Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 25, 1892, Page 7, Image 7

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THE "NVKKKLY HKU.U.l): l'liATTSMOl Til. NT, 111! ASK A. AlT.Usr IMV2.
4 W Bull Durban) J
:ir, SrnoKinsi Tobacco fe
T'r. has been recognized as the standard i)
If.' of tobacco perfection. This is why sf ;:
;w'rr ) we have remained, durinR this Ioiik i
y reriod, tlie largest manufacturers of V
Y Ztfr Smoking Tobacco in the world. It '
has a fragrance and flavor of yecu- y vN
f&ffir liar excellence. Give it a trial. fjjjV
A Girc for the Ailments of Man and Beast
A long-tested pain reliever.
Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
ahcr application compares with it in efficacy.
This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost
'. ntration.
:-! --wlicine. chest is complete without a bovAa of Mvstano
Occasions arise for its use almost every day.
Ail druggists and dealers have it.
SCHIFFMAhN'8 Asthma Curel
Flmr fiila to (in lrtuiV nM tn tlw
j 11. f n aad 1Tmm Mn wb.r. ctlisn u. H
Trial ruUp FKKK dm k) W, H
kA4i. Scientific American
r Annrv fftrik
i'&'iA " CAVEATS,
iw mRtr.
V 'rtn COPVKICHT. etc
t,t InfnnniUln will frw) HMidbonk wnto to
Mt'NN 4 I U...H1 ItllllAliWAV, NKW olll,
Olilwt l.nrwrn fer eoiirinii pali'iit 1" Ain.'i i''i.
Vyerr patmit tvki'ti mil by w l tiroiu-l'' i;'i
the public by ii"tioe fc'lven free ul C..1-: imuu
siftcutific incri(.ttt
iArcwt (Mmilatlnn of any iirtentlflc prrtn h
w.irbl. Hpli-niltillr HlutrU'l. No '",S1I'iIA""
man should be wtthot It. Wwkl', .'. '
tear; fl.Hl alx mnnllif. AAarm MUNJ A to
I'tbLiauKHS, XI Urudway. New Vork.
Chamberlain's Eye and 1 J
A certain cure for Chronic Sctc iiyw
Tetter, Salt Rhoum, Scald Iltad. 01
CUronio Sorca, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Ith, Trairio Scratches, Soro Kippks
and Piles. It is cooling and soothing.
Hundredsof easw hav been cereii bj
t after all other treatment had fauML
It U put up in 25 and CO ouit boxes.
For Atchinsoii, St. Joseph. I.i-aveil
worth, City, St. Louis,
and all pointsn"-th,east
south or west. Tick
ets Hold and ba;j.
tfajje checked
to a 11 y
St a tins or
1 Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
11, C. Touxsti.M),
G. P. A. St. Louia.Mo.
J. C. l''l'l.
A. O. 1'. A. Omaha.
Ii. I). Al'AR. Ajit.. riattHtuouth.
Telephone, 77.
v i. ; - f' - : Y:.'. -..
l.-vvv ', :- ;.";y'
V.'Y. ": . .'.V..-ft
V-4-. . k'' ,5 'F.'i-;' - -,
Cleans! and Wmittfici the harr.
Prutiiotfi a luxurimt ffrowth.
INrver Fail! to Kent ore Gray
nair xo in loutniui vonir.
Cui iralp disMiafi It hair taUiug.
Hr.arnHl Kat lniggiU
I if Parker' (inut r 1 01111' It uff the url LoiikJi,
Wp.k Lmi;:. lrtiihiv, Imt pi rtiotl, )'aiii,Tnlic inhme.A-icU.
HSNDERCORNS. Th only lurr cure for Comi
hun' sw iioiu. at lnut
1 Uruula, or liiM-UX CO., Y.
1 A Family Affair
HeiakkTi Buby,
)Plj! for tk Tarents
NowLITsfortlie Old Folks.
Doot geer
'h-i u fuiully ulTair a rotHiUitd
of !!io tiomi. A 5 (tut
lnt Kn li'iike .n f-r.!1fsn of
Ucllrloiis, Mrt'iiirtixlillig,
l !hn't (Uxvtvtil ir .1 ilOfiN-r, fT
Mit UlIxtMtf iMUer 1-;' lit. IcI.H vmi
.Iit- r'fl'T kit).! H vi r,u
Fcr Farmers, Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chnling, Cliapr Nand. Wounds, Uurns,
Etc. A Uitf.'yiMul Slminpuu.
Specially Adopted for Uso in Hard Water
As a general liniment for sprains
aud bruises or tor rheumatism,
lame back, deep seated or muscu
lar pains, Chamberlain's Pa in Halm
is unrivalled. IHr sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co., drH!;..
Th. v i;
oA It us I iiti'i-lfi 011; Willi 111
llltftll lull of the t'lli'ltlt.
Much his 1 v 11 writti n ot the iiecuii
111 i'ies atel ivci i! r.c.l .es ot 1 he (. hiue
hut it is nut m'ii -rally known i.i..t the
jvople of tie Celo-tul empire wi.l iint
re-ctio une another from
At ii live in Sin Fraaei-co si vral
years n-ro fix Cinnoo were inij.ri..iu .1
in a room by tim e half inch iron bars,
which iMiilil ea-ily have been broken
away. I In ; t wore two or thru' inil.!.-ri
in t lii'i;hln'i lmml which could h;ivej
been ilai-i'il al the windows and tin? tin
fortunate ca-ily roscueil from a honi
Mi death. 'Ihiin wore hundreds of
thoiv countrymen looking on at their
frantic, efforts to escape. Vet they of
fered 110 assistance and jcave 110 evidence
of sorrow.
A 111:111 who has saved many liws. in
viicakiiii; with a t'hines once sahl they
were very heartless and riled this San
Francisco lire as an example, where
upon the (Yleslial I'xcl.iinn d:
"1 tell you. You sal .loss! (iol
Almighty, alio sauiee. Chinaman call
him Joss; Meliean call him lioil. (.'all
hiiu anything. Ally saiaee. Xmv jmi
bay (lot Alinihly nnke cMelinu'.'"
" Ves, oven ihihu."
"Make alio menf''
..v '
"Know eblelinV'
"Now, do you think you know more
than (iol AlmUhtv':"
"No, I do not."
"Ho inakeo allee men. He Fen one
man. llo llnnK nun 110 gooi. u: say,
You 110 Use; k die.' You think you
now bet to (iol Almighty. You go
Rwnn; you no let man ato. uoi Al
mighty ho nay: 'Ho vt-lly uniavt. llo
catcheo man I tell go die. Velly well,
that man begin new. Ho cally that
man's lifo all him bins, all him troubles,
all him bad luck. You hab lieaj) good
things?' "
"No liab much houses, much money,
much laud?"
"No; not much."
"All light, you nebbo hnb much luck.
How many you save'-"
"About fifty."
"Oh. you nebber get out. You cally
all fifty life. Ebleting yon do, no fin
ish, work allee time heap trouble. Y'ou
nebbe get old; you live long time. Rabee
fifty life. Y'ou live bundled years had
bad luck allee time, (iol Almighty he
sabeo best." Fire and Water.
Cud'hliiB lloaa.
"To catch a boa constrictor is a diffi
cult and dangerous task," say3 a man
who makes it his business to capture
wild animals and reptiles for menagerie
rmrpoes. "It is accomplished by a laby
rinthian tangle, embracing sixty square
feet of ground. The labyrinth is inado
by joining together, end on end, pieces
of matting. This web is eight feet high
usually, and placed 60 that the opposing
walls will be two feet apart. All sorts
of crisscross and diverging combinations
are made with the matting it is sup
ported here and there by stakes making,
when it is set, a geometrical puzzle that
might well challenge the ingenuity of
"The trap is baited with a live pig.
which is placed in a pen in the corner of
the labyrinth. By and by along comes
the boa constrictor. It is easy enUi
to L'et 111. He scents the prey; lie is
very hungry; the pig is devoured, aud
here the boa comes to grief. For hours
he tries to release himself, but finally
he grows tired and stretches himself out
for a nap. Then is our time. We open
the labyrinth and catch him." Golden
Whirl" VcM'li fnpslip Frequently.
The capsizing of a vessel tied up to a
pier is common enough in the Day of
Fundy and its tributary streams. The
usual rise and fall of the tide along that
bay is from forty to fifty feet, and high
tides sonietini"-; exceed sixty feet. With
the fall of the ti 1 all craft are left
high, but by no moans dry, with an area
of chocolate colored mud all about thein.
This mud is too shifting to hold a ves
f1 in (safety, so each pier is provided
with one or more btrong wood frauies
called shoes, fixed at the bottom of the
stream or bay.
Upon these shoes all vessels rest nt
low tide. It frequently happens, how
ever, that a vessel does not get her shoe
snugly on, so to speak, and if a strong
wind conies when she is thus ill bal
anced, over bhe goes into the mud, to be
buried forty feet tinder the next rising
tide. New York Sun.
1'iitH Annuo; tlio 1'yvpt I'inp.
The tutelar deity of cats was Iiiana,
and aceophng to Plutarch flio cat was
not only sacred to the moon, but was an
emblem ol i;. Hence cats were treated
with peculiar cuiiM ioti iutholarid
of the Pharaohs, th; death of one being
regarded as a great family misfortune.
Kgyptiau cat 1 uncials were celebrated
with the i,n .l-t pomp awl ceremony,
their late e IP is sh-vit.g respect by
sh iviii ,' off liu ir ey brows and wearil)''
sackcloth for nine days. In thotiineot
Mos.-s it was a capital crime to kill 11
cat, and wo are told by Diadorus how r.
Uom:'.:i l lu r who kilhd one was tried,
Peuteu'.ed an I fn.illy put tj death, .St.
Louis Ib'puUte.
I llllt Note.
Never wear a niee pair 1 !'
von i::o.-t te e'ls .ve,ir rtibb.-r
shoes when
'S. It SI M'll '
thelll mote (p;ii kly than anything el-".
Have nn oi l i ilr to wear tui'ler rubber ,
and th'H - ive yotirgo'i'l shoes niiil enioy
the co:.'il'ort lie' ohh r ones give. When
Hob's hi-; worn thin u-" insoles they
will save both shoes and stockings.
Th"s..' ar cut from tulo leather. When
miff'-ring from cort.s cut. out tho jilaci
over thi'tn from an old shoe and cove:'
with u neat patch. It is 11 sure cure.
Detroit Free Press.
Xt'iilt-e Hart No f.'iirrltif-i'H.
Venice is built on eighty islands,
great and small, which are connected b.
PM) bridges. There is not a carriii i
the city. llostou (Jloln.
Mi'ei Nei vo Biui Livtr PiIIm
Act on i new priciple - refill al iti
the lief, toiii.uli .iinl luiwi'l-
tliroilli 1 lii' 111-1 ves. A new iliscuv
fiy 11- Miles pills (ieeilil' line
hiliousiii'SM, hail t.islo, totpid liver,
piles, constipation I' iie(ii.ib''l lor
men, women ami cliililtvn. Small
est, illihlot, siili'ft. ."HI i loses ''." its.
Samples Mir at V. (I. KrickoA. Co's
' A Mtito Rocovors Spooch
Alplioiici' lleinpliliiii;, nl iiinmit
. tiiwn.xliip, I iiitler I'u., I'l iiii., imnlc .
I nn allhl.iv it that Ium twelve ear nll
I Mm, who St. Yitn ilance fori
1 twelve years, lost his speech, was j
j I'oiupletch ciiieil alter Usin' tlueei
! buttles ot lr. Miles kYstorativo Nor- I
vine, ami also recovcri'il Ins speech.
Tlioiisaiuls testily to wotulerliil
l ines hum usino; it for nerinis I i - j
sea ses, (l s pep.-1 a, nervous ilclnl it s , 1
ilullncss, contusion ot min I. hea l
iiche. etc. hour tlo.-os ol this Ner
vine enroll .Mrs. w . iv. minis. oiun
liei il, I ml., w ho hail heen snlli'i ini;
w itll coiisiiint heailache for three
months. Trial bottle anil elegant
hook lice at I', (i. I'l ii ke Co.
CoIoI'miIo'm Cool H.-trtO--.
lltirine the ' toiirit seasm " Itom
June until Soptciulu r the Itiirlin'
ton roule has on sale ronml trip
tickets, at very rciluceil rates, to the
principal resorts of Colorailo
In lienvi-r, Colorado .-prnios,
Manitoti, 1'iiehlo ami l'tes park
(the most attractive spot 111 (he
w hole state) particularly low rates
are in force.
Inly ami Aimtist are the best
mouths in which to visit Colorado's
tinriv.illeil resorts, to all of which
the Hut linton, with its connec
tions, oilers imciiuallt'il service.
The local neent will he jjlad to
give you any desired information.
lhiriiiLT the epidemic of flux in
this county last summer, 1 had hard
work tn kt'i'pa supply ot ( liamiier
Iain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea
Kennedy on hand. People olten
came tin or twelve nines in ine
night to r-i't a bottle of the Keinedy.
have In'i'ii HclJiui; patent nieiii-
cines for the last ten years and find
that it has ojven better satisfaction
incases of Diarrhoea ami (lux, than
any other meiiicint' 1 nave namiieu.
J. II. HenlKiin, drujiist, (iolcon-
da, Pope Co., 111. Over live hundred
hottles ol tins Kemeiiy were soiu in
that county during the epidemic
referred to. It was a perfect suc
cess and was the only remedy that
did cure the worst cases. Dozens
of persons there will certify that it
saved their lives. In four other epi
demics of bowel complaint this
Remedy has been equally success
ful. Twenty-live and 50 cent bottles
for sale by F. G. Fricke A Co., drujj
How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be
cureil by J tail s L alarm cure.
F.J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in nil buisness transactionsand tin
ancially able to curry out an oblig
ations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drui;
gist, Toledo ( )hio Walding Kinnan
A; larviti, holesale ilruggist Jole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
and inucous surlaces ot the system
Price, 7.1c. ter bottle. Sold by all
Prujfist; Testimonials free.
Don't Tebacco Spit Your Life
Is the startlino, truthful title of
li tle book just received, telling: all
al out Notobac, thu wonderful
lurmless, economical, guaranteed
ci re for the tobacco habit 111 every
firm. Tobacco users who w iut to
ip it ami can't, by mentioning Till
HiKAI.I) can get the Ixiok mail
fri Address the Sterling Remedy
Co, box NiU, Indiana Mineral
Sp iugs, I nil.
Sleep on Left Side.
f'.any persons are unable to sleet
on their left side. The cause has
lonj; been a puzzle to physicians
Meronolitan turners speak with
great interest of Dr. Franklin Miles
the eminent Indiana specialist 111
nervous and heart diseases, who has
proven that this habit arises from a
ilisi ased heart. He has examined
a id kent on record thousands ot
CiHcs, His New Heart Cure, a won
d rf nl remedy, i sold at F.G. Fricke
iVC. Thousands testify to its valm
am cure for heart diseases. Mrs
C lis. Henoy. l.ovelaml, ( olo., fays
it flfects on her were marvelous
lv-vaut hook on heart di.-ease free
Cures Scrofula
tH. K. ,1. liiiMi ll, M
lettuT lias li'furiiril
ilfnnl, Musi., sav In
I Seri'TuI 1 l'i tlicuki'Ml'
I f lu, III, j , ,f
11 Oh oilier tro Ipviiiff
fl.U- l.nvillL' I1.1 I
1,J atMiiMit.anil lieiiiL'
r H' i iI to qui
;l I ill' f-Dt.i i it 1. ill
OlllC.lltll, .11 it M.IS tliMllgl.t Bill- r..lll l..)t Ii v.
run"! my little tmy of hfrcitiinrv
S-i'lut.ii.i, willed H -n ra" I all nv
ia4 i.ii'e. ror.i ii.'O'i h:i I'll.. ti
il Jl Imjioof Iit-i ri'i-iivi'n , wIumi linnllv 1 mis
in Mel to us,. If' "jl A li-w loittles
ni'tl him, i.inl J ,A'T'J mi PTinianins ol
tLHH'iiso remain. Mi..-. T. I.. MTiirin,
i Matln nilk', ,Mim,
lffo..k jn U! jj an I Sk.n I 'isiv r-.u I f
v bwil 1 Si U' 1FIC L' A" lii'l. 1,1
VnunR iotfiorsS
! 1 L"e Vjrr I'sa DtnuJjf
I 1 whirk murei ,afrtg to
Lift of Mother i Child.
P6n 1'onflifnr'it iM
i'.M, ierryr U kith.
triiiliir"iti'lvttlrl " tmhrr'a Krlaiid" 1
l fr-'t! I,ut : .0.. ..p, lil.t iW 1 ii-it tIKTIliln- thai
km... artrwanl lia.ixl in ui'ii i-aaea. - Mra.
A It, , ju.i, , 41,1 . Jiu. 1SO1, 11.
' 'nt liy nxpr', rhurj-j prvpal't.nn raalflnf
lii, : M),i t Uiui . ll.K.k b. al illiartiuallail tr.
HADril.l.U Ui U LITOIl I'M.,
TheQioeK Kule,
To Oo VoUcW)
n ft O " .. 'r
HOC ciay h . -u-
.. . l.-w I" 1 I !
(;nii; w i:si
I'lver .No. 1
r;is-eiiL:ci" No ; .
I'ussenuer iij
I'iissenm'r o 1
I'ii!einjer l vin l.nuisv ille
l.i II III
Ills,, 11,
' "i il III
-.17 pin
l ie p 111
Mi 11 111
S;il II til
Ii: ' il til
PliH-rimer No !'l
leii;llt Nil''1, ill l.olll-v ole ...
reinlil " 7 l'i "Sunt Ii 1 Unalia
linlMi I-: AS I'
lver Noi!
.-i:l7 p 111
lil::ll 11 ill
:::: u m
. 7:11 i Ml
. let.'iu 111
'll-enuer No 1
its-elmtT An ii
'a etincr No s
'iis.-eni;er No III
No 'i, luisseliuer, sontli, lesyes I0:K) 11 HI
o I. ui-seiiner, in 11 1 11, arrives. . . . I'
I till I v i'xci'it Suiiiliiy.
"AS.1 ('AMI' No. :t: M. W, A. els every
V ,,,l Kuiiitli M. iikI. iv I'VlilniiH 111
1 1.1 l'Imii ii,ir iii,.lil,iir. u ..lisilllil.
VA . Han-i'ii, V. ('. ; V. WeilflibfrL'iT, W. A.,
8. ('. Wlble, Cli'lk.
iAl'1'AlN 11 K I'AI.JIKlt t'AMI N( 5(1
j Mim ,,t V.a, ems. division nl Ni'lirnskn, I'
S. A. ini'i'l i-very liifnliiy intdit at 7 illli uVlnik
in llirir hull In Hllni'iiilil l) iick. All hiiiimhihi
vlslilnn ciiiiiriiile tun eiuilliilly invlti'it tn ini'i'l
with us J. J. hiiil., liiiiiliiiuiili'r ; 11. A. Ac
Klwilin, M Seaineul.
OltOKK OK I UK WOULD, MeeU at 7 :
Miiiiiiiiv evi'iiliui ut Hit- (iriinil Army
bull. A. F. Uioiiin. inealili'iit, Xliim Wallliiu,
AO v W NnH-Mi'i'l Hmt uiui tliinl f ri;
tin v evetiltiK "I eiich itiiinlli n M) n K
dull, t runk Verinyleu M W'i J li WurwIiJi,
recurilf r.
A. K.Mi'Conllile I'lmt No. 45 met ts every
4ltiriiny f voiiiiil' at 7 : M la llii'lr Hull In
ni'kaiimt l.llll'k. All VlsltlllK 001111 Hllen M
conllallv liivlleil to t Willi us. Kn-tl Itiites,
l-oul Aiijiilniit ; 11. r. Mies, I'osl cuniiiiiiiiiu'r.
KNiiiirrs ok i-vriiiAS-iiiiiiiitiet uik?
.i.47. Meets i-verv Wfilnesiliiy eve-
nine ut llii'lr hall over Itentiet It 1 utt , nil
visiting ktiluius nre cnniiiiiiy iiivni-u oi
iitteml. M .N Orillilli, t C; Otis Uovey iv ot
K uiui S.
AO v W No M -Meet sceotnl mill loiinn
Kriiluv eveiiinus in the inotitli nt ID
(IK Hull. M Vonilriiti, M , h 1 lirowti,
Xl tillTKItS OK HKHKIVA- Hutl f l'roin
l i I.iiiIl'h Nn 4n Itiri'ln till' Hi'euliil mill
liuirtli Tluusiliiy evt'iiiniri ''in'li iimiiili In
tin; I (III r. hull. Mrs . T. K. ttlllialtis, N.
li. ; Mr. John Cory, Secretary.
D KliKKl-; OK IIONOk-Meets the first
1 .I.I..I T l.r..r. !.. ....... ilMIU ,,f l-lll'll
iiiiuitli ill l.o.o. K. hull, Kit.uenilil lilm k.
Mrs. Aihlie Smith, Worthy Sikii toI Honor
?lrs. .Minnie IHiiKei, sisier eciciiu .
t'AUS I M I if 1 1 V., 1.111 I I) (I K. IIU'l'tH CV-
jry luenlay nlil'lit nt llu'ir iiall In KitKTiilil
jlmk. All Oittl I'cliiiwK are rnrilially invited
ii. uiifiul uli..ii vmnhiif In l!ii' cltv. i hriii l'et
rr. en, N. (i. j .S. Y, O-lium, Siireldry.
I10TAI. AUCANAM l a-s Cm lu ll Nil H'.'l,
Miit ut the K. nl I', hall in tli Pin llii'lr ti
Criili; hlni'k nvir lift u liilin, visIiiiik
tiretiirfii invitnl. Henry lierliiK, Keninit j
Kins V iillmn, Seeretaiv,
t' 1'iiiil's ( Imrctl, ak. lift" eeli
ruth mill sixtii. fiuiur i iinn y, i nso'r
Set vlei': Mass ill mnl 111 :i A. M. HtUlilay
Si'hiinl nt 2 :M, wllli lu iiedlct Inn.
CillilsTlAN.-Cnrin'r l.ortisl and Klithtli Sth
M-rvlvi'g innriilliK Him t-vetnni!. r iiiit a
(oilinwny pastor. Sunday belinol lo a. m.
Ki,iM"oi'Al..-St. I.iike'tt Cliureli, ciiriirr'l lilrd
Hllll llll'. Kt'V. II II. lllliFfl"'. iiiriiil. nn-
vices :11A.M. and 1 Mr.U. biiiullij heliiMil
al ii :3i 1'. M.
(iRKMAN Mktiiiiiuht. corner Sixth St and
.... I, II.... II. ........ w... al. ...... 1 1 . .1
do 1IIIII. in v. II II I . I ilf I "I . nil , n ....
aim i :.iu r. .11. nuuuuy .-euuui iu a. m.
I'uifMiin i'iMAN. Services in new i huri'h.Oiir
tier Sixth anil liraiilte sis. Krv.J 'l.Hiilnl,
liilnr. Siitnliiy-srl.nnl lit ;'; I'lrnniilnK
al II a. iii,ic.n! h p. in,
'i in, It. . i:. K ot this ehnri'h inrets evtry
Siililiiith eveliliil' lit 7 ;!.' III the luisi'tiielit nl
the 1'hin rh. All aie invited to iiMi'td I bear
Ktii-r Mkiiioiusi. -Sixth St., tielwuii Slain
in, a I'i ioI. Itev. I. K. Unit. I. Ii. paster,
hel vli'es : il A. M., H :li 1'. M Sunday Selmnl
:HIA l. I'layi r tni i ti: eilln tilay even-
f 1 If II M n 1'iiKNiiv i n ki an . ( .'inner Mam and
Nllilh. lit-v. lite, liaster. Services usiutl
liniiis, Sunday s.rlinul u .;'.a A. i.
HWfKlilsll iiNokhi i rioNAi.- -Uraiitlr, he-
twi'i'ii i-ilia iinii suxiii.
Oil on I'll It An Is I. -Ml I (live, Oiik. tietwi en
letilh and Kli'Vi'iitli. Itev. A. Ilu-well, ins
tut'. Services II a In. :'!;! 7 :: p. III. 1'tliyr
IlieetlliL' W llnrsilliy elrliim:.
Vol NO .Ml N's I'll III- I I
I ... II .M r I.I...
A oelA llnN
M illi st 1 eel . lins-
'II IMIIIIIIJ. I'l lll'll I'll I I , ,1 , , i.M'lil) III-
tfrniinii ill liiYlin'k. It . . .in- iiin'ii week da
(rum s :;n a. in., I i a : .'in i in.
Hoi -ill I ' A I ; K '1 A I I u s a. i.k - Itev. .1. M,,
vhh, I 'si-T i .r. Stiuivs: Sunliiy Selinnl
l'i a. In.: I n I'cliii e, 1 1 a. li . nl i' s p. ;
fraycr niectini.' 'Iiirsday iiielil : choir pr
I ice t iniiii nllil. A II ale i elii'ine.
Hr. SI fill :i - niiie-t liet ie fur the
puiiiless i vti'iii tint) ot teeth, l ine
(mill work ii specialty.
Rockwood Block, Plattsmouth
Hay For SbIo.
Khun Panne k & Son will deliver
hiiy in bulk to any part of the city
iit all times. Leave yours ordors at
Parniele's barn on Seventh astrcct.
.XT . 0mA
I'l. Al.lik' l
Patronnge of the Public SliajU'il.
North Sixth Street, Plattsmith ,
The Old Reliable
Lath, Sash, Shingles,
btr. ("nil supiil v every iletnniiil ol illi
cit v. I'nll unit net terniH. Knurl It
Street in rear nl niern lintise.
W. H. CUSHING, Prfaidenl.
I, W. JOHNSON, Vice-Prn,
I 'I. A I T S M I ) l T 1 1 X Y. IJ K A s K A .
Paid Up Capital, $SO,OOQ,
K. K. (inth itiiin, J. W. johnsnn, K. S.
dreii-i l, Henrv Kikenlmrv, M. W.
Mnrunii, J. A. I'mnmr, V. Wet
teiikanii, W. II. Cushinj;.
A Kcncrnl bankitn; liiisine--t
.Nelnry I'lililic & Ali-ti steter Ivlieitu
ReaJ Estate, Loan and InsuraM Ageiit
H you have real eftatc to ll or
exchiine tetnl uilesicriiti, price
ami terms.
Ahstriicts of title furni.-dird M. rrasi-
lltlilllle roles.
lim,iNKMo loan ul ",, ercii ami
no commission-, mi o-ond
I. inn scent it y.
I'OI.I.OCK in l.k'S
Pt.AT ISMm "i . .i.;n
'Ktce tilnli-l Cass .:ilit I' I k.
i 'i: i.i K' i
Coal and Wood,
Yiir.U ii ml Oftiee l"l South Thir ttreet.
Teli'phntic -No. I I.
P LA TTSMO U T II, N ! fi K Aft K A
Von l.ouhl m that eli's line
of wall paper t Ucriuif A Co.'u.