QBDKB i secretary. flf yjOURHAM HEWS Ml "U , I H THC X. V;: J,-T,r ; -r rt-. rxtit I Both Sides of the Question 1, should be looked Into. the Intelligent smoker uses CLACK WELL'S BVivrURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. BLACKW.- , ,g DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. Durham, N. C. Mexican, Mustan Liniirient. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beast A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, .he Farmer, the otock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. other application compares "with it in efficacy. - his well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost j'-nerations. yrCicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustanci :.;:'IMENT. . ons arise for its use almost lx i. agists and dealers have it. - Kjwmmm mm air THE POSIT! V CUF!E. ball. A.V.OrJ? BTWT m SC HI F FN! ANN'S Asthma Cure to give tnntknt relief in the worst Ml and tfcM wre wkrra stbrra fiUJ. mai riifi VVK E af DrTf.t mr by Balk UK. t. BUmrrMA NN, Bfc Part. Blnm. Scientific American Agency fort) CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, etc Par Information and free Handbook write to MUNN CO- 3d BROADWAT, NEW YOKfv. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Krery patent taken out by us is bronebt before the pablle by a notice given free of charge in the gtitntxfit Jlmmnw Lanreet circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent aa should be without it. Weekly. SJ.OO a year; tUO six months. Address MUNN. St CO, PPBUHm 3Q Broadway. New York. fcC5I.L.x- JiKUTHEKS. 68 Wunn Tier? YcrS. IMfi- Bf -fa iLl 2. : 5P1 - , saTnTvTlnn'g Eye and PHn Ointznent. A certain euro for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, OL Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema, Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples nd Files. It is cooling: and soothing. Hundreds of cases have been cured by It after all other treatment had failed. A Is pat up in 25 and 50 cent boxes. HZ . mm? ) u u m S3 CT1 IBB J I fTJI lsr For Atchinson, St. Joseph, Leaven worth, Kansas City, St. Louis, and all points nr-th, east south or west. Tick ets sold and bag. gage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For INFORMATION AS TO RATE? AND ROUTES Call at Depot or address H, C. TOWNSEXD, G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. J. C Phixxippi, A. G. P. A. Omaha. H. D. APGAR. Agt-, Plattsmouth. Telephone, 77. And when this Is done every day. nNF'ItnFjnMiistsriiocri tSJ utaw'tAU Iiid W hi. pern hear. i. Camfnrtsl.lo. 8a.-. f-w.ful lireal Irruinlimfail. So!d by V. Illimx, onlv , F') CC 65 3 llruaUj, .t lurk. W nw tur buuk of pruoisl ilLC Ci HAI?? BALSAM ni?ii;is., and Uautifit the hair. Jt I fuim.K- a luxu.iant pmwth. 4 J Never Fails to Bestore Gray ''. ?, 0IIair to its Youthful CoKr. A'ii -ui m!p diwa? Hi hair iaUuio. 7 . w.oinfl MUt lni..'irit, e rrkcr Crinuer Tonie. 1: run s tile w.irst Couch. I.tiiitra. Ih hilitv. Ini!Kction,i'aiii,Takeiutiiiie.iOcU. The otilv mire cure for Corns. oivp lul ja.u. ijc at Jjrugistj, or JJIdC'OX a CO., N. Y. A Family Affair Health for the Baby, Pleasure for the Parents, New Life for the Old Folks. Hires' oot geer THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK j"is a family affair a requisite oi ine nome. a. 3 cent package makes 5 gallona ot a delicious, Btrengthenlng, effervescent beverage. Dont be deceived if a dealer, for tbe sake of larger trofit. tells von come other kind is "lust as Rood " 'tis false. Ko imitation la as good as the Keiiuine Uuub'i HEALTHFUL, AGREEABLE. CLEAN'SINO. for Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc A Delightful Shampoo. IVHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water ' R V' Not m KourUhlnjr Diet. An old Scotch servant attached to the household of the famous British logician. Sir William Hamilton, was as proud of his master's fame as if it had been his own, and, having picked up a few of Sir William's technical words and phrases, brought them into piny on every possible occasion. One day a gentleman who was fond of drawing out old John for the amuse ment of the company said to him, with an engaging air: "I suppose, John, now that you've lived so long with such a great roasoner as Sir William, you are quite able to conduct an argument yourselfr" "Weel, 1 winna say sao mucklo ns that," replied tUe old Scotchman, with tho mvdesty of true genius, "but if ) cunna conduct an airgyment, I'm think in I could draw an inference." "Could you? Let us see, then? There an Eastern proverb, you know, about the wild ass snuffing up tho east wind. Now what inference would you draw from that?" For a moment old John looked non plussed, as well he might, and then a gleam of sly humor twinkled in tho cor ner of his dark gray eye, and ho an swered, with a grim chuckle: "Aweel, tho inference that I wad draw from that wad bo that ho might snuff a lang timo before ho grew fut!" David Ker in Harper's. Polly Saved the Valuables. Wo had moved into a newly built house, which had all tho modern im provements, the electric bell being one of them. It was a cold winter's night. Mr. and Mrs. J. were traveling in Europe and the servants were all gathered about the kitchen fire. Polly was also near the fire, but in the dining room, which was np stairs. She used to see our mistress ring the bell for the servants to enter, and, like a lever bird, studied on this for a long while. On this night Polly was all alone, when suddenly the door opened and two men entered. The room being dark they could not see the bird and legan searching for valuables, for they were burglars. Polly now proved her worth. She put oiit her claw and pressed the button of the electric bell. It brought the servants to the dining room, where, after a short struggle, they secured the burglars, who were about to make way wnth much of the valuable silver in the dining room. Polly was fed on dainties for some time as a reward for her valuable as sistance. Cor. New York Recorder. An Old Buccaneer, "I recently met a survivor of Pirate Lafitte's band of freebooters," said Thomas Haines, once a lieutenant in the United Ctates navy. "He was a tough looking specimen, and must have been well past eighty years of age, for it is more than sixty years since Lafitte had his headquarters on Galveston island and preyed upon the commerce of the Gulf. The relic of those half forgotten times was an inmate of a Jersey City charitable institution and was not much inclined to discuss bygones. He -said, however, that Lafitte was a very hand some Frenchman more than six feet in height, well made and possessed of won derful talents as a commander. He ruled the toughest lot of men ever con gregated on one island as though they were a flock of lambs. Occasionally a lawless spirit would rebel, however, but his days thenceforth were brief and full of trouble. Every woman who came in contact with Lafitte fell in love with him, and he was as safe among his fe male friends in New Orleans as on Gal veston island surrounded by his armed buccaneers." St. Louis Globe-Demo crat. Production of Portland Cement. Mr. Giron read before the Engineer's club at Philadelphia a paper on the trade of the world in Portland cement, in the course of which he 6aid that the present annual production in Europe amounts to over 20,000,000 barrels and its commer cial value to over 7.200,000. The first factory was established at Northfleet, on the Thames. The process was so crude that in 1850 only four factories were in operation. In England there is now over 8,300,000 barrels made each year, The process is much the same as it was twenty years ago. The raw materials are chalk and clay, both pure, and al though inferior processes are employed they make satisfactory cement. A few years ago the entire product of the kilns was put on the market, but the fineness of the Continental cements led English makers to improve their pro cesses, although even now English ce ment i3 not as a rule as firm as Geneva or French Portland. New York Even ing Sun. Photographic Paper. Photographers were obliged until re cently to import from Germany the pa per used in their work, our own manu facturers being unable to assemble the necessary conditions of material water and workmanship for the production of papci suitable for silver printing. A process has now been perfected in this country whereby a very ordinary paper is coated with a thin surface of sulphate of barytes and answers admi rably for photographic use, bringing out in the finished picture a wealth of de tail formerly unknown in the art, it be ing lost in the texture of the paper em ployed. E-ineering Magazine. A Clever Bit of Workmanship. In a museum of curiosities at Salem, Mass., there is preserved a common cherry seed or stone hollowed and fash ioned like a basket. Within the basket are twelve tiny silver spoons, the shape and finish of which cannot be distin guished with the naked eye. The name of the artist who constructed this littk wonder has been lost, bnt the actual ex istence of the thing itself will not bo questioned by any witch headquarters Chicago Herald. on prom the old ""v State. luder Torrid Kkies. Original. Oh, for a li'une within tslht of the sea! Oh, fur a cot wlllilu sou ml of tho wave! (Hi, for tho salt wind, so fragrant ami free, .Siiiifltitrof meriimldriiM, cool In their cuvcl Oh, for "ho oi'-i 8ky, smokeless and fnlrl Oli, for the wave simrkles lxrn of its binilc! Oh, for deep hri-allia of the slronif vital air, C'ri.--i wilh tho freLiiess of milo after mile! Oh, to jilune down In tho life clvirifr main', (iii eri and trutittiiurciit, where sea creuturc roum. Then to he tossed ly the billows again IliKh on their crcbt like a bubble of foam! Even Care's self would grow merry an' bright. Lightsome and youthful and happy of heart. Washing away, in the liquid delight. Stain of tbu city and mire of tho mart! When tho unpitylng dog star Is hl(?h. When the parched pavements are hot to th feet. When not a clond shadow softens the sky, When not a mist wreath assnages the hem Oh, for tho salt wind, so fragrant and free, SiiiKing of merniaidens, cool In their cave! Oli, for a homo within bight of the sea! -Oh, for a cot within sound of the wave! Elizabeth A k Kits. A Luckless Youth. A Calcutta clerygyman vouches foi tho fact that a young government clerk in that city has tried three times to marry the girl of his choice, but has every time leen hypnotized at tho altar. Tin last time ho tried when he got to Li turn to say "I will" he fell down in a stupor, which lasted several hours; then ho made another attempt, and had an other fit. Probably the would be bride was a snake charmer of India. When at tho altar she thinks of how she will manage tho young man in tho years to come; the magnetism of tho thought ii communicated through tho hand that holds hers, and tho young man gets a preliminary idea of how things are going to be with him. Possibly some spiritualist might ex plain that some one of the other side, out of compassion for him, is striking tho cup from his lips every time he es says to tasto it. There is a whole lot in that spiritualism and hypnotizing busi ness which men do not know very much about, but surely that j-oung man, if he is the least bit superstitious, will give up that particular girl and decide in his own mind that some good spirit is try ing with all its might to draw him away from what would be liable to make his life a lively one. Salt Lake Tribune. A Lens That lias Keen Ttegun. The greatest refracting telescopes yet known are made by Alvau G. Clark, of Cambridgeport, Mass. So fine is the work required on the lenses of these in struments that tho glassmakers- com menced work on two disks' from which a 40-inch lens is to be made four yeas ago, and only one has as j-et ljeen sent to Mr. Clark. If there is the most mi nute speck of any kind in the glass it is rejected. A disk torty inches in diameter and ten inches thick costs 8,000. After Mr. Clark has determined what curve to give the glass, an iron casting is made of the size and shape required. The disk is revolved upon this and ground with steel crushmgs. Next, eight courses of emery and an adjustable tool are used, and at this stage measurements are made with an instrument that measures one thirty thousandth of an inch. The final shap ing is made with beeswax and rouge and even the bare thumb does it part in the polishing. The lens must be so exact in its curve that every ray striking it shall center at a predetermined mathematical point. Public Opinion. Latest Klevator Safety Device. An invention consisting of a quadrant with projections placed on the wheel of the starting machinery, together with an electrical arrangement by which the door of the elevator shaft on each floor is connected with a pair of magnets con trolling a lever, which prevents the starting wheel from moving unless every door of the shaft is closed and locked, is the latest elevator safety device. On opening the door the current is broken and the armature lever i3 released. The machinery cannot be started un til the door is closed again and the armature lever withdrawn. This in vention can be supplied at a nominal cost to elevators in any building, and there is neither reason nor excuse whv every elevator should not be equipped with it, thus placing one more safeguard around human life. New York Tele gram. Our Population. Final tables issued bvthecfnsns rrfiW compute the entire population of the United States in 1890 at 02,979,766. Of the total population 7,638,360 are col ored, comprising 7,4.0,048 negroes and mixed blood, 107,405 Chinese, 2,039 Jap anese and 58,808 civilized Indians. The foreign born inhabitants numbered 9,249,54 1 , and those of foreign parentage numbered 11,503,675. The figures given regarding civilized Indians do not cover the entire Indian population, which is put at 325,404, though this total includes some wmtes. rsraastreet s. Aged, but Vigorous. The Rev. Elijah King, aged eighty nine years, an energetic Baptist preacher of the old school, which surmounted every obstacle, walked from Parkham to Wellington 7J miles the other day to attend a quarterly meeting. If that doesn't illustrate old time religious vigor we should like to hear of a case that does. Augusta (Me.) Journal. Hanged Himself with Barbed Wire. Hans Ungman, aged sixty, a prosper ous farmer residing in the town of Fish Liake, committed suicide by suspendins himself from a tree with barbed wire. Cor. St. Paul Globe. Tuberous beeronias for winter nc. must be kept in a cool, dry place until thev insist on erowincr. When thfv re fuse to longer remain dormant pot them and let them grow. During three weeks eightv-one cases of horses overcome by the heat were re ported to the Philadelphia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnirnftK (tallr-aglng n CrUle-al Journalist. A very slight and jolito criticism in dulged in at the expenso of a cavalry of ficer who was riding about a week ago at tho horse show has assumed the pro poitions of a serious event. Tho oflicer in question rmt a letter to tho writer saying that lie could understand the critic wing tho horsemanship of jockeys and grooms, but that ho had no business to pass any remarks on that of "gentle men or officers." Ho forbade tho jour nalist to mention his name, and wound np by adding that his solo right was that of the stronger and that ho would prove it if the offense were repeated. The journalist in a second paragraph re marked that he did not think he had acted improierly in criticising the per formances of horsemen who rodo in public place to which admission was ob tained by payment, and, referring to the letter, said he could not believe that it had been penned by a French officer, and was convinced that it waa a foigery. ThereuiMjn the cavalry officer sent twa of his friends to tho journalist with a hostile message, and in tho duel that followed he wounded him in the arm. Ho thus proved that ho was "Le plus fort." liut tho affair is creating a great sensation, tho prevailing opinion being that the argument employed by tho offi cer was, to say the least, utterly illogi cal in fact, this unlucky episode has brought once more on tho tapis tho vexed question of the expediency of military men displaying their prowess at races and hor."o shows. Paris Cor. London Telegraph. AVlll Live in a ;la4 Houe. At tho city of Dinard, in the depart ment of Ille-et-Vilaine, France, thero lives a man distinguished Ioth for his originality of ideas and for the fullness of his money bags. Ho has been speak ing and teaching for a long time upon the necessity of men beginning to lead lives of greater purity, so that they need not be afraid of having all their deeds under tho incessant supervifion of so ciety, lie is himself willing to submit to the trial and wants to find others to do the same. He has determined to have a three story house built all of glass. A dwelling of such transparency would not not only allow its inhabitants at all times a splendid prospect in every direction upon the beautiful country surrounding tho place, but also expose the minutest details of the daily life of the people in the hou.se to the inspection of the entire city. The originator of the Moa has found an architect willing to build the house on condition that ho receives payment in advance. Cut there is no renting agent that will take the agency for it. If it is to be a lodging house for bachelors, tlit-y say, they may be able to do something with it, but tluy cannot find a female, they think, that would consent to li e in a glass house. Nevertheless tho old gentleman is determined to realize liu idea. Chicago Herald. Tree Trunks Filled with Sqnirrels. Woodchoppers on Dr. Price's Lenapo farm report that squirrels are very numerous among the trees. When the choppers began last fall thero wero several acres of trees standing and tho squirrels were not numerous, but as the trees were cut, a few at a time, tho little animals wero driven from one place of refuge to another until all were gathered into a small space, and the few remaining trees aro filled with them. A man who had been working among them says some of the hollow trees are packed so full of squirrels that tho tim bers creak every time tho animals draw a deep breath. In the morning when tho men go out to work they are met at tho railway tracks by the knowing little animals, which feel secure because tho gaino laws protect them at this season. A gentleman who has seen them say3 that they do not offer to carry the kettles of the men, although they do not object to sharing tho contents. West Chester (Pa.) Republican. A Sad Story. A contemporary relates that there was a tragedy in the composing room of a Philadelphia paper the other day. Tho compositors were busy at their cases when one of their number, a young woman, fainted away, and she was con veyed to her home. Another compositor finished her "take, which proved to b an account of a suicide in another city. There were forty compositors in the room, bnt this particular copy fell to this particular young woman, and the suicide was her affianced sweetheart. Electric Light in the Paris Tunnel. An installation of electric light is being laid down in the Baticmolles tun. nel, near Paris, in which the incandes cent lamps are placed at a height of about fifteen feet above the rail. Tho light is received by plates of burnished tin covered with glass, which reflect a soft and agreeable light into the car nages. isew xorK limes. A Queer Case. O. E. Cruse, of Kingston. Ont. . riied , 7 7 - - on Good Friday, and when his father, Thomas Cruse, formerly auditor general of Canada, learned of it he said: "I am going to die myself tomorrow. Yon can bury us together on Easter Sunday." The old man died the same night. A String of Advertising. If the advertisements in a Ti.ir.er nnK lished in Boston last Sunday had lx?en pasted together column upon column thev would be 233 feet Ion feet higher than the Bunker Hill monu ment. New York Commercial Adver tiser. Blacs snow latelv fell in the of Geneva, Switzerland, a phenomenon which was once thought to presage the black plague and other calamities i.i-.t is now known to be due to a --- o the snow. A large contract for Ptd mils hn been placed in Bekrinm in r.onnfvririn with the new Turkish railway to Sa lonica. This is thoue-ht to an nnt. come of the recent coal troubles in Eng- lana. Every Month many women suffer from Kxc.v or Scant Menstruation; they don't know who to confide in to net proper sdvics. Don't confide in anybody but try Bradfield's Fnrnaia R&milnfnr Q Specific for PAINFDL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRRCCULC MENSTRUATION Book to "WOMAN" mait.-d frre BRADFIELD REGULATOR COAtlasts, Ca. Hold Uf all lrgtU. A TTOKNEY A. N. SULLIVAN. I tttorr.py at-l.aw. Will give prompt atlei, j to all biiHliieHM enlriiHted to lilui. onic Uulou block, Kaxt Hide. I'lattMiiouth, Neb. HENRY BOECK The Leading FURNITURE DEALE AND UNDERTAKE Constantly keeps on hand everytl you need to furnish your house. COKNKR SIXTH ANI MAIN STREET Plattsmouth - N F IKST : NATIONAL : HANK Ol' n.ATTSMOUTH, HKHKA8KA f-M up capita! t,jso. 8urlti loj it the very bent facilities for tbe prf iiaiif itciion oi ligmmaie Hanking Businos J Btocko, IxiikIx, gold, government and loc ilillllef Douglit hliil Hold. lepoHils THC. iiid iiucn-ht allowed on the certl Drafts ilrawn. available; In hiiv rmrt. r United Stated and all tbe principal tw nurope. COLLECTIONS MADE AND FKOMPTLY B TKI. Highest, market price paid for County rants, State ana County bonds. Ol KEOTOUS John Flteraid I). Tlawk'WM oam vvaiign. K. K. While ;orge K. Dovey John Fitzgerald. H. Wauirh. i'reeideut Cu tU W. II. CUSIilXG, J. W. Joid 1'rcxiihnt, VUe-l'radO -ooOT H EOoo- jCiizeis - 13qi F1.ATTSMOUTII NKISKABK Capital Paid in $5oJ J F It nuthinari. J W Johnson. E 8 O I llfiiri' kl tr ci.l... ... Rt U ........ A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W II dishing A ener-il banxincr buniiieH8 t acted. Interest allowed oi posites. FOK RELIABLE HTSU'RANCE Call on SAM'L PATTERSON J'lattemouth - . Nebi PLACES OF WORSHIP LATiKiuc-St. Paul's Church, ak, hi rum aim iMxin. rather Carney, I Services : Mass at 8 and 10 :30 a. m. H ncnooi at -i. witn benediction. Christian-. Comer Locust and JJIifl services morning and evening. KJoi tallov.ay pastor. Sunday bebool 10a KPIH'-nPAI. St I llls'a 'till !-. .rnJ and Vine, ltev.il K. Itui pens' pantoi vices : 1 1 a. M . aLQ 7 0 P. af . bundaj at z : v. m. Uekmav Wkthodist. comer Sixth (iranite. Itev. Illrt. fast nr. Krrirt"S and 7 :30 I'. M. Sunday School 10 :30 Al Pkesbvtfri an. r-'ervices in newohtir pastor. Sunday-school at 9 ;30 ; Pn at ii a. m.ad a p. m. The . 11. H. C. E ol thl church meet sabDatn evening at 7 :l In the basen the chucrh. All are invited to attem meetings. Fikst Mkthouiht. Sixth St., betwe and Pearl. Rev. L. F. Britt. L. I. Services : li a.m.. 8 :00 P. m. Sunday -..sua. m. irayer meetiiig weduesd 1 on,. I C i-kman fKKSBVTF.KiAN. Corner M j.ev. v me, pastor, service hours. Sunday school 9 USO a. m. Swkkdhh Conorfoational. Gran tween Fifth and Sixth. i . ""i. i'n. onve, wan, i ('HI .1. Ul. I. tT u -r. . f . .. . tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 JO p. m. meeting Wednesday evening. Yoi Men's C'hritian Asoci Looms in aterman block. Main stre pel meeting, for men only, every Sum tenioon at j n'ir z. . . - - " . wiv. ihuviiin uuco we iu : JU p. in. WOOd. Pastor. Servio-a. fci,fo- 9 a. in. : Preach irg. n . rn. and . t,lr.I"'K9""fl luesday night: ei uirnuay nignt. All are welar. th