Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 08, 1892, Page 7, Image 7
Till- WKKKLY lli-UAI.P: lM.ATTSMOi 1 ASKA. sr.NT.M WWW S. IS!--. X J H'Jfe.W For ova 25 Years SJSi;! j Mil A FOLKS. LAUGHTtH AND HEALTH. MiVs 1 .itul Lav -r Pill- I Act oil f in . -1 1 I - tfgul.lliug tin li-i'. -I 1,1.1 . ;i 1 1 . 1 IiihviIs tin ouch tin- in fr-. A new disco v- ; cry lr .Mile. pill- -pifdilv cure 1 Inliou.- iii . t i I ta.-'t , loipiil liviT i pilfs, om-iip.ii mm I ' in' tpi.ili'tl lor nit' il, w mill n ii nil t ii ! ii livn. Sniiill-' est, lllilili'-I. Surest. "Jl tlnsi's j,-! fls. ! NllllpilS " '" Il I '1 I'' 'II' lit' A Ill's )..llv V nt 'I r.ii.l. Vi slit'i-sl' die i:i'- tin- n!t.'.iin Win 11 l' I. 1. l.t'i h c; A rrii l.rt ti'l.ili d a i,i!eer l;l i Ir i line. Ami r lnii'i '! ' at. iu' 1" ruli li il. I v wi-'il -tutil i'i t In- iitil I pitntd, Fer it i'"w' v an I- 1 I ai1 1 tin uud iT" . il I'ji an. I dn t i i r ! ':. i" n. Till pi.ily 1- ' i it lest. .,v, r if, II 'Ti WW 1 m :;l w Bull Durham X. P . uJA " ' ' i"i t 1 rV I has been recognized as the standard of tobacco perfection. This is why we have remaineJ, during this long period, the largest manufacturers of brooking Tobacco in the world. It 15: h is a fragrance liar excellence. ELACKWELL'S TOBACCO DURHAM. I RAILBOAP T'ME TABLE, !( lil lX. UlN A Mlvsul 1. 1 IllM.i: I!. II. ;oii; , i:st 1't'piin Ms it X.i. 1 :1: l l'i I .."... '.. '( Is II III I'n-M'iuiT X.i a 1 1 ,lll-M'tn. .. ':!, li ill l'.l--i l. T '!'" ia l.i'lii- vil! I:' I' in I'ii i-nm-r n . .. ,: hi in I I- rcii-lit Xii'-"'. via l.-nii-vi::.' ... v.M,iui l-'rfii'lil X 'i .'. I,i ,'i'ili i Mii.'iiiii . 'i.' ,i in (,ll.(i KA.-'l . . Fiver Xo2 :l' I"11 l';i. fiiytT No I I"-!' 1,1 I'll ,'iiwrXoi'. l-':-'i' I'iifimcr No- '" I' m I'llI-IUIT Xn M '' " i .MIsMH KI i'A' ll H IMI1 liilMl. No'.', piis-oiurtT, sunt II. li-vt-.... li i : Ma m Xn 1, m--i'tn;ri.tiiiitli, arriM- i-W l 1,1 Hinly exii pt Siiniliiy. .vtCi'iiT SOVlhllt. CAS CA.MI' Xn. a.U M. W, A. mi ctt t'Vt-iy i-eeoiid ami l'tmitli MmiJay v ivintr" i" .vltzf mid lia:l. V iMtilii! nelnliln'r welooliif. . iiaiiff ii, t . t- . ; i mtii iiuiitu . . 0. Wilde. Oik. llArrAl II K 1'Al.JIKK CA.MI' NO ,Vi fetlllS (II 4 I'lt'lilllK, (livinlllll in .-X'liliiMiil, v A. meet every 1 iii'Mlny innlit at 7 :: uVlwk I (heir hull In Htlneralil liloek. All miiihiiu , ltiiiK comradea are conlialiy inviien iu ineei I .V us J. J . Kurt., (.(Jliiiiiuiider ; li. A. c LvnAlu, li-t Wciugt'iil. rvKKKlt OK T11K VVOUl,l), Meet" at 7 : : every Momiuv eveiitiic at the (iraml Army liall. A. F, Hioiiiu, ireiUeiit, J Hon Mailing, secretary. AO LT W AoH-U't't lirsi linn inim i- daveve'iiiiKiiffacli iiunit li lit ltlr hall. Kruiik VeruiyU'ii M W;J li Jiarvu k, reenrtU'r. ...... ........ a.:-.1 1.'.:. s k t i,.(..,iiii,iH 1'iwt Nti. 4i met l every VT saiiiiaiiv eviiiniii: at 7 : in ' l eir Hall in llot'kwiHid lilet'k All vlsillliu comrades ale i ctil'diilllv Invited ti) . eel wil l US. M'e.l Will's. ki'twt Adjiiiaut ; i. i'. .Mies, iiih luiiiuiuwuci. NUiitrsoK l'YTiilAS-Clniintlct Lmlue . v.. j? M,...u .-vitv Wi'tlnesilav eve- ..... ii,'.. ir i.,.n ,,v.r I'liMitii-t &l Tint's, nil vWititiK kniislits are cnriliiilly invited to , attend M -X Urlrtitli, C C: ttis Dovey K of K and h. o r w No M-Mcct second and fourth Kriday eveiniik's m t lie nioni n in io fOFIIiill. M Voiidraii, M W , t. I' lirtiwii, r.'iiirtleJ, DAI I, H I Kits ()r (fcliM.lA- liiui in i rinn i l.ii.iin. Nn 411 iiu etH tin- set iiinl aim Itniltli Tlnusitay evenlnus of eaeli Iniintll 111 tliel o. u. r. ii'ii. tins i. i.. "Him""'!"' ii. j Mm. Jolin Chit. Secretary. DKGk'KK OF ll().()l-leets me nrsi and third Tlirursilay eyeniiius of eat'll month in 1. O. O. h. hull, r itzKeraiti mom. Mrs. Atltlie Smith, Worthy Sister of Honor ..!. annie Iturkel, sister secretary. DKGk'KK K HOXOK-Ivy lodue, Xo.13 meets tir-t and thirtl Thiirstlnys ol '"' S y - II . I": im. eucli inonlli in IV. ol r. nan, . ' f !iru'r secretary. fe fSS I.ODliK, No. Uii. I. O. O. itcii timtiili iii K. of 1 . hall. Melln 1 rnv KlSS I.ODtiK, No. Uii.I.O.U. K. ineetH ev- iy iuenday innlit at their hall In HtZKerHld block. All Odd Felltm u are cordially invited loatteiiu when vIkiIiiik In tile city, tlirn let ' eren, N.,. ; s. 1'". Osliuiu, Secretary. HOYAI. AKOANAM rf Uoincll ISO ni, i- Meet at the K, nf I', hall 111 the l arinele & Crali! Mock over Ueiilielt & TiittK, visirlnn li'fthreii invited. Uenry lierliu,', ltegent ; L lios WalhliK, Secrel.Ti V. PLACKS OV WOKSIIIP. l'tiul's Churcli, ak, between iitii. i.i.a Hiih. Father Cainey. I'antnr SMi vl.e: .M iss at 8 i. nd 1(1:30 A. M. Sunday " ' School at 2 -M, llh henedlctiou. Chbistian. 'orner Locust and Klutlitll Sta Services ninriiiiiK and evei.n.t;. hitler A Calloway iiast or. Suntliiy Seliool to A. M. SllS''OI'Al.. St. Luke's church, corner Third VMii.lVinn. hev. II li. llUiSess, pai-tt't. Ser- ', pai-ti,r. er tees : II A. M. IM.d 1 I. ji. suntliiy Miiooi i:30 !' SI. ( AN iMMIIillilST.-. jriltT SIXI1I St una Granite. Kev. Illrt. Fa-tor. servit es : II a.m. and 7 im I' M. Sunday Srhnnl ll) iM A.M. PBltSl'.VTFlll AS.--services m new I'tii'ri ' net Silh anil tiraiiite -Is. l!e ..11. Hand, pastor, siimtiiy-st'i'iitil at n ; ill' ; Pieacliinc TIP' . I! S. i F. nt this rlmicli nn i'l' eu-iy ! ' ShIiIki'iIi if nil,,-al :ir, in the I'as. ini'iit id i the t iiiii iii. Ali aie ii.wvil t" niictid tie mefiiucs. HUT Mm ntil'tsr. S'lll St.. lift well Mail! ann !' h i. Hev l.. I' t'H'.i . 1'. o- fast', Kwrvle.-t. li A. .i s ft P. M i, :v Ii -.ii fl:.'liiA m. 1'i.iy. t iiiM'in K edni' -1. - .... ,v1i vn I'lf'si i,i:i .:.' i.'i' M ali.l A tnuoi. u,-v win '. i'..i..:or. s.-oif's ii- i.ti ' Join si:'i,liii m : a. m. ilQIII SlltTT'l I' It li I' 1 1 1 . S. I 1 V ' IVv . W.-il, 1 it' .lur. ..-l - : f in..:- 1 M) i I i.' ri ti, c. Us i... at 'l (irai ,-r in.etlti .' 'lursl.ii ii.iilt' t ft. tine,' t-1 1, iv iiii.'Ii' ll -ii" w.'lfiiini .1 M S Ii" 'ii i:. ) lfU, Iv. b ' I'd -I f 1 i. a t: ,-.'s ir,v..i v; ir .-h t YOUNG MKWOLUlLlEli U 11 (HI IUIIS Of 1 HI Sir I l ii I i C. fili'.Aot. Ttif nl hfri-iiC ff ut t frt thn,,"i, g bil l"t kOf!vtrj( tow to sun mi' Oj,J5HKE Or r THE MOIU HHKFS I .il. h.l u, IiiHtlK . Ih.r,. I. II HI. iv . 1 1 m FiEV EuQK JVk Kri (VfX I Miit ro" ra "-i'H -v I f T tn,ll,'.l ilinft-'O itiu tli ptli.i' "Til ol Dl,f- u4 Arli tloiu ol Itm HOME IStATdlcllir, , by mtthmli MclmlMlf oor fit f own. lli worn '- at Liwt or IIIM mmuww. -1 Mind IttetttolErmrt vnru x 1 J i-i or liMti". II'iiM4 or BowtoEnlr,-.Dd8tT.nh.l.WIA,DBfVBLnr.ltD , CMmiFABTofOUTii.plltilltiWrMU4. ' Vo ml, torn, 1 -. !".- ,1 CrME MEDICAL CO. BUFF AtO.H.Y. and flavor of pecu' Give it a trial. DURHAM CO., y?4 DURHAM1!!.1 Mi -! ' r '.fcitt feiv, v ,1 1 ,,i N. C ssi'-?.;i??iv, t V',r-i - lli P. J. HANSEN. lili.MJ K' IX STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Patronage of the Public Solicited. North Sixth Street, Plattsmouth The Old Reliable H. A. WATERMAN i SON. LUMBER, Lath, Cash, Shingles, Ktc. ("nn supply every demand of the city. C all and (jet terms. Fourth Street in rear of opera house. W. H, CUSHING, President. J, W. JOHNSON, Vice-Pres. CITIZENS' OF1 I'LATTSMOUTII .NEItkASKA. Paid Up Capital, $30,000 I". K. (liitliiiinii, J. YY. Johnson, K. S. (ireiisel, Henry Kikenliary, M. W. Murium, J. A. C'tiniior, V. Wet teiikaiiip, V, II. Cushinu. A neueriil liankini; business Iriinsiicti'd. 1MHUKST ALLOWKD ON TIM DtPOSlTS THOS POLLOCK R W HYERS Notary rulilie A list i ;ie t. r Snlieitu Ri'.il -tate, Loan and Iastirauce Agcut If you have it al f.-tatc to sell or I f xcliangf se nd us df script ion, price ,,.r j A bt i act . f title furiiislied at teas- fiitilile rate : ' . ' ; ifKVI.i h i to Iii, iii at 71.. pi r cent anil im 1 minnic-inns. on good !,; nil sr. 111 ity. I'OI. LOCK A IIYI-.RS Pl.A'l I SMiH 1 11 - Ni.n i'i:t- 1 1 ( ( ViiiJi I'ai k. TIMOTHY : in: u.i K' CLA RK, Coal ami Wood, cash. iir.l- ;iinl (MIh.' tt South Tliiid Street. Teleph"ni No. IX PLAITS. IOC TH. ni:hkaska. FOLTTAIJI.K I.IFK INSl RANCIv CO., OF N, Y. T. II. Pollock, Agent, H j I w : H IM iiiini!, il m .mint nt rinM Arnl ll.,'l:i I I 1. 1 Im I -Illi'.. - .11,, I ),l--f-. , y..r if im' ti. 'i I i , .-.I in n,l la.' n .t I In ,n, v - 1. I ii,.- i. My I,i',y ii,.i;, .i..- iiil mi -l.niil.1 1- l';.l I'll- "lily .:! I -In Ju-I In r lay l;.l V i i "i-.n- I In- way Anil Im'i my I',, ii:- Mini -r.uilura S.I r..-i. ;i I ill M. Xiflit Ik A Kirh Min i' anil Hi- -nil. A lnfivbi'iit t 'ii-1 ,-it l-piili.iii in t ii'1 far iff 1' it'i 1 I :tr.n n liKiny yi'i'.r-i'.i il hiuiM II' ii'.'.'l liis -..n f very Mil'l','1 1 i'.i'''l't ll ct'ift tif iv:ir.-f lircii'l. Uu it cfftiiia tM' In' was iivfi'ti tui'ti'il t" l.uv ;i j-cfi. t-f f!if.-... ' but r.'ir,.;.fbi.t: luiiisi'lf with his ...... , , . , ,, . , ; tl'.'lVMMl'.l l' !'' put t!U' r li'i-f lllti) il i ,' , ,, , ,ii i ' In lit ;i Ml fi 'a i i'l!. i inii'.-i u ami uinmi'i tin; bnv tu tin tlii' satin; with rubbiii. I the crust n.-auist tin1 buttle, ftijoyni , ... . the fliffse in iiaiiitinati'iti. duo day. l'ftiii iiuiur In line later that', usual, the laereliiiiit fmiinl his sun eat ing his crust . which he ci nsraii'ily ruM'"il ugaiiist the tliMir. "What are yon about, you tonl: was Lis exclamation. It is dinner time, father. You have the key, mi 1 cotiil.l not open the door. 1 was rubbing niybn ail against it, as 1 conM tint net to the bottle." Cannot vou go wit hunt cheese one tlii-, yon luxurious little rascal? You'll never be rich. Ami the angry miser kicked the jxHir boy for not being able to deny himself tho ideul gratification. Ciisst'll's Journul. Gr.inltif; l'lants In Wittrr. To grow an ncorn, a hyacinth glass of a pickle jar u suitable, Chooso a lino, healthy looking ncoru, atul crochet with moderately coarso cotton a network case just large enough to hold it. Tako off the cuy and put the acorn, point down ward, iu thus little hag, closing it nt tho top, and make a loop of cotton of chain stitch about two inches, long, according to tho depth of tho jar, to hang it up by. Cut ft narrow piece of wood of a size thttt) will lie across the top of the jar without (dipping in; pass it through the loop and thus hang tho acorn, point downward, in the glass, which must have just enough water in it so tho tip of tho aoorn scarcely touches it. Keep th jar in a dark cupboard till tho ncoru has sprouted, and then put it in tho light, just as you would a hya cinth, being careful that you keep tho water always at the same level. 11ns will livo a long time if properly man aged. An ordinary sweet chestnut can be grown in tho same way. Philadel phia Times. How Gtiorge Sated II in Melon. George had come from the city to spend tho summer with relatives on a New England farm, lo Ins delight ho had been given ii melon patch to "call his own." Ho was carrying the first rijio lhelon in triumph to tho house one day, when ho met his uncle. Hero was a dilemma! Ho felt bound by common courtesy to offer a share of his treasure, and at the same time he was unwilling to divido it. The riddlo was solved, however, and his reputation for goner osity euved by his usking: "Uncle Ed, do you want some of my melon? Say no!" New York Tribune. Kite with Lanterns. At the rural points in Maine, where they know how, flying kites to which lighted Chinese lanterns are attached is a very popular umusoinent. A good sized kite will carry a number of lan terns, and tho effect when it is Ht some distance in the air is very btriking. Where it has not linen tried it ought to be, as the feat is nut a difficult one and it causes 110 end of sport. Exchange. To Astonl-li Your 1'ileiiiU. With some lycopodiniii powder the surface of a l.iivre or small vessel of water; you may then challenge any one to drop a piece of money into the water, and declare that you will gt t it with the hand without wetting your nkin. The lycojioilium adheres to the hand and pre vents its contact with the witter. A lit tle shake of your hand after 1 ho feat is over will tlislm! tin- powdi r. l or the Heathen. 1 . f ... - IV ,. V. 'V -.'. ; . ; t - -v. v '.i4 ' 1, l' A." r . 1 1 IV' 1 . 1 ' . - i.C V" Vl .)'-'' 1 v "Well, I'lUe, What 1,1 . ...I I see you have a dollar, nun; to do with it' 'I'm Koiiu t H ii l it u' u ntiuglH 11 L'lll "Indeed! Who is she'.'' "Mo." Harper's Yotuig People, " t'i ' Mr. Jului 1 1 1 j 1 1 1ml', ki: "I ii ii ' tiilit'. t'liiliii K tll"tly, I'm i f l iimps, an, 1 m ii ii j ami Imwi'l- illi hi tlif wor-t f.i-r .. i't iiiuilliiinl, i riii ,n tin iii inV iinl 1 1, ii rhur.i i H . i .mil st vt'lf in I li' -liiin.irh 'lr I i -1 ICSllll-. - 1 llt' fl" ll.lll til 'ivi' llluli' ill. in 1 ! if lllinl tlu-t' tu fll'i-ft il flli'tv Li lM,is; f.i-f- mil' iu-f will In. 1 I . v it'- utlliT ii'' 1 li. il il if il i-pi-' i-.nil Intake' luilill 'five .mil ."i'l frill Imlllfs (ill' -.'.If li I', t i. I'1'ii'lir A I ii.. ill'liuil'i-ts. Real Estalo (ioooi t A'tlill'l - tin illti'lll 11 III lit I'M TV pl'lijl ! ; fily linlil'T in thi- fit. Hut w lifii ; llr. 1'iaiiKliii Milf- the f niiiifiit If I ma r-pft' i.i I i-t i'I.iuii- lirari I i ili.-i a-f i- I'uial'li' iinl prnvr- it liy ! t!i iii-anil-til I . ' t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '. . 1 1 . nt . uii ' ili 1 I II 1 tin r I ' 111- 1 1 . lit' ill ( nr.' j it attract -i tlif .itirnt'."ii ft tlf mil 1 if .us ii 1 1 iTi ii ' with -I it ill lilt- til,- palpal, ilimi, i i re f ii I ,i r pul-i', wiiul in .-t. .ui.u'li.paiu in i ) t or .-liuiililiT siin.tltfri'iT cpfll. tamiino-, .ro- 'ti A. I. Iavi. Siixcr t'rcfU. Nfii I'v ii-m l'tittl.- ft Dr. Miles' i'v n'tnl ( nit' was cmnplf tely . . I'lUV'l li fl turlvi- f.ils slliiiTHii;' ii mil filv I' !ie. nt tli-fii-e. I'liis iii-w ffiif sol 1 li v ti. l-'ri. k.- .V: Co. a i;.. y , . t .. .. ,i. i, i rt'si- (Ifitce hits in Orchard Hill addition to I 'l.ittsiiiott; li. within a block ot the Missouri Pacific tlepul. l-'or particular call on or address Till-; lIliKALU tiiiicf. During; tlif epidemic of llnx in this count) la.-t suiiinic r, 1 bad hard work to keep a supply of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy mi hand. People often came ten or twelve miles iu the night to get a bottle of the Remedy. I have been selling patent medi cines for the last ten years ami liml that it has g'iven better satisfaction iu cases of Diarrhoea and flux, than any other medicine 1 have handled. J. II. lleuham, druggist, (iolcon da, Pope Co. ,111. Over live hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold in that county (luring the epidemic referred to. It was a perfect suc cess and was the only remedy that tlid cure the worst cases. Do.cns of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In fourotherepi- dfuiics of bowel complaint this Ketr.edy has been equally success till. I wenty-live anil .it) cent tioltle s for sale by F. G. Frickc Co., drug gists. Coltirado'H Cool Hntronts. During the "tourist season"- from I tine until September-- the Purlin; ton route lias on sale round trip tickets, at very reduced rates, to the principal resorts of Colorado To Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitfii, Pueblo and Ksles park (the most attractive spot iu th whole stale) particularly low rates are in force. Inly and August are the best mouths in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts, to all of which the Uurliugton, with its cornice tions, otfers uuetiualled service. The local agent will be glad to give you any desired information. Jmik SiALK ok TKADK A desirable lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell for cash or will take a good buggy horse and horses in exchange. For particulars call on or address this office. tf Hows This, We offer liX) dollars reward for any case of catarrh thatcan not be curcthby Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A: Co. Props, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 13 years, and bclive him pefectly honorable in all buisncss transactionsand lin aticially able to carry out an oblig ations made by their firm. West .V Truax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kiiiuan A: Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do hio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood ami mucous surfaces ot the system Price, lac. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist; Testimonials free. A a geiiftal liniment for sprains and bruises or lor rheumatism, I. line back, dec p scntfd ot muscu lar pains, Chamberlain's Pain Halm is unrivalled. For sab- by 1'. I rii ke iV Co., druggis.s. if inancicnly Emb-irrcsiv.1 A huge tuit-r; w hose affair- were very mufli emb.ii t .isscd who wa- vt ry iniii li incrutiili l 1 1 ii, I broken ill 1 w 11 w 1 1 i 1 la 1 il hi 1 1 1 1 1 ; : n 111 . wen! tu a 1 eo Invite! -p. -.'ll.-t. I e wa-' ' ''at the fl.t'! tllllit;' in el, i v. .1- ll !e If 1 ic . .1 ot t ire .! 11 1 1 wo 1 1 . a if I !i a e 1 h,,n; nl tiaill' ii', 1 In- 1'.." 1 1; ... , 1 - ; , 1 r ; 1 t 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f I i i pa'" v.; h ,11!; than ft li; hi.iiiu 1.. -1 ' 1 a s. 1 1 o a e hi 1 1 1 ii 1 1 li a: ; . 11." P. Mi!"-' P Nil III'', till' I '('-t ,'ell r'l) . a . - prosti.ition.-leepb'-- ic I : in ' t I,. I ti e 111 ! . I'.. - - 1 1 1 ; 1 1 . 1 ll". ,11 elli't t i I . , ' , li ee f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 I ' I i i 1 1 -! i lt it. I iffl( and t , 1 1 , , i..t"F t , I-1 iclf C. - I 1 j I 1 el a s, i i'e .itr.i-. h i ' j a . '. I 'i-c.i me -f !"il 1 c j !:. I '(nil lie ill en, I W'l - 1 1 , ' ' 1 I , : i d tl I'l 1 1 '1 V I I't nil I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' la ... I I l ir o cured i ' i t ' i . 1 1 ! !' 1 :.! ii lh II. 1, 1 : ( : a 1 1 1 Hal in. and in thico v..-t s -I ,'ni' Id Ilea r as w ell a 1 e v i t n 1 1 e I. and now I can say to all who arc at 1'iit tfd with tlif wnrr-t of disca.-f. ciitariii, take lily's Cif am Halm and bf cured. It is worth ifl.lioo to any man, woman or child sulferiug from catarrh. A. Iv. Newman. Slates and tiblets at HALF PUICK at Ilrown it Harretts. .1,, I x "v. - . X 1 ,1 ... '.v..'.':i v'k.A." r. ryj - l a j.-ix .l lO-f- iO . dV0$V "atvAj or-vniM Jo '10VJ V A' 1 i vY ,! .-1 V ' f Kican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A loiigv'iested pain reliever. i.s, esc is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the ou' Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liiimient. I'o oilier application compares with it in efficacy. v.e'l-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost fine rations. i' nv'didne chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang 1.1MMENT. 0r:r. ions arise for its use almost every day. ".'I 'JiTicrists and dealers have it. f ' -il I,' ' fA V I, 4 .li l'v Vy-To i'l &jZLu M KI.Y BltOTHBKS. l YOU L'M t'i yikd U SCHIFFM ANN'3 Aatrima Cure Nnr fnilB ti uin IimUnt rt'linf in tli wiimt OMttt, Mid vlfrel rwr.-i. wlirro allien, fall. 1II rickav HO.K f KrnnTtttj or 1; lull.. . . . .... , r..v T A .1 ,1 u. V.b. Co. flii'T'f, - vi.:iiii;.--'TOijimirijytl 4 Scientific American T " H " J r- iilllii' CAVEATS. K Vtf1 COPVWCHT3, eio IVir Infnrmntlon and frpe IIftiidriik write to MI NN A CO.. ma IliniAitWAT, Nl.w Oldest liurtmu fur necurliiK itnlontu " Arte -n't. I.'very pmtitit luken out hy m l ririiimlit ''"' ibe ptilillc by itntloo Ktven a' cliwo in mo f tittttifie American Lurppst dreulntlon of Any nelitntlrte pnrr In the ..rl.l. Siilenitnlly HliiKtrtwl. No O.teinr' if man ulinind Imi without It. Weekly, 4. ' ' year; ll.MI nix Dumths. AiHniM Mt'NN C(i l'cni.isiiuiis. 3ltl llroudwa; Hon York. Charauerlain's Eye and I ii Ointment. A certain euro for Chronic Sort jiyes Totter. Salt Khcum, Scald Head, 01 rkronio Soros, rover Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairio Scratches, Soro Kipplcs and Piles. It is cooling and sootinng. llundredsof cases havo been cured by itaftcr all other treatment had failcl It Lj put up in 25 aud 50 cent Loxca. V i' i'l. i ; For Aid. mson, St. Jo i a ! h. K a n - C it V. ami t'-'t 1 pie n '. ' " ' r.illtll f '.''!. ph. I ,i a V t. I .on is, :1c To 'It ,l:f ''! 1 ".I'l I-a;;-M " , la . Ned t 1 I II j ) I ' 1 1 , 1 111 till' I ' iiited St.ii.s or Ciitiad i. For INI OKMA I It)N AS TO KA 1 and korn:s Call at Depot or address H, C. Tovnsi;ni, C P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C. Pliil.I.tlM'l, A. ti. P. A. Omaha. H. I). Al'tlAW. Agt., Plattstnouth. Telenb'i"''. 77. wdmx siTivE cure, vrmms .'i',',.'! HAIR BALS cicmi.. iui ii.iiii.r.i C77. aj'.'.' I(mJ I'fi.iii.ii. i Ilix'iimiil f t' f r ' s5i N " Kill" tr llenlo AM ! htif. Bi-twth. Krntnrn Ornv i .-V .: -".lb juiir 10 nn i out unit vomr. Clin "ritip tl i rtr Ai (ittr tiiiilii((. i ' J'-irm-r'a (iii-r I'tniH). 1 cuffi i! ni L.o. i, Vr-ik n'4, n hii it v, I ml mil., inn, l'i.iii,1ki tu time. VnU. MSNPERCORN3. T'" otilyinirffurrf..rrmt. U p. u.t iwiu. Uti. tit iuuniaU, or HlStOX Ii CO-i N. Y. AramiiyAffair Health for the Baby, Pleasure for the Parents, New Life fur the Old Folk?. Ires' oot Keer THE GREAT TERTPIKARCE DRINK a fiinillv '.itliilr a reiiuUlto of 1 i iu Inane. A trill iul.ur iiiiiUiM 1 -al.iiiit ot ii tli'lit'loi.s i-: reiii.tlieiilni;, eMorvcticerit lievt r.ifu, ti'-n i .' ii'-..ivl t n 'ti'itier, for ll.ii ...: . V i.,-". r l n.lil li ,s y.itl h lni., '1.1 ,' I. i.l U ' ir I ,.1 illMMl -" ' . t '. '" ' M ill.' ''.II l.-.U, IK.ll tu i.. f : 'i . i. i'mi-','. fir a v M r ' A lV 'i" ft- - v A PCnriCT S0.? fO.'t ALK< j Cri.i Ci.'.! CI a,i'id l'. .;'.'. ,, V.'o-.:i : I!.. Lie. A Uctii;htful tiiiutvii'uu, ! white Russian soap- hs j Specie !y Adapted for Uses in Hatd VjI.'.' A l IHK.NI A I I. A v. A. N. Sri.I.IYAN. ;; Will nive in't ntteiiliiiii to nil lui-ines-i euti usteil tu liiui H ; I I 1 . V '. ;, ir -, V , ' 1 !k ,.''; '.' ' v ' '. " ' j l. j An ' i.Ji f. i li .'' J ..',.. 'i.. !....' i tir.Ai.'f ::i i i., A(.i-:ia..i',i.i:, ci.i:an.-' iFcr Farmors, Miners anJ fciiar.i. JOi'I'IiT fiii'ill Illncl.-, - ri.'ilisilliuitll 1 t i