Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 08, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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lilt-. Iii.iI.W.p: ri.Al isMol I II.M.IillAsKA, i.ll HMIil.l! , vy.
The W. C. T. U. Convention
Adjourned at Noon.
The President s Address Delivered
LastNUht An Interesting Ses
sion Meeting of btate
Republican Clubs.
From TliuriliivV iNiily.
At yesterday afternoon the
C. T. I'. convention was called to
order. The devotional exercises
were led by Mrs. Thomas Pollock of
this city, the president, Mrs. C'oolcy,
offering prayer.
A general discussion ensued in
regard to dm s and the election of
Miss Anna Moore of Palmyra
read a well prepared paper on
"Scientific Temperance lustruc
tiotis." The paper was ordered
Mrs. Higelow of Lincoln made a
report to the convention on Chi
nese work, anil Mrs. Cooley, also ol
Lincoln, made an urgent plea for
the education of the Chinese,
(ratifying reports from ladies in
.teresled in this work were read.
A report was read by Mrs. A.
I-ioberts of Lincoln on "Narcotics,"
through the union workers.
Mrs, Higelow, on behalf of Miss
Angie Newman, who was not pres
ent, nave a very interesliny; account
of her work. She also read a paper
on "Legislation ami Franchise."
The next on the program was the
election of officers for the ensuing
year, which resulted as follows:
President -Mrs. S. F. Daily of
University Plan-, Lincoln.
Corresponding Secretary Mrs.
Jtelle (1. Higelow of Lincoln.
k'ecording Secretary S. J. (1. Kid
dell. Treasurer- .Mrs. F. M. J. Cooley. .
The following superintendents of
department were elected:
Foreign Work - Mrs. Jlelle CI.
Higelow and Mrs. Minnie H. Cook.
Heredity and Health and Scien
tific Temperance- JMiss Anna
Narcotics and Kvangclists Mrs.
C. F. Hcnt'y.
Jail and Prison - Mrs. Angie New
man. Kail Work-Mrs. S. M. Smith.
Work for Soldiers Mrs. L. L,
Sabbath Observance Mrs. M. L.
Social Purity and the Suppression
of Impure Literature Mrs. L.Clark.
Mothers' Meetings Mrs. Thomas
Legislation and Franchise Mrs.
K. H. Windham.
Temperance Work Mrs. S. L.
Davis, Nebraska City.
County Fair Work Mrs. M. J.
The convention elected Mrs. Helle
(. Higlow a delegate to the National
convention, with Mrs. K. M.J. Coo
ley as alternate.
Mrs. Hitchcock and Mrs. G. K.
Clark and daughter arrived at the
church and were introduced. They
were cordially welcomed.
The afternoon session then ad
The convention was opened last
night with the singing of a jubilee
chorus by the choir.
Mrs. Clark of Omaha conducted
the bible reading and was followed
by Mrs. Hitchcock, who olfered up a
fervent prayer.
Mrs. Cooley, president, then de
livered her address, which was
listened to by a large and appreci
ative audience.
I' pon motion the address was or
dered published.
Miss iilanche Kennedy recited a
selection in a maimer that capti
vated the audience, which was tol
lowed by seeral musical si lec
tions. Afler the meeting a "eamptire"
was held, in which Mrs. Clark, Mrs.
Hitchcock, Mis. lliylow and the
incoming president entertained the
convention with short addresses.
The evening session close 1 with
the entire convention ringing
"Jesus, Lover ol My Soul."
This morning the convention met
at I' o'clock, with Mrs. Cooley in the
The different committees made
their reports, which were adopted
after some discussion.
The i epoi ts of the committees on
litiance ati'l plan ot work were
slightly amended belore accepted.
Mrs. Hitchcock gave a very in
teresting talk upon ".Narcotics" and
also on " Purity" and "A Plea
to Mothers," which was listened to
very closely.
After the reading of the minutes
ol Wednesday and Thursday a
motion was made that all unfin
ished business be referred to the
executive committee to transact.
At noon today the second district
W. C. T. I', convention adjourned
hine die.
State Republican Clubs.
At (fraud Island yesterday oc
curred the state convention of the
republican, clubs of the state. A
lare number (of the most promi
nent republicans in the staie wt
present. HonJ Julio M. Thurston '
w as the oratorof t be evening. Sec
retary HauullHr'.- report -bowed
that L'o.'Do of the 'J.",noi members in i
the state were under thirty-five j
j ears of uge and that fully l."),iH) of
them would cast tlu-ir lirst ballots
at the coming election.
The following officers were i
elected by acclamation:
President - I. W. Lansing of Lan
caster county.
Vice President I 1. II. Kobinsonof
Douglas county.
Secretary- Hrad 1). Slaughter of
Nance county.
Treasurer- I. M. Kayniond of
Lancaster county.
It was also voted to authorize the
president to appoint an organizer
in each county.
John M. Thurston was selected
delegate-at large to the National
convention at ltulfalo hy acclama
tion and made chairman of the del
egation, and F. W. Collins, presi
dent of the Young Men's Repub
lican club at Lincoln, was also
elected by acclamation as delcgatc-at-large.
The following delegatesatid alter
nates were Heeled:
First District John A. Davies of
Cass and William lleplinger of
Second Clinton M. Powell and
James II. Van Dnsen of Douglas.
Third -CD. Little of Knox and
W. A. McAllister of Platte.
Fourth-K. II. Iletishaw of Jeffer
son and J. W. Sliced of York.
The alternates are:
Fifth -l II. Selby of Furnas and
C. II. Dieterich of Adams.
Sixth -F. (i. Waite of Custer and
C. H. Collin of Valley.
The alternates for the delegates-ut-large
are Henry Kstahrook of
Omaha and W. F. Kelley of Lin
coln. An invitation from the managers
of Hiirlington Iteach to hold the
next convention there was placed
on file. An annual dub collection
to provide for expenses was voted
Omaha was selected as head
quarters of the league for the ensu
ing year on motion of the Lincoln
delegates. Other minor matters of
business were transacted and the
meeting closed in a blaze of glory
at midnight, after speeches had
been made by Kugene Moore and
Secretary of State Allen and Col. A.
Jones, the colored orator.
Nehrnskii City .News.
A man was in the city from
Auburn last evening whose name
we did not learn and was wrath
over the fact that out of a ten dollar
bill that lie gave to a restaurant
keeper in payment for a meal he re
ceived nine dollars in counterfeit
dollars and seventy-five cents in
good money. He returned to that
place last night to have the indi
vidual arrested.
Coming in from Grand Islam!
Thursday over the H. A: M., Mrs.
Macon of Fngle, Cass county, had
taken oil her shoes to afford relief
to her tireil feet, and just before
repelling Lincoln when she went to
don them again she was astonished
to discover that they had disap
peared. She complained to the con
ductor and a search was instituted.
Aboard the train was a German
named Hamstead, or something
like that, who is employed by the
company as a laborer. He was
noticed to throw his bucket off
the fain just as it was entering
Lincoln. The conductorand brake
man went back, found the bucket
and the lost shoes in it. They re
stored them to the owner.
The people of (ilenwood are jubi
lant over the fact that their electric
light plant is completed. Last
Tuesday i veiling the lights were
turned on and a regular old fash
ioned celebration occurred.
J. W, Gammon was arrested and
had his trial at Glenwood Thins"
ua, charged with selling Inpior
without a license at Pacific Jun
lion, lie was ivl, .t.-cd.
I nder the direction ol Sheriff
Campbell of Mills county, Iowa,
one of th' bodies of the persons
killed in the wreck between this
cit.) and Pacific Junction several
weeks ago was taken up for identi
fication last Saturday morning. An
aged, well to do gentleman arrived
in (ilenwood from Chicago. An
only son had been in the west for
se eral ears and the pat ents had
heard from him regularly up to
J uly '.i. Siii'.-e that time they have
been unable to get even a trace of
their son. Grasping after every
due, they read the account of this
wreck, ami only an investigation
could satisfy them, though they
were assured by the photographs
in their possession that their boy
was not in the wreck. It was a sad
duty to raise the body, but the old
gentleman was greatly relieved to
know that his son had not nut
such a horrible death.
Tin-: ID
to be held
7, and
IV A 1.1 has received the
ist of the inter state fair
at Kaunas City ( Ictober
A boy baby made its appearance
Wednesday at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles I hassot. P. j.
Hansen is now
sixth time.
grandpa for the
( i:HTAl.l.Y Will
iiinnlia liee.
Matt Cu ring seemed to be in it
pretty deep for a man w ho didn't
even have the backing of his home
county. To be temporary chair
man ami a candidate for attorney
general will give Matthew glory
enough to make up for the chagrin
of defeat at the polls next Novem
Judge Crounse will open thecaiu-
paign at Fremont September 1(1.
A FFI'X'TK I Till-: convention.
I. mo. In Journal.
The Plattsmoiitli Journal, in re
porting the democratic state con
vention, says that Matthew tiering
was honored as temporary chair
man but the permanent organiza
tion was not "affected" until afler
if o'clock. The Journal is mistaken.
Mr. Gcring affected the convention
in the morning, so much o that lie
was nominated for attorney general
without opposition, in spit,- of the
disapprobation of the Plattsmoiitli
(ieorge Iloiiseworth, who has
been sick for some time, is able to
sit up ami is rapidly recovering.
The delegates to the W. C. T. V.
convention were well pleased and
speak nothing but words ot praise
for the entertainment committee
and go away from Plattsmoutli with
nothing but kind words and a
kindly remembrance of the second
district convention.
Mr. J. '. Ktiby, living near Light
Mile Grove, has a field of corn - 1(5
acres-that can't be beat. Mr. k'uhy
brought a stalk to Til K HCK'Al.n of
fice today that measured eleven
feet in length and had two good
sized ears of corn upon it. Mr.
Kuby says the whole field is just
like the sample he brought in. The
corn was planted on the seventh
ol June and in forty days the w hole
field of corn was in tassel and in
sixty-live days he hae good roast
ing ears. Heat it if you can.
Frank Kimsey and Jerry Hiitton
were arrested at Sedan, Chautauqua
county Kansas last night for the
murder of John S. Frazier, a wealthy
cattle man, June L'8, Kimsey
and Hiitton are members of a sub
alliance in Chautauqua county and
yesterday twenty-four warrants
were issued for the arrest of the
remaining members of the alliance
who are charged with being in the
conspiracy. The arrests were made
through the instigation of Gover
nor Humphrey, and the detectives
who have worked up the case claim
to be in possession of the facts
which prove that the murder of
Fraizer was discussed in secret al
liance meetings and the men ar
rested appointed to do the work.
John S. Frazier. the murdered man,
brought from Texas, February 'JS,
IV W a herd of 3,K0 cattle. It was
during a fever scare and the sub- 1
alliance, which had adopted strong
resolutions against cattle barons
and monopolies, took the matter in
charge and a grand ant i-monopoly
committee from thirteen sub-alliances
waited on Frazier and
served notice on him that he must
move his herd. Frazier refused to
comply but offered to pay for every
Lead of cattle which died from
fever. About ten days later five
miles of w ire fencing surrounding
the pasture of Gibson A: Frazier
were cut and the detecti'-es conten
ded that the day following the one
on which the tences were cut the
following note was received bv the
sub-all iance .it 1 low a rd:
"Hie Sedan committee is here
but i u i : -1 return tonight. Send
our Com in it lee by all means as we
expect :i,iieo cattle in with Texas
fever tonight or tomorrow. The
w u has commenced in earnest.
Five nulls of Gibson & rr.i.icr's
fence was cut l ist night, but of
course, the alliance did not do
A few das slater Gibson died at
Ibns ai d b um the elicits ol a dose
ol ''poison which has alsvass re
uiaiud a mysfcry. The terrible fair
id his partner, Gibson, and the
threats against his own life only
served to make Frazier more de
termined to delend his rights. It
he or his partner indicted injury
on ait) one in the county by bring
ing in their herds, thev were alsvavs!
ready to make good the damages.
Friday, June 11, Frazier started
from his home in Moline to ride to
see his herd. It was feeding a few
miles from Sedan and stopped over
night with his partner's widow,
eight miles from Sedan. When
there he was disturbed all night by
on t-ri U i s. who 1 1 ie I t et him to
the door, i In last -een of loin was
tliell-thot June. Searching parties
wt re organized in Sedan and the
bo,y discovered it; a stagnant m!
lati yards from the limits of his own
pa sit nre. Lvidcnec has been worked
up to prove that Frazier was
fust bound to a tree, bis coat and
vest removed ami, after having
been hacked to pieces with knives.
thrown in the pool 1 be first state
investigation was combated by
General Hanback of the adjutant
generil's statf, since which time
detectives have been in charge of
the case.
Following is a partial list of those
who went to t'nion to attend
the old settlers' reunion: K. H.
Windham and family, A. N. Sulli
van and family. J. M. Patterson and
family, P. K. K'ulfiier and family,
Henry Iluck and family, A. J.
Graves, Dr. John Mlack, Geo. Spur
lock, I). O. Dwyer, K. K. Todd,
Matthew (iering. Dr. Deering, Dr.
Humphrey, Julius Peppcrberg and
Charles Cummins.
" V i ) I X ( ; M A X - Al k' A 1 1 -( ) I '- W A T S( ). ."
Although the campaign has
scarcely opened in ( Hoe county it is
evident that Field's strength is in
creasing daily. Mr. Hryan, as many
call hiiii there, "Young-Man-Afraid
of-Watson," will not walkaway with
Otoe county this year. The em
phatic "no" given to tht proposi
tion at the alliance convention to
endorse Bryan shows plainly that
they have sized William up and
found him wanting. Hryan's re
fusal to meet Watson in joint de
bate, which he could have accepted
without interfering with any dates,
as it was the first challenge of the
campaign, did not strengthen him
to any great extent in Otoe county.
Henry Gering bought a water
melon Wednesday afternoon from a
wagon on the utreet, cut it open
and took a mouthful. The melon
tasted terrible bitter and another
was cut open with the same result.
A third one was cut and was also
in the same condition as the other
two. After a closer examination
small holes were found in the melon
where strychnine or quinine had
been put i.i. The man that owned
the melons said that it must have
been put in while the melons were
in the wagon. The three melons
were lying in the corner of the
wagon ami were the only ones
there was any thing wrong with.
The grain shipments in Nebraska
have commenced and the railroads
are begin ling to feel the drain on
them. The Missouri Pacific is
short l.(KK) cars north of Kansas
City and the Hiirlington Ac Missouri
is also short by a large number of
cars. It is anticipated by some
that another western freight car
famine may be e.xprienced, as the
shipments this year will be heavier
than last year. All western roads
Lave called for their cars to be un
loaded as rapidly as possible, and
returned to the west.
Conrad Schlater, the Weeping
Water Republican says in address
ing the delegates in the democratic
convention, expressed himself in an
honest, patriotic way, if not in good
Ivnglish, when he said: "Of we
cand tranzat dis peisness without
such troubles, it is bedder we goes
home and sends our vimin to do it."
Yardmaster Atwell of the M. P. at
Weeping Water has recently had a
little more work assigned to him
and now the switch engine crew at
that point will work under his
direction in the Nebraska City
yards. This work, together with
the heavy output of stone in the
quarries near Weeping Water, will
keep the boys on the jump from
early morn till late at night.
Secretary Miller of the Platts
moutli fair kindly left a compli
meutary ticket for us to go and
view its he.Hdies and its greatness.
The weather being line we will
endeavor to be there to size up the
usual calf and pumpkin, see their
pietiy girls and punish some of our
enemie-', Should that great bath
ing resort on the Island beincoudi
tion.wewdl endeavor to assist L.
G. Todd in making the aqttapttra
within its s indy banks of a pure
sulphurous odor, lit to fumigate the
fair building audits officers after
the show is over. -Weeping Water
Das id Miller, secretary of the
Plattstnouth lair, was here Monday
in "the ii:tere-t ot the association.
The premium list is typographically
neat ai, d is a credit to Till-; 1 1 1: K A ? . l
ot'tiee. where it was printed. Lib
eral premiums are olfered and the
association says they w ill be paid
in cash. The date of the fair is
September Lf to l(i inclusive. The
attractions in the speed and other
departments warrant the anticipa
tions of the officers for a grand
success. Mr. Miller will please ac
cept thanks for a complimentary
ticket. Weeping Water Kepubli-can.
Missouri Pacific Will Put on
Trains September 1 5.
Old Settlers' Reunion at Union Yes -
terday Passed Off In an Order-
ly Manner and Everybody
Well Pleased.
Krinii Friday's Daily.
Trains Will be Run.
Agent Apgari.. formed TllE Hkk
ALU this morning the management
of the Missouri Pacific s)stem have
at laet named the day when thty
will put on regular trains between
Omaha and Kansas City via Platts
moiitli. The following appeared in
the World-Herald this morning:
"After many moons of weary wait
ing the Missouri Pacific officials
have at last announced the date of
opening the nesv I'nion cut off. The
date is September la. On this day
the regular passenger trains will
leave the main line at I'liion, Neb.,
and run up over the cut-off via
Plattsmoiitli and Oreapolis and into
the union depot in Omaha. This
will considerably reduce the time
between Omaha, Nebraska City,
Kansas City and St. Louis. A train
will leave Omaha at 2 p. in. and ar
rive in St. Louis at 7 a. m. next
morning. The signal tower at Ore
apolis and the interlocker at Gil
more Junction have been finished
and as soon as the new time card is
finished the trains will begin run
ning. An extra train will run
out from the Webster street
depot and over the licit line
to I'liion to do the local bus
iness and will also carry pas
sengers for the south. The
town to be mostly benefited by this
is Plattsmoiitli, as it will draw
heavily on Weeping Water, where
at present the day south bound
passenger stops for meals and
where the transfer is made for Lin
coln. Passengers for Lincoln,
Omaha, however, the same as now
unless they change at I'nion. It is
said after the road bed is packed a
fast train will be put on between
Omaha and St. Louis."
The extra train spoken of above,
Mr. Apgar says, lias not been
definetly settled whether it will run
between Nebraska City and Omaha
or Union and Omaha, he also state
that there would be thro trains
each way. The trainmen will also
be benefited. They have been leav
ing Omaha at 10 o'clock and reach
Kansas City at 8 in the evening.
When tne new time card goes into
effect September 15, they will leave
Omaha at 2 in the afternoon and
will reach Kansas City at 1, which
will reduce their run five hours.
At Union Yesterday.
The old settlers' picnic held at
I'nion yesterday was a success.
There was a large crowd and every
thing passed off in a gratifying
Gen. Geo. S. Smith was the orator
of the day and entertained the
crowd till dinner was announced.
At noon the hungry crowd was
treated to a magnificent bas
ket dinner. In the after
noon Matthew Gering addressed
the picnickers and was roundly ap
plauded. New X. M. Allen and sev
eral of the old settlers made short
The bicycle race was won by
Thos. Patterson of this city.
W.D. Jones won first money in
the pigeon shoot, killing nine out
of ten. A man by the name of Ad
ams won first prize in the blue rock
contest, breaking twenty-two out of
The Plattsmoutli delegation ar
lived home last evening highly
pleased with the reunion and the
treatment accorded them by the
people of the pretty little village ol
I'll ion.
wv. si:ii tiii; ki v.k!.
Mrs. Laura S. Cole, wife of Hcl i
van S. Cole, the victim of the
tragedy at Hastings of August 10,
has oil'ered a lesvard of ."VO for any
information which will lead to Un
arrest and conviction of the mur
derer of her husband. With the re
ward offered by the governor, this
makes inoh which will be given to
the person who discovers the mis
creant. George Hn-ck, a fornu r resident
of tliis county but now living in
Texas, writes to his brother Henry
to ship him a car load of seed wheat
at "a cents per bushel. Mr Puck
says the wheat crop in Texas was a
complete failure.
Secretary F'oster has a warm per
sonal interest in the cholera quar
antine at Nesv York. His wife and
daughter, accompanied by the
daughter of Secretary Ntisk, sailed
for New York two days ago from
Liverpool on the City of New York
of the Inman line. The secretary
does not know whether the City of
' s or
s any
e ves-
i toe
against a vesse w hie h s n,..- sic
! of infect ion. Secietarv Fos . i sail
! that of course no attempt v.ould bi
made to take Mr.-. Foster o f the
ship before all tin- tieasui s e Mila-
Itions of the health ol ieer ot New
Y'ork had been compLcd svidi, nor
will he attempt to appro. e. h the
vessel in a tug tint 1 the in- pi ction
has been had. The Fo.-te ;amily
will take their chances v. a h thtt
other passengers on th ,'ity 08
New York. The Fosters ,:e
peeled to arrive in New 't vk
me tin. I lie secretary wf go tiN
Nesv York to meet them.
IiiT l;V A k'AI lI.l ,.
KIlllSMieil I'.iile.
D. L. Cartmcll, lis iag a mile -oiith-west
of town, went out to his stock
well Sunday morning to punip
New Yor! c ii lies i in ui ig ,
not. I ; -he does and to, i
Mgu id i hoiei'a on board,
sel is likely to be Mibje,
quaian :' e delay. I he hew
amine regnlaiious do not a
vessels nmv auoat, Imt a pi .
of any length mas be
water, ss lien a ratllesa ike hit
tiers and a button. I he doctor was
summoned at once and at present
Mr. Cartmcll is getting along all
The Kingling Pros', advertising
car arrived in the city Friday night
and ;i large force of men are busy
today illuminating the bill boards
with shosv posters.
Louis Todd of I'nion arrived in
the city Saturday from Inde
pendence, Iowa. While there he
bought a trotting horse one year
old, paying .fJ.aiKI for it.
Ill speaking about the amount of
mail received from the cholera in-.
tected district, Assistant Postmas-
it- , ....
u-i uoouani says: "Ue receive
foreign mail at this office onh'
twice a week, on Wednesday aui
Friday. On those days we receivij
about 4.(M) letters and ."xm or (J.,!
papers. The mail at its starting
point is wrapped up in bundles and
not unwrapped again until it is re
received in the United States.
There is not very much if any hulky
niail, such as would be likely to
carry germs. "While we receive
considerable foreign mail here,
still there will probably not be
more than tsvo letters or papers to
a family. The mail comes from all
parts of the old world. Theamoiin,
of mail sent from here to thi'
cholera districts has not increased
very materially as'yet. FJvidently
there are not many people here
who are so badly frightened about
their relatives in the old world as
to make the out-bound in lil heavier.
Within the last few days, however,
inquiries for mail by foreign-born
applications have been noticeably
Why is it that some
houses always need re
painting ?
The owner has tnem painted
in the Spring; by the Fall they
have a dingy, rusty, faded look.
A neighbor's always looks
fresh, clean, and newly painted,
and yet is not re-painted oftener
than every four or five years.
The first "economises" by
using "CHEAP" paint; the
second using nothing but
Strictly Pure
"Dutch process
White Lead.
The first spends three times as
much for paint in five years
and his buildings never look
as well.
Almost everybody knows
that good paint can only be had
by using strictly pure White
Lead. The difficulty is lack of
care in selecting it. The fol
lowing brands are strictly pure
process; they are standard and
M r ts 1 I IrnMttn . V- t 1 a
l I i i r
uie test oi years :
Get the National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
Mix them (for color only)
with strictly pure white lead
and you will have the best
paint that is possible to put on
a building.
wF' Mle by ,he best ,t,a,rs in p:lint!1 ery,
will only cost you a postal card to do o.
St. Louis Branch,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets,
St. Louis, Mo.
.ini, ioii ii ii lauiesaike iat in,' l
on the calf ol one of his legs. My A'
C's dog then tackled the rattler
and was bitten on the he.i I The
snake was killed and h id four rat- I