The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 28, 1892, Image 2

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    ; ; ; . "
A tpeU of HclruM
ib aae ween tne system's weakened,
and the blood impure. It's what
you must expect.
But it's what jem must prevent,
too. And Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery prevents as well
cures. It invigorates the liver and
kidneys, purifies and enriches the
blood, sharpens ' the appetite, im
proves digestion, and restores health
and strength. For Dyspepsia,
" Liver Complaint and every form
of Scrofulous, Skin, or Scalp Dis
eases, as Salt-rheum, Tetter, Ery-
mm . .
sipeias, or any Diooa-taint, it s an
nnequaled remedy.
It's not like the sarsaparillas,
which claim to be pood for the
blood in March, April and May.
At all seasons alike, and in all cases,
the "Discovery" alone is guaran
teed. If it doesn't benefit or cure,
you nave' your money back.
It's the cheapest blood-purifier, no
matter now many doses are offered
for a dollar, for you pay only for
tne good you get. lint it's tne
best, or it couldn't be sold so.
iteglstered Physician and PnarniacUt
Special attention criven to Office
- Rock Bluffs
Patronage of the Public Solicited.
forth Sixth Street, Plattsmouth
: D-E-N-T-I-S-T :-
r. Stelaways anaesthetic for tn painless ex
traction of teeth.
Ci Fine Gold Work a Specialty,
t tockweod Block Plattsmouth, Neb
- ai7, aio, 99i, ami 333 yA.i st
h-1 Rates $4.50 per week and up
lumber Yard
3 rur
Shingles, Lath. Saab, .
I H supply ererw demand of the city.
1 I Call and get terms. ' Fourth street
f 1 in rear of epere hoosa.
i- : -
! axes and Ooe 404 South Third Street.
Telephone IS.
QUttsttwtUh $erald.
K NOTTS BROS, Publishers
uuusnea every Thursday, and dailv
every evening except Sunday.
post pfiQce aa second class mall matter for
transmission through the U. 8. mails.
One year in advance .
One .year not in advance -Six
months in advance
$1 50
. 2 00
$6 00
Three months in advance
One year in advance
One copy one month -
Per week by carrier - - - -
For President
of Indiana.
For Vice-President
of New York.
The republican electors of the
state of Nebraska are requested to
send delegates from their several
counties to meet in convention at
the city of Lincoln, August 4, 1892,
at 10 o clock a. hi., for the purpose
of putting in nomination candi
dates for the following state offices:
Lieutenant governor.
Secretary of state.
Auditor of public accounts.
Superintendent of public instruc
A t torn ey-gen era 1 .
Commissioner of public lands
and buildings.
Eight presidential electors.
And to transact such other busi
ness as may come betore the con
The several counties are entitled
to representation as follows, being
based upon the vote cast for George
II. Hastings for attorney-general in 1
1890, giving one delegate-at-large to
each county and one for each 100
rotes and the major fraction
Counties. Delegaten.fCounties. Delegates.
Adams.... ... ..... 16jJohnson 11
Antelooe oIKearnev
Banner 3 j Key a Paha 4 I
IliUlUC . .... i) I
Boone 8
Kimball 1
Boyd 1
Kaox 8
Lancaster 53
Lincoln.... .... .... ,9
Logan 2
Loup 2
Madison 0
Merrick 7
McPherson 1
Nance 5
Box Butte 8
Brown 5
Buffalo 15
Butler lol
Burt 121
Cass 20
Cedar 61
Chase 4
Cheyenne 6
Cherry 7
Nemaha 12
Nuckolls 8
Clay 14
Otoe 14
Colfax 51
Pawnee 14
Perkins 4
Pierce 4
Phelps 5
Platte 5
Polk 7
Red Willow 9
Richardson 16
Cumins; 10
Custer 17
Dakota 6
Dawes 10
Dawson. 0
Deuel 4
Dixon 6'
Dodsre ... .......... 16
Douglas 94
Kock 4
Saline 21
Sarpy 8
Saunders........... 12
Scotts Bluff 3
Seward.... 14
Sheridan 8
Sherman 4
Sioux 3
Stanton 4
Thayer 12
Thomas 2
Thurston 5
Valley 5
Washington 9
Wayne 6
Webster 10
Wheeler 2
York 18
Total 387
Uunav.. .......... 4
Fillmore 13
Franklin 6
Frontier 6
Furnas 7
Gage 28
Garfield 2
Gosper 3
! Grant 2
Greeley 31
nan n
Hamilton 11
Harlan- 5
Hayes 4
Hitchcock 5
Hooker .. 1
Holt 11
Howard 6
Jefferson 14
It is recommended that no prox
ies be admitted to the convention
and that the delegates present be
authorized to cast the full vote of
the delegation.
S. D. Mercer,
Walt M. Seeley,
U. B. Balcombe,
PATTISON and Bergman will
probably add 10,000 or 15,000 to the
republican majority in Pennsyl
vania this year.
THE treasury net balance is
small, but it is growing. Uncle
Sam will be able to meet his en
gagements all right.
There are more, strikes in Eng
land than in the United States, and
they are usually more costly. Free
itrade is a crreat breeder of labor
THE Iowa republicans are ignor
ing the prohibition question this
year, and the consequence is that
their chance of carrying the state
bv a bier majority grows better
every day.
There is no duty on block tin, nor
will there be until July of next
year, and then but in an experi
mental form: nevertheless not a
few. of our free trade contempo
ranee are agitating tnemseives
concerning tne "higher prices oi
tin, on account of the tariff." As is
usual, they know nothing about
agitates them,
somebody eay
v UMVUJ i i v u 1 -4
that somebody belived that some
body intended to iucrease the price
of something" is ample basis for
an article, or a series of articles,
upon "higher prices on account of
the tariff." -
As a matter of fact prices for
block tin have ruled thus during
the past three years
Pur Inn Txa
October 1, 1X90 $24 00
October 1. iroi..: 2000
Julyl, l!&i 21 15
Nor is there any prospect of seri
ous fluctuation in prices on account
of the tariff or on account of anv-
thing else.
For many
years the democrats
that the republicans
waved the
bloody shirt whenever
there was
a national campaign.
They have sought the sympathy of
martyrdom on this ground and
tried to have the people believe
that republicans would not allow
bygones to be bygones, but contin
ually taunted the south with its de
feat in a certain family quarrel of
its making some years ago. Sym
pathy was the only issue of these
democratic martyrs. They saw the
bloody shirt in every move made
by the republican party, whether
that was for protection to Ameri
can industries, honest money, fair
elections, American honor on the
high seas, to guarantee American
protection abroad as well as at
home, or simply to honor the flag
of our nation.
A few democrats, however, have
Deen bom enoujrn to tormuiate an
issue. Henry Watterson was one of
the boldest of these, and years ago
he said that the democratic party
must have no economic issue which
would relegate the war to the past
and allcw men of all sections to dis
cuss business as the best politics,
every man voting as he believed he
should to best protect his own in
terests. Mr. Watterson's business
issue for his party was free trade.
tie nas iougiu ior mat la lour na
tional democratic conventions and
has at last succeeded. The demo
cratic party, thanks to the eloquence
and the courage of Watterson in the
Chicago convention, now stands for
free trade. The republicans have
accepted that as the issue, and are
ready to fight this great naitonal
battle on that issue.
But Dana, who never was a free
trader, and fears the result if the
campaign is fought on thatjissue, is
trying to substitute the "force bill,'
. , . , I ,
UCglU Blipi CUJULJi 111 BUUIU,
etc., instead. Some of the leaders
are very willing to follow him, and i
quite a chorus is going up over the J
Notwithstanding the fact that
the democrats of Kansas have
fused with the peopled party and j
the democrats of Iowa, Minnesota
and Nebraska are willing to do the
same thing, Mr. Watterson says to
the south: "The people's party is
an ally of the republican organiza
tion. Every vote cast for Weaverjin
a republican state is a vote for Har
rison." Watterson frankly admits
that the democrats' chief desire is
for the offices, "the cabinet, judi
cial, diplomatic and consular
places," and that Cleveland will
give these to the south. The demo
crats do not want the "bloody
shirt laid away in the closet of past
relics. Without that government
they have nothing to hold the
south solid, for the south wants
free trade no more than does the
north. Inter Ocean.
Glass workers of all classes in Bel
gium, according to Mr. William
Brookfield, get average wages of $1
a day, or $6
a week. The blowers of K. C.
Schmertz & Co. get wages equal to
er week for single and
per week double, says Secretary
William Loe filer in his communica
tion to the Western Window Glass
Manufacturer's Association. The
manufacture of window glass is an
industry that has been built up by
protection. New York Press.
Next week's election in Alabama
will give some indication of the
strength of the people's party in
that part of the country. The popu
lists have been making the liveliest
sort of a canvass in that quarter.
Mr. Carter leaves the land office
with a record surpassing that of
his predecessors in the amount of
work performed, and the same in
dustry and fidelity will be shown
in his management of the cam
paign. Don't Tobacco Spit Your Life
Is the startling, truthful title of a
little book just received, telling all
about Notobac, the wonderful,
harmless, economical, guaranteed
cure for the tobacco habit in every
form. Tobacco users who want to
quit and can't, by mentioning THE
HERALD can get the book mailed
free. Address the Sterling Remedy
Co., box 862, Indiana Mineral
Springs, Ind.
the subject that
Jewish Vacations.
Of the Jewish vacations there are,
first, the Sabbatical institutions of the
Old Testament, vix., the weekly Sab
bath, the seventh now xaoon or Feast of
trumpets, the Sabbatical year. and the
- M A. Ul Vte s
year oi juouee. nesiaes - inese mere
were the great feasts, Passover, Pente
cost and Tabernacles, together with the
two of later times Purim and that of
the Dedication. The time spent in these
observances, required frequent and in
some cases protracted suspension of la
. To the Jews living in the remote dis
tricts of, Palestine, particularly the pil
grimages to and front Jerusalem, to
gether with the time spent in the actual
celebration of the feasts, which in tht-
case of the Passover and Tabernacles
was each eight days, meant an amount
of migratory recreation and rest from
the ordinary occupations of life year by
year greater proportionately than that
obtained in the vacation of these days.
New x ork Independent.
The Artist and His Kaleidoscope.
The kaleidoscope is of wonderful as
sistance in geometrical drawing, and
people who suppose that this little toy
is of no use will probably be surprised
to learn that the greatest portion of the
geometrical designs employed in art and
architecture are copied by the artist
from the figures produced by the kaleid
oscope, ine instruments employed are
somewhat larger than the toys sold in
the shops, and some of them are fast-'
ened upon stands in such a way as will
enable the draftsman to retain his in
strument in the same position for a con
siderable length of time, and thus give
him an opportunity to make comes of
the figures produced. St. Louis Globe-
Heathen Men of Blashonpa.
Mashoupa was once the residence of a
missionary, but the church is now aban
doned and falling into ruins, because
when asked to repair the edifice at their
own expense the men of Mashoupa
waxed wroth, and replied . irreverently
that God might repair his own house,
and one old man who received a blanket
for his reward for attending divine
service is reported to have remarked
when the dole was stopped, "No more
blanket, no more halleluiah." I fear me
the men of Mashoupa are wedded to
heathendom. Fortnightly Review
T. H. Pol.IX)CK.v Agent.
Wonderful Gains-
Dr. Miles' Nervine not only cures
all nervous diseases, headache.
blues, nervous prostration, sleep
lessness, neuralgia, SL Yitus dance,
nts and nystena, but also builds up
the body. "I am pleased to say that
after years of intense suffering with
nervous disease, headache and pros
tration, I tried Dr. Miles' Restora
tive Nervine, and in two weeks
gained eight pounds in weierhL I
could not lie down to sleep, but now
sleep perfectly easy, and am im
proving wonderfully. Cannot tay
enough for the Nervine. Mra L- B.
MILLARD, Dunkirk, N. Y. One cus
tomer used Nervine and gained fif
teen pounds in flesh. BROWN &
MAYBURY, Cortland, N. Y. Trial
bottles and elegant book free at F.
G. Fricke 6c Co. 3.
Colorado's Cool Retreats.
D urine: the "tourist season" from
June until September the Burling
ton route nas on saie rounu trip
tickets, at very reduced rates, to the
principal resorts of Colorado.
lo uenver, tjoioraao springs,
Manitou, Pueblo and Estes park
(the most' attractive spot in the
whole state) particularly low rates
are in force.'
Tulv and Au crust are the' best
months in which to visit Colorado's
unrivalled resorts, to all of which
the Burlington, : with its connec
tions, offers unequalled service.
The local agent will be glaa to
give you any desired information.
Nothing New Under the Sun
Nol not even through cars to Den
ver, Ogaen, salt Laxe tity, san
Francisco and Portland. This is
simply written to remind you that
the Union Pacific is the pioneer in
running through cars to the above
mentioned points ana tnat.tne pres
ent through car arrangement is un
excelled. We also make THE time.
For details address . any agent of
the company, call on your nearest
agent or write to E. 1. Lomax,
Ki. X. A. u. Jr., wuiaua
Cholera ; infantum has lost its
terrors since the introduction of
Chamberlains colic, cholera and di
arrhoea remedy. When that remedy
is used and the treatment as direc
ted with each bottle is followed, a
cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters,
a prominent merchant at Walters
burg, 111., says: It cured my baby
boy of cholera infantum after sev
eral other remedies had failed, the
child was so low that he seemed al
most v bevond the aid of human
hands or reach of any medicine."
23 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co. - -
Washington and th
-west Pacific Coast
The constant demand of the trav
eling public to the far west for a
comfortable and at the same time
an economical mode of traveling
has led to the establishment as
what is known as Pullman Colonist
These cara are built on the same
general plan as the regular first
class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif
ference being that .they are not up
holstered. They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair matresses.
warm blanketa.snow white linen cur
tains plenty of towels, combs, brush
es etc., which secure to the occu
pant of a birth as much privacy as
is to be had in first 'class sleepers.
There are also separate toilet rooms
for ladies and gentlemen, and smok
ing is absolutely prohibited. For
full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper leaflet. E. L. Lo
rn ax, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Omaha Nebraska.
A Scared Inlmal.
Swift footed animal that have been
tamed, with abundant i-icilities for mak
ing a living of their owfc, are apt to take
French leave in spito of kind treatment,
although in moments of danger 6uch
renegades will sometime remember an
bid protector and voluntetr to renounce
their habits of truancy. The post trader
of the Forbin de San Pablo, near Maz
atlan, raised a young ocelot, which hung
about the house, or rather the ranch, for
a couple of years, but at last ceased to
recognize the authority of its landlord.
Juanita would absent herself for weeks
together and visit the post only as a
guest, or a privileged member of an in
specting committee, for she rummages
the premises, appears and disappears
without asking anybody's leave, and re
sents every attempt at familiarity on
the part of her former owner. But one
evening she had just entered the store
when a troop of horsemen alighted at
the gate, and a minute later a govern
ment scout with a big wolf dog stepped
up to the counter, while his companions
deposited their saddlebags near the open
Juanita cast an uneasv elance at the
blockaded door and in the next instant
caught sight of the dog and he of her,
when the attitude of both parties be
came so disagreeably suggestive of an
impending set-to that the scout reached
for a stick to chase the doe out. But
J uanita either misconstrued his motive
or had already made up her mind to se
cure a vantage ground, for just when he
faced about she leaped upon the counter
and with the next jump upon the shoul
der of her old master, and there pro
ceeded to "get her back ud. errovUfe
viciously and bristlinar un to lce her
natural size, like a cat. Francisco
About a Nati;nl Flower.
There is very little "se iu talking about
an American ratio-"" nower. we are
not a nation, no niter how many big
N's we may put to e word, in the sense
that Englishmen ad Frenchmen consti
tute a nation. Wat is typical in one
section of our c'utinental republic is
not typical in arther, and an emblem
which might mean a great deal in New
England or New jfork would have but
an artificial signicance in Louisiana or
California. Stat flowers we might
have, and to sone extent--we do have
them. Califorc' has formally adopted
the Eschscholt3a, or California poppy,
as its emblem. Maine men wear a pine
branch when th-? want to indicate what
state they have some from.
Our Massacrasetts nower is naturally
the trailing ai'utus, and that ought to
be formally zpted as our emblem. At
the Grand yrmy encampment nearly
every state tfslega'zon wore something
which was haracteftiic of the state.
We comprehend ourselvet better if we
divide our'elves up by fort four, and
rhere ae enough plants and Severs to
go around. Boston Transcript.
Illustrated Signs.
The pictorial sign is but little seen in
this country. Among the few that we
find are the District Telegraph com
pany's pictures, showing deceptive rep
resentations of fast speeding messenger
boys, and the colored signboards used
by nearly all costumers, some East
Broadway modistes and a few Bowery
tailors. ' One clothing establishment had
the rather original idea of placing por
traits of all the members of the firm be
tween the windows of the building, and
the same plan was later on followed bj
an "electrical bolt" doctor on Broadway.
The back view of a gentleman with a
very high collar is a familiar sign on
one of the city's launderies, and Steve
Brodie has had the scene of his first ex
ploit reproduced in color. At Eighth
avenue and One Hundred and Thirty
fifth street a shoemaker has for many
years hung out a signboard showing a
cobbler with a kit on his back mounting
a horse and the inscription, "Won't you
help me up?" New York Times.
No Title for Whittier.
I notice that you refer to the poet
Whittier as "Mr. Whittier." This, I
take it, is in bad taste. Call him Whit
tier, John G., John Greenleaf or Friend
Whittier, but never "Mr." Whittier.
He belongs to that pure democracy of
Quakerism that permits no prefixes or
titles to proper names no "Mr.," tio
"Rev.," no "Hon.," no "Esq.," but plain
John, James, Charles, Dora, Rebecca,
etc. It does not accord with the gen
erally accepted feeling toward him. The
good Quaker poet is nearer to the hearts
of our American readers than any other
living poet, and those readers are sensi
tively exacting in the particular of the
treatment accorded him by others.
Cor. Chicago News-Record.
An Accomplished Parrot.
On Sacramento street, near Kearny,
on any sunshiny afternoon one can see
hanging in front of a Chinese store a
large cage containing a green parrot,
which bird is a most distinguished lin
guist. He possesses the faculty, so rare
among foreigners, of . speaking Chinese.
He also speaks Spanish and English. To
a singsong question addressed to him
in Chinese by his owner the parrot
gravely replied, "Pretty Polly, goodby,"
while in answer to the stereotyped query,
"Polly want a cracker?" he burst into a
flood of Chinese. He evidently scorned
to reply to the time honored query, there
being no cracker in sight. San Fran
cisco Examiner.
An Kzceptlon.
Professor To contract is to make
smaller; to expand is to enlarge. Cold
contracts, heat expands. The operations
cannot go on at the same time in the
same thing. If
Pupil Beg pardon, professor, there
are some things the more you contract
the more they enlarge.
"Ah, indeed. Name some of them."
"Debts, sir." Exchange.
Bsnnd to Keep l"p.
Commuter Any time tables out?
- Ticket Agent I gave you one
Commuter But that was six hours
ago. New York Weekly.
To keep the skin clean
is to wash the excretions
from it off; the skin takes
care of itself inside, if not
blocked outside.
To wash it often and
clean, without doing any
sort of violence to it, re
quires a most gentle soap,
a soap with no free al
kali in it.
Pears' is supposed to
be the only soap in the
world that has no alkali
in it.
All sorts of stores sell
it, especially druggists;
all sorts of people use it.
Qqs li:qiiclS,
Dealer in
All kinds of fresh, salt and
s moked meats.
make the best of all kinds of sau
sages and keep a good supply
constantly on hand.
Between Main and Pearl
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
. - Vi i
uarries au
Elegar-' btocK.
Watches and . '
Everything kapt that goes
to constitute a first-class
jewely store is kept in his
stock. Repairing done by
first-class workmen and sat
isfaction guaranteed or mon
ey refunded.
First door south of
Post Oftice,
- Ned.
Some Foolish People
allow a cough to run until iterets
beyond the reach of medicine They
say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in
most cases it wears tfieni i3WtV.
Could they . be induced to try the -Successful
Kemp's Balsam, which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the excellent
effect after taking the first dose.
Price 50c and $1. Trial size free. At
all drug-gists.
Admitted the Fact".
Newspaper editors have to be very
careful in opening their columns
for statements. But aware that the
Dr. Miles Medical Co. are responsi
ble, we make room for the following
testimonial from R. McDougall, Au
burn, Ind., who for two years noticed
a stoppage or skipping of the pulse,
his left side got so tender he could
not lie on it, his heart fluttered, he
was alarmed, went to different doc
tors, found no relief, but one bottle
of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure cured
him. The elegant book, "New and
Startling Facts," free at F. G. Fricke
& Co. It tells all about heart and
nervous diseases and many wonder
ful curss. 3.
How's This!
We offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney Je Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years.
and belive him pefectlv honorable
in all buisness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations maae uy tlieir hrm.
West & Truax. Wholesale Drnir.
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Ki nnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is take n infer
nally, action directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
Price, 75c per bottle. SoUl l. v nil.
J'-'Uffgist; Testimonials free.