8 Till- WEEKLY I1KUAU): PLATTSMOrTH. XI-UKASKA, AUGUST 2.. 1802. A PLAN FOR A CITY HALL Ex-Miycr Richoy Cives His Ideas on tho Subject. A COMBINATION SCHEME. The Sewer Extension May Have to Wait, that Something More Important can b Built -Other Loc.nl Affairs hlchey on Improvements. Kx-M.ivor K'ichcy" is one of the most original of tin- progressive citizens of Plnttsmnnlh. He is a business man. He is a large prop erty hulili'i'. Hi' lias t.iitli in the town. He is a practical man of af fairs. For these ami various other reasons his opin ons have ami ought to have weight. In talking about the improvements s nggcsted ami affairs in general with a num ber of other, in tho prescnceof Tlllj llEKAI.n, he t. liked s ib.-t intiallv an follows: "Now I liave given this improve ment matter my careful con-odera-tion ami I will tell yon what 1 be lieve. What we now spend should he ho spent us to show. Let our works lie seen, t'ntil the present time I have heen opposed to the building 01 a City Hall hy the city. Thin was because I l)elieved the time and eonilitioiis were not such an to make it advisable. The right time seems to have arrived. We have no opera house, and, although men have signified their willing. ncs to go ahead ami build another, possibly they have not considered the idea which seems to me a good" one. It is Hits. That a few indi vidunls, or a stock company, build u modern opera house ground lloor with strect-iloor storerooms. Then have the city put the second ftory to it for a City Hall, police court room, council chamber, and the various city offices, It could la located where it would show off to advantage. It would be of perma nent value to the city. It would aid in pushing the re-building of the opera house. Lt would furnish a much more satisfactory manner of using this surplus sewer fund money. Hut, in case the city rulers" do not look favorably upon this project, allow tne- to suggest another. Let the city nay to any individual who may propose to aid in the com pletion of such a work: Go ahead and the city will exempt you from taxation f r a certain period of time. In case the city does not want to do this, it might say to these projectors: Go ahead and the town will agree to rent these tipper roomft for council room, mayor's oflice, clerk s olhce. police head quarters, etc., for a stipulated rental for u certain number of years. This, with what rooms could be contracted as .office suites to pros pcrous lawyers, would make it an inducement to capitalists to in vest." r . , ' ... iiuy 01 inese propositions are worthy of consideration. There is something practical in them and each of them. The opera house is to be rebuilt. Some progressive men have already their plans out lined and the cash ready. The IIliKALD wishes that the best policy for the city as a whole shall be pur sued, and it is with that end in view- that this talk is given to the public The men who have the rebuilding matter under consideration are those who are willing to listen to reason and who will give consider, ation to all pians. I.et us consider promptly, but maturely, all sug gestions and then do what is best for all concerned. l'lattsmouth m moving forward The Case Not DJdded. Calling the attention of Judge Chapman to the reported condition of the bridge tax injunction case nt Nebraska City as written up by the Press of that town yesterday, the judge informs Tin; Hick-ami that he lias neither made nor announced any decision in that case. That having allowed plaintiff to amend its petition, he ordered copies of the amended petition served on the city and school district, defend ants, and gave those defendants time to examine the same and be heard further in the case. the judge said the matter would be disposed of when finally sul mitted and he had arrived at a con elusion in the premises; that if anyone else lUcided the case sooner than he did it would be no unconi tnon occurrence in a law suit, al though the speech ami decision cK livered by the court, being the last one, generally knocked out the law ns laid down on the street comers stud at the taverns. TllB IlEKALD tenders its cordial nynipathy to the warring democrats of Cass and hopes to see them hum Lie, united and contrite in Novem ler. They shine bent as minority leaders and the people seem to have -ecogiiiied this Met at last. PEOPLE AND AFFAIRS. WHY liKYAX SMII.IS. The New s is not in politics, and therefore does not -re things through party colored glasses, .o that its criticism is just and unbiased.- -Kvcu ng Pirate. The II. A M. is hauling dirt and tilling up the bole on ihe site of the old Wheeler block. The intention of the company is to level up all the ground west of the depot and utilize the whole for yard room. There is ample opportunity for a great deal of improvement in the depot surroundings ami even a new depot but no. we believe that sub ject has been exhausted. "1 am simply in the newspaper business to get even with my enemies "- Milton I). Polk. The boys have a good joke on ludge Chapman. The judge went fishing last week and dropped back into bis boyish habits and sported in the water like the American small bov. Like the same bov he ifterwards enjoyed the clfects. For several days the judge has been loctoring a blistered epidermis. Kditor Sherman has presented his laughter Mary with a handsome new piano. The Louisville Courier-Journal of Cass county m ints a little sneei ihout THE Hllh'ALI) and its repre- seutative's mission in that town last week, to which we may reply by saying that more people at and near Louisville read The Hek-ALD tlpin read The Courier-Journal or my other newspaper, and the post- iflice officials will bear out this as sertion. The New York Sun is the ablest, the most manly, the most cour- igeous democratic newspaper in the Nation today. It is reading the emoeratic managers some very wholesome sermons these days. As the democratic journals ;iri. too cowardly to print these sermons, THE llEKALU proposes to furnish the people of this district with them. PtACNOSTR ATES ITS OWN CASE Disaster invariably follows a newspaper whose policy changes and shifts like weathervane, with every gust of wind, for its honor is too elastic for stability, and its best friends become suspicious of its motives. Evening Pirate. On Sunday Aug. 2S lS'.rj, there will be an excusion over the II. & M. K. R., leaving Plattsniouth at H:l! n. in arming at ISurlingtoii lleach, "The (ireat Salt L.:ke of the West." at 11 o'clock a. m. Returning, will leave llurliugton lleach at 7:;) p. m. The fare for the round trip will be but $1. There is no finer pleasure resort in the west than Hiirlington Beach, a body of water two miles lor,g by one mile wide. The celebrated steam boat, "City of Lincoln," makes regular trips around the lake, ac companied by a superb band of music. Sail boats, row boats, and bathing, the finest in the land. A magnificent pavillion standing out in the lake, supplied with a No. 1 brass band, free to all. People pay hundreds of dollars to go to some noted water place ami get no more than they can at Burlington Beach for a dollar or two. The bathing at Burlington Beach is equal in every way to Salt Lake, I'tah. Very truly yours, The Salt Lake Co. Watermelons at the Presbyterian church Friday night. Dispatches from Creston, Iowa, state that the Blue Grass Palace ex hibition there this year is greater and better than ever. The state ex hibits are drawing features of this year's exposition, and among these the agricultural exhibit of Nebras ka is the most extensive and at tracts the greater attention. The stock exhibit is very large and covers a broader field than ever be fore. That new opera house ought to be started in time tc be finished for the winter campaign. It would be an awful lonesome winter in l'latts mouth without an opera house. The Silver plated Bryan seems to have about all the joint debate business on hand that he can at tend to and he has declined to nice the lion. John C. Watson before the people. There is not nearly so much confidence in the democratic camp as there was a month ago. Good wages, plenty of Work and low prices at the stores have dis couraged our William. Go to the Presbyterian church Friday evening and eat water melons. m m AKE YOU Sl'KE OK IT? It is said that Church Howe, who is well known to have been out of politics for a long tin:-, is about to re-enter the di.zy whirl ami become a candidate for I'uited States sena tor. He will tin 1 Senator Paddock very hard man to defeat. In fact, it is concede I that if the republicans have a majority in the legislature. Paddock will be his own successor, The few who are now opposing his re-election will all swing into line before the campaign is over. Sew ard Reporter. An employe named Sharp fell from a crane in the B. A M. black smith shop and sustained a bruised hip. Judge Archer sends to The Hek- AL1 a communication in which he reiterates charges against the sheriffs-office, denies those made against him, and declares that he is not on trial, but that he is willing that the public shall decide. The communication is too long to pub lish today and does not add niu;h material evidence to that already submitted This whole matter has reached a stage where an official investiga tion, with the witnesses under oath, is tin-only manner in which it can be satisfactorily settled, and both sides express a willingness to have the affair probed to the bottom ami seem confident of their ability to show clean records tor themselves and bad ones for the other side. Meanwhile the whole community hopes, for the credit ol the city and the county, that alFairs are not so bad as they have been made to ap pear. COSSIP AROUND COURT ROOMS. C. L. Cadle vs. Mrs. Nellie Archer. Suit in Archer's court for rent. Z. W. Cede vs. Richard Oldham. Suit in Archer's court for taxes amounting to $1S.()0. There will be a teachers' examina tion at the central school building, Plattsmout, Aug. l. K. L. Siggins vs. John Vorhis. ( Uus suit was dismissed at defend ant's costs. The Anton Seiler vs. Chas Van derventer case has been granted a charge of venue from Archer's to the county court. In the district court clerk's oflice Fred S. Clinton has tiled a suit for $1,173 damages against Neheiniah Klepser. This suit grows out of a disrupted land trade near Weeping Water. Peter Nelson and Krnst Rasmus sen, two Swedes employed at the stone quarries at Cedar Creek, came to town Friday and tampered with the llowing bowl until they became obstreperous. Officer Black grasped hem with the strong. hand of the law and landed them in the city bastile. This morning they ap peared before His Houur Judge Archer, plead guilty to the charge and were lined 5 and trimmings. They gave an order on the proprie tor of the quarry for the amout and were allowed to go. A.J. Johnson Co. commenced suit in'Judge Archer's court Friday against William Sehildknecht on an account for SK'ii. The case will be heard August -3. Hiram Taylor vs. Martin Projr-t is the title of a new case tiled in Jm'ge Archer's court. The suit was brought to collect $aU'J7. It will come up for a hearing on the 27th, .The commissioners are not at the Court house this week. Mr. Button is at Denver, and Messrs Loderand Tritsch are at their homes. Next week they will beat the office again. C. C. Parmele is at Nehawka to day, but his auditor-of-sta!" boom is in town and growing like a weed in damp weather. Judge Ramsey yesterday at bis home united in marriage Adailv. Liggitt of Mills county and Jolni C. Secrist of Fremont count, lif a. This is the couple who made ai it- tenipt at getting married at Jiie court house recently, at which tine the bride fainted and theceren ly rs. lis vas postponed. The present Secrist went through all right time and The Hewai.h wi-hes good luck during the rcmaind the voyage of life, etc. I Law) er II. J. Whituiore of Lin was a court house visitor todaj Hank Pearson was arrested taken before Judge Archer, cha with having stolen a pair of s at the ball park July 7. lie pie not guilty and his trial has 1 .er of postponed until Saturday. Iuihe meantime Pearson is at libert his own recognizance. Chas. Shubert was arre charged with lighting Satu el, evening. lie claimed to be cent and the trial will be ilio- Id Thursday before Judge Archer! W'.T. and Cus King, father nd son, were arrested Sunday evenng, charged with having too nijch liquor on board. Mrs. Kingpulip eleven dollars for the father'sip pearance and both were allowe to go until this afternoon. Both Be llied their guilt. Phil Harrison vs. Phillip Krlia JOE WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 1 THOSE WHO AUE1NDEIJTED TO ME WILL MAKE.T11EIU KEGl'LAi: MONTHLY A NEW STORE WITH NEW GOODS 2ft IIcadcaavtc7& Cail and See Me Plattsmouth, ESS was eet for 10 o'clock today before Judge Archer. At the appointed time the defendant and attorney were on hand, but the plaintiff failed to put in an appearance. The defendant agreed to confess judg ment to the amount of 4.25 and the case will in all probability be Set tled that way. The Kings concluded they were guilty and paid their tines $5 and costs each. John Teatuni was allowed to go this morning by pa)ing the costs, lie was on a plain spree. A.W. Crites vs. J. W. Hendee. Suit for damages on contract. This is in Archer's court. M. B. Murphy - Co. have tiled at tacliineut suit for .fJH.lO against Frank Conkling in Archer's court. Lilley Burke appeared before Judge Archer and tiled suit for 1, against John Carnes. This amount is claim to be due Mrs. Burke's minor child for labor. The sheriff is this afternoon sel ling the W. S. Wise real estate in which C. 11. Parmele has a mone tary interest. lv. If. VVooley of Lincoln is a court h ouse visitor today. Allen Beesoti has obtained a temporary injunction against the M. P. R. R. Co. restraining it from putting in ga. i s at the crossing at his homestead grounds. The com pany had notified Mr. Beeson that it would put in these gates, which compel him to open and close two every time he went to or from his place, unless he paid 111 lor putting in cattle guards. The lawyer be lieves he can beat the railroad com pany in court and he will give the matter a test. Notice. We will have our oflice in the White building, west of Keefcr's harness shop, for the purpose of settling up our business prepara tory to opening up again. All those knowing themselves to be in debted to us will please call and settle. M. B. Ml krnv Co. L!9t ot Letters. The following letter list remain ing in the post oflice for the past week: Howinim, f!en. Xixun, I. . Crisiiiiin, Will Pence, Sum (eieUtiinn, (m-i Peiirtnan, II II (iil.sim.i; W Smiill. W H (iraves Mrs Muria M Sleveiis. Kil Harney, W II Taylor. Frank A Johnson, I'lins. Vuiitleet, h" A Johnson, I.ynk ilnioth. P I, Keetnes, Mrs Jennie Wnlker, Halt ie A Keiicht, Win Wilson, h't-v I. Persons calling for the above will please say "advertised." II. J. Stkeic.ht, P. M. SEPTEMBER 1 he will open in the Stadelmann Block FOR TIIK PRKSKNT WILL UK AT F. S. lYldtas Store. And watch this space Daily for JOE, The Clothier, EW LIQUOR WATERMAN BLOCK, MAIN-ST Just Opened BUI -PUEE -GOODS.-4 DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED LIQUORS Nolo A&ent for Fahst JSeer. PURITY AND LOW 'Cold Tea Whisky," "0. F. C. Taylor Whisky," "Old Crow," "Guckenheimer Whisky." ' IVMOILJESALilE. and itETAIJL. K ass: I I. PLEASE CALL AND PAYMENTS. Particulars. Nebraska. l A 111 OF ALL KINDS PRICES," OUR MOTTO. N