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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1892)
ivi.r ti liu.t i.i: , i i,a t i .-vm n i u. . i,iii.M.v. ia' i V.M lihii , rj. Ik .5 I ; THE HERALD. I'l IM lllt.O I'.MI.V fM'MT sI'Mi.W, OSMON M. PETERSON, Edito. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. H All V i in '. n 'V. One Yrur tin ml iiicfi ? Six iinnitlis, Hy Currier, per week, W TIM V 1 . 1 1 1 Hon. One Yi'iir-in ii 1 nc. If mil t i il in ikImiiu ', Six iiiiiut lis, Three ni'ititli-, -Telephone N 1 1 1 1 1 r :!. .1 i GKOKliK WILLIAM Clk'HS, till" famous author-editor, and politi cian died yesterday at his home in New Vnrk. Noiiiipy has as yet detected Gov. Hois throwing i.p his hat for Cleve lainl. Tin' Governor knows that it if not a Cleveland year. Til li rt-pu 1 I ifji ii county conven tion occurs just ont1 mouth from today at Weeping Water. There the ticket will he nominated that will carry the day in Noveiuher. THAT democratic western corrup tion fund jjthw slower than ever Hie Grant monument fund did. It may amount to something hy ''X, liilt will he of no use for V T II K Asaitie cholera has at last crossed the Atlantic and is now vigorously knocking at the port at New York for entrance. Kvcry precaution is being exercised to stop its spreading. At the meeting of the state Ve puhlican league at Grand Island yestenlayan enthusiastic meeting was helil, the old officers re-elected nnd Omaha designated as head quarters for the state league. M. fiKKiMi is an adniirerof J. Sterl ing Morton. Mr. Morton has no use for Mr. Ilryan. Morton ami Ger ing will receive more votes in Cass and Otoe counties than will the apostle of free silver, which causes the worships of Hryau to weep. To those who read the eloquent Mr. Gering speech delivered at Lin coln, they will notice that not one sylable was tittered concerning Silver Hilliam Hryan. Theelotpient Mr. Gering ignored him all the way through, hut paid a high tribute to Governor Hoyd. TllK Journal now claims to have wanted Morton nominated for governor. It did not want any such thing, and for the very good reason that Morton's nomination means the certainty of Hryan's defeat and Bryan's defeat will nearly prostrate the big editor of the Journal. TllK llEKALD again calls the at tention of The Journal to the fact that the Hon. Matthew (icring does not endorse the silver plank upon which the lion, llilliain Silver Hryan is supposed to he running. Neither does J. Sterling Morton nor Frank 1$. White. Of course demo crats do not like to have facts pre sented to them, hut republicans occassional!)- feel compelled to refer to them. Mk. Hkyax proposes to devote his attention principally to the rural districts. lie has 8,(HH) alli ance members among whom to cir culate, ami he is preparing a speech for their especial benefit. It will be chiefly composed of re marks about the burdens of the tariff and he need of more money in general circulation. If Mr. Hryan will show how more money can be put in inch vidual pockets by a theory which would increase competition in farming communi ties and thus lessen the prices of farm products, he will have ac complished a greater feat than that of squaring the circle. Ix a speech at W.iveily. Iowa, Senator Allison fired the first gun and among other good things said: "What shall I say of our candidate, President Harrison, and of his ad ministration? What need be said of him as our candidate':- In the presence of the American people his character, his ability, his achievements, his patriotism, his prudence in the great place he oc cupies, and his integrity, are all recogni.ed and appreciated. Hi administration of our great affairs has been so wist', so patriotic and successful as not only to merit, but receive the encomiums of political enemies ns well as that of political irieniis. iraiKi-iatner s nat, so conspicious in the begining, is lost in his own distinguished person ality in the administration of our nllairs and in his every public ut terance. Political friend am! foe alike agree that under his guidance our (jountry has not been ami will not be dishonored at home or dis credited abroad." I i 1 1 ii n i.i- WH7 SILVER DECLINES. The seJrt t of the decline in siUer is a very simple one, s.i s 1 he Si. I.oiii-t ( ilohe-Dcmoi Tat, and it has nothing whatever to do with legis lation lr or against the use of that : metal as money. There is more silver in the world than the world requires, and consequently its ! value depreciates just like that of any other product under like cir cumstances. A report recently issued by the Geological Survey allows that during the lastteu years the production of silver has in creased from .f IC.IHIII.IKHIO to $7( l.i UK ,- ( per year in this country; and there h is been a steady increase in other countries as well. The total annual production of silver in lTU was only $'d,iKKi,mi), whereas in lvm it was !?171.KKi.iKHJ. There has been no corresponding enlargement of the demand to meet this greatly in creased supply. The consumption is limited, ami when more isolfered than is needed the price goes down in obedience to a natural law that ii ) statue can set aside. It is ini- possidle to maintain the value ot my article when it becomes so ihuiidanl that it can not be' readily absorbed in the operations of com merce ami industry. Silver is low for the same reason that cotton is ow because it h is been produced at a rate surpassing the wants of society. It was the same with corn a few years ago, when the crop was so large that the market was over stocked and purchasers made thcir own price. The rule holds good as to everything that is bo'ught and sold in the world. If the free coinage men would open their eyes to the fact that sil- r is simply one of many products, subject like all others to variations in value in accordance with the law of supply and demand, they would understand that all artificial pro- sses for keeping up the price must prove futile. They havea for cible illustration of this fact in the present silver law, which has cer tainly not served the purpose, as t ley expected it would, of prevent ing a decline of the white metal. The price of silver has kept on drop ping, liceausc the producliou of sil ver has kept on increasing. That is the main truth about the matter. It is useless to theorize ami specu late upon a subject when the f.icts are accessible. I he reason why gold is preferred as a stand ard of value ami a basis of currency is the fact that the pro duct does not materially vary from year to year. In other words, the supply never exceeds the de mand. The world has use for all the gold that is mined, ami the niformity of its production main tains its fixed value. In 170 silver was thirty four per cent of the world's output of the precious metals, ami it is now about sixty per cent. It is folly to suppose that the value of an article which is in creasing so rapidly can be pro tected against depreciation by any legislative device. All attempts of that kind have failed and further experiments are useless. The price of silver will begin to advance whenever the volume of pro ductions begins to decline; ami those whom it concerns might as well accept the fact in a philosophi cal spirit, and stop trying to make themselves believe that it is not true. NEW YORK A DOUBTFUL STATE. The New York World is attempt ing to inaugurate a hurrah cam paign after rainbows in the west, ami is obtaining subscriptions to a considerable democratic campaign funtl for that purpose. Its reasons for doing so are not reassuring to the democratic cause. Says the World: "New York is a doubtful state at b.'st. More than l.aou.iHHi votes for presidential electors will be cast in this state on the Mn of November. Y ho can foretell the result'r Cleve land's plurality in lM was only 1,017. Harrison's plurality in lss was only llt.lH)'.'. The assumption that either can rely safely on a plu rality in I Si ill is absurd. Conditions a, nl men's minds may change be tween now and November and give to the one or the other an over whelming majority. Hut this is only a remote possibility. There is every reason to believe that New York will remain to the day of elec tion a doubtful state. "To blind ourselves to this obvi ous fact would serve only to crip ple the pat ty in its struggle for su preinacy." That means that the democrats, having no hope of New York state, are looking to the still less hopeful west to save them. "lti something for your party" is the plea of Pulitzer of the New York world as he sits on Hroadway with his hat in his hand begging lor money to buy the west. Then came along that wicked Hill democrat named Peck to drop his report in the hat. It was meaner than giving theoltl begger a hit of suspender buttons. TllK nomination of the eloquent Mr. tiering seems to have cast a dark shadow over the enthusiasm of the Hryan apostles. ENC1NES OF COWARDICE. Though the dispatch about a new chemical bomb that can be carried safely in the pocket, ami when needed be exploded w ithoilt danger to the .operator, may be a canard, the heart of every anarchist will i thrill with joy, from the mere pn- i sibility of tin' fads being as Mated, says the Chicago I uli-r Ocean. Any i instrument of death that can be used successfully against another without danger to himself is in de mand by the cowardly hounds that call themselves anarchists. Cowardice is the essential basis principle of an anarchist. It is as impossible to make an anarchist out of a man of true courage as it is to make a lion out of a hyena. De sirous as they are to olfer the wide world a sacrifice to the noble faith to which they hold, these miscre ants take care to keep their own precious skins from harm. They preach destruction and make haste, when opportunity presents itself, to destroy, but a more contemptible lot of cravens could not be imag ined than these loud -mouthed reds when danger confronts tlu-ni. They are so wanting in all the ele ments of manhood that they haven't even that counterpart of courage that the suicide evinces. There is not one I.ingg in a thousand of them, and when they are caught in their nefarious prac tices bellow and whine and snivel like whipped children. Therefore, not having the necessary bravery to take ordinary risks in putting to act their warfare against order, these pusillanimous dregs of alleys and the gutter put what beggarly ii.telligence they have to the in vention of infernal machines that may be used without involving them in any s,irt of peril. Anarchists are a sort of human vermin. They are foulerthan sewer rats anil more disgusting than the lice that feed upon them. They are not merely social pariahs, they are the sclf-pullutingexcreta of society. They are dangerous, just as cholera is dangerous, and they are just as threatening because they are ju-t as intangible ami insiduous. Hut as social pests they have been tri lled with too long. The law has waited for overt acts before proceeding against them, ami as the acts of anarchists never are really overt the law has made little progress toward exterminat ing them, am! these hares that bur row in dark places have actually come to believe that they are mak ing headway in undermining the social structure. It is time a more thorough and less scrupulous method of eradicating them were adopted. The public utterance of anarchistic notions with a purpose to encourage their promulgation fir operation should be sufficient rea son for imprisoning these worse than maniacs. Anarchists in the very fact of their being anarchists forfeit their right to live free in the society they wish to destroy; ami as the life of one honest citizen is worth more than the lives of a legion of anar chists preventive steps should be taken to defend the life of the citi zen against the insane folly of n bomb-throwing and bomb-planting anarchist. We shoot down mad dogs in the street but the mad dog is entitled to a thousand times more pity than one of thess despicable sneaks who play the p irt of an as sassin without taking any of the assassin's risk. Tihisij "big republicans" of the News claiming to be such only in private-have as yet remained silent in their alleged newspaper. A genuine republican is neither afraid nor ashamed to say he is a republican at any and all times. 1 1' is a very gratifying fact to the republican that with the exception ol his special organ- The I'latts nioiult Journal - the democratic newspapers are paying a great deal more attention to Morton ami Ger ing than to the eloquent Mr. l'ryan. As the contract for the labor of Tennessee convicts is released, it is found that there is no place to con fine the convicts, and there seems ."lothing to do but turn them loose. This will hurt th-' republican chances of carrying Tennessee if t!iey are allowed to vote. WllAT is the reason all democratic slump speakers ileal in theories and not in fact-': In his speech in accepting the temporary chairman ship of the state convention the eloquent Mr. Gering, all through his speech, instead of referring to facts referred to theories. AN OFFICIAL CONFESSION. Official statement by William S. Holmaii, chairman appopriations committee of the house, August S: I ADMIT THAT TllK KKSl'LT OK TllK I'KKSK XT SKSslON OF CO.NT.KKSS WILL NOT FI LLY iMKKT TllK KXI'KCTATIO.NS OK THE DEMOCRATIC l'AK'TY, The orator at the Grand Iui'isd ! b-agiie convention was probaby the : best ever heard on a similar occ.i- sion in the .Mate of Nebraska, says ' the Lincoln Journal. There was nut a dull speech delivered during the whole evening, and not a speech that was not punctuated time and tiincngabi with the most vigorous and enthusiastic applause. The republicans called on their leading men at random as they saw them on the stage or iithe audience, ami the result was a banquet of oratory that would attract attention in any state of the I'liion. The party has reason to be proud of the public speakers that have been developed in the past and are now being de veloped by the friction of close and exciting campaigns. The at Grand Island show that the cen tral committee will not be obliged to go out of the state to secure spell binders of the highest ability ami potency. TllK New 'York Sun says: "Whether Mr. Peck's conclusions aietrueor not we are unable to say, but we trust they are true. We like to see everything improving and happiness on the increase. Yet we are unable to see why Peck's fig ures should have any effect either way upon the presidential election. The issue of the force bill and negro domination is infinitely more important than all questions of wages or tariffs." The Sun, as most people know, is in favor of a protec tive tariff and is therefore obliged to accept the force bill as an issue. It is doing its best to awaken pro found public apprehension upon the subject of negro domination, but noboby has shown any ex citement thus far. Mattiihw Gkivixi; has opened his bureau and is perfectly obliviousof the democratic discomfort he has occasioned in certain quarters of Cass county. Matthew intends to lie well up to the front of the pro cession and expects all disgruntled democratic men and brethren in Cass county to jump into the sweat box without undue hesitation. When Tin; Hkkai.d advises our common enemy of that which is foreordained from the beginning, that enemy should have its lamps trimmed, for The IIkkald cannot afford to mislead even so credulous an organization as the Cass county democracy. Jkkky SiMl'Sox came very nearly being mobbed in his own district in Kansas when Judge Hotkiu quoted from an arti cle in which he hail intimated that times were so hard with his people that "men sell their honor, women their virtue, children become crimi nals and outcasts." Simpson tried to explain that his reference was to people in New York and Uoston, but the article, which appeared over his signature in the National AA'atch man of May 2d, does not show it Thf. fall term of the public school opens Monday morning. The familiar chimes of the school bell will be heard at the usual hour. The teachers are all ready and anxi ous for work, after a pleasant vaca tion. With the exceptions of one or two Prof. McClelland's corps of teachers is the same as last year. The indications are that the at tendance will exceed that of the last term. Ik The Jourtial is anxious for the success of the republican party, it could do nothing better than to send the apostles of Gering and Hryan out to stump the country. Such orators as Chas. I). Grimes, (iuy Livingston and I). O. Dwyer would help roll up a larger major ity for Judge Field than was ever known in Cass county. Send them out. It is confidently claimed by the democrats that by the time the campaign is over Cleveland can cany Iiiu-.zartl's Hay and there is still the expectation that Adlai Stevenson can carry Decatur, III. Whoopee' Tiik free silver apostle will speak in this city September (5. Then will come J. Sterling Morton and mash the pet hobby of the eloquent young man No 2. Asthecorn in Nebraska grows taller democratic free-trade calam ity howlers' hopes grow shorter. 'A killing frost" is their sole de pendence now. It is now given out that if Cleve land and Hryan are elected Colonel Charles Whaleu Sherman will be I'nited States marshal of Nebraska. Ilow is William 'e iuingv Hryan going to get around those lies he told last campaign TllK new Jfr, ) school building will be ready for occupancy by No vember 1. A DEMOCRAT'S TESTIMONY. I In his annual report Labor Com-1 misMoner Peck, a democrat ap-j pointed by Governor Hill, says: j "The returns from ti.mii) manufac- ! turers in New York state show that the McKiuley bill has increased the wages of the workiugman;" and further says: "I rather expected my report would cause some comment, but it is all nonsense to call it a political document. I started this inquiry in December, lS'.K), so you see there was no thought of the present cam paign in laying out the work. The tariff question was taken up be cause it has come to be one of the greatest moment to the working men, in whose interest my bureau was established. Now, I am a dem ocrat a Hill democrat, if you will and I began this inquiry with the belief that the result would vindi cate the democratic tarilT position. The first returns came from the silk industry and were pleasant to my way of thinking. Hut I am free to admit that the report on the whole is not in harmony with the demo cratic platform, so far as the tariff is concerned. However, my duty as a state official is to repor: things as I find them, not as a reckless partisan should like to have them construed. There is no political bias about any of my reports, nor do I believe there is in any of the reports of any labor bureau in the country. All I can say is that the statements of my reports are based on actual confidential letters, re ceived froin(),Ml representatives of wholesale manufacturers of New York state. The result shows me that the leading democratic speak ers on the taritT are in error as to the effects of the McKiuley bill. The figures in my report speak for themselves, and there is no getting away from them." A VKkY prominent democrat, and who is now an office holder, as sures TllK llKK'ALD that Mr. Hryan cannot secure the votes of the busi ness men in the democratic party. "In the first place," says thisgentle nian,"Hryan isgettingto be entirely too big for his breeches. In the second place, sensible Nebraska democrats do not want this state represented in congress by a man who continually harps that we are bankrupts and that our farmers are principally engaged in putting mortgages on their farms because they cannot raise crops sufliciently large to pay expenses. We are .NOW endeavoring to induce eastern capitalists to invest there money in Plattsmowth and Cass county. We know that we have one of the most prosperous and productive counties in the ccuntry and that with manu facturing industries established at our doors and employing laborers at good wages, we will remain just as productive and a great deal more prosperous. Any school boy with a thimbleful of brains knows that much. And yet, here goes Hryan and his democratic friends and argues that America can not manu facture goods, but must pay some foreigner for doing it, and that we shall doing nothing better than the people of India raise wheat and com and trade i to Kngland, Ger. many and France for their manu factured products. When such stuff is advocated by democrats I think they have forgotten Jefferson and Jackson ami I am therefore against them.'' TllK Atchison Globe waxes pathetic over the waste of talent en gaged now in the calamity cam paign in that state. It points out how great the benefit to the state if these picturesque howlers could be induced to fill a long felt want by hiring themselves out to the farm ers as scarecrows to protect the com crop. In good time this information will be materialized. After the next election the pay of these jaw smiths will be stopped and they can be employed at reasonable rates for the useful purpose de scribed by tlie Globe. Kverything comes to the farmer that waits. WllKX Kditor Sherman intro duces his corps of tarilT reformers Messrs. Walling, Dwyer, Grimes, Gittsche and Livingston before the footlights, other people who are not informed (':) on the economic ques tions will hunt their holes. I'm: Hryati-Sherman program, which means the former for con gress and the latter for V. S. marshal, does not suit the amis in this town. TllK watch dog of the treasury from Aurora, Indiana, must see blood upon the moon from the manner in which fie has stuck his tail between his legs and Iiowls. THE BUSINESS SITUATION A rude shock has recently been given to legitimate trade as well as speculative values by the alarm re garding the introduction of cholera to the country. The curtailment of commerce anil the cancellation of orders must have been of large proportions, as many instance have come to light where weste and southern buyers turned b;t from the eastern markets, J sooner did this dark cloud begin i disappear than the financial woi w as taken by surprise by the expor tation of .'.iXKi.iKMi gold to Europe and that, too, on the anniversary of the day when the yellow tide turned to our shores last fall. All the statistics show an actual increase in business in progress. Money was never in more ample supply, and at reasonable rates of interest, although the tendency is toward higher figures. It is stated- that in all lines of manufacture tb consumption of material is great 1 i r ... wian ever ueiore, nnil the deinanu has rarely proved more pressing. The clearing house figures fail to show such an almost unbroken line of increases as has been the case of late, there having been a de cided falling off at New York, and several leading points in the west. I,,, iv ,i, ii ni; io in is in nit' wesi. f . j In the speculative world ther id for many weeks been a stead; f lvarice all along the line in stocks7 I h advance all along the li provisions and prod tidiice. The 1 era and the 1 fright about the chol advance in interest rates were two prime factors in forcingliquidation on a grand sc.-.le in several markets, from which process will arise con ditions much mere healthful for the public FORCE BILL AND THE TARIFF. The democrats who seek to make an issue of the force bill and to place it in the front in the canvass are finding more opposition in their party than they expected, says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A large and steadily growing element to the democracy think that it is a blunder to attempt to conduct the campaign on this line, and contend that the real issue is the taritT. Un doubtedly this is logical and the honest view of the situation. This? is the only line on which the parties can make a clean-cut and well-marked division. The tariff is an issue that is always with us.b and on which each party haj placed itself on record in such a way that neither can dodge or shuffle. It is a question of perten nial ami uuiversal interest, to be discussed next year and a quarter of a century hence,and to command the attention of the people of all conditions and in every state. The Fifty third congress will consider it, as most of its predecessors did and as many of its successors will. In comparison with this issue the so-called force bill was merely th question of an hour, and that hour has long since passed. Republicans defeated the scheme and republi cans will prevent its revival. Not one republican out of ten is now in favor of any such measure, and the opposition to it would be even greater than this if an attempt should ever be seriously made to bring it up. The force bill project is as dead as the alien and sedition laws or ns the slavery extension question. The democrats who are telling their party to drop the force bill is sue and to conduct the campaign on the vital issues of the time are sagacious enough to see that there are no conquests to be made on this pretext. F.xcept among a few democratic papers in the east and south, the question is not men tioned or considered at all. The great body of the democrats in the west have ignored it all along. The scheme never found favor with western republicans, and conse quently western democrats, know ing that it can never again come into the domain of practical poli tics, take no interest in it one way or the other. In the south, of course,' the absurdity of the anti force bill propaganda is becoming, apparent from the fact that the ne-' groes are dividing, and most of them are going over ti) the demo cratic side. 1'uder these conditions such a scheme loses its sole reason for being, and the men who were formerly its champions and pro moters would now naturally be come its enemies, Circumstances, therefore, will compel the democ racy to retire this force bill spectre and to bring up something which the people can take some interest in. Hence the tariff will ,aVe to be brought to the front, as it was in and the campaign will be waged o this issue. If the people are, "s the republicans contend, sat istie.l. on the whole, with the Mc Kiulcy act, the canvass Uus. year will res,,!, as the one four years Hff !'! H'.t if, on the other hand, the act does not meet with popular an. , v i.-eiauu and lnH Dartv iti legam power. () 1 .... false or ueati issue will be owed to pro- ject itself into the v" 1 me campaign. llt ii'M.on which is as ! as" 1,V v eminent and yet which i!r .' i uallv 1 1 1 w . . . 'V . Pi'rpci Hi.. . . 4"'V' wm i''"u.and M HOIl ,11111 1 T 1 1 1 : 1 1 1,, judgment of the masses. the Hoik L. r. c.enung of Hastings, in., was in the city last night. r