The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 27, 1892, Image 3

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    hMi lJksli ITT i
IflrffcW I BULL jl ft K ,1
t2Sw DUflHAM lllJRffA
Both Sides of theljuestioii
should be looked into.
the Intelligent smoker uses BLACKWELL'S
A Cure for the Ailments of Man anq Beast
A. long-tested pain reliever.
hs use is almost universal by the Housewife, the farmer, the
Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective
liniment. application compares with it in efficacy. ;
. v.ell kno,vn remedy has stood the test of yes almost
it rat ions.
ilicine chest is complete without a bottle of tUSTANa
. I--is arise for its use almost every day.
, i - 'Lis and dealers have it.
im I
A V-AJ (J QS i
t m. m w av
?cHfFWAIiM'S Asthma Cure
wa- laus 10 n va tnalmn mW . k -
ares wter Mten rU.
Scientific American
Agency forff
rcr Information mnd free Handbook writ to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Every patent taken out by na la brought before
tbe pabhc by a notice given free of charge in the
Scientific Jmrtirau
tawest elreatatlon of any acientifle paper In the
world. Splendidly illustrated- No intelligent
man should be without It. Weekly. SS.OO a
-MEX3SfrfcSayV.Mew fork.
. 9i M monioi. ACdreaa MUnn at CU
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A oertaln cure for Chronic Sore Eyee
Tetter, Salt Rhwnm, Scald Head. 01
Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Nipples
and Piles. It Is cooling and soothing.
Hundreds of cases have been cured by
k after all other treatment had failed,
it Is put up in S3 and 60 cent boxes.
Farmers, Miners and Mechanics.
"'a Chafing, Chapped Hands. Wounds, Burns.
Etc A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate
m m w m - aw. Bill
And when this Is done
New York. Price 60 eta.
by Pack's lavJaiBl Taaalar Bar Caa
833 (win, . w,.m to uk ot wlTRht
Clrsnm and beautifies the hair,
rruiiiu- a luiuriatit growth.
Never Faila to Beatore Or
Hair to its Youthful Coor7
Cun-l iaralp liwaaraa hair lalUDC.
T,anl tl.uuat Druggirta
f?rKer iinor Tonic. Jt curei the worst Couth.
lit 1 itKTa 1 V..K .I .... .l: . " ri : v t ...
ki!J" i feWCORNS.. TheonlritmetiTeforCwfniL
A Family Affair
Health for the Baby,
Pleasure for the Parents,
New Life for the Old Folks.
oot Beer
la a Gtmlly affalr, reanlsita
of the home. A. as arat
Prkg makes S gmlloau of
delicloas, strengtbenlris
cucrrajceni Deverage.
IJJpnt be deceived If a dealer, for
some other kind la luat
lis falae. No Imitation la aa sood
as u,e waolne liiajcs'.
For Atchineon, SL Joseph, Leaven
worth, Kansas City, SL Louis,
and all points nrrlh, east
south or west. Tick
ets sold and bagf
gage checked
to any
States or
Canada. For
Call at Depot or address
H, C. Towxsend,
G. P. A. SL Louis, Mo.
A. G. P. A. Omaha.
H. D. Apgar. AfifL, Plattsmouth.
Telephone, 77.
What Saa Become er the amoBes-ra'hr
What has become of Edison's phono
graph? This ii one of the moat mysteri
ous disappMranoes of modern times. A
few years ago it was announced that the
famous American inventor had perfected
this Instrument, and some public experi
ments that were given seemed to sup
port this view. A simple little appa
ratus, costing probably not more than a
sovereign to make, was made to repro
duce indefinitely any sound, even to a
grand instrumental performance that
had taken place in another hemisphere.
Various were the speculations as to the
manifold use of the new contrivance.
Friends at a distance were to hear
each other's voices, messages could be
left at people's houses which could not
possibly be distorted in the process of
passing through the mind of an un
tutored servant, business men could
quietly talk into a little trumpetlike
aperture and their clerks could hear
their actual instructions at any subse
quent period. Up to now, however, we
have been doomed to disappointment.
Where is a phonograph to be bought? I
do not know, and none of my acquaint
ances seems better informed.
In France an article can be patented
only on condition that it is bona fide and
on sale to the public within a brief
period I believe twelve months. The
time has surely come to consider the ex
pediency of such a condition being ex
acted in England. London Letter.
A Limit to Bis Patience.
Saturday afternoon, when vehicles
were very thick on Washington street,
an old gentleman in a yellow varnished
straw hat with a wide curving brim
and clothes that had a rustic flavor, and
carrying an old black leather valise, sat
on an electric car from South Boston,
bound to the northern depots. As the
car passed Jordan & Marsh's the con
ductor called out, "Next stop Summer
and Winter!" The old gentleman turned
around, looking very much surprised.
"You don't say so!" he murmured tim
idly. The car went about two rods
farther and came to a dead stop.
There was a jam of teams ahead that
didn't seem likely to be broken for some
time. People began to get out and ero
ou afoot. The old gentleman sat still.
uui presenuy ne grew uneasy, in a
minute he grew uneasier still and con
sulted a large, open faced silver watch.
He waited about a minute longer, and
then he got up and began to climb down
off the car.
"Look here!" he called out to the con
ductor, "I'm willin to stay with ye all
summer mebby, but I'll be cussed if I'll
set here all winter!"
And he went on down the street.
Boston Transcript.
The Yorkshire Penny Bank.
"Take care of the pennies and the
pounds will take care of themselves" is
an old maxim of great truth. Exempli
fication is afforded in the case of the
Yorkshire Penny bank, whose trustees
have just laid the foundation stone of
magnificent new premises in Leeds. This
institution has now in its custody 1,440,
000,000 of pence that is, just 6,000,000
or the savings of the people. In 1872
it had only 330,000. Meanwhile, that
the managers have found the busi
ness of "taking care of the pence." a
profitable one appears evident from the
fact that their reserve fund has risen
from 6,706 to 160,000.
The greater part of the money in
trusted to the bank by its depositors is
of course invested, and it is stated that
the bank has now 1.250.000 out on
mortgages ua over 4,500,000 in ne
gotiable securities, including 300,000
in consols. London Tit-Bits.
A Curious Inquest.
There is to be seen just now at the
South African general agency, at Cook
spur street, Charing Cross, a curious
collection of dried up or mummified bab
oons, taken from a cave near Cron
stadt, in the Orange Free State. They
have the skin on them still, and in two
instances the female has a young bab
oon clasped in its "arms,"' as if at
tempting to save it from some sudden
catastrophe. .. ) In , the .: cave were also
found two human skulls, a dog's head,
a bird and . the head of an antelope, all
imbedded in the wall of the cave and all
having the same appearance of great
agony or frighL , .
Several experts have examined the re
mains; with a view of ascertaining, if
possible, the cause of death, . the most
probable theory, being a sudden flood.
Cor. Birmingham (Eng.) PosL
A Deaf Woman mn Electrie Car.. .
An elderly lady who Uvea
lanta, is deaf. A few weeks aoro she
rode on an electric car for the first
time in her life, and when she returned
home she declared that she could hear
perfectly while on an electric car. One
or the family went with her, boarded an
electric car and found that the elderly
lady could hear perfectly.
N,r,T Two Thousand Lost Umbrellas.
Fresh evidence of the stravine- nrn-
pensities of the umbrella is furnished by
the recent annual sale of unclaimed
goods at a London depot of the Great
Eastern Railway company. No fewer
than 1,897 umbrellas were disposed of.
all of which had been found unattended
in the company's carriages and waiting
The greatest summer danger comes,
as has been said so manv thousand
times, from uncleanliness. If neonle
would insist on breathing pure air and
living in clean houses and neighbor
hoods the average length of human life
would be increased by ten years.
An exhibition called the "Maine
Maze of Mirrors" has sprunar nr in
London. As the visitor enters the door
he sees a crowd beckoninir him from a
hundred different angles an effect pro
duced by one stuffed image.
Joe Webb, the seventeen-year-old
giant drum major of the Citixens band,
of Memphis, when dressed in full uni
form is said to measure 8 feet inchej
to the top of his plume.
Work of the Christian Kndeavor Societies.
Those who say there is nothing now
under the sun would be sorely put
to it to find the counterpart of the Youn;;
People's Societies of Christian Endeavor.
When, lfore this year of grace, hanthe
earth thrilled to the tread of l,?M),(x,Hi
young people bound together with a
single pledge to do what? Pedal a bi
cycle or swing a tennis racquet? No; to
read the Bible and pray every day, to
take part regularly in prayer meeting.
support their own churches and engage
in active Christian enterprises. There's
a new aspect of young America for you!
Young America? I should rather say
Young World.
If any one thinks that Christianity io
senescent he has sufficient answer in
this army of 1,200 full regiments. It is
marching with the steady swing of vet
erans, and yet with the buoyancy of
youth. Now and then an old Christian
shrugs his shoulders, "After us, the
deluge." True; a deluge of fresher vig
or, keener wits, stronger faith. Look at
the young people's religious societies of
this decade and you will have no fear
for the church of the Twentieth century.
To one who believes all this it is in
deed astonishing that there are gome
who never heard of the Christian En
deavor movement, who do not know
how, only eleven years ago last Febru
ary, from the elements of a revival in a
church in Maine, an earnest pastor and
faithful people, was crystallized this new
jewel of the church's scepter, the Chris
tian Endeavor pledge. What was at
tractive about it? Where were the jokes,
the uniforms, the cake and candv. the
glitter and gayety that alone were sup
posed capable of drawing young people?
If for nothing else, the world owes this
movement its profound gratitude for
proving the deep seriousness of the
young. It used to be Baid, "Win them
by persons." Now it is said, "Win them
by principles." Harper's Weekly.
A Horse at Home in the Tree Topa. '.
We have been told of many ludicrous
scenes and incidents growing out of the
great flood of June 4, and ambitious re
porters have busted clouds and -mill-dams,
and almost ruined their imagina
tions in their frantic endeavors to gain
notoriety and fame in reportorial jour
nalism, but the incident we are about to
relate is true and told without hope of
reward. On the Sunday following the
flood, after the waters had subsided, L.
B. Preston, of Tryonville, discovered
that he was minus two horses, and of
course search was instituted for the lost.
Near the village is a large wild grape
vine that winds affectionately around a
tree of good proportions with quite s
large spreading top, the vine, as is fre
quently the case, forming a sort of net
work among the branches: and there.
over ten feet from the ground, in the
protecting embraces of the tree top and
vine was found one of the lost horses
alive and safe. The animal was rescued
from his lofty quarters, and is now no
torious as a hero and flood relic. If any
one can tell a bigger story and speak the
truth, let him now take the floor or else
forever after hold his tongue. Centre
ville (Pa.) News.
Why the Birds Were Lost.
A pigeon flying experiment at Tours
has ended in a most remarkable man
ner, proving the shocking fact that the
useful birds, in addition to being ex
cessively greedy, are also given to an
overindulgence in strong drinks. Four
hundred and twenty-nine pigeons were
conveyed by train from Tours to La
Bohalle and there let loose. To the as
tonishment of the various societies in
terested in the experiment, only fortv
returned home, and these were in a
dazed condition, and quite incapable of
finding their respective quarters.
An inquiry resulted in the discovery
that at a roadside station a large con
signment of black currants had been
put into the same van as the birds. The
inebriating qualities of the currant
juice proved too much for the little trav-
J J.1 "wo - I
exers, turn iney were quiCKiy in such a
condition that only a small proportion
were sober enough to find their way
back to Tours. Exchange.
Strange Bird In the Pigeon's Nest.
Harry Francis, a boy of thirteen
years, living on Pratt street, had a Leg
horn hen's egg given him, which he put
in charge of two male pigeons. The
birds sat upon the egg until within two
days of the time for it to hatch, when
they deserted it. The boy placed it
under another pigeon which was already
Bitting on two eggs, and Sunday a little
brown chick burst its shell.
The foster parent fed the little stran
ger pigeon fashion, which method seemed
to puxzle the chicken, making it amus
ing to watch them. The newcomer's
language appears to be a mystery to the
pigeons, but they treat the little fellow
well. Providence Journal.
A Good Deal In a Name.
At a benefit performance at Fiume
the other day a farcical piece adapted
from the French was performed with
the title "Lord Mecknolenwordmaleck
menvillbostrickschedenmeedenolsonn . "
Our own Miles Peter Andrews once
brought out a piece called "The Baron
but the Fiume production probably es
tablishes a record for preposterous
length. London Globe.
An Improved King.
One of the annoyances in playing
checkers is the occasional slipping off of
the top checker whenever a piece is
made a king. To avoid this a New York
man has devised an extensible checker,
consisting of a body and a shell sur
rounding it, and as soon as a piece be
comes a king the extensible portion is
easily thrust upward and remains in its
place. New York Letter.'
An Odd Catch.
The other day two Rome boys were
fishing in Armuchee creek and caught a
fine yellow cat. When the fish was cut
open they found within it a sight draft
on the Atlanta . National bank, duly
signed and indorsed. The draft called
for fifty dollars, and was sent protecta
ble from Buffalo. Home (Oa.) Tribune.
Reading the Character of Tenple In the
I'orketbooks They Cae.
"I can tell you the business of nix men
out of every ten who como in hero, and
the social standing of all of them, from
the way they carry their money," said a
Broadway ticket seller for one of the
sound steamboat lines to a i ejorter.
"Did you ever think how much of a
person's individuality in expressed in hid
method of carrying his money? I se
people every day get at their change
and have made a study of it.
"That man," said the ticket seller, as
an old gentleman who had purchased a
pasteboard good for a trip to Boston
went out, "is a retired banker. Did you
notice that he carried his money in a
long morocco pocketbook? That pocket
book is always carried in the inside
pocket of his coat, on the right side. It
contains a number of bright, clean bills,
all neatly smoothed and laid out at full
length and right side up. He nevei
folds a bill, 1 will venture a cigar.
"The young broker or wholesale mer
chant carries his money in a small case
made of seal or lizard skin. He folds
the bills twice. His roll is never large,
but he has enough on hand to meet any
"The clubmen invariably carry a roll
of clean five dollar bills in their vest
pocket, where they can be easily reached.
Somo carry only gold. James Brown
Potter favors gold, and usually carries a
few quarter eagles in a small silver case,
into which the coins fit without rattling.
Lispenard Stewart usually has a roll of
new bills in his vest pocket.
"The man who comes in and fishes
from a deep trousers pocket a lot of one,
two and five dollar bills that have been
twisted up like a gun wadding I ulways
set down as a sporting 'gent.'
"The farmer on an excursion to 'Bos
ting' counts up the price of a ticket iu
quarters and halves from a tan colored
leather pouch that is tied up with a
6tring run through small slits near the
top. The seafaring man on his way to
his home on the Maine coast carries the
proceeds of his last trip in a calfskin
wallet. It has been handed down from
his father, or perhaps his grandfather,
lor it is black and shiny with age. It
has a long strap passed through a num
ber of cross straps. The cross sections
seldom have more in them than tobacco
dust or a frayed tax receipt that shows
that he owns a house. But in the cen
ter of the wallet is a place where bills
may be laid out straight and covered
with a calfskin flap from either side.
"The man who carries change in his
coat pockets has been a car conductor
at some time or other. The fellow who
draws ten cent pieces from every pocket
in his clothes is a peanut man or vender
of small wares.
"The women, too, have a variety of
ways to carry their money, though their
lack of pockets limits their vagaries in
that direction. The young woman with
fluffy hair, who has the price of her
ticket rolled tightly in her palm, has a
uiymeriuus storage piace ior money
somewhere. When she is not spending
it she puts it where no man will ever go
after it, but the place is accessible to
her slim fingers in a second." New
York Press.
Reply from the Pew.
"Joe" Jones, one of Sam's numerous
brothers, has enlisted in the ministry.
His first sermon was preached in a coun
try church at Pine Log before a large
congregation of farmers, backwoodsmen
and crackers. Sam's methods were fol
lowed with considerable success, but
when Joe branched off on his own hook
he struck a snag. He caused his hearers
to wince when, slapping the Bible nearly
off the pulpit, he exclaimed:
"A man what will cuss a oath'll
There was a lively shifting among the
pews and much cautious looking around
and head shaking. Joe saw, and deter
mined to push his point.
"Brethren and sisters," he repeated,
"I want to 6ay to you that a man what
will cuss a oath'll steal! What have
you got to say to that."
An aged cracker arose at the back of
the church and, fastening his glittering
gray eye on Joe, drawled through hif
"All I got ter say is it's er gol dern lief
Joe was so discouraged that he rested
on his oars two weeks before making
any more bold assertions. New York
Registration in Germany.
In Germany the exigencies of compul
sory military service require that a man
should be registered from the day of his
birth to that of his death. The govern
ment must be able to lay hands upon
him at any time. A man can accom
plish no civil act without producing his
papers of identity. He cannot set up in
business, nor buy land, nor obtain a
situation, nor marry, nor get out of any
scrape with the judicial authorities, nor
leave the country without satisfying
the police as to who he is, where he was !
Kr, ntc t
lVAMf T 4. V Uig SCla, AA b-a?f VIA JJUIJ"
doa Tit-Bits.
Throwing Hen Overboard.
In ancient Scotland the barbarous cus
tom existed which cost Jonah so much
inconvenience. When a ship became
unmanageable it was usual to cast lots
for the purpose of discovering who was
responsible for the trouble, and the man
upon whom the lot fell was condemned.
Instead of human beings dogs used
sometimes to be thrown into the sea
with their legs
bound. Washington
Not Alone.
Very stout persons may sometimes be
noticed glancing at other stout persons
with, a pleased expression that seems to
say, "Well, I'm not as stout as that, any
way;" or, "There is some one who is
quite as stout as I am." Evidently it is a
consoling thought. Youth's Companion
' Telling Diamonds by the Taste.
Diamonds and crystals can be distin
guished from glass and paste by touching
them with the tongue. The diamonds
feel much colder. New York Journal.
Every Month I J
rainy womsa suffer from Eacssslva or I
Scant Menstruation; thry don't know I
who to confide in to get proper advice.
Don't confide In anybody but try
Fcmalo Regulator
Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
Book to "WOMAN" mailed free.
Hold fcy all llrusclata.
A. N.
Attorney Will xlvv prompt attrition
to all htiKliieHH entrusted to hlui. ortlce Hi
Union block, Kant Hide. I'ImUkiiiouIIi. Nub.
The Lending
Constantly keeps on hand everytbin
you need to furnish your house.
Paid up capital
rs the v,-ry bHt faclllti for the promp
tr;mu-tloii of Humiliate
Hanking Business
Htockc bonds, KoId. govern men t and local ne- 1
ju.iL.trn u.fumn aim boui. uepoHlLtf received IH
H t. drawn, HvallalW In Hny part of the
United Statee and all the principal twns of
TED. Highest rr.arket prlc pnid for County War
rants, Htate ana County boudn.
UJ uiccrous
John Fltzirjirald D. Ihtwktwortb
Sam WauKh. Y. K. While
eorKe K. Dovey
fohn Fitzgerald, a. WauHi..
frehldent Cai Me?.
J. V. Johnson,
1 '
-ooOT I-3C EOoo-
Capital Paid in
$00,000 ;
b 11 Outhman. .T W Johnson. K H Oreimel.Ml
Jlenrv EikenbKrv. M W Moim. .i i-' 1
A Connor. W Wettenkamp, W
II Gushing
ener;il banNing- bunim-SH tra
acted. Interest allowed on
Call on
Plattsmouth - . Nebraska
C KTfrhLiV-rhJi ,..aUl V 'lurch. a, between
Fifth and hixth. Father Cainey, Pastor
bervices : M ass at 8 and 10 :30 a. m. Bunday
School at 2 :30, with benediction.
Christian. Corner Locust
Kl tilth Htf
nervices iiinrnlnic
mid evenlntr. KJder
Galloway pastor. Sunday School ioa
Episcopal. St. Luke's Church, comer Third
and Vine. B. JJu.peen. pa tor. 8er-
vices : 11 a. m. and 7 Kp. m . Sunday ttcbool
at 2 :30 P. m.
Gkrman Mkthodibt.
Granite. Uev.UJrt.I';
Comer Sixth St. and
antor. 8prTl!c n . u
and 7 :30 P. M.
Suuday School lo :30 a. m.
Pbksbytkri an. Services in new church. cor
ner Sixth and Granite sib. ltev. J. T. Uaird
pastor. Sunday-school at 9; 30; Preachiui
at 11 a. m.Btjd 8 r. m.
inn x . it. . c. 1
of this church mffa ;
the cnucru. All are invited to attend thest '
meetings. .J
First Mkthodibt.-Sixth St., betwen Mail I
and Pearl. Kev. L. F. Britt. D. li. pastures
nervices : 11 a. m.. a :oo P. M. Sunday Scboo
:ou a. n, x-rayer meeuLg v euuesday even
Prksbvtekian. Comer Mala anfif,
lie v. Wltte, pastor. Services usuaai
xiniii. ivev. nine, pastor, services usiiaof
hours, suuday School 9 :30 A. m. A
7 tWiU
Congregational. Granite, be rood
tween Fifth and Sixth.
Colored Baptist. Mt. Olive, Oak. betweei..n or
Tenth and Eleventh. Kev. A. Bonwell, pas11
tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 -JO p. in. Prayewi
meeting Wednesday evening.
xoyvn men's Christian Association-IvC reff!
pel meeting, for men only, every Sunday ap f
- . " -wia.u si-reei. ooi
' ksa. . S
iciiiwum,uuo, jtooms open week
1 T Duauaj au
South Park
from 8:30 sl. in., to : 30 p. in. rjpeed
Tabernacls. Kev. J. M fneqt
10 a. in.: Preaching, n. m. and 8 p.m.
f.rayLmeet,DK Tuesday night; choir pra
ticelriday night. AU are welcome.
"wu.ragior. K-rv n ttur. o..v.
I La
E, al
n ex
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