Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 01, 1892, Page 6, Image 6
; 13 STILL ON THE BOOM. Plattsmouth's Committeos are Doing a Grand Work. TO HAVE THAT DIVISION. Everything Is Working Smoothly Toward that End Connress man Bryan and Wife to be Here Tomorrow. The Improvements. President Windham tif tin bourd i trade secends the wuggostioM of vx-Mayor Kichcy tlntt the city. t-hall upend what money it does in pome tiling tlmt will show tu tin1 world, mid also give etJCourageiiK'nt tu home capitalists as well as those from abroad who contemplate in vesting here. '"I'lattsniotilh is all right now," sud Nr. Windham to TlIK IlKKAI.n, ' and all that is neces sary is to keep up the present gait." The proposition of Mr. h'ichey is met with cordial indorsements from all directions. Councilman Jones of the Second, who was re cently in favor of extending the m-mcr this summer, is favorably impressed with the suggestion of the ex-mayor. Mr. Jones is not particularly anxious for the imm (hate extension, ol the sewer. Ije is a practical man, however, and lie wants something done. He is not a believer in iiuiclivity. lie idocs not believe in allowing money to pile up in the city treasury and lie idly there. Ileisiu favor of using it where it will do the most good Jf it tan be demonstrated that the City Hall project is feasible Mr. Jones will supHirt it. The railroad situation remains in about the same Cordition. Nothing can be definitely settled in regard to the division terminus for sev eral weeks, but 1'l.ittsmouth's posi t ion in the contest is a good one, and the committrvs will spare no labor in prcsenti-Jg their case in the strongest possible light. Mr. Windham says that he is in correspondence now with the rail road officials and that he is confi dent that the l.lurlinglon company means business with regard to en 'TK'"ir tlio Hhoim here at once ami otherwise making changes that will be greatly beneficial to this towu. I'lattsmouth is to Ik- congratulated upon having audi an tiring workers on these couimittoc. and the future will show that the jieople here ap preciate their cfTurhi to build up the towu. The Temperanoe Convention. The women of the W. C. T. l are completing their arrangements for the holding of the second district convention at Flattsniouth, begin n ing Tuesday, August 'M and con tinuing three days. The chairman of the committee ou entertainment is Mrs. M. Loving of tliis town. An extensive and interesting program has been prepared and the teetotlar ladies expect a very large attend ance of prohibition speakers, writers and workers. Strictly srieaking, riattsniouth cannot be said to be u prohibition town. However, if TlIK IlKK'ALU correctly understands the situation, it is not in prohibition towns that the greatest work for the prohibi tionists to accomplish exists. For this reason, therefore, there is no excuse for the W. C T. I'. people being backward in coining forward here. I'lattsmouth is a big, broad and liberal town. It welcomes any and all conventions. Its citizens will royally entertain any and all vis itors, regardless of their opinions upoc. any subject. On behalf of the people of I'lattsmouth Till bids the members of the W. C. F. I', convention a cordial welcome to this town and it will take pleasure in giving to the world the best and most complete re ports of what is said and done in the assemblage of interest to peo ple in general. The Now Garbage Master. Mr. Shields has been appointed and filed his bond as garbage mas ter. He w ill go to work at once on the job of cleaning up the vaults and alleys of the town. This is one of the most important moves of the present administration. Too long has the cleanliness of the alleys and vaults of I'lattsmouth been neglected, and it is to be hoped that the last of complaints on this mat ter have been heard. Married at Court. Herman Hildebraiid and .Miss Ida Dettuianof Murdock were this afternoon married, Judge k'amscy officiating, in the county court room. Miss Meieryurgen of Mur dock, Jesse L. Root, C. C . I'armele, Chas. Murphy and several others were present as witnesses. The young sou of J. F. Homes, a farmer living southeast of Duncan, was severely bitten by a dog yen' lerday afternoon. , to be made tor each county in .Ne braska in which to display the pecial exhibits' at the World's Fair. A photograph of one can be seen by calling on David Miller at the (iorder building. I'lattsmouth. In these cases the several counties jy will have samples ot their small grain, soil, tfruits. etc.. and it is an important matter to attend to. The cases will cost titty dollars cacii. i'asscounty 4n'ust 1 1 t bo behind the other counties. Mr. MillT has re ceived the following letter in re gard to th" case troin the commissioner-general of the Nebraska Coin nil mi n Commission: (IMll. Neli.. A int. '.t. tyr.'.-l divid Nit l er. M- -rf tiii - , I Inn i t n, v ;i-s v uiiiu cliiji-lv:i 1'i'iir Mr; I urn nn.i.iuie iiwiiiiiiiu tu lirnr t lie result or .hii cuiiii- t ' ill'! i si. ill ill ri ll ielll till ll-l- l.iro.iiiit i xliilut in -hill' I. iiiMiui:. I lniic vim will nut tail In lie n-ire-ent-il. Il i- ii((i'irtiif I nil full i M ii -IiiiiiIiI 1 1 live ii ni -r ill 1 lie I iiti- liinlilini;. I hi- i-in. in- i.irtic iilmlv t In-1 - il it lii in Id Iiii.ii ii t In- li-ni-lii i ii i e ir nut uiie il-. iin im rrii-eil ii..r..iri,i- tlmi llii- winter. V it limit it mir i i'le i - will lie iini.leijM.ite In e-l.r.i-liii. I'leii-e let me lieur liuin Mill Uy ret ii rn mini. S i.ui - t nil v, Jo-. i..Ki: f. Jk. '(iiiiiNi-iiinei' l i-iiei'iil. I'nless the county loiuuiNsioncrs ap propriate the money it must be raised by private subscription. Mr. Shryock's isurance Uiu.ilia Wnrl. I ller;il.l. It begins to look as though Mrs. Shryock of Louisville, Neb., th widow of the late representative founil dead in his room at the Mur ray hotel a few months ago, Would have trouble collecting the insur ance on his life. The insurance companies are not satisfied that Mr. Shryock died from heart disease or some like cause, and for this reason have held oir paying the money to Mis. Shryock. The father of the late representative is in towu and has called on Coroner Maul, and the re sult is that the witnesses in the case will be re-examined and their testimony will be taken down in shorthand and then h inded over to the agents of the insurance com panies, and they will be asked to pay the insurance money. The examination of the witnesses who testified at the coroner's in quest will begin tomorrow. One of the companies, the t'nion Life of Omaha, has paid the insurance it carried, fl,(KH). Changed Hands K. A. Murphy has purchased the Schildknecht shoe store. Fred is an enterprising young man and will put in a bigger stock than ever before carried. The store w ill here after be known as the Murphy Shoe Store. Mr9. Wise Dead. Mrs. J.N. Wise Friday afternoon received a telegram from Kansaa City announcing the death of Mrs. l'rof. U. W. Wise at that place. The late Mrs. Wise was a former resi dent of I'lattfr mouth and her friends and relatives knew nothing of her sickness until notified of her death The funeral occured on Monday. TlIK HEATIIKX Mlsf k'KC.ISTKk'. In accordance with instructions from the treasury department at Washington, Collector Peters of the Omaha district will begin register ing the Chinese population the 1st of September. 1 here are about ."(HI Chinamen in this revenue district. They will not be registered unless they desire to be, but if they intend to ever make a visit to their native laud and return again to this coun try they will tind it necessary to register. It is said that in Chicago and many of the large cities the leading Chinamen are advising their people not to register. They intend to test the constitutionality or legality of the law by carrying it before the highest court of the I'nited States. A bay mare, eight years old, wa- . .1 -ri. . , r . . Kioicu i ours lay irom tne nam of Jas. Schiesse of Louisville. Mr S. was in the city today to learn if In could find a::y trace of the horse. .mi-s Barbara tiering brought back with her a number ot tin photographs that she had collected during her stay in the old world. The Knights of I'ythias of I'latts mouth except to re-organize a divi sion of the uniform rank in a short time. Active steps aie already being taken for that purpose. Col. Frank I'. Ireland visited Mr. Cleveland at (nay Gables and when he left Mrs. Cleveland inquired: "Is Col. Ireland fairly representa tive of Nebraska':" ' lie is," replied the ex-president. "Then Nebraska should be as famous for its gentle men as for its corn," said the charming woman sweetly. World Herald. At the meeting of the Hryan club last night $100 was subscribed for the purpose of enlarging the New York World's western campaign fund. The M. I K. K. Co. i cutting rates and the fare over that road to St. Louis is now only $8.73 and to Chicago J 10.00. jass at Chicago. 1 I.indsom.' and unilorni ca-e ai THAT MARCHING CLUB It is Organized and Will le Handsomely Uniformed. SPLENDID MEETING. People are Showing ar, Active Inter est In Defeating 'he Predic tors of Disaster - Burton Afraid of-H s Paper The Republican Club. The Young Men's Republican Club Friday eveuing held an inter esting and livrly meeting. The large and incieasiug attendance at each session of the club shows that the interest is growing in the cause f republicanism and that the laborers for a genuinely American idininistratioii propose to have a magnificent victory in November. I'be various committee chairmen reported progress being made in olidifyiug the rank am! file and that the willingness of re publicans to do their duty was uni versal. Charles lieers and Robert W. Drown made reports in regard to styles and prices of uniforms for the marching division of the club, and after a free d iscusinn a hand some uniform which can be laid down here for ''.'.!." was selected. A marching division roster was headed by President Root and numerously signed by member. It is believed that this year the club will turn out more marchers than ever before in its history. Treasurer S. P. Holloway re signed his position, for the reason that his private affairs were in such a condition that he' would not be at home all the time during the campaign and would therefore be unable to give the office that atten tion which he would be pleased to do and which was necessary. Mr. Holloway nominated as his suc cessor that voting and tireless re publican worker, Charles lteers i and he was unanimously chosen to act. The ex-treasurer then placed a piece of money in his hat and an nounced that he was going to take up a collection to givie his suc cessor a good start, lie succeeded admirably in his undertaking. The I'lattsmouth republicans mean business. Mr. Harvey Holloway reported, as chairman of the glee club com mittee, that he was at work upon the organization of otie, but had not yvt signed all the members. O. M. Peterson stated that the secretary had informed him that there were no constitution and by-laws on file in the secretary's office, and moved that a com mittee of three be appointed to investigate if any were on file with the county clerk, and, if not, to pre pare and submit a set to the club. The motion unanimously prevailed and Mr. Peterson, J. R. Parker and O. A. Drown were appointed as the committee. ' (i. F. S, Durton of the News then obtained the floor and began to air his newspaper and personal griev ances before the club in pursuance of the Polk-Durton policy of treach ery to the republican party. As he proceeded and the true inwardness of l,:s motive was exposed, Mr. Dyers and others objected, stating that Durton was out of order; that a motion for adjournment was be fore the house, and insisting upon the regular order. Durtmi was in a rage at the exposure of the pirate and traitor combination and in sisted on keeping the llnor and in coherently haranguing the mem bers. Mr. Polk saw the mistake that was being made by his assist ant and attempted to extricate him from the net in which he was lloun dei ing. The regular order was in sisted on and the mot inn to ad jouru put and defeated, the younger ele ment of the club being anxious "to see the fun." Durton then resumed his talk, but finally ended wit!, out accoiup lishmg an thing save an exhibition C ...... oi assurance and imbecility and a scoring by Mr. R. W. Dyers. liver said that he had come to the meet ing as a friend and at the solicit,! tion ot Durton to defend him. hut that now he was convinced that Durton was therefor the purpose of creating dissension and trouble and that he no longer sustained him. Mr. Dyers reminded the Dur ton that he was rather young in the country and the republican party to assume to lay down the law to clubs and members of the party; that he had a newspaper in which to defend himself and that until charges had been preferred else where, in his newspaper was the place to defend himself. Durton, of course, does not want to expose his true self by using his paper in defense of his attempted double dealiug. This might interfere with his joining the democratic club. The amusing fellow was finally qttited and the meeting adjourned. PEOPLE AND AFFAIRS. A IKiK'K'tlll.i: liKAlll. IT-rain Abbott, one of the oldest atid most repected citi.cus oftt. Vidward, Neb., was dangerously and probably fatally injured by being dragged with his foot fast in the stirrups a distance of about L.'iH) yards through a grove by a vicious bronco. Mr. Abbott was thrown against a tree with such violence that it broke the one and a quarter inch stirrup strap, thus liberating him. Deis still unconscious alter thirty-six bouts. No hopes of his recovery are entertained. That able editoral in the World Herald about "Mr. Gladstone's Dilemma" is good and able and all that sort of thing, but what the peo ple want to hear about more par ticularly is "Mr. Hitchcock's Dilem ma." There is a rumor current that he doesn't know whether he is a foot or on horseback, politically.- Lin coln Jou mal. Axxiors to hi: ak i -a i h x l n. Senator Paddock has received an urgent request from the republican state central committee of Illinois to paritcipate in the cain.iaigu in that state. Chairman Clark writes that the committee has man)- calls for addresses from Senator Pad dock, especially from the farming regions. The senator has replied, regretting his inability to accept the invitation. He states in 'his answer that all the time his official and private business will permit him to use will be employed for re publican success in Nebraska. Senator Paddock will make an ex tended series of speeches in Ne braska, opening the campaign in Deatrice early in September. lAKXAIIAN'.S l't )1 1'Ll.M EXT. The Pythians at Kansas City are at last down to hard work. The uniform rank entertains the visi tors and in doing so it U showing how a large body of well drilled men can ue mohlizcd at the call of a superior. While the uniform rankhas been drillingand marching the supreme lodge of the order has been behind closed doors attending to executive business Yesterday morning the conpetive drill for cash prices took place. The day's testlVltes Closed with an, ..t isplay of lire works which had been postponed from Tuesday on account ot wet weather. Mai. Gen. Carnahan of the uni- form rank yesterday afternoon re- lewed all the Pythian boys in amp. He was surrounded by his staff, mounted, and the various divisions, regiments and brigades passed by for his inspection. The bearing of the knights in general was highly pleasing to the com manding general. The Nebraska brigade especially showed up in fine form and after the review General Carnahan per sonally congratulated the officers of the Nebraska brigade upon the correctness of their marching and remarked that it was the only bri gade in line that passed inspection without the discovery of a flaw. Mima divisision No. 21 of Kear ney, Neb., attracted special atten tion by reason of the precision of its inarching and its general mili tary bearing. The Journal seems to have lost sight of its presidential candidate in its enthusiasm for Ihe Young Man Kluquent. D. S. Draper is a veteran democrat of the Jacksonian description and he admits that he isn't feeling jubi lant over the fact that Drover Cleve land is inclined to snub the eld-line boys and hobnob with such mug wumps as Schur. of New York and tjumey ot Massachusetts. Cleve land practically tells the old and genuine democrats that he is bet ter than they; better than his party; that he and his mugwump friends represent the only true democrats; that the country is afraid to trust the old crowd, etc. For the benefit of Mr. Draper and other democrats of the rid school Tin- Hl-U'Al.h prints Mr. Cleveland's letter to the Hon. Win. C. Whitney. Mr. Ouincy, the Massachusetts mugwump, seems to enjoy more of the eonlideuee of Grover Cleveland than do old-time democrats. The young ladies' society of St. John's church Wednesday gave a pleasant dancing party at Rockwo d Hall and managed it in a maimer to give satisfaction to all who were present. - Mr. Whitney, ex-secretary of the navy under Cleveland and Dr. Dana's fool-killer for the democ racy, has been laboring very hard to patch up n truce between the warring democratic factions in New York and elsewhere. Cleve land apparently does not agree with the ex-secretary in making so many overtures to such leaders as Gorman, Di ice and Ransom aud he . has written Whitney a letter oil the subject. Listen to how the Fat Dictator talks: "I trust that in the interest of true democracy you ; remember the conversation we had , while driving from Gray Gables to ' the station tit Duzard's Day regard-, ing the making of promises to j persons who until recently were ; not in accord with the principle- of , true democrat-) . If it is the will of ; the people that I shall again be-j come president, I do not want to lie i ...i i ... i 1 1 . .. t ... I VIII II. 1 I I (I SSI'! ll I It 1 I I g L I Mil J l( I IVVl iU recognize that class of people who, I suspect, are not in accord with the true democratic principles which are laid down by me. If any of these people should demand promises of me refer them to Mr. Ouincy." a in liiiiar.ri'E. Mrs. Ann Luce, a Plattsmouth woman, who ma le herself justly famous in her native place by in dulging in red-eve, has struck for larger fields, and is now cutting a figure in Lincoln p. .lice courts. Nebraska City Press. XK IX l'l.AT I SMul TIt, T(. 1-' ri-1 in m t T'ril mm. There is nothing in the world more hopeless, more pitiful than a bankrupt newspaper, which drags on an aimless, wintry existence through sheer dread of death. Its appearance gives it away; you can tell a starving newspaper as quickly as you can tell a starving man. It may be filled with glitter ing stories of present and future prosperity, but it carries with it an essence of the grave and shroud as surely as though it were bordered with black and delivered to sub scribers from a hearse. There is a daily at Lincoln and another at Omaha, each of which claims to be on the road to allluence, but a copy is never received that The Tribune does not think of the passing bell, and the ritual, and the. falling of clods. These dailies will die miser ably one of these days and the only regret will be that they did not die long, long ago. Mr. M. Alden is the happiest man in Murray at the present writing, and it is all caused by his wife pre senting him with a girl baby. The Modern .Woodmen of Amer ica of the First congressional dis trict held a reunion at Lincoln yes terday. A big parade was held in the forenoon, in which 2,0U) Wood men participated. The mayor wel comed the Woodmen and Congress man Dryau replied in behalf of the order. Toasts were responded to by Judge Field and all of the offi cers of the association. W ITH TlIK KXIfdlTS OF PYTHIAS. The .supreme lodge Knights of Pythias now in session at Kansas City elected the following officers Thursday, afternoon: Supreme chancellor, W. W. Dlackwell of Ken tucky; supreme vice chancellor, Walter D. Ritchie of Ohio; supreme prelate, K. G. Dlackmer of Califor nia; supreme master of exchequer. F. J. Wiley of Delaware; supreme keeper of record.- and seals, R. I.. C. White of Tennessee; supreme master-at-arms, J. II. Lyons of Kan sas; supreme inner guard, A C. Gardenier of New York; supreme outer guard, John II. Thompson of Washington, D. C. William Worth Dlackwell. the newly elected su preme chancel'or, is a merchant of Henderson, Ky. lie has held in succession all the offices of his state's grand lodge and was unani mously elected supreme vice chan cellor two years ago. Walter D. Ritchie, the new supreme vice chancellor, is a lawyer of Lima, ()., and is recogni.ed as one of the foremost leaders of the bar. Two years hence, by right of succession, he will be supreme chancellor. Joseph II, I.yotis, the new supreme master at-ai ins, is general agent of the Missouri Pacific railway, with headquarters in Kansas City. Dis home is in Leavenworth, Kan., and be is cnmni. iieler of the Kansas brigade, uniform rank. All the other officers were re-elected and are weil known to all Pythians. liK'VAX ST11.I. Ivl'X.MXi.. Nel.r;i-k;i City Press. The casual, hard-headed observer will always believ that Dilly Dryau was afraid to meet Don. John C. Watson in debate. That's the way it looks to a man up a tree. For he had already been scheduled to speak in this city, and he could not fairly refuse to divide the time with a thoughtful inquirer. DtiKX Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Teegar den are happy over the arrival of their first-born, a little daughter, that put in an appearance on Mon day, Adgust -2Z Weight, eight pounds. 1 landsome announcement cards have been sent to distant relatives and friends. Uncle Ike presides over the cigar case at the store. Jim is notout yet. Weeping Water Republican. -.. . . : ... i. .. . l. i at Geneva, 111., whose .object it Is roinpiie aim piiniis.i ,i iiisum) : , . .. .. , ... I I ' i. I. : . . .1 ..i. . . t r . . . i. . . .1 ' uie 1 1 iv iii wouieii in 1 1 iv i in i offices of Kane coitntv. win- J .111. .kl.a.v v . ,,,,, II,,.- IIIV. in oemg mi- nisi eoiimy in iiiinoi.- i. I. .. . - 1. .. ... .. ... r . Tie ' und perhaps in the I'nion, to honor woman by making her a deputy in its official offices, women having b.-eii employed in the county in an official capacity since l."'i, and it is deeired to show in this memorial the success with which women have filled the offices of ci-cuit clerk, re- ......,i.. i .1....1 IIIIULI. II v.l Sill II ,111,1 VI HI II I. .1(71 J - jviin.M- ... i....- .iiiii, Cal., is preparing lor exhibition tu,. 'r..-1, i;.,;-.. ...X 1 .1,1 lll,.-, representing the surrender of Marv I'liivii oi (ois, to nie lulls in la' I'll.. I'. 1... 1 )'...., .....I .. ..v vi i.- ,i ,j, 1 ii, i, hum com .im, when completed, t lf figures of thirty-live men and mi mien, nun imi-es, 111111 iMlllll-r a large tree; with a foreground grass, suruiiberv and other accJ not se elegantly comparisoiied, ner costume being of royal purple. Mounted attendants follow. High landers in bright Scotch plaids, with battle axes and spears. Mrs. Jenkins began the work eight years ago, Where is Johnny Davies now, that he don't challenge Mr. Dryan'r It is not unusual to see a whole lot of little dogs barking at the heels of a big mastiff.-- Journal. John Davies is right in town, Drother Sherman, but it .would be useless for him to challenge Dryan. The eloquent apostle of disaster, would not accept. He has got more on his hands now than he is able to handle. Till-: . Hi;k.I.I and all other republicans would be willing to abide by the decision of the onli ne alter any debate between Mr Davies and Mr. Dryau. AXD HKYAXOTU- KI.eul'E.'CE. Miniliu World -Herald. .i.iiiiiew iiering, ine vigoroi young democrat of Cass county, j tnenl toned as teiiitiiirnrv rlnii-i,, - i J ........ ..,,iw of the democratic state convention. Mr. Gering has the enthusiasm of youth and the sagacity of an en- entirely self-made man. He is an eloquent speaker, a thorough par liamentarian, and will set the great convention at work with Jeffer- sonian simplicity. The postmaster at Louisville saj i iih in KAl.p lias a larger .cireul non ai utai oince than ANY. otlit. newspaper, aud.he oil ht to know. THE llERAt.D refuses to entertain a quarrel with republican newspa pers. e want them to do right and light the enemy within and with out the party and we will - aid thetu in the work. . ' The Ashland Priving'association is making numerous 'improvements) on it's park. Put of the place has been enclosed aud lumber is now on the ground for a judges' stand, stable and the like. Th first of a series of fall meetings w, held this afternoon, wlin local an County horses were tried. Ashland has some good speeders and some good records will no doubt be made this fi.ll. dukus vvmie x-eaaancr adulterated paints would! have no sale did they not afford dealers a larger profit than Strictly x uic ?T illLc JUciU' The man who best guards uis uwn interests is never per suaded to buy paint that is said to be "just as good," or "better," than Strictly Pure White Lead. The following brands are standard, manufac- turrrl hu trio "fiM n,.i-ui' ----- Tria uuuii process, and always strictK pure: "SOUTHERN" " RED SEAL" A "COLLIER' Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. The National Lead Co. man ufacture a line of colors to color strictly pure White Lead any shade wanted. They are put up in small packages ; one pound being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Lead. By using these colors and strictly pure White Lead you know, that you have pure paint, which you can not know when buyi?r' mixed" or "prepared" paints For snle by the best dealers In paintn. , ' ii you ore goinn to paint, it will pay you nd to us Tor a book containing infurmatio mat may save you many a dollar: it uil only cost you a postal card to do so. . T A T- TMT A V . T'S ivn i luixnL. LcAU CO., . at. ioui3 Branch. Clark Avenue and Tenth Street, St. Louis, Mo. .in ill ,:iiii:ii iii il. is iii-t-ii ii.,-, tie