mmniim, vi., l.nin 1.,
shaven face with wolfish llerceneee. Tnsy mot his breast and nnstorod him. , rot.ubly other sections ot tin State, but Ion,'
iu anger and there was a shrinking as of feur Wi h somothiug very like a sob ho bowed, before It was again, started tin cunning Eug
m Margaret' manner, as eho stood bctoroihis hoad had raised tho price of wool to a
h'!"An' eo, sneered he. "ye've cone back on thanked loTsuoh aaV, Meg?ri've0lLenVbad',llBhPr fltfUf9 thnnlt WM uad,,r tUo otJCtlve
poor folk.'Mlien reading only too plainly the mau, but lod helpiu' me, from this hour on! 1 rl11 or 11'0 previous four yours,
aged, killed off their sheen, driel tho car-
Cases down tor tallow, and sold tho logs of
mutton in the village for br.i n 's per pound,
i'hus ended the slump lnlustry lu that and
Uerror In her eyos, he sat down by tho way.
side nnd with a grouu kid his lace la his rough
"Damn 'ore," he cried, "for trtkln' ye from
me I What good has their l.irnlu' an' Hue ways
lono ye, Meg? Ye are eurvln like, tho roat of
us, nu' they leave ye to die 1"
Tho girl's eyes, looking down nt him with
almost unearthly beauty, were filled with tears.
She clutched al the folds of her blaok shawl
I I'm a changed onel"
W ith a Biniieof newly-born trust Margaret
look the hand held out to her, uud together
they iv on I down luto the luiuiue-Btilckou
thr biiadow or IKtAin.
"Who Is hiinrrjrt (lo nnd see. Vou that are
and strove in vnlu to answer him. Keeli... brlL...,...' ". A. ' . J ' ' . "? B-,
(in ni.,1 kis tliiiusamU. in.. n urn .,,. .,. '"'l v.i.r .iiiuivi u ui,ii ia o oi
Hoping our "TftrilT Hoform" farmers will
end and ponder awhile ovor thoso fuels,
I remain, very truly yours,
W. V. Mitchell,
Free Trade Erithh Testimony.
The workmen, lt must be contcFFod, havi
n"t hitherto looked to tho Tariff In vi n
with l';i, los, Enamels., end T'nints ivhii li
sfain thn Ii:iml.s,li. jure tho iron, :nel Liu i,
(i IT. Tho I; isi ii g Sun S'ovol'nlish i llril
liunt, (blorlfss, lliiralile, nnd li e con.
suiiM-r .:iys lor i.o tin vr jjlats .itkuge
Willi (Vl. I V plllcllil.' it.
weep, he lost all control of bis passion, uud
In his wrath, ho lifted his clonctiud
aaliln . V. .".i, ini'licr S I IT lu Ills Slinu,
?.?'US, ?. '"In.K the child's dark huir with hands toward heaven
Nora o, 7 . nlU;,,.'ot. b0T. 'M! "lJOU't 'or mr KM, don't ycr,
and rovernd it T,hT 1 '"u uiny ODOs or ne true as ineresauoa iu tieavon, i ll hao
....... .:.v -'p-oo, itiu.ip hnnrra rnonrii i nan muriijc in
"Wot ii i,. V. , itneir noarie liu
lht I i h! .y "yt' W9t fln 1 6oor thonghtsr
the 's iot Hn?1' yfr n'i""o htm, "Aud what goo.!
Uh l? WtiL JA. Miss trembilnggtrrca
and ulrle, old and young, black and whlto, of all wages, but thoy have also had an itercnlug!y ,
nations, crow.lliur. J. slllne evh other; almost, high rate for a number of Ve.ue past. I.hI. h'
tixlitlng f..r a flr.i ciisui ., aciiut more like bun- has noarly doubled In value la a l Iron nnd
if,ir,,'l'''J,Co,,'l.'l.,;,ilV,''Tl ""'"', in, '"n'1, "r s eel works in the United States during tf.
llon.'lf wec.eildsi.,pthelmrtofll,er.relg,1 ' t5lUlyk 0iir9' UU'"," U'? 1-Tio.l
......! ..... . '. . . . . te there hen h um a punnml r.idnc! :on in h.,
what good Will mnrder no? aslccd the ,. .,,., ,n,. m,l(1, ,,,a .,,,. . ,,H, ,,,., ' r,rh of commoduiea, ao that labor Ii ,s on-
rn it vnr tuvr i:ivrs i int-eM, srcpcitt
VOI.K l.HI.'AI. PAI'l l:, t.ciii I", u K 11 . ... 1
1 I IK AMI.l.PAN l.. i.s, ,; 1 - r.
t'.e ri.:i:il,', fstoii'iil. of tli-"'V of T'r .'l'i- i
I ry !- .-11 v 1, . , ... 1, i I. . . ' . ,1
i.p 11 Pi" IhiiO .Ii . iII I u. j 1 11. I-,, u.NUlll-l ie
.1... l'l ...A, .'.A' U I ir.
FI'I'CI I, CAMI'AbiS Oi't'l'lt.
i'.,:i,.i,s (.,: ! I llllt
-'i'.r at.- Kil iiv- unl i,
V., ., t..""' ."ueres the boss, Misei trembling girl, calming him with a touch of ... ,..-,.V,Y.... iV.,, .1 .;,, k. .. ... . iovd tlm i nni.nn. .f i i i,i,.h ,..... u,.,i ht m ,
uuu uim rn liurrv tOthA tAfr ill. ... i.. i i.i.- i ... i . -"" ...... iu vidiuu.,j-' . - i
, vi tjjuivit i. ui uuua, - Ai jvu uamcaa sua kuuuiiuij e,i .i5 1 jr intuiH, jMitxry U,
I itlces, Lvndvn luJus'.iia, July U, r.'.'i 1
Tn rl-.lii, ,,f f vn li.
MPT l I I m hi I
,1.1 , Tni '., 1 1 1 . rll.'li.
S.'Uj Hsiai ..111 ll fP'1'i...t fi r rK. .'iteelr
I X -S I
Hm iti s. i,
i' ,
i jik.
ctiicKcii craft. Aiipnrcutly actiti
ill orders fmill Dr. Till 111:1 're.
fulltul lis (so litisiy I'uimtiil,
Ciisli I ' 'dtidil now, llil to i-stu1
ii circular.
,.i i... ii,..
ii. il ri'fi'ptiiflc Tin- iinii) itcrjititH
-..'tLtirfuV inr,l
.in, I itsrinini nt t uff
a cini;ilc'c
Mlb, OtUv.4, Km.
r i