Plattsmouth herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 18, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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AurrnclinK tko lrml.H V,mnn In the
kn-i WnllliiK Near III ( ruler for
Hid Siiiirlai- lliiw tlir Ax-rut Vm Mmle.
The story of Uie as:t?iit of tlm moun
tain fmni whose summit I'lato, in Lis
wrt'tie nnil thoughtful time, mnl Mr.
(flnuNtnne, in our tmuliloumlays, luiviy
anions ninny great met), in irreut woiiil.T
watched the sunrise, Ims h strong fas
cination Iii'ciumi of its wiilo contra!.,
its Ktri n exaction of Mrenuth niul en
(liimnco still iiN Mtpivint, awo injiiriiii;
reward, tlic realization (,f that which
inspired t!in stu-iciit ami tha poets of
the Middle Age. c
l'luin the hanaiiu. nnd tho orari!;i!
proves, from the vineyard' niul tin
ji.ilniH, tliroivti the sown Imtauical r1
levinns to th i"lii'iveH.ed crust that
spreads lor toil Njnarii milcii lutweeii
the awful depth of unijuniu'hiililo tim
niul (he Muo hi avt ii dial hiiddcnlY wms
to he brought near, (lie traveler mounts
with an ever in reusing Heiise of the
vastiii;- hcy"inl and croiiirl him.
Win 11 I vveivt' miles of the jo-cent
Catania hr.V; Join iicciinili.ln-il tiie
Hlllllliil looks ua lur oil' as ever. When
Mr. liuilv.eil nia'le the iiHcvut, iii Aunnsil
IS?, no i1;, In had fallow ijii Sicily fur
three im 'in ti-V flU( I '.'iJ.'iiilf the eastern i-ea
htieof if immiittiiiis thivlfirftn lemp.r
uturo van t' ; tlis?--Vu'-sr.. lollini-M lift jn,
jioint va Catania; his liiv-t halt nb !t(i-rii
losi, a little town eontilt .if o;ie kill.;
Htnef, Voril'i'nM hy lino' ttorieil cptin'-H
uf Uvft.'i Nii-'ilf ha.-'t 'ifinii il'ian j.m'-fe' '
been hlniken to the ki'ouivV oV eartlr
(puilces.. , .I'l'i .in, ll)'H,HllM'!0l' j.iilf!
lley, on jiiui;ln;k," .y , li'l, ,iiiist. l:i! h.
over a vast tract e'oerod jtji, i.-ya,.!iti.l
ashes, wiih hero' a nil there patches of'
hiooiu. :'lho iiinlrr) khnw af hUmifi it','
ami v trvviilcr tmst' 1 li'-n h thy
deserve. . . j i ; '
Around the ili-ti'iet of lava niul asho
lie foivsts of small trees, nn.l at ah' ii;lit
Of -l.UiO Ret i lhelMnh l Ilwhl'o.'Nvlii JO
men in chaiy.e of tJm wood- lh'e 'aiV!
wheiici.' thu Mait f"r jjij ,. f re
gions of tin- iii'oiinl.iiii. where col'I'sur-,
Jwlns,' of 'lli; "higher A Inn Iijm to
lie fiicoiiiilorerl-is iuade. There, Mr.
Kodivoll records, "the air was so extra
ordinary still that tint tlaum of a candle
placed near thu door did not Uicker."
At !,:ii)it feet the Ueiuito Itosertu j en
tered, r.if.'le.NMiesM is all around, Si-
lelico hroodM over thu Wasto of hi nek
fund, ashes and lava; ant.s nro the only
living crcatuiefi in tho mitor region. A
littlo lower down Sjialfanzani found
jilyn, thruslieH, ravelin, kites niul a few
lai1 ridges.
.There wan no moon on the nii;hf on
which Mr. Rodwell made the ascent,
hut us the desiihiti'ju ilei'iciied, and thu
oarth hecmiiii nil to mid and more void
and mute, tho honveim "tnok up the
woiidii'iiH talo." "Tin' ctrs," he sny.n,!
"shuiii). witli. iiitnunliiuiry hrilliii'iey
and sjinrkh I like j,ii'Uclen of white hot
Steel. I have liewr Ivfmv H.'i.'U H.'
lieavetis studd'vl Willi such myriads i.f
stars. The milky way .shone like a j-;i!h
of tiro, and n.ctfi'i iln-Uml ti.u
sky in sucli inn.J.'U.i; 1 mhim ;x ivo
up nny atti in;;t to o.iuut tin in. 'fi."
Vault of heaven sieiai'l to In) ln,Ur!i
nearer than wlieii s't en from the cartii,
and inoro tir.l. as if only ft si;.irt,'
alu vu our he;id, and mine, of tho
hri'hter stars ai'e,:i. to bo hali;iiii;
down from tho sky."
A hundred years ai;o Jlrydotie, ho
liolditu tiiin Minu wiIikIixhi.s Hiwiai-h.1
uf "awful m iiety and uplendoi','' re
cords how ho ami his companion woro
"more struck with veneration than he
low;" how they exclaimed together,
"What a glorious situation for an ob
gervatoryl IJad Kmpodotlos had the eye
of Ciailleo, what discuvcriiKi must lio not
liavo Made!" and how lhey rcLrretted
that Jupiter was not visible, ns lm wa
persuaded they illicit havo ili.scovorod
goino of his satellites with tho iiakoJ
eye, or nt least with a small glass whieji
he had iu his pocket.1
Atl:iH)a. m., with tho temperature
at 4 detfs. Fuhr., M.r.: Hodwell mu licd
tho woliM.ino bhelter of the Cm tt lu
gleso, and rested tliero . luitil 8 a. in.,
when, tho brighter stars having dis
nppcared, he started for the stiiniuit of
tho crater, l,;!fii) Teet above him, in or.ler
to witnos what Drydouii calls "the most
wonderful and suUnne siht in mis
turn." Thfiiowiw mi stiuiiij wind; the
traveler did not siufer frdm the nick-,
nessof which trarolcrs Constantly com
plain in the lap'tled air of the summit.
Ho reached tin highest point at i.U),'
niul, cautiously chi'msini; ft cnolish yl.w
anions tho cinders, sat down on tho
ground, whence steam and sulphurous
acid gas wen) issuing, to wait for thu sun
rise. "Above tho plaeo where the sun
would presently appear thero was a
brilliant red, shading oil in tho direc
tion of tho zenith to orango and yellow';
this was succeeded- by palo jjrecn, then
a long stretch of pul.i blue, darker bine,
dark 'gray, ending opposite tho risin?
sun with black. Thw licet was ijuito
distinct; it lasted sumo minutes ami,
was very lemarkabh". This was nc
cooded hy tho usual rayed appearand",
and at ten minutes to 3 the upper vim
of tho sun wnu seen ovor tho mountains
of Cnlaliria."
So simply does .Mr. Kodwoll record tho
guerdon of his tril, for, as he says truly
DO quo would liave the hardihood Ut at
tempt to describe the iuipr. s.iuiis which
are made upon the mind while the eyes
uro beholding the snnriM'' from the stun
mit of Etna. How greatly the isolaMon
of tho awful mount am aids to the inn mi
municable elfcct lirydoiio implies when
ho dwells npi.Ji tin' immense elevation
from tho surface of the earth, drawn, as
it were," fo rrsiic-:h' point, without any
neighboritig moiintuns for tho Sensrti
and iiuii.iinathiil to ret ujmii Add re
cover from tht'hr 'AsMilihhnlent, ill' tttoir,,
way (liirt'n io" thTwoild.'" It must ln a
wonderful k"perlena tii'titrn frinn such
ii coutemrdtDuiu, t) pant into tho Vasti
lirocipito,un ttliystt t the great. urator,,
even when it is ipiiet, as on this occu
eion. Philadelphia Telegraph. ' ''
A l' if. filial Xf iio.i'iiil
I One heirs so often ill thes i1ji . f.
, Win r lii' iiiormls tiian rcytly marl ie- j
cnn w lers if the fashion of piling .lol
. la'rs over th graves of our loved onusiu ,
tLhliai of rich I'arvmgs ulid polished ,
liaftK. will Dot ojiiii dav have U'ljne out .
entirely.' It Ls thn jufsons of Wealth '
who do these things and it is they who
uro liiidnigaiioro satisfactnry way to
honor Ihioi-Jii.Li -" : :
In one of the ln-nutiful homonof imrth
ern New York there lived until the
morning vt the 3d of July a dear little
fair Tiaired ;irlr whose I'uriUn name,
J'riscjlla, fitted well with her quaint
griiop ifnd (letmiro daintiness. Sshe was
ii joyous child despito her gentlo ways,
and tho fourth to her wm full of de
lightful anticipations. As usual, lira
works hiiil been ordered from New York
and every preparation made fur n spt
yjally pO'l day to oeli bi Htolu) TLruvery
of a younger brother from a serious and
threatening illnen. I hit on the Thurs
day before ' littlo l'l'iseilla was suiblenly
stricken with malignant diphtheria ami'
Sunday sho rtiodh. rTast ratfle full of
the glorii's i.f thr-Fonrth which would
never ilawii tor h t .
Instead of lavi.shim.' money over the
soulless body of her little daughter us it
In s in the village irfilf'ynrd, thesti ick. n
mother li taken another way to per
petuate her iuiuiidi'v. : Thorn in in St.
Christina Home for Sick and Convales
cent Children in Saratoga a I'j'i-eilla
rooin and a l'ris'cllla bed; pct'i'HuaiJy
eiwhwed. "'Tho litllo frill's pl.tVI TiiiitfK
and belongings, her books mid nmny.rtf
lu r littlo gowns have ieen tak'ry thejy
f'l' ThO riiTiU'ol't iitld pleasure of'lt's r)i-.,
piiTitis as th'4 rotiio ' and 'o',1 tio'm'n "&t.:y.
fivfln tiji)"r. ' ri'isi'illa's bwtv t
beyond tho, gravi) and;"Uj ag;ihi
fn(i li world for; rttiini'. ,.-Vnii iuc('rii-'
'in' 'U"AhWt'J:A Ttr (lie sisiepinj f.rotht-r!
wlihWPrWMlla hriVlelY. tlKshar.' tlnit
woiild have li.'en that littlo ni'.ll't'liVi
AVjVe,,shy h;.re Jo ijljiiu) jt, is pijv
ii-idi'i frir nie'vou'iig sufTi i-.ii- wh.i will b.
lii' t iie' Vri.-eill'i r! n n Wit t he l( I .111. I
nny "Kforieil urn1' beola-tirigniiil beau
tiful a monument as this? Her i'oitd of
View in Ji'ifW.Vw'k Tinlea., I .. V
I ..lil Iimt In the Venule.
Cel. niateil thi.m.'h it may bo for the
dignity of ttn- .rocftijtiigs, the-snat''
Oi'ca-i'.naily affords rare amusement to
thoowhouie coUipolled to attend it
ll.nilni; IIUIVhj Arniinil Ihe TVorlil,
Aii Amei ic 'ii fr an boston ha-reach.
"Parr -m a .wtho around the world
"iiersojuidy (-...idutted" hy himself ntidi
eutireh- imvel circnm yauccs.i Ilia
i o t i
Ilrct'llt l.ernnill I'ellllllll J'Ijivs,
Soino nioiiiiis after Ijisiinircli' dii1
miss;il n historical jilay called "Jh;r
Neni" Jb'ti''' was' rl'orrned iit lierliu.
The snlijeot was the u'lonlieiition i.f tic.
young cjti tor sif lli'audeiihiirg, known
to history as the great (doctor, who, mi
ascending th" throne of his fathers, dis
missed his father's wicked minister. if
coutso nobody conld fail to notice the
Miigularly ill chosen historical juiriillel.
but it did not end tliere. The emperor
visited, tun perforiuaueo night nfter
night, iipplauding vociferously, mid even
went out of his way to confer murks of
distinction on author and actors-.
This episode was in general disoree'lr.
passed over by tho press at the lime; the
fruit was not ripo, the crip not yet full,
lint for all that it wounded tho foldings
of many who, whatever their party, had
retained unsullied tho sentiments of
cliiviilTous gcutle!i,..'ib A in. .fi" recent
attempt to propamito political ideas by
means of a. stau'e play, which nh-t found,
ile.iLiiin,sUiive patronage fix in th em
peror, wits choked at its birth by li.o
iioitliv of the .ul lie, wh . on tie.
I hall' empty bench. . in di-rtamrul'sit. nee
j lllllld Ul" bois!!'.jUS, ilp;i,ir.(. if ttfie .mi-
I't'i-i. V u'.iry 1.0 ww.
Friday it furnished u inci4 avowefl ))Wt is to couibletu tho whole
dent which iBt ill l inc laughed about. itrip without tln. e.xpetiditure of any
'There is a' new reading clerk "in tho PiMotiey whatetrf,' and, acVordinj' to his
('' 1 1 Ii St rmitleil sliinn.
Some months a:;o, wl;. n tho f-'ider wn
Mr.inded o;f tiie Me of Wight, the pr-
pi'ietovsof 'J ho tirnphlc. ollerod pi'i...
(f tb"i for tlai bo-t. invention for in -iibling
ships to comnmnii.'uto with the
shol?. In all .'.'Ud coinjietiUirii onb t'ed
for the irie, and the awyrd has ,it;.-t
been given to Messrs. Thomson and No
ble, of Southampton. The belt . mean's
of communication is considered by tit
judges to bo a rocket, and tho pmn
winners' rocket has about it a. novelty
which has been proved to work admi
rably; It Is fitted with a sfrmig grapnel,
and carries of cotnse a rope-, single or
doublo, neenrding to distanco. . ;
- The grapnel remains closely shut
while thm rocket is in flight imt tho
moment the grouud is reachod it opens
and clings on to whatever it touches.
Tho rope may then be made taut from
tho shiri, nnd the paristmgers and on-w
landed in tho ordinary The tii-
vuntHgu of this arrangement is that the
Work of rescue can be performed in the
absence (f assistance from the shore
end. London Tit-liits. ' "' " 1
.'" Crl" Aller llio Itcn.iit TlnmlH.
. ; It fceenuul impossible two numths ny
for any corn to be raised ou the lloodoU
botUimlnnds of the Mississippi valley,
but tho indications now point to a very
fair crop. As soon as the water receded
most of the fanners lost no time in m
ruring seed, and tho extreme, moisture
in the soil is bringing on this coin Very
rapidly. Had the drought predicted Tr
July set iu early in tho month, the
gloomy predictions of the early part of
June would have been m.iro than ful
filled, but the very moderate weather
has come to tho rescue of the Hooded
fanner, who iu many cases will bo ablo
to realize nearly as much from his crop
a he could have hoped for had the river
not left its channel at all. bit. Louij
lilube-Deiiiocrut. :
A Miiiiuniriil fur llelirliiK.
That lonely speck in r.ehring ac;v
whore Commander lVhring, of the Kus
eian navy, the fitst efficient explorer of
those water, lies buried lieiieath n rude
cairn, will presently havo a monument
to the navigator's memory. Tho Russian
man-of-war Aleoot recently visited tho
ipot, and will return wdth a metal crostj
inscribed to the memory of I5ehring and
his followers and proclaimed (is the
tribute of the Aleoot. lichring wa.i
wrecked on the island iu 1741. New
i'ork Suii.' ;
: .1 ! r 1 1.1 -;
I , i:mli nuoit fur the iHHuirv,
, jljt; if4 , jiroposc. , fa introduce n , new
sK'clys ufn vermin, iuty, thjs, country.
The' people of CuliforiUii are plagueil
with gophors, and Uuiy rbte toliria
thet wongnoro id ttvar oa tilie gopher,-'
l.:Wcagi) Hea-ald. jn-.l -iT.ii !.l -il !
chamlier. He has a good voice, but has
not "caught on" to the ins and outs of
Lis position. "Alco ri'csidunt ' iloi'tou
fiinvt eju'iitive coiuniuiiications be
fore' imV senate,' among them, by mis
take, a treaty negotiated by this govern
ment with Great Uritain for the im
provement of the condition of sailors on
the high seas. Some time ago the Lon'
don papers announced that this treaty
hud IsH ii jierfectwl, but not even 11 whis
per concerning it haa been dropped in
the public ear by the president or those
a.ssociit..'d with him. .
Tho new clerk seine 4 upon this mes
sage and began to read it. . ,
"I herewith transmit to the senate for
ratification," ho began.
Instantir tho experienced employee
next to him grasped his arm, the ancient
Captain iiassett shot out of his chair,
niul tho mercury in tho thermometer
hanging near dropped !S' degs.
, Whilu tho senators, looked holplessly
around tho treaty was rescued and u
document containing no executive, se
crets was placed in Iho clerk's hand.
His voice was husky for the ne.xt'hoiu-,
itnd t he Hiiev-riituru irrthe neighborhood
of tile clerk's doi-k continued : huv until
frtier the r adjournment; WaKhlngtoil
I-ettvr.,.; ! : , -i'. ,0 c ''
A SO. rv Admit nisriiiill.
leaco'nsfield Once' delivered 'a fat
Trtoiw sii'V-c!1 nt ' F.diifhurgfr, Which' W;ii
not repo-i'tl in itt imliretv, iit iill evnnts
otit. oi: EdinlHii-frli, .for 'th. Very goti
ris.irton tlint it ctiiihl nut be diri. Jt yrtix
JI10 oration iiiAyJfich .b? boipjteiVof.ltaV1
ji;g educated his jiavty a ti'uglug' ru
'tniijiler (orwhicji Urtmift.omtie, fvliiv:
fhg dld 'not (dank hini. Oil this oration
htmgs'iv bib". It was delivered at a ban
(ptet, 'Ami the flower and clu'vnlryof the
Tory pirty. were around the 'premier at
tbo lieud table. ! ,or .m, ti r'f '
, soujo. .mistake a dociinteri of . good
jiort. instead of. light claret was ptiertl
iu I'vvnt of the luysiic. htasiiian wjion.
lie rosi) jo speak, and every time )io took
a sip he felt fejiivenated, and the more
he took the more he felt inclined to talk
in radiant spirits. With his nnns folded,
his eyes glowing and his manner
ally sprightly, Disraeli poured forth col
umn after column for hours, and tho re
porters were turning out tho "copy"
with manufacturing rapidity far beyond
the abilities of the telegraphists to cope
The wires were gorged, tho great
speech only reached the newspapers in
a mangled form, and wherever it was
read thero was mystification and 11 con
siderable row. lint it may bo added
that some of the reporters on that occa
sion had looked upon 'ho wino when
it was red, and their 11 swero taking
exercise on stilts win 11 t .ey came to de
cipher them. Sau Fr.incixco Call. '
Inillanii Has No Canst to ( iiiiiiliiin.
Indiana was first represented ou a na
tional pr.-ii!ei.:n,l .ticket in 1 .".', when
Cc ." W. Julian was !m c. iudidnt.; of
t'.ie Free. Soil Democrats' for vice presi
dent. The ticket received no electoral
vc '(A ' Indiana's : next representative
was Schuyler Colfax, who was elect. !
vice pio.-adeiir ah .tig with h fi r.d rrimt
in 1' In IS'.' no Indiana naino was
on any of the recular tickets, lint f. ft or
Mr. Ureehy's thallt the. Democratic votes were tn...-t of them ca.-t
for Thomas A. Jii-iulr'cks, mid a few
vice, presidential v.-ks were cyst for
(ieorgi! W. Julian. In f'-'TG Thomas A.
llotidricks was the raridilato for vice
president on the lViwrratie; ticket. In
lSso William H. English ployed a simi
lar role In ltThoinus A. Hendricks
resminal hisplaco as second on the Dem
ocratic ticket. In Indiana for the
first thne had the first plaeo on the
presidential ticket, Benjamin Harrison
was placed in the White I Umse. This
year ho is on the ticket again. It is
thus seen that in every presidential cain
piiigtf finco lil Indiana has had vital
interest in1 tho : result. Indiatiapolis
News,.!..: ..,,- 1 .
.' - , : . ! - " ,
Three l'.lai k fron A(,'bIh.
The growth of a "huo and try" was
well Illustrated tho other day on the
banks of the Seine, Two fishermen in a
boat got into an altercation with a woiu
au .engaged iu washing a poodle on
shore, fphtsluhl her with water and fled
from her wruthful shrieks. ..A crowd
collected, the cry . was raised that a
woman had been drowned, and scared
by tho sncces of their joke the I wo fish
ermen attempted to escape ' the
They were finally arretted at some
distance on the charge of having mur
dered a woman and her baby for the
sake of tho rings worn by t lie former,
and of having thrown the bodies into
the water, and it reipiircd all the en
ergy of the police to save them from the
2,i 11 to people who had followed them
iilong the shore in order to lynch them.
London Globe.
They'll Not SOirvw.
There will nor be a full crop of peaches
this year, hut the Maryland packers are
not going fo stop work. The blackberry
and the whortleberry are right here in
all their beauty, tho tomato is on the
way, and the crab neviT fails to crawl
abont the Chesapeake bay bottom.
Counting in tho potato crop, and not
forgetting the watermelon, tliero will
probably be something to eat in Mary
land this year besides terrapin and can
vasback duck. Baltimore American.
California (Mo.) young beli. have or
ganized a cooking club, and the young
men, in let.-diation, have established an
eating club. . Uwiprocity has lieen de
termined on. 1
A lady in Passaic, N. J., is reputed t-.
havo been literally talked to death' b;
two rival1 lowing muolmio Agent"1 n"
cent ly who were - tiitglvng 1 for' 1 '
trade. .--i. ' " -. a'. '
own statement, he has already crossed
the ocean and visited England and Ger
hiauy iu accordauco with the conditions
of his self imposed task, which also con
tains the stipulation that he must do no
work on the voyage. Needless to say
that our traveler's rather nnusual
methods do in it meet with the approval
;' df 'rill the hotel keepers whom he honors
with his custom, and in Berlin he uudei
went one month's imprisonment for fail
ing to pay his bill.
Tlw only wonder is that this nnusual
kind of traveler does not spend most of
his time in jail, but, needless to say, he
. is gifted with an unlimited supply of
what may be best described as "self
confidence," jitid is a past master in the
peculiarly American art of 'bluffing..'
As ho himself puts it, !'lf I niuonlv
make a mau laugh I'vo got him!'' auH
certainly , there is a sublime assurance
about his system which must force t
smile even from his victims. Our cit
cumnavigator has, of course, not sef
himself any particular route for hi.
voyage, as he is dependent on. ."five
passes," and has to be content with what
he can get Li that direction. Thus, to
ri"ach pari from Berlin as the railway
companies 'declined fo Oblige him--Mr
(. oou travi'leil vni lireinen nii'l l,oniou.
in' fs now Imping r.Hwh 'tint
. but what. Ins it Inerary villi Is? is 11
of cojijoeturo, evi u to . liiiusubL ii
Cfr. JUolldv)! TvleglMph
;. -. , K.illfil '.v a flyri.Ut. j 1 ,,
n Uupriimptu ctslubralion. .tJiaVtwa L
.held iu honor, of the arrival of a dvleg I
' ion' of Tuniirs 'from Fretporl;, Ills!, waK
suildetily brought to a close by the al
'most "instant killiri'g'of amati. 'A sky
rocket, snpp'wel to have been set off b
Ii crowd of young boys, penetrated hif
f. o-i.U ..... ( un.l ..f tin. Ji.ll ,v,.
. - 4.......". ..,.....,; ....
, w;o,;e(i ou .and, left unbeddud in lit
. btaui. .....'. ....
Asllie procession reached the contfn
of Bfue I.-land aveiiiio and Polk ptriit
Philip1 Jviuipp, who had been wMtchin
the parade f n .in the sidewalk, was struck
by u skyrocket. Tho mail's head and
face were covered with blood, . and
Officer Halle, calling assistance, carried
him into a neighboring drugstore. Dr
Lahey was summoned, and Knopp win
sent at once to the county hospital. On
tho way Dr. Lahey extracted part of the
stick, eight inches iu length and three
eighths of an inch square. ' It hud en
tered just above the right eye, and had
gone throngh tho brain until the end
was blunted against the back of the
skull. Knopp lived only a few moment.
Chicago News Record.
ier -AJlJX- z 5 3 : : 3 c : rz oTz 5" rTFFcT:TT :T:": z 0 ; ; ; J
Still continue to be
Oowhoy Sailor Not Just (lie Ttilnj.,
' Captain Hmiisou, of tho new sehoonei
Spray, on her maiden voyage from the
.Suislaw river, in Oregon, kid a lively
experience with cowboy sailors. With
six of this new variety the captain put
to se:i. Hardly had he got outside when
iistrong's'ourheii-t f:-i!e oame up.- The
sc hooner oil. d iV.ii i h!:'.' and thfew
boys bw-amo t 'l-fibly sick and lay in a
heap in the ft-reetu-tU perfoctly helpless.
The cuptniu and his mate succeed.;. I in
lo.vering the fv!'ysiil,and w ith the 111. tin
cail and jibs ;-,et the schooner was drivi n
In fore the gale at a territio rate. S.-v-eral
si-as wire shipped and one of the
cowboys was washed against thelmul.ei
on deck, breaking his leg. When the
weather modi-rated the captain put into
Port Townseial, where tho iniui'tsl cow
boy tailor wan scut to tho Marino hos
pital. Two sailors were engaged and
tho schooner made tho trip down in
twelve day.' The five cowboy sailors
have decided not to go to-sen any more.
San Francinco Chrouielw.
Bit; I'M'" f,,r Wltno.-
Xr. O. Do F. Sjinith has Wed a clailii
against the city for !50U for services a
en fxiiert witness for the people in tin.
trial of Carlylo W. Harris, tho medica.
Ftndent, for tho murder of his' wife
Helen Wilson Potts Harris. ' ' '
Professor W'itthaus, the chemical ex,
pert who made the analysis of tho co.i '
tent.s of tho dead woman's stomach, hai
filed with the district attorney a bill ol
fl.uoo for that service. , , -, , .
Dr. Allan McLauo Hamilton, anothei
expert iu the case, has collected
bill of I, "run for his servicer!, and
other bills from expert witnesses hnvt
been filed Which bring the total cost ol
tho expert testimony for tho people up
Tho bills of tho medical experts win.
ti stiliod in the trial of li. iL Field ag1
gregato l,ooo, nnd none of thuiu h.'i?
yet been paid. New York Evening Sun.
A Ouerr Story nt Two Apjile Tree.
About sixty-four years ago Thoina.'
Cnrr, living near Medora. in .Tacksop
county, set out an apple orchard on lit
farm, about one-half mile southwest of
Middleviile, and having two apple trees
left he gave them to his sons, John F.
and G. W. The boys set these trees out
along the fence, near the orchard, and
they both grew well. John was the
first to die, and on the day he died hi
tre fell. G. W. lived to be an old
man, became, known as a colonel, was
chairman of the convention that framed
the present constitution of Indiana and
died only a lew days ago at Crawfords
ville. It ii n coincidence that his tne
also fell on the same day ho died. Cor.
Indianapolis Journal, .
I'mi'l dir Hot Weather.
The foods that are converted into heat
that is. keep up tho heat of tho body
are starches, sugar, and fat ; and those
thatuioiu particularly nourish the ner
vous and muacular system are the albu
men uud sails. The largest proportion
of sunntier food should consiist of green
vegetables, cooked or as salads ; white
or lean meats, such as chicken, game,
rabbits, venison, fish, nnd fruits. Dr.
N. E. Yorke L'.lvies in Popular Science
Moutbly. '; - ; , .
In the Clothing Business
This is fully, ik'inonstratcd Jv the. fact that. iIk-v
have soldlii! 'f.-yM
UusiSriniia: tn
- 1 : T
:iu i
They own their goods as low as m )rtal mi
(ian.l5uy.tht5m'Tor kpot cash. ; 1 .cj.-jn;u
They sell thern to their customers at as Icvj
prices asf mortal man;paxi ,sel them a?.piak
liviiitj.l'V-!'); .-l!ohh:yiii J-
; l'J I '
-' i ;
numtfi .ThorQSfmctrtj.iQncUiiQiet
Claris f. ' 1 "lJ"' ' .4.k4.i i x
ings..,iiiiir'ii;(I lm ?Jiih avAA'O ,9iisif0
i u
in their Deal-
Those Three Re.-rsons- are theKeystonesnfiTheir
NOW 'i'O SlldW
' ) V. i .'. I -i;
. I I rtn A n
fr !!)i
HKTl'tlf (i
f 1.1
iPl'i'iciatiou d( their
- f ,
( :
Iook,'i'j.u,alt (L:'Th(.': CuUuqiiian WorKl's Fair
Atlas of the "World," to everv licrou 1)uviiiir' 7
g'oo.llo thf innonitt of .S-25.0U "ofthu- at one
purchase or in a running' account. They will J
give them a copy of this valuale book free of
;r. Mayer ; &. M organ's !
Tts Clothing Kings. - Plattsmoath, Ne
e .-1,1.
of ynnrs has been tnrntr'l for the Inst time, it wiil t:in!iv "
.stainl ntlullu f fUeli.1.eatl"4 il. VoiT gflVU.iJ lilfi '.iigf S,tfi
;tiow yoti
lire too tuii'lor heartfl tn ive it Mich anutlici'
! Itfwil
irsii-triltlitvi tfi
sell yuii "in1 oftliOje ck'.i'ant
just rcceivc'l.
:y.-i(.'rf fa.-Tjf as ,.u 'cAtlvA 'Jleilr. ' M'Gli
I'UL'if' 'iisi'urj it ilto-'ctlicr -atid let us
llL'W JeltteT
Will souii.'liQ' upon na .and yoiv wilJ .want .new carpets, car-. j
tains, linens, etc. c are head quarters tor anything in
. i 1 'IV" ' t
tins line, we can sell you liemp carpets as luv as ten cents
! J ibm fclty tJ ut, p Jlril. bill is, U I J ( ' J i U J I i i A i
with ii.' " liavo handlt'd Ihe.jir.ivith "uniih'sTiut tinditi"-
that we could sell them much cheaper ly havinp, them in
,. , stock we, have discarded the former method . jind aiu.iiow,
1 1 ahle-to sell them at a very low price, will Vltiplieate' Onialia
jii'ii'i's everyj iini'j kin.ljuiil ipnility. t ;i kj i 1st '.i.i;.n s i 1 e j;a t i f 1
. J'ci.n all new fjo'ds we have no old designs, in the line, We
lia jui-t H'coived Hit coellent ftHSnrtment .f ,;
! ' ' ! 1
'We call' "VAX liice ciirfaTfts " I'r So 'ccnts":rtiair tip ward,' Trisli
- I'uiitt 'cufta'ins, Tiimh"iu'-' 'muslin ' curtains, Swiss ..curtains,
curtain screen in l'lain and fancy, talde silks lur driniorios.
ClienillC tV.rliei'ci,. Vl.-sa iv liiit'lfue of .. window shades at
the lowest prices. ?
niirincu :i . n I i 0 11 n n ;i
'1 '-EZT'SiSL1 1 lXLX2tf2XSil
We have the linest line tt linens ever hrought to this city
Tal'le cloths willi napkins to match, TuV.lt1 scarfs. Jhirhin
'(rapes, Meachcil tai'le ilaniiisk with drawn woi
sUtched ,liy tlieyavd, phuu tJnnuu-kj f Ur drpwji '
)7l UL-T i lr.f, U ;V ( r p " liners-, -hn1 'elean't nss-ortTiicnt of
work and
' to'wth
tancv and drawn work hw'ders. plain and l.-nicv Unci
linen sheeting nnd pillow casing etc.
Tni'ki.-h Towel.
r with
c an