Till WKKKl.Y IIMKAIJ): I'LVTlSMOri 11. XKIWASKA. AldrST . 1S02 THE HERAXiD. t,"-J'" -kxai win .i.,wci.ii.iith.t '. Ill van and it-ell have all along wanted Mr. Miamp iKjinitiatt'il by j the independent. An inspection of it-- fill's, however, will disclose the fact that it was imposed to "a 1 third c;ni 1 i l;it' in tin- race." l'fHl.lSHKI 1.II.V KM KIT MNll.W Z2TT :::tt mcrw. OSMON M. PETERSON, Editoh. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. P.VII.Y KIUTIO.N. One Year (in iiilviiiu el - - - f' W Six months :) Wi liy Currier, per week " WEKK1.Y KI'IIION. Ono Your in mlviiiu't. - SI If lint paid in iiilviini i', . - i Six mouth-. Tj Three inont Ii- i THAT democratic commercial eilitor of Detroit isn't able to pre cent his side of the case nearly so ably as the Cas county democratic editor. 1 1 the democrats can do no better than with Uarr of Detroit, thev had better buv al home. Telephone iiiiil.er :). ClvOl'XSK AMi IK I IT would suit (he republicans of Cass. Tin; New can now liowl for Sc!i..inp until Hryau laps his barrel. 1'lvANK WH1TI- will make a good chairman of the board of public worlis. M itth. w icring is made the deiiHieralic nominee for nltonn y gcneral, will he tap his barrel': -tate Ck'i if.VsK AND ! IllM.bnX j a ticket which would be of aid to the congressional and count)- tickets in Cass coti tily. TllKK'li is nothing (he m.tlb'r with Stephen A. 1 a is and hit. labor as a member of the 1 (i;ud ol public works will show ii. The tarilf iie-tiou is a pretty hard one for many democrats to di gest, but they cau all realize -the fact that under the workings of the Melxiuley buv the laboring man's daily earnings buys him more than it ever did before in this country or abroad. A I.I. of Itryan's and Sherman's never work among the I ass county alliance people was in vain. The Cas delegation at tin- .Nebraska City i oiiveniioii didn't vote for the Young Mini 1 1 1 o p i 1 1 1 . nor will the rank aad file of the party in -November. William has lo-t hi grip. Ir w worth wil:,e-s Tilt: lieutenant gnvei norship va cancy on the republican ticket could be nicely '.lit d out by plac ing there (he name of Robert II. Windham m Cass, I! I"' a givml sight one oiug miles ;,, f-ee .that ol the elo.juent Matthew the platform, gavel in democratic .-tale con- y the lortly forms ivlan Sherman Gering- on hand, at the d Veutio,-, ll.mlu of Kditor Charles and Hanker William Henry Curing. Tllti democratic educator savs the government makes a man rich in this country ami that in other countries a man must yet rich - ii at till by hi own exertion. J-uch Mutf is supremely m1Iv, but if true, it would seem to a man up a tree that man in this country possessed large advantages over those of others. If all ou have to do in this country is to "press the button and the govrrnient does the rest,'' what in thunder is the impover ished democrat standing :i-..im.l growling for; Such distinguished ami millionaire democrats as Hriee, I'avne. Rockefeller, Hookwalter, Scott, Hewitt, Whitney, Alt-eld Hoyd and thousand- of others started in tin'.- country poor boys and men. Any other poor boy or man ought to he able to do" as well, Gould Jiim-elf started p,,or. ' '' ie money a man accumulate.- the more ready capital he has to lake advantage of opportunities to invest. 1 hat is. the only adv age he has over the man who ics- and even knows. Kverv SHERMAN AND CLO I HING. Mr. llorr's rtcent speech at Platts- time. When a democrat is predict- only be cases o int-has sensible peron so me man with a vc r- ;e intelligence also knows that th tin. I- the o 1 1 1 v country i h i '. ,, , 'arlh of which tliis.'aii be truthfully ;"d. I he laet is, the.-e c; n: v innip iiii'iiedi'itt p. in t. l"l..TTsjlnl"ni in to be pitied if the outside win 1.1 should happen to be lieve that The Kvcning Sore-Head had reached ' the topmost rune; of local journalism." Gov. Ilovi) might appoint oneof the Cass county democratic lawyers to Judge Field" place ou the dis trict bench. We make no charm- for the suggestion, governor, dive the hoys a lift. j ClIAk'I.KS C l'AUMi:i,i-: is now avowedly a candidate for the demo 'cratic nomination for state auditor I'J'IIH JlKKALU wants to see all the iCass county boys yet there. The imore the merrier. ! OU democratic Gen. Sickles' of New York declared openly in the Chicago convention that twenty live thousands I'nion soldiers in the Kmpire state would vote against drover Cleveland. Mw. Mc M kk. says tl at clothing proposition stiil stands. If The Journal has an idea that it is a "bUilf." why doesn't he call it'r The able editor would now be in a bet ter position if he had adhered to his fust statement - that he "was not in the clothing business." We believe he hit the nail on the head that time. Mm. HhiYAX might take a few more democratic alliance men to Lincoln from Cass county and have them file some more papers giving him. the nomination 0r the ho called in dependent party for congress. Tllli IlKU'ALK is the representa tive newspaper of Cass county. It has no enemies to punish It isn't run as the organ of personal spite. Kvery republican has the same and equal rights as any other rerubli can. No disappointed ambition controls its utterances. No repnb lican has any excuse to yo else where for a hearing. Tllli Jui kXAb still persists in lihtiny its man of straw. The Journal's talk about Judge Field's "defense" at Klmwood is mere bun combe. The Journal knows that Judge Field is not ou the defensive in this campaign. The republican candidates and the republican party are decidedly aggressive this year. The defense Mr. Ilryan and the other democrats are trying to take tare of. howler- wan! to a. id without !; laborers t(, a j, aliitience, ami gocerniUept ii, laem. n,e ,,,v f government to do just evicily wh i they jireleiid to believe it i- i,,i;:. for others give them wealth with out labor r i r mi - ve, I -''ioll of i'el they wan; do i in- job oi'e king Tin: Whitcl Mr ve, arable mother (,f iw K'eid lives on the o',, ivciu homestead near Springfield, Ohio. She is a woman of striking appearance-tall, white-haired and well preserved for her advanced age, for she is within a few months of h'J. When a correspondent called on her recently she was dressed neatly, but with great plainness, in a gown of black and white striped calico, with an old fashioned cap of white lace on her head. Mrs. Keid's memory of the events of her younger j ears is ex cellent, and she tells quaintly of her son's departure for college. 'When Whitvlaw went away to school," she said, "he had a hard time to get along. One day I packed up for him a crock of but ter, a loaf of bread, a sack of meal and a boiled ham. I wrote him to get some buttermilk to mix with the meal and make some cakes, lie wrote tne back that it was the best meal he had eaten for a long time." Mrs. K'eid preserves with great care a cedar tree her son planted near the portico of the house when a boy. TlIK republicans of Cass have no use for mugwumps and profession al traitor. For this reason The News of riattsmouth has neither standing or influence iii the repub lican party and never can have. Tins J 1'kx.i is still talking about theories in regard to the tar ilf question. This seems disloyal in the face of the fact that OJrover Cleveland said -"It is not a theory but a condition that confronts us." Cass county did not get the va cant place on the republican state ticket, but that will make no differ ence in the loyalty to the party here. There are very few sore heads in Cass county. Wis are authorized to state that The News nor no writer connected with it speaks for Judge Field. "My associations," says Judge Field, "have been, are now, and will continue to be vkdusively with re publicans." TiUi Silver-Tongued liryan is coaching Matthew (lering as a side partner lor the present educational campaign, and the air is growing chilly in the icitiity of the 'rotund tonus of Hanker Curdling ami K b tor Shi'i man II II the xivptiou of good con trol ol his temper and tact m pla cating party enemies, Matthew (lering is the equal of William Jen nings liryan. The fact is, they are very neatly equal is orators and statesmen. This Hiskald gives it out cold that the republicans of Cass county will elect no man to any office who draws his political inspiration from the throat-cutting News establish inent. That hybiid sheet is doing all in its circumscribed power to injure the republican 'party and genuine republicans, and no repub lican has any excuse for tying up with traitors and would he bood lers. Real republicans do not fly he black Hag. A.NY newspaper reporter is liable 1 1 make a mistake in reporting the speech of a public man and it is never considered indignilied to correct a mistake. That The Khn wood lu'ho's m ill made a mistake in reporting Judge Field is evident, and it would be fair to the republi can candidate and manly in The I Kcho to make a correction. Repub licans never want to take advantage of any candidate of any part). That is not the way they win vie t ories. SiMSAKlNii of taxes, now that the subject is up for consideration of the council at the instance of The Kvening Pirate, we have a few facts to present. The entire amount of taxes paid by The News office ami its "force" so-called is ,;iN.7:t and the major portion of this is paid by the "force," and the force has no interest in the alleged newspaper except the salary he obtains for setting type. What taxes the Ilur ton interest does pay is paid by his wife, with the exception of $.8I paid on that wonderful ollice. IT fs currently rt ported Matthew dering will be temporary chairman of the democratic state I.S the opinion ol The l'latts motith Journal Mr. Jerome Shamp is now "a very poor scholar, and that I will make a slim race," and "Mr. Bryan's friends need not worry." It Mr. Shamp had refused the alliance convention and dial he will show nomination and told his alliance the country Iii it Mtyau is not the j brethcrn that Hryan was a little God only Young Man l.loquent in the J and that all that was needed to First district. make the poor men rich in this -- country waei the election of Grove, HwYAN'8 truckling to the "hide- j Steve and Hilly, Mr. Schamp, in the pendents" seems to have resulted i expressed opinion of The Journal. in utter laiiure. me AcnrasKa City convention yesterday refused to endorse Ii tin. The alliance peo ple are not to be caught by the chaff of Uryati and Sherman. would have been "a far-siehted. patriotic statesman, whom the alli ance members ought to follow." And the democrats still talk about an educational campaign! THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. There is a possibility that the Rev. J. G. Tate is not eligible to oc cupy the office of lieutenant gov ernor, and that gentleman has withdrawn in the following manly letter: K'epiililioia State l eulrnl cuiiinittee. .GlS.NTLKMISM:- My eligibility to hold the ollice of lieutenant gov ernor has been called in question. The points involved in my case have never been passed upon by our supreme court. It is more iin portant that republican principles shall prevail at the coining election than that I be lieutenant governor. Helieving this I feel it my duty to solve the doubt in my case in favor of my party. No act of mine shall disturb the harmony or interfeie with the bright prospect for suc cess. Therefore I hereby withdraw from the candidacy of the ollice ol lieutenant governor, and in doing so I desire to express my apprecia tion of the unanimous nomination my party gave me. Yours for suc 'c. J. G. TATis. The republican slate committee placed the name f Thomas Majors in the vai-ant ticket. Majors needs no introduction to the people of Nebraska. He is one of the be.-t known men in the state ;.id his -e-lection, under the circumstances, is undoubtedly si lengthen !ng to the ticket as a whole. 1 he ticket will be t k eb d Wn.t. Tin.: IlKiv'Ai.ii, which is Judgi; Field's particular organ, please explain by what hocus-pocus Judge Field, with his decision in the bridge tax case, would be able to lessen the freight charges ove the H' M bridge? An anxious public breathlessly awaits cnligbt cninent. - Journal. The Journal knows that (he Tin: IlKk'AI.P exploded that silly stiilt about Judge Field and the bridge decision, on the very day The Journal cauieout with its buncombe articles on the subject. There is nothing in it. Judge Field never claimed that his decision, if mam tained, would lessen passenger or freight rates over the bridge. Judge Field is not a fool nor are the people, and The Journal knows that, too. It can fool no one by put ting up a man of straw and then demolishing. If you can make no head way against Judge Field with out attempting to put words into his mouth he never uttered you had better give ;:p the light man fully. Fairness pays, even in politics. should t Hiii in cases of and then only as aids and subordi nates to the civil authorities." However platitu lions this migh1 sound at other times and in olln r circum-tanees, ai the this time ami under the exi-ting circumst luces it is nothing more or less than a sop to anarchy. Its meaning is evident. II the Mulligan democrats had averred in so many words that thev didn't approve the u-e ol the militia to put down the lolence com in itied by strikers, they would have ex-pi'e-sed themselves not a whit more V ''awns . , hile actual or virin:,! ' iir is -ii. in,- ,,M mi 1 1 1 ,..i.. . ,1. . w . ... ... s i,M'-s, 111! p-atform of the Michigan demo-c:-.ts i- a distinct encouragement to the forces ol disorder. Then we i.v- a proof to the corporations hai seek to protect their property and ,ih' lives oi iiieir non-union em ployees: "We denounce the em. dm i tiy private individuals and corpor ations of armed bodies ol men, no matter under what pretence, a- a menace to the peace and welfave i,f tin- country and state, and we de maud at. the hands of our leinsla tors the enactment of such laws as win in the luture prohibit the em ploymeut and uses of such forcer, ami provide serve punishment therefor, to the end that I'inkerton- ism ami Kindred onranizationyi m-iv be relegated to obscurity and (lis- fci.ne Not a word of censure for the murderers of the I'inkerton men i I. .. . ... -. . me rioters ot lu-ur d'Alene and Hulfalo, the thugs and incendiariet "'C uomg their best to make the labor unions an abomination and a curse. Not one strong and manly word in defense of the right of freedom of contract and labor. oi one word in denunciation of the brutal and vulgar despots, the .Masters and Grand Masters, who are leading organized labor to its rum. Instead of that we have this putrid buncombe: 'W hereas, Recent labor troubles at Homestead and elsewhere lu.ve caused general disaster and great J j i " nil Whereas, This convention de. sires to affirm the democratic doc trine that all such disputes should be settled by fair and judicial arbi- oaiioii; merelore "Resolved, That it is the duty of the state legislature to establish a proper tribunal, with powerto sum nion defendants before it, adjust all disputes, and enforce its judgment by proper process; that we pledge tae demoetacy of the state of M ichi ttan to the establishment of such a tribunal, when laboring men and alior organizations can have a fair hearing and proper redress. If the Michigan democrats mean i compulsory arbitration, they mean a doctrine and remedy as far removed as possible from demo cratic principles and as impossible us squaring the circle. If they mean voluntary arbitration, they mean nothing. They might just as well say that the multiplication table is a remedy for labor troubles. Next the Michigan democrats give a couple of resolutions pro b'sting against the finployment of convict labor in penal ami reform. titory institutions. Of course, they have nothing to say about or .gainst the Force bill. Men who witness immoral attempts at the bibversion of social order in the orth with indifference, are not kely to be much concerned about ie subversion of social order in !' South. He.-ides, the labor nioiM are not inleiested in the l,rt'e 1 ill They are too much en aged in iipplj ing the doctrine of rce foi their o n I leuelit. Main talk is besi When the ibor anarchs ate raging to the top f their bent, no party can afford to 'tit them on the b-ick or haggle ith them for their votes We are 'iry to see the Michigan demo rats doing so It is a mistake. In he present condition of things it is lore than a mistake. The demo ratic party outside of Michigan as MiiMiiiini.'li for dickering with lie labor tyrants. For that matter. e don't believe thai the majority f the Michigan democrats have, 'hey have been made the victims f ti resolution committee c m osed of imbeciles and sneaks. how much better olf he in some other country THE SAME EVERYWHERE. 'I i-oii t lie X. V. Sun. I'eniei nitR'a We are sorry to say it, but the truth compels us to declare that the platform adopted by the demo ; cratic convention of Michigan hist Wednesday is about as cheap and n isty a sample of deinagogisin as ! e n. ne seen laieiy. i nree-tourths '"si on an untried lawhe is in clover, of it is a cringe and a crawl before -After the law has been passed and organised labor. At a time when I 'ts workings demonstrated, his the militia at Homestead and at j floundering would be amusing if Huflalo is the ole barrier against j distress was not so apparent, anarchy, the Michigan democrats j "Twas the same way in regard to think themselves called upon to as- the resumption of specie payments set t that -the civil ant honties of the ' ail(1 every other good law for which state are constitutional conserva- '. the republican partv is responsible. tors of the peace, and the military I democrat has no use for facts and called into reouisi- ! history. Such practical thimjs are real emergency, I 1 uesonie to him. He delights in j dealing in dreamy theories, in pre- , dictions of awful calamities, t ml in j imaginiii", would be than his own. lhe thorough-bred northern democrat doesn't believe in home or anything home made. He never did. Some other state is always-to him better than his own. The southern leaders--to him tire better and smarur Hum those of his own section ,,( the country. He i- ti blind idolalor by bii th, edu cation and practice. Jiis time is spent in trying to prove that other people are a great deal better than his own can ever U, ll( H. yvc really pity him. Mr. Sherman starts off his won derful clothing cpi-tle by the de claration that his assertion about suits being trviKI cheaper in Canada man in the I nited States was "dis puted by a bold blulf." Now, thi 4.1 1 . . "inn was only a proposition lu ll, t. McMaken of this town to giv the crippled taiilf prophet a practi c ii demons-ration. (Of course a dem ocratic editor would not like that Mr. McMaken wanted to send for suit of clothes to Canada and lay it down in Nebraska beside a suit sold here of American manufacture With the two side by side there could be something- settled. Hut tins was too much like business for a democratic editor or manager to consider as anything but a"bluff. It would be entirely too much like an educational campaign in reality t ... -xo. ne couidnt accept that proposition. He sits down and writes to his democratic free trade friend at Detroit and asks him to helu the democracy of Cass make out a case against his own country inn great editor's reply bears "o mi-, iihKALP'.s assertion that the democracy presumes that its audience is ignorant and credulous, n.. ...... . ..v n in- inn wiui the declaration that "several Detroit houses refused to give quotations except to intend ed purchasers." Such a statement is unworthy a great editor. There is NOT one reputable house in the city of Detroit which will refuse to give prices and he knows it. If he can find one and will send his ad- ll.-c 1 ...v.-.- llr we win give him a col umn advertisement in Tills IllSK'AI.Ii tor one year. tree. ri i . . . - . mis womierlul democratic De troit editor follows his silly opening statement with one still more silly you ask about Middlesex goods but N'ONK of them seemed to know inything about them." Isn't that a beauty as a democratic argument? Not a merchant in Detroit who knows anything about Middlesex goods! There is surely great need of a campaign of education there if such a statement is anywhere near the truth. Hut it is not. This eminent Detroit democratic author ity then proposes to go stilt farther away from home and talks about what can be done in England. Then he follows with table. If there is any one thing that a democratic editor or manager knows nothing about or conceals it if he does it is tables of figures. He has for so many years "figured" to prove how the republican partv was bankrupting the country and how the demoeraiie calamity howl ers were going to elect a preident. ami laih d . regularly in his cal culations, that he is wholly at sea when he tackles figures. This (h llioi latie editor quote Detroit and Windsor prices in ".sum mer tweed sack coats" ami evident ly believes that the Cass county ueuiociats don t lyiow that Hi nunc uian one qualit) of tweeds. Next he gives the prices on "sum mer tweed Prime Alberts," "clay worsted" "black cheviot," "winter ter tweed" and "full dress." All this The Journal publishes and sets back in its chair and gives the democratic yell - "McKinleyism is a system of robbery." The mind of the average demo cratic editor or manager seems in capable of comprehending a large economic question like the tarilf. At least he pretends to believe that the difference in the taritT laws of Kughind and America is responsi ble for all ills to which mankind is heir. He apparently cannot com prehend that the protective tariff law builds up industries in thi country, and thereby furnishes em ployment to working people at bet ter wages than anywhere else on the globe and increases the value of the farm product by making a mouth has given the taritr prophet greater demand for it at home ani of The Journal and his democratic ' furnis,llinsr the American laborer1 followers more worry than anything with orf with which to ti,..,. - . . purchase it. .; liul IIIIl llll i!!.ll!l.T 1 , r !1 Mlinr ' From reading democratic litera ture and listening to democratic speeches we must conclude that the democratic managers believe that if the tariff was reduced so as to give this country practical free trade that the manufactures of the present protected articles could and would pay the same wages as at present and then sell the output greatly reduced prices. In other words, that under a free trade sys-1 tent this country would enjoy all benefits as buyers and still retain all the benefits i ow enjoyed as pro ducers of what is made here . the same as if the protective tariff was in force. THERE IS NO SUCH ISSUE. From the Xew York Sun, KleiiKieratic.) Mr. Josiah Ouiucy of Massachu setts ought to be ashamed of him self for writing such stuff as this to the villiauous and seditious World: "The fundamental issue of the present campaign is too clear 'to be disguised; it is plutocracy against democracy, the rule of favored special interests against govern ment by the people." f here is no such issue in thiscain paign, or we have no plutocracy in this country. This is a government by all the people. A plutocracy is a government by the rich only. Mr. A-tor. Mr. Yanderbilt. Mr. Rock,- f..ll.... XI .. .... .. .11. v..iiiiegie, ,'ir. Whitney and all other rich men have only one vote each, like the rest of the citizens. Neither is there any rule of "fa vored special interests against government by the people." It is impossible under the our political system. The will of the majority prevails always, and it settles the business policy of the republic with a view to the benefit of the whole, and not for the special bene fit of the few. Kvery citizen can vote as he pleases. The World has been engaged in a nefarious attempt to stir up social disorder mid array every conserva tive interest of the I'nion against the democracy, which it pretends to represent, by inciting riotous as saults on the rights of property. Incendiary talk about a plutocracy's trampling on the people conies naturally enough from Pulitzer, who is a foreign adventurer trying his best to make a plutocrat of him self at the expense of the popular welfare. It is a disgrace to a man of Mr. (Juincy's honorable, distin guished, and patriotic American incestry. He knows better; blithe imagines in his mugwump delusion that he serves the democratic cause by encouraging such deme zogism and sedition. Away, then, with the pernicious ind fatal demagogism of the un American World with its anarchy ror revenue only! The further Mr. (Juincy keeps from such associa tions the better it will be fur him and the better he will Mere.. ti.. emocracy, to which he is so honest ly devoted. TlIK democrats are worried about John A. Davies and William II. Newell. They have need to be Hefore this campaign shall have closed both of these gentlemen will have made some talks to the citi zens of Cass county which will show the emptiness of democratic hums. O.MS of the best posted democrats i the district privately boasted aturday evening that The Platts umth News had been seen and itit it had been pledged to give id to the democrats in the coming impaign. This is neither sur- rising nor discouraging to repub- cans. lere is summer IK the Cass county democracy will go into the state convention and give Matthew Gering the solid ami loyal support he deserves Cass county and Plattsmouth will get a better advertisement than that illustrated book will give them. CAMPAIGN SONG. A 1 k T;( r.i ra luutn ile u . We ! ti ii lei he ltd. I' , We will ili.w n y,ir (irever ( '., Ami liis see. ai. I. A.llni IS., I ust ii-. s,,n . l-'iir we're in the 11, t tll Ami ynii del we've yni the j. We will (.tit ear lletijv in, We did il i. m e on l will ; n,-i 1 1 . I "OKI - Tn ra r.i, l,.M ,e v dSiitht lilies.) We nre square nmini.t I r. e Trml " 11111 we use ue Minn h Ami we'll i;jVl mi' made, iir n;irt v's .-,,a T wi.rkiiimiien i.l every rie: "'' '"'"' "r at the lire; Ihislmml, brother, luver. slr,.; These the w.ir.l-ll,t (,,,.,.. I ue Hiirk.T's worthy ,is hue. Cuo.-Ti, ra ra, l,IM v We are ren.ly, tilth, m, v I'eriitir Peimnriiti, prev We lvo cine. i,,le,J . "st l"'r.,see'.,.u thai ' ""","-' "' v is.Mirenli ,;;::;;:; i1::'::: -""-' '"in Mr ,,, ..ii "ese uiiti,. , II "hunt i,r lull. l'""'-'r'' r.i rn.l ,,,,..,,. (,,(. beiija.ii,,ri(,m)ini( I ru.l of all t- l.ov- i I.,,,,.. In.l.ewi.rhe.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,', '"'""""Jnst whait.Ml,, enre.inxiottsforlho lii;ht " .r .iritior str,. lllllll)ri l l'l,fUrwlri.r ' Ami we'll ll01,t tfHiK!;, t llo.-T rn ra. l,o, ,le ,.,,.,,.