The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, July 23, 1892, Image 4

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Sad Fat6 of a Young Woman of
Beatrice. ,
i:iim: hyiieiI faitIIlksslovfii
Ida Ebrlght. a School Teacher, of Be
atrice Died at Omaha Yester
day In a Doctors Office
Name of. her Dispos
er Revealed.
The Oninda correspondent to the
State Journal this morning1 eaj s:
Ida Kbright died in the office of
Dr. J. J. Carriker shortly after 2
o'clock to day under circumstances
that warrant the coroner in im.king
a thorough investigation. So far
the facts learned from the girl's
relatives and brought out by the
testimony of the witnesses the cor
oner has examined have only gone
to show that the girl's death was
the result of her own foil'. Iiss
Kbright was about nineteen years
of age ami taught school for a liv
ing. She was last employed in the
public schools at Odell, Neb. She
is spoken of highly by those who
knew her at her home near Heatrice,
where her family is considered
ultra respectable, but she was a
pieer girl, piet and one who made
no confidant of anybody, so very
little can be told of her trouble.
Dr. Carriker, in whose office she
died, said to the coroner's jury that
Miss Kbright came to his office four
davs airo and asked him to help her.
. She said she was pregnant and she
had several times tried to produce an
abortion, both by mechanical means
and by drugs. She seemed to be
suffering then from the effects of the
drugs she had taken. The doctor
refused to aid her in her criminal
intent, but offered to restore her to
She left, but to-day returned, ac
companied by her married sister,
Mrs. DuKe, of Heatrice. While the
three were talking over Ida's
troubles, the latter fell forward in a
faint on the floor, and died in a few
moments. Dr. Carricker said death
either resulted from heart disease
or from the effects of her attempts
to rid herself from her trouble. Mrs.
Duke testified that her sister had al
ways been delicate and for years
had suffered from a functional de
rangement of the heart.
Mrs. Duke and her mother had
taxed Ida with being in a delicate
condition and had sought to obtain
from her a confession. This the
girl had strenuously denied, but a
short time ago she confessed to
Mrs. Duke that her lover, a travel
ing man named Levy who lives in
Beatrice, had drugged and as
saulted her last March. Levy had
been forbidden to come to the
house by Ida's parents on account
of dissolute habits.
At this point the coroner deter
mined to hold a post mortem ex-
i 4 i.i 4n -i 2t-fri -1 i II tile PXHCt
cause of death and if possible se-I
c - x rliio in Ihp nprsnilH W'llO
11 1 cuillV V. V. - - - X
advised the girl to attempt a crimi
nal operation on herself. The city
detectives are searching for the
house where Miss Kbright stopped
while in Omaha. Her address is
not known. Mrs. Duke only came
here to-day and found her sister on
South Sixteenth street en route to
the doctor's office. An earnest ef
fort to ferret out the true story and
fasten the responsibility tor the
crime on some one will be made.
Attacked by Soldiers.
Last night the soldiers and citi
zens indulged in a small riot at
Bellevue as the following will show:
"Last nierht James Dillion and
Henri- and Charles Whetstone were
attacked by a number of soldiers
while returning from the rifle range.
where thev had been drinking beer.
Only a few shots were exchanged
when the boys started to run, 101
lowed by the soldiers. James Whet
stone, a brother of the others, liear-
inir the shooting went up to see
what was the trouble and was struck
over the head with a club by a hos
pital steward and .knocked sense
less, in which condition he still re
mains. The steward was arrested
during the night by Sheriff McCarty
and Marshall Patrick on the charge
of assault with intent to commit
murder and is under guard await
ing a hearing, which will take place
aaaoon as the prosecuting attorney
arrives. The United States surgeon
and local doctor are attending the
injured man and think he will re
cover." Notice to Water Consumers.
The hours set apart to sprinkle
lawns are 5:30 to 7 o'clock a. m. and
0 to 8 o'clock p. m. Sprinkling
must be conlined to these hours,
and hose found in useexcept dimng
the above named hours will be
shut off without further notice.
. Primaries from 1 to 8 this after
noon. Calamity Howler California Carl
will bold forth on Main street again
this evening.
The republican primaries will be
held in the different wards from 4
to 8 this afternoon.
The authorities were notified to
watch for a floater. A man was
drowned at Omaha day before yes
day. The Bohemian Catholic Knights
from Omaha will picnic at Bajeck's
park to-morrow. A large delega
tion is expected.
The sheriff was notified to-day to
be on the look-out for a horse and
kuggy that was stolen at Hamburg,
la., night before last.
The board of education will hold
a meeting to-night to open the bids
for the coiistructin of a two story
font room brick building.
Kcv. George W. Mitchell, of Frank
lin, Neb., will preach in the First
Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. to
morrow. The public is cordially
invited to be present.
Mrs. Hurtnett was in police court
this morning wanting a warrant
sworn out for the arrest of a neigh
bor for slander. Judge Archer re
ferred her to the county attorney.
Mrs. Hurtnett resides near the
The bull dog owned by Cal Wal
ton attacked a boy who works in
Ed Stemm's cigar factory last night
and the boy was bitten two or three
different times. Mayor Hutler
ordered the police to shoot the dog.
Cal refused to let them have the
dog and they were forced to shoot
the dog under the house.
f A dead man was discovered yes
terday seven miles southeast of
Hellevueon what is known as the
"Hellevue Island" in a bad state of
decomposition. The description is
as follows: dark hair, red mustache
and whiskers, checkered pants,
black shirt and strap around waist
five feet and six inches tall, proba
Xi or 10 years old.
John Turner left his spotted team
a short distance, standing in the
hay field Wednesday, and they en
joyed another runaway with the
hay rack. They cleared a wire fence
and never broke a wire, run two
miles and did but little damage.
This is the team that distinguished
itself last week by jumping over
another team of horses on our
streets. John says he will sell them
to some circus if he can get enough
for them. Kclio.
The republican primaries will be
held in the city Saturday, July J3,
ironi 4 to 8 o'clock for the purpose
oi electing delegates to the county
convention which will be held at
Weeping Water, Tuesday, July 26
for the purpose of electing delegates
to the state and congrt ssional con
ventions, which meet in Lincoln
and Nebraska City respectively.
The First ward is entitled to 8 dele
gates; the Second 8; Third ward H;
Fourth ward 9; Fifth ward 4.
Tne Journal last night quoted
Judge Wright of Wahoo as saying
that if he was in this district he
would vote for Hryan even if he
was a republican. The fact of the
matter is Judge Wright is a chronic
office seeker. When he went to Wa
hoo the republicans elected him
county judge, and because they re
fused to give him anything else he
went to the independent party last
year, and he failed torecieve a nom
ination from them and now he is a
rip-roaring democrat. Instead of
being a republican he is a dis
grunted politician.
The fanners alliance held a rally
at Alvo, Cass county, last Tuesday
and a large crowd was in atten
dance. At 10 o'clock the "exercises
opened with a song from Mrs. Ker
per's glee club, which was composed
of thirty talented young ladies and
gentlemen and excellent music was
furnished. Rev. Fleherity of Green
wood offered prayer. In the fore
noon the meeting was addressed by
P. J. Lynch and O. Hull. After the
speaking af ree for all picnic was in
dulged in. After dinner was over
Mrs. Clark rendered a recitation and
then jW. K. Wright spoke several
hours. He also spoke to a swiall
crowd in the evening.
The good looking lady clerk in
the Red Front store had a little ex
perience the other day with a jug of
molasses that furnished her food
for thought, also all the sweet she
wanted for a week. She was count
ing out some eggs near a jug of
molasses, when all at once the cork
of the jug flew out there was an
explosion and molasses filled the
air it also filled her hair and
bathed her in a sea of sweet mist.
She scrambled for supremacy, but
only succeeded in scrambling nine
eggs and upsetting a jar of con
versable butter. She halloed "fire"
and waited four minutes for the
Echo hook and lader company to
help her out, and then departed for
the wardrobe. Echo.
l'eter Merges of Omaha is in the
city today.
J. A. Connor ol Omaha was in the
city to-day. - -
Baxter Smith went up to Omaha
this morning.
Ex-Ma3-or Kichey had business in
Omaha to-da3'.
A. K. Reinhackle came in from
Havelock to spend Sunday.
P. S. Barnes of Weeping Water
had business in the city to-day.
Tom Howard of Weeping Water
had business in the city to-day.
Minnie White returned this morn
ing from a visit with friends in
Glen n wood.
Miss Manota and Emma Eicken
bary went up to Omaha to-day to
visit with friends over Sunday.
Church Services.
First M. K. church, Leroy F. Britt,
D. D., pastor. Sunday School at 9:'d0
a. in. ; preaching at 11 a. in. and 8 p.
m. by the pastor. Epworth League
will meet at 7 p. m. in the gallery of
the church. All are cordially in
vited to attend these services.
District Court.
The Polk-O'Donah oe case, which
Judge Chapman has had under ad
visement for some time, was to-da3'
decided. A decree was entered set
ting aside the conveyance from Mil
ton D. Polk to John F. Polk and from
John F. Polk to a. O. Leescn and
said real estate, or enough thereof
as would settle the. Claim of M
O'Donahoe of $T00, was ordered sold
Real Estate Transfers.
Following are 11 e real estate
transfers for the past week as com
piled by Polk Bros., abstracters
and publishers of the Daily Record:
L Holtzand wife to J IosIey ne5
of : 23-11-12 $ 400,i0
II Schneider mid wife to J M Sutter
lot 2tiU and oart Louisville.... 450.00
A A Davis and wife to X II, Gil-
mon sw4 of se M 31-11-12 l.OO.OoO
C A Matiker and wife to K K Knots
lont jM aNJ-ril Louisville lfVj.OO
Judge Archer' s Court.
K. L. Siggins vs. Cook. . Judgment
by default in favor of plaintiff.
E. L. Siggins vs. Vorhis. D efen
dant made a motion that plaintiff be
made to give bonds for cost on- ac
count cf being a non-resident. The
case was continued until August 2.
Joe Klein vs. C A. Holt, garni
shee. Continued until September 2.
Orin Kinnison commenced garni
shee proceedings against William
Blunt in Judge Archer's court to
day. Colorado's Cool Ketreats.
During the "tourist season" from
June until September the Burling
ton route lias on sale round trip
tickets, at very reduced rates, to the
principal resorts of Colorado.
fo Denver, Colorado 'Springs,
Manitou, Pueblo and Kstes park
(the most attractive spot in the
whole state) particularly, low rates
are in force. '
July and August" are the best
months in which, to' visit Colorado's
unrivalled resorts, to- all of which
the Burlington, with its connec
tions, offers unequalled service.
lhe local agent will be glad to
give you any desired information.
A picnic is in progress to-day in
the western part of the city under
the auspices of the Second Presby
terian church..
r How's This!
we offer 100 dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
. J. Cheney & Co. Props, Toledo,
We the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and belive him pefectly honorable
in all buisness transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out an oblig
ations made by their firm. .
West&Truax, Wholesale Drug
gist, Toledo Ohio., Walding Kinnan
& Tarvin, Wholesale druggist Tole
do Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken inter
nally, action directly upon the blood
aud mucous surfaces of the system.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist; Testimonials free.
CO., OF N, Y.
T. H. Pollock, Agent,
N.E. C. MeetinR, Saratoga. N. Y.
The provision requiring passen
gers to deposit tickets with the joint
agent at terminal lines at Saratoga
has been cancelled. Tickets will be
honored for return from Saratoga
or from any intermediate point, any
time' up to Sep. 15. It is not neces
sary to go to Saratoga to have the
tickets executed for return.-
. J. Francis,
Gen. Pas. Agt.
Fall to do Our Duty.
Everbody has attimes failed to do
their duty towards themselves.
Hundreds of lady readers suffer
from sick headache, nervousness,
sleeplessness and female troubles.
Let them follow the example of Mrs.
Herbecthter, Stevens Point, Wis.,
who for five years suffered greatly
from nervous prostration and sleep
lessness, tried physicians and dif
ferent medicines without success.
But one bottle of Dr. Miles' Nervine
caused sound sleep every night and
she is like a new person. Mrs.
Elizabeth Wheeler, Laramie City,
Wyoming, who tried all other. reme
dies, declares that after three week's
use of the Nervine lor headache,
nervous prostration, etc., she was
entirely relieved. Sold by F. G.
Frick & Co. Trial bottle free. 1.
Children's -
Alpaca, Mohair
A carpenter by. the name of M. S.
Powers, fell from the roof of a house
in East DesMoines, Iowa and sus
tained a painful and serious sprain
of the wrist which he cured with
onetbottle of ' Chamberlains- pain
balm." He says ?it is worth $5 to
a Uottle. It.cost him 50 cents?- For
sale by byj? G. Fricke & Co.
'"""' Some Foolish People v - "
allow a cough -to run until it gets
beyond the reach of medicine They
say. "Oh, it will - wear away," but in
most cases it wears them away."
Could they be induced to try the
successful Kemp's Balsam,. which
is sold on a positive guarantee to
cure, they would see the-excellent
effect after taking the first .dose.
Price 50c and$l. Trial size free, - At
all druggists. .'. X
Wonderful Cains-
Dr. Miles' Nervine not pqly .cures
all neryous ' diseases,"' headache,
blues, nervous- prostration, sleep
lessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus-dance,
fits and hysteria, but also builds up
the body. "I am pleased to sajrthat
aftei-years of intense sufferingtwith
nervous disease, headache1 and pros
tration, I tried Dr. Miles' Restora
tive Nervine, and in two weeks
gained eight pounds in weight. I
could not lie down to sleep, but now
sleep perfectly easy, and am im
proving wonderfully." Cannot say
enough for-the Nervine. Mrs. L- &.
MILLARD, Dunkirk, N. Y." One cus
tomer used Nervine and gained fif
teen pounds in flesh. Bkowx &
MAYBUKY, Cortland, N. Y. Trial
bottles and elegant book free at F.
G. Fricke & Co. 3.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
secretary of the toartl of education until
6o'clock p. m., Saturday July 23, 1892, for
the construction of one two story, four
room brick building on the lots 10,11 or 12,
in Stadleman's addition in . accordance
with plans and specifications on lile at the
First A'ational bank of Plattsmouth. Kuch
bid must be accompanied by".a certilied
check of $200. The lxard reserves the ri.tfht
to reject any and all bids.
By order of the Board of Kducation. ;'
- ' J.I. UNKtrn 'Sec'y.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office in Union Blook
Oflice: 318 Main Street, Oppo
site Court House.
iti a scientific manner and fur
nishes the finest of periscopic
lenses in either gold, silver,
nickle. steel, zynolite
or rubber frames.
Will test your eyes free.
on reasonable terms.
Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Ladies. 2
to 4 p.
PLATTSMOUTH; Neb., July 21, 1892.
And for the balance of
week, at
You will have an opportunity
-and it should not be neg
lected Tobuy
We have a6 room on this
. - space or patience this hot
. weather tor quote prices; we
V are simply slaughtering them
and mieie -fiwijs and Vests,
All this and more too is found
JOE'S Clothing House
Bridge work and fine gold work a
UK. STKINAUS LOCAL as well as other au
eHtliH.icMKiven for the iialiilesn extraction of
- -. teetu,
0. A. MARSHALL, - Fitzgerald BV
The RockyMountain News,
Established 1S5!.
Thomas M Patton ) Pror
Subscription price red weed as follows:
One vear. by mail.
Six months, by mail, -Three
months, by mail
One mouth, by mail, -The
Weekly by mail.
One "year, in advance -
The News is the onl3' great daily
newspaper' in the United Slates fav
oring the free and unlimited coin
are of silver, it you desire to read
up ou this preat issue, and to keep
fulljr posted regarding the vett, her
mine and her industries, subscribe
for this great journal. Send in
your subscriptions at once.
Address, THE NEWS,
Denver, Colorado.
Among Tobacco, Havana
alone .pleases the taste of
the criticul cqnuoisseijr. No
artilicial process can en
hance its value. The "Hud"
igars are always made of
.the (inest Havana fillers and
has always been esteemed
above every: other, brands
made ar sold at Platts
motith. JlaUsmouth,
FOK SALE Two desirable resi
dence lots in Orchard Hill addition
to Plattsmoutfi, within a block of
the Missouri Pacific depot. For
particulars call ou or address The
Herald oflce.
The Place to Buy
I wish to specially recommend.
It is absolutely ttafe.
ment plan as cheap -as for cash,
on easy monthly payments. Come
in aud examine my anti-rust tin
ware which is warranted not to rust
for one year. If at any time you
want anything new that we do not
happen to have in stock we can gt
it for you on two days' notice.
. 42 1 Maln-St., Plattamouth