r T11K WI-l-KLY 1IKKAU): lM.ATTSMOl'Tll. N Kim.VSKA. SK 1T1- M WWW S, IS,)?. ( WORK'. A Day at the Calif mi lir. ist's Training Quarters. CAN HE WHIP SULLIVAN That Is tho Quustlon to Bo Oe I beptember 7 at Now Orlin.n - Ti e Creat Fluht Will fce for Fame and Money. ir.'T.iwvouav R V to i ma S tail, lithe. .1 ' broad lira shoulders I I, ,. Irrnilt u y, .. ; have envied, u i: In'.vj muscle 1'ir, 'I in las II M Ijl! tn move, its M ii. i: lo St I'lkl! a I . Illlll Wi II li'.h , tin h n us i . loir Mil s i f u Li c II K i li ii ; v. i: sliai'l-lv, lloHri;i;l that jiii ittJil.-o Ai. Ilo wiml.l I, live t l,ui'(,i;,l of; w ii Ii a -i i-iiji:-, -,m:,.,.1(.,.,, taei-; lirkht. i:ii,-i!i a m. c. , , iippr.a. ' e r: . . i I I ml... :. ai:,:t'i v ;ive, ui.y;. 1,1.';. . IJ iiianino nil this, J f.,y- iollip:t.!i Id- the yiniii (,'i'iiit, el.nl only j., I . r-i . -f . l, el While (i-ills, In f.ifl- a hi; .Vt,,.r f.,,,11,,,1 which he is pniahiaL; with a vim th. liinki s tiic Ivaiiiiii:,' ipLirtcrs t remlili., a'ld yon wiil liave'.-ni ith-a ln.-.v .laincs , J, (',,,--hell. l,.i,l..s when he Is hard i f. work ti-.da-in' for his l.i.ttlu with Sullivan. If liny ma- iniat;incs that trainin..; f,ir n rili eimlcst i., c,il,r.s play, n day with Corlicttnt W. A. llra.ly'H pritly summer cut t a ue nt. I.nch Arhuiir, near Aslmry lark, would di ahu-e his mind of t he id, a. f'rom N in tlii! iiioniini nut il 7:"d nt niu'hi In- (iiliforiiiii pimiii .t. wnrKs 1-Uu ii Tro j.m, Hwiiiimini;, roiviuvt, walking, playing liainlhall, punching t. hie, sp.u riiif r wre.HllinK with Jn pyi wurkinu at'tlui wrl.-t marhiim or the pulley weights, . tnkiiiKa live or ten mile walk alun he ph.eiant New .Ii rsi-y roinls, with his faille fill Scotch f iilllo Xed at his heels, i CorhcM, dues not rise with the sun, hut Ht 7:45 every nioiiiin(; h takes a rmv for an hoifr untlia lake near the Brady tot-tiih'i-. Then comes n heiiBty breakfast uf fruit, ontmenl, soft hijiled cgs, ehois, po tatoes mid colTee, just hiicIi a breakfast im ny man with a good appelitw inight sit down to. In fiu t, Corbet I'm diet, now that liu weighs 1ST pounds-one pound be'iiw the weight litMlesiies-diiVcr.s from every day fare only by t he absence nf pas! ry. An hour mid a half lifter break fust, w hen the process of digestion is comfort. bly under way, Corbet t begins the day's work 111 eni'iiest. Ili li..i.u l.iu l,...i. ynchtintf citp ushle, strips off his hile pinpeu oiiuiil; sum, mm elail only white trousers, armless im.l. isl.l. i .....l , , -. " nint'iiu ul.,...u I... I u .1 mi. I n.., s up iniii nt cs i lie grip oi ijiii limids and stretigtheiiH his w l ists mid fore nrniH by wnrk nt t he wrist machine. Thia liiiisch) inaking eimt livnnro lesemMes nn ordiimry water well windlass except tliatjt is no small mound nt ono point that tha bunds can easily c lutch It. I'roni tho wind- JAMES J. COKtlKTT. lass a cord runs over a pulley at the ceillnt; and then down to weights weighing ten pounds, liy turning tho windlass' with the Imndstho weights are lifted tothe ceil ing ami then allowed slowly to descend. ItisqiittoaNimple matter to send the weights up once, but the third or fourth time the hands of a novice Wome so cramped and tired that he Is quite willing to stop. Corhett's muscular hands, how ever, will send the weights ceilingwanl over eighty times without a puuse. Light exercise at the pulley weights and tossing the "medicine" hall follow. The former M lengthen the arms, shoulders and back, mid tliu quaintly named sphere, which weighs ei-ht p. iiiuls and looks exanly like a Mir. ovci , i-ou a liusi l.nii ....f nun h the sa 1110 ',-iv,i, e, as the Cithfori Illlll Ills l olliniuii. ,,;s I I.'lf e.lleli u-ll I. Ii man Alter 1-nlf itu I nan i f this .-tut of wm !. CoilMti'seyes I f,. h.-m.ihall tin,,', j hasenr.ie. He u ati 1 x p. t t plan r, t i. , sa tie e;:;,.s ,-f l,;s I ri: n: !: I llloi-.' than in.y lia-ii! ha !l e,i 1 n oil,, r Oi.i,. i n. m.i t-Uii.;,,,! 1 v its I In,- in;, IM- II--', aiei ,1 l.n.-c, i.e-ii. ii a, 'il hw '. I,. 1: pi n IM I!-' f ' r, I'. 1 He! I I Stl( A V t,n . 1 ai.,! '1 el ll . a sit'-f. Cil-, - iii 1 !, 1 1 -V.v ir. a Kith ki 1 '. in!. . WI, - tlo'll ti l- V 1 ! . -; f ii-iy 'o 1 ','('.'.. : w ;t! Illex . o.-ea 1 tin- I t-r li. v I : 1 1 I ' . 1 ! . - . , , paint, iliie la;,. , I m bUKbt i I 01' lltl I, ill!' ,'i, I 1. ..f - this l, ..-t foil-. II !.!;,, , ,., t ' . ' 1, .111:11,,,, k. ..., I, ArK-i-rs-i ,r - '...:,. i ,1, ,.. , of I'C",:;,- ! ; t, .; -. '!r, n,;vs ,1 r-"i r , ! to see the veil: ... all,;, tc, u ho i-a c,,,.e,. U'lai'tll.,!,- iui-1 1 !..,i.k el. lie, who ll-e ''"' '- I "f i;i::ii-...ii an, I :,-.vM ilep.ui, liiiiisea' l Ke- a i-e:,t;- i.ian, .mm.! . ,tM,. .,.)t tiui-rs oiiiv Iroai il,,,, ,,t ,,. mtrepi,! Ii!.i;'m.i-ii.;ii u !.. jv.r.t.il "Pikv'- IV-., K, bust:" on his bjK, a m tjL. lU.t:c,.,r that it reads.- ''Hest Sulliv-in or I 1 tsi :" Corhett has hid hul his mi;ilNtic waijoti to a star, for I.e tie l.uvs that, he wiil whip Sullivan and U con.e. world's chaiupiou or leave the rim;. The trinkets t'u At call upon CorK-it are tl' . 1 1 ly Mil VI cil li ri'-M-li, II. , i; -, ,l li,. ,;, Liimiii men, iiimI t hey i:-.iia.iy iij.jii' ..i . tin- Calil'oriiiaii will shy extended lnu-.-! M .1 .;!: "Will. .Mr. ( r!t ! ! t . l.-nl to , c 3 -ii. iJnii't knmv jnii, hut I'm-t'ui nl.tile lunacy .ii you ami 1 j'it wanted to lii.,;i ill ami w Nh j on Miecei-s.'' Cm I -fit nlwiivs li:iki-s tin; friendly hand. Low mill hnvH 'Thank you." Thcio is I.othin if the liluw hard iihout liim. I remains silent many times under vf ry try i:e: i irciuiistani (-. link tin main r win. I. . - :Ti7M..,U,'Vi"'heM0Ut,t'Worl,,l',, tiiaii. iinl s i in Jt id 1 keens mi s:iriin u-.i,.,l The iiftcrnoon's work, differs little fmni tliat of tlic luoi-iiirii;. l'nr half mi hour Corbet c works at the pulley weights, do-in-: Ij i -t tiHiiailiiiiuiis ninl tiresome tie-k . w ii limit n muii uf im put iciicu or a spurring' : win-1 from Trainer Iielani y. i Whi n the pulley weights In-Kin to tret i tin il ami Hie linlf luitir has kuhu Into hi- toly, Corhett plays two nr tliri-e more fiaiins of liaiiiliiall an. I tln-n dons the I hIom s in ih,. liaiiiliiall n.nrt mid spars f..r j ten nr llftn n niinilti s wit Ii Jim Italy, ll.i- fcliifty yi.untr lioxri- wlio fonclit a ilru'.v imt lo.u apiw,!!, Iii .Mi Anlill,-. ).i!y ! ill il ii it l.ri fune ( 'i.rlii-! t's i.uri iau' iail i;. r , with silin.l.il il t :;t, i on,. 1,111111 jy im h.i I- I ! Iil-iws arc m nick, but Il.ilv i'iiii :ivui i., t.riiri- ( in l.ii t , uliili- tin- latli-r pr.n : lali'iiifi his favonl.- Iilmvs mid ti - I I " "I- I'i'-rcinv c;..'S li'V.i- f,,j- iti.-lant 1. jvc I in,. i- i, f his i ojiniii m ; I,,. , ! " 'i'.'' k on ),., t ,1S a , ;,t and in I i.e ' l'iiM !:.-. tho Iri -Iiiii.-iii'h pro- "'''I w"ld weep p.-a i:i-een tellMof I envy ii' ill it-il ie,a:u.t the Californian. ! VIltBT MACMINK AND HAG. When Corbet t is well warmed up by his work Willi Dalv. he hurries im,, il,.. inn.. red barn, where the training ipiartei-s proper are locaieu, strips lilmseir literally to the very "ImlT," dons mi abbreviated pair of white tights and a pair of gloves and then sails into the lllllicliitur liuir ti-itl. a ferocity and vehemence that must nmke .urn iinioniinnio lent tier sphere heartily V, wish t hat, il, were en. ...r.. .... ' , M'""i'ii4 titer t.,. t. I aloiio star stale ranch on the back of a le.as steer. For thirty minutes without a pause Cur bed lights the bag us fiercely as t hough right and left were being sent with malice prepense at the headpij-ee of Mr. John Lawrence SuUivmi, of Uoston. Again nnd again tint but? strikes the celling with a report like a rille shot, coming back spite fully at Corhett's head each time as If it woald burst itself for joy if it could only flatten out that aggressive pompadour just once. Kach time, however, Corhett deftly din ks his massive heiid, the disap pointed bag misses his pompadour by a hairbreadth, mid as it flies back receives a terrilio short arm right bander that knorks it oblong, jf Corbet t wins at New Orleans that same blow will he the one that stamps the word champion on bis brow. After Corhett him punched the round bag into innocuous desuetude, he occasion ally varies the monotony by making life Iiliserableforaballooiishiini.it In. ,.f i,i own invention, a picture of whiehlippears in mis article. The thirty minutes of bag punching is fuost exhaustive work, hut when it 's ended Corhett is as fresh as ever and his breathing Is but the merest t rille acceler ated. He then gets n cold bath and a ruh down, dons a sweater nnd is off at tmce for a ten mile run nnd walk over rough roads. Another bath, dinner, a single good cigar! a few games of seven tip, and at I0:a0 Cor hett turns in for the night. "I was never in such good condition in my life," Corbet t said to the writer. "You have Recti me train all day, and I want to tell you that I have worked just as faith fully every day since I have lieen here. I was sick when I fought Peter Jackson sixty-one rounds to a draw, but as 1 am in perfect condition now 1 expect to make the best, fight of my life in September. If I win I shall defetid the title of champion against all coiners. If I lose I shall retire from tho ring. Further than that. I only ( arc to say that, win or lose I Omit :t - next, .season in my new plav, u.-ntlemnn Jack.' " Corliett wiil hi- twenty six years and seven days ol-1 when he Un its Sullivan lie was horn at Saa Kr.iiiejseo. ami l:js fa 1 her an I mm her were h..li nat ives i.f 1 1-,.: Alt. d lire eiv;n-,' In. edae.-n i.,11 a' t (,. 1'l.tli, ,-. .., ( oi- y ! hett I '111!! ll. ;' Net a.i.i ImiiV. '.'VI I' l)l,.r, ;;, I riiii:. II.- I,. 1. ,11 I' I .ill.-s, ,l,le 1 in si-; rn1111.l1 prov ed an,, th, r I 1, nt. .!,!.. I. .1. 1 He U he s, ' ll I I ' ,1111 ,.ll in.,! ,1:' 1 1 1, K. ileal 'ii, ! ii-i:!, t.) ,j an, I lluii.ini. K M.c.i,. easy marl;. ( nr 1, -s i,,i IS' -A was the .,i.,t y ..in, u.iai.l ,l,;iu vw,, j,,, son, li.re.t.:- i'.-!e i , ,1 (,,)-!,( is rt ft., p ' ill. tall, ami e,,ii-e,(iu ,a ,y .4 ,, 1, J re.ii h than Sniiiv'iii, hut he will weinh ulioiit twenty pounds lt Ihaii Iho chaiu piou. The hat tie nt the Olympic cluh, New Or lemis, will he fur the world's championship, a purse of f ::.,n,Ki and a wauer of f 10,000 a suit, more money than was ever heforc fought fur iu the rint. EAM.K II. EATOS. CALL I-OH REPUBLICAN COUNTY , CONVENTION, j Tin republican county ronvon tion of C "ii i county is hereby Called to meet ;it Weeping W'iilcr Saturday, ( ictolicr 1, nt VJ.'M a. i in., for tin- purpose of placing in nomination one senator, two repre sci.tativcs. our tlo.it representative, v wiiiiiiitKin i (1M i Thir.l .liHtriol. one co.n.tv nttornrv . - one oonntv commissioner for tlx ami for tin- traiiMiction of mk-Ii ii- ' tlar liiiMiiefs as may properly 1 come In-fore it. Tin: ba.-i of repre- j M-ntation liein fixed at one dele-j ale. Inr every fifteen votes or i major fraction thereof cat for; (ii ore II. Hastings ior atloi iini-y-' general at the general election of; lvm. and on.- at lare lor each ward and precinct. j I'I.e pruii.il irs fur the i-clcctioii of del. 'ules aiei'.illi-d ',,- Sal unlay. ; .'; li. I.e.- -Jl, ;1 tlie id. ices al.d ! v.illi the repn , .-illation f,,r i.;u-, war-l am A voca . in. Center prrcmcl as foil lows: i. -it it A voca, Manlev, it -1 d. l. - i: p.m. l.i';ht Mile drove-Seven j.-;. hi i ii il ,-i li, mi iiou.si-, p l.'hliwood ,i ili ie-ates dock, s p. in. in. Mur uvc I iv, ood - threi'di l-Lrnies,Al o, 7:oii p. in. Liberty--Seven de,-M;Ucs. Ledger olii a , 1 ' ii ion, T.i'.i i p. in, Loui.s Hi,- .... Seven (l,-l,-..:,f,.s j I'l-lit olliee, - p. i:,. I ill I -I ....... . t; .... i i . .... .... ...i.-.. in, iiw 1n-U-i4.ll.'-;, t,. liloie school hotl e, 'J p. in. Xeh.iwk.i, live ilclcatc-s, Sturm's oH'u-1-, N p. m. iMait-inoiilli, seven (leli-i;ate.-, Taylor school lioiise, p. m. K'ock 1 51 tit;".-. 1-t district, six dele, gates'. Murray school house, S p. m. k'ock Mulls, second district, lour ilclc.o-atcs, K'ock Mulls school house p. 111. Salt Creek - .-een deleo-ates, Cileen wood, Tali) p. ni. South Ik-mi - four delegates, school house, 7:.'t'l p. m. Stove Ctcck-iiine delegates, G. A, 10. hall, 7 p. 111. Tipton - six delegates, Wilkinson iV Stophcr's ol'lice, ti. p. in. Wccpinjr Water-live ilclcatcs, C iiscndc Hchool house, 7:H0 p. m. I'lattsinoutli Citv. First Ward IvisTht delegates, White's office, 4 to 7 p. m. Second Wnrd-Kiirht ikdepatee, school house, 4 to 7 p. m. Third Wanl-Klevcn delegates, Kichcy's lumber office, 4 to 1 p. 111, Fourth Ward-Nine dclecrate no lice court, 4 to 7 p. in. Fifth Ward-Four del chutes school house, 4 to 7 p. in. Weeping Water. First Ward- Five d-de-atcs G. A. k hall 7:.') i. 111. Second Ward -Six delegates conn cil chamber, S p. m. Third Ward -Three delegates, ridball Ac Fuller's lumber office 7;:l p. m. Total number of ileloirt.su It isreconiinended that no proxies he allowed, but that delegates pres. cut cast the full vole of precinct. It is further recommended that the secretaries of each ward and pre- ton 1 101 warn to j. I,, i iiMiiin, sec retary ol central committee. the credentials of each delegation as soon as possible for tabulation. It is further rri-nin nw.,wl...l l,.,t ., full precinct ticket be placed in nomination in -h i-niin.r 1,1,,.., and iiroiitrlv i-ertilieil to .-..unit. clerk. J It is also further rerotintioiwl.wl that all primaries in 1'lattsmouth city be conducted in accordance with the state law troverninir nri- maries. Ok-lavimi Tvki.t A. L. TiMiit.ix. C hairman. Secretary. Near at Hand. The outlook for thecomino' fair is very bright. The twenty-sixth an nual fair will commence one week from next Tucsda v Scotember t.t Secretary Miller is very busy now looking after horses for the speed program and promises the natrons of the fair some fun vi,;i,;i;,,,,, ;., the speed proirram. All in tides that last year only had one prem ium will this year have two. and all premiums will be paid in cash. I he merchants are etica-ino space fast for their displays. A l,irt;e display of farm products will also be made. To those who have as yet tailed to secure space lor an exhibit Tit !; 11 1. h 1.11 would advise them to so .it nut ,- In line th,,. ,sjMC,- ,,. taken di Set ret, 1 1 .i-i iti.ili'i- ll!l McLanisciri tu to exhib t up. tin r grounds tint inu- th 1.1:1' the ciicus thrie u;i! 1 otin-i )i.i,-i s n! anni-i ai, n ;r.i 1111,1. "'.iiH (an- impidv, w 1 : 1 4 m , , , ! any 1 t 1 ! , 1 1 ! !' ' iti .,- I.ein- .-, ,,, '' H''' ' 'il' III ,'!!.,. 1 on,-. ,. !v t!.i j I 1 111 1 j Iho-c 1 V , I ' Ill-It!.- ' -1 t : . parts. .' Ill 1,4. I : t 1 t 1 r . : oa ,-p ! I. .... 1 ' ' 1 . . 1 1 , a 1 : i i 1 , . ! ' 1 ' 1 1 1 : i 1 1 in ' -i .01 1 !,.;,. Mi ll!,! . I 111 1 1 1 1 staiii 1 J'IU s, Nllltl! ;, ' V. I ,4 K I,, ,( ' 1 at hum.-, h,., 1 v ' tl cm, lop,.. (' - 1 . . 1 : 1 1 Children Cry fur Fitdwr's Caito Wlmi r.y wim ,iik, - K.w her OasMnx Wltrn slt WM fcOiihl. sits cri,-! f, c. , V lien 9h. l,,v(lIm, .i ,m . . t,.. ,,,,,0V, . "Hien h I-,!,; ri (. , . . Pears' Soap To kcxcp the skin clean is to wash the excretions from it off; the skin takes care of itself inside, if not blocked outside. To wash it often and clean, without doin any sort of violence to it, re quires a most gentle soap, a soap with no free al kali in it. Pears' is supposed to be the only soap in the world tnat has no alkali m it. All sorts of stores sell it, especially druists ; all sorts of people use it. H. P. SWAN HA OK. l-.Xpl I it-Ill l-.l sn.i'1 ai,,i ic, A 1 -r ' i , an 1 -.!!,. 1,1 v I.I II I, I, TRY HIM CK. ,, 11 Correspondence (treeiiwooil, .el.. Solicilid. LIVKK'Y AND l i;i;i) STAC!.!-. o i , ,1 o 11 (. iv, -o w 1 1. ill, .eli. K. P. JOXKS ,V CO.. J'koi'. 001 i 10 llest rigs at tin' InWe-t rates. 11 o O o 11 .tiretii Please everybody. The oldest mid most reliable place in town II. KKYXOLDS, Reelstere.l l'liy-iihiu :,n, l'liiiiinacl-t Special attention jjiven to Oflice i Tactice. Kock PLLKI S . X'KU. F ST. ARNAUD, AC!!. NT I-dK' Al- Tuner of Pianos and Organs. I.cnve Orders ni l.elinhi.ll Urns. Plattsmoiitii. Ashland, Wahoo. Qqs liii'icls, I'ealcr in All kinds of fresh, salt and smoked meats. I m ike the best f kinds of sau faes and keep a yood Mipply constantly 011 hand. NAKKJ-T O.N - SIXTH - STRF'JT between Main ami IVnrl Plattsmouth, - Nebraska. 1M HAVE St'KKKItKK rroin the Irri'KiilBrltiea I'ueuliar to their si unit toiiu.l iiruuiiit ttud iit-imitiii-ui relief iu DR. J. H, McLEAN'S LIVER flf!D KIDHEY It ( l. IM S AM, I',.,:,-,M f t,.. Kl.lnev-i. ot r 1111,1 I t-nary 0.-Kriiis, in Itri -lit rt a ''''V'l, ,,f Ki'lnevs. leiai l I.h.-r, liieiailiir Mi n.-j I,,,,,,,: ra.e.i er Ulete iti,. hehn-y W,-i;hn,. 11. i r.ee iM.eil ,, r (jtu,-. rut i'Ai:u uy THE DR. J. H. McltAN MEDICINE CO ST. LOL'IS, MO. " I I I W- , i , 'ipwanl, Iri.-!i ... r 1 tan . i . i i ,i'r i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1'. ,11 ci 1 1 1 s a p. 1 1 1' , . 1 . ) ! Point cait.t, ns, T.iiuLotir tutisiiti ciii1;,hl-, S '. : f .1. (...L, ! curl.-.ii, s,-r,-,-,. :!l ; !.,i:. and fancy, tahie silks t. " 'hT', ,r Vjji f I IVtiiii., Portietes. Also a line litieof vvi,;,l ""'"' Ut I ". M j ! liu.' ; ,.vi. -i j. vices. I -; - - "l ! I drapes, hlc-u-ln .j t.tlii,' ilaini- uiili ill ' 'n,i ,'-4 i.: - .'iu.,ii,vti,i'y;,i.,,Il!;;i '; ; : 1 , ;-'r ' ( Still continue to be l-ecdqiici(jei($ In the Clot hing Business. This is fully (Unnonstvateil by the i'act that they h;ive sold if" tl thisprintn THERE ABB THBEB IvLE A.S03STS FIRST They own their goods as low as mortal man can buy them for spot cash. r SECOND - - - They sell them to their customers at as low prices as mortal man can sell them and make a living. TIIII.ID They are Square and Honest in their Dealings. Those Three Reasons are theKeystones of Their Success. N' ow to snow their appreciation of their increase of business they propose to away to their customers a Handsome if--! give Book, entitled "The Atlas of the World' 4,. 4Usi .,,,.,,,,i yuuim ivr unj iiiuciiuiu If p urchase or in a running account. They will gr ve them a copy of. this valuale book free of ehi iige CALL A XI) SKI M ayer & The Clothii ig Kings. 01XT YOU THUK r, riiat of 3'ours Iihs cen turned tor ucli lieutitio; its ttiind anotlici' t we know you at latliino;. It will its rtviiectability, 'U you one of flu $tist receiveil. Spi'iiig tvloiiSG Clcqiihi Will soon he upon iiij- a, tains, linens, etc. vAV a this line, we can sell yott i yard, Inrain as low :w rmn httv cents upward. 1 xiNEW : DQ with ns. We have handled then that we could sell them much die, stock vvf have di.-r.'irded the t'ornie. alile to sell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tit a verv low price, pl'ice-, - i l'V 1 1 1 11 ' 1 lieliiL' ail new ha ve iti-i itci-iU i i i;ci;r:iil ,1,-w:;' Uv htite, I.l.h H-n'S,1,,!' J lU i r. I A ,i -i kj 1 n Columbian 'World's Fair to every person buying V 2K f( ..Id,,,.. ui y-t.w.', vuuv-i ui uiit - : THK HOOK AT Morgan's - Plattsmouth, ITeb. Old. Carpet the lust time, it will hardly you gave it hist Bering besides c too tet.der heiiried to give it such another he a useless task as you cannot lash hack Hotter discard it altogether and let us so elegant new patterns that we have .-5' nl you will want new carpets, cur re head quarters tor anything in 'letup carpets as !mv ns ten cents twenty-five cents and Urussells his is a 'ARTMENTo-' . 1 ii.,.,. 1 with tatnples hut lindinj; I'd' by havino ' inethod and them in are now will duplicate Omaha ken into consideration in the line. , iiii 1 it ii o 1 l ie 1: ... .. w 1 ,, " nt .,! ' 1 l I an c,-ci i-nt a-.v.,i-tni 1 V ' K I