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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1892)
thi: wi:i;kly iikki.i: im.vttsmoiitjl m:i;i: sk.mskimi:mim:i i. mii f i . v:r-- si i t.f v a i The Man ?'i the Moon would be happier if he coul4 ha-.' mrply cf Cool Fraerant and Soothing VBlackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco For over twenty-five years tbe st.indard sniokinji tobacco of the world. To-day More Popular than Ever. To have a pood snio- 2 '-n time and everytime it is only necessary to get Bull Durham, it . : ; 0 1 mu always ki. BLACKvV b v....- .01 P.HAM TOBACCO CO., 1 ; y r exican -1 f- ft or L imment. BRAVEST OF SHEKIFFS. Tom Cunningham of San Joa quin County. California. HIS WONDERFUL MUSEUM. Pistols. Knives, S.vorcls. Dirks and Clubs that Have Dene Murder O cl Fas loned Burglar Tools Bad Coins. Turn Cuiinih :hani has been t-li ri !T ot San .'.'4 pii'i county, C11I.. for l went -.1:1. y-ar-i. Innm-r 111 1 - 1 . t i 1 1 1 1 mtvi.c i;i 1 1, at otlicc than mi; 1.1 la t man ill the Male 1 r probably any I'llar in the cimnlry. lit' won't talk nun !i i rcii alioul his ' oil, . lion." 'l i tin- only subject that excite-him, and il is'. 1 i n 1 n -t of beaut ic.. In it H it n jix h i ti a ( 'hiiiiinuiii i 1 tn lay 1 ) 11 11 another's head; 11 ( hiiie-e me w l.irh ill-1 nr. r t ' ' 1 to IsafiiT ban--elf with in J. an. I wliii h was t lu-n cat; 11 Mi-xii-.-in sworj with liirh liv nun were killed 111 Is''1.'; pi-tols of all make aii'l xit's, frmii a little ipn't lmv to a Cult's navy revolver; a lit i 1c. penknife it h which a Spalii'h woman t-t ;v ' I nlnl killed a mrui, nnd 1 La immense, wide, heat -ily stained taror-l wliii Ii iv.-i4 found in bi lious., jitnl wl'i' h il:..ui .1 in ln-r blackened Kiiim- an 1 brihts'.il l.s which were tin1 iiist nin,i'i:ts if murders; sharp Mccl of many s,i-i-, some of tin- h! 11U s being I line frrt 1 . 1 1 ; 'nunterfciL colli t hat was fonial in a lamp of makers of the queer in the count v mid tin1 nickel whirli saved n tiiiiti's '. f 0 I viiveri Wiethe coursi' of a tn 11. t . Tint collect ion was begun, however, in Is.".! liy the lliell sherili, liichai'il IVrtcr Ashe, fat her of the present noted turfman, I'orter Ashe. I r. Ashe. 11s he was railed, hanged the notorious "Dutch Fred" and t-AUCHTEU and health. Mi'es Nn-vj tin. I Liver Pills Act mi new, prieiplc rcyui, iiino the liver, stomach ;mi I v I 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 u 1 1 t lit- neiM's. A new tlisi'uv cry lr Miles pills speedily cure liilioustics. Kill t.iste. totpol liver. )iles, omi inn L' leipl.iled lur men, women ami children. Small i sl, mildest, finest. 01 1 d. ki'- '.'It cts. Samples Mee ot I', (i. ht'u'kc.V t'o'c Mr. John t'ai pc titer, o( 1 1. lodhuid. Ind,t.iys: "I tried t'li.iinlierl.iin's folic. Cholera ond liirrhoe.i K'emedy, (or diarrhoea and severe cr.nnp.s. ami pains in the stomach and howels with the Inst results. In the w orst eases 1 rie r had to trive more than the third dose to etleet a cure. In inns' cases ne ilos,- will do. lie-ides it's other o 1 n hI 1pt.1l :', irs it is pleas.. n1 to take' I'w eiity ti and a!' Cent I -! t U-s In sale hv F. ( 1 I-1 icke I o., lii u o n ists. ANTC, ;0IJ ollars and Cuffs Real Estate Boom Attract- the illtetltioll ol ee") prop ci i holder ill '.his cit. I!n', when lr. I'tankliil Mih's the elllim 'it lt' : diana .si.-cialist claims that heart i disease is curaMc and proves it l ! 1 1 1 iiis.iiKl ol lestituonials o! won j derlid ciii es l his new Heart t lire ' il attract- the altenhon olthe mil ' lions sittiet mo- with .-loo t;.th. i,dpatatioii, irreonlar pulse, wind i in sloinacli.paiti ill side or shoiihi.-r ,mol herinj .'-pells, faintinu', drop etc. A. I". I 'a v is. Sil er I 1 ' c I hy iisin to'.ir l ath j New I leai t ( urc en reit alter t wvive I rum heart dist is, ed is sold I v I re for the Ailments of Man and Beast. A Ln-tested pain reliever. its o:-t; is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective : liniment. ! " 1 other application compares with, it in efficacy. , ' I .a v.-tll-known remedy lias' stood ihe test of years) almost in. iterations. ::edicine chest is, complete without a bottle of Mustang , . I. imment. : Oi'obi .ions arise for its use almost every day. All Jrugists and dealers have it. rue POSITiVK curjE, gA 'r-i - '- -- - - -.- - - - - ----- EaBEnrafHKsaM; HAVEflOTBI m m malum SCHIFFMASM'SAfthmaCure? ! Nitbt liiilfi tit KiTii iriiitant TfWtt in th oaa. anil clu'.-lii 1'Ur.Hi rnirrfl nntr 11.U. I Trial rirku. KKKK W Drmril.U or T JL I Mrn UK. K. WtlUI-TMAfTN, Pfc ISnl, l. I Scientific American Agency for ii j v m a. . w IT" rf t'iiir CAVEATS, . 1 , . l ' 1 . l rs m rt - . V'.rs TK'JC tn".Ti-.r., ! rVWifr COPVMCHTS, cto for Itrtomwtion und frw nunlNuik write to ML'NN CO.. 1 HllOAUWAY. Nt l.h Olnort imiciu for nwurtmi luitnnff I" Anu nni Fvery rtet tnki-n out t.y in l tiroiik'lit l . tein tlie public UJ notice given troe of clinrw 111 luo Srientific ln(i r. . ..! . j. j. 1 ,i.., .j.j. L T,fttv" oirrtimTinTi nr any inraunr mr n o,r mirlil. Siilvnrtidlf iiiumniien. " im.-niB.-ii ...... .k.,'.i 1... ;.lw,. it Wmik T. :l.(MI .- VuHr; 1.:I tx tnnnthn. AdilrHHB MtTNN !t CC i'ni uii.ud lia Itr,,ui1nv Nlw York. n'i4 PARKEk'S . HAIW BALSAM J Ttmii,.i tl Lanrria i'o hair. I'n. 1. ml, 11 lui.uiaiil nr.ialh. . VN.-tiT 'altn to llentorB (irny '( 1 ,Hir to itg Youthful Color. - -1 '.i C'uni, h.-u p il..,iiM iA Ii .i 1 r th. unit. ' fl... il 1 mat r,, .....,t, ..Um 1 I V.Jts ' , l ' IT 1 I1 1 1 . ,'. II '.;! 11., .nl-l I r.'l.ii.. in, I'ii.11, 1 urn.- Ill t.llit.,'U. ! iCORlVSi t'1111 oi'ty turpcuri. for Comi. .1:. L.. a 0n., ur lll.SLOA k CO., .N. Y. 5AFamiiyAffair KX Health for the Baby, Vw) ricasiire fur the Parents, New Life for the OU Folks. Chamberlain's Eye and ii , 4 Ointment. , . A certain enre for Chrdnic Sdrt) iZyot Tetter. Salt Ehoum. Bcald Head, 0Y Dirfr ; VUt Ww v-.vw ' " - ' ,Itch, Tr&iria Scratches, Soro Nipplo3 (t ),md Pili:8. It is cooling and soothing. U'l Hundreds of cases have been cured by vfcafUT all other tresitment had failed. It b put up in 23 and 00 cent Loses. Root Recr THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK f"ls h family nll'alr 11 reiiulslto of trio home. A !." n-ut Iu huarr inakei r. inl'lixt f di'lM'ious, t-t reMitl:eiilrJKi ', fffjHtrf wUrK-i-Si.-cnt lever,'0. VJXQi l',nn't ' itf-tv I f p i!tv..-e for if ! I 't'le "U ."'! In-ivr I :Oi 1 . 1 Is. t. k, )in . ' MtT 1. i m I Is ,,.-t i". i' ...'I ' .ch s of li. Miles va. ci ii'.iph-ti I year- Mlttermo . 'I'll i" new 1 em . l-'rick:' .V t o. a Made Only by N.K.FA1RBANK & CO. CHICAGO. rt(KTvm.n-uvLinwaa KnaKrowntcncrjinni l-'iik Su.i: Tv.n 1 nee tots in t rchar sirahlc resi llill addition a hi. to riattsuioinh. within the Missouri I'acilic depot particulars call on or addles 1 1 KIOALI' ollice. icli ol . For Tnii 1 ' ,V;. . - b', . -.s.i i"!- J I : , ...i il Ua V.V. U ,ia ;' .5-. ' s... ... - .'; , .Ik L". t- " r-'piii SUKHIKF CI'NXINGII AM. Mountain Jim" in 1M, anil licfran the niiiseiini with their nistols. 1 liey re urent. clnnisv wif.iiions, mid it is nut nt nil Kiirprisintt on viewiim them why men nseil to carry their simm t 1 n irons 111 full view, Thcv could not he hidden. ()ne mittiriilly supposes that the men handed in those times were desperadoes. Thut Htipposition is wrniii;. They were Ktriiin; up for horse Ftfulitii;!. In that period horses meiv more irecious tli.111 human lives, mid nt that time ami for many years nftor the hheritl' of Sin .toa 11 hid county hud much to do t mrinp; U len horses mid cluiMiiit the thirvps. The law was repenled at an early day, and the last cmlit, or ten liiiiiLCeii 111 uie county were iniirdeiers. A noticealile oh- ject in thetniiseiim is a coat of mail, made of Kiuall links of steel, which was taken from 11 murderer when he was arrested for kill ing hi Pim in law.- He, too, was banned. In a case with other kuiis is one with a limit tiarnl, which is laln led as the weapon that killed thu onre. noted bandit, .loaijniu Muriel ta, at Cantua creek, Fresno county.. SherilT Cunniii.'h.mi thinks the touyliejit man tin .fVer turn, to ii.intite was jini, Winters, who shot Mie daughter of (leneral .Ihmes A. Shepherd while lie was attempt- itju to coimlnt a tMurliry. As she lingered alyear he escaped ciaivii.tion for murder, si'ried his. term for burglary, killed an other younn lady at Santa Hosa tinder ex actly similar clrcuoint'imici'.s and f iw, ut up for life. ' ' Loiik. utter lie n aohei thu penitentiary it was fonnd tjiiit lie Hail .instru- ments ti aid'lfini 111 eVcapiiiH. These were found in the sole.S'iif his shoes aud lh lin ing of his clothes when Sheriff Ctuinlni,'. ham tixik him to Stockton from the im-ii herniary. Hb had a slim file inserted in the back of a comb, coveriiitf the opeiliim with black wax; a wooilen key, which he had cut out himself and which was to lie uaiv-ioyed for openiliu cell doors; pair of nippers and a sharp pohited knife blade. All, in ml pincushion that he hud at the time was imped open and checks for fcl.'JiKl on San Krancjsi o banks were found 111 it. 1 Despite I he vmilance of the guards he had kept all I hesn things. When they stepped nut of the cars nt San ('U'lit in, Winters w.i ahead and dex terously '-lipped under the ar. 1 1 c t bought ; he slier;!!' would no out tie- plat loi in to I lie ol her Mile to e.itl h lliltl. bill ijllil k as a lln-li ( iitiiiinli.uii si.. I iihii'-t' t l.e i ar a I so aiel m'ahl.eil him by ' lie 11 1 k. Tin V wrest led and twisted l.em ut h the i:ir. The shei ill' did not . e. t inn- to cry out to the engineei', and noliody el .i- had -pr-i-il off the to. nl f..i:t. with the er and his pi i-,on. r. Ha l the truii 1. 1 both of ' hi'tn wniihl hoe be. 11 "1 . r The shi't'iff 1 V-rted hi:. lMirino; the cpideiiue ol I'm 1 in this coitntv last summer. I had hard work to keep a supply ot ('liaiii'u r Iain's (.'olio. Cholera and I harrluft'u Remedy 1111 hand. People oltn'ii .... 1 : 1 . . : . . 1 , . . Came len or iweivi- nines 01 me niyht ti V;-et a Ixittle v the Iv'eineily. I have liven scllino; patent metli ciiu s for the last ten years and liiwl that it lias jiivcu better HatisfactiHi in cases of l)ian hoea and lliix.than any other medicine I have haiidleL I. II. Henhnm. (Irtiiruist, (Joleoti- da, l'ope Co., III. ver tive hundred bottles of this Remedy were sold id that county duriii"; the epidemic referred to. It was a perfect sue cess and w an th only remedy that did cure the worst cam s. Dozens of persons there will certify that it saved their lives. In fourothcr epi demics of bowel complaint tins Reined v has beeu equally success ful. Twent -tivf anil all cent bottles for sale by F. (1. Fi icke A Co., ilru- j;ists. EATI.RO D T ME TABLF. lit l.'l IM. tl.N A Hlssnt Hi it 1 v 1 : 1; is, 11. (,( i C WMS'I' lle..l.-t llo'l o. 1 :M..n 111 I'as-.eoi i-t ..M :1 I' 1 ... v. . , ii im a 11 1 I'a.-. -el, 1;. 1 o .. .. ' " . 01 I'a-si'ii. r'lo'i ii.. l...tii-t'le I' "i . I'.ism.,,;.,, 1 No '.'I '' a im 1 I-'rem lit No '.. 1.1 I -lire "'"" a "' I re 1 1 lit N'. to o Ii ' n 11. it 1 1 ii -...ii 11 111 1 .1 I Nt. HAS I . . I'hi'l N.. J. ,'' e 01 I ' 1. .'ti.:er No I 1 " IVwiniT .N.i 1,1 I'a-eim.r .- ' I I in I'll liter No in ':l'' MINSIU Kl I'U ti ll' imi.Mvn. ntli. Ii'sves ... lie. .111 in ,ve-.. I IKI III P. J. HANSEN, I'KAI.IIK' IN .as-eiiuer. N .No I . Ollsseliu. t . noi l II . 11 1, iJv cce.' Sim. la st: nt:r s t;rif, C .,i ,i,l pjurlli M.,iil.iy e"iitii in "it .gel aid hull. V-lsUUig 1 eighl.ul :.,n,e. H.d Jla.wcn, V. f : I'- cUeliheiitr, W. A., S. O. Wilde, flerk. (lAI IAlM II 1. ' Sons -t eteia-w, illvisliui el Nckniskn, I S A meet every I iwilav nir.iit at 7 M o iltick III til"! II' lll'll HI f 11 lga-Tlll 11 'lien, no -n. ." visltlllK e.MHI mien ill fiilillHl V llivile.1 1 meet with us A .1 Mill 4l uiiiiu.iiuiei ; i it. .... Klwaili. 1st stiiilgeiii STAI'LC AND FANCY GROCERIES GLASS AND QUEEN8WARE. J'utronao;e of the 1'ublic Solicited. OltO. '.It l' I Ul'. woio.l', .''-- " ' every Mouiiav e-.wuliiK al 'lie rued Aiin IiaII. n. K. tannin, yivlilem, Jims naiiii., fcrcietiity. o r w Nos Mi't lirst aid tliirl r'rl (tu'-evnliiKolsiicli iiii ntli nt IOO r liall, 1'iaiik 11110lea l " '. J r. o.u - rei.irde r. Oriliirtirlo'a Cool Helrnt. Dtirinir the "loijrist seamm" from June until September - the Murling- ton route lias on stiie rotinn trip tickets, at very reduced rates, to the tirincii al resort.- if t olorado lo Denver, voioracio priuns, Manitou. ruebl ) and Kstes park (the most attractive spot in tin whole stale) particularly low rates are 111 force. July and August art- the best mouth's in wliich to visit ( oloii'dos unrivalled resorts, to all of which thu Jiurlinirton. with iW cotuieC' tions, oilers unequalled service. lie local a treat will ije iriau 10 jjive yju any desired information. IC Met'onlhle fO't No. 4'' llu"'ts ey.-iy T ,.. ..viiinni' at 7 : nil 111 I hell' Hall 111 i,,i, U,M,.l All vlMUUK cuiiiiuiies hit onnllallv t.ivileatoieetttilluis. Kre.1 Htt. l-iwl All 1 llillll 1 U. r. ,-llieS, I U-1 Viwniii.-. .- C.aiuitlet Lislge Weiliiesdiiv I'M' uiiiK ut their liaUovcr lieiinet JtTutt's, nil visiting kuiulils are cordially iiivit.-.l to 1 Hl ltiviry V Nil. Ml OK I'Y I MUc- ii 1 7. Mcrts 'vrry U unit . . . a I I f.O.ll II .ilf v . i M - .'til N'lmiu " ' . .al...ill I.', id. 11- . . '-uiiito. 111 1 ur mom 11 in .l.'il.n M Viiiii run. ?i , l i uiuwn A I Yl l.ll TK11S or I t. 1. nt if Nil HKHllt'CA- bull nt 1 rum Id meets the "eenlnl nun 1, until I'll ursilkv even Di'S nl eacll llininii ill tlie 1 Oil I Hall. Mis 1 r. Miiii.iiun, .-. (i. ; Mrs. .I11I111 Cory. Secretary. For Sam-; on Twam-; A desirable ot in Flattsmo'illi. Will sell for casii or win taae a iroou 1111141;) horse and horses in exchanne. For 1 articular J,ill on or address this (.dice. OH.KHK tVK IIO.NOK-.-leeis iue iuki ",..ia I hir.l Tliriirsd.iveveiiiiigs ol each ....... 1 1, 0. I 1 1 I ). V. 111 I. ! il .uerulil iiiock Mrs Ail.liie Smith. Wortliv Sislerof Honor Mrs. Aiuiiiue Uuikel, sister sei r. t 11 . n .'i:t,'.' .: Ilr-' toN'O i' -lvv liMlge. .o. 1.1 st mi. I tluril 1 iinrs.iuys o hull, Stella Irav Mort.l Sixth Street,. Plattsmouth The Old Reliable XA$tt H. A.. WATERMAN 4 SON. LUMBER Lath, Sash, Shingles, IMIOKS, : I CI, I NIKS, ( sj,,h everv ilemanil or the ( it v. t nil and net terms. Kourt Ii .Street in rear ol opera lioime. tf ai Ii moo t II in K. ol 1 it, sister rti'creiary. Hona Th us, ; We alter UKI dollars reward for an v c ase of catarrh that cnu not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 1. Cheney i- Co. I'rops, Toledo, Ohio, We the undersigned, have known b. I. Cheney for the last la years, ilnd Ivi live him pefectly honorable in all buismess transactionsand fin ancially able to carry out an obliir iitioits made bv their firm. . West A Truax, W'holt sale Druo- irist. Toledo Ohio., Waldiuir Kinnan .V Tarvin. Wholesale druiriiiist Tole do t Hiio. Hall s Catarrh C nre is taken inter. nally, action directly upon the blood ami mucous surtaces ol tlie system I'rice. 7,"c. m r bottle. Sold by all l.'r'joist; Testimonial free. I'ASS LOt U.K. No. lilt. I (). ). K. meets ev- jry 1 uenhiy night at their halt in HU.'erld jloek. All ouu reiiiittH are o.u.oiuij "'' to hi tend vheu visltlnu; in tlie clly. i liris l'et eraeii.J.. ii. ; o. r, iii-norii, nfuimarj. ROYAL AKUAXAM-Cart i.iHiiien no iib , Meet nt tlwt li.of I" bill 111 I he Pariuele & liertHK, ltegeiit; Cralu liloitk t"HI lleiinelt, It inns, visiiiiik brethren luvtVul. Ilenrj tlion Walling, secretary. PLACES OF WOKSLlll'.,s rain s i tiiircii, an, ivi...-.-ii Kllth Mill S'XIU. rillUW ouiirj, i..'. " Hei vices : N isi, at B und III t3it k. M. bnlulay Hcluiiil at 2 il), with beneillctimi. Kiglitli ht.s Hint t-venliiK. Wiler A CnutsllAN. Cnruur Locust ana I',', IliliriOlll (aliovoiy pastor. Hunilay Helmol IDA. M. Kl,ls--oi,Al,.-St. Luke's unurcn. corntT uiir.i nuil Vine. Key. li i. nine' , pai-inr. - vices : II A. M. ami 7 -Jt l". al S) Srliimi Ht 'i :3H r- M . W. H CUSHING, President. J. W.JOHNSON, Vice-Pni. CITIZrKS' l'LATTSMOUi ll " NKltkA'SKA. raid Up Cupttal, s830,000, V. W. (Mithmiiii, J. W. Johnson, Kl. S. l.ri'iiM'l, lleurv Kikeiit-ar v, JM. VV. Muruaii, J. A. t oniior, W. Wet K'likaiup, W. II. t'nslimg. Hi. i Financially Embarrased A l.ii oe main-tlactuter; whose af f.ors were vei v much embarrassed and who was very nun h ovciwork ed .itid broki n down w ith net ions!-tion, went to a celebrated so, Mil He was t,,l, tiie oiild tllini; needed was to he te I u '. i ol care a up iohi'V, a .id h :i vi liKltMAN MK.Tlli'lllST. tinier Slllll si aiiu Oraiilt". Uev. Hill, fa-tiil. sei thi : 1 1 a. j. unit 7 :3 ! M. Suuiiay tiebuul 10 UHi A. l. I'Hrsiiy .N. rvutes in new i hureh.e .r iaT Sixtli iiii.t liianit.' .Is ltev..l l.lia'r.l .as.n. Mii.ilay-s..ii..i. at .1 , .J' , I'l eat 1 .1 m at II a. I'l.n'.el s l in. lhe. K s. i . K nl Oil-I'hinili meet" e ur S.lllha'l'l eleliUi)' il i :lr illllo- lM". Ii.ellt "I tl,e elna-l'i. All ae iliv.a .1 to .Ol.'li.l .le'"' llie.-llegs. A getietal baukinu l u-i trimsai led. IN TLK1ST ALLOWI D ON TIM liEI'OMTS THCS POLLOCK Nwtai) l'uhlii' R W ,N Ahsttacter HYERS Sel icito R"al E.-;t.tte, Loau aatl Itistua rice Ajait cli. oil. wa- n. h.l.ltl' stain inn '.' of thou; ma consid. than of In- ;ht. II rate ot I 1 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 . i . ii, ttsc t li e, the oliolit f ll. Mil hi -t re I liav ill. ror Atcllinson, Si. Jof-i pb. I.eavetl woith, Kansas Ci'v, St. Louis, i and all points iim It, east ! south or ivesl. Tick- 1 ets t'old ami bat-;. traoc checked j tu liny 1 point . in the ! I'liited S t a 1es or ' Canada. For NFORMA HON AS I'D RATK's and Kornis Call tit Depot or address II, C. TOWNSLNI), (i. J'. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C.'l'l, A. (i. I'. A. Omaha. Al. D. Al'OAK. Act., riattsmoutli. Telephone, 77. Itr-AtTHITI., AOWCfl Alil.L, CLLANSIMi. Fcr Farmers, Miners and Moohsnics. A Pf RFECT SOAP FCR ALKALI WATER. Cures Clialiei;. Clur;i'd Hands, WuuuJi, Durns, litful Slumpuo. l ! lell.;t II ,'.:,v, 1.1, J.1.1' i 1 1 1 it 1 on! j: I.,' I0',d h 1 Ml Jeli.C'l him to l I nt t he t I .oil l The M, ,,n I, i..niit was !. i w ar. and in 1-s r, -,-t a w ii !i r. n. al i.. Wi. i - i ' an. tin A be YsfKITE RUSSIAN SOAP. joacidoy Adapted for U-c in Hard Water ys a oeneral liniment for sprains and bruises or for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated or iniis ii lar pains, Chamberlain's I'ain lialin is unrivalled. For sale by 1 (i. Fricke & Co., druisls. n t. an el)' l. - li'. A lUOll: 1 1 1 1 1 '. . ' I ' tlv 'e-i fi" t I he Hi;;: ' .ol i ll I'll. nn.s c:.iti! in i', I I : t ':.' -I . lie 111 an I I he si !tes i. e i Thl V lllll-tele. i t I'i t'l- and p,-t..,s I nniiini4ii.iin i.i.i'H t li .1 il pia.e with hi- deputies o I I .'d I ' I ll :M,- -. li.e set I III llle'l force i i . W mid I vis would he lost , II,. ( al 1.1 1 el nor I or 1 1'. .. ips and a brigad lot he oi ant . Ti e pi ai i noiuli to ri'Mor I did not n.t the i -i' .-;!'. r ir ti'id " ptlll.'d V I 1 1 .III.' tire. i ost ral ion. - b'epli Iii'inla 'he, ill . tin i e .opium . etc. I'll ! to it Hook and tt i, it':-' ti Fricke A. Ce s. , dm tor p. it lent . iieuill ids iced K'i -stoa.liv e !y (ol llrf .-siU'Ss. ill. ts ol tobai - i -. 1 1 1 1 1 .- 1 I Kins I' Mhiiioi.i an, I I'i'.ol. Id Mel Vice- H ;i A M . I'l :i lag .''. Sin' Ii M.. I'.'tMi'l, M nli , i., I. t , bull I). I'. uaM... I 1.. e I. M Suit. la, seliiuil i r iiii i :ii ; i-.U.i-mI'.j evei. j . I 1 1 you ha t i im li.m-e seiu Old U i in s. Absttact- o! t state to II -ct i.l ion, price Hsu : v n Nil. Hi. in. a i. fill" K.-v Sllli.1 A I I' III . W ilte, l'. , M h.." I el hit Mam I r Sel U.'l's ...l A M. mill tin nisln e rates I .,1 le. ti ll t la il id be i! ....aijti.n i .'i.:i 'Ulan i'l ai ins to 1 1, at c t-in-rlll' int. tot ue po--e all'! l.y n -i ; i ila vi; able ed on the e w a-i sent n in . ct t he inil'tary t In ant no nl v of th,. law. and ,il 1 1 r -I a Hi'.- tin re ti u il.ivs tin! lumps returnnl home. That a bloody nieeiini; a-lOonh .1 hy tin, ionise was ! 'I'l' nl. Mleli lire a t'-w- ot the incident s ivhlell have given Tom I'uiininu'ham his si-hi'Nl-l of "biave-t of she f I tl s. ' ' He was li i-t i-li-ct i d ill l'i'.l.'ind his held ciiuiinii tni-h eM i Mine. II:- liinceai. chase was afii r i im lamous I, unlit, Vn-'pie., an nc :ounluf which mii: of the party has writ ten under the title of ' Sixty Days in the Saddle." Do- Your Lifo of a - all i. ni-'i t . efll I It! !) fan ivtti 1 1 'ho i k i II' I to 1. J I' ' 1 1 i 1 1 ! , - - i . i ! , l.l I I II m , I I Tebacoo Spu Away." 1 ;!; startliii". It uthliil titl. lilt!.' 1 auk i list received, tell i n ;,l '. Ml Notoli.u , the w 1 1 ll, hntinless, cctaioinn al, miiraiii' .'d em i lot the lohaeco habit in evil';' f, ii in Tobacco users who iv nil to iti t -i i it 1 ( iin't. by ni. titioiiino- Tlii-1 lllKl l can oe( tii,. ,,,ik mailed fn ..- Address the Stei liu- K' medv ( o bo NIJ hull in. i Mim tal Spi mi; I ml. k Wo ihrtke n . iii. i el I'liiiii: llillll C;im."S rif-llllrlv I'll aj7?9 Uii. Hamuli trovilr I., aril lll-l-('i LVi. ".i lvl liartlra. 'iirrlU' !l r i i-r r,.,i r rr. rn..,. w all polnlA in t S CUIiili' l in. I II AH. T. VS et CO. lllll l .Nurth A.r., t kltiifu, Ilk II on imi f. ll I I- I niii iiiel I i. vi'inii. li.v 1 i . Sen ice" 1 1 a in. .ui'l ; .-etna: W i .1 ii. s.l ii eveiiii.i; i -:k. h !'.i,". n. in. I1. l'r.c.i I Vol Ml i; H .e, . tell'.e. M I s 's I i: it I , n. W iiieiii'.ih lv efll:'. f'l Ir''. ell hi at I n VI.h'K. ti i MM ,smii .i. If. Ill Nil- It. I, OS- I ".i ll seii.l.iy it - nrii w i'i k ilaj t. I'Ol.l.OCK A IIVIJ.S I'l. .VI I . Mul III . . fit OM.i s .i'i a i'1 :s p in. I So' I 11 I'.MlK UII It s Al I.I' V'i,,i . I avtnr. s.-i - ; iti ,i in. : I n iii'lm it 1 1 H. in. .-I ajiT 1 1 1 . -c 1 1 1 1 w lur-'lay night tie.- I'll. bo night. Ah me el hi. ion! I'V. .1. :a w il s i m eluili fi.i ii r.j i "iV 2V nit. a: salisbuuy, DEN TI ST GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS. Dr. Steiiiways nn.estlietir bjr the painless i-Aliacti. hi ol tcelh. l-'.ne a (ol.l work a s)ccially. ' Rockwood Block. Plattsmouth. TIMOTHY : CLARK, iii i.i:k' in Coal and Wood, TKKMS CASH. ards ntn I Mlice i.( S 1 cleihoiic nitli Third N... II, Stn ct. i 'la t is Morrii, m ; u was k a . Always; have your prescription! filled at (jeritio- a- Co . il