lattsmoutli Daily Herald.. P FJITII YE Alt. J 'L ATTSMO UTli ,N ElJlt A SKA. MONDAY. JULY 25. 1892. NUMBER 257 4' 1 V If ft IK' r r m 9 i. 1 mm 11 v tri.k-Fw v V II reura . Absolutely Pure. i ' Act - of tartar baking powder IlighetiTSftf sill in leavenintr strength l,atewt U. S. Government food report. tWHUSUTON & MISSOVHJJtlVElt R. It. V TIME TABLE. OF IAILY I'ASSEXGEK TRAINS GOING ERST No. 2 5:17 p.m. No. 4 10 -.Ma. n. No. 8 7; 44 p. ni No. 1U :!! a. m- No. 6 r. 111 GOING WEST Not..... 3 :45 a. m. No. 3.. No. 5,... No. T.... No. 9,. . No. 91... .3 :48 p. m ;.9 :K) a. m . . S .V p m. . 4 :4U p.m. . .7 :15 a. m. utr iftwps for Omaha about two o'clock lor fmaliaaiid will accommodate pas rubers. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME CARD. No. 34 Accomodation Leaves 1?:,ak- No.wi - arrives 4 ;00 p. Trains daily except funday. SECRET SOClETlg, CASH CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. meets every eecoud and Fourth Monday evning" iu KiUKerald hall. Vlamntf iieiuuuors welcome, f ;7 HaiiHeu. V. V. : r. wertenoerger, w. a B. O. Wtldo. Clerk. lWiIM If u lAkliiK CAM r 0 "i0 CASj. f eterann. division of Nebraska. U h mJLi every Tuesday night at 7 o'clock All sons and T .1.. . ... 11MI1 111 riLIKCIOlU univiv. vi." line comrades are cordially Invited to meet Vith us J. J. Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. Mc lalu, let Seat gent. OKDKK OK THE WOULD. Meets at 7 : 30 every Mouuay evening at the Grand Army ... . -. . . l.l.... TK.... Uullin nan. a. r . t.rooiii. uimucui) j.iuo secretary. . .. ... -V..U M fir.1 nnrl third Frl A. ' A- n - . " w . . - . - day evening of each montb at lUOr bull, truna Vi-ruiyiea ."i ; j x jJiii v. i-. recorder. GA. R.McConihie Font No. 45 meets every Saturday evoamg at 7 : 30 in their Hall in Kockwood block. All visiting comrades are cordlallv invltea to meet witu us. riou dvw Fot Adjniat ; ti. F. N'iles. Font Coinmadder, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Gatintlet Lodge MMt fvrrv Wtdnemlav eve ning at their hall over flennet dc Thtt , all viitinif kniht! are cordially invited to attend. M A Urifiith, C C: OtU Dovey K o K and S. a . . it iv k.1 fiMnnf1 and fourth Friday evenings in the month at I O O F Hull. M Vondran, M W, K P Brown, recorded. J t .A I ...1 ..u X.' .k iA m uat . ihw Mnn fl ourt fourth Thursday evenings of each month in ... . .... . . k.ll .fl . f XT Uilliotnu ti. ; Mrs. John Cory. Secretary. nEGREE OF IIOXOK Meets the first and third Thrursday evenintfs of each miinth in 1. it- O. hall, l-itxiferald block lr. Addie Smith, Worthy Sinter of iionor Mrs. iauuie liurkei, sister secretary. CASS LODGE, No. 146.1. 0. O. F. meets ev ery Tueoday night at their ball tn Fitzgerald block. AU Odd Fellows are cordially invited tend when visiting la the city. Chris ret to attend ; S. F, Oitborn, Secretary. ROYAL AKCANAM Car Council No 1021. Meet at the K, of P. hall in the Parmele & Craig block over Bennett & Tutts, vlslrlng brethren invited. Henry Uerlng, Regent; Thos Walling. Secretary. YOUNO MEN'S CHKISTION IBOCIATION Waterman block. Main Street. Booms open from 8:30am to 9 :30 p ro. For men only Oospel meeting every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'eloek. According to the census of 1890, Chicago takes rank, by virtue of her population of 1,098,576 people, as the eighth -largest city on the globe. Most of us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. A PLEA FOR MOTHERS. Mr. Van Pelt, editor of the Craig. Mo., Meteor, went to a drug store at Hillsdale, Iowa, and asked the phy sician in attendance to give him a dose of something for cholera mor bus and looseness of the bowels. He says: "I felt so much better the next morning that I concluded to call on the physician and get him to tix me up a supply of the medi cince. I was surprised when he handed me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy. He said he prescribed it regu larly in his practice and found it the best he could get or prepare. I can testify to its efficiency in my case at all events." For sale by b. 9. Fricke & Co. An Amendment Offered to the Advice of m Woman Lecturer. A few evenings ago a Boston woman journalist, who writes the essays about bookmarks, gluten bread, dress reform correts ana tne lice ror the woman a column of a Sunday paper, read a lec ture to a parlor f nil of Harlem women. Her subject was "How to Bring Up Children." Une thing mat sne insisted on was that children should be taught to "do thinRS, to be prepared for emergencies. "For example, said she, "I would teach a child what to do in case of fainting fit. I say to my girls: 44 4Uirls, I am not much of a hand at fainting, but if I do take a notion to faint some day when you are about, get me some water. I'onr it on my head and face. Cold water, girls, not hot water. "I m sure that if the unexpected comes, and I fall in a fainting fit some fine morning, the girls, if they happen to be near, will know what to do and wiU do it promptly." "May I interrupt you for a moment?" asked a little brown haired woman, who evoked to be about fifty. "Why, certainly," answered the lec turer. "Well, what J wish to do," said the brown haired woman, "is to take issue with you on this proposition of yours that it is the proper thing to instruct children what to do fto their mothers when they faint. On other points I have nothing to say. Maybe you are right in the general proposition that children should be taught to do things, but as to this matter I wish to utter a warning word, to offer an amendment, so to speak. "I used to tUink as you do. I remem ber as well as can be how I used to tell my girl9 to do the very thing that you say you told yours to do. I thought as you do, that it would be a shame to leave any person who bhould faint in the presence of my girls go without proper care. So T ise& to ray: 'Remem ber, giis, to use water. That's the thins when a baby faints.' -Well, one day some 0113 came to my nouse ana told me that a little boy had been hurt in the next yard. I was al most ill at the time, but just the same I rushed out to the scene. The little chap was badly hurt, and it took me quite awhile to get him in such a way that I could safely Ieae mm. But the time came at last, and I started for home. 4When I was within about a rod of my own house I grew dizzy and saw stars and then fell in a heap in the gutter. "A couple of Irishmen picked me up, eacn taking an arm, ana dragged me up my front steps and laid me out on the piazza. Then they rang the bell and when my daughter Isabelle came to the door one of them pointed at me and said: 44 'Good avenin, miss, an is that yer mother there, lyin all in a hape dead fainted away "Isabelle gave one look and then called out to her -two sisters, 'Quick, girls, ma's fainted.' . "'After that the deluge.' Yes, that tells the story.- Isabelle got 'the. ice pitcher, Mary a foot tub and Kate a ten quart tin pail. I consider it almost a miracle that I'm alive today. "Of course I'm telling, all this from hearsay. I didn't know anything from the time .that I fainted until I heard Kate frantically crying out: 'Water! More water! Quick, Isabelle, more wa ter: and just after that one of the Irish men saying, 'Be aisy, darlint, or ye'll be aftor drownin yer ould motherf "Wet! Well, that doesn't besin to tell the story. I waa soaked, and great streams of water were" running off the piazza and down the stairs. "oudid just right girls, I said as soon as I could speak. '.You did just what j-onr mother told jou to do, but don't do it again.' "Then I got down on my knees and wrung out my skirts as well as I could and while I was in that position I could hardly keep myself from saying, 'Oh Lord, I thank thee that ther didn't call out the fire department.' "aow, I've taken up lots of your time. but I wished to make an amendment to your proposition. What I would pro pose is that every mother save her own self from the danger of drowning by 6aying to her girls when she bids them pour water on 'fainters,' 'Be sure mv dears to try the remedy for the first time on somebody else than your own dear mamma.' " New York Times. CONCERNING DYNAMITE. Millions of IlAlltri Invested la Its Man ufacture Im the United States. Very few people have a correct idea of what dynamite is, of what it is made and the uses to which it is put. To the French belongs the honor of its discov ery and it practical use. Nitroglycerin is the force of all high explosives. Dynamite is the name most usually given to these explosives, though other names are sometimes used. Dynamite is simply nitroglycerin mixed with various ingredients. Nitro glycerin is made by mixing sulphuric and nitric acid with sweet glycerin, the same that is used by the ladies to prevent chapped hands. Mixing the acids and glycerin is where the great danger lies in the making of nitro glycerin. The mixing tank, or agita tor, as it is called by dynamite makers, is'a large steel tank, filled inside with many coils of lead pipe, through which, "vhile the mixing is in progress, a con stant flow of ice water is maintained. This flow of ice water is used to keep the temperature of the mix below 83 degs., as above that point it would explode, and a hole In the ground would mark where the factory had been. The nitroglycerin is stored in large earthenware tanks, which ar usually sunk in the ground to guard against blows or severe concussion. The other ingredients for making dynamite are, nitrate of soda (which is found only in Chili), carbonate of mag nesia and wood pulp. Dynamite is put in paper shells usually 1 inches in diameter and 8 inches in length, and weighs about one-half pound to each shell or cartridge. It has largely taken the place of black powder for blasting, as it is many hundreds of times stronger, and consequently more eco nomical. It is used chiefly in mining all kinds of ores, coal and rock, and sub marine blasting and railroad building. Without its aid many railroads, espe cially those crossing the Rocky moun tains, could not have been constructed; without it Hell Gate, in New York har bor, could not have been destroyed, and without it the miner, at prices now paid for mining ores, could not earn his bread. Dynamite will not explode from any ordinary fall or jar. It will burn with out explosion and freezes at 43 degs., 10 degs. above ordinary freezing point. The bomb is made of metal or glass and filled with pure nitroglycerin arranged so as to explode by severe contact with any hard object.. . These bombs are of course never made by a reputable dyna mite factory. Five or six millions of dollars are in vested in the manufacture of dynamite in the United States, and its use is con stantly on the increase. The fumes of nitroglycerin produce intense headache, which can be cured by taking a very small dose of it internally. Detroit Free Press. n - i'-, ' 4 A Logician Out of Plaee. A gentleman who stood a few mo ments at a corner where, a large build ing was in process of erection overheard some remarks made by an Irish- work man who evidently fancied himself a logician of no mean order. He was a sturdy, good natured look ing man, but evidently enjoyed leaning on his hod and commenting on what passed around him much better than he did active work." r The cry of "mort mort'' . usually rang- out several times before he heeded it. . - "Pat," said the foreman ' severely, coming upon the man at one of the moments when he was "restin a bit," 'why don't you attend to your work and keep that man going?" "Shure, now," said Pat, shifting his feet and turning a broad smile upon the foreman, "if I was to kape him goin he wouldn't have sorra a thing to .say at all; an if he didn t say annything, how would I know he was there? An if he wasn't there f what-would he be wantin of morther, sorr?" And Pat marched off with his hod. leaving the foreman not convinced, but certainly .confused by this remarkable exhibition of the workings of a logical mind. Youth s Companion. IV ailed Cities ef Italy. Necessarily the romantic and histor ical charm of English walled cities is but small compared with that of conti nental cities. The walls of Rome, for instance, are standing monuments of the city's history from the earliest time to within- the last half oentury; but owing to the extraordinary character and variety of other antiquarian objects, they hardly come in for that share of the visitor's attention which they de serve. Yet an inspection of them, with their ancient and medieval gates, the many styles of their construction, each pointing to a particular period of their history, their size and strength, their odd little nooks and corners and their pictureaquenesn, is worth a journey, which convinces the stranger that they would form the cldef attraction of any other city but Rome. Indeed, as is not surprising, Italy is a nest of ancient walled towns, and we may note all degrees of grandeur, from the still formidable looking zonen which surround Genova La Soperba or Firenze La Bella to the quaint little lines of fortifications which zigzag up the vine clad hillsides of the north coast of the Mediterranean, surrounding in many in stances mere villages, but speaking elo quently to us of those hard, stirring times when the hand of every man was against his neighbor. Cor. Chicago Her ald. Persian Swords. The swords of Hindostan are of end less variety in size and shape, the most common being the "tegha" and "tal war," broad, much curved blades, wrong ly styled scimitars, the real scimitar being a clumsy chopperlike weapon, nearly straight and widening to the point. There is the "khanda," a heavy straight sword with basket hilt, like the Scottish claymore. The khanda was an object of worship to the Rajputs, pre cisely as to the Scythians. The "pata," or gauntlet sword, much used by the Mahrattas, was a development of the "katar," having a long rapier blade, often of Spanish make, and a cylindrical hilt, into which the arm was passed to the elbow. The Persian sword, how ever, was valued above all others, and particularly those of Khorassan. These are the real "Damascus blades," the damascening being produced by the crystallization of the steel. Connois seurs recognize ten different varieties of watering or "jauhar;" and the most in credible prices have been given for fancy specimens. But the great brittle ness of these swords makes them unfit for use by Europeans, who would shiver them to pieces by a "swashing blow, wmieqv oriental employs tneir razor edge only for the "drawing" cut. Chambers Journal. Telling; About IU An old lady is said to have been asked how to tell good indigo. "Powder the indigo," said she, "sprinkle it upon cold water, and if it is good it will either sink or swim, I have forgotten which." It was the same with Aunt Charity's "Jest take a dozen of 'em no, a half a dozen of 'em no, it's a dozen well, raaly, I can't say, but it's either a dozen or a half dozen and you put 'em in a pailful no, a half pailful part full no, it s a pailful no well, well, it's either a pailful or a half nailful of water and the good eggs will swim on top no, the good eggs will sink to the bottom no, that's not it the good eggs will swim no, no, I delare, I don't raaly know, but, anyway, the good eggs will either sink or swim." Housekeeper, 11 is estimated that all the money paid in Philadelphia for Julv interest and dividends -will exceed $10,000,000. A Lightning Calculator. Professor Truman Henry Safford. of Williams college, is one of the most re markable lightning calculators now liv ing. A gentleman who had heard of his power and wished to test it said to him one day: "I have a little problem for you, Professor Safford. I was born Aug. 15, 1852, at 3 o'clock Jn the after- rm 1- ma . . noun, .mis une zu, 1883, and it is just 3 o'clock. Now, can you tell me my age in seconds?" The great man frowned, bent his head, and began to walk rapidly up and down, twisting his mustache and clasping and unclasping his hands in his nervous way. After a moment or so he returned the answer, which was somewhere in the billions. The gentleman produced a paper con taining the problem worked out, and said, with a superior smile, "Well, pro fessor, IU give you credit for great ge nius, but you re several thousand out." The professor stretched out his hand for the paper, and running over the calcu lation, said contemptuously: "Humph! You've left out the leap years." Boston Traveller. Mrs. Jones Men never know now much they owe to their wives. Now, there's Mr. Blank, who is praised by every one as a successful man, but what would he have been if he had nevermar ried? i Mr. Jones A bachelor, dear. Paar maceutical Era. A Mile Differs Sometimes. The measurement in English yards of the different lengths of a mile in several countries is as follows: Arabian mile 2,148; Austrian mile, 8,296; Bohemian mile, 10,137; Brabant mile, 6,082; Bur- gundian mile, 6,183; Danish mile, 8,244, Dutch mile, 6,395; English mile, 1,760; English mile, geographical, 2,025; Eng lish mile, nautical, 6,080; Flemish mile. 6,869; German mile, long, 10,126; Ger man mile, short, 6,859; German mile, geographical,' 8,100; Hamburg mile, 8, 244; Hanoverian mile, 11,559; Hessian mile, 19,547; Hungarian mile, 9,113; Irish mile,, ancient, 2,240; Italian mile. 2.025 .Lithuanian mile, 9,780; Oldenburg mile, iu.BSJU; Jfersian mile, 6,086; Polish mile long, 8,100; Polish mile, short. 6.071 Prussian mile, 8,237; Roman mile, 1.628 Kussian, verst, 1,165; Saxon mile. 9.904 Scotch mile, ancient, 1,984; Spanish mile, 4,635: Swedish mile, 11,700; Swiss mile, 9,153; Tuscan mile, 1,808; United btates mile, 1,760. Philadelphia Ledger, Bagging; Grapes. People often ask what is the use of the abstract studies scientific men and worn en often indulge in. The reply is you must first discover a new truth before you can tell whether you can make any value of it. The valuable discovery mat me Diaoic rot can be prevented from injuring grapes by inclosing the bunch in a paper bag is the direct result of scientific studies. When it was found that the rot was caused by a fungus growing from a lit tle seed or spore which, floating through the atmosphere, attaches itself to the grape berry, it was the easiest thing to tnink: or putting bags over the bunch early in the season so that the spore couldn't get there. Hundreds of thou sands of dollars have been saved to the cultivator by this bagging of crapes which would have been totally lost but for the labors of scientific men. Mee- hans' Monthly. Speaking of the Late Queen. James I disliked to hear encomiums lavished on his predecessor, "Le Roi Elizabeth," as the French called her, and always depreciated her when possi ble. On one occasion some one speak ing of the late queen as a "most wise princess," James said sharply, "She had wise counselors. "And, please your majesty," said the speaker, "did ever a fool choose wise counselors?" London Standard. Poor Blank. The flowers that lead as providers of popular perfumes for the handkerchief and toilet are the jasmine, violet, tuba rose, rose, bitter orange flower and cassia. Would you know jwliy Witt, picture Qur faces oobeamf OurSerVSotfs ive'er grumlle, Our life dreanv mm m miw a .as x I j vtv sY rrr r Is il?e;erc3 of our bliss; For all sorts of cleaning It ne'er conies aniiss. Made Only by MUFairbank & Co. Chicago, J. I.UJVRUH h FOll FIUST CLASS F UliNl TURK. H1C MAN can ol DI.KS the Whitney baby ITergood bargains in tliein Carriages aud Parties desiring to furnish a house complete- could not do better than to call and inspect his furniture, iu the way of Parlor sets, Dining room aetsr; Bed Room set, and evenytliing kept in a tirst-clafst I establishment. J. I. Unruh, PLArTSMOUTII, NKBRASKA. The archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria is a proficient amateur railroad man. He knows how to run a locomo tive and to make up a train of cars. F Q F5I2Sg G2; WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A Full and Complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Faints, and Oils. ( DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES AND PURE LIQUORS Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at all Hour. jV i 1 J. PEAt1WAN'$ House Furnishing Emporium. i ' t T 7.LLEIIE yon can get your house furnished from V V kitchen to parlor and at easy tearms. I han die the world renown llay wood baby carriages, ako the latest improved Reliable Process Gasoline stove Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. '4 tu froi ha1 ,ald 6tOV ood I. Pearleman 9 OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Allow me to add my tribute to the efficacy of Ely's Cream Balm. I was suffering from a severe attack of in fluenza and catarrh and was induced to try your remedy. The result was marvelous. I could hardly articu late, and in less than twenty-four hours the catarrhal symptoms and my hoarseness disappeared and I was able to sing- a heavy role in Grand Opera with voice unimpared. sironijiy recommend it to all sing, rs. Win. H. Hamilton, leading asso of the C. D. Hess Grand Opera o. I VnpSirvriD Toinc A am' -n Kl lot in Plattsmouth. Will sell fornd Cztt ni will 4 a Va a errrA Kunrnnr fV 111 horse and horses in exchange, gooa T?rr TTsOW-f ir-iil 3 i-a pall .nri rw offrMSsi H eXfl this office. tf ,n or iver PI Mites Nerve and Liver Pilla. Act on o newpriciple retrulatinc the liver, stomach and bowels e Tf through the nerves. A new diacov- nd J ery Dr. Miles pills speedily cure nc7 biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, "Pee piles, constipation Unequaled for torK men, women and children. Small nelTv est, mildest, surest. SO doses 25 ct. Idren. j Samples free at F. G. Ericke Cq'e. dof -r- v