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About Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1892)
1, Till- AYl.KKl.Y liriJAID: 1M.TTSM01T11. M-ItKASKA. SKl'TT-M HKK 1. ISj)-J r COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI From January 7, 1892 St ato Kt'tiiirul (mill State sinkim " State school " State university fuml State relief fuml State insane fuml Slate reform school fuml State in-t. toclile iiiiiul fuml.. .,.t.. nt-iuiciii tui i 1 1111 State capital fuml State live (-lock indemnity. .. State school land principal State school land interest .. Stati school laud lease Count v eiiernl I unit Count v liridue fund Count v W. K. ImiiuI fund .. . . Count vcoiirt house luml Coiintv soldiers relief fund.. (.'taint v sinknm fund Count v pour fund County advertisinu fund.. Count v roti.l fun I jlistrict road fund 1 lil ri,-t w.-lioul fotld .: vi sti I '.'.rdt in1 ! I.lilli i' .1 !i.!it .".1 . ' I 71(1 !'7 i ! l,li:t n . k.;u;; id . I. .V.I Tu . i.."i ;it'4 Nlj ':.y,i'ii '. :n'.'i zt mi t.i . !-2i:.;f. 1 cat 1101 s i iiiu i i list rut si 'in it ii House i unu . . lMst rid school Ii I fund . . I.atoii .1 udy iiient fund S. Iteml piecim I lioud fund Louisville " I'lattsiuput h " riattsinoiitli City " Wee pin-; Water " " S. Iteml villaue " (ireeuwood villaue " J.ouisville village Avoca village fund Klmw I village fund Kedeinption fund Fee fund l''l 4!l . jit :u . IS V, , T.'.i .a Balance MURDOCK. Mr. F. Haas took a trip over to Iowa, but rcttirned Wednesday. A most royal welcome va tfiven to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hildeliran.l 011 their return from I lattsmoutli, when they had heen made man and wife. The festivities lasted all ninlit. The best wishes of this community are tendered them upon their voyage through life. Mr. Kd Hrown of Wabash is nego tiating with Mr. Hess about buying his livery business. Mrs. J. K. McXair of Webb City, Missouri, mother of Mrs. K. K. Hees, is here on a visit and will re main here for some time if the climate proves beneficial to her health. Mr. Wolf is making the dirt fly before he Htarts his new resilience, which, by the way, will be quite an addition to our town. Grandma Tool had a paralytic stroke last week whicn eiiecieu ner left side. Dr. Madding has her in his care and we hope he will bring her out all right again. Mr. H. Shroeder of Ithaca, Saun ders county, one of our old friends, came over 011 a visit. The South Platte Lumber coin pany have commenced the build ing of sheds. Their bank building and oflice will be started soon. Mrs. Hall, sister of Mrs. John Cook, was visiting here last week Two gentlemen from Klmwood were over here last week and talked "fair" to our business men and fanners, but did not succeed . in infusing much enthusiasm or getting the cash to carry on the fair. L. C. KickholT and wife left last Wednesday for Oklahoma, via the C, K I. & I'. k li. Mr. KickholT is looking over the ground in search of more laud. Mr. W. I. McDermott, our black smith, hail to get help. He has more work than he can do alone. UNION. Jhe prospects lor a cre nnery ait' not at all flattering at present. Il seems that the farmers don't care to take shares in il, and if fifty shares at IfliHI each are not sold to tin farmers no creamery will be estab lished here. The new millinery plant of Mrs. II. A. Dugay will will be opened September 1. Mrs. John Pearsley has recently returned from a two weeks' i-h with friends in Johnson count). D. C. West and relatives were down from Nehawka a short time . last Sunday. A. K. Kikenha. and wife visited near Murray last Sunday evening. We have a fair corn prospect and t'le probabilities are that it will yield more than last year. The potatoes are not very pleiC.y. SOUTH BEND. The bank of South Hend has been moved to M unlock. There is a new b. coining here and will be know a as the South Mend bank. flierc are ipiite a number of sick It people in town ami vicinity. Fred Whacker, ''ie butcher, is building an addition to his house. Tile Ciirislian church here is Hearing completion. In less than a week it will be plastered, then cleaned up and painted, and dedi cated on the liilh of October, ls)2. f 'i The program for the dedication - ANNUAL STATEMENT to July 1. S9'. 1I.4H4 Nl i -'T (Ci lit;. :.i 1 -.!i ii ' .'T;i s; i f.:u II IT HI 7,4'.'4 n; Mi ',li TTT. fulT l1! 1T1 !l iCi ! 4id Tl. 1 i,!Oi ;v ' -. 2. 41.) TT ! hni (Hi I :d 4iii i 47i 4 i 'lt Tii i in I r r.".':t7':ti ' I'.ij 'Jii e'.l i" ..... U'.l li N'J Ti'.l II.) 44 l-.v. ,!M 4 lii.MH id ; li.'.Ci Tn I If.-.' I'.l i n.i'.s I l,.'.4ii 4' I ji.i ii: Jd.T.tii , l.'l.i'.ln :i 4.4v'i .Ml 1,1'JI s !1 lii) lis Tl' 'J'.MTI lis! .l.vlT (i'.l-. -M.-'T'.' -'T..fJl 4l'.l. ."I 44i. l lii ;i' . lmi '.i Ti.IihI J.C.'.'.'J4 ss .;n.4i."i ns li.CIl sisj I 3,si ! I'.l bi r.i j v: Tl." sj .....' :,i . '.Ml II i.m'.i; :i.v i lll'l '.l"l ' 1 J.Mli !''.' .. lT.i'.J!' Ill i ''! ?i ! I ..i VI 1 1 ,4 JT .".1 .'T.i:.:1 4i ti.-'Ti ;u l.ixi ht: ' 1 JO 1 j'i'. 4i. m i sj U.iOT T.t . . i l.'.i V. ", , 1 TH l'.7 ; . .i 414 77 1 .' 4n. !;. i IMS J'i: J JUS 'J! .. 4.M ;;i :tl I." :t.. :! :i;;T m 1.17 "s j 1 1 '.i i 4,-'ll ,"iH : services will soon be forwarded. Dr. Kirk is to be congratulated on his success in getting the building up so far. All of our merchants are doing well and look for a good trade this fall, Kvans Hare, the stock and rain buyers, are doing a rousing business here and at Murdock. Frank Folsoin, late cashier of the bank of South llend, has moved his faniilj to Ashland. Lew Sawyer is running the Dean lumber yard here. Mrs. liuskirk has been, and is yet verv sick, wilhverv little hopes of her recovery, as she is advanced in age. She is eighty-five years old. Dr. Kirk is slowly recovering from the effects of a fall from a building. MYNARD. Mr. Hach will have his store in operation Sept. 1. Joshua Gapen and wife visited friends at Peru Sunday. Z. W. Cole is hatching chickens in a home-made incubator. Win. K. Murray has opened an al liance elvator at this place. Will Nye will soon again have full use of this injured hand. The wheat yield is good here The oat yield is only fair. In the late-planted corn there is a good many barren stalks. COSSIP AROUND COURT ROOMS In Judge Archer's court the fol lowing cases have been filed: K. L. Siggins vs. John Chandler, !f7.."U Thos. Miles, $7.50; J. I.. Minor, if T.."k) Henry Martin, !?H.m. Cleaver, Steele iV Austin vs. Ir;i Tinihlin; suit on promissory uoie for !r 70. Dr. Schildknecht vs. Win. Kishel In Hie case of M. R Murphy V Co vs. Thos. Miles; guarnishee ans wered and cause continued for ser vice. k Hansen vs. George Killin Judgment by default for if I. In the (lislr'ct court an appeal jase was filed today entitled Chas Mettccr vs. M V. Critchfield. In die matter of Ihe adoption ul Freda Kleinnie, minor child of Amelia llartig, deceased. Trial to court. Argued and submitted. In tin- mailer of the estate ol k'osan Decker, deeeasid. Hearing on claims continued until Sept. 7, lv.).', Ml a. m. Stale of Nebraska vs. George Saw telle. Complaint for shooting with intent to murder. F. S White vs A.C. Fry. Suit on account for fin.? . Hearing Aug ust Ti. in a. in. II. C. llelfuer vs. Myron Cole, et al. Suit on promissory notes for balance of !fvj.v7. Answer Sep. ."ith. CaUin II. l'armele vs. City of I'lattsmouth. Suit for damages in Ihe sum of f'i'.'Kl, by reason of the grading of Fourth .street. Answer Sept a. lv.rj. Kugene Mimn vs. Cass county. Suit for damages in the sum of !t'J2."i. Judgment for defendant. In the matter of the estate of Chas, S. Sheeley, deceased. Citation against John V. Pope, administra tor, to make a report issued, return able Sepl. 5th, li) a. in. Nehawka Hank vs. Win. Kniss, et al. Suit on promissory note for if 70.00. Judgment by default for , '.M'dl TJ ; it;. i m I 4-1 4:1 r.'.'M T- Illill I'1' ' Til HI ; un tvt 1 !! HT i H'l 1:1 : j:. .v. 1 4 ; sj ! '.'..'ii.' (i'.i Sl.TTs J7 ,ll!i M .M,4".s 7il hi tin- matter of the estate of Wir. 1!. SIll N ik'a. Icit.i-i''I. lie irin- n applicatitm of widow for m allow- imii'i' ii'tii!itm' th -eUleiliflit of tin" estate. I'lnncri'V Coal Co. s. Noble Sew- : in"- Machine .uhI M. unit. u tin inc . Co. of entered aiut jucliiiui nt ior plaiiiti'f in tlio sum of ifltm.usi. In the in liter of guardianship of Carlton K. Paddlcford. minor heir of Win. K. Paddlcford, dece iscd. Chas. K. Puldlcford appointed guardian with bond fixed at if."iK'. F. S. While, vs. A. C. Fry. Suit on . 17 .".J 1 account tor ?li.7i. Default ot de li 77 . , , , ... ten. 1. ml entered judgment nu , plaintiif for f iO.Tn. I The State of Nebraska, vs. ieurgc Sawtelle. Complaint for shooting ; with intend to kill continued, by , consent, until September -ml, lVL', Ma. in. In the matter ol the estate ol Chas. S. Sheeley. dcoe.i-cd. Hear ing on claims, same allowed and decree for payment. Anion Seib r, s. Chas. Vnndcvcn- , ler. Suit for d images for cutting i trees and convi t -i ul in 'he "Hill of I SlJ.'i. On change of venue by con- ; sent from justice Archer. Set for trial, by consent. September 1 1 1 1V.L, 10 a. in. ! In the matter of tin- estate of Win. Hayes, deceased. Hearing on hnal settlement, k'esiilue in hands of S. Waugh, administrator, found to be if.'.lill.:!. Decree of distil Mimm. vouchers tiled showing payment in full. Decree of discharge entered. In the niatterof the guardianship of Robert Haves, minor. Hearing on final settlement. Residue in hands of Samuel Waiih, guardaiu found to be ifSft.H'J. Vouchers filed showing pay inent in full and decree of discharge entered. In the matter of the guardianship of Ira Paul Hayes, minor. Report ot Samuel Waugh, gnardain shows if'.KM.'Js in hands of guardaiu. Re port approved. In the matter of the estate of Richard Lewis, deceased. Hearing, settlement with executors of last will and testament of Win. H. Shry- ock, deceased, late administrator ol said estate, set for September M at 10 a. in. John Stevens was fined !?" and costs this morning by Judge Archer, all on aneount of indulging too freely in the flowing bowl. The quarrel among the newsboys was settled this morning in police court. The home newsboy refused to prosecute and the foreign one paid the costs. The Hurlington has filed suit in the district court against the city of Plattsmouth to recover fi.O1..!.") back taxes on the bridge at this place. This is a continuation of the injunction suit which has been mentioned in these columns. M. L. liuttery et al vs. Jones A Fitzgerald et al. This is a suit brought in district court to arrange a set' lenient of property interests. J. A. Magee vs. James Ferguson. This is a suit brought to the dis trict court on appeal from Weeping Water. About !fJ(i is involved and the suit is regard to be a land trade. The hearing in the case of the Staie of Nebraska vs. George W Sawtelle, which was to have oc curred this forenoon at 10 o'clock, has been postponed one week. A marriage license was granted by Judge Vam.-ey last evening to Jacob H. Slater of Omaha and Miss Alice It. Gibson of this city. S. 1!. Wadsworth has commenced suit in the district court against the Omaha Vitrified Paving Prick and Tile Co. Thomas Swobe began suit today in district court against M. D. Polk. The suit is brought to secure the payment of a .rltl.Ki promissory note given to the Home Investment Co. of Omaha by said Polk. And Still Another Kind. A pariy was held last evening at the residence of Mr. Paul Geriug on North Fourth street, termed an en gagement party. Kach lady and gentleman had fifteen engagements to filltlll and the one that fulfilled t lit -it i all was awarded a prize. The prize was a hand-carved paper knife, which Miss :,u ham Geriug had brought with her Iroin Switz erland. Will Clements and Miss Kdilh While were 1 lie mi l two who fulfilled all their engagements, and upon casting lots Mi-s W hite won the prize. Following are those m attend ance: Mr. and Mrs. I b ury Herold, Mrs. Anna Franklin. Miss Franklin, Miss I .ul tl llurgess. Miss Julia Herrmann. Miss Mora D'inuan. Miss Mvrtle Lalhrop. Miss May Mc Clelland. Mi-s Millie Cook. Miss Amelia Vallerv, Miss Janet Living ston. Miss Kd'ith White. Miss Klla Clark, Miss Vcma Leonard, and Messrs. Frank M Clellainl, A. K. Rirrelt. J.ewellyn Moore, T. P. Liv-inu-stoi'. Will 'Clements, Charles Munihv, Guv ai d mart Living- ston, lred Carruth and Will Streight. Impaired digestion repaired by Heecham's pills. QUEER COMBINATIONS. Base Ball Makes Strang Bod fellows. SUMMARY OF THE CLUBS The PresoTt Position id th CU.o lllustr.Ut s the Aclvunt ius En joyed by the Homo Teams - Players' Temptations. It is a n-iM.u' tai l tliat the elo-e i f the lir t fort nii-lil i" the -I't oml c!Taiiiiiiii- ohili season i. f Hie National lc ijjiii' f ul till but inn' nf the eastern t-luln uccti'i- iin jilaees in ihe lh-t half of the race. The sinu'le we-tern except ion was the Clew' hauls, iiinl thai eluli had Ihe honor nt ihe Ran it tune of lilliiij- t he place (if leaih-r. At no time ilurit.g the lii'st season iliil mu li h Mate .f ull.iiis exist ill the slauilili!" ef the twelve clnhs. The ijiicstion at onee nruse. Were tha eastern chilis, linih r tin; lvai'ort iinimeiit of July 1, ma. Ie strunp-r than their west ern tissue iaies? The only itnswer "hi. li ceiih I lie tiveii from the mere showing made l.y nil llie ciu is as tnattne.M'w Vorhs ami Halt imuivs certainly t-eemed to he stronger than they were in Juiie, while I lie Chit .:g. .s and ( 'iiuiniiat is appi-n re. I to he 111 lull weaker. la fact, hoWeVer, s'le'.l proved nothing. There is no (loiilit that llie six eastern chilis illee tivelyare st iiiiihi r I han Ihe si-v from the wesl. lint had I lie jjeiicral renders of liase hall literature stopped to think over all the elements which havo a tendency to help cluhs win or cause t hem to lose they would have borne m tiiinil that during thesi; two weeks the ciistern flilhs Were (ilsying nt home and lh wesi.'rn clubs wero on the road. Those circumstances had a treat deal to do with the placing of tin cluhs in iilmo-t sectional divisions. The only western club to tin well on its eastern trip was the Clcvelands. And yet their n cord did not etpial the Uiooklyiis' last western trip, when they won nine out of ten games played. That accomplish inent, I believe, was never equaled hv any eluli on the road since the I.eaguo was or (jtmized. Statistics will show that a club wins on the average l r cent, more games on its own grounds than it. wins en tour, hi the days when pools were sold on the result of hasch all gam shrew d bet tors were suc cessful in always haying the home club at whatever might be the odds either way. To illustrate the system, the present Hus ton club would always be a favorite in Ihu pools if pools were sold on baseball games, lielierally when the IlnMniis played t lie St. bonis club the odds would be about ten dollars to live dollars in their favor. The i-hrewtl bettor would take Huston at ten dollars w hen the game was played In Hus ton and St. Louis at live dollars when the two clubs played in St. bonis. There is much cause for thedilTerence In club's success with it sj team at home or abroad. On the road the men are handi capped by railroad travel and its fatigues, by the temptation to overeat lit the Hrst class hotel in which they are quartered, by the had etTectn of a strange, conglomera tion r.f drinking waters, by a temptation to indulge In excesses more than wheu they are at home, by the disadvantages of fctrange grounds, by the lack of encourage ment from spectator, and lastly, but not the least cause, from the almost universal rule of lite umpires to give every close de cision to the home club, After the eastern clubs shall have fin ished their long western trip, which end in the first week of September, a little Met ier estimate can he made of the compara tive strength of the various teams. It is tafe to prelliet that Labor Day will see more than one western club occupying a place in the first division. Cincinnati and Cleveland ought to have a certainty of that honor, and cither the Chicagos or I'ittsburrs have a good chance to sijueeze in also. The llaltimores began the season with a spurt similar to that which the I.nuisvilles niadti in the start of the first t l.iinipionship, mid tht result will not dif fer materially from the fate of the latter. This western trip of the eastern clubs is their long engagement on the road, em hr icing three games in each of the nix western cities. The club which wins tell of the eighteen need nut be cast down. The whirligig of time works rjtiec r rum- IciKitioiis in baseball. At this time the Cincinnati team contains six players who were formerly members of the St. Louis team viz., Comiskey, O'Xeil, Latham, Welch, Chamberlain and (ieiiins. Tin Hrst four were members of the celebrated j team which won the American association haiiipioshi) for Von der Ahe a number of years in succession. The St. Louis team contains three of last year's New York team Glasscock, (hire mid Hiicklcy and the New York team has three of the St. Louis l-M players In i!s service Lyons, Fullerand Hoyle. This state of exchange was brought aUmt largely by the spirit of reprisal which ex isted list whiter bet ween the League and American associa! ion before the two bodies C'liisoiitbilt d. Tno temporary bluff which Tony Mul hine made on the variety Mage has adver tised him enough 1 o make his futurn use fulness to any ball club as a financial fac tor a mutter of much concern in this year of baseball depression. I am reminded,' t..o. hat as an all around athlete no man lives by professional ball playing who is l.;seiiial. There never was a pitcher w ho c.m. I boast of suelt a powerful and perfect i i.! t arm as Miillane. It. is not straining the truth hit goimr beyond fact to say tii. e. l.c never knew w.iut it was to he dis-., ai'.-1 1 by iv sore arm, and he has pitched tin. re uames during the last ten years than . 1 1 1 y ot her pitcher living, not w it h-tainling l l,;i ht) was forced to lie idle all of hs'i by r. a-oi of his unjust suspension. In his time hv has played well in every pi -. son of the ball liehl even to putting o:i I he (-loves and catching anot her pitcher v.-.t'i success, and there never was a year v.ii.a ho didn't profi ,s a desire to quit I J. King and go to playing third base, ri. re ho believes he cannot he excelled. In that, belief, however, he stands ah. lie. lie is a man who has never abused his p.agtiifieeM strength by excesses. Hesel .!"::! smokes, never drinks, is moderate in hi- diet, keep regular hours .rjid is scru pu'otisly neat and clean in his habits. Wonder continues and increases over the success of the Southern league. While the lamented (dubs of the lale Western league all quit heavy losers from ,ti to si !,Uin the Southern league clubs are reported winners, TheChuttanoogus, it is claimed, are nearly $10,000 ahead, while the other clubs are doing well. Contrary to expectation, the six cornered Knstern league did not fail to begin its second season. Whether it can l.ut til! September is a query no on la willlns fc answer. O. P. CAVLoM. M U IKI -ll.l Mill, IK KIT. A M.olou laibo tor I list flute anil il 111 n..1 I v li I II pelil el' I.IV seeiinil. Nl w Voi;;v. Aug. :in. At the national conference of the S talis! ie I.aoi.r Party candidate for president an 1 vice presi dent of the I'nileil States weie nominat ed. KoprescliMtivcs were pre -cut fn mi New .'e'sev, New York, Massachusetts. I'ciiiisylvai.i.l and Connecticut. lavid T.ivh'i- of P.' i-lmi was chairman and II. ir t v t ilvn of New York secret r.ry. Simon Wing of Im .ton. a t.nloi', win niiaiii nioiislv titiiiiiiiated for president mid Charles 11. Mad belt, a carpenter, of Hrooklvn. for vice pit s,. lent, llie So- cialisic Labor Party will make a big (ffurt to eh -ct its nominees. Lenders said that thev expect to poll lUO.IHMI votes I Ins year and elect their own pres ident htlv ve.lis hence. SOI 111 l AKOl lNA l:l.t (TIOX. The Denim rutin I'l Imai li'i Now In I'i'os less I litiiiiulioiit the si. ile. Cll .Uil.l'.sToS, Aug. lib The election for state oflicers, congressmen and presi dential electors is in progress in this state today, at the D.'inoei atie primal 'J. There are two tickets in the field -oat' headed bv .1. C. Shevard, Conservative ) 'inoi'iat . f r governor and the other bv H. U. Tilhnaii, who represents the Aili- mice. Hi" i nun. nines claim m no nine tiiciirrv Iht' state by M.O'ill niajoiilv. The Conservatives claim to be sine ul lsu out ot the o'.'d delegates vvhn w'll constitute toe stato convention. llie eainpaign has In en the nio-t bitter I h i! has been known in tins state suit e Imi AT KIW I S Tl III'' TOWN. Niinry Hank ami Mititlut -Tillii' tm Ar. tin. t Time 1 liU Week. iMii'rr.N'ni'.Nt'i', la., Ana. Aiii.nii; the many pootl things billed for Itiisu jiark this week is the effort of Nancy lbinks to lower her record of 2:0 1-1 mi Wednesday. The next day Martha Wilkes will t tart to lower the world's trotting record. Efforts nrc lieing made to arrange a match race lietwoen Nancv Hanks and .Martha Wilkes for some dav later. I)ob!" will pilot Nancy and Stan will drive Martha Wilkes in tusetlie race is arra'i ii'd. Iloa'iiil! I'aity Ilroiviietl. TnoMi'soN'ii.i.i:, Kan., Antf. HI. Ciiiint.iiiiil fit rtlia Evans with Miss Mar j-ie Woithiiiton, were Is iiit liditi'; mi the pond above Thompson's llouriuc null. Tliroie.di hi uno lneans the Imat was capsi.ed ami the whole iaity thrown into tlm water. Althoui.'li strenuous ell'orts wero inmlo to rescue them all t HI i'0 wero drowned before they could ';e reached. The btalies wt re removed after searching several hours. Tno Killetl liy all Ki-Mnrnluii. LotJAXspour, Intl., An-;. 31. Henry Snilders was shot and killed and Henry Grant fatally wounded at Hoyal Center by ex-City Marshal John Clark. The men were (iiarrelinj- over a scHinlal which ci'eared a big Heiisation in that town recently. New York (Ipertt II "tote Huron. New Yoki:, Aug. 27. A -rreut dinvster hits come upon New York. Her f ;1,0U0, OUU Metropolitan opera lionso is a black ened rain, gutted by fire from cellar to dome. In an hour and a half $7j0,(KJU was turned to ashes. Death of (ie nr nil lllmivrlt, Mt. Pleasant, Aug. 30. --Hi igatlier General J. P. Llauvtlt of New York, died of paralysis at this place, where he Wiis spending the buiiniier with his family. Murder anil Null lilo In Oniiilui. Omaha. Any. !!b George Toss firel three bullets into his niistress, Lama Day and (hen killed himself. They haii a ipiarrel over a gold watch. TIIK M.VIlKtTS. Otimliii l.lve Stock. L'mo.n Stock Varus, ( o-iaiia, Ann. i". I CATTLE -I'slliimtf l receipts, :i,im heml; l.mmtn l.'l H's., W.V.'.ViM, 1 , 1 1 M J to 1..KI lli., j.l..Vi. I.'H; '.-"I In 1.1'M His.. sJ..V. I in; no I l uivs, J.iorol.Ki: eiiiiiinoti rows, l.i"'i3l; iro I ti.eilers, iu'.tiii; ctiiiiiiiuli tt-eilers, i-iMhi. I. ljitrket strolm'. IIOOS - Kstiinnteil recelnts. 3.WH) hei, 1: lliihl, tl.!u"' :-'.'i; iiiixe.l, '.'i.ii.'i iii.'i.l.'i; heavy, t.i.ti).W!li. .Market I'k' to Ik liiKliur. lilt ituo I.lva Stock. L'sion Stock Yaiiiis, i t'uicAtio. Ann. ;H I CATTLE - Estimated n t eltits, .'i.k-i heml Ctiiiiiiiuli to k'iMi'l steers, i l..VK(t4..i; extra i(ii il II lis. I. (iKL.l.tltl: COWS Htl.lllllll-i, M. ') .! lliMiS-Esiiinatfil ricemts. ll.ixi lit I Heavy, Jl.-n'c -Villi; tnlxetl tunl Hi b.O: Mi-lit. jl Ni-Aln. slIEt:!' E-tiimiteil receipts, l.iim lnnl l't.or tt i h. in 'I'. s.l.J-' i.'i.'ii; liuiilis, $:(.'4i.o'..;'i ( hleiu-o tiraio untl rrovlsion. WHEAT - No. :. A lt''i-t, TV; Seiitemlii-r. 7V I )rt t'liili' i . .,-: .May. Me. ( t III N Aiiii.-i, ; So-'io; Si'iHeniljer, rji-'ki ; ( it toln r. M'si ; A..iv . 'n'si . OA Is .'i-"i-t. 'II1 it ; St 'ptemhvr, .111,. . n. tuher. :tl ie; oiv, . . . I'(i!! s..i.'iiilii r, tlo.'l'i; .fannni'v, Jl'!. : '. I.AUU S.-;i'. iiiliri, '..ii'i. i)i:l.)!ii r. sr. ... Jnri'co , . jii '.'.:'.... Hills Hi l.iiicr, f T.TT'-s; .huiiiai y. $..!'. st 1.111114. St. bur is, Ans' j ' 1 1 1 1 1 i r y lit steu Iv I'. FI.nnt-M i ler tl l'liii'iits, s.l.i o '.'. i; I'Mi a liini'V. i. taiiev, ''.".ti; ihiii.e, ; -.-') I,-'. V; I a . I-:. ;.' i. WHEAT- Wti.'i n:i.l Inner. CI.Mii.'. K'lt. c'S' ii'iinhial; S. -jit.-iii . i. c. tu'v-i'to,. I ii i ol i.'i', '.r 'n" ii-'m-'l; In t t iiilii'i', '. V's't' M.iv. -ion a-M'.. I DKN- Weak mid lower. ('n-iiiv'. Au."i t 47.' ui'iuhi.t!. pi. . i, lii i'. I ..' u-k. .1; O. i.i i 4. !. . . I '. :v ,i-k'"l; i .'.it, li'.i: iinmiiial;lli'i't'iiil'i i i M iv. I''i' lii'l. (i.A'I's W'. nk. ( 'lo-lnu'. Aau-'ist. :ll'.;.' iiinri lu ll. Seplein'i.-r. I' .'-llr liolillll al. II. I'llii'l' a; ,- ask.-!; May. '.'4e a-kt-l. . l'OI: si.ii. lar.l liiess. -II. ;.. I.Al;i) I'l li...- -I.- tin. ;T.l",,iT..VI. sioin lly. SIOI'X ( '1TV. t ".. 1 j.-l r. S tli- i An:; 'il.: U)i: Sn n'r.-iu for Wonieti. We Riii'ii'isi' l'lwvrs will lo divided on the inicstiuii of coiifurrini; the parlia lnentary upon wmneii. It is ilifllcult, however, to see lmw tin' l"v;is lattm can. logically leave wninen where they are. For purposes of civil rights nnd liabilities, all sinlo women are upon the) same footing us men; t are all married women having a separate estate, by tho expros eiiactnifiit of iiarliameiit. Nothing but sentiment can lx? opposed to tho natural conclusion that all women having the qualification should be en titled to vote for members of parliament. London Law Times. BAD SKIN ERUPTION Many Years. All Manner of Medicines and Doctors Kail. Cured In One Mouth by Cullcura. In lss". I lent An rriiitlnn ponip nut on my uliln, nml - to Ie hi tl nt 11 th.1 mil .tin, inn! I i im.ii h, il leo-w I.. I.,' very iib'i.'n!iitiiiu Hinl ul tiineN utiU-tir-uLle. 'I'll- fkin "iiiiltl tii-t h.irit, l:itl;tuif.l, nn.l u-el tiff, leiouirf an t'liliie new iikiii, A.-tioic ttimf my f..r week nt k Hint', nlwMii t.r,- nl nil.u 11. oe ti lei) nil niunnt-r et mt-ilii intu nml hint .1... i..i Iireseril.e to lie ffftfi. 1 t.t.iilil n lmi of ( 'I rn ( ka svaiirrs nn.l imtsl I'l Tiei in Koi. kT In my lileett. 1 mn lully curvil, itiul In lisn t!: :n a i:" !".': It ivim n mimt ).'tnn'ntiii rkln ihitenMt', nn.l nmv I hiu eiijnttinn tul cunifurt. I have h i. I tin tel. I l.ei.i'li'n. Anyiino trvliiK ( I Tict H - llnmit iniinot help lmi dt-rlve' lii iutU Anynne wriluiK me utll rt'i-t'h it An timber mul my Aitvlrr te ife.s )uur KiMitluis Irlnl. A. II. IMTTOS, MilUHgiT l'untill Ti-lfnrnili lit lf Co., li.inli u City, Kuin Doctor Uses Cuticura We hnvf pprnril tlriK -tnr nt thin nlitr,' ntnl n- li:t m n fpleiiihtl sale ,.n Cllll'llu limnuKs. hlrli ur krrp n full -U" k t.f. I uonltl not l.e lllnnil Vt'lir Cl Tlll'H liKSt.l.VKST, I I Till KA, nn.l l i Tii 1 iia rtii' fur .''tin, Junt fur lltf li-nt lli it tit. I my llllle Imy. Whi n lie wita mi inenllii oi.t , tun f.u'ti rnvt-rt'il Uh ci'ifiun, nml t'lTiit'KA Krvmutn rurml It. He In imw threa ytnrn nl.l We nlill line tlif ( CTIi I'll fnkl1, nml .ml. him i,-i'n-l.iiiKlly wllh It, tn lirint'iil hliotkln fnnn Ki lting rnntili. N elinif Imnillc.l ynnr ini ihi'iiii f'.r lltt yvHin, ntnl ne'er hmr.l ii eoniphiiut ni! tinst Ihnn.l'iil l.iili.lnnt intie. S e mil. I our tliilii ntori1 in ami will ftiiitiuue in the ilrim Ininlnenn here. ('. I Iv.Mt.VU, M IL, Uiilltr City, t-ntilioiulitl Cu., Wanlilnjtun. Cuticura Remedies Ari- n 'ul frervin hero, rrire, Ci Tit i ha, tin- iir-:it skin u re, fine'.; 'l TK'l KA S.iAi'.Aiin.iulsllf skin I'licillermiil li. -mititler, 'J.'ie. ; I'l Tit t ha Hkhoi vkn r, ll eiiew liloml I'uriAt'r, ( I. l'r.iitn il I.) the I'uTTkii llKCil AM) I limil AL t 'llKl'ilHATIIIN, lliintnll jc t -s.-tnl fur " lluw to rum skin 1 liwiuirn," M '.t. , 'M illuslriitloiin, nml InU It uiiinniitl. PIM I'l.Ks, tilok hfiiiln, rt'it, mintti, rhniiul, nrt ml) -kin turt-.l l.y ( I Tii i it a btiAe. HOW MY SIDE ACHES! Arlilnif Hltlen nnd Dntk, lllp. Klilney, nn.l I tertn l'lilun, nntl Klifiiiuntlnin rw lli.voil In ,iitt iliintf hv tlip trutlr.urtt v ill Antl-l'Hlu 1'UnUT. Trice, Y!& cu. ( Ak'VWIW's COM I'L I M ! NT. The I'ytliiiiiiM nt Kaiis;ii t'ity sire it last dtiwn to' liui'il work. Tlie liiiiforiit ruiik eiitcilnins the visi tors iintl in (loiiir sti it is (sliowiiii; how a lai'oe of well drilled men can oe nn ddized at the call of a superior. While llie uiiiforin rank lias lieen di illiiioanil iiiarcliiiio; the supremo loilyo of the order lias been liehind closed doors atteinlino to executive business Yeslerdav nn rti i ii!r the cu niietive drill for ash prizes took place. The day'H fesliviles closed with an elaliorated lisplay of fin works which had been postponed from Tuesday on iccoiint of wet weather. Maj. Gen. Carualiaii of the uni form rank jesterday uftertiooii re viewed all the rjthiau boys in camp, lie was surrounded by Ins stalf. inoiiiited, and the various divisions, rcj-'inieiits and briirradeH passed by for his inspection. The bearing of the knights in general was highly iileiisinp; to the coiu-niaiidino- general. The Nebraska bri-iiule especially showed up in fine form nnd after the review General Carnahati per sonally congratulated the oflicerB of the Nebraska brigade upon the correctness of their inarcliino; and remiirked that it was the only bri o;atle in line that pacsed inspection without the discovery if a flaw. Mona divisision No. 21 of Kear ney, Aeii., am acted special atten tion by reason of llie precision of its mat'chino- end ils general mili tary beariti"-. nw Mrs. Helle liio;iiw, socretaiy of the district V. C. T. I'., is the nom inee on the prohibition ticket for superintendent of public instruc tion. Clint Ritchie was tlri viiif Henry Hoeck's furniture wa-rou this after noon. In lurtiino; around the wiion upset, the team ran away, and Mr. Ritchie was severely bruised. About fifteen or twenty members of the V. C. T. I', who are not dele gates are in attendance from abroad. llie following "ii)litical days Invf been arranged for at the stati fair: Tue.-day, Septeinber lilll.popil list; Wcdne.-dny, rejiiibiicaii. Thursday, tlennici atie; I'rid.iy, pro hibitiou. Wednes'lay was naiiu at afler the oiitl Wotli'ii, ami he was ; lucky oaid. The Hiyan club is li.xiiio- up tin riKitu itcititly vac.ii'il by K'oon Itros iti.iki fall. pllotoj. rapli o.ill..':; '..:.! will that its lieail(iiarters this MONEY to loan on farms from G 1 -2 per cent up, on 1 to 10 years time to suit tho bor rower. Also loans on second mortgages. J. M. LEYDA Plattsmouth, Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Fby sick, yn (rave her Cwtnrii. M'hon she itr CliiM, she cried for Castoria, When she bmm- Mins, she rliinR to Ca), Then s-Vliil Children. s! i-:tv.' them C;u'-ri I t