Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 01, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tin: vi:i:ki.y iu:n i.i: i'i.attsmoi-tii. m.i'i!'ti:mi!i:i: i. iw2.
A Terrible Loss to the Little
Town Across the Rivet1.
Plattsmoutll Is Now Roady For a B;g
Board of raja Meotinn
Something Practical to
Now Work For.
Flro nt Glonwood.
Friday ni'llt Cdcuwnod, Iiv;i.Va
visited by a lire tllut desloyed seven
I n -j i ihh lit in Aliimt l-'iiii John
1'nrtrr'n nicety store v;i dis
covered to lie oil lire, mill In-fore the
lire could he t-x t i 1 1 .Q. 1 1 i.-Ii t- 1 it
destroyed itenrly i whole Moclt on
Ihe muitli i-ide of the court house
Mii;irv. I' tMiioiith v;iw iisKed fur
iiid, hat could not help, dh-iiwood
out. only ill men. The people of
(llenwood .iiiiosed that this city
w.i supplied wifii lire engine-,
The lire was the woi U of an imvn
diary. The following are (In losers
of the d i llei cut firms: John Carter,
uroeieries, ifii.ildO, 'insurance $;t,ii00;
H. I.. Macher, con led inner. 1,110,
iiiHiirance VKi; I,. It. Turner, furni
ture, ir.'i.ilu , insurance, 'i,."uKl; J. .
Scott, Millinery, 'l.htKI insurance,
if."); John O'Hrien, hardware, $.",000,
insurance, fJ,."itKI; Win. l-alwards,
barber 'tH, no insurance. The fire
men diil not yet the fire under con
trol until - o'clock.
4 s dgnm -nt of Teachnrs.
At the meeting of the board of
education last Friday the following
ns.siijinent of touchers was made
for the next term, which beyin.s the
lirt iMonday in September: I-', C.
McC'lollaud, Kiiierinti'iiili'iit; V. N;
llalsey, principal; Mis.s Mary Mc
Clelland, assistant principal; Alien
Wilson, room No. 11; Aldora Clark,
room No. N; .ddie Searl, room No.
10; Namia Moore, room No. 2; Klhi
Wright, room No.4 Mniio Wright,
room No. '0; Amelia Vallery, room
No. la; Cora Cook, room No. It;
Mary JanieVon, room No. 12; Ivdna
Adams, room No. 13; Flora Dono
van,, room No. 1; Margaret Shep
herd, Went Fourth ward; Alberta
Ilyer.s, First ward; Trenail Jleiupel,
West Fourth , ward; Sue Matson,
Firxt ward; Deanu Fischer, Went
Fourth ward; Anna Ileisel, Second
ward; Sallic Thoiuns, Morcorvillo;
Carrie llolloway, South l'ark; Myr
tle Porter, Second ward; Myrtle
I'urdy, Fast Fourth ward; Mildred
Mctiowau, penmauship.'
Tho Situation of PlaUamouth,
This .town is now in need of
active ami cordial cooperative of
its business men more than any
thing else. Ihe hot weather' is
about ended and all will feel more
like turning out now. One good ses
sion of the board iif trade will do
more good right now than any other
one thing. If at nucha gathering
a two-thirds attend. mceof members
could be' secured much good would
be accomplished. The board of
trade and council committees have
labored very earnestly agaiuts what
weeined, for a time, ovewhelniin g
odds. They liave been victorious.
The discouragement that for a
while wax indisputable, owing to
the rumors in regard to the It. M.
shops, has been thoroughly over
come and the tide is now Htrongly
llowing toward I'lattsmoutli.
This is .as we knew it would be
and for what we contended. Aided
by such indelatigablc Workers as
M. It. Murplj'y.K; H. Windham,
Judge Chapman, Xayor Hutler, C.
V. Sherman, ihe k'ichey brothers,
the White pothers-, fyed llerr
niann, 1. M. and W.VI. Jones, John
I. . MiindJiidgx-N Sulfjvand K'.iin
sey, Julius 1'epperheig, I'ostmiister
Streiglit, the I ovey brothers, Myron
Clark, ' Allen l!eVsou and manv
others, til.: tub: h.ii been tinned In
t.ivor ot '')e town, until riow I'l ilts
mouth lias i-Minethmg definite and
Valuable to v,. U t,, mil r, wp,.
chai'i e ,n' obtaining it. All is
II. iw need d i -. i linle ,u ie .mil
genuine co opei ,i"im I'll. it is
ncid d, and we beie-ve it u ill come.
It it i-i neeessaiy to get the mem
bet s n! th .' I ,. ii .I .iii.l othei s t,i
b lid. a big u i ; . , r c .in be given at
''1' h'.!. v l I 'I'-l to ,., 'ii;.l-ll
I lie p., i , . ie i I is ,-, !e to
appeal to m a mioii-h the medium
of thc;r pocket-
books. With i ue'l nlled pouch
a man is generallv in lt good
humor. u'i a ,',, iqlr, , ,
would tner. h. n o.1 tlu ptogre-s
already in ide the committees all
would lie in more than a good
humor. Thes uon,, be jubilant.
It would be pool public policy to
discus,, nil ,u ... neuters in detail
in the ncw.-pp. ; - It is m-practi-ble
to do so pi i an l . I he onl y right
way to d.) it is :.. hue i,, .,.),
Cl ing of the. pi operty owners and
public spirited laborers of thetown. the holies'lie there also.
del together and do nonietlilng-.
Now is tin1 opportunity. ' '
This IIi;rai.i prims all the news
in the best form.
l;lialliiK liv lliillonn.
A eri: s of i'sterctiiiir ( x)f rirr.prtu
W.'l-l ei.MUiiete.l Int. oilier lti'lit lit Stall-
fnnl IJvidy.i (ironuil,, Uanloit', with hal
1'iou niid V ii .;i iis iiiTt iiti-il mid ini
jpfuvrtl by yir. Kne llruee f..r Use in niil
itajy hinaliftrf at liislit over intrvtiiimy
woods i:ml lulls. Within tint balloon
Hie 1 1 1 1 1 1 on a Miuiil hwiiigiii; ladder six
ineaiiileseeiit lalui, connected by insu
lated cable with a hattet y cm the ground,
werkedthut niijlit ut I wijnty-four volts
ntid giving sixty eaiidlu power of illumi
nation, liv ready iiiiinipulation of the
buttons nt the instrument the operator
tl:t-li .'s on the trati.-laeent t-ides of the
ballenii tlie si -nals i.f tlie Morse or any
fe'le, and these can be easily read at a
ili-tatice of six lail- .s.
'J'iie balloon Used was a Hindi one of
eiuliteen feet iliatnrti-r, eontaiiiing 1 ,m M j
feet t.f gas, and ivnl held by cable jit a
In i;dit of about .'Ml feet. Tho strong
wind prevailing remlered the position of
tliu balloon un-teaiy mid uncertain, but
tilt' Mi'lialsi Were lievertlieless read h
military exerts, (.l were iinswerc-d
frmn a station on land. The cxpeii
"it iits were witne.--ed by prince Ed
ward of S.ixe-Wciiuiir, by inilitary at
taellesof flip Chinese iltlil Other ( inbas-
ie mid a number nf seientilie men.
The experiments were varied by hang-in-
the lamps outside below the neck of
the li.:llo,;n and Hashing direct. The
illuminated balloon when a b'W feet
nhove ground trives a beautiful light,
ntid can bo utilized when required for
exeeiitin- work at night. London
t.ltiiil.iU tin. Wioiu; riilUhiiiitn.
The Hotel Del Monte ut Monterey,
Cal., is stirred up over a ludit mus miV
take by which a prosaic Lugli.sli iner
chant was lioniedas Kobert L'lichanan,
poet and dramatist.
The llrit c hi arrived at the hotel thrm
days ago with two friends, lie regis
tered in a line, literary hand, and as he
hero a strong resemblance to the author
several ladies present declared he must
he the author of "The Shadow of the
Sword." So several ladies desired him
to write his autograph in their albums
with Mime poetical sentiment. He re
ceived nil their flattery complacently,
hut grinding out poetry for them kept
him up all night ami the result was
Bimiething to shako confidence in their
idol. ,
The next day ho was the center of an
admiring group. His companions be
came suspicious anil nsked tho hotel
clerk why so much attention was paid
their friend. They were ntnazed when
they learned the trim reason, because
they declared their friend hud never
heard of lluchanun. T -j broke the
news gently to him, tint ' s conceit re
ceived a great shock. A' .'.iree packed
and left before disclosi came. Cur.
Chicago Herald.
The Wlltlo HnjV I lrst Appt-Bnuire.
it is not generally known that the
brothers Oscar and Willie Wilde first
canu to public notice on the occasion of
the centenary of Thomas Moore at Dub
lin about fifteen years ago. It was pro
posed to perform tin ode spe ially writ
ten for the occasion by Mr. S, N. Klring
ton and compos, d by the well known
Irish composer, John William (ilovcr.
The Wilde brothers, assisted bv Mr.
Sexton, the member for West lielfa-t,
and then on the stafT of The Nation, led
u furious and successful opposition
against the official adoption t,f the
Nolan-tilover ode.
It may be only a coincidence that the
niui-ie to "The Poet and Puppets" at the
Comedy theiitir is written by a grand
noil of the rejected composer. Irish
Is I'lllllllH III IlMliil.
The practice of binding- religious per
nous still exists in India, ius is evidenced
by tho following from the Allahabad
(Iuiha) Pioneer. The incident occurred
recently at Meerut:. A fakir, wearing
nearly fho maiinds . (lull pounds) of
iron chains ami baiuls on him, recently
left the cantonment station. The rail
way authorities declined to allow him to
travel as a passenger, but sent him iu
goods by weight, in pite of his argu
ment that native womn were never
charged for their anklets and bangles.
The iron absorbed the heat so much
that tho man had to be imess-mtlv
sprinkled with water. He is an old
man anu nearly cited at the station.
l.iK'lt In riuili-riiililiiK I.IUiiIiik.
One of tl.e most remarkable and suc
cessful photograph of lightning ever
known was made by Mr. IU:, at
Humes Falls, in the Cat-kills, .during
the electrical di-pl.iv the other nighb
The lateral y.igzag streaks i f tire again.-t
the tnass,v..slo C Mount Lincoln were
m-tant.iiioom-'.y c;:il: lit ui the exposure
mid are iilauih an I
y shown hi
the print, win, h a!
hchs of ll.lotui. ;n
ws bur-ting
upper atmes-
pliere, wiii ro t '!
Mvid ion
"i-ts wonderful shadows upon the stir
nmndrng m.'imt.i::,-.. The juiiit is iwi
in:ete-iing study f atmospheric elec
tric;!. v.-- Mh.iny .leurn.ih
A W.o.l Aln, t Hi. M,,ii,r.
A in ,.i r. j. t: i- i. . . y.le.l ,.f ,)!,, y,.M-.
l:i'K ''!ili-,, in,. 1 Mike of l.eei' j
e!.e-t son, wiio, at (:... reeel.t I h etiolls
iu F.nglanil, wi.s i. i ,r l'.ii:..n
a large inajo) i;.. . r.,. ,i::,hi lf .
tile i lection, wine- he was ndihv-ung a
mass meeting, he wa-; iuierrupred bv a
I'T "Does in, ther kn-ov yon'ie
01" V"- rcleree. e to hw very youthful
appearance. "Oh. vi-. she knows i m
out," said the yoiih;: eiiiiil'ilate, "and
she hopes tomorrow she'll kia.w I'm n."
London Lttter.
Tin' I'liluio ul Hi,. IVimIi Crup,
The rew.-p.'ipe.'s c-iuc.' tilled uuh re
ports of th" failure o tho e xtern jrttit
crops. The M.i!!ainl itud Di hi ware
peach crop, w hich is the heaviest com
petitor we inve for our California prod
duct, is reckoned at less than one-sixth
of an aveiage ji.-ld.- The heavy rams
liave caasetl a dropping of fruit in the
petioh count ry. Tin; loss i over sfi.DiIti,.
UOO to the eastern peach growers. To
luoua (Cal.) Progress.
Whoever ; w a n t s ' soft
hands, smooth hands, white
hands, or a clear complex
ion, he and she can have
both: that is, if the skin is
naturally transparent; un
less occupation prevents.
The color you want to
avoid comes probably nei
ther of nature or work, but
of habit.
Either you do not wash
effectually, or you wash too
effectually; you do not get
the skin open and clean, or
you hurt it.
Remedy. Use Pears'
Soap, no matter how much ;
but a little is enough if you
use it often.
All sorts of stores sell it, especially
itruists ; all sorts of people me il.
I'enler ill
All kinds of fresh, salt and
smoked meats.
I make the best of all kinds of nan
tuitfes and keep a o,,ti supply
constantly on haiul.
Itetweeii Mniu unit I'eurl
FUli.NITUKK iihtlKli
Keeps constantly on hand everv-
thiiio y,,n need to
" - T r T
r-''''"v ''''" " 'I'-entTOftlie Kiilnrvs,
l"'"'l'i il.' :.-.ev. -iMililU l. U,l u to
ill V.'lll MTlilll- 111, 111. 1,.
Miii li.l ii.-,;hv.;,.,, l,,,, ,l;mV, ,;,.
U l,.;l MM, n...-l U Wl ,.. , v,.r,Wr.
ti r M''V W.Mknr-. !'.,.,r!,t Hi.,..v.,.
hii.i .,c,..i, ,.,.,. y ,.,. ,.,,' ';,;,
J-.-.-H- -wi.i r..T tH-.k t 1,.,,,., ,, ,
; I. Hi l-illi' ,l,.w .llHtri'..,!,.,; ,.,,, ,,(,111, U.
Fifteen Cents Per Week
i ; f) i
I i !
A ir,iimn "run-duwn"
ov-rworki'il, we;.k, nervous mul (e
1 ilitat .1 that's a w-niah that Dr.
i'ieree".- I'avorite I 'icscrijitit n is
intide for. It e',es her liealtii and
streiiL'th. All woman's weaknesses
:unl all woman's ailments are cured
hy it. It's a legitimate tuedieine
not a bey rrcre : an itivi.ooratiuj,', re
storative tonic and a sootliitit;' and
KtreiitLcni'iff nervine, free from al
cohol and injurious dniL's. It im
parts tone and vior to the whole
IVr all fur.ctiona! irregularities,
jicriodical jiains, organic" displace
ments and uterine disease, it's a
positive remedy.
And a !utiriffJ one. If It
doesn't oive satisfaction, in every
case, the money tj.iiJ for it is re
funded. No oilier medicine for
women is sold on these tcrnm.
That's because nothing est js
"just as pood." Perhaps the
dealer will offer somethitie; that's
"better." He means that 'it's bet
ter fur him.
Kxierienceil Aiu tioneer on
sleek illMl lllillsi'llolil uooi!-.
nlll Mill
1 Correspondence Solicited,
.etiwiioi, Neli.
o o o ii (ireenwood, Neli.
K. P. JOXKS V CO., Pkop.
Hest rius tit tile lowe-t rot n o O
( o o Sure to I'len-e everylmily.
The oldest unit most rcliiilile pluce in town
y K. KKYXOUJS, : - .
lifKlNlereii l'liyMcinii Hint rinuiiiiiel-t
Specinl iittention y ive-n to Office
KiK K PLLFFS . . kh.
Thoso tiny Capsules are superior
tf ISalsam of Copuiha,
Culiehs and Injections
They cure in 48 hours tho
saino diseases without anyincoa.
i im iuua ur oo ttxrim ui gutAtt.
Thf mtka Birnlt ITorti to frtt tbmnlTi,
f but not knowinK ho to cerutallr
Vji. Ui? m n in .l..,.lr f n.l rink law, n tulf
S nut. HhUuttUUIkU TkLUVIUtl
fftat ftc, Mrt rtM.
tk philowphf of DtteM-
d AlBlctloti of tb
Oritftni of Man, ftodhnw by
by mvtltodj nelu.Tlf oor
rwa, ib want nw of
Loat r rlliK Maaho4f
Oatrtl an 4 Rervovt Da
bilitr. Wtakntia of Vatff
aa4 Mlm4. Iffaeta of Errra
ar Iiaaaiaa. ttuvtad of
EhmrArt OrirantMn Ben4ta In 4af.
OAOAHd PA RTS nf BODY aada plain taall lnUrttt4,
hart Mmttfr fruta Wl 8iaiM, 'Orritria athl Voratn Oaonuu.
Ygni:i "' co-re tir Rna,filUipunttrnan't proof M4rM
Is the Ix'nt I'.IimiiI Mrilii-inr, ln'r.iiHe
il a-sists lint urn ti tlircw efl tlm ini
iniriiii'M.I tht' IiIihhI. unit nt thi' Hiiiun
tiini' tour up tlm fiitini nrL'iinibin 'Itiih in iit
c nit r:iry to tlm rin rtnl tin' vniiinis pnta.-li, hut
cury, Mira'iritl.i iniMnrri, lin h ttk' uj tlio
iiniiiiiiii!i in tli,' - t-m. llms prixluriiii; much
virion's ami siiIIltiih:. 'Ilirn luii', 1 . r n
) r.iimot Ii 1'i'tttT tli.m' S. S. S.
'A- a hv-i..i ui. I li.or .ri-.rilir.l an. I unci
S. S. s. in mi' pr.iriii'i' ai. a l.aiir, ainl ti.r 1'I.hmI
limil'lc, ami li.oo liei n v.'iy in i r-i.'lul. I iirviT
u-i'il a ri'iut'ity whit-h jrave bto.ii riu ial nutiitac
tnm til tmncif .'iml jiat i.'in-
" 1.. It. liiii iiv, M. IV, M.ii'Ui'y, Iml."
Tri'lltij P I'M I'toA.l ;,nii kl. it, ill ;;vm lll.lltt'.l Iri'O.
SWM-T H i l II II' " , Ailaii'a. t.u.
N.t C Meetioa, bfiratOK.'t. N. Y.
'I lie provi.-ioil leijiuriui;- p.iseu.
i'-. i s to (!. pn. il l:r!. 1 ;; .;h t!ir punt
.";i i;t nt teriuiu il lieo i S.n ,1 lon
li;i lieeti cuiii'elieil. I' it kit - u i 1 1 lie
honored for tetutn fioin S.iriitoyn
or Iroiu liny inti riiH'ili.iti point, uiy
time iii to S"p. It i- not ueces-
,-aiy to '11 to S il',ili'.;:i In h.iw the
t O'lu'l s i. xi'ciiteil for re' 11 rn
I. i'K.VM IS.
."en. I '.is. Act.
1 Every r;l&nth
many women su fcr from hxt esstve or
Scurit Mtntruatiort; ti'.cy Jcn't knew
who to cepfule in o $e proprr tilvito-
v Uon i coniue in enyoudy uwi iry
j Brail Tcld's
Femals RssGiialor
a Specific lor PAINFUL, PROFUSE,
i Book to "WOMAN" mailed fr.
Mold bf all Urat(lU.
t :t : ; ::: :c:c :; ::::
.. 3till continue to be !i
In the Clothing Business.
i ' .
This U fully demonstrated by thu fact that thev
have sold ir ( this hprin tn
T'llPV nAftl tlllir rrrrAc . .. i , '
j oivu o-.vjvjuo do u w hs rri ir i n i m n
a n buy them for spot
They sell them to
prices as mortal man
a living.
They are Square and Honest in their Deal
Those Three Reasons are the Keystones of Their
Success.i ' , i ;i
'JJmv T, "ow their appreciation of their
increase of business they.- to
give away to their customers a liandsenio
. Book, entitled "The Cohimhian World's Pair
Q ' At,a .r.t!'M .World," ;t,b. (.very (persji 'buying
goods to the amount of 25.00, either at one
,5? purchase or in a running account. They will
y-ivc tliem a copy ot this
: : :cliAige'
Mayer &
The Clothing Kings. i
Tliat Old. Carpet
of yours 1ms Iicimi turtii'd for
ftiin.1 another sticli licutino as
wc know you arc tN tci.der lieiiiH-d to -jive it etreh another !i
JashAifr:' .'h will W!a tirfolws tank L yutf canliot lash liack'
its irsjicctability. Hotter discard it altotiier and lot us
full you one of those ch'ant now pattern that we have
list received.
Spiq't'i lo'qse ' (vlocininlr.
Will soon he upon us and you will want new carpets, eur
r tains, linens, etc. We are lioml i,iini'in -.
; AAYMi mum M
..W,lraWniWw aMWilrVlllWccWJa
rum lilty cents upward. This
with us. We have handled them with camples hut lindim
that we could sell them much cheaper hv having flum hi
stuck we hac .!i,e:u(l.'il the f.nncr ini'ihud ;md are now
ai.'e to .-eii'iliem at a very l,.w price, will duplicate Omaha
price every time, kin.! and ijimlitv taken itvto coi.sideratioti
i It i i ir ail new e;..ii.. we hac :m old di-.ions in tin line, We
have jut l'eceiei an excellent assort liK'Ht of
U e can .-ell !ace ci.rtain tor "m cenK a pair upward. r;-li
I'oinf curtain.-, Taiiilmtir muslin ciirtam.-, 8vis.- curDtiiis
eiiitaiii screen in plain and fancy, tahie siiks tor dra peril . '
Chenille Portiere.-. Also a tine liuv of window shade? ' at
tin- lowest pi ices.
We have the tiuist line ol linen
, , , . , . ' 1 """'"i I" tins eilv
able cloths with napkins f,, match, Tahle carl's Prr'-m
rapes hleaeh, d tahle damak with draw,, w,k and hem
itched liv the yard, plain damask I..r .lii i- .
. - iin, itjien
senn,, stamptd linens, an el.-ant a.M.rt.tiu-.t of towels with
fancy and drawn work .orders, t.lait, and t:,,v lu,,; ,,
lurkisl, towels, linen pi!i,,w casino etc.
their r.ustnm Prs Fit c: lrr
can sell them and make
valuale book free of
1 r-
Morgan's ''
-. ,. Plattsmouth, Net.
tlio iUl tini,;tt kv i 1 1 J liardly'
you jrave it last spring Lositlcs
i . ' c
- ' mi fill lilllio in
jn in t i(n t j
t i . i
is tu