r COKXER OK VIXE AND KlPTii t TELEPHONE 38. K NOTTS BROS, Publishers Heads off mo ur. .fierce liolden Med Discovery. In a way, that you understand, too, by purifying diooq. wnen votrre weak. 11 and languid, or when blotches a eruptions appear that's the 'j joe to take it, no matter what the ; t. : . . .1 jvu. i o cuier n iruvcilb VUUU f 4 have to enre. tFor all diseases caused by a tor- 5 liver or impure Diood, uyspep- Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin, or aln Disease a vpn flonmimntinn 1- . - Lung -scrofula), in its earlier JfK88 "e "discovery" is tne only tpedy that's guaranteed. If it v'Wnt benefit or cure, you have 'mr money back. yYovL pay only for the good you 4. i i Published every ThurHday. and daily every evening except Sunday. Ketf iHtered at the Plattsmouth. Xebrakn pout pfflce as second class mail matter for transmission through the U. S. mails. TERMS 1-CK WEEKLY. One year in advance - - . - l 50 One year not in advance - . - .2 00 Six months in ad vance - 75 rw I . iiirccmontiitin advance 40 TERMS OF DAILY. one year in advance - - . - $6 00 One copy one month - - - . .50 Per week by carrier - 15 MONDAY, JULY 25. 1892 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. IT are IS reported that Stevenson I re.-irh Hie imiiit wlir IVu-v never uses profane language, but made by the million out of silver, he uses other language just as oL- and copper, and tin, and represent jectionable. The independents will nominate Van Wyck for governor and the fun will begin, as their party paper at Lincoln has sworn eternal war on Van Wyck. IT may be well to remind the dem ocrats who have bo much to say about the Homestead affairs, that there were more strikes while Cleve land was President than duringany other four years of our history. YES, it is true that the employe has the same rights that the cm- piuyer iias, 0111 mis uoi'3 not in clude authority to assassinate a man because he happens to be an employer instead of an employe. nothing' but themselves, pigs may be expected to hesitate before they will trade themselves off for some thing as common as leaves in Octo ber, and it will take a great many more 'dollars' to get one pig than it would take if the pig had no ques tion of their value. But. these extra dollars will do the man who sells the pig no good, because the man who sells spools of thread and cali co will want more of them for his goods. This happens, not because the pig and calico are worth more but because the 'dollars' are worth less. I respectfully urge that a far more popular measure will be the passage of a law making nine eggs a dozen." For President HEXJAMIX IIARKISOX of Indiana. For Vice-President WHITE LAW KIK1 of Xew York. 3 .1 V iii no proprietors oi ur. nacre s ua- Remedy lose $500 if you'i re rt cured of Catarrh. They prom- iT you. What do vou lose bv 'ring itf Is there anything to j x, except your Catarrh t Keglstered Physician and Pharmacist r j E. RKYXOLDS, 3 IT ial attention given Practice. ck Bluffs 1, to Office Neb. DIALER IK- STAPLE AND FANCY r R0GERIE8; REPUBLICAN STATE CONVEN- " TION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their several counties to meet in convention at the city of Lincoln, August 4, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of putting in nomination candi dates for the following state offices: Governor. Lieutenant governor. Secretary of state. Auditor of public accounts. Treasurer. Superintendent of public instruc tion. Attorney-general. Commissioner of public lands and buildings. Kight presidential electors. And to transact such other busi ness as may come before the con vention. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for George II. Hastings for attorney-general in 1890, giving one delegate-at-large to each county and one for each 100 ,-otes and the major fraction thereof: 1 HE statement made by some of the democratic papers that the Homestead strikers are ''forcibly deprived" of their rights is all nonsense. They voluntarily relin quished all their rights in the case when they left the service of their employers. Peffek's latest freak is the intro duction ot a Lull in the senate pro hibiting the coinage of gold in the mints of the United States. This al most equals his efforts to abolish poverty, and entitles the whiskered Kansan to a place in the front rank of the party of the cranks. St. Joseph Herald. Fell Dead. .W These words are very faAia'-rto our reader, as not a day passes uiifli- out the report of the sudden ifeath of somet'Xrominent citizen. 4ltem.-x- pianatioii is "ileart Disease TJu-re- fore beware if you have anV of the following symptoms: Short breath, pain in side, smothering spells, swo'len ankles, asthmatic breath ing, weak and hungry spells, tend erness in shoulder or arm, flutter ing of heart or irreirular oulse. These symptoms mean heart di sease, l he most reliable remedy is Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, which has saved thosands of lives. Book of testimonials free at F. G. Fricke & Co., who also sell the New Heart Cure. THE FLAG ON THE SCHOOL- HOUSE. i rejoice in nothing more than in mis movement recently so promi nently developed of placing the starry banner above every school- house. I have been charged with too sentimental an appreciation of the flag. I will not enter upon any defense. God pity the American citizen who does not love it, who does not see in it the story of our great free institutions and the hope of the home as well as of the nation, and I think, notwithstanding per haps a little too much tendency to note in our public schools, that it is still true that our teachers, and es pecially the women, are not without sentiment. President Harrison at Saratoga. How's This! We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J. J. Cheney & Co. Props. Toledo. Ohio, e the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 vears. and belive him pefectly honorable in an ouisness transactions and fin ancially able to carry out an oblio-- j. - . . ... ... r auons maue oymeirnrm. A Monster Structure. I spent a Ions time in wandering about the .Manufactures building. It 1 the biggest building ever planned, and it will have one roof covering thirty acres. Senator Ingalls came out and looked at . it the other day, and a.s lie gazed, as tounded at its immensity, he said: "It is an exhalation! Yesterday it was not, today it is and tomorrow it will have passed away. I can see how you can fence it in, but to roof it almost sui passes human conception t" Think of putting u massive glass and iron roof over a thirty acre field 1 That is what the men are doing here today, and I saw them at work putting up the great iron trusses which will support this roof. You cannot conceive the hize of this structure without seeing it. Three hun dred thousand people could be seated on the floor and in the gallerjg and b0,0Cu could be seated on the floor alone. The Coliseum at Rome, witli all its galleries, could only seat 87,000 people, and ii was never rofed except with canvas. ou could put four coliseums on that floor, and, two pyramids as big as Cheops " would sit upon it side by side and leave room for the Capitol at Washington. If the great pyramid was taken to pieces and carried here its material could be stored in this building and you could look down upon its masses of stone from the galleries. This building is about a third of a mile long. Thirty great staircases, so wide that two carriages could be driven up them side by side, will lead to wide galleries and there will be a street fifty feet wide running through the center. With its galleries it will have forty acres of floor space, and it tires one even to think of its iossible contents. Chi cago Cor. Lancaster Examiner. GLASS AND QUEENSWM. ki trouage of the Public Solicited. Counties. Deleuatew.lCounties. Deleirutes. Adams It! Johnson 11 Antelope h Kearney s Manner.... 3:Keva i'alia 4 Blaine 2, Keith 3 Boone 8 Kimball rth Sixth Street, Plattsmoutb hR. A. SALISBURY : D-E-N-T-I-S-T :- V Bovd 1 Box Butte Brown 5 Buffalo 1 Butler lo Burt l'J Cass 20 C hase 4 Cheyenne 6 Cherry 7 Clay 14 Coltax o Cuiuine In Custer 17 Dakota t Dawes 10 Dawson.. it Deuel 4 Dixon 8 Dodee lti Kock Douglas 91' Saline Knox H Lancaster 53 Lincoln 9 Logan 2 Loup ' Madison 9 Merrick 7 McPherson 1 Nance 5 Nemaha 12 FRICK SHOT. Last Saturday alternoon an an archists from New York City by the name of Berkman attempted to as sassinate 1. L. JricK, tne manager of the Carnegie Company. From what evidence we can gath er it appears that he had been at Homestead but a few days and Pierce 4 Phelps 5 Platte 5 Polk 7 Red Willow 9 Kichardson 16 4 21 VOLD AND PORCELAIN CKOWNS. i steinways anaesthetic for the painless ex J traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. i pkwood Block Plattsmouth. Neb pEiijsrs house. 217, 219, 221, AND 223 yVlAIN ST PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. R. GTJTHHAN2T. PROP- f ATE9 $4.50 PER WEEK AND UP umber Yard THE OLD RE LI A OLE. 1. tflTEBHAlt k INF LUMBER ! Shingles, Lath, Sash, ' 1 r 4 )ooro, Blinds fi supply ererw demand of the city. Call and get terms. Fourth street in rear of opera hoase. TI510THY CLARK. DEALER IN OAL $ WOOD o TERMS CASHo aria aad Oflee 404 South Third Street. 1 1 . . 1 - Telephone 13. ... . C (. . S. -.A IATT8MOUTH, Nebraska Dundy 4 Sarpy Fillmore 13 Saunders 12 Franklin 6 Scott 3 Bluff 3 frontier fi Seward 14 Furnas 7: Sheridan 8 Gace 2' Sherman 4 Gartield 2! Sioux 3 Gosper 3; Stanton 4 Grant 2 Thayer 12 Greeley 3 Thomas 2 Hall 12 Hamilton 11 Harlan..... 5 Hayes 4 Hitchcock 5 Hooker . 1 Holt 11 Howard 6 Jefferson U It is recommended that no prox ies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. S. D. Mercer, Chairman. Walt M. Seeley, U. B. Balcombe, J. R. SOUTHERLAND, Secretaries. Otoe ". '.. 14 I that he was the employe of a sewing- Pawnee 14 I machine company of Aew ork. It rerkins 4 . . .. . , , . r aiso appears inai ne nau ire- quently been in the office of Mr Frick, where he was admitted with out question. A fair inference from these facts is that Berkman had conceived a fanatical idea, en gendered perhaps by a familiarity witn mnilism, that lie Had a mis sion as an avenger, and believing that the Carnecrie company was likely to be successful in the con test with its men proceeded to exe cute his self-appointed errand. It also appears the fellow went prepared to kill Frick and then.' if captured to kill himself as he chewed giant powder caps and had to be choked before he would spit them out;if they had exploded in his mouth they would have killed him. Mr. Frich was shot twice in the necK and stabbed three times in the body but will recover. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug st, Toledo Ohio., Waldinir Kiiinaii & Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole do Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, action directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. I'nce, ic. per bottle, sold bv all Druggist; Testimonials free. Colorado'a Cool Retreats. During the "tourist season" from June until September the Burling ton route has on sale round trip ticket, at very reduced rates, to the principal resorts of Colorado. lo Denver, Colorado Sprinjrs. Mauitou, Pueblo and Kstes park (the most attractive spot in the whole state) particularly low rates are in force. July and August are the best months in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts, to all of which the Burlington, with its connec tions, offers unequalled service. lne local agent will be irlad to give you any desired information. The following item, clipped from the Ft. Madison (Iowa) Democrat, contains information well worth remembering: "Mr. John Roth of this city, who met with an accident a tew davs aero, snrainino and bruising his leg and arm quite severely, was cured by one 50-cent bottle ot Cnamberlain s lJam JJalm. This remedy is without an equal for sprains and bruises and should have a olace in every household. For -sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Thurston 5 Valley 5 Washington 9 Wavne 6 Webster 10 Wheeler 2 York 18 Total .387 Cholera infantum has lost its terrors since the introduction of Chamberlains colic, cholera and di arrhoea remedy. When that remedy is used and the treatment as direc ted with each bottle is followed, a cure is certain. Mr. A. W. Walters, a prominent merchant at ".aiters- burg, 111., says: It cured my baby boy of cholera infantum after sev eral other remedies had failed, the child was so low that he seemed al most beyond the aid of human hands or reach of- any medicine." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Klectrlc Light on HattleBeldn. The ubiquity of electricity is becoming almost proverbial. From the "brightest spot on earth" to the blool stained battle fields is rather far cry, but there is no end to the application of electricity. A recent telegram from Austria described some experiments of great interest which have recently been carried out successfully there. The difficulty of searching for the wounded on the night after a great battle has been one which has long occupied the attention of mili tary reformers, and the army medical service in Austria has been endeavoring to determine how far the electric light may be utilized for this humane end. The value of po .verful search lights with reflectors has been proved in naval affairs, and at Suakiin and elsewhere soldiers have found them very effective on open ground. They -u-oaU ho final ly effective under similar conditions (r assisting in picking up the wounded. but when the battle has raged over a wide extent of country, or when the fighting has occurred amid woods and brushwood, the use of this class of light is attended with difficulty. Electrical Review. A JJog'a Political Preferences. Out at Abilene the man who runs a transfer wagon and smashes the drum mers' trunks owns a dog. He is just a common, old fashioned cur. But the dog votes, and votes right. His master every morning upon the arrival of the Texas and Pacific train gets his dogship to show off before the crowd. "Do you vote for Clark?" the canine is asked. IJe rises up on his hind feet, his front ones high in the air, his body perfectly erect and nods his head. "Do you vote for Hogg.-" the master inquires. The do gets down fiat upon the floor and buries his face in his front legs, the very pic ture of negation. These daily perform ances have come to be .y.ell advertised in Abilene and always draw a crowd. Should Judge Clark be successful that dog will be installed in state at Austin next January, and for two jears at least will be the best fed animal in Texas. Dallas News. Strictly Pure White Lead is the Best Paint. Care is necessary though, to obtain strictly pure, as the market is flooded with so called Pure White Leads that in reality contain but very little white lead. The following analyses of two of these misleading brands show the exact proportion of genuine white lead they con tain. The analyses describe, the labels and brands on the oackaes and erive the con tents as follows : Misleading Brands "C. F. Lawson & Co. Strictly Pure White Lead." Red label, with brush, on which is printed, "Guaranteed to be strictly pure. Forfeited if adulterated." Materials Proportions Analyzed by Barytes 58.10 per cent. J. Fiebing, Oxide of Zinc 24.90 per cent. Milwaukee. White Lead 13.60 per cent. Calcium Car bonate 3. so per cent. "Masury's Railroad White Lead." White label, marked "Railroad White Lead, 35; pure; John W. Masury & Son, New York and Chicago, warranted superior." Materials .'-" Proportions Analyzed by Oxide of Zink 5570 per cent. Ledoux & Co., Barytes 44-3 per cent. New York. We have a book which gives the analyses of a large number of misleading brandsf If you are going to paint it will pay you to send for it. In Painting use strictly pure White Lead (see that you get either "southern," "Collier," or " Red Seal "), tint it with the National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have the best paint that it is possible to put on a building. For sale by the best dealers in paints every where. NATIONAL LEAD CO., St. Louis Branch, Ciark Avenue and Tenth Street, St. Louis, Mo. QiS ti;qi'icls, Dealer in All kinds of fresh, salt and s moked meats. I nnke the best of all kinds of sail saivesand keep a jrood supply constantly on band. A. IJoiliii; Hole In Noble comity, W. Va., there is a fathomless sea, composed of salt water and oil, from which gas 'Escapes with h tremendous roar. Twenty years ago a well was drilled there to the depth of 1,900 feet, borne years later water and gas escaped from the hole with great MARKKT -ytJN -SIXTH - STRKKT Between Main and Pearl Plattsinoulli, . . . Nebraska. B. A. McELWAIN Carries an Elegant Stock OF Jewelry, Silverware, Watches and Clocks. Nor CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. The republican electors of the First congressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties comprising said district to meet in convention in the city of Nebraska City, Thursday, July 28, 1892, at 9 o'clock p. m., for the pur pose ot placing in nomination a candidate for member of congress for said district and for the trans action of such other business as may come before the convention. THE APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. W. J. Connell for congress in 1890: One delegate for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof and ene delegate-at-large from each county. Counties. Delegates. Counties. Delegates. Cass 19iOtoe 13 Johnson... Lancaster. Nemaha .. 10 45 12 Pawnee Kichardson. 13 16 Total 128 It is recommended that no prox ies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present from each county cast the full vote of the delegation. W. H. Woodward, Frank M'Cartney, Chairniar. Secretary, A FARMER ON MONEY. 'I am a farmer and do not know much about politics, but I do see some serious flaws in the free silver bill. The aim of 'the friends of sil ver' is to raise the price of that metal by putting government credit behind it. Now, my county does not produce an ounce of silver nor an ounce of anything valuable in the mineral line. If the price of silver is advanced artificially, will it not take more of our timber, more pigs, more corn, more calves to get itf Are dollars to be made more plentiful? How? I know of just one way to get dollars, and that is to find some man who has dollars and who wants something he does not have, more than he does his dollars, and who will give me his dollars for something which I prize less than I do his dollars. In other words, I trade my labor, my pigs, my cotton, my cows for the dollars of some man who needs labor, pigs, cotton, or cows more than he neds dollars. "Now, if two employers are after one laborer, as in Montana, wages are high; if two laborers are after one 'boss,' as in some large cities of the east, wages are low; if two pigs are after one dollar, pigs are low; if two dollars are after one pig, pigs are high. If dollars, of whatever kind, get so abundant that three or four of them get after one pig, pigs will go very high; and if dollars Oregon, Washington and the west;fciiie uoast. The constant demand of the trav eling public to the' far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling has led to the establishment as what is known as Pullman Colonist sleepers. These cars are built on the same general plan as the regular first class Pullman Sleeper, the only dif- lerence Deincr that they are not up holstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair matresses. warm blankets.suow white linen cur tains plenty of towels, combs, brush es etc., which secure to the occu pant of a birth as much privacy as is to be had in first class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen, and smok lnir is absolutely prohibited, ror full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper leaflet. E. L. Lo max, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha Nebraska. A Great Surpriee Is in store for all who use Kemp'f tsalsan tor the throat ana luusrs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the proprietor of this wonderful remedy to erive 3-011 a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Balsam. Large Bottles 50c and f 1. Every thine kent that x . ? 10 consinuie a nrst-class a tne note witn great :flnr1in 1 ,. pressure, tearing oat the tubimr and cut- Jc w CV QlKJl C IB KtJUt in UlS ting a cavern apparently hundreds of StOCK. ReDairinff dfiHft hv feet deep and forty feet in diameter. . UUUtf-UJ.. After it ceased to flow a farmer filled it UralCiaSS WOrKmen and Sat- ?rrrrSfiT,.rJ : .? faction guaranteed or mon- " J " " - - - - - I .4 . another explosion of the well, oil anil ey relUnded. water pouring ottt m abundance, in a single day the hole became fathomless and about forty feet wide. Chicago Herald. An Animal Tramp. Mark Twain made the coyote famous notorious, if you please. In "Rough ing It" the poor animal, is described at the sneak thief of the plains, a tramj of the desert. Whether he is as bad ai he is painted or not, the California leg islature has put a price on his head. A a result within the six months just passed 20,299 of these lank animals have been killed In the Golden State at a cost to the government of $101,995. Kansas City Times. B. A. McELWAIN, .First door south of Post Oflice. Plattsmouth, - . . . . N KB. Will Be Heard All Over l'aris. A monster bell, one of the largest oJ its kind, specially cast for the new Church of the Sacred Heart on th heights of Montmartre, has bt-en -oiu pleted at Aunecy, in Savoy. This im mense instrument, which, when htii;.. in its lofty position, will lj audible id over Paris, weighs, with its clap; : don Telegraph. Fail to do Our Duty. Everbody has attiine fwilri their duty towards tin,.,ui..a lundreds of lady readers suffer from sick headache, nervousneMs sleeplessness and fem.ilo t-ni. Let them follow the example of Mrs Herbecthter, Stevens Poiut. Wis' who for five years suffered creatlv rom nervous prostration and sleep lessness, tried physicians aud dif- tJ ulclnes without But one bottle of Dr. Miles' cai success. caused sound sleep every night and ne is like a n.-u. tm Elizabeth Wheeler, Laramie City yominer. who tnVfl nil ,i,0. ,..' "in iart'H I tint a tttr i - . V . ween fcj use of the Nervine tor headache nervous prostration, etc., she was w""tiy relieved. Frick & Co. sold I' K n Trial bottle free. 1. iDon'i Tobacco Spit Your Life Away." Is the startling:, truthful title of a little book iustreceived, telling all about Notobac, the wonderful, harmless, economical, guaranteed cure for the tobacco habit in every form. Tobacco users who want to quit and can't, by mentioning The Herald can get the book mailed free. Address the Sterling Remedy Co., box 802, Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind. An Kuriiest Student. City Instructor If yon have su. l delightful home in the suburbs, why ... you wish extra studies w hich will k. you in the schoolroom after honrsr Suburban Boy This is garden weed- Good News. ing time, Nothing New Under the Sun No! not even through cars to Den ver, Ogden, Salt Lake City, . San Francisco and Portland.- This in simply written to rcrtiitwi i...7 the Union Pacific is the pioneer in running through cars to the ahov The Best Man Was Late. The best man was late at 0110 of Li.. ; week's weddings, aud his appear after the ceremony had begun created a sensation. Boston Saturday Gazette ...vm.uinu poiinsaiiu that the pres ent through car arrangement is u,', excelled. We also make Tin; time For details address any agent of the company, call on your nearest agent or write to K. I.. I)Mav G. P.& T. A. U. P.,Oiiiafia Neb' 1